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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-07-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:27 celeron55
00:36 celeron55 basically the same as the 11-color wool mod, but adds dark grey, pink, dark green and violet
00:50 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
00:50 celeron55 if i'd add groups basedye_magenta, basedye_red, basedye_yellow, basedye_green, basedye_cyan, basedye_blue, basedye_white and basedye_black to appropriate dye items (one to each), some extended dye mod could pick up from there by defining group-based crafting recipes... ehm... maybe
03:30 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
03:55 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
05:35 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
07:33 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
07:39 Nemo08 joined #minetest-dev
07:41 Nemo08 hi! anybody knows, in 0.4, 0.4 map format has changed? standart mapper make strange image, my mapper make some image..
07:42 Nemo08 *0.4.1
08:00 cy1 Nemo08: 0.4 was almost a rewrite. The map is sqlite there instead of sector directory flat file.
08:01 cy1 0.4.1 not real differentfrom 0.4, just use the latest git of your favorite gitter
08:05 darkrose and don't ask questions like that in here
08:07 Nemo08 em? sector directory flat file was until 0.3. current map generator work with 0.3 sqlite maps fine, but not with 0.4. I think format of records wes changed, but still not documented in mapformat.txt
08:07 Nemo08 sorry
08:07 Nemo08 where i may ask it?
08:08 cy1 #minetest-delta?
08:10 Nemo08 ok ,thanks
08:24 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
08:27 EdB joined #minetest-dev
08:58 EdB vorbis doesn't seems to come with a cmake files
09:20 EdB sorry about that, cmake was distrub by the fact taht I move src folder
09:52 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
10:33 jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:35 Nemo08 joined #minetest-dev
10:57 celeron55 VanessaE:
10:58 celeron55
10:59 jordach celeron55, this looks really good. i cant wait to update my mods.
11:09 Nemo08 celeron55: may i ask? how changed node data format in sqlite?
11:10 celeron55 Nemo08: that question does not make any sense
11:10 Nemo08 this part:
11:11 Nemo08 zlib-compressed node data: - content:   u8[4096]: param0 fields   u8[4096]: param1 fields   u8[4096]: param2 fields - The location of a node in each of those arrays is (z*16*16 + y*16 + x).
11:11 celeron55 basically, if someone wants to make a colorable block or item, it will be colorable with any dye as long as it can be colored with any of basecolor_*, excolor_* or unicolor_*, the colored variations needed being up to the one making it; to fully support all dyes, either 9, 17 or 89 colors
11:12 celeron55 Nemo08: what version are you talking about?
11:12 Nemo08 24
11:13 celeron55 param0s are 2 bytes wide, compared to 23 where they are 1
11:13 celeron55 and param2 does not ever contain any part of the node id
11:13 celeron55 if somebody updates, that'd be useful to have
11:14 Nemo08 thanks :)
11:14 celeron55 hmm... also there can now be node timers... eh, now i remembered something
11:15 celeron55 hell
11:15 celeron55 the node timer format sucks
11:15 celeron55 you need to know the length of the data of a node timer to be able to read it
11:15 celeron55 it isn't written in the data itself
11:15 celeron55 s/read it/skip it
11:16 Nemo08 it compressed?
11:16 celeron55 i'll just modify it to something i like
12:27 celeron55
12:33 celeron55 oh shi-
12:34 celeron55 i think doors break with some version now
12:34 celeron55 i think not with 0.4.0/1 but something after them
12:37 celeron55 hmm, they don't seem to break server-side
12:37 celeron55 the client just shows them wrong if you click them
12:38 celeron55 ehm... wtf
12:39 jordach what is exactly wrong with them?
12:40 celeron55 they are very buggy
12:46 celeron55 ...bisect time
13:15 celeron55 what the fuck?!
13:15 celeron55
13:17 celeron55 darkrose: ^
13:19 darkrose heh, oops
13:22 celeron55 that didn't fix anything though
13:31 celeron55 HA
13:31 celeron55 u32 MapNode::serializedLength(u8 version)
13:31 celeron55 applies to single nodes serialized
13:37 celeron55
13:38 darkrose love the commit message :D
15:14 celeron55 hmm, dye and wool mod ready
15:15 jordach is the node prefix wool: ?
