Time  Nick          Message
00:45 paramat       latest dev sems slow to render terrain in all mapgens, i can't remember being able to out-fly the visible mapgen and leave big gaps in the terrain behind me. did anything during the last 9 commits slow down mesh rendering?
00:47 est31         I think there is one commit which did it
00:47 est31         but only on very special HW
00:47 est31         VanessaE,
00:47 est31         ^
00:47 paramat       have all verticies been changed to tangent/binormal now, perhaps RBA's commit?
00:47 est31         do you have shaders enabled
00:47 est31         yes
00:47 paramat       no shaders, minimal settings
00:48 paramat       start a world and it takes 2-3 seconds to appear
00:49 paramat       i can't see my last commit slowing things down as it only adds biomegen to very deep mapchunks
00:50 est31         how can a mapgen commit slow down rendering?
00:50 paramat       RealBadAngel ^ perhaps the vertex change had a bad effect after all?
00:50 paramat       well i wasn't sure if it was just slow mapgen or slow mesh render
00:51 hmmmm         the mapgen is almost always faster than mesh generation
00:52 hmmmm         mapgen generates in 5x5x5 chunks, meshgen generates one block at a time
00:53 paramat       i can now fly fast and outrun rendered terrain to the point of being in empty space most of the time
00:53 paramat       leaving big empty spaces behind me
00:53 est31         press h problem solved
00:54 est31         :P
00:54 est31         you cant outrun rendered terrain then ):
00:54 est31         :)*
00:55 paramat       i know the vertex change was tested to not affect fps much, but maybe it caused this
00:56 paramat       at first i thought i had broken something =/
00:56 hmmmm         hmm
00:56 hmmmm         what might be interesting is a render mode where somehow mapblocks that exist on the client side are visually displayed regardless if their mesh exists yet or not
00:58 est31         perhaps if you press f5
00:58 hmmmm         terasology has something like this, if you've ever tried it out
00:59 hmmmm         it's a really fantastic way to debug things
01:00 paramat       another strange thing, i start a world and the f5 info is showing already
01:00 hmmmm         that's the default view mode if you compiled as debug
01:00 paramat       aha i'll check my build
01:01 paramat       and debug is slower too
01:01 hmmmm         i run as debug with -O0 all the time
01:02 hmmmm         but then again, i can whereas most people aren't able to because i have a cpu that's still top of the line 3 years later
01:02 hmmmm         :p
01:03 paramat       last night i compiled a debug build, then recompiled back to a normal build, but not a clean compile
01:03 paramat       it may be stuck in debug somehow
01:03 hmmmm         make clean first
01:06 paramat       i've only ever recompiled letting it automatically detect what files have changed, how do i force a clean build?
01:07 hmmmm         make clean && rm -rf CMakeFiles && cmake -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . && make -j16
01:07 hmmmm         oh
01:08 hmmmm         rm CMakeCache.txt too
01:08 paramat       aha thanks
01:15 est31         I think other things have to be removed too
01:15 est31         ah no you remove CMakeFiles already
01:20 paramat       okay first i'll 'make clean' then manually delete those files, then 'run in place 1, build type release' then 'make -j2'
01:35 paramat       okay thanks that fixes it, sorry for false alarm, i was stuck in a debug build
01:38 hmmmm         yeah good
01:38 hmmmm         you did have me scared for a bit.
01:39 hmmmm         there really were changes to mesh making without shaders enabled, but when reviewing the code I reckoned it wouldn't make a difference in terms of performance
01:42 paramat       im happy it didn't, as i would love to see realtime shadows added
01:43 hmmmm         it's pretty graphics intensive
01:44 paramat       pity. most shaders don't interest me. perhaps it could be done with a voxel resolution, really low-res..
01:46 hmmmm         heh
01:46 hmmmm         that's actually how most games do it
01:46 hmmmm         you might notice that real time graphics seem pixelated in those crazy cool FPSes with nice graphics
01:46 hmmmm         real time shadows* i meant to say
01:47 paramat       the shadows are yes
01:47 hmmmm         so minetest is actually at quite an advantage, if we make sure the only things that can cast shadows are non-meshnode-nodes
01:50 paramat       our current lighting is voxel resolution so low-res shadows would suit our style too
01:51 nolsen        Maybe I should attempt to work at #2788, but I'll probably give up instantianously.
