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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-03-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 ShadowNinja got it
00:02 VanessaE paste?
00:02 ShadowNinja Pointing at [node under=763,23,-626 above=763,24,-626]
00:02 VanessaE ok, somewhere in this mess...
00:02 * VanessaE looks for the entry
00:03 VanessaE time signature?
00:03 ShadowNinja 19:02:01
00:03 VanessaE looking...
00:06 VanessaE wtf?
00:06 VanessaE ah
00:06 VanessaE found it
00:07 ShadowNinja anything interesting?
00:07 VanessaE
00:07 VanessaE took a sec to copy it out
00:08 VanessaE wasn't sure how much of the log was specific to that exact event, so there's a little extra context there
00:09 VanessaE that little half-second abm interval that happened at the same time may be responsible.
00:10 VanessaE also one of our clocks is wrong ;-)
00:15 ShadowNinja the bug may have, er, not occured, it was night and I might have mis-seen it, trying again but this is kind of rare
00:18 VanessaE ok
00:18 VanessaE let me know when you get it for sure - and don't remove/redo it.
00:20 ShadowNinja bug: why must you be so hard to reproduce :-(
00:21 VanessaE because you're looking for it, why else?
00:21 VanessaE like that damn F10 bug.  it happened all the time, until someone started trying to reproduce it deliberately.
00:23 ShadowNinja Thats one way to fix issues :-)
00:26 hmmmm hey vanessa, do you think it's possible to try to log into a server with a name that has a unicode character in it?
00:26 VanessaE never tried it
00:26 VanessaE however,
00:26 VanessaE I do know X11 compose doesn't work in formspecs..
00:26 hmmmm probably not, huh?  can't enter unicode stuff in the config file, can't type it into the textbox
00:26 VanessaE not so far as I can tell, no
00:27 hmmmm but if anything is the root of the F10 problem, i'd say that is
00:27 VanessaE Compose is the only way I happen to know of to type such chars
00:27 VanessaE heh? o.O
00:27 VanessaE ok, I'll bite
00:27 hmmmm man, this place really smells like updog.
00:28 VanessaE RAWRF!  *chomp*&
00:28 VanessaE wait, what? :)
00:28 hmmmm ?
00:28 VanessaE nevermind
00:28 VanessaE bad joke
00:28 hmmmm grr
00:28 hmmmm i feel ashamed
00:28 VanessaE ?
00:28 hmmmm i guess i'll go hide under there
00:29 VanessaE I meant my comment was a bad joke ;)
00:29 hmmmm oh
00:30 VanessaE "updog" --> dog --> "rawrf!" (barking/growling)
00:30 VanessaE :-)
00:30 hmmmm you totally dodged both of my jokes though
00:30 VanessaE no, I'm just too thick to get them :-)
00:31 hmmmm first, you were supposed to ask "what's updog?" and then i'd say "haha, i made you ask "what's up dog?"
00:31 VanessaE haha
00:31 hmmmm then i tried to make you say "under where?"
00:31 hmmmm at which point i'd exclaim that i made you say underwear
00:32 VanessaE aw put your damn underwear on
00:32 VanessaE or get a towel
00:32 VanessaE ;)
00:32 VanessaE cover yourself ffs. :)
00:32 hmmmm can't
00:32 hmmmm okay i need to stop procrastinating
00:32 * VanessaE plays "The Streak" (Ray Stevens)
00:32 hmmmm I've been trying to work on a paper due tomorrow morning for the past two days but i can never seem to focus
00:33 hmmmm if i shut off all distractions i'll just find something else to be distracted with
00:33 VanessaE in which case, get distracted in code
00:33 hmmmm tomorrow there's going to be a flood of code
00:33 VanessaE or wait
00:34 VanessaE I know the focus problem though..  G*d I am so glad I'm long out of school
00:48 RealBadAngel looks like i finished minetest.get_craft_recipes
00:49 RealBadAngel it can return all registered recipes for given output, not just the last registered one like minetest.get_craft_recipe
00:57 VanessaE maybe it should be named get_craft_recipes_multi
00:57 VanessaE or something similar
01:04 RealBadAngel
01:04 RealBadAngel lookin for single recipes is get_craft_recipe, lookin for all of them get_craft_recipes
01:05 VanessaE the names are way too similar
01:05 VanessaE they are guaranteed to confuse
01:05 RealBadAngel many things are similar ;)
01:08 VanessaE lets try not to repeat such mistakes :)
01:08 VanessaE make it more different than this.
