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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-04-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
00:22 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
00:33 ShadowNinja the new website is having some issues...
00:38 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
00:45 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
00:49 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
01:31 jojoa1997|Tablet left #minetest-dev
01:41 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
01:42 jojoa1997|Tablet left #minetest-dev
01:43 moala left #minetest-dev
01:49 RealBadAngel hmmmmm, some bugfixes, can you merge it?
01:51 hmmmmm i can't merge that
01:51 hmmmmm you use strtok
01:51 RealBadAngel whats wrong with it?
01:51 hmmmmm it's unacceptable to use strtok, especially when i added strtok_r for platforms that don't have it already
01:53 RealBadAngel so shall i use strtok_k?
01:53 hmmmmm there is no such thing as strtok_k
01:54 RealBadAngel you just said you added it?
01:54 hmmmmm that's strtok_r.
01:54 RealBadAngel oops :)
01:54 RealBadAngel any difference with usage?
01:54 hmmmmm not really
01:55 hmmmmm if you'd like an example of how to use strtok_r, see settings.h getStruct() and setStruct()
01:55 hmmmmm also read the man pages for it.. but that goes without saying.  you always need to know how a function works before you use it.
01:55 RealBadAngel i need to just cut the first part of string to get rid of quantities
01:57 RealBadAngel before some1 (propably darkrose) cut the compared string to query length, so for this function default:obsidian was the same as default:obsidian_shard, glass, etc
01:57 hmmmmm well that's not right
02:12 RealBadAngel hmmmmm, changed commit to use strtok_r
02:28 hmmmmm that's better
02:29 Exio that hmmmmm is fake
02:29 Exio where is hmmmm
02:29 hmmmmm the cyberpolice caught him
02:29 Exio what did he do? :P
02:30 hmmmmm he hacked the gibson
02:39 hmmmmm why is it that the only time i have free to work on minetest, i feel like crap
03:03 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
03:14 jojoa1997|Tablet left #minetest-dev
03:20 proller joined #minetest-dev
03:37 hmmmmm how essential is reproducibility when it comes to cave generation, do you think?
03:39 hmmmmm it'd pretty easy for each mapgen object to maintain a list of the endpoints of each previously generated cave, and would produce probably neater results, but the downside is that the recorded endpoints would be lost on destruction of that mapgen object, so the same map that had more generated within a longer run of time would have more connected and different caves than otherwise, perhaps
03:40 hmmmmm just a passing thought, i'm not pushing for this at all
03:41 Exio i don't get one thing, what about when a "cave" gets ... half generated or so?
03:43 hmmmmm erm, what?
03:43 Exio random thing, - wasn't leveldb going to be in 0.4.7?
03:43 hmmmmm yes.. and?
03:43 Exio hmmmmm: for the first thing, nvm, miss read
03:44 Exio for the second, nothing really, :P
03:44 Exio oh god, this lag kills me
03:45 hmmmmm i think i've decided that i'm not going to generalize the cave generation and simply plop that into mapgen v7
03:45 hmmmmm i can make improvements and it would be wholly incompatible, but that's okay
03:45 hmmmmm because i have no such restriction of reverse compatibility now
03:46 VanessaE in reality, I don't think anyone will actually give two shits whether caves are the same from one map to another of the same seed
03:46 VanessaE except maybe those folks who like to post coords for pop tart cats or something.
03:46 hmmmmm it'd be marked as a bug and you know it
03:46 VanessaE mmmh
04:16 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
04:39 vidplace7 joined #minetest-dev
05:04 vidplace7 joined #minetest-dev
05:20 emptty joined #minetest-dev
06:07 celeron55 hmm... i think the "account" button should be more hidden on the main website
06:08 celeron55 it looks now like it was for any regular user, but it really isn't for anyone else than a few people
06:08 celeron55 maybe put it in the footer or something
06:17 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
06:33 bas080 joined #minetest-dev
06:37 bas080 left #minetest-dev
07:33 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
07:40 emptty joined #minetest-dev
07:59 troller joined #minetest-dev
08:02 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
08:39 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
08:54 Taoki_1 joined #minetest-dev
09:12 emptty joined #minetest-dev
09:18 Taoki_1 VanessaE: Tweaked that bobbing as close as I could to your suggestion last night. Feel free to try the latest version
09:35 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
09:56 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
10:05 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
10:09 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:11 vidplace7 joined #minetest-dev
10:24 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
10:27 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:30 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
10:35 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, why have you added this example to lua-api.txt?
