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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-07-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 MiJyn joined #minetest-dev
00:12 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
00:17 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
00:29 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
05:48 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
06:16 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
06:26 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
06:41 darkrose celeron55: can't login to the dev wiki so here's a proposal for improving formspec:
08:23 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
09:28 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
09:53 saschaheylik joined #minetest-dev
10:11 celeron55 darkrose: looks good, just make sure it scales reasonably like all the inventory stuff does, and probably add an "image_button" element too
10:12 darkrose right, sounds useful
10:53 darkrose celeron55: made some changes mostly just 'use inventory slot sizes for dimension units':
11:04 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
11:08 celeron55 i have created a... thing
11:08 celeron55 +- set_inventory_formspec(formspec)
11:08 celeron55 +  ^ Redefine player's inventory form
11:08 celeron55 +  ^ Should usually be called in on_joinplayer
11:08 celeron55 +- get_inventory_formspec() -> formspec string
11:08 celeron55 8)
11:11 celeron55
11:11 sfan5 :D
11:14 celeron55 the player's inventory doesn't have the inventory callbacks anywhere though
11:16 darkrose you'd need the equivelent of inv:set_size() for the player too, if the inventory size can be changed
11:20 darkrose well, just PlayerObjRef:get_inventory()
11:20 darkrose uh... already there, ignore me
11:22 celeron55 or, more generally, formspec callbacks
11:22 celeron55 or, actually, inventory and formspec callbacks
11:22 celeron55 they kind of are and kind of are not the same thing
11:24 celeron55 i don't think the player's inventory needs inventory callbacks, because any inventory the player interacts with has them
11:24 celeron55 but there must be on_receive_fields
11:25 celeron55 that would be function(player, formname, fields, sender) i guess
11:26 celeron55 ehm...
11:26 celeron55 register_player_on_receive_fields
11:29 celeron55 i'll whip that up too
11:30 celeron55 or actually, no
11:31 celeron55 we will wait until you have implemented your proposal and then see how to do it
11:32 celeron55 or you can do it while at it
11:33 celeron55 (if so, call it register_on_player_receive_fields; that is most consistent with existing things)
11:34 darkrose ok, I'll see how I go
12:26 celeron55 hmm, there should be a label element too
12:27 darkrose field without a name gives a label
12:28 darkrose field[;some label text;]
12:28 celeron55 that's unintuitive
12:28 celeron55 if there was just label[], everybody could just guess it without even looking at anything 8)
12:29 darkrose can add that easy enough
13:34 celeron55 i think i should add a "Minetest-related projects" section on the forum
13:34 celeron55 it really lacks such a one, and there are things like mod repositories and whatever tools that could go there
13:39 darkrose sounds good, would make those projects a bit more noticable
13:52 celeron55
14:22 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
14:49 jordach joined #minetest-dev
14:56 spectator joined #minetest-dev
14:56 spectator hello
14:58 sfan5 hello
14:59 celeron55 state your business.
14:59 spectator i thought that minetest-delta is for "serious stuff" (engine dev.). why did c55 make another channel for "serious stuff"?
15:00 celeron55 to not contain chit-chat like this
15:01 sfan5 :D
15:03 spectator too much people who did not do dev-t came to that channel so you created another one for devs only?
15:04 celeron55 that and this
15:04 spectator is there a logging thing like at for delta channel so i could gtfo and read discussion?
15:05 celeron55 you have failed to read the topic
15:06 spectator ok moving to shit-channel, aka delta
15:10 celeron55 i don't consider delta to be shit; there just is need for channels of two grades of activity - i read this channel even when i am taking a break from Minetest, and keep it as such that i can do that </end of topic>
15:10 celeron55 s/end of //
16:03 GTRsdk celeron55: I saw the support minetest page... Do you accept things like bitcoin, litecoin, or solidcoin?
16:09 celeron55 no
16:10 celeron55 it wouldn't be worth the hassle, i get so little donations anyway
16:10 celeron55 and don't use any of those for anything else
16:10 GTRsdk oh okay
16:11 celeron55 you could ask darkrose or some other contributor if they have use for those 8)
16:11 GTRsdk Could I still get the 2 maps then?
16:12 celeron55 hmm, do you mean the old currently unused page where i offered the first public server maps for paypal money?
16:13 sfan5 why does 'sed -e "s/\n/,/"' not work? :/
16:13 celeron55 because sed is line-oriented 8) (i think you can do that in some way, google it)
16:15 celeron55 the page seems to still be available but there is just no link to it... better write a notice
16:15 jordach oh, id like to see the maps too
16:16 celeron55 the page that is talked about is this
16:17 sfan5 i'll just use "tr '\n' ','"
16:17 jordach celeron55, do you accept in amazon gift cards?
