Time Nick Message 01:11 paramat nore is it possible you could approve #5744 ? luckily it's in mapgen code i wrote myself so i know what i'm doing here 01:12 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5744 -- Caverns: Remove unnecessary liquid excavation by paramat 06:13 nerzhul hello :) is #5756 okay for a merge ? 06:13 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5756 -- CSM: Document forgotten functions by SmallJoker 06:33 Zeno`` does merging using github fix whitespace errors? 06:34 Zeno`` and why is my nick Zeno``? O.o 06:47 Zeno` https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/threading/event.cpp#L30 is not doing what is should be doing. If USE_CP11_MUTEX *is* defined then notified is never initalised to false 06:51 Zeno` the easy and obvious (but kinda ugly) fix is: http://dpaste.com/0PJ0Q2C but perhaps the whole thing needs to be restructured to be a bit cleaner. If I have time tonight I'll do it otherwise anyone else is welcome :) 06:55 Zeno` This memory is not freed on shutdown: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/mesh_generator_thread.cpp#L211 (CC celeron55_ celeron55) 06:56 nerzhul Zeno`, exact :Ã go ahead :D 06:56 Zeno` I'll try and look more to see if it's a "real" leak or just not released at shutdown. If I get time tonight (I should) I'll look at it more but c55 already understands the code and I've never even seen it before :D 06:58 nerzhul if not release at shutdown => when leaving local server then memleak 06:58 Zeno` yeah, but less critical than one constantly increasing RAM usage (still should be fixed though) 06:58 Zeno` I'll make a PR for the unitialised var. issue 07:04 Zeno` nerzhul, #5764 07:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5764 -- Fix uninitalised variable in event.cpp by Zeno- 07:06 nerzhul +1 07:06 * VanessaE still waits for another +1 on game#1732 and game#1731 needs merged too 07:07 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1732 -- redo new open chests to use all single textures by VanessaE 07:07 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1731 -- Chests: Revert inventory name by tenplus1 07:38 paramat paramat is doing 07:39 paramat i'll do game#1731 in a few mins 07:39 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1731 -- Chests: Revert inventory name by tenplus1 07:43 paramat ideally that should have been merged by Krock when he merged 1733 07:46 VanessaE what about 1732? :( 07:47 paramat i'm neutral 07:48 paramat oh dear it has 1.5, you'll have to bug the other devs :] 07:50 VanessaE :( 07:51 VanessaE I'm running out of people to pester :P 07:57 paramat hmm i might add a +0.5 08:10 VanessaE please do 08:38 paramat VanessaE what is your opinion, as a server admin, on game#1693 ? i would very much like your input 08:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1693 -- Disable fire by default on servers by Ezhh 08:38 VanessaE +100000 08:38 VanessaE 'nuff said? :) 08:39 paramat thanks 08:39 paramat please add comment 08:39 nerzhul the problem with fire is that fucking lua which doesn't permit to spread fire because lua developpers don't understand what is a server loop 08:40 VanessaE paramat: I added my :+1: to the first post. 08:40 nerzhul fire & tnt recursive calls must be spread over multiple server loops 08:40 nerzhul (i did that on my MT version 2 years ago, for TNT, it permits to nuke 1000 tnt blocks in ~1min without any lag) 08:40 VanessaE nerzhul: not to mention you can burn down entire forests and cities with it -- it doesn't have any kind of limits on spread. 08:43 nerzhul it's logical in fact, and the limit is the chance to burn near nodes :) 08:50 paramat thanks 08:54 VanessaE nerzhul: when I say a "limit" I mean, you can burn down an entire 10'000 square meter area easily. 