Time Nick Message 00:00 VanessaE probably the time spent generating the mesh? 00:00 kahrl_ that's a one time cost each time you place a node 00:01 BlockMen ok, i need to sleep. gd n8t 00:01 VanessaE night, BlockMen 00:57 hmmmm probably shouldn't say anything about it in #minetest because china has real-time deep packet inspection and what not, but that sort of censorship must suck big time 00:58 hmmmm should we tell him to get on SILC and tell him to use tor if he isn't already? 01:01 VanessaE I would say so, as long as those tools aren't illegal in his country 01:01 VanessaE as I understand, the laws there are medieval. 01:01 emptty those tools *are* illegal in his country 01:02 emptty and I'm not absolutely certain that they are not in mine (france) 01:02 hmmmm i bet he's already using tor to some extent at least 01:02 hmmmm it's just that i'm sorta shakey on mentioning it or encouraging it on a non-encrypted line 01:03 emptty I wouldn't do it 01:03 VanessaE he can find those tools if he wants them badly enough 01:03 VanessaE better we shouldn't mention them, then. 05:23 hmmmm who the frig formatted mapgen.cpp 05:24 hmmmm i am mad right now 05:24 VanessaE why? 05:24 hmmmm like i am going to kill something 05:25 VanessaE now now, it can't be that bad. 05:25 VanessaE *looks at mapgen.cpp* 05:26 VanessaE ok I see what you mean 05:29 hmmmm am i going mad? 05:29 VanessaE no 05:29 hmmmm i must be 05:29 hmmmm how did this happen 05:30 hmmmm it's not like this in upstream 05:30 hmmmm why did you agree with me exactly? 05:30 VanessaE because what I saw was ridiculously long lines, which I know is forbidden 05:30 VanessaE I figured that was the complaint. 05:30 hmmmm it must've been my editor 05:30 hmmmm how 05:30 hmmmm why 05:31 hmmmm all the tabs have been converted to spaces 05:31 hmmmm all of them 05:31 VanessaE tabs -> spaces? 05:31 * VanessaE looks closer 05:31 hmmmm it's not upstream 05:31 hmmmm well, all i know is that i need to fix everything 05:31 hmmmm my editor did something totally retarded. 05:31 VanessaE right 05:32 VanessaE huh, the formatting comes out quite different in gedit versus less. 05:32 VanessaE *shrug* 05:32 VanessaE as for the spaces in your local repo, 05:32 VanessaE aren't there tools for translating them back to tabs? 05:32 VanessaE seems like a little use of sed should do 05:33 hmmmm frigging astyle 05:33 hmmmm 'format source' is an item in the right click context menu and i must've hit it sometime on accident 05:34 VanessaE is it possible you hit it, thinking it did something else? 05:34 VanessaE you know, momentary lapse in concentration or os 05:34 VanessaE so* 05:35 hmmmm it was totally an accidental thing 05:35 hmmmm but i love how it gives you absolutely NO warning 05:35 hmmmm alright at least i got everything back to tabs 05:35 hmmmm i have to do a lot of cleanup still 05:36 VanessaE well it could have been far worse, this file only has 448 lines on my copy. 05:37 VanessaE shit happens, don't beat yourself up over it. just chuck that editor in the round file cabinet and carry on :) 05:37 VanessaE er 442 05:38 VanessaE you know, the scary part is...I think I am starting to understand this a little.. very little. 05:39 hmmmm alright looks like we're back 05:39 VanessaE good 05:40 hmmmm and all the blank lines have exactly 1 space on them 05:40 hmmmm ... 05:40 hmmmm i sware i'm going to kill something. 05:43 kaeza swear* 05:44 kaeza BTW, I wonder which fucktard thought that "feature" would be a good idea in an editor 05:44 hmmmm dunno but it's disabled 05:44 hmmmm no way i'm taking a chance of this happening again 05:45 hmmmm apparently Yiannis Mandravellos 07:44 celeron55 08:33:06 <+hmmmm> all the tabs have been converted to spaces 07:44 celeron55 that sounds like being from an actual nightmare 07:44 celeron55 8D 08:50 sfan5 merge request: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/691 09:16 sfan5 is there any clear statement why #580 is marked as "won't add"? 