10:48 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:01 troller joined #minetest-dev
11:02 emptty joined #minetest-dev
11:03 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
11:16 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
11:42 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
12:03 Taoki PilzAdam: Please see the ltest fall bobbing commit. I did the suggestions VanessaE told me last night, and now it should be as good as it can get
12:04 Taoki You get little bobbing when just jumping and falling in place, and the maximum amount at about +3 nodes fall
12:04 PilzAdam will look at it soon
12:07 emptty joined #minetest-dev
12:09 Calinou Taoki: can you add an idle camera/wield item animation too? would be nice :P
12:09 Taoki Calinou: Maybe some other time
12:11 Calinou I didn't say "now" ;)
12:34 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
12:51 blue42u joined #minetest-dev
12:51 blue42u Has anyone noticed the server crashing on shutdown?
12:51 PilzAdam yes
12:53 blue42u Well, the cause is line 97 of emerge.cpp.
12:53 PilzAdam we already have a pull request to fix it
12:53 blue42u Ah. Sorry, then. :)
12:53 blue42u left #minetest-dev
12:57 RealBadAngel hi all
12:57 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, because i thought it was needed
12:57 PilzAdam it isnt
12:57 RealBadAngel can be moved to wiki
12:58 RealBadAngel just copy paste it to wiki then
12:59 PilzAdam remove it from lua-api.txt
12:59 RealBadAngel 1st, let me tell you why i thought it was needed
12:59 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
12:59 RealBadAngel now the function works totally different then before, both of  them
13:00 PilzAdam what?
13:00 PilzAdam have you broken compatibility?
13:00 RealBadAngel theres different indexin system (proper one), it does return matched queries, not just first found
13:00 RealBadAngel before indexes was STRINGS
13:01 BlockMen celeron55, if you want keep the login just for that few persons, than the account "button" can be removed at all
13:01 PilzAdam so, mods that have used it before dont work anymore?
13:01 RealBadAngel and compared output item name was cut to length of query
13:02 RealBadAngel so result for query default:obsidian was default:obsidian, default:obsidian_shard or glass
13:02 RealBadAngel whatever was first found
13:02 RealBadAngel yes, old code has to be fixed
13:02 PilzAdam that isnt good
13:03 RealBadAngel indexing table with for example table[""..i..""]
13:03 RealBadAngel is just wrong
13:03 PilzAdam it is already in an stable release
13:03 RealBadAngel and in this very case compability can be sticked down there
13:03 PilzAdam what mods do you use this function?
13:04 RealBadAngel im not sure if any
13:04 RealBadAngel it was so fucked up that results were just crazy
13:04 RealBadAngel and using totally hard to find out
13:04 PilzAdam you have added this function, right?
13:04 RealBadAngel im talkin bout get_craft_recipe
13:05 RealBadAngel wrote by darkrose
13:05 RealBadAngel she fucked it up in every possible way
13:06 RealBadAngel my fault was to copy some of her code to mine
13:06 RealBadAngel now i had to fix them both
13:06 PilzAdam why are you adding the exmaple to get_all_craft_recipes() then if you say that get_craft_recipe() was changed?
13:07 PilzAdam the default mod uses get_craft_recipe()
13:08 RealBadAngel because its workin different now
13:08 RealBadAngel i thought explanation is needed
13:08 RealBadAngel also i think get_craft_recipe shall be marked obsolete and removed
13:08 PilzAdam but you said it works different because darkrose fucked it up, but thats a different function?