01:51 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2788 -- Tab complete feature.
01:51 nolsen        But where would I start?
01:53 est31         nolsen, edit src/guiFormspecMenu.cpp
01:53 est31         add a new formspec element
01:53 nolsen        I'm not sure how much C++ knowledge would I require.
01:53 est31         called listselect
01:54 nolsen        Guess I need to start PITA erm I meant Linux VM
01:55 est31         ah dammit thats the tab complete feature
01:55 nolsen        It does has name tab support, but it's flawed a bit.
01:55 est31         flawed in which way?
01:56 nolsen        erm
01:56 * nolsen      googles flawed to make sure he used the right word
01:56 nolsen        It has a few problems like unneccesary space.
01:56 nolsen        Though that's just me.
01:56 nolsen        I can fix that
01:57 nolsen        If Virtualbox will ever start...
02:01 paramat       hmmmm, i rewrote noise defined biome blend, now it compiles and runs but no terrain appears, player falls like in singlenode, i suspect my cargo-culting of getting blend noiseparams and seed into NoisePerlin2D() https://github.com/paramat/minetest/tree/noiseblend
02:02 nolsen        est31: Though it doesn't ignore the space like /teleport Foo*space*, and thinks I'm talking about someone named as Foo*space*, instead of Foo.
02:04 nolsen        Trying to see where's the current username tab completion is located.
02:05 est31         nolsen, what do you mean? entering /teleport foo*space* and then pressing tab yields nothing happening
02:06 nolsen        If I do /teleport f, then tab, It becomes foo*space*
02:06 est31         ah
02:06 nolsen        If I just press enter, it doesn't see the player.
02:06 hmmmm         why are you adding MapgenParams *params to all the different mapgen methods
02:06 est31         "see"?
02:06 nolsen        The current username tab is located at https://github.com/UltimateNate/minetest/blob/master/src/guiFormSpecMenu.cpp right?
02:06 nolsen        erm
02:06 nolsen        src/guiFormSpecMenu.cpp
02:07 est31         no
02:07 hmmmm         and you never even modify makeChunk calls to pass along params...
02:07 hmmmm         how do you expect this to possibly work?
02:07 nolsen        oh, where is it then?
02:07 est31         nolsen, src/guiChatConsole.cpp
02:07 hmmmm         come on paramat i expected you to try a teeny bit harder :/
02:08 hmmmm         also, isn't the code style supposed to be one continuation indent, not two?
02:09 nolsen        est31: Found it, I have no idea will my method work but what the hell, I'm bored.
02:12 paramat       i had no idea what i was doing =/
02:12 paramat       i'll check indents, i thought it was 1 for if and for, 2 elsewhere
02:13 nolsen        Ugh, my id_rsa broke
02:14 hmmmm         anyway
02:14 hmmmm         all you need to do is add MapgenParams np_biome_humidity_blend and the other one to the class definition
02:14 hmmmm         set them in the constructor
02:14 hmmmm         then use those members instead of passing arguments
02:16 paramat       okay. and yes indents are 1 unless that causes confusion with conditionals, will fix
02:19 nolsen        est31: https://github.com/UltimateNate/minetest/commit/40830e3482737a7b8cd672268e4101fa78a439db Would that work?
02:20 nolsen        Going to take a while to compile
02:21 nolsen        Wait I think I see it
02:25 est31         nolsen, thats all non-semantic changes
02:57 nolsen        Ugh didn't work, Not sure what am I doing wrong.
03:08 est31         nolsen, the changes you made in github dont change any functional code
03:19 nolsen        I give up.
03:24 nolsen        What's 				wchar_t wc = L'_';
03:26 nolsen        Maybe I'm looking at the wrong file, This seems to not put it together.
