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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-12-30

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Time Nick Message
01:34 RealBadAngel hi all
01:34 PilzAdam hey
02:36 VanessaE Since PilzAdam is being stubborn as a mule, can someone take a look at a pull request for minetest_game later if I or sdzen make one?  We want to make the in-game dyes actually work, and add some way to craft wool, even the recipe is somewhat nonsensical for now.
02:48 VanessaE actually sdzen already did, and closed it.  Still worth looking at.
02:55 RealBadAngel can anybody merge this change to formspec?
02:55 RealBadAngel i would like to proceed on formspec with some bug fixes
02:59 RealBadAngel thexyz, i could disable default trees but its not needed in fact, hmmm's mapgen will have plants definitions for each biome
03:59 hmmmm well DecorationDef is going to come after i get mapgen v7 looking nice, which has a higher priority
04:00 hmmmm for now, I guess what can be done is a quick-and-dirty setting
04:02 RealBadAngel but still, its gonna be the right way to add biome's specific plants
04:05 hmmmm mmmm yes.... back to coding... i'm done with farcry for a bit
04:08 RealBadAngel ive posted today improved treegen
04:09 RealBadAngel i think its a final version of it
04:09 RealBadAngel added a way to randomize the look of trees
04:09 RealBadAngel and more branches definitions
04:11 RealBadAngel now i just started to code new water physics
06:07 Jeija joined #minetest-dev
07:10 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
07:48 thexyz RealBadAngel: your example doesn't work
07:48 thexyz it only spawns trunk, without leaves/apples
07:52 hmmmm *phew*
07:52 hmmmm okay, done with this
07:53 hmmmm the only 'problem' if you can call it that is that it cannot read non-POD classes
08:19 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:30 Jeija left #minetest-dev
08:32 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:22 RealBadAngel thexyz, i will fix the example, forgot bout it
09:23 RealBadAngel hi all
09:24 thexyz ok
09:25 thexyz i'll commit once you fix it
09:28 RealBadAngel fixed
09:31 RealBadAngel can you merge this one?
09:49 thexyz btw, RealBadAngel, next time read this
09:49 thexyz i've fixed your codestyle for that time..
09:50 RealBadAngel what was wrong?
09:50 thexyz make diff of and your commit and see yourself
09:56 RealBadAngel ok, i will
09:56 RealBadAngel what about Jeija's patch to formspec?
09:58 RealBadAngel i would like to work on that file, better it could be merged before
10:24 RealBadAngel thexyz, im lookin at the changes you made, you have also formatted c55's code not only mine
10:25 RealBadAngel in fact i was lookin at it to format mine the very same way
10:39 thexyz RealBadAngel: i only removed trailing whitespaces in c55's make_tree
10:40 RealBadAngel ok, i will pay more attention to formatting
10:40 RealBadAngel with time i think i will get used to it
10:41 RealBadAngel btw i dont think {} are needed if the if or for contens is just single liner
10:42 thexyz yeah, they aren't
10:43 RealBadAngel but you added them to leaves placing part
10:44 RealBadAngel nvm
10:44 RealBadAngel what about Jeija's patch?
10:44 thexyz RealBadAngel: line #?
10:45 thexyz hm, >Textarea connot be unpositioned
10:46 RealBadAngel thexyz, i said nvm ;) you actually fixed that
10:46 RealBadAngel is this a problem?
10:47 thexyz i'll test jeija's patch later
10:47 RealBadAngel im askin to merge this particular patch because i wont to fix some bug in that file
10:48 RealBadAngel *want
10:48 RealBadAngel dont wanna screw Jeija's one
10:49 thexyz it's not your problem but the ones who merges stuff (i.e. me)
10:49 RealBadAngel so ok, i will proceed with fixes
10:49 thexyz sure
10:50 RealBadAngel i will post it in half an hour or so
10:50 RealBadAngel its a bugfix for my own code, mauvebic asked for it
11:12 bnd joined #minetest-dev
11:30 dannydark joined #minetest-dev
11:37 dannydark Hi all, I've just pulled the latest upstream with the L-Systems treegen and It wouldn't compile on my Windows system because the way that the irr_v3d.h was being included in the treegen.cpp file.