08:54 VanessaE in-game that would be like burning down the entire Smoky Mountain National Forest 08:54 nerzhul if there are no firefighter :) 08:54 VanessaE heh 08:55 nerzhul maybe add a node which spread water when there is a forest fire :p 08:55 VanessaE well even with firefighters, the most recent wildfires burned for a good couple of weeks and destroyed millions of dollars worth of property 08:55 VanessaE (in the SMNF) 09:04 celeron55 where the eff is my voice on #-hub 09:04 celeron55 lol 09:04 VanessaE right there. :) 09:05 celeron55 looks like i was missing +V 09:38 paramat nore sfan5 perhaps you could add your opinions to game#1693 ? ShadowNinja are you +1 ? 09:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1693 -- Disable fire by default on servers by Ezhh 09:40 Zeno` does anyone know if using the squash and merge button on github fixes whitespace issues? 09:40 Zeno` (i.e. trailing whitespace) 09:41 Zeno` I guess I'll do it the traditional way just in case. 09:42 Zeno` will merge #5758 soon 09:42 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5758 -- Add option to use neither node highlighting nor outlining by Ezhh 09:52 Zeno` whitespace errors fixed, will merge in 5 minutes 09:55 Zeno` paramat I don't think the issue of reducing memory for a local variable is an issue at all 09:56 Zeno` the lifetime of that object (in the constructor) is so short that if it causes RAM problems then something is seriously wrong 09:56 paramat ok no problem :] 09:57 Zeno` pushed :) 09:58 Zeno` yeah I dunno nerzhul... 09:58 Zeno` you can fix it if you want :) 10:02 nerzhul rrRr 10:04 Zeno` rrrrrr :) 10:05 Zeno` I'll also merge #5764 in a few minutes since it's a trivial fix 10:05 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5764 -- Fix uninitalised variable in event.cpp by Zeno- 10:06 nerzhul Zeno`, hopefully in two months this ifndef /ifdef C++11 compat code will be removed :p 10:08 Zeno` yes :) 10:09 Zeno` all the #ifndef / ifdef is ugly for a start heh 10:10 Zeno` merging now 10:10 Zeno` done 10:10 Zeno` I'm exhausted after writing all the complex code in that PR 10:11 Zeno` celeron55, did you want me to look at the memory leak I mentioned? 10:12 nerzhul you should do it Zeno` 10:12 nerzhul it's very important 10:12 Zeno` <Zeno`> I'll try and look more to see if it's a "real" leak or just not released at shutdown. If I get time tonight (I should) I'll look at it more but c55 already understands the code and I've never even seen it before :D 10:12 nerzhul just remove the map elements in the destructor 10:12 Zeno` yeah if c55 doesn't have time I'll do it after I eat. Just seemed easier if he did it because I didn't even know that file existed :) May as well look at it though 10:13 Zeno` I bb in an hour or so. If someone fixes it before then, just do it and I'll see it in the logs 10:16 Fixer_ backtrace is now available: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5661 10:18 nerzhul okay 10:21 nerzhul wow the line is so unsecure in terms of code 10:21 nerzhul if (isspace(line.text.getString()[in_pos + frag_length])) 10:46 paramat rubenwardy it seems you are +1 for game 1693? if so i will merge it with 1731 very soon 10:47 rubenwardy game#1693 10:47 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1693 -- Disable fire by default on servers by Ezhh 11:00 paramat ok assuming +1, will merge in 15mins 11:02 rubenwardy I'm not +1, I just don't care 11:04 paramat ok, thanks, wil not then 11:20 paramat please could anyone approve #5744 ? it's a change to my own code so i know what i'm doing 11:20 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5744 -- Caverns: Remove unnecessary liquid excavation by paramat 11:24 rubenwardy Who has access to weblate? 11:25 nerzhul m 11:25 nerzhul me 11:26 nerzhul is there any problem ? 