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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-08-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
03:16 saschaheylik joined #minetest-dev
04:57 Bad_Command joined #minetest-dev
06:05 VanessaE celeron55: are you available?
06:05 sfan5 what do you want to ask?
06:05 VanessaE well, you are aware of the allfaces draw type right?
06:06 VanessaE it ain't actually all faces, and it only accepts one texture.
06:06 sfan5 (one_texture_on)allfaces
06:07 VanessaE *nod* so I found out
06:07 VanessaE the hidden face removal code still operates on the allfaces draw type, even though it's apparently not supposed to.
06:07 VanessaE (regardless of how many textures the drawtype can accept)
06:14 sfan5 ...
06:14 sfan5 we definetly need to change the forum rules for download sites
06:14 VanessaE ?
06:16 sfan5 i don't like it if I must enter a captcha / register an account / wait 30 secs
06:18 VanessaE agreed
06:23 sfan5 i would at least forbid sites that require registration
06:24 darkrose set up an ftp site, and just move packages to it when a mod gets put in releases
06:30 sfan5 should the mods do that?
06:30 sfan5 the users can make a dropbox account themselves
06:31 sfan5 ...
06:31 sfan5 there could be a webspace where everyone could upload files related to minetest
06:31 celeron55 i think not putting stuff behind a registration is common sense
06:42 sfan5 what about an upload site for minetest related files?
06:43 celeron55 how can you tell the files are related to minetest and not child porn?
06:43 sfan5 6
06:44 sfan5 ...
06:45 sfan5 you can't but if anyone notices, he/she clicks the report button
06:46 sfan5 thats how mediafire does it too
06:46 Bad_Command Child porn is a huge can of worms, way bigger than a report button.  I recommend just tossing in another rule; releases are already segregated so it should not be any more burdensome to manage.
06:47 VanessaE won't work - in some jurisdictions, even having it, without you being aware, is enough to get thrown in jail
06:48 Bad_Command You can't view it to verify if it is child porn
06:48 celeron55 if somebody is going to set up a service like that, i bet it is thexyz, so let's just ask if he wants to try
06:48 Bad_Command You are often legally obliged to report it
06:48 Bad_Command And they may well decide to take the whole server as evidence
06:48 VanessaE celeron55: I dunno, xyz's been a little bit irritable lately.  you sure you wanna do that? ;-)
06:49 sfan5 [50% related] i can code php, html and js [/50% unrelated]
06:49 celeron55 i don't think he will mind if celeron55 ask something once in two month
06:49 celeron55 +s
06:49 VanessaE true.
06:49 celeron55 +s
07:56 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
08:01 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
08:02 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:34 saschaheylik joined #minetest-dev
09:03 BloodyFire joined #minetest-dev
10:09 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
10:44 thexyz so, you mean, make (semi-) public FTP server for mod authors?
10:45 celeron55 that is what was suggested; dunno if it is viable
10:46 celeron55 the people who put their files in places requiring registration or 30 second wait times aren't likely to know how to use plain FTP though; it'd likely need a web interface
10:47 thexyz that can be some ftp web client
10:47 celeron55 i could add file upload capability to the forum but i don't really trust any of those plugins and also otherwise it'd cause more trouble than good
10:47 thexyz i'll try to set this up
10:48 VanessaE too bad more people don't understand git :-/
11:34 saschaheylik you could make a gui for it that uses git
11:35 saschaheylik "modstore"
11:37 celeron55 i'd love to try such, but i won't have the time and motivation i a good while,
11:37 celeron55 -,
11:37 celeron55 web development sucks
11:38 celeron55 and GUI development
11:42 thexyz i think ftp server will be enough
11:42 thexyz at least, for some time
11:43 saschaheylik not in a full game
11:50 Calinou saschaheylik, see what jeija made ;)
11:50 Calinou he made a mod (C++) with some mod list
11:50 saschaheylik link?
11:51 Calinou
12:06 saschaheylik can you tell me where the other player figures/mobs are drawn?
12:06 saschaheylik cant find it
13:06 celeron55
13:08 Calinou haha nice
13:08 Calinou relevant:
13:08 Calinou the "year-day-month" thingie isn't correct, most people in the US use YYYY-MM-DD
13:09 Calinou and in europe/etc, some use DD-MM-YYYY, some MM-DD-YYYY (why?)
13:11 celeron55 as far as i know, generally nobody except programmers use yyyy-mm-dd
13:11 celeron55 in finland the traditional way of writing dates is; and that is the one that is used _instead of_ stuff like "20th february 2011"
13:12 celeron55 stuff which is completely horrible
13:14 celeron55 ...actually d.m.y, but anyway
13:16 Calinou I readded the issue about the textures here:
13:16 Calinou with new gravel... can you review them and add them maybe please?
13:16 Calinou the current brick is horrible ;)
14:37 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:26 EdB joined #minetest-dev
17:35 Bad_Command joined #minetest-dev
17:53 thexyz should that look like this?
18:00 VanessaE as long as the .html file buried under there is what the user will see, sure.
18:00 VanessaE but they'll need a proper drop-down list or so when browsing mods to download I think.
18:01 thexyz why?
18:01 thexyz that's just a file hosting
18:01 thexyz so user can give direct link to his mod in forum topic
18:01 VanessaE mm, I guess so
18:02 VanessaE it's just that the average umb user isn't going to understand how to *upload* their stuff, so they should really never see the bare ftp page in practice
18:02 VanessaE dumb*
18:02 VanessaE the dir/file layout looks good though
18:03 thexyz average user != mod maker
18:03 VanessaE you sure about that?
