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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-10-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:44 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
02:14 Octupus_ joined #minetest-dev
05:01 hmmmm should WATER_LEVEL really be a constant?
05:02 hmmmm hrmm
05:02 hmmmm i guess i'll use WATER_LEVEL and replace it with g_water_level or something later on
05:03 hmmmm I want it really to be a member of a Mapgen object, but it's used in server.cpp and farmesh.cpp too
05:04 hmmmm server for finding the spawn pos, that can be easily remedied, and Farmesh for some farmesh stuff.  farmesh is quite useless.
05:17 OldCoder All developers: I am accepting MT server or client patches in diff -ruN format.
05:17 OldCoder This is not quite a fork. I will try to remain synchronized with upstream and possibly some of the forks.
05:40 EdB joined #minetest-dev
06:09 EdB joined #minetest-dev
06:20 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
06:39 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
08:40 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
08:41 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
09:10 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
09:37 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
12:11 EdB_ joined #minetest-dev
12:11 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
14:35 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:28 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:46 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:39 hmmmm A future enhancement, I think it'd be way better if textures were externally stored in one big image and cut while being loaded
17:40 hmmmm it'd be faster of course because less filesystem work
17:40 hmmmm also faster transmission over the network because there's the potential for a png to compress better if it had more information to compress
17:40 Calinou suddenly: mods
17:40 hmmmm of course, there will be some utilities to coalese/extract/set the images
17:40 Calinou suddenly: texture packs have to be remade
17:41 hmmmm calinou, the beauty of this is that a texture pack now only consists of a single .png image
17:42 thexyz that can be done by server once at startup
17:42 hmmmm the coalese? sure
17:42 hmmmm but the client still needs to cut it
18:03 Calinou hmmmm: I said: "mods"
18:04 Calinou <hmmmm> also faster transmission over the network because there's the potential for a png to compress better if it had more information to compress
18:04 Calinou not if it's not "8-bit able"
18:04 Calinou a full set of textures is rarely 8-bit-able
18:04 Calinou a single 16x16 texture always is :P
18:04 hmmmm huh?
18:04 Calinou and not all of them would require an alpha layer
18:04 hmmmm WTF is "8 bit able"
18:04 Calinou tried optipng?
18:04 hmmmm no idea what that is
18:04 Calinou if a texture has < 256 colors, it can be turned to 8 bit color
18:04 Calinou > less size
18:05 hmmmm you mean 8 bit color palette
18:07 hmmmm alright, you made your case
18:07 hmmmm i personally just think it's messier with all these texture files, and you can't deny that it takes longer to load from disk
18:11 Calinou remember: what if a mod needs a lot of textures... hardware texture size might be reached
18:11 Calinou especially with HD textures
18:12 Calinou old GPUs have 4096 limit, today's have 16384 limit
18:12 Calinou or 8192
18:14 hmmmm you'd make a texture out of the chopped up images, not the entire texture image
18:14 hmmmm besides, 16384 what?
18:15 Calinou pixels :P
18:15 hmmmm usually 3d engines will have an 'x, y, width, height' version of load_texture so you can do exactly this except even more easily
18:15 hmmmm idk if irrlicht does
18:15 Calinou I think individual textures are better for moddability too
18:16 Calinou less bitchiness when there are missing textures
18:16 Calinou I bet you want to make one "texture sheet" per mod?
18:16 Calinou you'd have to specify the locations of textures by hand too in the mods
18:16 Calinou :|
18:16 hmmmm alright well here's the problem
18:16 hmmmm mods are messy
18:17 hmmmm at the very least somebody ought to make a script to register changes in default textures
18:17 hmmmm well the script would take care of the entire mod "installation" and "deinstallation" process
18:17 hmmmm rename the original textures, move them somewhere, put in the new textures from the mod, have a file that tracks which mods changed what to what
18:19 Calinou too complicated, IMO, the current way mods work is just fine, the only thing I don't like is the over-zealousness of mod folder names, they must be named correctly but there's no enforcement for modpack names...
18:19 Calinou I call INCONSISTENCY
18:32 OldCoder
18:33 OldCoder Windows clients updated today. I wish to build Linux clients now. I have done so often but have a question...
18:33 OldCoder Can anybody tell me how to make a deb that forces installs of dependencies? I can make a deb but it doesn't do that.
18:34 hmmmm that has nothing to do with engine development, take it to #minetest-delta
18:34 sfan5 OldCoder: change the control file of your .deb
18:39 OldCoder sfan5, Obviously. The question is how. I lack the time to learn Debian intricacies. But ty.
18:40 sfan5 OldCoder: "Depends:libirrlicht,abcde" should do it
18:40 OldCoder I have lines like that. They don't force automatic installs. Thank you and I'll research the matter further.
18:41 thexyz OldCoder: did you read the channel /topic?
18:41 OldCoder I thought I was told the topic elsewhere. Hold on.
18:41 OldCoder Core. Packaging is not considered core, then?
18:42 OldCoder If not, fine. This was not clear to me.
18:43 hmmmm PLEASE go away.
18:43 OldCoder I'll raise a definite core issue in a few minutes. That one is interesting and possibly fun. Be back in a bit.
18:56 OldCoder Question about core. I'd like to give every player their own avatar. I've got a good character in my worlds but we need more than one. content_sao.cpp IIRC chooses player.png. Can nick be retrieved in that code? If so I may try to do the following:
18:56 OldCoder nick = getnicksomehow();
18:56 OldCoder usepng = "player.png";
18:56 OldCoder altpng = sprintf whatever player_%s.png, nick
18:56 OldCoder if (fileexists (altpng)) usepng = altpng;
18:57 OldCoder If this works, then we can have dragons and warriors and nekos and not just one minetoons kid
18:57 OldCoder Opinions Oh Core Devs?
18:57 OldCoder :-)
18:58 hmmmm it's simple, but useless because we plan to put in 3d models for players some time soon
19:09 thexyz hmmmm: i thought he ignored you
19:09 thexyz OldCoder: that could be done by a mod, afaik
19:10 sfan5 thexyz: can mods change the player image?
19:11 hmmmm thexyz, he still did?  ignoring people over irc is not a good solution because you miss out on context in conversations
19:11 thexyz hmmmm: dunno
19:11 hmmmm i don't really understand why he ignored me in the first place anyway
19:11 hmmmm he's being pretty childish.
19:12 thexyz sfan5: at least, for some time there was a mod included in minimal which repeatedly swapped player's sprite with cube and vice versa
19:13 sfan5 right
19:14 OldCoder thexyz, sfan5 I believe they can
19:14 OldCoder But FWIW this looks like about just 10 lines of C code
19:19 OldCoder thexyz, sfan5 Do any copies of the old mod exist?
19:19 OldCoder I count that as a "core" question because I am considering changes to content_sao.cpp
19:20 thexyz if that could be made as a mod, that should be made as a mod
19:25 OldCoder thexyz, I agree
19:26 OldCoder Hence the question but perhaps not appropriate for the core dev channel; does anybody recall the name of the old mod?
19:26 sfan5 OldCoder, thexyz:
19:26 OldCoder sfan5, I thank you
19:26 hmmmm also, OldCoder talks way too much
19:27 sfan5 if it can change the drawtype it should be able to change the image
19:27 OldCoder Yes
19:27 OldCoder But it may be simpler just to override player.png at startup time
19:27 OldCoder and player_back.png
19:40 sfan5 umm
19:44 OldCoder It's fine; this will work out over time
19:44 OldCoder Though it would be fun to be able to say /me dragon at runtime :-)

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