11:27 rubenwardy no, I was just wondering if it would be acceptable to put https://github.com/rubenwardy/mtmods4android as a project in there, even though it's third party 11:27 nerzhul as you said it's third party, and if you put it in weblate why not, but you should manage it alone as it's your project :) 11:28 rubenwardy ofc 11:29 rubenwardy oh 11:29 rubenwardy wth 11:30 rubenwardy I literally just received a response from weblate about my weblate request 11:33 rubenwardy it's now here: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/minetest/mtmods4android/ 11:33 rubenwardy did you do anything, nerzhul, or is it by chance that they responded just now? 11:35 nerzhul i'm not weblate 11:36 paramat i just had a weird crash 11:37 paramat started a world in head - 2, recompiled to head - 17, on world restart game freezes, window cannot be closed, "ServerError: AsyncErr: World data version mismatch in MapBlock (0,-34,0). World probably saved by a newer version of Minetest" 11:37 paramat happened twice 11:38 paramat will open issue 11:38 paramat i have seen someone else report this too 11:38 nerzhul kilbith, ^ 11:39 Zeno` err, bisect it? 11:39 paramat yeah might do that 11:39 Zeno` it'd help 11:39 kilbith yep, got the same issue 11:40 nerzhul it's due to sfan5 changes i think 11:40 sfan5 yes 11:41 sfan5 you can't cross a version-increase boundary backwards 11:42 sfan5 but if you're testing a client bug you can leave the server at the new version and it will work 11:44 paramat thanks i did not relise we had bumped map format 11:45 sfan5 (this is also why i think making a forum post about this is stupid: because it happens relatively often) 11:45 paramat which commit was it? 11:47 paramat nevermind 11:48 paramat seems to be 'nodemeta' 11:48 nerzhul it was meta private PR 11:49 paramat yeah, sorry for the silly question 11:54 paramat happy to confirm it was just map format bump 12:09 paramat 6 days to freeze 12:10 rubenwardy I won't be able to do any development until this Friday, as exams 12:11 rubenwardy so that leaves 1/2 days for #5176 12:11 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5176 -- Use JSON serialize to store ItemStack Metadata by rubenwardy 12:16 paramat game#1573 ? 12:16 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1573 -- Remove set_inventory_formspec in default, remove delay in sfinv by rubenwardy 12:16 paramat is that needed for release? 12:19 rubenwardy no, it's not a blocker 12:22 kilbith the sky code looks kinda broken: https://lut.im/jerf6xHLe8/Ffi8We1keBWZ8wqa.gif 12:22 kilbith I'm slightly moving the camera to the right and it turns grey 12:22 Raven262 I have seen this many times, when you look away from the sky it gets gray 12:22 Raven262 Idk why though. 12:24 rubenwardy that's been like that for a while 12:24 Raven262 like forever xD 12:24 Raven262 I thought that was a feature? 12:24 rubenwardy XD 12:24 rubenwardy https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/minetest/mtmods4android/svg-badge.svg 12:24 rubenwardy oops 12:24 rubenwardy not my area though 12:30 VanessaE paramat or rubenwardy, can someone move my name to "Active contributors" please? 12:31 VanessaE (assuming 1732 goes in) 12:31 kilbith not enough commits 12:31 kilbith or give $50 12:32 kilbith also, MTG commits are not counted 12:39 VanessaE well pfft. 12:44 paramat yeah, if it goes in 12:44 paramat will merge game#1731 in a moment 12:44 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1731 -- Chests: Revert inventory name by tenplus1 12:45 kilbith credits are for the engine, it has been said several times in the past 12:54 paramat merging 12:59 paramat merged 13:03 nerzhul active contributors is for core not mgt 13:03 nerzhul mtg* 13:04 paramat ok i did wonder 13:25 celeron55 Zeno`: feel free to fix it; it's trivial 13:28 Zeno` celeron55, yeah I will if nobody does in the meantime. But as I said it's not something that's critical so I've been doing other stuff instead 13:41 nerzhul it's critical as if a user change from one world to another the memory is lost 15:14 red-005 could someone review #5757? 15:14 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5757 -- Improve password change menu by red-001 16:31 * VanessaE peeks in and pokes whoever about game#1732 :P 16:31 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1732 -- redo new open chests to use all single textures by VanessaE 16:32 DS-minetest > * kilbith uses math.ceil on the approval number 16:36 paramat will merge game#1693 in a moment 16:36 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1693 -- Disable fire by default on servers by Ezhh 16:44 paramat merged 22:15 paramat Fixer this seems to be working now #5760 could you test? 22:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5760 -- Particles: Do not send to distant players by paramat 22:37 paramat how should the distance be set? i think 'active block range' is too short at 48 nodes. we could have a new setting, or maybe use 'max block send distance' (160 nodes) as that determines how much world is visible to a client 22:38 VanessaE can't you just limit by players' view range? 