09:28 celeron55 we do not want versioning to the API because it would seriously hinder forking 09:29 celeron55 a table containing feature/other flags as keys and booleans as values would work for this purpose 09:31 sfan5 ok 09:32 celeron55 it would be initially empty, and stuff that is added to the api from then on that isn't easily detectable otherwise will be added to it 09:33 celeron55 usually things are easy to detect anyway without anything like this (eg. check if a function exists), but it could be used eg. for detecting an addition of a parameter to a function or a field to a definition 09:33 sfan5 IMO the table should contain any new things 09:34 celeron55 well maybe, but only if it doesn't make it grow too fast 09:34 sfan5 it can still be decided for thing individually 09:34 celeron55 i don't know if that is the case 09:37 sfan5 get_capabilites would be suitable name 09:38 celeron55 more like minetest.has_feature() 09:38 sfan5 what about get_features()? 09:39 celeron55 just allow it to take a string or a table 09:39 celeron55 no need for many functions 09:39 celeron55 if it gets a table, it will check if it has each of them 09:40 sfan5 i guess that function should work like check_player_privs 09:41 celeron55 well... i don't really like the =true way of making the table for it 09:41 celeron55 i don't even know why i or someone made it that way... probably some kind of implementation detail 09:42 sfan5 IIRC lua has no nativ arrays 09:42 sfan5 *native 09:42 celeron55 a table works as an array 09:42 celeron55 {"feature1", "feature2"} is {[1]="feature1", [2]="feature2"}; just like in PHP or anything else that doesn't have many table types 09:43 celeron55 and there are built-in functions for looping them 11:04 sfan5 merge request: #692 11:05 PilzAdam could you add all the things that are not in 0.4.6 to the list? 11:06 PilzAdam also, there is no need to add new functions to it, since one can check them with "if minetest.new_function then" 11:07 PilzAdam so, things that could go in are: the nodebox being used for the selectionbox too; ability to no prepend "Server" in chat_send_player/(); use_texture_alpha in nodedef; and glasslike_framed drawtype 11:08 sfan5 <sfan5> IMO the table should contain any new things 11:08 sfan5 <cele​ron55> well maybe, but only if it doesn't make it grow too fast 11:08 sfan5 http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2013-05-01#i_3061931 11:10 PilzAdam I dont think its a good idea to add everything to it 11:10 PilzAdam you can easily check the existance of a function without the features list 11:11 celeron55 it's kind of hard to define what to put into it 11:12 PilzAdam I woul say everything in the API that is not checkable in any other way 11:12 PilzAdam +d 11:12 celeron55 let's see if we can easily come into an agreeement what are the things since 0.4.6 11:12 * celeron55 will not try to make it 11:12 sfan5 http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog#0.4.6_.E2.86.92_.3F 11:13 sfan5 some things from there 11:15 celeron55 well, one thing that goes in for sure is something like "node_drawtype_glasslike_framed" 11:16 PilzAdam I would say: features = {"nodebox_as_selectionbox", "chat_send_player_param3", "use_texture_alpha", "glasslike_framed"} 11:16 PilzAdam + "fixed_get_craft_recipe" 11:17 sfan5 http://meetingwords.com/UcsBduJn78 11:18 RealBadAngel https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/694 11:18 celeron55 glasslike_framed is better than node_drawtype_glasslike_framed; it's not ambiguous anyway 11:19 RealBadAngel ive polished code to play main menu music 11:19 RealBadAngel now every user can have own music or use global one 11:30 RealBadAngel any comments on the code? 11:32 PilzAdam we use a = 1 instead of a=1 11:32 PilzAdam but seems fine otherwise 11:33 PilzAdam it lookes in path_user first? 