13:09 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
13:09 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
13:09 RealBadAngel those are two very similar functions
13:09 RealBadAngel doin the very same
13:09 RealBadAngel mine was written on base of darkrose one originally
13:10 celeron55 BlockMen: i think it's nice to have it somewhere
13:10 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, so your function was fucked up too?
13:10 RealBadAngel not so hard, but too
13:10 PilzAdam why have you done it this way in the first place and waited until its in a stable release before fixing it?
13:11 RealBadAngel because i had no time to fully implement use of it, ie Unified Inventory craft guide
13:12 RealBadAngel when i started to code it i realized this code is broken in certain cases
13:13 RealBadAngel not all of them, most cases it returns expected values
13:13 RealBadAngel but in some cases it behaves weird
13:13 BlockMen celeron55, ok. but i would like to keep top right when logged in
13:13 RealBadAngel thus its fucked up
13:14 Jordach ehm, id like to hide the top right and make it seem harder for spambots to login
13:14 RealBadAngel i tested it with dump table
13:14 RealBadAngel so i could see 1={...}, 2={...}
13:15 RealBadAngel everythin was fine
13:15 PilzAdam doesnt the craft guide function use it?
13:15 RealBadAngel but 1 and 2 and all of the indexes was made strings
13:15 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, no, we were using our own hooks
13:16 RealBadAngel so instead of table[1], table["1"] was needed
13:17 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
13:17 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
13:17 RealBadAngel hi darkrose
13:18 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
13:18 RealBadAngel i was fixing get_craft_recipe yesterday
13:18 RealBadAngel and because i copied over some of yours code, my own function too
13:19 PilzAdam you have changed darkrose's code without talking to her?
13:19 RealBadAngel to her code i only applied bugfixes
13:20 RealBadAngel obvious ones
13:21 RealBadAngel i havent changed functionality
13:21 BlockMen celeron55, ?
13:22 Jordach BlockMen, i like that
13:22 RealBadAngel which is not as it should be in fact
13:23 RealBadAngel darkrose idea was to return with get craft recipe which was last registered
13:24 RealBadAngel mine is to return them all, because we do have multiple recipes
13:24 sfan5|OFF joined #minetest-dev
13:24 RealBadAngel and different ways to get the same item
13:25 RealBadAngel also, darkrose's one doesnt care of output quantities
13:25 RealBadAngel example i put in lua api says it all
13:25 BlockMen Jordach, i tried to makeit discreet
13:26 Jordach BlockMen, or just have a nice secret login page
13:26 BlockMen (the text)
13:26 Jordach like
13:26 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, still, examples dont belong into lua-api.txt
13:26 BlockMen np, celeron want a link
13:26 BlockMen *no
13:26 Jordach hmmm
13:26 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, so move it to wiki if you can
13:26 RealBadAngel i will remove it from api doc file
13:27 RealBadAngel i just wanted usage of it to be clear
13:27 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, also write a not to Modding General to announce the change
13:28 RealBadAngel oke, i will do so
13:28 RealBadAngel deivan i think will be interested
13:28 Deivan Oo
13:28 RealBadAngel speakin of the devil ;)
13:28 RealBadAngel i fixed function to get recipes
13:29 Deivan My irc client notify me when someone call my name. :D
13:29 RealBadAngel UI is fixed already
13:29 Deivan RL is calling.  AFK
13:29 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, and do never complain again if something breaks mod compatibility
13:30 RealBadAngel keeping aliases, namespace, same nodes is one thing
13:30 RealBadAngel but:
13:30 Exio keep '1' when adding 1? and deprecate '1' and remove it in two releases?
13:31 RealBadAngel for i=1,10,1 do   table[""..i..""] ....
13:31 RealBadAngel is just FUCKIN WRONG
13:31 troller someone, who can MAKE SERVERS TAB!!!!
13:31 Jordach actually, multiplayer tab should have two sub tabs, server list and favourite servers
13:32 troller favorite on http:// ??
