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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-01-23

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Time Nick Message
02:48 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
03:26 hmmmm heh, terrain looks a little bit cooler with mgv6_np_terrain_higher.offset = 40 instead of 20
03:31 hmmmm what do i name this commit....
03:34 hmmmm alright so i totally cleaned up that hack to make the mapgen name a string in that last commit.  i have a new arbitrary factory class thing going on, but new mapgens need to do some additional work now; define a factory class derived from MapgenFactory that will return a new instance of a Mapgen and a new instance of a MapgenParams
03:34 hmmmm
03:34 hmmmm and ServerMap gets the EmergeManager on construction (again)
03:36 hmmmm the only thing mapgen makers have to modify outside of their own source files now is mapgen.cpp, EmergeManager's ctor, they just add a registerMapgen("mapgen_name_here", new MapgenFactoryHere());
03:37 hmmmm if we ever get to the point where .dlls and .sos are loaded, i can export EmergeManager::registerMapgen(), and they just call that
03:38 hmmmm of course i'll document ALL of this in due time
03:46 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
06:22 darkrose urgh, what idiot decided right clicking was a good way to open a door?
06:35 hmmmm someone who wanted to be able to mine them out easily
07:05 hmmmm sfan5:
07:05 hmmmm shoot i left in an unused variable
07:22 hmmmm
08:50 celeron55_ thexyz: the translation template file should be updated using the script or whatever it was
08:50 celeron55_ thexyz: also, i gave access to
08:59 celeron55_ < hmmmm> damn how do you even break this up into two lines <- typedef, man
10:00 celeron55_ i quite like how the trees look in these:
10:00 celeron55_ that is a good size
10:00 celeron55_ or, well, a good varation of sizes
10:20 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
14:22 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
14:22 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
14:32 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:32 RealBadAngel hi all
14:33 RealBadAngel celeron55, youre comparing those screenshots in this topic to l-system trees or what?
14:37 RealBadAngel im asking, because if im not blind, those ARE L-system trees...
14:39 RealBadAngel you still havent tried them but commenting out some screenshots...
14:39 hmmmm he likes l-system trees in general, he just thinks that a few of them are too big, but those are well-sized trees
14:39 RealBadAngel so epic fail
14:40 RealBadAngel because he just said he likes my models of jungle trees which he said were too big
14:40 RealBadAngel repeat: he just watches some random screenshot and not tryin how they look ingame
14:41 RealBadAngel we finally have a proof
14:41 hmmmm some trees really are huge IRL.
14:41 RealBadAngel yes, ofc, sequoia avg is 120meters
14:41 hmmmm i don't judge things by how they look in-game either, it is a lot of hassle to set it up
14:42 thexyz celeron56 / celeron55_: wtf does that one do and why should it be executed by tool which only changes *.po?
14:42 RealBadAngel but this was comic indeed
14:42 thexyz also, we probably should discuss which languages to add
14:42 hmmmm 'comic'?  hardly....
14:42 hmmmm what's so funy
14:42 hmmmm funny
14:43 RealBadAngel on one screenshot it was too big for gameplay, and on another its ok?
14:43 hmmmm are they the same tree?
14:43 RealBadAngel i do recognize my models
14:43 RealBadAngel i wrote them
14:43 hmmmm well let me be the judge of that.... what are the screenshots we're comparing here exactly
14:44 hmmmm lemme just look up in the logs
14:44 RealBadAngel download plantlib/moretrees and check for yourself
14:44 hmmmm lol i love how the smiley face sheep are humping in the foreground there
14:45 hmmmm perhaps he didn't realize there was more to the sequoias to the right in the first screenshot.  *shrug*
14:46 hmmmm as for the second screenshot...... those are indeed smaller examples of the l-system trees
14:47 RealBadAngel there are currently 12 kinds of trees
14:47 RealBadAngel only one is bigger than old jungle tree
14:48 RealBadAngel sequoia
14:48 hmmmm how much bigger?
14:48 RealBadAngel 1/3 or something like that
14:48 RealBadAngel lookin now a place in the world to make a screenshot
14:48 hmmmm that's really not that much
14:49 hmmmm the whole size argument does seem dumb now
14:49 RealBadAngel btw i posted early today a patch to treegen engine
14:49 RealBadAngel can some1 check it out?