11:37 dannydark I had to change it to look in the local directory too (i.e. I changed #include <irr_v3d.h> to #include "irr_v3d.h") and not  just the predefined header directories. Is it just MSVS being stupid again? or have other people had this?
11:39 dannydark I had no problem compiling it on my linux system, just on my windows desktop
11:44 dannydark hmm, It still seems to fail compiling because of some undefined identifiers. brb I will see whats failing
11:45 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
11:51 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
12:06 RealBadAngel i had no chance to compile it on windows, only linux here
12:07 dannydark yeah I've got it fixed now, its just the usual stupid issues MSVS likes to throw
12:07 RealBadAngel btw, if you would like to play with treegen:
12:08 dannydark I will get a patch ready in a minute or two just need to quickly go shop before it closes
12:08 RealBadAngel
12:08 dannydark nice thanks ^_^ will check it out when I get back
12:09 dannydark The issues where: round() is not part of math.h in MSVS so I've changed it to use myround and included the numeric.h file, M_PI was undeclared so I have also included the mathconstants header.
12:10 dannydark and finally line 284 was causing issues because of the use of "and" instead of "&&" :S
12:11 RealBadAngel hah, and somebody was askin why the heck i was defining PI
12:12 dannydark yeah haha just the usual rubbish MSVS likes to throw, anyway brb will post that patch once I get back
12:14 RealBadAngel anyway M_PI is used everywhere in the game
12:14 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
12:16 thexyz RealBadAngel: because you should
12:16 thexyz #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
12:16 thexyz #include <math.h>
12:16 thexyz i guess i should test it on windows next time before pushing to repo
12:17 RealBadAngel i cannot, no windows here
12:18 thexyz i'm not blaming you
12:18 RealBadAngel if so, why its workin on linux?
12:19 RealBadAngel round(), and, M_PI ?
12:19 RealBadAngel m$ sucks
12:20 thexyz well, >#include <irr_v3d.h> is actually your (and mine because I missed it) fault
12:20 RealBadAngel no its, not
12:20 RealBadAngel its copied from another game file
12:20 thexyz really?
12:20 PilzAdam not very important, but: its called Lua not LUA
12:21 thexyz xyz@xyz-pc ~/minetest/minetest/src $ grep -lr "#include <irr_v3d.h>"
12:21 thexyz treegen.cpp
12:21 thexyz PilzAdam: aww, who cares
12:21 thexyz RealBadAngel: it should be #include "irr_v3d.h"
12:21 thexyz will fix once dannydark sends me the patch
12:21 RealBadAngel ok, will remember
12:22 RealBadAngel hmmm, i could swear i just copied that include
12:23 RealBadAngel have no idea then how it came with <> instead of ""
12:23 thexyz #include "" is for local headers (minetest ones), #include <> is for global, like math.h, etc..
12:23 thexyz huh
12:24 RealBadAngel my fault then
12:26 RealBadAngel as for Lua i thought its an acronym
12:26 dannydark howdy, back I've just sent a pull request
12:26 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, your treegen mod is really fast
12:26 PilzAdam although I dont like the apple tree
12:26 RealBadAngel but c55 does ;)
12:27 dannydark PilzAdam: I personally like it :D its nice to see trees that aint so...square
12:27 RealBadAngel anyway, its just an example
12:27 RealBadAngel feel free to design trees of any shape now
12:27 PilzAdam I like this huge tree #2
12:28 RealBadAngel its an oak
12:29 PilzAdam FIXME: Meshbuffer ran out of indices
12:29 PilzAdam Too many vertices for 16bit index type, render artifacts may occur.