13:32 RealBadAngel so please dont compare bugs to compability issues
13:33 troller now its wery simple to embed server list, and lot of work to favorites
13:33 PilzAdam where is the difference in breaking mods and breaking mods?
13:33 RealBadAngel hey i know two which were broken
13:34 RealBadAngel Unified Inventory and Craft Guide originally by cornernote, now maintained by Deivan
13:34 RealBadAngel i wont cry, deivan wont too i think :P
13:35 RealBadAngel because now it works and we can get rid of hooks
13:35 PilzAdam yea, and Calinou does neither when I pick some of his nodes
13:35 RealBadAngel which some1 broke lately
13:35 RealBadAngel we were depending on loading mods in alphabetical order
13:36 RealBadAngel to be the first one to load and catch them all
13:36 RealBadAngel some1 fixed it and broke our mods
13:36 RealBadAngel has he asked us about it?
13:36 Deivan I don't cry, well, sometimes...
13:36 Deivan :-P
13:36 Deivan AFK
13:37 RealBadAngel cmon, asked or not?
13:37 RealBadAngel so i fixed it to be reliable and usable
13:37 RealBadAngel end of story
13:38 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
13:38 Deivan For me is a solved case, my mod is working again.  No problem.  :D  AFK
13:39 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, see? i havent actually broken anythin. i caused it to work again :P
13:40 RealBadAngel but this case gave me a lesson
13:40 RealBadAngel never, ever copy part of some1's code and think it is good and working
13:43 TTChangeTheWorld joined #minetest-dev
13:51 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
14:10 celeron55 BlockMen: that looks fine
14:10 celeron55 BlockMen: keeping it at top right while logged in is fine, if you want to
14:19 Clarkian joined #minetest-dev
14:19 vidplace7 joined #minetest-dev
14:19 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
14:19 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
14:19 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
14:19 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
14:19 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
14:19 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
14:19 emptty joined #minetest-dev
14:19 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
14:19 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:19 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
14:19 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
14:19 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
14:19 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
14:19 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
14:19 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
14:19 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
14:19 Deivan joined #minetest-dev
14:19 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
14:19 IceCraft|Away joined #minetest-dev
14:19 ecube joined #minetest-dev
14:19 khonkhortisan joined #minetest-dev
14:19 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
14:19 dimeshake joined #minetest-dev
14:19 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
14:19 c0decat joined #minetest-dev
14:19 dzho joined #minetest-dev
14:19 toabi joined #minetest-dev
14:19 thexyz joined #minetest-dev
14:19 ShadowNinja|Away joined #minetest-dev
14:19 Kray joined #minetest-dev
14:19 mrdragons joined #minetest-dev
14:19 Exio joined #minetest-dev
14:19 TB`oFF|Vibe-X joined #minetest-dev
14:19 yno joined #minetest-dev
14:21 Clarkian so what are we gonna talk about?
14:23 Clarkian left #minetest-dev
14:27 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
14:27 BlockMen celeron55,
14:30 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
14:32 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
14:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
14:34 rubenwardy
14:36 rubenwardy Would be good if the logo/title was downsized to a width of 520px, as the size on the website is that
14:36 rubenwardy for faster loading
14:37 PilzAdam also: add the logo as menuheader to the game
14:38 celeron55 rubenwardy: isn't it 475px on the page
14:38 rubenwardy it says 520px is the element width, there may be padding
14:38 celeron55 but true; i'll do that
14:38 celeron55 it says 475px if i look up image info in FF
14:39 BlockMen rubenwardy, noticed it yesterday too...
14:39 BlockMen celeron55, it is 520!
14:39 celeron55 it is? oh well, it does look more like 520 than 475 anyway 8)
14:40 BlockMen celeron55, :P
14:41 rubenwardy Would it be possible to make a nyan cat appear on the stone background at the bottom of every page? for personality
14:41 rubenwardy or mese
14:42 celeron55 hmm, i tried scaling it to 520px with imagemagick; it looks somewhat blurrier now
14:42 rubenwardy what did you do about interlacing?