15:15 celeron55 wool.
15:15 jordach thanks
15:17 celeron55 i don't use any longer-than-needed or more-obscure-than-needed mod names in upstream
15:17 celeron55 people should prefix their mods with something if they don't want collisions
15:17 jordach mines cotton: so we are safe
15:17 celeron55 as everybody probably understands
15:18 jordach i know
15:35 celeron55 that is why generally enterprisey packaging systems put a vendor name as the first namespace
15:35 celeron55 it isn't because "WE DID IT" 8)
15:39 * VanessaE wanders in
15:39 VanessaE (saw the paste, reading it over now)
15:42 VanessaE seems okay
15:42 VanessaE not sure about the magenta entry (line 54) but the rest looks reasonable.
15:44 celeron55 how can you be not sure about it? you know where the colors are based, and based on it there is nothing unreasonable in anything it contains
15:45 VanessaE only because I went with the HSV definition of magenta (300 degrees on the color wheel, exactly midway between blue and red)
15:45 VanessaE just a different definition of the word, that's all.
15:46 celeron55 ehm... what?
15:46 VanessaE you match it to "red violet" :-)
15:48 celeron55 it's just fine
15:48 VanessaE ok
15:48 jordach not this again. it was fine when i checked it.
15:49 celeron55 i am wondering if i should make user-added mods of the same name have a priority over in-game ones
15:50 celeron55 currently it goes exactly the other way, which also has it's reasons
15:50 celeron55 i think i'll not touch that
15:50 jordach no, it would be better if the in-built were higher priority, because if one (mod version) over-writes another colour, then we have a problem
15:52 celeron55 it kind of is up to the mod if it wants to override things, but on the other hand if that would become a common practice, all inter-mod compatibility would be lost
15:53 celeron55 i'm trusting the order i and kahrl set up back then 8)
15:55 darkrose user-mod crafts override game-mod crafts, but the inverse happens with nodes?
15:55 jordach yes, id 50/50 this, suggest that you can change the defs, but can also use the default colour defs
15:56 celeron55 i am not talking about colors
15:56 celeron55 i am talking about things in general
15:56 jordach ah
15:57 celeron55 can you override crafts with mods?
15:57 celeron55 i am in the belief that the first recipe always takes precedence
15:57 celeron55 but i don't know
15:57 darkrose sort of, if 2 recipes exist with different outputs, the last recipe is used
15:58 celeron55 oh i see
15:58 darkrose that's how it looked when I was working out how to do the get_craft_recipe anyway
15:58 celeron55 i just browsed to the code that iterates over recipes and it indeed does that
15:58 celeron55 it's made by the wise man, kahrl 8)
15:59 celeron55 aaaanyway, so that is well
17:18 EdB joined #minetest-dev
18:36 saschaheylik joined #minetest-dev
20:17 saschaheylik joined #minetest-dev
20:49 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
21:14 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
21:49 celeron55 ugh... i need to modify the way the node metadata inventory callbacks work
21:49 celeron55 they don't allow resolving moves between different kinds of inventories
21:50 celeron55 if the engine is to check whether a move is allowed and what is the maximum item count allowd, it needs to get those limits from both, and then do the move, and then report to both inventories of what it decided to do based on the limits
21:50 celeron55 the node metadata inventory callbacks currently don't allow that; they work like "do this if you can, give back items that you reject"
21:50 celeron55 which just doesn't work
21:50 celeron55 because the source inventory may not want to take them back
21:52 VanessaE would that be why chests sometimes destroy/delete an item when you try to swap one with another?
21:53 celeron55 ummmm
21:53 celeron55 dunno
21:53 VanessaE *shrug* just curios.
21:53 celeron55 but this system sucks, i will replace it with a sane one
21:53 celeron55 happily it is just the callbacks, nothing persistent
21:59 VanessaE curious*
22:00 VanessaE well have fun :-)
23:39 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
23:40 celeron55 pushed

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