11:33 PilzAdam -e 11:34 RealBadAngel yes 11:34 celeron55 http://c55.me/random/2013-05/tscrot-2013-05-01_14-31-34.png 11:34 celeron55 that's our design doc now 11:34 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, oh, and classes start with a capital letter 11:34 PilzAdam i.e. MenuMusicFetcher 11:35 RealBadAngel ok, i will fix those 2 things 11:35 RealBadAngel anything more? 11:35 PilzAdam hm 11:35 PilzAdam all other sounds allow sound_name.1.ogg sound_name.2.ogg 11:35 PilzAdam maybe do that too 11:36 RealBadAngel that will make music random 11:36 PilzAdam so people can have different randomly played sounds in the menu 11:36 RealBadAngel ive cut that off to allow only one sound without random 11:37 celeron55 allowing random for sounds is always good 11:37 PilzAdam it wont be random if just one sound exists 11:37 PilzAdam but I see no reason to remove this ability here 11:37 RealBadAngel so, restore it? 11:37 sfan5 any suggestion for minetest.features? 11:38 sfan5 if true -> http://meetingwords.com/UcsBduJn78 11:40 PilzAdam I guess the one at the top works 11:41 RealBadAngel folks? are you sure to restore random for music? 11:41 sfan5 #692 ready for merge 11:41 sfan5 ^ celeron55, PilzAdam 11:43 celeron55 hmm 11:44 celeron55 i think there should be a comment in features.lua that describes the rules for adding stuff to the table 11:46 celeron55 "API changes that are not easily detectable by checking existence of functions should be added here" 11:46 PilzAdam why do you keep using : instead of =? 11:46 PilzAdam (in lua-api.txt) 11:46 PilzAdam also, shouldnt it be "return false, {[arg]=true}"? 11:46 PilzAdam (features.lua:24) 11:47 celeron55 oh, that was made by me 11:47 celeron55 umm 11:48 celeron55 i think the "^ thing: wtf" format is widely used in lua_api.txt 11:48 celeron55 oh fuck 11:48 celeron55 you mean those, well that's a problem 8D i've been coding too much javascript lately 11:49 sfan5 <PilzAdam> also, shouldnt it be "return false, {[arg]=true}"? 11:49 sfan5 why? 11:49 celeron55 sfan5: {foo: true, bar: true} -> {foo=true, bar=true} 11:49 sfan5 k 11:49 celeron55 and yes, it should be "return false, {[arg]=true}" 11:50 celeron55 there's no feature called "arg" 11:52 sfan5 the {a: "b", c: 42} notation also works in lua 11:52 sfan5 rebased and force pushed 11:53 celeron55 you left arg=true in 11:54 RealBadAngel well, randomizing main menu music works, but havin there 10 tunes to choose from makes the game launch a bit longer 11:55 RealBadAngel circa 10seconds in my case 12:01 sfan5 celeron55: fixed 12:05 BlockMen ok, this leaving and such posts are getting annoying. everyone things hes has to make a new topic for that... 12:07 jojoa1997 BlockMen make a single topic and have them fill out a form 12:08 BlockMen how would it be to write somewhere down what the direction of minetest is and publish that. (on homepage, and sticky at forums) 12:09 jojoa1997 no 12:09 BlockMen and everyone who cant agree can fork or leave. but this spamming about it is just annoying 12:09 jojoa1997 a why i am leaving topic for everyone to use 12:09 BlockMen jojoa, that would be just a topic more, that wouldnt change anything 12:09 iqualfragile oh and there should be clear definitions of the gamemodes 12:10 RealBadAngel https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/694 with fixes and random music 12:11 BlockMen iqualfragile, IMHO the games should be reworked anyway. it is really confusing to choose a game atm, just like installing mods. 12:12 jojoa1997 not really 12:12 jojoa1997 well i have 9 games and tons of mods each so i have gotten used to it 12:12 BlockMen and then we dont need to rename the engine either -> http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=87557#p87557 12:13 jojoa1997 BlockMen +1 12:13 jojoa1997 will the zoom puill request be added anytime soon 12:14 sfan5 BlockMen: kicking minimal -1 the rest +1 12:14 Calinou minimal has little use 12:14 Calinou on top of that it uses different textures (why?) 12:15 sfan5 i use mt_game for all my test worlds 12:15 jojoa1997 Calinou i am not using tablet :-D, minimal is like minetest classice but classic should be when we hit 1.0 12:15 jojoa1997 sfan5 i use mod_test(game) for my testing 12:18 BlockMen Minetest has gotten to a point now, where it is just impossible to keep all nostalgic parts and add new features the same time. So IMHO we should make "Nostalgic" "Build" and "Survival", where "Survival" should be default. 