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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-07-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
05:13 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
07:05 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:00 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
10:01 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
10:36 jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:36 cornernote joined #minetest-dev
10:42 workflow joined #minetest-dev
10:58 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
11:04 cornernote hi, im not a c programmer, but i am a faster learner... i was wondering if you can give me any tips on how to fix the limit on the number of ingame items that can be defined?
11:22 art joined #minetest-dev
12:02 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
14:01 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
14:54 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
15:35 MiJyn joined #minetest-dev
16:27 darkrose celeron55_: implemented formspec:
16:27 Calinou formspec = ?
16:28 darkrose create custom gui menus when right clicking on nodes
16:28 Calinou that was possible before your changes...
16:28 Calinou see workbench
16:29 darkrose that was inventory, this is gui fields, text input etc
16:29 darkrose I wrote the workbench mod, I know how it works
16:31 Calinou cool!
16:35 darkrose look at the change to games/minimal/mods/default/init.lua and you'll see it in action
16:36 Calinou about the signs?
16:36 Calinou pheh, invisible change.
16:37 darkrose yeah, but it gets rid of a hack
16:37 Calinou noone cares.
16:37 Calinou :P still good
18:27 workflow joined #minetest-dev
18:57 jordach joined #minetest-dev
18:57 jordach|2 joined #minetest-dev
19:58 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
20:51 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
21:10 jordach|tablet joined #minetest-dev
21:13 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
22:20 celeron55 hmm
22:21 celeron55 a small status update: one guy is working on some minetest stuff here:
22:22 celeron55 he communicates by e-mail and i have added two pages in the wiki based on the answers i dug up for him:
22:23 celeron55 i am still on a hiatus, working on other hobby projects
22:24 celeron55 (or she? whatever)
22:29 Topic for #minetest-dev is now The Minetest no-bullshit channel. Chit-chat goes to #minetest-delta. If you need to /msg celeron55, consider this channel instead.
22:33 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest-delta. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
22:42 celeron55 leslie is attempting to make a game based on minetest, adding some stuff to the engine before going about the content side of things; the aim is at completeness and consistency, leslie taking responsibility of creative work
22:42 celeron55 if there are people who are eager to do stuff, i suggest messaging leslie; i quite approve what he/she is aiming for
22:46 exe_ joined #minetest-dev
22:47 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest-delta. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
22:48 celeron55 exe_: what brings you here at this exact moment when i happen to be active?
22:48 exe_ hi
22:48 exe_ nothing
22:49 exe_ i was asking at #minetest if lua sandbox is secure from system calls (files delete, trojans etc.)
22:49 celeron55 see today's and yesterday's log for this channel; otherwise it's been very quiet
22:49 exe_ it isn't but now i see that it isn't a problem
22:50 exe_ brb copying minetest scripting to MD :)
22:51 celeron55 lol
22:51 celeron55 how is MD these days?
22:51 exe_ we are using JInt for secure sandbox. but it's super-slow (1000x slower than native code). so it can't script worldgen. we will use c# scripts (compiled to .dll on start) for worldgen scripts.
22:52 exe_ jint=javascript interpreter
22:52 celeron55 you can't really script the world generator in any interpreted language
22:53 celeron55 good JIT might be good enough
22:53 celeron55 this assuming that the whole block-by-block generation would be done in the language
22:54 celeron55 with a well integrated native noise and world data mass modification implementations anything probably does
22:55 celeron55 i haven't attempted either, and won't in a long time
22:56 celeron55 you should make some useless blog post or news just to keep the website look up-to-date 8)
22:56 exe_ minetest scripts are great. worldgens, redstone, oil pipes, vegetation, and even simple new blocks
22:56 celeron55 worldgens are hugely slow
22:56 exe_
22:56 exe_ i'll merge both news pages
22:57 celeron55 but indeed, the scripting has turned out pretty good
22:58 exe_ i think about   add_block("name",1,0,true,0,5,1,5)
22:58 exe_ instead of very 15 lines function for each block
23:00 exe_ 00:55 <@celeron55> with a well integrated native noise and world data mass modification implementations anything probably does  <- not JInt
23:00 Bad_Command_ joined #minetest-dev
23:00 celeron55 well that's laughable then :P
23:02 celeron55 anyway, nice seeing you still around

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