01:08 VanessaE a one-character difference is enough to fall within the realm of "fuck, why doesn't this wo...oh...I have an extra 's' there."
01:08 RealBadAngel if i do look for recipes (not just one recipe) why should i call it different?
01:09 hmmmm get_multiple_craft_recipies
01:09 hmmmm get_all_craft_recipies
01:09 VanessaE the second
01:09 VanessaE get_all
01:09 VanessaE that makes the most sense in fact.
01:09 VanessaE or
01:10 VanessaE actually, no, make it the first one
01:10 VanessaE get_multiple.
01:10 VanessaE get_all migth seem to imply that the *entire* list will be returned
01:10 hmmmm well personally i'd do the second and make what you just said enumerate_craft_recipies
01:10 hmmmm if it were me doing this
01:11 VanessaE that works too
01:11 RealBadAngel so what the name is picked?
01:11 hmmmm i vote for get_all_craft_recipies
01:11 hmmmm as long as it's documented, what it does shouldn't be a problem...
01:12 Exio "fuck, why doesn't this wo...oh...I have an extra 's' there."
01:12 Exio that happened to me, 2 days rewriting code and testing stuff, not working
01:12 Exio i missed a ()
01:12 RealBadAngel folks have print. sprint. printf etc and are not complainin ;)
01:13 Exio (in racket/scheme/lisp)
01:13 VanessaE RealBadAngel: because it's too late to complain :-)
01:13 VanessaE but I remember the same issues coding in 6502 asm.  LSR -> JSR was perhaps my most common typo
01:14 hmmmm you'd find it right away though.. LSR doesn't take a operand
01:14 VanessaE actually, it does.
01:14 hmmmm ?
01:15 VanessaE LSR A (or just LSR); LSR $nn; LS$ $nnnn; LSR $nnnn, X
01:15 VanessaE and a couple more
01:15 hmmmm oh it can take memory operands
01:15 hmmmm doop
01:16 hmmmm LSR A is implied if there is no operand though
01:16 VanessaE yep
01:16 VanessaE whereas JSR takes only $nnnn I think
01:16 hmmmm maybe indirect addressing
01:16 VanessaE (it's been a while since I last wrote anything serious)
01:16 hmmmm i forget
01:16 VanessaE lemme check on that
01:17 VanessaE nope
01:17 VanessaE only one form, absolute addr
01:17 hmmmm man
01:17 hmmmm what an annoying instruction set
01:17 VanessaE heh
01:17 VanessaE well it was RISC, whaddya want :)
01:18 VanessaE (or at least, an early incarnation of it)
01:18 hmmmm something where you can do a jump table easier
01:18 VanessaE last time I had to do that was with self-mod code.
01:18 hmmmm yeah you're right
01:18 hmmmm i remember reading about it as if it were a "trick"
01:19 VanessaE lesse, it was something like LDY #0: LDA ($nn),Y: STA label+1: INY: LDA ($nn),Y: STA label+2: label JSR $0000
01:20 hmmmm looks about right
01:21 VanessaE fuck, now I have to check that indirect/Y syntax
01:21 VanessaE yup, that was it.
01:21 hmmmm pretty sure that part's good, X is the one with ($nn, X)
01:21 ShadowNinja hmmmm: this is what I was talking about before
01:22 hmmmm yeah, that's what i was going to merge
01:23 ShadowNinja I mean adding minetest.escape_formspec(), do you approve?
01:23 hmmmm oh... *shrug*
01:24 hmmmm this is such a mess because things weren't done the right way the first time... i don't know... if i were to go back and recognize escape sequences the right way in the formspec code, this wouldn't be necessary
01:24 hmmmm so we'd be adding something to the api and then removing it soon after (or at least until whenever i'd get around to making a permanent fix)
01:25 ShadowNinja I know, it would be great if you rewrote it but this should do the job for now
01:25 hmmmm so i'm thinking maybe you shouldn't add that lua api exactly, but keep the other stuff
01:25 ShadowNinja no, you would just have to change it and noone would have to rewrite their scripts
01:25 hmmmm yea
01:26 ShadowNinja from [ to \( to [ to \[
01:26 ShadowNinja so it should stay
01:26 hmmmm in its present state, if people were to start using "formspec_escape", and it's removed later on, that'll mess everything up
01:26 ShadowNinja why would you remove it?
01:27 hmmmm because it wouldn't be necessary after formspec's parser was fixed
01:27 ShadowNinja how would you fix it then?
