Time Nick Message 00:16 paramat merging games 2062 2068 00:26 paramat merged, 6 PRs! 00:27 ThomasMonroe how goes development paramat? =) 00:28 paramat hi, erm ok i guess =) 00:29 paramat slow 00:29 ThomasMonroe heh same here :) 00:29 paramat my todo list: remove 2, add 2 =/ 00:29 ThomasMonroe lol, that's the way it goes I guess XD 00:30 ThomasMonroe we've got some of the foundation done for development on Qub3d :D 00:31 paramat good stuff 00:32 ThomasMonroe yeah, I'm getting mad at MSVC, nothing new there. ;) 00:37 rubenwardy -> #minetest 15:37 nerzhul Krock: i added the test you wanted on #7121 if it's okay for you, tell me 15:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7121 -- Add Voxelarea unittests by nerzhul 15:51 nerzhul i push a first change to repair android build, partially outside of #6796 15:51 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6796 -- Android build fixes for c++11 by stujones11 15:52 nerzhul (updating tools to recent versions to have a gradle near standard Android Studio ndk builds) 15:52 rubenwardy maybe 6796 should be merged too? 15:53 nerzhul i will test it just after 15:53 rubenwardy cool 15:54 nerzhul and after this merge i will think about a real proper cmake build using gradle, if it's possible 15:54 nerzhul it can permit to simplify our process 15:55 rubenwardy that would be very nice 15:55 rubenwardy good to get it working ASAP, so better controls can be worked on 15:55 nerzhul it's not simple, i think it needs to refactor all our build system in src folder :p 15:56 nerzhul but at least i can easily use src subfolders as they are just targeting files, not build logic 15:56 rubenwardy it meaning android builds, not gradle/cmake builds 15:56 rubenwardy also, I really dislike this practice of having CMakeLists.txt for each dir in src/ 15:57 nerzhul rubenwardy it's relatively standard to have this model 15:57 rubenwardy it confusing for CLion 15:57 nerzhul not mine :p 15:57 nerzhul but old versions yes 15:57 rubenwardy oh lol 15:57 rubenwardy I mean, operator overloading with templates just completely breaks CLion, so it's not exactly solid 15:58 nerzhul okay it's nice to see the patch properly build initialization which was totally broken :p 15:58 nerzhul properly fix* 15:58 nerzhul currently compiling 15:58 nerzhul operator overloading is not well supported in clion, it's better in 2017.3 but it's not perfect 16:00 nerzhul okay we have new build problems due to recents commits on the guiConfirmRegistration 16:00 nerzhul i will try to compile all files except this at least 16:02 nerzhul okay, i push #6796, it fixes all problems except recent changes on registration which are more recent than this PR 16:02 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6796 -- Android build fixes for c++11 by stujones11 16:02 rubenwardy nice 16:03 rubenwardy +1 for me 16:03 rubenwardy *from 16:03 nerzhul now i need to find how to solve the build issue heh 16:03 nerzhul it's a virtual problem on the registration dialog 16:04 sfan5 well this was pretty successful 16:04 sfan5 I said I would test the android build fixes later today 16:04 nerzhul it's better than before heh 16:04 sfan5 but it looks like that's not longer needed 16:05 nerzhul sfan5 i need to fix the last point but yes :) 16:06 nerzhul sfan5, rubenwardy can you check #7121 please ? i fixed the Krock point :) (i will push the lint fix too) 16:06 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7121 -- Add Voxelarea unittests by nerzhul 16:08 rubenwardy wow, I must be tired 16:08 rubenwardy thought adareas said address 16:10 srifqi nerzhul: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/57418111a8352f2d6dabf1d3e43c1719f4b118c0#commitcomment-28035214 16:10 srifqi Is it like that? 16:12 nerzhul yes it's that problem 16:13 nerzhul it's due to the fact we passed to another model of define, which is not compatible with android it seems 16:22 nerzhul okay i got the fix, i ported one similar fix from the stujones11 PR to intleditbox that should do the trick 16:25 Krock nerzhul, interesting choice of indents you've got there 16:26 nerzhul not my choice xD 16:30 nerzhul build is nearly fixed, i just need to ensure we build intlGUIEditBox.cpp it seems ndk doesn't want... 16:33 Megaf updated 16:33 Megaf web#121 16:33 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest.github.io/issues/121 -- Channel description improvements 2. by Megaf 16:34 nerzhul wtf why this doesn't pass 16:35 srifqi Any idea on how you did it, nerzhul? 