12:18 BlockMen *or "Classic" instead of "Nostalgic" 12:18 sfan5 classic is better 12:18 Calinou classic can be confusing 12:19 Calinou if we want a 0.3-like game, it should be named 0.3-like, nothing else 12:19 sfan5 +1 12:19 BlockMen Calinou, true 12:21 BlockMen how bout 0.3-retro? 12:21 BlockMen or just Retro 12:29 Calinou why not, just call its description "0.3-like gameplay" 12:29 celeron55 15:30:20 <Graknol> could you add norwegian to the list of translations? 12:29 Calinou (you can put a description to games) 12:29 celeron55 thexyz: ^ 12:29 celeron55 or someone 12:30 Calinou keep the sounds of course :P but remove falling sand/gravel and all the new items. that would make a 0.3-like game 12:34 darkrose I vote that we never _ever_ add norwegian to the list of translations, simply because of Graknol's spamming pm's 12:37 celeron55 darkrose: webchat is +q'd here 12:37 celeron55 because of spammers 12:37 celeron55 darkrose: you have zero reason to be angry at Graknol 12:42 BlockMen Calinou, the description is a good idea. maybe we could make sth like that https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/am6ulwbsa5vgzaj/start_new_game.png ? 12:54 sfan5 would someone consider this too hacky? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/695/files 12:57 PilzAdam yes 12:57 PilzAdam people can just prepend it themselves if they want it 12:58 sfan5 okay.. 12:59 celeron55 sfan5: there is one thing to fully understand before i give push access: never use the merge button in github's pull requests, beacuse it clutters commit history with merge commits 12:59 PilzAdam http://dev.minetest.net/Git_Guidelines <- and this 12:59 celeron55 because* 12:59 sfan5 celeron55: i've already notices that you never use that 13:00 sfan5 PilzAdam: read 13:00 sfan5 +! 13:00 celeron55 sfan5: you now have access 13:00 sfan5 ok, thank you 13:02 sapier1 is there any way to force a travis build? 13:02 sfan5 sapier1: rebase + force push does that 13:03 celeron55 you've been asking that since days ago 8) 13:03 sapier1 yes because I never got an answer ;-) 13:03 celeron55 well maybe nobody knows :P 13:03 sapier1 just hoping someone who know gets online ;-) 13:04 sapier1 rebase and force? lol like drop pull request and start a new one 13:04 sfan5 github download speed = 81 KiB/s 13:05 sfan5 sapier1: no, like remove a space and the make a commit then "git rebase -i HEAD~2" and change the 2nd entry to "fixup <leave_the_rest_untouched>" 13:06 sapier1 I remember lots of things going wrong on doing such things 13:06 celeron55 well, lots of things can go wrong when modifying git history :P 13:07 celeron55 you just need to learn it 13:11 sapier1 it's no matter of lerning that some things are more risky than others. sometimes because of bad syntax design sometimes because risk is inherent to commands you're doing 13:12 sapier1 still considering I only want to trigger a travis build any risk is to big to accept 13:14 celeron55 well i seriously wonder why there isn't a button for that 13:15 celeron55 hmm 13:15 jojoa1997 what is a travis build? 