03:35 paramat       wow finally i got it working :P thanks for the help
03:36 nolsen        I finally got make to successfully work
03:36 nolsen        umm
03:37 nolsen        2015-06-15 22:36:38: ERROR[main]: A serialization error occurred:
03:37 nolsen        2015-06-15 22:36:38: ERROR[main]: ServerEnvironment::loadMeta(): EnvArgsEnd not found!
03:38 nolsen        2015-06-15 22:36:38: ERROR[main]: The server is probably  running a different version of Minetest.
03:40 nolsen        All I edited is chat.h
03:40 est31         thats an error with the envargs file
03:40 est31         or however its called
03:40 est31         remove it
03:40 est31         or make a new world and try there
03:43 nolsen        TIL that Minetest has an full screen option
03:43 nolsen        and my skin is crappy
03:46 nolsen        Time till give up: Now
03:46 nolsen        Maybe I could try getting rid of bool backwards.
03:55 nolsen        YES!!!!!
03:55 nolsen        I DID IT
03:55 nolsen        I FUCKING DID IT.
03:55 nolsen        It wasn't the bool backwords thing.
03:57 nolsen        Commiting and pull requesting...once firefox responds
04:03 nolsen        Now trying to figure how to detect : isin replacement_index
04:05 nolsen        Could anyone write me a quick line for that? :P
04:06 est31         what do you want to do?
04:06 nolsen        est31: Well, I fixed (sorta) the picky command errors like I been talking about earlier, now I need to have a space for none commands, like foo:
04:07 nolsen        s/none/non
04:07 nolsen        So I need to detect if : isin the message, then add a space.
04:08 est31         look at util/string.h
04:08 est31         it has many useful functions
04:08 est31         usually is in string is done by using indexof string other string
04:09 nolsen        Uhh, I don't see string.h
04:09 hmmmm         :\
04:10 hmmmm         nolsen, why don't you take some time to acquaint yourself with minetest's codebase and perhaps the language
04:10 hmmmm         it's okay if you don't make any meaningful contributions right away
04:10 hmmmm         there's no pressure
04:10 nolsen        I'm doing this because it's the easiest thing that I could do.
04:11 nolsen        Oh, src/util/string.h
04:13 nolsen        Wait, I think I fixed it.
04:14 est31         I need a good name for a formspec element
04:14 est31         basically you should do ELEM[<inventory location>;<list name>]
04:14 est31         and that multiple times
04:14 nolsen        est31, hmmmm: It works now! I'm commiting and sending pull request.
04:15 est31         then when you hold shift and click in some inventory at some stack thats covered by ELEM, stuff is sent to the next inventory specified by ELEM
04:16 est31         most often to be used for chest-to-inventory movements
04:16 est31         perhaps for other things too
04:16 est31         also I wonder whether to allow only two ELEM specifiers.
04:17 est31         so does anybody have a good name for ELEM?
04:22 nolsen        Creating pull request.
04:22 nolsen        But paranoia says not to.
04:23 est31         ?
04:23 est31         we will check your PR
04:23 est31         and if it looks good merge it
04:24 est31         if not, we will kill you with fire
04:24 est31         and roast you
04:24 est31         then we will eat you
04:24 nolsen        Make sure you use ketchup
04:24 nolsen        jk
04:25 * est31       writes down notes
04:25 nolsen        est31: This PR will probably be a temporary fix.
04:25 est31         ?
04:25 nolsen        #2793
04:26 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2793 -- Fixed space issues. by UltimateNate
04:26 nolsen        "The Travis CI build is in progress." Probably will fail because Travis CI hates me.
04:26 nolsen        I never got that damn thing to work on anything.
04:28 est31         ok some things:
04:29 est31         1. pull request titles and commits are present tense
04:29 est31         (not a biggie)
04:29 nolsen        Meh, it was my first pull request I ever done I think.
04:29 nolsen        I don't think I really contributed to a project.
04:29 est31         2. a pull request should only consist of one commit if it changes one thing
04:29 est31         its quite good for a first PR :)
04:30 est31         regarding 2: there are projects which don't like you to git commit --amend && git push -f
04:30 est31         we want you to do it
04:30 nolsen        doesn't git push -f fucks things up?