16:36 Megaf nerzhul: define this 16:36 nerzhul the build fix ? yeah i added the missing functions with the proper outputs, but i need to fix the linking issue 16:36 srifqi Okay. 16:45 nerzhul I push the build fix, but not the linker fix, i didn't find it atm, but at least we go ahead :) 16:46 nerzhul See https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/a1c5a011421840f4b2f9d8b6cc9b9724cf333168 i also fix a variable name overloading issue 16:47 nerzhul This is the remaining issue 16:47 nerzhul jni/../jni/src/gui/guiConfirmRegistration.cpp:102: error: undefined reference to 'irr::gui::intlGUIEditBox::intlGUIEditBox(wchar_t const*, bool, irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment*, irr::gui::IGUIElement*, int, irr::core::rect const&, bool, bool)' 16:47 nerzhul (it's the correct constructor...) 16:51 nerzhul oh... i think i found it 16:52 nerzhul i missed a ifdef :p 16:52 nerzhul yes it's fixed nice 16:52 nerzhul i push the last fix 16:52 nerzhul which is due to a ifdef in the header 16:53 nerzhul in the cpp file * 16:53 nerzhul (intlGUIEditBox.cpp) 16:53 nerzhul https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/f7938fab9fa675c60bfa249f01b2b608196cdbc0 16:57 nerzhul the compilation is okay, but the android linking is not good yet 17:21 nerzhul everything is now okay :) 17:21 nerzhul i push a typo in the makefile due to too update 17:23 nerzhul the confirmation dialog is just wow :p 17:23 nerzhul unreadable and crash when clicking on it 17:27 nerzhul i reported #7122 17:27 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7122 -- Android: confirmation dialog is... unreable and crashes 17:27 nerzhul but at least is compiles and launches :p 17:27 nerzhul the serverlist is also unreable 17:28 nerzhul UI is too little, and not properly sized to client UI size 17:33 stujones11 nerzhul: I am looking into the remaining linking issues but I noticed the line endings are broken again in the irrlicht patch #6750 17:33 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6750 -- Android: Irrlicht patch has wrong line endings 17:33 stujones11 Could this have something to do with .gitignore? maybe it requires -f 17:47 stujones11 nerzhul: I agree, there is still much to be done but I am happy to spend some time on this once we have a working build system 17:48 stujones11 Also, +1 for moving to cmake + gradle if that is at all possible :) 17:59 nerzhul stujones11, linking is fixed, for the irrlicht line endine we can fix it 17:59 nerzhul i fixed the code manually 17:59 nerzhul stujones11, i think it's possible, but not easy at it needs to rewrite the whole system :p 18:00 nerzhul i will try to compile minetest lib at least with gradle 18:01 stujones11 nerzhul: thanks, iirc the latter does work if you use the right version ;) 18:27 nerzhul the begin is promising but there are many works to do as i need to re-do all from scratch 18:33 stujones11 Yeah, a lot of work I know so maybe not a high priority atm, definitely worth keeping in mind though 18:38 nerzhul yeah :p 18:38 nerzhul but at least i can share some cmakelists parts heh 18:39 nerzhul i don't understand where does android_native_app_glue.h comes from 18:39 nerzhul oh it's in the ndk 18:43 nerzhul oh nice some parts are correctly compiling heh, maybe i can succeed in MT build without buildings deps at least 18:49 nerzhul wow nice, i have all MT src/ subfolders built heh 18:49 nerzhul i need the root folder now 18:51 Krock nerzhul, running the unittests locally now. will approve on success 18:51 stujones11 It would also be nice if someone could update the dev-wiki http://dev.minetest.net/Android 18:51 stujones11 the minimum supported ndk should now be ndk-r16b, though later ndk-r15x versions may also work 18:52 stujones11 It may also help and encourage others to contribute 18:53 nerzhul currently i just use the last NDK, previous NDK has no real sense 18:55 stujones11 Me too, but dev-wiki is suggesting to use ndk-r11, which will definitely not work :p 18:55 sfan5 the only supported NDK should be the latewst one 18:55 sfan5 also I think it'd be more encouraging for devs if our Android build system wasn't such a dumpster fire 18:55 stujones11 ^ 18:56 nerzhul sfan5 it's why i'm working on making him being standard :p 18:56 sfan5 I'm not only talking about the 1000 line Makefile, using Android's ndk-build stuff is stupid too 18:56 nerzhul i'm not using that :p 18:56 nerzhul i'm using google standard for NDK builds using gradle & cmake 18:57 sfan5 a clean solution would be to have cmake generate a shared library, which the Android makefile just copies 18:57 nerzhul sfan5 i think i'm on that way 18:57 sfan5 yeah, or the native cmake support (though i've never used that) 18:57 nerzhul https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/7123 18:57 nerzhul #7123 18:57 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7123 -- Android: switch to cmake based standard builds by nerzhul 18:57 nerzhul currently only src subfolders are compiling, i'm looking for other sources currently 18:58 nerzhul having proper subfolders in src will help greatly to include those properly in android cmake build heh 19:00 Wayward_One the wiki has been updated 19:08 nerzhul nice , only 10 files are not built with this method and needs fixes :) 19:48 nerzhul yes, everything is built heh 19:59 stujones11 nerzhul: good work, could this make it possible for travis-ci check the android build status? 