14:42 rubenwardy try per pixel or what ever
14:43 celeron55 ehm?
14:43 celeron55 also, no nyan cats on the page; the author is too bitchy about usage of it
14:43 rubenwardy our nyan cats?
14:43 rubenwardy or maybe just mese
14:44 rubenwardy or a dungeon with a dungeon master in it (even though they are obsolete)
14:44 BlockMen celeron55, and could you delete main-top_background - Kopie.png in images folder?
14:44 BlockMen rubenwardy, not the dungeonmaster....
14:45 rubenwardy KA BOOM!!
14:52 celeron55 BlockMen: hell
14:52 celeron55 why did you remove the nice bottom margin i added
14:52 * celeron55 hates reverting stupid changes by others
14:53 BlockMen i thought it was a bug.
14:53 BlockMen how should i have known?
14:54 celeron55 from the commit where i made it
14:55 BlockMen oh..there
14:55 BlockMen damn..i hate github!
14:55 emptty joined #minetest-dev
14:56 celeron55 anyhow, the moving of the login link to the bottom works well
14:56 BlockMen at least something...
14:57 BlockMen and the rewrite support too :)
14:57 celeron55 yes
14:57 BlockMen but now i have to ask...why have u added that margin to bottom?
14:58 celeron55 it makes it much clearer that the page ends there
14:58 celeron55 i hate pages that don't have some very clear indication of it
14:58 BlockMen in my opinion a footer makes kinda clear : here is the end
14:59 celeron55 you need to read the texts there to know it
14:59 celeron55 now you can be half blind and still see it in 100 milliseconds
15:00 celeron55 also, the page starts without the whiteish background, so it should also end without it
15:00 celeron55 it makes it complete
15:00 BlockMen in my opinn not, but just looks like hoovering in a strange way above ground now
15:00 BlockMen *opinion
15:01 BlockMen 2em looks better
15:21 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:24 rubenwardy1 joined #minetest-dev
15:27 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:28 rubenwardy hmm
15:29 rubenwardy not that is matters
15:31 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:32 emptty joined #minetest-dev
15:33 BlockMen rubenwardy, thx. except of the first error i will fix. the first has celeron to fix, because it is not in the template (IIRC)
15:35 troller BlockMen, please make servers tab if you change site
15:37 BlockMen troller, celeron55 has to decide that. if he is ok with that i will do
15:38 troller celeron55, !
15:40 celeron55 what will it contain
15:43 celeron55 probably servers, but based on what?
15:44 celeron55 and... why?
15:44 hmmmm [09:29 AM] <PilzAdam> RealBadAngel, and do never complain again if something breaks mod compatibility
15:44 PilzAdam the public server list?
15:44 hmmmm why does this break compatibility?
15:45 hmmmm i feel like you're just being grumpy in general, you didn't actually have a look at what the code does
15:46 PilzAdam it just changes the index type of returned table
15:47 PilzAdam wich breaks compatiblity if a mod already used it
15:49 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:50 BlockMen celeron55, fixed validation errors:
15:51 BlockMen the meta error is somewhere in  "<?php tpl_includeFile('meta.html') ?>" (i guess)
15:52 rubenwardy Cafepress still has only $3.04 in it
15:52 rubenwardy could get c55 some biscuits with that :S
15:52 BlockMen rubenwardy, since what date it is $3.04?
15:53 rubenwardy since jan iirc
15:53 troller celeron55, same list as
15:53 troller with same script + css
15:53 hmmmm a mod that already uses it would need to do recpies[i + ""] to convert it to a string first in order to access it, yes?