16:18 GTRsdk celeron55: so those two maps are already available?
16:21 sfan5 jordach: i don't think he does
16:21 celeron55 i do have them around, but they don't work on current 0.4
16:22 jordach oh, thats alright
16:34 darkrose over-complicating a sign with formspec:
16:38 celeron55 if somebody buys them, i can fix them and sell them; i won't give them broken or for free 8)
16:39 celeron55 just for the sake of it (i don't intend to get rich selling them, it's just interesting to force some value on historic things)
16:41 celeron55 darkrose: make sure to make positioning work with floating-point values too, like it works for existing stuff too
16:41 darkrose should do, haven't tested that yet though
16:45 celeron55 jordach: i guess i could
16:46 jordach i managed to scrape a $5 card
16:57 VanessaE good $PART_OF_DAY all.
17:08 celeron55 update: i just updated them just for the sake of me wanting to look them myself
17:10 jordach ^ curiosity can be quite interesting
17:13 celeron55 i updated a bit
17:16 darkrose no more cats :(
17:17 celeron55 nobody wants them anyway, based on the evidence
17:23 celeron55
17:24 celeron55 i like that
17:25 VanessaE Do. Not. want. :-)
17:25 celeron55 seems like a much snappier way than throwing an enormous pile of items in the world
17:25 celeron55 like minecraft does it
17:26 celeron55 also discourages griefing
17:26 VanessaE I suppose so.  Of course, I
17:26 VanessaE I'm not too much a fan of PvP anyway, so..
17:26 celeron55 you're a creative mode player
17:26 VanessaE actually no
17:26 VanessaE I play in survival mode
17:27 celeron55 but you don't play any real survival, you use survival mode only because the current creative mode sucks
17:27 VanessaE I just feel like PvP adds a bit of a negative
17:27 jordach hold on. chit-chat in minetest-dev?
17:28 celeron55 was kicked by celeron55: celeron55
17:28 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
17:29 MiJyn * celeron55 has kicked celeron55 from #minetest-dev (celeron55)
17:29 jordach if we are going to talk about mods, best we keep that to the modding channel, or at least delta
17:29 MiJyn Why?
17:30 VanessaE *sigh*  I'm trying to stick to the subject of the channel.
17:30 celeron55 the one in the role of VanessaE will be kicked next time, and then the one in the role of jordach
17:31 MiJyn celeron55, can I get this straight? #minetest is for general discussions, #minetest-mods is for modding discussions, #minetest-delta is for ...?, and #minetest-dev is for development. Am I correct?
17:32 MiJyn and I'm sorry for posting it here
17:32 MiJyn but this is the title: "Consider this instead of /msg celeron55", so that's why I asked that here
17:33 celeron55 minetest-delta is for any development, and minetest-dev is for those who co-work with me to develop
17:33 celeron55 the purpose of this channel is to allow me to stay around for necessary things even when i am taking a break
17:33 celeron55 now i will kick anyone who talks about crap like this
17:33 celeron55 ---
17:34 celeron55 darkrose can talk next, because he is the only doing anything useful at the moment
17:34 MiJyn ah, I see
17:34 MiJyn was kicked by celeron55: MiJyn
17:34 MiJyn joined #minetest-dev
17:34 celeron55 i am SERIOUS.
17:34 MiJyn thanks for explaining :)
17:34 celeron55 you come back, and talk?
17:35 celeron55 please part.
17:35 sfan5 or you kick him?
17:35 celeron55 left #minetest-dev
17:36 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
17:36 celeron55 actually
17:36 celeron55 MiJyn does nothing useful, so i can
17:36 celeron55 well, i won't now, but i will next time
17:37 celeron55 i need to not be a pussy but rather just kickban everybody who is useless; you can read the log anyway so you have no reason to be here if you can't stop talking
17:37 celeron55 now i will go do other things, and i trust that there is no useless talk in here for me to read when i come back
17:53 MiJyn celeron55, I think that the reason why people talk here is because you are not on the other channels (therefore the only way to contact you is here or by /msg'ing you, which you wanted #minetest-dev to replace)
17:53 MiJyn that is actually precisely and accurately the reason why I talk to you here
18:04 celeron55 i do not want any people to talk to me except for important things
18:04 celeron55 if i do not ruthlessly ban people out from here, i bet this will become just as what -delta is
18:04 celeron55 thus i will
18:04 celeron55 i'll rather be here with only myself and darkrose than have this be -delta
18:05 celeron55 (i realized that once i parted the last time; i will never part again, and rather ban people)
18:06 celeron55 otherwise i would need to go on an on to a new channel because talkative people will follow me and annoy me to hell
18:07 celeron55 you are allowed to talk as many lines on this channel as you contribute code that goes to upstream
18:07 jordach can i raise a question?