13:16 celeron55 sfan5: if you click "details" on the build, there is the gear button, under which there is "Restart Build" 13:16 celeron55 sapier1* 13:16 celeron55 i wonder if that does what you want 13:17 sapier1 I'll try hopefully this doesn't just reastart build for wrong commit 13:19 celeron55 well it very much might 13:20 sapier1 I don't have sufficent rights to do so either 13:21 sapier1 I'll set up a vm ... :-) 13:35 BlockMen merge request for https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/690 13:36 Zeg9 +1 :P 13:37 thexyz um.. 13:37 thexyz there are Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and Norwegian languages 13:38 VanessaE BlockMen: so you propose ~/.minetest/mods/xxxxxx for any mods xxxxxx ? 13:40 BlockMen VanessaE, correct. 13:41 VanessaE +1 13:41 thexyz okay, renamed to nb 13:48 sapier1 and whats for RUN_IN_PLACE builds? 13:49 PilzAdam sfan5, any objections? https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/d07000ed1dc78554b64e3d0ac8efdaead1cf68bb 13:49 sfan5 PilzAdam: no ;) 13:49 PilzAdam pushed 13:50 sapier1 If you'd be that fast pushing bugfixes .... 13:51 PilzAdam sfan5, do you have anything against publishing your e-mail adress in the website? 13:51 sfan5 no 13:51 PilzAdam the one in the settings tab is ok? 13:51 VanessaE sorry for the nick switching.... *growls ominously* 13:53 sfan5 PilzAdam: which settings tab do you mean? 13:53 PilzAdam in-game 13:53 PilzAdam *main menu 13:53 sfan5 yes 13:53 PilzAdam http://minetest.net/contributors 13:54 PilzAdam updated 14:04 Calinou hi 14:05 Calinou thexyz, IMO, i'd add a rule about not creating drama/"i'm leaving" posts 14:05 Calinou on the forum 14:05 Calinou (quite obvious, yes) 14:06 PilzAdam Calinou, just move "Im leaving" topics to offtopic section 14:07 VanessaE PilzAdam: I've been doing that. 14:09 sfan5 some of the i'm leaving topics got moved into trash 14:09 Calinou PilzAdam, offtopic isn't for nonsense/drama things 14:09 Calinou it's for slightly meaningful stuff 14:09 VanessaE sfan5: not my fault :) 14:09 sfan5 VanessaE: not mine either 14:09 * Calinou did that, if you don't agree click the "downvote" button 14:09 sfan5 s/either// 14:10 VanessaE :P 14:20 Calinou :O sfan5 is now a core dev 14:20 Calinou well, congrats 14:41 sfan5 Calinou: thanks 16:34 Jordach anyways 16:34 Jordach i've just seen some spam: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5800 16:35 celeron55 this page was quite short and crap; reworked it completely: http://www.minetest.net/development 16:35 Jordach you do realise renaming the engine will require renaming all of the api right 16:35 Jordach also: you will have to other crap too that is pointless 16:36 celeron55 that's the least of problems; it's just minetest = newname in builtin lua code :P 16:36 Jordach ye 16:36 Jordach yes, BUT, look at all of the broken mods 16:36 Jordach NOT ALL OF THEM WILL be UPDATED 16:36 celeron55 ehm 16:37 Jordach celeron55, most new people never update their mods unless theyre poked 16:37 Jordach me is guilty 16:37 celeron55 they wouldn't need to be; do you understand that there can be both a global minetest table, and the same table as a different name? 16:37 Jordach ah 16:37 Jordach but still 16:37 Jordach it will end up deprecated 16:37 Jordach (eventually.) 16:37 celeron55 but a fact is that minetest is very unlikely to be renamed 16:39 celeron55 also "renaming minetest" can mean almost anything 16:39 Jordach celeron55, PilzAdam is against this 16:39 celeron55 you can rename minetest_game, you can rename the main distribution, you can rename the engine 16:39 Jordach think of the idiot players from MC 16:39 celeron55 any of them independently 16:40 Jordach celeron55, i've watched this game grow from 0.2.x 16:40 Jordach i frankly want to keep it the same name 16:42 celeron55 i personally think that it's a better idea to just make a side distribution with a different name with more focus on just playing the game than coding 16:42 celeron55 if some people think that the name hurts so much 16:42 Jordach celeron55, yeah 16:42 Jordach make a fun game 16:43 Jordach like you USED TO DO 16:44 celeron55 "make a fun game like you USED TO DO" sums up half of the people's