15:54 hmmmm and now that won't work
15:54 celeron55 troller: hmm, i'll implement this with some JS 8)
15:54 hmmmm pilzadam, honestly, that's a horrible way to access a result array, and it was wrong in the first place
15:54 hmmmm we made the decision to make incompatibilities in the API if they are unavoidable and problematic
15:54 troller celeron55, js from can be embendable to any page
15:55 hmmmm if the side effects of solving the problem are unavoidable*
15:55 * celeron55 is a bit rusty in vanilla javascript though, but wants practice
15:55 BlockMen celeron55, plz not more JS:
15:55 hmmmm i'd say the underlying problem is a dynamic type system.  this is bad, and the people who invented it should feel bad.
15:55 celeron55 BlockMen: eh, what does that image even show?
15:56 rubenwardy loading times
15:56 rubenwardy i guess
15:56 celeron55 it's an enormous JS file, why would i code 385KB of JS?
15:56 celeron55 also, what the hell even is that
15:56 BlockMen loading times, sizes, etc
15:57 celeron55 why is there a 385KB javascript file on
15:57 BlockMen dokuwiki?
15:57 celeron55 oh, it seems to include jquery
15:58 rubenwardy
15:58 celeron55 oh well, this got 10x easier then
15:58 BlockMen maybe we could delete all that smiley sh...
16:00 BlockMen oh..nvm
16:00 BlockMen it is less i thought
16:02 celeron55 well if dokuwiki uses jquery, there's really no way around that
16:02 celeron55 i do think jquery is bloated cancer, but it's so hard to get rid of it's worthless to try
16:02 celeron55 8)
16:02 celeron55 we could point the <script> to though
16:02 celeron55 they have massive servers
16:03 troller script for making serverlist -
16:03 troller using jquery
16:06 troller
16:07 celeron55 eh
16:07 celeron55 what kind of an unique id is #table
16:07 troller not very uqique 8(
16:08 troller bit i can change or make configurable
16:09 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
16:10 celeron55 for some reason this doesn't work like at all
16:11 celeron55 oh i screwed up
16:12 troller more unique and configurable -
16:13 celeron55
16:13 celeron55 i just copied and edited it a bit 8)
16:13 celeron55 it looks kind of reasonable
16:14 Calinou looks good
16:14 Calinou you should write "description" and not "desc", it looks ugly :|
16:14 Calinou but that's the master server
16:14 * celeron55 changes it in the glorious copypaste code
16:15 BlockMen celeron55, what happend to the padding-right at /servers?
16:16 celeron55 padding-right?
16:16 troller i will fix it all in master script
16:16 troller now will commit..
16:17 celeron55 dunno, my browser shows the page just like i'd expect it to
16:20 BlockMen celeron55,
16:21 troller celeron55, and in bottom of list must be short description how to add server to list
16:21 troller like: Write in server_announce = 0
16:22 troller in minetest.conf,   or check ''Public" in server gui
16:22 troller thexyz, ! please update masterserver script
16:23 celeron55 what does it require to announce to the master server?
16:23 celeron55 only server_announce = 1?
16:23 troller yes
16:23 troller and public ip
16:23 troller and reachable 30000 udp port
16:24 troller not 30000, from port=
16:25 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
16:25 troller in short -   server_announce = 1    and link to wiki 8)
16:28 rubenwardy
16:28 rubenwardy ???
16:28 celeron55 well, added a reasonably short note
16:28 rubenwardy
16:29 celeron55 rubenwardy: he probably refreshed the page while i was updating files before clearing cache
16:29 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
16:29 celeron55 or something
16:30 celeron55 also, i have no idea what _detail/ is, but it looks harmless
16:30 proller__ celeron55, server_address = without port, port taken from port=
16:31 celeron55 oops 8)
16:31 proller__ and address can be empty, master will use ip
16:31 BlockMen _detail is from media
16:31 celeron55 well okay, i'll just leave it out
16:31 proller__ and if you wrote wrong address - master will reject server
16:31 BlockMen e.g
16:33 rubenwardy1 joined #minetest-dev
16:33 celeron55 i think we need to put texture packs under "mods" to make room for servers; the top-level navigation bar is too crowded already
16:35 celeron55 or alternatively put servers under community
16:35 BlockMen how about something like "Costumize"(mods, texturepakcs) and "Play" (servers, games)?