01:27 hmmmm make it not skip to the first occurances of [ and ] as tokens
01:28 hmmmm i'd check if it's [ or ] and not part of an escape sequence
01:28 ShadowNinja then you would escape [ with \[ etc?
01:28 hmmmm yes
01:28 ShadowNinja then you can just change that in escape_formspec
01:28 Exio what is the [ and the ] at this moment in the formspec?
01:29 ShadowNinja \( and \)
01:29 hmmmm wait, when is formspec_escape() supposed to be used exactly?
01:29 ShadowNinja but it might be changed so use the function
01:29 ShadowNinja it just changes [ to \[ etc
01:30 hmmmm this is to be used on the individual fields for formspec, but not the formspec string itself
01:30 ShadowNinja a little shorter and more readable
01:30 ShadowNinja yes
01:31 hmmmm so you'd be doing something like local formspec_string = minetest.formspec_escape(yournamehere) .. "[" .. minetest.formspec_escape(yourparamhere) ..  so on .. "]"
01:31 hmmmm and then minetest.create_formspec(formspec_string) or w/e the api is
01:31 hmmmm ?
01:31 ShadowNinja one sec let me show you an example
01:31 hmmmm ok
01:32 ShadowNinja
01:33 hmmmm woah
01:33 ShadowNinja my working luacontroller code
01:33 hmmmm how do you work with this crap?
01:33 ShadowNinja ?
01:34 hmmmm meh nevermind, alright works good
01:34 hmmmm that api should stay then
01:34 ShadowNinja good :-)
01:35 ShadowNinja btw when does feature-freeze end?
01:36 RealBadAngel hmmmm, updated the pull with "all"
01:36 hmmmm tomorrow
01:42 dimeshake joined #minetest-dev
01:43 RealBadAngel well, at last i will be able to fix crafting guide
01:43 RealBadAngel no more funny hooks which stopped to work lately because of some other changes
02:16 RealBadAngel hmmmm, any chance for this to get into 0.4.5?
02:19 hmmmm
02:26 VanessaE but as said, nothing stops 0.4.6 from being releases like right after
02:26 VanessaE (or as needed of course)
02:26 RealBadAngel i could repair UI then, it stays broken for some time already
02:27 RealBadAngel old trick with hook stopped to work and theres no way to fix it anymore
02:33 VanessaE damn
02:33 VanessaE well at least you've found a more optimal solution anyway
02:37 RealBadAngel optimal? working 100$
02:37 RealBadAngel %
02:37 RealBadAngel even when hook worked it wasnt able to catch all the recipes
03:19 RealBadAngel im trying to solve now formspec problem with events
03:20 RealBadAngel if a textbox got updated (s.send == true) fields can access it
03:20 RealBadAngel which means callback can handle it
03:21 RealBadAngel but when a button is clicked theres no way to access textbox content
03:23 RealBadAngel and idk what to do, pass to fields also all edit boxes but as a different values? i mean the content not events
03:23 RealBadAngel before was both an event and the content
03:42 VanessaE not really sure
03:42 VanessaE isn't there some just-less-than-global array you can pull that info out of?
03:42 VanessaE if not, you need to create one somehow
03:44 RealBadAngel i think i will create two of them
03:44 RealBadAngel old fields will be used to indicate send as before
03:45 RealBadAngel second, new one will hold current values of all edit boxes currently in formspec
03:47 RealBadAngel and fields.editboxname if will exist will hold new value (and indicate change of it)
03:48 RealBadAngel second table inputs.editboxname will also hold its current value but aviable all the time, not as an event
03:49 RealBadAngel so another event can access all the inputs
03:49 RealBadAngel does it makes any sense?
03:56 VanessaE hmmmm: although your emergethread work has stopped the worst of the hangs, there's still one guaranteed way to hang the server up:  do some worldedit function that moves say 100k nodes.  it takes a good couple of minutes *after worldedit is done* before the client receives the new map data
03:56 VanessaE in the meantime, it just sits there, nothing being logged, nothing happening on the client, not responding to commands -- but worldedit has long since finished what it was doing
04:07 hmmmm let's see here... you're moving nodes, reading then writing them.  so what worldedit does is tries to grab the node, if the block where one should be doesn't exist, it emerges it, then grabs it.  it builds up this buffer, and then writes them to other blocks which may or may not already exist in memory and need to be emerged.  all of this is happening and the server can't do anything, including selecting blocks to send to the client, and not sending an
04:07 hmmmm y block modifications
04:08 hmmmm i suppose the apparent hangup is the server thread still attempting to queue up the node modifications in the packet send queue to report to you
04:09 hmmmm which wouldn't be related to the emergethread
04:09 VanessaE oh ok, well just thought I'd point it out
04:09 hmmmm now, does it have this behavior before my patch?  hm?