12:29 RealBadAngel yes
12:29 RealBadAngel thats a stuff that shall be fixed
12:29 RealBadAngel it hits not only the trees
12:31 RealBadAngel in general next meshbuffer shall be added
12:33 RealBadAngel
12:41 thexyz dannydark: pushed
12:41 dannydark nice thanks ^_^
12:41 RealBadAngel thx
12:41 RealBadAngel man learns whole life and dies stupid ;)
12:43 dannydark hehe ^_^, RealBadAngel's new treegen + hmmmm's new mapgen make generating worlds very fast :D
12:44 RealBadAngel you can play with replacing old trees on mapgen
12:44 RealBadAngel functions differs just by 1 letter
12:44 RealBadAngel and have same parameters
12:45 RealBadAngel just add tree_def to it
12:45 RealBadAngel with oak for example
12:45 dannydark yeah haha I've just started tweaking a few things now to see if I can get jungle trees back :D hehe, hmmmm's mapgen_v6 (at least the one I have) still generates jungles just it uses normal trees instead of jungle trees
12:45 RealBadAngel number of trees shall be changed too
12:46 RealBadAngel and area occupied by one tree
12:46 RealBadAngel i made so and have them generating on mapgen
12:46 RealBadAngel effect is just cool
12:47 RealBadAngel also some tweaks to cave gen are needed
12:47 RealBadAngel cave gen as is destroys lotsa stuff above ground
12:48 RealBadAngel its generating caves even above the ground
12:48 RealBadAngel from there comes floating dirt and trees above
12:49 RealBadAngel i can post that fix to the current mapgen if somebody wishes to
12:49 dannydark yeah definitely I really like your great oak tree's they remind me of the ones in Terasology which I really like it makes the game much more interesting, especially when you can easily spend several minutes chopping down a single tree instead of just a few seconds with the normal ones
12:50 dannydark yeah I applied that cavegen fix to hmmmm's mapgen (as I'm using that now instead of upstream mapgen)
12:50 RealBadAngel yup, hmmm applied my changes to the caves
12:51 dannydark but it would be nice to see the fix pushed upstream for the time being it will stop your oaks getting chopped on upstream clients
12:51 RealBadAngel hold on, gonna take a few minutes
12:51 dannydark yeah no rush ^_^
12:51 RealBadAngel hmm is goin to replace whole mapgen soon, so we can have it already here
12:52 RealBadAngel it makes also world gen faster anyway
12:52 dannydark yeah well thats what I'm using now, just thought it would be nice to have the fix upstream for people not using his mapgen branch
13:03 RealBadAngel compiling the changes, will post it soon
13:10 RealBadAngel
13:10 RealBadAngel the fix is posted
13:13 RealBadAngel thexyz, can you check it out?
13:14 thexyz fix codestyle firstly
13:16 RealBadAngel damn, that part wasnt mine, it was hmmm's
13:21 RealBadAngel thexyz, ok, removed spaces from there, added tabs, now it should look better. can you check?
13:21 thexyz
13:24 RealBadAngel yes, ive changed the formattin for avg_height #1362
13:24 RealBadAngel lines #1360-1361 are original ones
13:25 thexyz #1365 — spaces, you should use tabs
13:25 thexyz (same for comment at 1364)
13:26 RealBadAngel damm, i havent put them there and cannot see it
13:27 RealBadAngel
13:27 RealBadAngel here all looks perfect :(
13:28 RealBadAngel is there any tool out there to format sources?
13:28 RealBadAngel its pain in the ass
13:28 dannydark is geany converting tabs to spaces automatically? older versions of MSVS did this by default for some reason
13:29 dannydark so it could be the same with geany maybe
13:29 VanessaE that was my first thought also
13:29 RealBadAngel no that particular check was made by hmmm
13:29 RealBadAngel i just copied it and havent seen the spaces
13:30 dannydark you could try removing all indentation and re-adding the indentation with tabs, see if that fixes it
13:30 dannydark just for those lines
13:30 RealBadAngel its just idiotic to sit before screen and deleting EMPTY spaces to check whats there
13:31 RealBadAngel if its so important there should be a tool to automate this
13:31 dannydark where did you copy the changes from? pastebin? it could be that pastebin is converting them to spaces for display purposes maybe
13:31 RealBadAngel not sure now, propably yes
13:32 dannydark most IDE's have the option to do it automatically, so it might be worth having a look around the settings
13:32 RealBadAngel i will have to
13:33 RealBadAngel it costs more effort than its worth
13:33 dannydark yeah but onces its setup you won't have to worry about it again
13:33 dannydark as a short-term solution a quick google found this:
13:34 dannydark its got a regex in their for the search & replace to convert them to tabs
13:34 dannydark although I don't know if it works as I don't use Geany
13:35 dannydark also: might be relevant
13:35 RealBadAngel that works in other direction ;)
13:35 RealBadAngel replacin all tabs with spaces :)
13:35 dannydark oh yeah haha my bad ¬_¬ didn't notice lol
13:35 VanessaE doesn't Geany have a way to highlight all whitespace?