16:35 celeron55 no, and games would go under customize in that
16:35 BlockMen right
16:36 emptty joined #minetest-dev
16:36 celeron55 i think i'll just quickly put it under community right now; it's not a bad place
16:36 proller__ servers must be easily reachable by first time visitors
16:36 celeron55 well, they are accessible in-game anyway
16:37 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
16:37 celeron55 BlockMen: "Customize" and "Servers" would probably work
16:38 celeron55 the top-level Customize can simply point to mods
16:38 celeron55 Customize sounds a bit boring though in all it's non-specificness
16:39 celeron55 that's why i chose "Extend" to the previous website
16:39 celeron55 it's shorter too; but it's not exactly what it's about though, so i don't know
16:39 PilzAdam hmmmm, yes, I agree that the change is good
16:39 proller__ we must interest player before he download and install game and multiplayer - important for it
16:39 PilzAdam just wanted to be sure that not too many mods are affected
16:39 PilzAdam *effected
16:40 BlockMen celeron55, im alos not sure bout that. either "Extend" nor "Costumize" is rly nice
16:41 BlockMen maybe just put under community for the moment and we think a new structre next time...
16:41 BlockMen *soon
16:41 celeron55 i'll do that; it's so trivial
16:41 PilzAdam hmmmm, also, I would say that it is good to merge leveldb ASAP, so we have long enough testing
16:41 celeron55 trivial is good 8)
16:43 celeron55 one thing still bothers me about the navigation bar
16:44 celeron55 it's confusing which of the top-level links are supposed to pop down a submenu
16:44 celeron55 you're left to wonder if your browser is lagging or if there really is no submenu
16:45 celeron55 there should be something to make it obvious without trying to open them
16:45 celeron55 maybe some kind of a small arrowhead icon downwards or... something
16:45 BlockMen i could make a drop down arrow beside
16:45 BlockMen but i think that looks also not very nice
16:46 BlockMen *but ok
16:46 celeron55 i think there must be a way to make it look reasonable
16:46 PilzAdam do we need the same link in the dropdown menu? e.g. "Mods" and "Recommended" are the same link
16:46 celeron55 not sure how
16:46 celeron55 PilzAdam: i think yes, because some people won't notice that the top level text is a useful link too
16:46 BlockMen celeron55 want that (he is easy to confuse) :P
16:47 PilzAdam I still would prefer to change "Recommended" to "Popular"
16:47 celeron55 i think it would be wise too; recommended sounds like you shouldn't even try others 8)
16:48 PilzAdam recommended sounds like the mods are good
16:48 PilzAdam technic isnt
16:48 BlockMen PilzAdam, why dont you remove it from list then?
16:48 celeron55 i'll change it to popular
16:48 PilzAdam because its "popular" :-)
16:49 VanessaE recommended should be taken to mean "a lot of folks think this is good, you should try it out".
16:49 VanessaE "popular" just covers the first clause, not the second.
16:49 celeron55 "many dumb people use this, maybe you're one of them" 8D
16:50 * celeron55 grins
16:50 VanessaE :P
16:50 celeron55 yeah, now it's PR GRADE
16:50 BlockMen ok, but then we have to use the popularity
16:50 BlockMen so now choosing anymore
16:50 celeron55 no we don't
16:50 BlockMen *no
16:51 BlockMen but then popular makes no sence
16:51 celeron55 this can be justified by the fact that all metrics are flawed
16:51 celeron55 so we trust our own brains
16:52 celeron55 not everything need to be controlled by machines!