opinions who are quitting 16:44 celeron55 it's an odd situation 16:45 Jordach celeron55, the bugs made minetest 16:46 Jordach the shitty graphics, the stupid mobs and random shit like mese made minetest 16:47 celeron55 the question relaly is, is that really true, or is it just nostalgia 16:47 celeron55 really* 16:47 Jordach celeron55, or you wonder why thye ubuntu repo has 0.3.1 16:47 Jordach -y 16:48 Jordach and it's faster 16:48 Jordach celeron55, you need to make decent minetest game content 16:48 Jordach grab blockmobs and intergrate it with simplemobs 16:49 celeron55 if we assume that it is 100% true, then the question is, how i am going to get my interest in developing that kind of stuff back 16:49 Jordach celeron55, resent the shitty state of the game and engine 16:49 Jordach hate it. 16:49 Jordach i have 7 things todo if the engines renamed 16:50 Jordach celeron55, i believe you can do it 16:50 celeron55 i mean, if i am going to go that path, i am going to shittily stump some audio and whatever crap into 0.3.3 and go on messing around from there 16:50 Jordach celeron55, yeah 16:51 celeron55 and not in hell i am going to accept even a single patch 16:51 Jordach ^ thats it! 16:51 celeron55 i reserve the name "mesetint" for that fork 16:51 Jordach celeron55, think 0.2.x days 16:53 Jordach http://c55.me/blog/?p=1330 16:53 Jordach remember this>? 16:55 Jordach celeron55, http://c55.me/blog/?p=429 16:56 celeron55 that's out of the question; part of mi... i mean, mesetint, is the spirit of the old codebase 16:57 Jordach celeron55, its an empty repo 16:57 Jordach mesetint 16:57 Jordach brings me back to 2012/03 16:57 Jordach (MAR 2012) 17:00 rubenwardy hitech: http://c55.me/blog/?p=274 17:00 rubenwardy how far this project, this test, has come 17:01 rubenwardy this is quite cool: http://c55.me/blog/?p=268 17:01 rubenwardy any chance of updating it to work with 0.4.6? 17:02 kahrl_ rubenwardy: tough to do in 0.4-anything 17:02 kahrl_ the client would need to know the mapgen 17:03 kahrl_ also it was never really optimized, I think? 17:03 rubenwardy how about using a sky box to display blocks that are far away? 17:04 rubenwardy hacky 17:04 kahrl_ the server could send downscaled versions of far away blocks, if they have been generated 17:05 kahrl_ and the client would make a mesh out of that data 17:06 Exio wasn't there a ultra-wip-and-not-working "requestchunk" branch what was worked on 0.4.something? 17:06 kahrl_ heh, the delta post 17:06 kahrl_ if you have the textures you can now do most of these features in a few minutes :) 17:11 rubenwardy hmmm 17:11 kahrl_ this? https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commits/client_requests_blocks_2 17:12 rubenwardy hmmm 17:13 rubenwardy or https://github.com/minetest/minetest/tree/client_requests_blocks_2 17:14 kahrl_ I think they're the same 17:15 rubenwardy they are 17:37 Exio no idea if that 17:37 Exio or other 18:03 rubenwardy wah!!!! 18:17 rubenwardy brb 18:44 ShadowNinja celeron55: Why is the access list private here? 19:41 celeron55 let's hope the webchat spammer won't come back 19:51 ShadowNinja celeron55: ^ 20:16 celeron55 ShadowNinja: i don't understand what you are talking about 20:18 celeron55 by the way 20:18 ShadowNinja celeron55: If I try /msg chanserv access #minetest-dev list it says "You are not authorized to perform this operation.", it works for #minetest 20:18 celeron55 i have been attempting to rebase some useful stuff from the stuff in the repo from 0 to 0.3.3 20:18 celeron55 this is god awful crap shit what the fuck man 20:18 celeron55 i mean, it's almost impossible to rebase this - this is so full of hacky merges it's insane 20:19 celeron55 ShadowNinja: thexyz probably knows better than me 20:19 celeron55 i'm determined to do this though... too bad git rebase -i doesn't easily tell you how far you're going in the log 20:21 ShadowNinja Try /msg chanserv set #minetest-dev private off 20:21 celeron55 but what does that do 20:21 celeron55 why should it be off or on? 20:22 ShadowNinja It prevents anyone not with the proper flag from viewing the access list (If that is the right setting ;-)) I don't know why it was set on. 20:23 celeron55 well, as i haven't set it, i'm not going to unset it either 20:23 celeron55 maybe there are reasons 20:23 ShadowNinja Who else has acces to that? 20:23 ShadowNinja +s 20:24 celeron55 thexyz 21:06 sapier are there any objections against adding a "remove_craft_reciep" function? 