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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-12-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:40 thexyz joined #minetest-dev
01:59 Taoki|away joined #minetest-dev
01:59 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
02:03 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
02:04 thexyz joined #minetest-dev
02:05 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:08 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:21 kotolegokot joined #minetest-dev
09:44 jin_xi Hey Taoki
09:44 Taoki hi
10:17 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:17 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:55 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
13:06 VanessaE celeron55_:   <-- delete this?
13:06 VanessaE this would be illegal in my country but I can't speak for yours.
13:08 darkrose why would that be illegal?
13:09 VanessaE in the US it would be seen as advocating drug use, could get the whole site pulled down.
13:09 VanessaE they do that shit here these days
13:10 VanessaE (if it were based here I mean)
13:12 darkrose right... land of the free (to do what you're told)
13:13 darkrose would be fine here, as long as it isn't a front-end for the actual sale, creation, or transport of drugs... so meh
13:13 VanessaE right
13:14 VanessaE Land of the fees, home of the depraved. :-)
13:14 darkrose :D
13:19 realbadangel_ joined #minetest-dev
13:19 realbadangel_ hi
13:20 realbadangel_ im doing L-Systems plant generation right now
13:20 realbadangel_ for trees
13:20 realbadangel_ already have some code done
13:20 jin_xi nice
13:20 realbadangel_ got implemented stacks, matrices library in LUA
13:21 realbadangel_ what i dont have are matrix4f, rotations etc
13:21 realbadangel_ i started to wonder if i could do the generation straight in c++
13:22 realbadangel_ engine already has all the needed methods
13:22 realbadangel_ and it could be WAY faster
13:24 realbadangel_ atm im at this point: in LUA:
13:24 realbadangel_ this part generates axioms
13:24 realbadangel_ now im about to go for this (its in Java)
13:25 realbadangel_
13:26 realbadangel_ that part actually draws the generated tree. and uses matrix4f methods, not aviable in LUA but present already in the engine
14:13 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:17 PilzAdam
14:17 PilzAdam people in #minetest like this so I guess I will merge it
16:03 thexyz VanessaE: in Russia one site was blocked (yeah, great russian firewall) because it contained eve online drugs guide
16:04 celeron55_ VanessaE: umm hmm
16:06 thexyz as server is located in germany we should conform german laws
16:07 thexyz it's probably better to ask  PilzAdam as he lives in this country, afaik
16:07 PilzAdam yea, I live in germany but I dunno about this
16:08 celeron55_ can't you buy and sell drugs in, say, some of the GTA games?
16:09 celeron55_
16:09 celeron55_ afaik that's sold and played in germany too
16:09 PilzAdam but its USK 16
16:10 celeron55_ well, just write to that mod that the mod is USK 16 or whatever
16:10 thexyz just put 18+ sign at the top of the whole site ^^
16:10 celeron55_ altough... i don't know if the law requires some silly forced age question to be asked from the user
16:11 PilzAdam this USK thing aplies only for selling things
16:12 celeron55_ let's call it digital drug education and be done with it
16:12 celeron55_ if somebody asks about it
16:12 celeron55_ as long as that thread doesn't become a flamewar of some kind, i think it's harmless
16:12 PilzAdam personally i would like to delete it, though
16:13 celeron55_ i do not think hiding the concept of intoxicant drugs does any good to anyone
16:14 celeron55_ let's not move it to mod releases though
16:14 celeron55_ the mod mod releases section is a bit too official currently
16:15 celeron55_ -mod
16:15 thexyz why not move?
16:15 thexyz i won't call mod releases "official", especially after thise threads with animal gore and stuff
16:16 celeron55_ ehm... well, write to it that the mod is solely for educational purposes and does not intend to promote illegal drug use
16:16 celeron55_ it'll be just fine 8)
16:19 celeron55_ we have no reason to embrace any kind of censorship, but it's reasonable to be wary about this kind of stuff
16:20 thexyz btw, anything else about my curl patch? do you allow me to merge it?