13:36 VanessaE maybe View->Editor->Show Whitespace by some quick google searches
13:36 RealBadAngel there are a few options (Strip Trailing Spaces)
13:37 RealBadAngel just checked that option
13:37 RealBadAngel lotsa red (changes) to the file
13:41 dannydark just installed Geany to have a look, you can do "view->editor->show whitespace" and "view->editor->indentation guide" that will show you if spaces or tabs are being using in your editor
13:42 dannydark also make sure your tab width is set to 4 in "Edit->Preferences->indentation" and that you have the type set to Tabs
13:43 dannydark although these are the default settings so not sure why its not applying then automatically for you
13:43 dannydark s/using/used
13:44 RealBadAngel dunno, anyway replaced all spaces with tabs and pulled
13:44 RealBadAngel thexyz, now its ok?
13:45 dannydark looks fine to me, although you might want to rebase and squash them into a single commit
13:46 RealBadAngel rebase doesnt work here
13:46 RealBadAngel says "Nothing to rebase"
13:46 dannydark
13:46 thexyz RealBadAngel:;postcount=2
13:46 dannydark ^ that might help
13:47 RealBadAngel
13:49 dannydark hmm, weird I've only ever done rebasing via git bash so not sure how to do it on whatever that is you're using sorry
13:51 dannydark oh also in geany I just noticed you can replace spaces with tabs by going to "Document->Replace spaces by tabs"
13:51 RealBadAngel yup i turned that on
13:52 RealBadAngel is somebody thinks coding with that is possible has a brain deformed
13:52 jin_xi huh?
13:53 RealBadAngel
13:53 RealBadAngel it hurts eyes
13:53 dannydark RealBadAngel: oh yeah you can turn that off
13:53 jin_xi can't it do something like gg=G or cleanup-buffer and fix that for you?
13:54 dannydark just make sure you run "Documents->Replace Spaces by Tabs" before you commit anything that should prevent it screwing up again I guess
13:54 dannydark infact you shouldn't even need to do that, maybe only when you copy paste in stuff from pastebin or some other site like that
13:55 RealBadAngel yeah, propably
13:55 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, heres an reabse:
13:55 RealBadAngel i just havent seen it
13:55 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, thx
13:57 thexyz RealBadAngel: disable LF
13:59 RealBadAngel a bit better
13:59 RealBadAngel at least now i can see tabs
13:59 RealBadAngel will have to get used to those grey arrows
14:00 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, reset your branch and merge my tree_rebase branch to have the squashed commit in the pull request
14:00 PilzAdam (or just point to my branch with a link in the description)
14:01 dannydark RealBadAngel: yeah I have them turned off on mine, made it harder to read the code. You can just enable/disable them when ever you need to double check the indentation although to be honest it should always be tabs so you probably won't even need todo that
14:07 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, I found a lava lake with dirt and sand under it in your cave gen
14:08 RealBadAngel its not my cave gen
14:08 RealBadAngel it does like this
14:09 RealBadAngel i removed only above ground bugs
14:09 RealBadAngel what it does underground ask c55
14:10 RealBadAngel only condition ive introduced to adding blobs is to forbid generating them when above water level
14:10 PilzAdam just checked, its not your patch
14:11 PilzAdam it also does this in master
14:15 RealBadAngel
14:15 RealBadAngel one commit, properly formatted
14:22 RealBadAngel thexyz, is it all ok with it now?