04:30 est31         so if sb points something out in a PR, then dont add commits but update the commit itself
04:31 nolsen        forget calling -f force, it should be -f, fuck.
04:31 est31         hehe
04:31 hmmmm         profanities aside, git rebase -i HEAD~4
04:31 hmmmm         pick, squash, squash, squash.
04:31 nolsen        git was difficult at the first times to use it.
04:32 nolsen        Only thing I use git is to push, pull, clone, init, whatever it says in a README or whatever.
04:32 nolsen        commit.
04:35 nolsen        est31: So will my PR be accepted?
04:39 nolsen        Fixed what needed to be fixed.
04:41 est31         nolsen, we will decide this in 4 months after the 0.4.13 release
04:41 est31         the PR has to rot a bit
04:41 nolsen        lol
04:42 nolsen        and get outdated
04:42 * nolsen      nodes
04:42 nolsen        er
04:42 * nolsen      nods
04:42 nolsen        est31: Will it seriously take 4 months?
04:43 est31         no
04:43 est31         with current PR merging speed, one day, perhaps I look at it even now
04:43 est31         its a very small commit
04:44 est31         for those you dont need 2 coredevs to agree
04:45 nolsen        Soon I might add command completion.
04:45 nolsen        But that'll be soon
04:55 nolsen        I'm curious will Minetest crash if I connect with ÀÀÀÀÀ ®®®®©¶
04:55 nolsen        Does anyone see a space in ÀÀÀÀÀ ®®®®©¶
04:58 nolsen        Nope, It doesn't.
05:05 nolsen        Now I'm counted at a contributor :D
05:09 hmmmm         haha... not so fast
05:09 hmmmm         it takes more
05:11 est31         I guess I'll merge 2793, squashed and the artifact removed
05:17 hmmmm         graet
05:17 hmmmm         great*
05:18 est31         ahhh dammit
05:18 est31         wuzzies commit is in there too
05:19 est31         meh, merge it too
05:19 est31         will write "merged by accident"
05:22 hmmmm         oh well
05:23 hmmmm         it's not worth reverting
06:17 est31         wow this irrlicht is cool
06:17 est31         it knows what I want before I want it
06:17 est31         in fact, a highly unlikely feature is added to an API i have access to
06:17 est31         meaning I dont have to use other methods
06:17 est31         really nice
06:17 est31         quite handy
07:27 paramat       sfan5, please could you review this sometime? https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/539 -- Fix is_ground_content settings for nodes
08:59 est31         #2795
08:59 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2795 -- Add list-rings by est31
09:00 est31         a real feature this time
09:00 est31         and useful
10:51 kilbith       celeron55, http://www.minetest.net/  <- all pages are empty
10:54 kilbith       s/all/most of
11:01 celeron55     lol wut
11:02 celeron55     oh oops
11:06 celeron55     it's fine now
11:06 celeron55     the server ran out of disk space due to a silly mistake in some custom scheduled tasks
11:08 celeron55     (and dokuwiki likes to clear all of its pages when it runs out of cache space)
12:46 est31         gonna push #2795
12:46 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2795 -- Add list-rings by est31
14:49 nolsen        Aww it was closed.
14:50 nolsen        est31: What about 3ae8b92?
14:51 est31         thats the commit your pr was merged :)
14:52 est31         RealBadAngel, what do you think, do we need a cablelike drawtype?
14:54 nolsen        oh, yay.
14:54 nolsen        Now I wonder what issue I should do next.
14:58 nolsen        Now I need to delete my fork and create another one since it's outdated.
14:59 est31         you dont have to
14:59 nolsen        ?
14:59 est31         what I do is add the upstream repo as remote
14:59 est31         then I do git remote update
15:00 est31         then I do git reset --hard upstream/master
15:05 nolsen        Going to work on command completion by tab, I should be able to just copy and replace some things.
15:05 est31         how do you plan to send the command list to the client?
15:07 nolsen        well, is there already a command list?
15:07 est31         no
15:08 est31         only on the server
15:08 nolsen        well I need to use the server's commandlist then.