15:03 RealBadAngel couldnt find a nice spot for screenshot, so placed some sapling
15:03 RealBadAngel gonna take a while for them to grow ;)
15:13 RealBadAngel dont have jungle ones yet, but made one view
15:13 RealBadAngel
15:13 RealBadAngel its actual mapgen creation
15:13 hmmmm hah i like those palm trees
15:13 hmmmm they really add a nice feeling
15:14 hmmmm
15:23 kahrl_ joined #minetest-dev
15:28 RealBadAngel hmmm, one thing, since you have moved defalut trees to v6.cpp i think i should remove the leftovers from treegen.cpp
15:28 RealBadAngel theyre not functional anymore
15:30 hmmmm leave that to me
15:31 hmmmm i actually want all tree generation to stay in treegen.cpp, so it'd be much more organized if the copy in the mapgen was removed
15:37 RealBadAngel
15:37 RealBadAngel another nature capture
15:47 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
15:50 RealBadAngel hmmmm, palms vs the biggest ones:
15:51 RealBadAngel hi PilzAdam
15:51 PilzAdam hi
15:53 RealBadAngel and palm beach itself
15:54 RealBadAngel
15:55 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, those screenshots i post are actual mapgen generated ones
15:59 celeron55_ RealBadAngel: so you're not fine with me being fine with the trees? okay, i'll be against them then
15:59 RealBadAngel hehe, no
15:59 celeron55_ thexyz: ...i don't even know; how is the translation template updated, then?
16:00 RealBadAngel i just pointed that once you called them too big, once proper sized
16:00 RealBadAngel lookin at the very same trees :)
16:00 celeron55_ thexyz: i think we should use the same policy as openttd uses - include anything that is 90% translated, and exclude everything if they get outdated to under 90%
16:00 celeron55_ s/exclude everything/exclude anything/
16:01 celeron55_ thexyz: because there isn't really a reason to exclude a language as long as it's complete
16:02 RealBadAngel celeron55_: dont get me wrong please. i was just laughin :)
16:02 RealBadAngel and i really think you shall try to play with them
16:03 RealBadAngel when we made them generated on mapgen, world is just marvellous
16:04 RealBadAngel you really feel youre going somwhere now
16:04 RealBadAngel before there was almost no point to move and explore because world was the same whenever you went
16:05 RealBadAngel when played at server only point to explore was to find clay
16:06 RealBadAngel nothin more
16:10 Jeija joined #minetest-dev
16:13 Jeija I want to send a command to all clients straight from the scriptapi (spawn particle). Sending the command from the server e.g. on an event works, but what is the recommended way to make the scriptapi trigger the command?
16:13 celeron55_ see the code that launches a custom formspec
16:13 celeron55_ just add a method to Server and add a wrapper to scriptapi.cpp
16:14 Jeija thank you, didn't think of that, the formspec code is was I was looking for
16:14 celeron55_ (scriptapi.cpp should really be only wrappers, and all real functionality should be accessible via C++ interfaces so the core can use them all too)
16:17 thexyz celeron55_: i don't get it, why should it be updated when translation is changed?
16:17 celeron55_ thexyz: where do the translation services get the strings they give for users to translate?
16:17 celeron55_ if i edit C++ code, how do they get the new original string
16:18 thexyz source = msgid, translation = msgstr
16:18 thexyz well, i don't think that should be done by translation service (and afaik, weblate can't do that)
16:19 celeron55_ ...but how does the mapping get done?
16:19 thexyz what mapping?
16:19 celeron55_ to my understanding something can generate the translation template file, .pot
16:19 celeron55_ and such service will read the pot
16:19 celeron55_ and generate .po files based on it
16:19 celeron55_ the .pot is never edited by hand, but rather gettext automatically can generate it from C++
16:20 celeron55_ in some way; and i am wondering what that way is
16:21 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
16:21 celeron55_ yes, it happens in
16:21 celeron55_ xgettext --package-name=minetest -kN_ -kwgettext -F -n -o $potfile src/*.cpp src/*.h
16:21 thexyz there's also another problem, regarding your suggestion >include anything that is 90% translated, and exclude everything if they get outdated to under 90
16:21 celeron55_ and then it updates the .po files based on it
16:21 hmmmm by the way, did you check out the commit to fix the mapgen name string hack
16:21 celeron55_ for what has changed
16:21 thexyz weblate is only able to work with .po's that are in the repo
16:22 thexyz hm.. well, it can merge with git repo
16:22 celeron55_ launchpad eats the .pot and produces any languages from it
16:22 celeron55_ in any case i'll run now and commit the changes, so we are getting new translations in any case
16:23 thexyz ok
16:23 celeron55_ a lot has changes since it was last run
16:23 celeron55_ changed*
16:24 thexyz i think we can translate using weblate and then run by hand from time to time
16:24 thexyz and to support more languages firstly we have to add empty .po's
16:25 celeron55_ there should be some place to request .pos for new languages
16:25 thexyz i think it may be a good idea to put some kind of poll for that
16:25 celeron55_ add a thread on forum and link to it from weblate?
