Time Nick Message 09:36 [MatrxMT] You are plan add VR support? 09:44 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> https://dustlabs.io/minetestvr.html 09:47 [MatrxMT] Cool, thanks 09:47 [MatrxMT] But sadly because "it can only be used in PCVR mode" 09:48 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> This is only for Quest, but I am using OSVR 09:49 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> I mean https://osvr.github.io/ 12:31 MTDiscord To the person who asked about VR support, what VR system do you have? 23:15 Wuzzy For Minetest Game, what should be in the ___ in the credits?: "Various ___ developers and contributors (MIT)". Minetest, Minetest Game or Luanti? 23:16 MTDiscord this proud member of tautology club says it should be Minetest Game developers and contributors 23:17 MTDiscord because by definition the Minetest Game developers and contributors are the Minetest Game developers and contributors 23:18 MTDiscord Luanti would certainly feel (be) wrong: It wrongly suggests that today's Luanti (core) developers and contributors are also running Minetest Game, which is not the case (there is significant overlap, but not every Luanti contributor is a Minetest Game contributor, and the converse certainly isn't true) 23:19 MTDiscord A similar argument can be made for "Minetest developers and contributors"; that said, Minetest Game was part of Minetest at a certain point in time, so it might be good to keep this? 23:19 MTDiscord Maybe briefly explain the history of the project in 1-2 sentences to make it clear