14:24 thexyz seems so
14:24 RealBadAngel showin tabs stays turned on from now on
14:25 RealBadAngel i will fetch such errors earlier then
15:03 VanessaE[L] joined #minetest-dev
15:09 doserj joined #minetest-dev
15:28 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:43 VanessaE[L] joined #minetest-dev
15:47 VanessaE[L] joined #minetest-dev
15:48 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
15:49 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
16:31 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
16:57 thexyz RealBadAngel: explain
17:17 RealBadAngel thexyz, caves were tryin to go over ground by 11 nodes
17:17 RealBadAngel 7 + half the diameter
17:18 RealBadAngel 11 nodes ABOVE the ground level
17:18 RealBadAngel which effected in clouds generation, not caves
17:19 RealBadAngel if you want more detailed explanation, please replace air with mese for example in non modified cave gen
17:19 RealBadAngel and look what jokes cavegen does
17:21 RealBadAngel we were pretty suprised as we saw where caves are generated
17:22 dannydark from the logs:
17:22 RealBadAngel
17:23 RealBadAngel replace here CONTENT_AIR with c_mese
17:23 RealBadAngel and run new map
17:23 RealBadAngel you gonna see what cavegen does
17:26 RealBadAngel this particular stuff + adding blobs to the caves effected with floating dirt in the air (sometimes even with trees)
17:26 RealBadAngel and was makin caves inside my trees
17:26 hmmmm oh sohot
17:27 hmmmm your removal of the 7 + radius part - did that affect caves coming up to the ground at all?
17:27 hmmmm shoot*
17:27 RealBadAngel partially
17:28 RealBadAngel avg height is also needed for spawned higher
17:28 hmmmm when I put the bit to cancel generation if the average height in the block is greater than the average height of the min/max nodes of the block
17:28 RealBadAngel occasionaly they spawned
17:28 hmmmm i didn't remove that 7 + radiust hing
17:28 hmmmm thing*
17:28 hmmmm yeah that's better anyway
17:29 RealBadAngel check the surface now, with changes
17:29 hmmmm i don't like how often caves usually go up to the ground - it's like an angry beaver chomped up the land
17:29 hmmmm can't, my minetest is in an uncompilable state at the moment
17:29 RealBadAngel they can go, thx to tunnels
17:29 RealBadAngel caves can appear on side of the cliffs, mountains
17:30 RealBadAngel surface is much smoother with those changes
17:30 RealBadAngel just apply the changes and fly around a bit
17:34 RealBadAngel just download my git and compile it
17:34 hmmmm hrmm just read the logs from earlier today; yes, pastebin converts tabs to spaces, if you're copying that directly into code you'd need to do it from the raw version of the paste
17:34 RealBadAngel heheh now i now
17:34 RealBadAngel *know
17:35 hmmmm also i'm surprised that the int avg_height = ... didn't go over 80 lines by putting it on the same line
17:35 RealBadAngel now i do have tabs visible in geany
17:36 RealBadAngel so i will see such problems in the future
17:36 hmmmm great
17:37 hmmmm i'm gonna have to find a real solution for the lack of s64 type
17:37 hmmmm from what i understand, we get the u64 definition from sqlite if not irrlicht
17:37 hmmmm
17:39 hmmmm whoops, forgot a couple of things
17:41 RealBadAngel those type are not workin everywhere
17:41 RealBadAngel *types
17:41 RealBadAngel in scriptapi.cpp functions refused to use s16 types
17:42 hmmmm that is not right
17:42 RealBadAngel so i was forced to use int
17:42 RealBadAngel on the other hand s16 is badly rounded
17:43 RealBadAngel thats why i post v3f to functions and round them to s16 manually
17:43 RealBadAngel without it i got trunks shifted by 1 on x<0
17:43 hmmmm this is a disaster zone
17:44 hmmmm the datatypes need to be fixed
17:44 hmmmm i have no idea why anybody decided to use the types from a specific library which we have or don't have based on the version
17:44 RealBadAngel it affects only .X
17:44 RealBadAngel Y and Z works ok
17:45 RealBadAngel .X is fucked up
17:46 RealBadAngel getintfield(L, 3, "angle", tree_def.angle);
17:47 RealBadAngel this function wont accept s16 data type
17:47 hmmmm that's a different problem
17:47 RealBadAngel only int, which is strange because s16 is an int
17:47 hmmmm s16 foo = (s16)getintfield(...