16:25 thexyz and then add empty po's for most popular languages
16:25 thexyz probably
16:25 celeron55_ well, people should request on the thread only if they are ready to translate a lot
16:27 celeron55_ .pot and existing .po files have now been updated
16:27 thexyz ok
16:27 thexyz yes, sure
16:28 celeron55_ much seems to be the same, but there are many new messages
16:31 celeron55_ hmmmm: no, maybe add a pull request or something so it isn't forgotten
16:32 celeron55_ or, well, link it now and maybe i will have time to immediately check it
16:32 celeron55_ a pull request is generally the best idea though
16:34 thexyz celeron55_: does that look fine ?
16:34 celeron55_ depends on what the content is
16:35 celeron55_ if it basically reverts it to the point where it was before the update, then it's so wrong you should cry
16:35 celeron55_ 8)
16:38 hmmmm Jeija....  %z is a glibc-ism and should be entirely avoided.
16:38 hmmmm it's an invalid format specifier with anything other than gcc.
16:39 celeron55_ thexyz: probably the best way to make sure all is right is to run on top of that, then commit, and then squash them to one that will surely end up being a clean update
16:39 celeron55_ ...or something like that
16:40 celeron55_ hmmmm: related to that: also, the %ll and whatever are different sizes on 64bit vs. 32bit and might even differ in different compilers; there are some macros for proper compatibility
16:42 celeron55_ (of course, if actually long long is used, then %ll is right; but it isn't right for int64_t or so)
16:42 hmmmm what?  %ll is fine for int64
16:43 hmmmm long long is at least 64 bits
16:43 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:43 thexyz oh, well, the only change that was made by Calinou is not needed in latest git so I decided to reset the local repo
16:43 celeron55_ ehm... well, SOME of the printf things have that problem
16:43 thexyz seems everything went fine
16:43 Calinou thexyz: what change?
16:44 hmmmm as far as C++ is concerned, you use %ll in a format specifier, you better pass a long long int.  or else problems may happen.
16:44 Calinou talking about changes, can my glitch ladder fix be merged please?
16:44 thexyz Calinou: translation
16:44 Calinou ah
16:44 Calinou I was testing ;-)
16:44 celeron55_ here's such a fix in musicd:
16:45 celeron55_ hmm, i wonder what the original problem in that has been
16:45 hmmmm you have no idea unless you look at the definition of track, really
16:46 celeron55_
16:46 hmmmm this wins the shitty code award of the month     size = pow(2, ceil(log(size)/log(2)));
16:48 hmmmm well if you notice the commit topic he says he replaces "ld li and lu", not "lld lli and llu"
16:48 celeron55_ (that is an invalid argument unless you provide with a replacement that is less shitty)
16:49 celeron55_ hmm so you're saying that that fix could have been as well just using ll instead of l in all of those
16:49 celeron55_ do all compilers support ll?
16:49 celeron55_ or, well, standard libraries
16:49 hmmmm yes.
16:49 hmmmm it's STANDARD C
16:49 hmmmm if something doesn't support ll then it's defective
16:50 celeron55_ something being defective doesn't mean you wouldn't have to support it
16:51 celeron55_ i asked about that elsewhere, i'll mention here if the answer is useful
16:51 hmmmm of course, but when something's defective, you don't bend over backwards for it because it's junk
16:52 hmmmm i used to do handstands for windows support for my own programs
16:52 celeron55_ if it's gcc, mingw, llvm of msvc, minetest will bend 720 degrees to handle it 8)
16:52 hmmmm it's ridiculous at times though
16:53 celeron55_ it's one of the policies i won't change, until windows has less than 20% of market share
16:53 celeron55_ then i promise all windows support will be dumped like it was never there
16:56 hmmmm well windows is pretty bad but it could be worse, so what i said wouldn't really apply here
16:56 hmmmm especially since windows support is already here and excellent
16:57 Kray joined #minetest-dev
16:58 Calinou "until windows has less than 20% of market share" <= did you count mobile devices? :P
16:59 celeron55_
16:59 celeron55_ seems to be pretty messed up
17:00 celeron55_ Calinou: minetest runs only on desktop, so desktop OSes
17:01 celeron55_ everybody keeps saying that %l is 64bit on 64bit, but nobody says if %ll is 64bit or not
17:01 celeron55_ it could be 128 on something, but...
