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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-11-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:03 hmmmm home from school
01:03 hmmmm now... back to work
01:04 hmmmm so what i ended up doing was having emergeBlock optionally generate a blank block (filled with CONTENT_IGNORE) and the emerge thread already takes care of the case where isGenerated() == false
01:05 hmmmm i believe this is the optimal solution because it fits in the nicest with the rest of the code
01:14 * VanessaE peeks in
01:43 celeron55
01:43 celeron55 buggy as hell
01:43 celeron55 it does work sometimes though, i haven't yet undersood which times
01:44 celeron55 +t
01:44 celeron55 somebody could set up a server with the ambience mod and see how it loads
01:45 celeron55 it seems to work for me if i remove something from the cache prior to running; which doesn't make any sense, but anyway
01:45 celeron55 otherwise no mapblocks will transfer at all
01:45 celeron55 ...
01:45 RealBadAngel i will try
03:26 RealBadAngel we have compiled it, made a server and wasnt even able to connect
03:27 RealBadAngel server is runnin on 30030
04:15 doserj joined #minetest-dev
04:42 hmmmm man, GetNextBlocks still calculates the client's view area
04:43 hmmmm whatever happened to that guy who was supposed to move that calculation out into the client?  wasn't he basically finished with that task?  why isn't it merged?
05:47 doserj joined #minetest-dev
06:06 celeron55 hmmmm: basically he didn't even remotely finish it
06:06 celeron55 hmmmm: i have worked on it (and my work can be found from my repo), but it still has problems
06:16 celeron55 but indeed combinin that with this could be full of win
06:16 celeron55 +g
06:32 hmmmm err... he looked like he did a lot with it.  and from what i understand all that had to be done was to move some code around and add a field to the request blocks packet
06:33 hmmmm what are the problems exactly?  like bugs, or design flaws?
07:10 celeron55 well, i basically made 5 commits worth of fixes, tweaking and further development, and then ran a test on a server with thexyz and somebody
07:10 celeron55 it kind of worked, but had some odd pauses in transferring and didn't overally perform better than what there currnently is
07:11 celeron55 i don't remember if i was able to figure out at all what the problems were
07:14 celeron55 (as of how he left it, it was completely unusable)
07:15 celeron55 (a good start though)
08:00 celeron55 i tried to merge these; i've now got a funny problem of the new draw code now trying to access blocks that haven't been already loaded and the client_requests_blocks_2 code requiring it for deciding what to request
08:00 celeron55 8D
08:00 celeron55 not trying to access*
08:03 celeron55 well, this is fixable
08:07 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:20 celeron55
08:20 celeron55 works quite well
08:24 saschaheylik joined #minetest-dev
08:33 celeron55 i'll put this on my server with the ambience mod for testing
08:40 celeron55 apparently the server screws something up
08:59 celeron55 i guess it's because i left proper handling of send() out 8)
09:01 celeron55 hmm, actually no, it's not
09:20 celeron55 oh cool, now it works to some extent
09:21 celeron55 it just oddly times out while sending if i put in the ambience mod...
10:00 celeron55 great success \:D/
10:00 celeron55 it's a hack but works almost perfectly now
10:02 celeron55 ...except when it doesn't
10:04 celeron55
10:07 celeron55 ehm... well yeah, it's still useless
10:08 celeron55 it jams randomly
10:54 celeron55 it probably needs a more thorough redesign if somebody is to make it work without exploding their brain
10:55 celeron55 something along the lines of making TCP the primary thing and UDP a secondary thing; currently it just pops up the TCP connection on the side after it knows the peer id and routes stuff through it that was asked to be transferred reliably
13:09 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
13:17 celeron55 one thing i'd be eager to do is add an interface to the built-in TCP socket in Lua 8) it could be used for lots of weird things
13:17 celeron55 not sure if for anything useful though
13:52 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
14:08 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:08 ecube joined #minetest-dev
14:44 doserj joined #minetest-dev
15:08 doserj joined #minetest-dev
15:22 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
15:45 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:56 celeron55 urgh... yeah, i can't understand at all why and how this gets stuck
15:57 * celeron55 appends network rework on an imaginary infinite to-do list
16:38 Calinou echo "network rework" >> /home/celeron55/TODO
16:38 Calinou du -h /home/celeron55/TODO
16:39 Calinou 2,9M TODO
16:39 celeron55 over 9000
16:57 sstrandberg joined #minetest-dev
18:57 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
19:18 hmmmm did you try looking at it in a packet logger yet...?
20:36 rubenwardy left #minetest-dev
21:41 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
22:03 hmmmm oh wow
22:03 hmmmm i want to be able to put images on signs
22:03 hmmmm that would be AWESOME
22:05 hmmmm i'll have to do that after i'm finished with this
22:05 hmmmm the armor bar thing can wait

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