04:09 VanessaE yep
04:09 hmmmm well
04:09 VanessaE your path had no effect on it
04:09 VanessaE patch*
04:10 hmmmm of course not, it's out of my control
04:10 VanessaE well someone will surely find the issue
04:11 hmmmm i just explained what the issue must be
04:14 VanessaE s/find/fix/
04:20 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
04:23 hmmmm how far did you move these blocks exactly?
04:29 VanessaE about 190 nodes in the z direction, then down 90 in the Y direction
04:29 VanessaE the region being moves had a volume of around 130k I think
04:29 VanessaE moved*
04:32 hmmmm yeah - it doesn't matter.  it's not a bug like you say it is.  minetest simply was not designed to move such masses around with worldedit
04:32 hmmmm this cannot be "fixed"
04:34 VanessaE surely it can me
04:34 VanessaE hanging for a few seconds is one thing
04:35 VanessaE hanging to 2-5 minutes is ridiculous
04:35 VanessaE be*
04:35 hmmmm you think so but you don't realize how much i/o needs to be done
04:36 hmmmm and then there's the latency introduced by the network layer
04:36 Kray joined #minetest-dev
06:10 Deiz joined #minetest-dev
06:10 Deiz joined #minetest-dev
06:11 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
06:12 VanessaE well /clearobjects is now officially useless :-)
06:25 thexyz VanessaE: i guess that problem only occurs with nodeboxes exceeding -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5, doesn't it?
06:25 VanessaE which?>
06:26 VanessaE the clearobjects thing?
06:26 thexyz
06:27 * VanessaE looks
06:27 VanessaE oh that
06:28 VanessaE actually no, it affects for example, your/pilzadam's signs mod too
06:28 VanessaE anything that's somewhat thin
06:28 VanessaE and my homedecor doors,
06:29 VanessaE which are standard-size nodes not exceeding +/- 0.5
06:29 VanessaE I think it's more a matter of the size of the *selectbox* rather than the model
06:29 VanessaE but then, that doesn't explain why it affects signs
06:30 thexyz too bad the image is not here anymore
06:30 VanessaE maybe I have it cached.
06:31 thexyz because i can't understand the problem
06:31 VanessaE hold
06:31 thexyz can you upload it somewhere?
06:31 VanessaE sure if I can find it
06:32 VanessaE oh ffs..  what moron organized firefox's cache? >:-(
06:33 VanessaE screw it, I'll make an equivalent
06:35 VanessaE GRR
06:37 * darkrose offers a chew toy
06:37 VanessaE now that I want to reproduce it I can't.
06:37 VanessaE except with my homedecor doors.
06:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
06:42 VanessaE thexyz:
06:43 VanessaE on the left, I am pointing at the edge of the door, which is correctly highlighted, but if I move my pointer over just a bit to the left, the selection box falls through and the object behind the door is selected instead
06:43 VanessaE that particular door has a selection box that is 1.0 tall, 0.5 wide, and something like 0.25 thick
06:44 VanessaE (both halves have the same size of select box, positioned to cover the whole door no matter which half you point at)
06:44 VanessaE for some folks, this happens with default doors too
07:26 EdB joined #minetest-dev
07:42 VanessaE I'm out for the night.
07:57 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:47 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:41 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
12:09 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
12:09 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
13:48 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:09 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:18 RealBadAngel hi all
14:38 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
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15:00 troller joined #minetest-dev
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16:19 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
16:21 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
16:25 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
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17:27 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:06 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
19:08 thexyz hmmmm: are we ready for release?
19:12 Jordach oh, btw, have you seen pull #520?
19:12 thexyz yes
19:14 thexyz wow, i love it
19:14 thexyz > Drawforms are very similar to formspecs, but have a comletely different syntax.
19:15 Jordach > Working on item holding for EVERYONE!!!
19:16 sfan5 ?O/
19:16 sfan5 *?o/
19:16 sfan5 **\o/
19:17 Jordach this REALLY needs to be merged with HEAVY testing
19:17 thexyz i don't think that'll be merged all-at-once
19:18 thexyz some things should be fixed firstly
19:18 Jordach thexyz, LUA HUD
19:18 thexyz for example, this should be moved to util/string.cpp
19:19 thexyz and StringToNumber already exists
19:21 ShadowNinja I think the particle stuff should be removed in favor of the client-side ones by jeija
19:21 thexyz yeah
19:23 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest-dev
19:23 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:24 VanessaE
19:24 VanessaE if anyone cares.