15:08 est31         yup
15:08 est31         so best thing you download the command list, and do the completion on the client
15:09 est31         I guess it would be a great start if you manually specified a test command list showcasing some features
15:09 nolsen        Yep, though it'd be a bit harder, but it shouldn't be too hard.
15:09 est31         harder than?
15:10 nolsen        harder than what I done last night.
15:10 nolsen        on my PR
15:10 est31         yea
15:10 est31         you will need some "language" I guess
15:10 est31         we already have nick completion
15:11 nolsen        I'm a pythoneer, Barely know C++
15:11 est31         If you have questions, ask
15:11 est31         I can write the sending of the list, you only have to do the completion part
15:12 nolsen        I guess I don't need to update my fork since none of the files I'm going to use are probably not outdated.
15:12 nolsen        est31: sure.
15:14 nolsen        est31: I wonder, what editor you use?
15:14 nolsen        I'm using gedit
15:15 est31         I'm using kate
15:17 Calinou       Atom :-D
15:18 nolsen        I need to replace mine because gedit is being glitchy.
15:18 nolsen        I'm using lubuntu on Virtualbox to edit and run Minetest.
15:19 Calinou       then use Geany
15:20 nolsen        est31: You could write on the sending of the list, because I have no idea how to do that.
15:27 est31         nolsen, when sending something over the network, or generally when changing network protocol, you have to make sure old servers work with old clients and vice versa
15:27 est31         what I suggest doing is the following
15:27 est31         you create a new opcode
15:28 est31         TOCLIENT_CHAT_COMMANDS
15:28 est31         then the fun begins
15:31 est31         you will need a c++ method both server side and client side
15:32 est31         look at src/network/clientpackethandler.cpp
15:32 est31         and serverpackethandler
15:32 est31         and .h files too
15:32 est31         err
15:32 est31         no .h files
15:32 est31         they are managed in src/server.h and src/client.h
15:34 est31         then you should edit src/networkprotocol.h
15:34 est31         and add your opcode
15:34 est31         in the toserver list
15:36 est31         then you have to edit serveropcodes.cpp and clientopcodes.cpp inside src/network
15:36 est31         to add your handler methods
15:37 Amaz          game#542
15:39 Amaz          Does ShadowBot not have that functionality any more? :( https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/542
17:17 nolsen        Maybe Minetest should have a minimum internet speed limit on servers and clients, to reduce ping timeouts.
17:18 Calinou       that makes no sense
17:18 Calinou       network throughput != latency
17:20 nolsen        Probably lost any messages, my internet died.
17:20 Calinou       <Calinou> that makes no sense
17:20 Calinou       <Calinou> network throughput != latency
17:23 nolsen        Then have a latency check?
17:24 nolsen        Then have the server ease the walking too fast errors because of high latency, and ping timeouts, for the user.
17:26 nolsen        Calinou: Though I thought network speed also matters.
17:26 nolsen        Because it needs to speed to send it
17:30 Calinou       you need a bit of speed, but even 1 Mb/s download is enough
17:30 Calinou       nolsen, we already use a lag pool system for speed checks
17:30 Calinou       personally I'd remove speed checks entirely...
17:30 est31         I've successfully played minetest on a 64 kbit connection
17:31 Calinou       disable_anticheat = true disables all anticheats, not just the speed one
17:31 est31         it got worse the more players joined
17:31 est31         but worked more or less
17:31 est31         heck, I've managed to clean up spawn grief with that bad connection
18:13 nolsen        Well it's annoying when people keep timeing out my server
18:13 nolsen        I wonder if you get ping timeout on this server
18:13 nolsen        you two
18:34 * est31       pushes in 10 minutes: https://github.com/est31/minetest/commit/7a90b31b30897c99adcbef0a6ea0c69f1c99c2b1
18:50 nolsen        est31: I think I found a bug with the bucket
18:50 nolsen        wait, is the bucket part of minetest, or is that a mod?
18:50 est31         mod
18:51 nolsen        oh ok
21:34 soupertrooper hello, just looking at the source and two questions where would I go to look at the input and how would I go about starting gamepad input on android?
21:35 soupertrooper input handler that is