18:07 celeron55 also one bug report is one line
18:08 celeron55 jordach: it better be important
18:08 jordach forks
18:08 celeron55 that is not a question
18:09 jordach what if, we have a fork, that contains minor fixes and optimizations?
18:09 sfan5 you make a pull request / patch then
18:10 jordach ah
18:11 celeron55 if one makes useful core stuff, one should most likely announce it here
18:11 VanessaE Well that gives me either ~10 or 710 lines.
18:12 jordach ok, thanks for clearing this up.
18:13 celeron55 this channel is quite solely for _talking about code_
18:13 sfan5 did anyone update the
18:14 celeron55 it should be removed
18:15 celeron55 eh, which means i'll remove it now; people just get confused about it
18:19 celeron55 does somebody want to try to maintain their master branch in such a way that it can (at least in theory) be considered the "next version" when i am not available to update my repository?
18:20 jordach darkroses branch should be this
18:21 celeron55 i am thinking of darkrose, but i will not force anyone to do it; it involves keeping an eye on bugfixes and implemented things that have been previously planned, checking their quality and taking them in if they are good
18:22 VanessaE If I had to pick one person, it'd be darkrose also.
18:22 celeron55 it does not require making packages or communicating with anyone, or anything else; only 1) checking quality and relevance of code made by everybody and 2) piling it up in the repo
18:24 celeron55 and if in doubt, doing nothing
18:24 darkrose I can do it, nothing is my specialty!
18:25 sfan5 how recent are your nightly builds, celeron?
18:25 celeron55 check the last modified dates
18:27 sfan5 ...
18:27 sfan5 pretty recent
18:29 sfan5 i would remove the "no sounds" on
18:29 sfan5 and "some kind of modding support"
18:29 sfan5 0.4 is not stable
18:29 celeron55 i will update it at the exact same moment when i upload 0.4.0 somewhere
18:29 sfan5 ok
18:50 VanessaE celeron55: re: code that makes it upstream, while I assume you were exaggerating slightly, how is one to know if their contribution will actually make it?  And does "code" include LUA mods that are intended (likelyhood aside) to become part of the game's default mod?
19:06 darkrose celeron55: player_on_receive_fields is done, though completely untested at the moment
19:07 celeron55 VanessaE: there are no good answers to either of those; people should use their brains
19:09 celeron55 VanessaE: a completely different thing: you should probably encourage people to not use the full colour range of the dye mod, because the amount of nodes resulting from the full color range is so huge
19:09 VanessaE celeron55: I agree.
19:10 celeron55 i don't know how to exactly do that, but anyway
19:10 VanessaE my intent wasn't to have hundreds of new nodes as a result if it either
19:10 VanessaE I figured folks would just choose a dozen or so colors most useful to them
19:11 darkrose hah!
19:11 VanessaE (says the lady who took the same route re: colored woods ;-)  )
19:11 * VanessaE adds an appropriate note.
19:13 celeron55 can you shortly explain how the mod template adds the color to the texture?
19:13 celeron55 like, what are the inputs and how the output forms based on them
19:13 VanessaE it generates a shitload of new nodes, one for each color.
19:14 celeron55 i know that, but i need enough information to consider how it'd look as a dynamic thing in the engine
19:14 VanessaE ahh
19:15 VanessaE Well the template is supposed to be something you copy and edit to create a new mod.  Inputs include the name of the mod you want it to become and a human-readable description of the block type it creates, a few attributes like walkability, sounds, groups, and light propagation, and crafting yield.
19:16 VanessaE It creates one node for each color in the palette, based on the tables of colors, using simple loops.  Associated with each node is one crafting recipe that takes the node you listed as "neutral" and one colored dye as inputs.
19:16 VanessaE I'd be a bit more detailed, but that's kinda the extent of it :-)
19:17 celeron55 how does the image transformation to a given color work?
19:17 VanessaE OH
19:18 VanessaE it uses imagemagick to convert a single source image (and an overlay if supplied) into multiple shades by just adjusting the brightness and tint of the source and saving the result as a new file.
19:18 VanessaE uses a somewhat abridged HSV color model
19:19 VanessaE though I'm not entirely convinced I got the math right.