19:25 VanessaE figured I'd get the debug spew + backtrace as long as it's available.
19:28 VanessaE this is probably what crashed my server yesterday when I was out, I've got folks building out to +/- 1500 already, and most of that is new, unexplored terrain at present
19:31 thexyz "Invalid block data in database"
19:31 thexyz See debug.txt.
19:31 thexyz You can ignore this using [ignore_world_load_errors = true].
19:32 VanessaE yes I know
19:32 VanessaE but that doesn't explain why it wrote invalid data in the first place.
19:32 rubenwardy does Minetest use Irrlicht 1.8?
19:32 VanessaE rubenwardy: my install does.
19:32 rubenwardy ok
19:33 thexyz VanessaE: i don't think it did
19:33 VanessaE thexyz: read failure then?
19:33 PilzAdam rubenwardy, we will use 1.7 until debian stable has 1.8 in its repos
19:33 thexyz not use but support maybe?
19:33 rubenwardy but it works with 1.8
19:33 rubenwardy ?
19:33 thexyz it works with both
19:33 rubenwardy ok
19:34 rubenwardy someone was wondering whether upgrading to 1.8 would break Minetest
19:34 thexyz nope, it works fine
19:34 rubenwardy :P
19:35 thexyz VanessaE: no idea
19:35 thexyz broken hdd? broken fs?
19:35 VanessaE doubt it
19:36 proller PilzAdam, will wait debian for 2-3 years?
19:36 thexyz pkill -9 minetest?
19:36 * VanessaE shrugs
19:37 proller evreone will use Irrlicht 3.0 and in debian 'fresh' 1.8
19:37 VanessaE hmmmm did say this issue needs looked at/fixed, which is why I went ahead and filed it, for the sake of having it on record.
19:38 thexyz hm..
19:44 proller reading ...
19:51 proller there is no nosignal when sending announce
19:52 proller serverlist.cpp 260 lines+
19:54 proller fix -
19:54 proller commit it who can
19:55 thexyz both curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); are already here
19:55 proller hm.. git 8(
20:05 proller path change in git
20:31 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest-dev
20:44 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
20:56 VanessaE G*D DAMN IT!
20:56 thexyz ?
20:56 VanessaE that fucking bug just destroyed part of my map!
20:57 thexyz how so?
20:57 VanessaE that supposed invalid data issue
20:57 VanessaE it re-generated over a road
20:57 VanessaE same sort of thing redcrab was having problems with a while back
20:57 thexyz hm..
20:57 thexyz could it be because of sqlite?
20:57 thexyz is your map >4gb?
20:57 thexyz (i actually have no idea how's that related)
20:58 VanessaE not even close to it
20:58 VanessaE it's more like 250 MB or so
20:58 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
20:59 thexyz hm..
20:59 VanessaE man this shit's gotta STOP.
21:00 VanessaE THIS is why I voted to let the feature freeze remain in place for a while longer
21:02 thexyz why?
21:02 VanessaE because bugs like this cause data loss
21:02 VanessaE data loss bugs are stoppers.
21:02 VanessaE you DO NOT make a new release with a bug this bad.
21:02 thexyz last commit to serialization.cpp (apart from changing things like copyright year or dropping -c55) is from Date:   Sun Jul 22 20:29:09 2012 +0300]
21:04 thexyz i'm pretty much sure this problem is not minetest's failure
21:06 thexyz improper shutdown may be the cause
21:10 VanessaE the only "improper" shutdowns that happen here are if the server crashes.
21:10 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest-dev
21:22 ponyboy joined #minetest-dev
21:28 hmmmm yeah we're almost ready for release
21:28 hmmmm just need to bump the version
21:28 thexyz did you read VanessaE's messages?
21:28 hmmmm what
21:28 hmmmm the irrlicht thing?
21:28 thexyz
21:29 hmmmm oh that
21:29 thexyz
21:29 thexyz that too
21:29 hmmmm a backtrace?
21:29 hmmmm so it can be readily replicated?
21:29 VanessaE it destroyed part of my map, I'm rebuilding a few structures now - the damage wasn't major thankfully
21:29 hmmmm you didn't have a backup?
21:30 hmmmm okay woah
21:30 hmmmm let me make sense of this
21:30 VanessaE sure I have backups, but nothing in the last couple of days - the server's being built on so fast now that anything older than 1 or 2 hours is too old
21:30 thexyz are there any tools to replace a single block in map.sqlite?