17:01 hmmmm doesn't matter if it's 128 or not, it's "at least 64" which is what you need
17:01 celeron55_ "You need to use %I64u with Visual C++" sounds like fun, and sounds like going in hand with MSVC not supporting C99
17:02 hmmmm %l is 32 bit on 64 bit windows
17:02 hmmmm you can still use %ll in windows, no need for I64u
17:02 hmmmm PRIu64 is part of C99 though, so we should probably use that.
17:05 hmmmm of course.. inttypes.h is not available on windows
17:06 celeron55_ i wonder why windows hasn't already been sued to death because of harming programmer's health
17:07 hmmmm it's not too bad, what you need to do is #ifdef _MSC_VER #define PRIu64 "%I64u" #define PRId64 "%I64" #else #include <inttypes.h> #endif
17:09 hmmmm by the way, i don't know if anybody pointed this out to you before or not, but the # in preprocessor needs to be the first character of the line as per the C standard, it's technically invalid if it's been indented.
17:09 hmmmm i don't know of any compiler that strictly follows those rules, however, and you already indented the hashtag, so I followed suit
17:09 celeron55_ i don't think any of the compilers we support has problems with that
17:09 darkrose <- could be useful
17:11 celeron55_ we don't need even 2% of that, but could be a reliable source for checking things are done right
17:24 RealBadAngel i made some fried apple pan cakes
17:24 RealBadAngel anybody want some?  :)
17:25 hmmmm no
17:26 RealBadAngel theyre tasty, believe me :)
17:27 sfan5 i would like a faster computer to compile linux 3.8-rc4
17:27 RealBadAngel hehehe
17:28 sfan5 i just want to try out f2fs :(
17:28 RealBadAngel i afraid i cant make one out of just flower, milk, eggs, sugar and apples ;)
17:29 thexyz oh, please, →#minetest
17:29 RealBadAngel slight oftopic, sorry
17:29 hmmmm sfan
17:29 hmmmm did you see my patch for you
17:30 RealBadAngel hmmm, have you moved also caves to another file?
17:30 hmmmm no
17:30 RealBadAngel uff, i got patch for them
17:31 RealBadAngel based on your avg height idea, but just more points to get it (you know where)
17:34 hmmmm i didn't want to continue using that method
17:34 hmmmm it fixes things to an extent but it doesn't solve the core problem
17:36 RealBadAngel have any better idea to make cavegen stop to generate caves on any height?
17:37 RealBadAngel by now you can go at y=30000 and theyre still there generating
17:37 celeron55_ it's still not really about the height, it's about what it replaces :P but if it's the one that disables them above the maximum of a chunk, it's acceptable (until we have floating islands, which again makes it unusable)
17:38 celeron55_ (because you want occasional caves in them too)
17:39 RealBadAngel so maybe simply let caves replace only basic nodes
17:39 RealBadAngel like stones, sand, etc
17:39 hmmmm that already happens
17:39 hmmmm but the problem is the overlapping bits
17:39 RealBadAngel but they do destroy everything
17:40 RealBadAngel all stuff generated with mapgen
17:41 RealBadAngel and this is not makin world look any better. it looks ugly
17:41 celeron55_ i have already said this, but will say again: the right solution currently is to disable the cave generator in places that both 1. are generally on top of the ground and 2. are inside the xz borders of the not-yet-fully-generated area
17:42 celeron55_ because that is where the trees get busted
17:42 celeron55_ eh, s/inside/outside/
17:42 RealBadAngel avg height was supposed to solve 1.
17:43 celeron55_ the caves need to only be disabled if 1 && 2
17:43 celeron55_ certain features of the world depend on caves getting generated if 1 and !2, or if !1 and 2
17:44 RealBadAngel but they do generate inside trees. removing they trunks, cut holes in leaves, placin there blobs
17:44 celeron55_ are you aware that limiting the caves by the maximum of a chunk does not get rid of all of the tree chopping?
17:44 celeron55_ we really have two problems in here
17:45 celeron55_ one is chopping of trees, one is caves going far above the ground
17:45 RealBadAngel i already posted onve patch that solved all the issues
17:45 RealBadAngel all of them
17:45 celeron55_ yeah sure, disabling caves gets rid of all cave problems
17:45 celeron55_ it's not a solution
17:45 RealBadAngel no, they were still there
17:45 RealBadAngel even was makin holes in the ground or cliffs
17:46 * celeron55_ will not argue this same discussion again
17:46 RealBadAngel i will try to make that code even better and post it again
17:47 celeron55_ don't overwork on it unless you know it's going to be good; wasted coding isn't fun
17:48 RealBadAngel those are not big changes
17:48 RealBadAngel just bunch of skip conditions in right place
17:50 RealBadAngel btw i will apply seed changes to trees with next patch
17:51 PilzAdam why not in the current patch?