22:46 KaadmY Does the server ever get the player's fog distance? 22:47 VanessaE I should think it gets something vaguely related, as the client can request blocks directly now, can't it? 22:55 paramat i feel it is best to keep it lightweight and simple, there is still a huge gain from simply not seeing particles beyond, for example, 160 nodes. the player's view range will still stop the particles being visibly seen beyond that view range 22:59 KaadmY Most particles will probably be small enough so after ~160 nodes they most likely won't be visible anyway 23:03 paramat player view range is dynamic so could not be cached. so every individual particle spawned (can be up to 100 per second) would need to fetch the currently active view range of every player on a server 23:04 KaadmY Wouldn't a server-side setting make the most sense? 23:04 VanessaE paramat: are you sure about the view range effectively hiding them? 23:04 KaadmY After all, it will still reduce network traffic/bandwidth from what it currently is 23:04 VanessaE seems fixer had a problem with that as well as them being sent in the first place. 23:04 paramat but i could be more precise with particle spawners, and use the closest distance out of 'minpos' and 'maxops' instead of the midpoint 23:04 Fixer paramat: hi, will look at it 23:04 Fixer i was afk 23:04 VanessaE speak of the devil :P 23:05 paramat KaadmY yes that's what i'm suggesting, i'm arguing against getting player view ranges 23:05 KaadmY Okay :) 23:05 Fixer paramat: another question is... can you see particles that far? say someone explodes TNT 160 blocks away... 23:05 KaadmY Since using the individual player view range doesn't give any real advantage over a single variable setting 23:06 paramat TNT smoke is a large particle, it would be visible at 160 nodes yes 23:06 paramat that's why 48 nodes is too small 23:07 KaadmY Could the distance be multiplied by the particle size relative to how large it would be onscreen? 23:07 KaadmY Roughly, at least 23:07 Fixer paramat: so there is choice 48 vs 160, I don't think 160 nodes will be bad enough, not sure, why other devs can't opinion on this 23:07 Fixer 160 will probably be fine 23:08 paramat the hardcoded value is temporary, for testing 23:08 Fixer maybe overkill for some, who knows 23:08 Fixer paramat: hmmm, but wait 23:08 paramat we could have a new setting, or use a chosen existing setting 23:08 KaadmY Probably a new setting? 23:08 Fixer paramat: when you explode tnt and run away 160 nodes away from it - blocks will not update from that distance... right? 23:08 KaadmY Since it's not tied to anything else in specific? 23:09 Fixer or maybe i'm wrong 23:09 paramat depends whether it is a spawner or individual particles 23:09 paramat the distance is checked using the spawner's position, or an individual particle's position 23:10 paramat (or rather, the midpoint between minpos and maxpos) 23:10 KaadmY Why not use the nearest of minpos/maxpos? 23:10 KaadmY It wouldn't be accurate at all, but it'd be better 23:10 paramat yes i just suggested that above 23:10 Fixer active_object_send_range_blocks = 3 / active_block_range = 3 / max_block_send_distance = 10 23:10 paramat i might do that 23:11 paramat 10 mapblocks is better than 3 23:12 paramat i suggested 'max block send distance' as that determines how far a client sees 23:12 paramat but a new setting might be good 23:19 paramat (btw am tired, been up long time) 23:20 VanessaE /give paramat homedecor:coffee_maker 23:20 VanessaE :) 23:25 paramat i use dark choc 23:28 paramat don't drink tea / coffee :O 23:48 VanessaE heh