16:20 celeron55_ i'm too tired to make decisions
16:21 celeron55_ if you think you can personally take the possible shitstorm of it breaking something, do it
16:23 thexyz fine, will merge then
16:23 thexyz shitstorms are fun
16:24 celeron55_ shitstorms are fun unless they are about corrupted persistent storage
16:24 celeron55_ that is the rule here
16:25 thexyz well, that one can't break anything like that
16:26 celeron55_ also, shitstorms aren't fun if you want to eg. sleep rather than fix things
16:33 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
16:44 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
17:26 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest-dev
18:39 PilzAdam thexyz, cant create a singleplayer game: /home/adam/Minetest/minetest/src/client.cpp:1691: void Client::ProcessData(irr::u8*, irr::u32, irr::u16): Assertion '!m_mesh_update_thread.IsRunning()' failed.
18:42 PilzAdam just checked: its definetly your curl commit
18:44 PilzAdam it also crashes if I compile with -DENABLE_CURL=0
18:44 thexyz crashes?
18:44 thexyz well, I'll remove it then
18:45 thexyz and forcepush
18:46 thexyz done
18:46 Calinou what happens when you use gentoo ^
18:47 thexyz PilzAdam: it doesn't for me, though
18:48 thexyz oh, wait..
19:02 celeron55 looks like you're having fun now? 8)
19:02 thexyz for sure
19:03 Polaque joined #minetest-dev
19:03 Polaque Hello
19:03 thexyz i've removed that commit though
19:03 thexyz will ask somebody more experienced to review next time
19:04 thexyz PilzAdam: can you please pm me crash log (with -DENABLE_CURL=0)
19:06 thexyz seems like it's not a good idea to write something to infostream from thread
19:07 thexyz PilzAdam: can you test this one now?
19:08 Polaque i have problem with compiled from github version. I can't load any maps in minetest_game because game crashed with: void Client::ProcessData(irr::u8*, irr::u32, irr::u16): Assertion '!m_mesh_update_thread.IsRunning()' failed.  info
19:08 PilzAdam Polaque, thats what we are currently try to fix
19:09 PilzAdam the commit was reverted, repull the repo
19:09 thexyz Polaque: yeah, I'm sorry for this one
19:14 Polaque_ joined #minetest-dev
19:14 Polaque_ Pls kick Polaque
19:14 Polaque was kicked by thexyz: Polaque
19:15 thexyz next time use nickserv ghost command
19:16 Polaque_ revert version not work. Stopped for load two teksture
19:16 thexyz reverted one works
19:18 Polaque_ but problem is in main repo or mintest_game ?
19:19 thexyz the problem with m_mesh_update_thread was caused by commit in main repo
19:19 PilzAdam the problem was in c55/minetest
19:20 thexyz joined #minetest-dev
19:21 thexyz left #minetest-dev
19:23 thexyz joined #minetest-dev
19:23 thexyz darkrose: can you please review this one
19:45 PilzAdam_ joined #minetest-dev
19:49 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
20:21 Polaque joined #minetest-dev
20:21 Polaque Heloo again
20:26 Polaque Why minetest me work only after reboot pc, freeze and next not work (with other GL Application/Games) ?
20:27 hmmmm sounds like a #minetest problem
20:28 Polaque This problem is only with dev version when he is instaled without stable (Linux)
20:29 hmmmm sounds like an irrlicht problem
20:34 Polaque But today work good (only map no dynamic load textures and game created limited zone apter install some mods [ mobs, animals, ufo, mobf] )
20:34 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
20:34 Polaque *after
20:34 thexyz nice to know that
20:37 Polaque How repair this failure map?
21:01 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
21:56 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
22:26 RagnarLaud joined #minetest-dev
22:26 RagnarLaud Hi
22:26 RagnarLaud Hi
22:29 RagnarLaud was kicked by thexyz: RagnarLaud
23:22 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
23:25 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev

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