17:51 RealBadAngel because this one was ready 1 week ago
17:51 RealBadAngel and wasnt posted before it was tested
17:52 RealBadAngel ive changed style of pushin.
17:52 RealBadAngel im not pushing anything before im not 100% sure its ok
17:53 PilzAdam you still dont use branches?
17:53 RealBadAngel of course i do
17:53 RealBadAngel but not using github
17:53 doserj joined #minetest-dev
17:54 celeron55_ has somebody tested these?
17:54 celeron55_ other than this guy who just joined 8)
17:54 RealBadAngel lol
17:54 doserj heh
17:55 PilzAdam celeron55_, ive tested the first 3 commits
17:55 celeron55_ hmm, i think the fourth might be not good
17:56 celeron55_ consider this: you launch minetest, edit and save config, shut down minetest
17:56 celeron55_ edit = add an option
17:56 celeron55_ currently, changed configuration is just changed in there and you addition stays intact
17:56 celeron55_ after that patch, your addition will be removed; as far as i understand
17:57 RealBadAngel celeron55_, we have talked once bout mapgen spikes, you remeber?
17:57 doserj celeron55_: i currently also removes it if you happen to change a different one
17:57 RealBadAngel
17:57 RealBadAngel one example of those
17:57 celeron55_ RealBadAngel: as if i hadn't seen them; talk to hmmmm or somebody; i can't and won't handle everything
17:58 RealBadAngel i know, but such spike looks just ugly
17:58 celeron55_ (the spikes are a real bitch in v6 if you try to tune it to do something different)
17:59 RealBadAngel is it perlin bug?
17:59 celeron55_ it is not a bug, it is a glitch
17:59 celeron55_ doserj: umm?
18:07 doserj celeron55_: it would only keep your addition if you didn't change some setting in minetest
18:08 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
18:08 doserj or did i read that code wrong?
18:08 celeron55_ so it does already overwrite the whole file out of memory if it updates something?
18:08 celeron55_ hmm, well then your commit is fine i guess
18:11 doserj celeron55_: it keeps most of the file intact, like comments, etc, but it only keeps actual settings in the file, if those are also in m_settings.
18:11 celeron55_ merged thoes ones
18:11 celeron55_ those*
18:11 celeron55_ doserj: can't remember everything; it was one of the first things i wrote in this whole project 8)
18:11 doserj if you are in a mood to merge stuff:
18:11 doserj celeron55_: np
18:12 doserj :P
18:13 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
18:14 celeron55_ have you tested for liquid-liquid and liquid-glass and liquid-leaf glitches?
18:17 doserj it doesn't draw faces for liquid-liquid, it does draw for liquid-glass
18:17 celeron55_ does it introduce any changes regarding to those?
18:18 celeron55_ i don't care if there are no changes, but a change could be either good or bad
18:21 doserj i didn't change anything for that. basic check was (and still is) draw a face if !same_liquid && !(solidness == 2)
18:22 iqualfragile can someone explain the mapgen-thing to me? what hammened?
18:22 doserj except for top-sides, which are also drawn if the top neighbor is solid
18:23 doserj (still, as before)
18:24 celeron55_ thexyz: i linked on
18:24 thexyz fine, now we need some forum thread
18:25 celeron55_ more specifically, here
18:25 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest-dev
18:28 doserj celeron55_: but wait, there may be an issue
18:55 celeron55_
18:55 celeron55_ ^ this'll have to wait until i have time for a thorough check
18:55 celeron55_ modifying on-disk map format is a bitch if something goes wrong 8)
18:56 doserj yeah
18:57 Calinou new comment just now ;-)
18:59 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
18:59 doserj celeron55_: there seem to be quite some things to work out for liquid faces. for example, liquid sources currently don't draw interiour faces against glass, but they do draw the exterior ones. my patch for flowing liquids draws interior faces exactly when the exterior face is drawn.
19:00 celeron55_ umm... what is an inferior and exterior face?
19:00 celeron55_ ...interior
19:00 doserj interior is what you see when the camera is inside the node, looking outwards
19:01 celeron55_ ah... well, you'll immedialy run into z fighting problems if you try to draw the interior face that touches glass behind it
19:02 celeron55_ basically you need to choose which one, and the glass is the important one in that case
19:03 celeron55_ -> interior faces should be drawn only when facing air
19:03 doserj ok, i will have to change my patch then for flowing liquids
19:04 doserj well, air and things like signs, torches, etc
19:04 celeron55_ there probably are some fancy ways of doing that (at least with shaders), but they are probably out of scope of this patch
19:04 celeron55_ yes... umm... whatever the term for that would be
19:04 doserj not quite related: what is the intended status of new_style_water?