21:30 hmmmm reportAction() stuff is normal
21:30 hmmmm right?
21:30 hmmmm thexyz, sure, it's 'sqlite3'
21:31 thexyz how about replacing it without much headache?
21:31 thexyz well, it won't be hard to write one anyway
21:31 hmmmm not yet
21:31 hmmmm that was on my list honestly
21:32 hmmmm alright well let's see here
21:32 hmmmm decompressZlib
21:32 hmmmm zlib writes it, zlib can't decompress it
21:32 hmmmm it's obviously there.. right?  would be nice if we knew the length of the inflate it tried to do
21:33 VanessaE I had to disable checking for map errors on load (as thexyz suggested)...when it came up, blam.  a chunk of map east of the spawn got regenerated - some stuff was still there, some was destroyed - and some was covered over in dirt that I know for a fact was never as high as it was found to be
21:33 thexyz ughh..
21:34 thexyz that's what this setting is supposed to do
21:34 VanessaE yeah ugh
21:34 hmmmm just generate anew if the block coudn't be loaded
21:34 hmmmm but that's not what the intention is
21:34 hmmmm the intention is to just keep the server alive if there was a read error
21:34 hmmmm what happens is that the read fails and it generates it because it couldn't get it from disk
21:35 hmmmm so what we do is have three states for loadBlock:  success, not on disk, failure
21:35 hmmmm on failure we drop out of the loading completely, or something, shrug.
21:35 hmmmm but not overwrite the data, anything but that
21:35 VanessaE there, server restarted without that flag in place
21:35 VanessaE if it happens again maybe you guys can tell me what to do to get some useful info out of it
21:36 hmmmm i'd have you add a line of code to print out the length
21:36 hmmmm soo =/ you'd have to restart anyway
21:38 VanessaE fwiw, the pattern of regeneration makes no sense.  for example, dirt, on top of cobble that I know I placed before - but dirt below it too that wasn't there
21:42 VanessaE s/dirt/dirt_with_grass/g
21:43 hmmmm // TODO: Block should be marked as invalid in memory so that it is
21:43 hmmmm // not touched but the game can run
21:43 hmmmm yeah... we should do that sometime, huh
21:44 thexyz hmmmm: so, are you going to bump the version right now?
21:44 hmmmm yeah
21:46 hmmmm well, decompressZlib fails on line 347 of mapnode.cpp and throws a SerializationError that isn't caught until loadBlock()
21:48 hmmmm it either fails with Z_ENED_DICT, Z_DATA_ERROR, or Z_MEM_ERROR.
21:49 hmmmm oh, Z_DATA_ERROR derp, zerr() is called
21:52 hmmmm well, logically, if a certain block fails to load once, wouldn't it keep failing to load every time a load is attempted?  before it was regenerated, it seems that (-15, -1, -27) was loading fine... right?  what i actually need to know is if these are random, intermittent errors happening on different blocks each time, or if you encounter a bad block, it stays bad until the map is resaved
21:56 hmmmm so the solution here would be to make ServerMap::loadBlock(std::string *...) return a bool indicating failure or success, and return false in the catch statement.  then, in ServerMap::loadBlock(v3s16), i guess what we could do is have it take another parameter for a failure reason.  so we'll make it so that when it returns NULL and the status is not okay, then there was a serialization error and we should not touch the block further, perhaps set a flag
21:56 hmmmm that it's invalid so it doesn't get saved or modfied.
21:56 hmmmm which i'll do after i eat
22:02 hmmmm nobody finished the changelog...
22:17 iqualfragile1 please think about and agree on guidelines for modmakers, these should include: choosing the right license, puting your mod into a repository, splitting the mod (kiss) if there are too many features, indentation (…) and publish those guidelines in an official place
22:18 iqualfragile1 that would make life a lot easier (at least for me)
22:18 iqualfragile1 also it could help if you try to add some mod to the default game (license)
22:36 proller hmmmm, can you make git tag 0.4.5
22:37 VanessaE also another point of note, hmmmm:  I have stone walls and paths here and there in the erroneously-re-generated area.  new ores were placed into the stone.
22:37 VanessaE though that's surely just an artifact of the mapgen being run normally
22:42 Exio lol? new ores?
22:44 VanessaE as in copper, coal, etc appearing where it wasn't before.
22:44 VanessaE (and where it could never have been e.g. there was never stone in that location before I built there)
23:10 tirom13 joined #minetest-dev

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