19:59 stujones11 possibly using pre-built dependencies? A little off-topic, I know. 20:15 nerzhul merging #7121 ty Krock 20:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7121 -- Add Voxelarea unittests by nerzhul 20:15 nerzhul stujones11: build is not complete yet 20:16 nerzhul and we can do it but NDK is not easy to embed in CI, and build is very very very long too on a single core 20:16 nerzhul but after refactoring the build maybe we can do it 20:16 stujones11 Thanks, I realize why it not practical atm =) 20:35 stujones11 Interestingly, for me the android version seems to compile slightly faster than the regular build, even using a single core 20:35 stujones11 excluding the dependencies, of course. 20:44 paramat thanks for working on Android 20:44 paramat game#2080 20:44 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2080 -- New pine needles texture by Splizard by paramat 20:48 stujones11 paramat: yw, it is something I care about and almost feel partly responsible for its current state ;) 21:13 paramat please can anyone review #6803 ? significant optimisation that is also holding up another PR 21:14 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6803 -- Optimize wieldmesh by numberZero 21:16 nerzhul stujones11, maybe the build is not optimized 21:22 stujones11 nerzhul: yeah, I am comparing a debug build here, so that is probably why :/ 21:24 nerzhul well, i got all mt repository lib using cmake in my build, now i need to find how to integrate external non cmake libs 21:25 nerzhul gradle build has 6 targets, then the current makefile could not apply properl 21:25 nerzhul properly* 23:05 paramat merging #7117 23:05 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7117 -- Biome API: Add 'get_biome_name(biome_id)' API by paramat 23:10 paramat merged. 93PRs, good to not be stuck at 100 23:11 paramat might do some more long line splitting in lua_api tonight 23:31 Gael-de-Sailly paramat: so we can't allow mapgen parameters to be chosen at world creation? 23:36 paramat hi 23:36 paramat btw everyone i'm now editing lua_api.txt so please no conflicting merges thanks :] 23:37 paramat Gael some are ok, the clobal ones 23:37 paramat *global 23:40 paramat by that i mean formspec type options 23:40 paramat in advanced settings you can set any mapgen parameters before world creation 23:41 Gael-de-Sailly yes but in practice players don't do that. 23:41 Gael-de-Sailly very few people are able to understand the meaning of these parameters 23:42 Gael-de-Sailly even myself I sometimes don't remember what I made 23:43 Gael-de-Sailly so to avoid this confusion we could find 5-10 good presets and the player choses within them 23:44 paramat possibly 23:44 paramat #7124 will merge in a moment 23:44 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7124 -- Lua_api.txt: Split long lines part 3 by paramat 23:44 celeron55 not necessarily a bad idea if it's actually possible to make good presets 23:45 Gael-de-Sailly we have already some ones 23:45 paramat i think hmmmm intended this 23:45 paramat but never coded it 23:45 celeron55 what i remember from tweaking mapgens is that it's difficult enough to have one set of parameters that make any sense 8) 23:46 paramat i can help of course but am not interested in doing the coding work 23:48 Gael-de-Sailly voxelproof is playing a lot with mapgen parameters, and found some interesting combinations 23:48 Gael-de-Sailly some could be added I think 23:48 Gael-de-Sailly his work on mapgen v5 is interesting 23:50 Gael-de-Sailly I've also worked today on valleysmg, to scale rivers and mountains up 23:54 paramat merged 23:54 paramat good to hear 23:55 paramat might be best to first get the sets of parameters for each mapgen before coding it, as finding good params will be the longer and more difficult job 23:56 celeron55 any and all mapgen work is always interesting 23:56 celeron55 to follow 23:56 paramat i'm so productive recently, i'm amazing =] 23:58 paramat celeron55 maybe try this branch sometime https://github.com/paramat/minetest/tree/mgwatershed 23:58 Gael-de-Sailly for the coding part, since it's 100% lua, I can try