19:05 celeron55_ things that mostly contain air at their node boundaries
19:05 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
19:05 celeron55_ it's to be removed and the thing done in shaders is to be moved to a mesh generation post processing stage
19:06 celeron55_ somehow
19:06 celeron55_ well, that's a plan - i'm not 100% sure it's viable
19:06 celeron55_ should be
19:07 celeron55_ point is, we want (at least i want) that water source surfaces use the smooth lighting and simple tessellation that regular node surfaces have
19:07 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
19:08 celeron55_ so the main surface should come from from where regular node surfaces come, but it should be postprocessed to be lower where applicable
19:09 doserj ah, makes sense
19:09 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
19:09 celeron55_ so it would be a bit like this in here
19:11 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
19:12 celeron55_ probably a flag needs to be added to this list, like MATERIAL_FLAG_WATER_TO_BE_LOWERED:
19:12 celeron55_ s/WATER/LIQUID/
19:12 celeron55_ or... something
19:12 celeron55_ the data path is there, it just needs to be put to use
19:13 celeron55_ (that is a good starting point in this large a codebase...)
19:13 celeron55_ of course, feel free to find out it's not doable and find some other solution 8)
19:32 thexyz celeron55_: german translation is completed, ># Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 9 commits.; will you bitch about number of commits? ^^
19:34 thexyz the problem with rebasing is that those commits are made by different people
19:34 thexyz squashing^
19:36 PilzAdam thexyz, maybe mention the authors in the commit message
19:38 thexyz dunno, i'm not sure whether squashing will break something or not
19:38 thexyz so i'd better just push what is here
19:55 doserj celeron55_: one more thing: liquid sources currently don't draw any face against liquid sources of a different liquid. my patch does draw these faces for flowing liquids.
19:57 celeron55_ liquid sources are generically handled as solidness=1, right?
19:57 doserj liquid sources are handled in makes_face(), depending on difference in solidness and visual_solidness. flowing liquids are handles in mapblock_mesh_generate_special()
19:58 doserj yes
19:58 celeron55_ i think there is a comment about this case in there
19:59 doserj this:TODO: Add 3: Both faces drawn with backface culling, remove equivalent ?
19:59 celeron55_ ah, the comment is at... yes, that one
20:01 celeron55_ maybe that should happen when two different (that are also different liquid) solidness=1 nodes make a face in between (that is, there would be two faces, so that from each liquid you will see the other liquid at the face)
20:03 celeron55_ it's a bit laborous to implement; getTileInfo's handling of face_contents has to be extended, as well as getTileInfo's interface, as well as updateFastFaceRow that uses getTileInfo
20:03 celeron55_ and it has to be fast
20:04 Jeija left #minetest-dev
20:04 doserj to start with: if (contentDiffers && f1.solidness == 1 && f2.solidness == 1) return 3;
20:04 doserj in makes_face()?
20:05 celeron55_ you mean face_contents?
20:05 doserj erm, yes
20:06 celeron55_ i guess something like that (dunno about visual_solidness; it's handling will probably have something to do with flowing liquids (they are solidness=0, visual_solidness=1 IIRC))
20:07 celeron55_ if they are so, they should work out fine with that logic
20:07 celeron55_ ...maybe
20:08 doserj solidness=0, visual_solidness=0 for flowing liquids.
20:08 doserj visual_solidness=1 for glass and leaves
20:09 celeron55_ hmm, i wonder why it is so
20:09 celeron55_ well, better not fiddle with that, there is likely a reason
20:10 celeron55_ that probably has something to do with some face-making priorities
20:11 doserj face_contents basically says draw the face with the bigger solidness
20:11 celeron55_ it's funny how everything starts seeming like sheets of paper instead of solid cubes when you think these things 8)
20:12 celeron55_ yes; originally it did just that
20:12 celeron55_ then it has bloated up a bit
20:12 doserj and then adds some special cases
20:19 hmmmm the spikes thing... that's a big WONTFIX
20:20 hmmmm it's hard to prevent and the occurance of them is rare, some people might even find them interesting
20:20 hmmmm sorry RBA
20:20 celeron55_ more like CANTFIX, with the clause: one is free to try, but it will likely only cause his head to explode
20:21 celeron55_ hmmmm: they're a PITA if you want to try to make v6 to make large mountains - but it isn't designed for that anyway
20:21 hmmmm celeron, if you'd like v6 to make large mountains it's as easy as modifying the offset and scale of terrain_higher
20:21 hmmmm i've tried it before and i must say the results are neat
20:21 celeron55_ i tried it for multiple hours and i must say nope
20:22 hmmmm what, tried different settings?