19:19 VanessaE the idea is that you either create your colors manually or use to auto-generate them and then delete what you don't want
19:19 VanessaE then do the same in the template mod
19:20 VanessaE then just combine the textures with the edited template like with any other mod
19:22 celeron55 to everyone and the log: we are talking about this:
19:22 VanessaE come to think of it, "you shouldn't need to edit anything below this point" should be removed (I made the template before I'd completely settled on how I wanted the whole system to work)
19:25 VanessaE change commited.
19:26 celeron55 so basically a hue-rotated and brightness-adjusted base image and an unmodified overlay on it
19:27 VanessaE yup
19:27 VanessaE exactly that
19:27 VanessaE I figured, in practice, if they use the whole palette, that's what they'll end up with anyway
19:28 VanessaE and if not, they'll either trim out what they don't want from gentextures/template, or do it all from scratch as usual
19:29 celeron55 i think i will need to see what kind of stuff that people do with it look reasonable and continue only after i can come to a conclusion based on that
19:29 VanessaE oh sure
19:30 celeron55 if people can make good results with such fixed-pipeline templating, i'll throw it in the engine, because there is no reason not to
19:30 celeron55 if not, then i don't know; we'll see
19:31 VanessaE mods I know of so far are my coloredwoods/fence/sticks (all following the standard crafting model), jordach's cotton mod, workflow's paint-on-canvas mod, another person did colored cobble (6 shades at present),
19:31 VanessaE homedecor uses about 10 shades, but I need to rewrite it to use the new model
19:31 VanessaE I'm forgetting one, I'm sure of it.
19:33 VanessaE bas080 was working on a cotton mod similar to jordach's, not sure how far along that got
19:35 celeron55 all of those look quite awful
19:35 VanessaE heh
19:35 VanessaE OH, unifiedbricks by cornernote, that was the other one
19:37 VanessaE I suppose "look quite awful" refers to the textures, and yeah most of them need improvement
19:38 celeron55 the rotated hue lacks all naturality
19:38 VanessaE true, but then again the whole game isn't exactly "natural" either
19:39 VanessaE somewhere around here....where the heck is it
19:39 celeron55 something like having a translucent tint color in the overlay could make interesting results, if used skillfully; also everybody seems to start from a too saturated base color
19:39 jordach joined #minetest-dev
19:39 VanessaE I could do that
19:40 VanessaE in fact,
19:41 VanessaE I could just adjusting the wording and add a commandline switch:  -t  tiny overlay
19:41 VanessaE which would swap the functions of the overlay and base image
19:41 VanessaE unless you figure it needs a third layer?
19:42 VanessaE there it is!
19:42 VanessaE
19:42 VanessaE unifiedbricks, with my textures instead.
19:42 VanessaE (I think cornernote was using the 64px size to make this)
19:43 VanessaE the original brick color used elsewhere, for reference, is roughly the same as the item in the first column, the third row, far left (full red, 50% saturation)
19:44 VanessaE -"far left".
19:45 VanessaE above:  s/tiny/tint/
19:46 celeron55 you didn't quite understand what i said
19:47 VanessaE I suppose not
19:47 celeron55 i mean, make the overlay have a translucent color so that it will mix with the base
19:47 VanessaE OH!
19:47 celeron55 a static one
19:47 celeron55 that way you don't have a perfect color wheel
19:47 VanessaE that should work as-is in fact
19:47 celeron55 s/the overlay/an overlay/
19:48 celeron55 i'm just trying to think what could make reasonable looking stuff with
19:48 celeron55 the current stuff isn't satisfactory at all
19:48 VanessaE it depends on your creative style to be honesty
19:48 VanessaE honest*
20:33 jordach joined #minetest-dev
20:38 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
21:41 VanessaE celeron55_: I've pushed some changes to the gentextures script that should fit with what you were suggesting.
21:42 VanessaE (at least, the result of the script seems to anyway)
21:43 celeron55_ ehm
21:43 celeron55_ i don't think i suggested anything for the script
21:43 VanessaE heh
21:43 VanessaE well nit directly
21:43 VanessaE not*
21:43 VanessaE it mostly just clarifies the usage info, plus adds the mode I originally (incorrectly) thought you wanted.
21:44 VanessaE either way it should be sufficient to cover mot use cases.  I hope. :-)
21:44 celeron55_ i can think of that being useful for some things albeit not actually adding any more possible things
21:48 VanessaE most*
22:16 VanessaE question:  would you consider adding a feature to the furnace where it can be made to show if something is in the input or output slots?
22:16 VanessaE (i.e. with a properly-drawn front texture)
22:18 celeron55_ no.
22:18 VanessaE ok.

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