17:48 hmmmm I knew you wouldn't be missing s16 for real, because it's defined in irrTypes.h
17:48 doserj s16 is a short, I would guess, not an int
17:48 hmmmm it's technically a short int 8)
17:48 RealBadAngel lol, why 16 then?
17:48 doserj :P
17:48 hmmmm what?
17:48 hmmmm why 16 what
17:48 doserj 16 is short, 32 is normal
17:49 doserj (or 64)
17:49 hmmmm well
17:49 RealBadAngel i thought thats bit size
17:49 RealBadAngel signed 16
17:49 hmmmm we use bit size because we want to know for sure
17:49 hmmmm as to what types they represent, that's a different story
17:49 RealBadAngel sounded logical s for signed, u for unsigned
17:49 RealBadAngel and siz
17:50 RealBadAngel sie
17:50 RealBadAngel shit, size :)
17:50 hmmmm you don't know anything about a "short int" aside from the fact that it's between the size of a char and an int
17:50 hmmmm equal to or greater than a char but not greater than an int
17:51 RealBadAngel i used to treat short int as 8 bit
17:52 RealBadAngel int 16, and long 32
17:52 RealBadAngel also if pos is v3s16
17:53 RealBadAngel it means its used there to represent coordinates
17:53 RealBadAngel -30000 to +30000
17:53 RealBadAngel whis is accurate for signed 16 bit int
17:53 doserj where are you going with this?
17:54 RealBadAngel here, if s16 would be short (8bit) how could you fit +30000 in it?
17:56 hmmmm but it's not short
17:57 RealBadAngel <doserj> s16 is a short, I would guess, not an int
17:57 RealBadAngel <hmmmm> it's technically a short int 8)
17:57 hmmmm it's just that s16 happens to be a short on all the platforms we're working with
17:57 hmmmm well I mean when he said "short"
17:57 hmmmm you see, short is just a width modifier
17:57 hmmmm not the data type
17:57 hmmmm with the data type absent, it's assumed to be int
17:58 RealBadAngel im readin now about that mess on wiki
17:59 hmmmm this is unrelated but
17:59 RealBadAngel "in practice int is long int"
17:59 RealBadAngel lol
17:59 hmmmm i noticed that in irrlichtypes.h for Windows we have typedef unsigned long long u64
17:59 hmmmm but for posix there's uint64_t
17:59 hmmmm why not use unsigned __int64 for windows?
18:00 RealBadAngel btw i was forced to remove such one definition from minetest to compile it with irrlicht 1.8
18:00 hmmmm yes i am aware of that problem
18:01 hmmmm i asked them specifically what revision u64 was added
18:01 hmmmm got no response
18:02 hmmmm i might as well try again
18:02 RealBadAngel cant you just browse the irr sources?