20:22 celeron55_ you did try to also make them very wide?
20:22 hmmmm no
20:22 celeron55_ different parameters, those stored in map_meta.txt
20:22 celeron55_ i tried to make that happen too
20:22 hmmmm you didn't like the results?
20:22 hmmmm i thought it was cool.
20:22 celeron55_ it just doesn't work; every large wide mountainy mountain ends up having spikes on top of it 8)
20:23 celeron55_ or on the sides of it
20:23 hmmmm oh yeah
20:23 celeron55_ depends of things
20:23 hmmmm i know what you mean there
20:23 hmmmm i've seen that
20:23 hmmmm in order to fix that i think you'd have to modify the noise for the steepness
20:23 celeron55_ the steepness factor and the level selector noises are really hard to control
20:24 celeron55_ really we'd need a generator that allows modifying the parameters of a noise with other noises
20:24 hmmmm inception
20:24 celeron55_ it's how the generator of Ternadim works
20:24 celeron55_ and how some 0.2 minetest worked
20:24 hmmmm never heard of Ternadim
20:25 celeron55_ i'm getting you a screenshot if my connection permits
20:25 hmmmm you have DSL... how bad can it be?
20:25 celeron55_ very bad
20:25 hmmmm :/
20:25 celeron55_
20:25 celeron55_ a bit old, but anyways
20:25 hmmmm this is 0.2 minetest or ternadim?
20:26 doserj ok, pushed an update for the interior faces of flowing liquids. faces between liquid sources of different kinds will have to wait (at least until tomorrow).
20:26 celeron55_ ternadim
20:26 celeron55_ it's an in-development RTS game by me
20:26 hmmmm which noise parameters have you actually modified with noise?
20:26 thexyz celeron55_: will you comment on that translating issue?
20:26 celeron55_ glorious closed source
20:27 hmmmm ahh this is the simpler game you were talking about
20:27 celeron55_ hmmmm: it's useful to modify at least the persitence
20:27 celeron55_ offset may be too, to get some very large or very small scale variation on top of some middleway octaves
20:28 hmmmm that's useful
20:28 hmmmm i'm going to have something like that for v7
20:29 celeron55_ really locking to "octaves" is an arbitrary limitation too - the difference in the used noise scales applied together to form perlin noise could be anything instead of 2x
20:29 hmmmm i think it'll definitely reduce the "seen it before" factor one experiences when generating new land in minetest
20:29 celeron55_ it's really hard to make unpredictable terrain predictably
20:30 celeron55_ you need to take huge samples to make sure you're maybe getting what you want 8)
20:30 celeron55_ it's a skill to do it in large scale without sampling results so much
20:30 celeron55_ an another limitation we/you are going to face is that 2d noise can't make interesting cliffs; it requires 3D
20:31 celeron55_ dunno how that could be handled
20:31 hmmmm i disagree there
20:31 hmmmm i think i can make neat cliffs with 2d
20:31 celeron55_ you can only prove me wrong by actually doing it
20:32 hmmmm i have some ideas on how to make that happen, but i need to do other stuff first
20:32 hmmmm which really isn't too much more now that i think about it
20:32 celeron55_ one thing i know for sure is that 3d noise is a silver bullet for interesting cliffs
20:32 celeron55_ it really is
20:33 hmmmm i believe you, i've seen it
20:33 hmmmm quite nice
20:33 celeron55_ if in trouble, just slap in 3d noise; done
20:33 celeron55_ 8D
20:33 celeron55_ computationally heavy, but it just does it
20:34 hmmmm i can generate an 80x80x80 piece in about 110ms
20:34 celeron55_ ...why do you even consider anything else then?
20:34 hmmmm because
20:34 hmmmm i think it's more challenging this way
20:34 hmmmm more interesting (to me)
20:34 celeron55_ there's no reason to take extra challenges; we're struggling to get results even without any of them
20:34 hmmmm (not to the end user)
20:35 * celeron55_ the producer
20:35 hmmmm the sooner i get done with the current stuff, the sooner i can get working on some really cool noise.
20:36 hmmmm nearly done with the Lua functions for the new perlin noise things
20:37 hmmmm who is the guy with the "set node range" lua function?  was that plizadam?