18:03 thexyz anyway, i am going to upload here some web-based ftp client
18:03 VanessaE look on the forums, there's some people modding that still seem like they couldn't find their tuchus with both hands and a map :-)
18:06 thexyz hmm... i think they'll be still capable of logging into web ftp client & uploading files
18:08 darkrose you're forgetting the rules:
18:08 VanessaE oh probably
18:08 VanessaE hah
18:09 thexyz
18:09 thexyz anyway, c55 asked me to do it ;)
18:09 thexyz so here it is
18:10 VanessaE thexyz: imho, this will not work. users are gonna be like "What is passive mode?"  "do I need ssl"  listing on the right = tl;dr
18:11 thexyz let's see
18:12 thexyz btw, now i need somebody to create topic describing all that shit
18:13 thexyz so i can give logins&passwords to users
18:14 VanessaE prhaps login&pass should be tied to the user's forum account?
18:14 thexyz how could that be implemented?
18:14 thexyz also, i don't plan to give access to everybody
18:14 VanessaE I wouldn't know - behind-the-scenes code isn't something I'm particularly good at
18:15 thexyz only to people that i can trust
18:15 thexyz firstly i need to know if celeron55 accepts that as solution for hosting mods
18:16 thexyz btw, VanessaE, where should i send you your password?
18:16 VanessaE if you're so inclined, it's - but I don't need it, I use github and my website :-)
18:17 thexyz hm.. so you don't need it
18:30 celeron55 i think others know better what is useful; i am not that much into the general modding scene
18:31 sfan5 thexyz: i want a password too
18:32 celeron55 so umm... that is going to work so that the moderators will upload stuff to there and link on the forum?
18:32 celeron55 that sounds quite not handy
18:32 sfan5 yes
18:33 thexyz celeron55: i'm planning to give ftp logins to modmakers
18:33 sfan5 idea: if user abc releases a mod and the thread gets moved, he'll get an ftp account and is not allowed to use other download sites
18:33 thexyz everybody has access only to his personal folder
18:33 thexyz sfan5: how should i send you password? pm me your email
18:33 sfan5 you could send it via forum...
18:33 sfan5 nvm
18:34 celeron55 that means there needs to be means for the moderators to create accounts for modders, otherwise you'll have to do all by yourself and i bet you don't want that
18:35 thexyz that's not such a problem for me
18:35 celeron55 the problem that VanessaE and sfan5 seem to want to solve is that some modders end up using upload services that require either silly wait times or registration for downloading
18:36 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
18:36 VanessaE celeron55: well I don't think there's a lot to solve really - ompldr, github, dropbox all seem to work nicely
18:36 VanessaE no sign-ups, captchas, etc
18:36 VanessaE (at least to download anyway)
18:37 VanessaE But I agree with sfan5 that there at least needs to be a forum rule dictating such, perhaps with a recommended list of file locker services etc.
18:38 sfan5 +1
18:40 thexyz VanessaE: i don't think that my ftp hosting should be the only option to host mods
18:40 thexyz that's just an _option_
18:40 VanessaE fair enough
18:40 thexyz without any limits, etc..
19:01 thexyz should that rule be appended to ?
19:02 VanessaE yes
19:02 VanessaE Post must contain at least:  [...]  * Download link - a .zip file, containing the mod folder(s) (not only the contents of it/them)     <-- maybe change that
19:02 thexyz so, files should be directly accessible via wget/curl?
19:02 VanessaE absolutely
19:03 VanessaE well, if at all possible anyway
19:03 thexyz also, zip should contain folder named "modname"
19:03 thexyz how can that be impossible?
19:03 VanessaE none of this web 0.2 shit where you have to jump through 10 layers or redirects, scripts, etc to get to the actual file
19:04 sfan5 VanessaE: s/0.2/2.0/
19:04 VanessaE sfan5: no, I mean web 0.2
19:04 VanessaE as in 2.0 sometimes seems like it was a backwards step
19:05 sfan5 lol
19:05 celeron55 i won't make that strict rules
19:05 thexyz plus a note like "you can contact xyz to get ftp account at" maybe?
19:05 thexyz celeron55: which one is too strict?
19:06 celeron55 i hate that redirect stuff, but i will not disallow it, or anything else
19:06 celeron55 i can recommend something thoguh
19:06 celeron55 though*
19:06 sfan5 thexyz: what about giving forum mods ftp admin privs too?
19:06 thexyz i'll think about it
19:06 celeron55 i have chosen to be very liberal with the forum, and i stick with it
19:06 sfan5 ok
19:08 VanessaE celeron55: I mean stupid sites that won't expose the direct URL to the file and which do stupid shit like blocking you or directing you to a generic landing page if you di figure out the direct link
19:09 thexyz the worst thing is that those uploading sites often delete files after some time of inactivity
19:09 sfan5 you're rigt
19:09 sfan5 *right
19:09 VanessaE agreed
19:10 sfan5 you sound stupid if you post "remind me after 30 days to upload the mod again"
19:10 celeron55 as if i didn't know all of that
19:10 thexyz then what's the reason of not adding such rule?
19:11 celeron55 anyway, i think a reasonable thing to do is to link to a few good services on the guidelines as a recommendation
19:12 celeron55 i won't add such a rule because it's too arbitrary and because people will generally want to have their thing easily available; you don't need to *force* them to do that
19:12 celeron55 they just don't know how to do it
19:26 GTRsdk joined #minetest-dev
19:56 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
21:25 BloodyFire joined #minetest-dev
23:49 BloodyFire joined #minetest-dev

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