18:03 hmmmm i did find the commit where it was added but i have no idea how to track that to an exact version number
18:05 RealBadAngel me neither ;)
18:05 RealBadAngel btw i started coding finite water
18:06 RealBadAngel i think it gonna work quite cool
18:10 RealBadAngel thx to it a)more realistic water physics, b) no more greifing servers with liquids (liquid poured on top of something will just flew down), c) player will be able to pump out the sea or lake and fill with it another area
18:11 hmmmm well..... that's gotta be optional
18:11 RealBadAngel i assumed 1 water node is 16 liters (16 parts)
18:11 hmmmm we don't want to break minecraft compatibility
18:11 RealBadAngel lol
18:12 RealBadAngel when node next to it is spreadable, volume will split into two nodes
18:12 RealBadAngel 1/2 each
18:12 hmmmm also people need to be ready for such a huge change in gameplay
18:12 RealBadAngel they played minecraft, they are
18:13 RealBadAngel its already in minecraft
18:13 hmmmm oh
18:13 hmmmm i thought the way our water works right now is the way minecraft works
18:13 RealBadAngel
18:13 RealBadAngel yes, it is
18:14 RealBadAngel but they do also have mods ;)
18:14 hmmmm ahh
18:14 doserj most minecraft don't use mods
18:14 doserj *players
18:14 RealBadAngel i dont think so
18:16 doserj anyways, most don't use a finite liquid mod
18:16 RealBadAngel ok then, so tell me one reason why mt shall have infinite liquids?
18:17 RealBadAngel just because minecraft does?
18:18 hmmmm that mod is pretty cool
18:18 doserj your argument was that minecraft players would be ready for this because "it is already in minecraft"
18:18 hmmmm but it shouldn't be the default behavior
18:19 RealBadAngel better have liquid greifers? :)
18:19 RealBadAngel current mechanism kills the servers
18:19 RealBadAngel ruskie tried to build some funny contraptions with lava up in the sky
18:20 RealBadAngel it ended with loading backup from day before
18:20 doserj then fix the server code
18:20 RealBadAngel the reason is infinite liquid
18:20 RealBadAngel nothing more
18:21 * jin_xi votes for finite liquids
18:21 hmmmm hey guys hold on, it's not a choice
18:21 RealBadAngel :)
18:21 hmmmm we can easily have a choice
18:21 hmmmm err
18:21 hmmmm an option
18:21 RealBadAngel yup
18:22 RealBadAngel while creating new world check or uncheck "Finite liquids" just
18:23 RealBadAngel i will owe you a bottle of good whiskey if after a few weeks i will find any regular server using infinite water sources
18:24 doserj you will lose that bet
18:24 RealBadAngel hehe
18:25 RealBadAngel propably some old servers like redcrab would like to keep their buildings
18:25 RealBadAngel but easy converter can be done
18:26 RealBadAngel anyway, im goin to code it. we will see if folks gonna like it or not
18:27 RealBadAngel personally i think its gonna be cool
18:29 doserj i think water streams are cool
18:33 hmmmm yeah, water streams...
18:34 hmmmm how is that going to work
18:34 hmmmm well to be honest it's not like our current water streams do anything streamy aside from sloping downward
18:35 doserj that should be fixed, of course :)
18:35 RealBadAngel and breakin the servers.... ;)
18:35 hmmmm i don't see how regular water breaks the servers
18:35 RealBadAngel simply
18:35 RealBadAngel go high enough
18:35 RealBadAngel put some water/lava
18:36 RealBadAngel and try to remove it after a while
18:36 hmmmm sounds like a bug somewhere else
18:36 RealBadAngel you will end with lotsa of sourceless water/lava flowing down
18:36 RealBadAngel impossible to remove
18:37 RealBadAngel only when you will build up the space with some non-air nodes
18:38 RealBadAngel when ruskie made that shower, i tried 2 hrs to remove it
18:38 RealBadAngel then we went for backup
18:38 doserj minecraft has a similar problem with flowing lava not disappearing. But that doesn't mean one cannot fix the bug.
18:39 hmmmm yeah, that's a bug, not some sort of fundamental problem that needs an entirely new system to replace it
18:39 RealBadAngel myabe
18:39 Exio lava in minecraft 'disappears' after a while..
18:39 hmmmm i honestly think your reason for wanting to add finite water is wrong, but finite water itself is cool so it should be added
18:40 RealBadAngel it wasnt the reason for me to add it, i just pointed what it can solve btw
18:40 Exio i tried with a 12~ blocks fall in the nether *lava* and then i idled a bit, and the lava was a gone (bit, like 30 minutes aprox)
18:41 RealBadAngel ruskie made huge columns of lava out of a single source
18:41 RealBadAngel but severel hundreds on y+
18:41 doserj Exio: if it works in one case doesn't mean it works always. and a 12 block high fall should disappear in about 1 minute at most, not 30.