20:37 celeron55_ yes
20:37 hmmmm i don't think that function is useful on its own
20:37 hmmmm it needs a "get node range" as well
20:37 hmmmm i should talk to him about that
20:37 celeron55_ sounds like a lua interface to voxelmanipulator
20:37 hmmmm yes.
20:37 hmmmm that was my original plan.
20:38 celeron55_ that has been on the todo lists since forever
20:38 hmmmm i was going to do it but someone did something that approximates it faster than i got to it
20:38 celeron55_ well, directly after "find out if it's of any real use"
20:38 hmmmm s/faster/sooner/
20:38 hmmmm of course it is
20:38 celeron55_ also, please note that VM is broken by design
20:38 celeron55_ especially now for lua
20:39 celeron55_ it doesn't handle node metadata, and doesn't handle node constructors/destructors/anything
20:39 celeron55_ it's just fast and doesn't care about anything
20:39 hmmmm i don't believe that matters
20:39 hmmmm if you're setting bulk nodes, would you really care about metadata and that stuff?
20:39 celeron55_ there's kind of two levels of node manipulation in minetest - one is using them as plain data, and the other one is using them like game elements
20:40 celeron55_ maybe they should be clearly said to be so
20:40 celeron55_ to not cause confusion
20:40 celeron55_ well, that'll go in the lua documentation of VM, if that becomes to exist
20:41 hmmmm the VM i won't document
20:41 hmmmm i'm sure you understand it better and what not
20:41 hmmmm i just know how to use ie
20:41 hmmmm s/ie/it/
20:41 celeron55_ there are two points in VM
20:42 celeron55_ 1) it allows copying node data between threads
20:42 celeron55_ 2) it allows constructing something from nodes (a bit faster than on a regular map), but most importantly it happens without lighting, and it can be then bulk-updated afterwards
20:43 celeron55_ (well, also heavy algorithms are faster on them, but it's kind of 2 again)
20:45 celeron55_ dunno if that was any news to anyone, but i had to say it anyway 8)
20:47 celeron55_ actually, 2 is doable without them too, but it's a bit messy
20:47 celeron55_ or... different
20:58 hmmmm how do i do a pull request for a specific commit?
20:59 celeron55_ make a branch that has only it on top of c55/master
20:59 celeron55_ now that i think of it, i've actually never made a single pull request 8D
20:59 hmmmm ugh that's a lot more work, i was hoping there was some github option
21:00 celeron55_ well, tbh, that isn't a lot of work
21:01 celeron55_ it implicitly makes sure the thing actually can be merged on master too
21:03 thexyz just send a .patch then
21:04 celeron55_ a patch is fine too; just go to your commit on github and append .patch to the page
21:04 celeron55_ it's like magic, except more magical
21:06 hmmmm alright, so i back up my directory i'm working with, checkout -b mapgen_factories, now what, git fetch upstream/master?
21:08 celeron55_ depends on what your initial state was, in detail
21:08 celeron55_ a branch that has many unrelatedcommits?
21:08 celeron55_ +space
21:10 hmmmm i want to set the contents of the branch
21:10 hmmmm oh wait, maybe what i do is checkout to master, and THEN do the checkout -b from there.
21:11 celeron55_ i'd maybe first fetch upstream, then branch from it rather than your stuff, and then cerry-pick the commit into it
21:11 celeron55_ yeah, branch -d mapgen_factories and start over like that 8)
21:15 hmmmm alright so i'm at the point where i have the latest code, and i'm on a new branch
21:15 hmmmm now i have to use "cherry-pick" or something along those lines
21:16 celeron55_ if you have a single commit to put in the branch, try git cherry-pick hashstuff
21:17 hmmmm i just did that
21:17 hmmmm alright
21:17 hmmmm so i think i'm good
21:18 hmmmm ah no i need to push to origin first
21:20 hmmmm alright great
21:22 hmmmm I did it
21:23 hmmmm so what's the point of the "followers" thing on github?  i can't really figure it out
21:31 doserj you can "follow" users and "watch" repositories to see on your github homepage what they do
21:32 hmmmm
21:32 hmmmm why would i bother with that
21:32 hmmmm i don't care what other people are doing
21:33 doserj it#s the social network thing. it's hip! all the cool kids are doing it :)
21:34 doserj but seriously, there are cases where it is useful
21:48 celeron55_ i use none of that 8)
21:49 celeron55_ but otoh, i guess people find it useful to follow my repo
21:50 celeron55_ can somebody make a pull request that doesn't compile? just for the kicks, as we have those fancy travis messages in there? 8)
22:59 rsiska joined #minetest-dev

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