21:07 PilzAdam how would that work? 21:07 sapier don't know but I'll find a way if there's a chance this is added 21:08 PilzAdam crafting recipes have no unique IDs 21:08 sapier I wanna get rid of that crazy "bronze" reciep by adding a more sane mod ... don't know who had the idea of adding such a plain wrong thing to default 21:08 sapier remove a reciep by matching it would be an option 21:09 PilzAdam just rename bronze then 21:09 PilzAdam the problem is not the recipe but the name 21:09 sapier there's no sane possibility ;-) steel + copper .... 21:09 sapier rename to weak_steel? 21:09 PilzAdam = Steel with Copper 21:10 sapier Steel already is an alloy 21:11 sapier I know minetest doesn't need to be 100% realistic but at least it shouldn't be completely wrong :-) 21:11 PilzAdam not in Minetest 21:11 PilzAdam rename steel to iron then 21:11 PilzAdam also check out the "Realtest" game 21:11 sapier as I said it doesn't need to be realistic but just not completely wrong :-) 21:12 PilzAdam bronze is an alloy primarily consisting of copper 21:12 sapier and tin 21:13 PilzAdam so we are not compeltly wrong 21:13 sapier there's no iron within bronze 21:13 sapier its 3:2 copper to tin if I remember correctly 21:15 sapier no 3:1 ok 21:15 RealBadAngel 80% to 90% of bronze is copper 21:16 sapier still there doesn't seam to be any (common) variant that has iron/steel in it 21:17 iqualfragile yeah, that bugged me, too 21:17 PilzAdam there is also no common way how you can make steel out of iron by putting it in a furnace that is fired with coal 21:17 iqualfragile PilzAdam: well the production of steel is not that complicted 21:18 sapier you don't have an extra hot furnace at home pilzadam? 21:18 sapier ;-) 21:18 iqualfragile as its just iron with just the right ammount of carbon in it 21:18 iqualfragile so basicly: iron and coal are components of steel 21:18 sapier yes and som other metals in small amounts 21:18 iqualfragile for taking out some carbon, yes 21:19 sapier still I don't think this is as wromg as making bronze from steel and copper 21:19 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, because steel, bronze, brass are alloys. default game has no way to cook them properly 21:19 sapier I suggest adding a remove_craft_reciep function so anyone can decide by adding a mod or not 21:19 kahrl_ wikipedia: "Historical "bronzes" are highly variable in composition, as most metalworkers probably used whatever scrap was on hand" 21:20 RealBadAngel thats why technic has alloy furnace to make them 21:20 kahrl_ the example they give includes iron 21:20 RealBadAngel if you want in technic theres coal driven alloy furnace, i can split it from technic 21:20 sapier why not create a 4-4 furnace and add to default? 21:21 PilzAdam sapier, to keep things simple 21:21 iqualfragile im with PilzAdam on that point 21:22 iqualfragile why is bronze needed at all? 21:22 sapier imho if you want alloys in defaul you should add a reasonable way to create them if not dont add alloys at all 21:22 RealBadAngel https://github.com/RealBadAngel/technic/blob/master/technic/alloy_furnace.lua#L204 21:23 PilzAdam iqualfragile, why is content needed at all? 21:23 sapier thats a non argument pilzadam 21:23 iqualfragile because it makes a game fun to play 21:24 iqualfragile but i am asking for a reason: as you might have allready