18:42 Exio yeah
18:43 RealBadAngel anyway my personal opionion is that infinite water is one of the most fucked up ideas by Notch
18:43 hmmmm it's way better than water in minecraft classic 8)
18:43 doserj how do you handle oceans?
18:43 RealBadAngel with finite?
18:43 doserj yes
18:44 RealBadAngel all water nodes are full volume sources
18:44 RealBadAngel 116/16
18:44 RealBadAngel 16/16
18:44 RealBadAngel thus can be pumped away
18:44 hmmmm 4137 seems to be the number
18:45 RealBadAngel or for some very patient guys can be taken away with bucket
18:45 doserj what happens after water is taken away from one node?
18:45 RealBadAngel volume checks all around
18:46 RealBadAngel if one hase more than another it splits
18:46 RealBadAngel by 2, by 2, by 2
18:46 RealBadAngel while 1/16th is the minimum
18:47 RealBadAngel so if you have one full volume source in a hole
18:47 RealBadAngel and remove surrounding nodes, to create a puddle 4x4 nodes
18:48 RealBadAngel each will consist of 1/16th volume
18:48 doserj so after taking 1/16th away from on node, the node will just be filled up again from surrounding nodes?
18:48 RealBadAngel make a hole under it, and all will go through it
18:49 RealBadAngel no, water cannot reporduce
18:49 RealBadAngel one field will become dry
18:49 doserj say you have one 15/16th full node adjacent to a full node. what happens?
18:49 RealBadAngel because theres not enough water around to fill it
18:50 RealBadAngel nothing, 1/16th cannot be moved horizontal
18:50 RealBadAngel just vertical
18:52 RealBadAngel to make such things unnoticeable levels shall be measured in like 256/256
18:52 RealBadAngel which is not practical
18:53 doserj i am trying to guess what will happen when you have a one block wide channel connected to an ocean
18:53 RealBadAngel watch the video
18:54 RealBadAngel the water will flow until there will be place for it
18:54 doserj can the channel become full?
18:55 RealBadAngel or the water level of the ocean will drop below channel's level
18:55 RealBadAngel if there will be no place for water to go further ocean will fill up the channel by its volume
18:56 RealBadAngel of course there will be less water in the ocean then
18:56 RealBadAngel but you propably wont notice that with simple and small channel
18:57 doserj you actually want to reduce the water in the ocean? how?
18:58 RealBadAngel instead of infinite sources put full volumes
18:58 RealBadAngel so each lake, river or the sea will become finite too
18:59 RealBadAngel so, make a pump, let it run for a few days and pump out the ocean ;)
18:59 RealBadAngel i mean DAYS
18:59 RealBadAngel not ingame days
19:00 doserj you think keeping track of water volume in an ocean is easier than handling flowing water now?
19:00 RealBadAngel yes
19:01 RealBadAngel calculations are pretty simple
19:02 RealBadAngel and after few iterations we will reach 15/16 to 16/16
19:02 RealBadAngel and calculations will stop
19:03 RealBadAngel so no need to recalculate whole oceans each time
19:03 RealBadAngel the algorithm will stop itself
19:04 doserj ok, so the channel will only become 15/16th full
19:04 RealBadAngel i think 16/16
19:04 doserj and an equal number of nodes in the ocean will lower to 15/16th full
19:05 RealBadAngel with a little depression on the sea around the channel
19:05 doserj i thought you can't got from 15/16 to full?
19:06 RealBadAngel it will fill up with steps
19:06 RealBadAngel and could be filled up to full volume
19:06 RealBadAngel but full volume cannot move 1/16th to 15/16 one
19:06 RealBadAngel thats exactly the brake
19:07 RealBadAngel we will see how it will work in the game
19:08 doserj ok, i don't understand what you are planning to do. But i don't care anymore. Let's stop  flooding the channel.
19:09 RealBadAngel i will realease workin one in a few days. not its just a theory ;)
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