Time  Nick       Message
01:32 hecks_     specing: do what exactly
01:33 hecks_     this is not exposed in lua at the moment and I would frown upon changing the style of any GL thing from how it looks in the GL manual
03:50 v-rob      Thanks for the summary hecks (it didn't need to be so in depth, but now I am very enlightened in the matter). I'm certain being able to use raw OpenGL will be quite handy. I might consider using it instead of Irrlicht in the GUI if it makes sense
07:09 grouinos   hello, is there somebody ?
11:16 nrz        No
13:04 rubenwardy another complaint about #9107 on the forums
13:04 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9107 -- arm64-v8a. Packets time out in singleplayer. RE-SENDING timed-out
13:04 rubenwardy https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=398832#p398832
13:05 rubenwardy although, that also persists into the game rather than just loading, so perhaps another cause as well
13:56 pgimeno    FYI, compiling using a relative path for Irrlicht works, but the path must be relative to the Minetest git root path, not to the build dir. E.g. if minetest and irrlichtmt are siblings and irrlicht is compiled in irrlichtmt/build: cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../irrlichtmt/build
13:57 pgimeno    the problem I had last time was because the Irrlicht branch I used was not rebased