seen while creating your production flowchart the recources in minetest are not very well interconnected, there are a lot of single groups 21:25 iqualfragile i think that it might be better to focus on creating some interconnections instead of adding another material wich has no real use 21:31 RealBadAngel <sapier> I suggest adding a remove_craft_reciep function so anyone can decide by adding a mod or not <-- its on my TODO list already 21:33 sapier will be done in about 30 minutes by now ;-) 21:33 RealBadAngel you are coding it? 21:33 sapier yes right now 21:34 RealBadAngel good, thats really needed stuff 21:36 RealBadAngel which reminds me that there should be added also custom craft types, not only hardcoded ones 21:39 kahrl_ http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5739 21:40 sapier ok make it 1h it's a little bit more complicated than first look :-) 22:17 sapier https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/696 remove craft function 22:18 PilzAdam you forgot lua-api.txt 22:21 sapier I know ;-) just added 22:22 sapier still this is a quick and dirty solution I'd like to reuse code from register_craft as it's almost completely copied ... but I don't wanna do that much changes to deprecated files 22:24 sapier but even if all of those features I added last days may be cool could someone plz add this fix: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/635 22:25 RealBadAngel anyway, those are real bricks, http://i.imgur.com/ogi60rJ.png ;) 22:25 sapier and plz someone check this fix too: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/674 it fixes duplication as well as lost entities for me but I don't have a server to test it in multi user environment 22:26 RealBadAngel oops, wrong channel for picture :) 22:31 Exio k, i just needed to type 4 random names] 22:33 Exio bad chan 22:37 BlockMen more fancy template: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4gznmflv5rdna1d/more_fancy_hp.png :P 22:38 BlockMen *with randomly showm coal 22:56 RealBadAngel btw, im just generating new world and can see weird things 22:56 RealBadAngel like the mapgen went nuts 22:57 VanessaE such as? 22:59 RealBadAngel hold on 23:00 RealBadAngel where mt saves screenshots when using system wide install? 23:01 drizz ~/.minetest 23:01 VanessaE in your current working directory I thought? 23:01 VanessaE you can change it in minetest.conf though 23:02 VanessaE screenshot_path = /home/vanessa/ 23:02 VanessaE etc. 23:04 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/z8PKBSi.jpg 23:04 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/RQI6gho.jpg 23:05 VanessaE eh....that can't be right. 23:05 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/dT8TGQb.jpg 23:05 VanessaE almost looks like your seed changed. 23:06 RealBadAngel fresh compiled sources, system wide install and almost no mods 23:29 hmmmmmm so PilzAdam gave somebody commit access on his own.... 23:30 Exio hi hmmmmmm? 23:30 hmmmmmm hello 23:32 kahrl_ who? 23:32 RealBadAngel hi hmmmmmm , have you seen the screenshots above? 23:32 BlockMen are more mmmmmmmms better than less? :P 23:32 hmmmmmm sfan, yes, no 23:33 RealBadAngel <celeron55> sfan5: you now have access 23:33 hmmmmmm ah.. that must've happened before i came around 23:34 RealBadAngel yup 23:35 RealBadAngel and take a look at those screenshots, v6 went nuts 23:35 hmmmmmm yes, i see that 23:35 hmmmmmm i don't know what that could possibly be the result of 23:36 hmmmmmm you said it was a new map 23:36 RealBadAngel yeah 23:39 ShadowNinja I have also noticed that, but not quite as bad, just one or two, can you replicate it with the same seed? 23:39 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: ^ 23:40 RealBadAngel how to force seed? 23:40 BlockMen bye 23:40 Exio fixed_map_seed = 1234 23:41 RealBadAngel ok, lets try 23:50 RealBadAngel same seed but world is lookin ok now 23:52 RealBadAngel weird