16:52 BlockMen Popular->most hits, recommended->brain chosen
16:52 celeron55 they'll get most hits because of being on that page 8)
16:53 celeron55 it's valid independently of the direction of causation
16:53 BlockMen the word "popular" already says it:  lat. populus
16:53 BlockMen so "chosen" by a mass of ppl, not just afew
16:54 celeron55 well, "Editor's Choice" would be a very factual title for that link
16:55 celeron55 but it's kind of corny
16:55 BlockMen sounds bad, but makes sence
16:55 celeron55 what about "Popular-ish"? 8)
16:56 BlockMen and wouldnt it be clever first to merge my commit and then change the name??
16:56 celeron55 "Showroom"?
16:56 VanessaE Showcase?
16:56 Calinou "recommended" is fine
16:56 Calinou ubuntu uses it, so it is fine
16:57 BlockMen how about "Celerons favs"?
16:57 BlockMen :D
16:58 celeron55 how about "Most used"
16:58 celeron55 we don't have statistics about that, so it can be arbitrary
16:58 celeron55 as long as it's the intention
16:58 hmmmm [12:41 PM] <PilzAdam> hmmmm, also, I would say that it is good to merge leveldb ASAP, so we have long enough testing      me too, but there are like two separate pull requests and you closed both of them or something?
16:58 PilzAdam how about "Popular"; seriosuly, everyone knows what we mean
16:58 celeron55 i'm totally fine with Popular and already changed it to that
16:59 VanessaE "popular" would have the most "neutral" connotation
16:59 celeron55 okay
16:59 PilzAdam hmmmm, what?
16:59 hmmmm #minetest-dev - intense discussion about the heading of some webpage
16:59 * celeron55 places stamp on VanessaE's and BlockMen's head
16:59 VanessaE ow.
16:59 celeron55 it's decided
16:59 PilzAdam hmmmm, this is the one and only:
17:00 PilzAdam ask thexyz to rebase it
17:00 hmmmm i could sware that there was another.
17:00 BlockMen celeron55, and why havent you merged my fixes???
17:00 hmmmm yeah  i would, but thexyz is never around
17:00 BlockMen atm its not html5 vlaid
17:00 celeron55 BlockMen: why are you so hurried :P
17:00 PilzAdam hmmmm, hes always arround, he is just quiet
17:00 hmmmm hah, probably
17:00 BlockMen same question back->pointing at "Popular" :P
17:01 hmmmm you'd have to be crazy to want to be involved with minetest's development
17:01 PilzAdam according to the website, you have to be a guy or a girl with a blocky head
17:02 proller__ celeron55, in home:   Multiplayer support for tens of players, via servers hosted by users. ---> make it as link to servers page
17:02 proller__ or maybe "servers hosted by users"
17:02 VanessaE did you mean, "via supercomputers hosted by users"?
17:02 VanessaE :)
17:03 VanessaE also, please don't use the phrase 'tens of'.
17:03 VanessaE "dozens of" is fine if you want that kind of scale
17:03 celeron55 proller__: maybe you would like to have an account for editing the site? 8)
17:03 * PilzAdam votes for "tens of"
17:03 PilzAdam >:-)
17:04 celeron55 why do americans want to use such strange numbers
17:04 celeron55 in finland it's perfectly normal to say "tens of"
17:04 VanessaE celeron55: it's not so much that 'dozens of' is strange, as much as "tens of" is in native english
17:04 proller__ celeron55, no 8)
17:04 celeron55 VanessaE: also, "via supercomputers" sounds awesome, i'm going to change it to that
17:05 VanessaE we only use "tens of" usually when prefixing a measure of thousands, millions, etc., e.g. "tens of thousands" is fine.
17:05 hmmmm tens of supercomputers!
17:05 celeron55 now it's "tens of players, via supercomputers hosted by users"
17:05 hmmmm who comes up with this shit
17:05 celeron55 this is 100% good
17:06 hmmmm i think one of us should write it (i.e. sane people)
17:06 celeron55 hmmmm: you do not want to know what the front page looked like after the initial editing rush
17:06 celeron55 except that i will show you
17:06 celeron55 wait a moment
17:06 BlockMen to have a little more fun: why "Popular" and not "Most Popular"? :D
17:07 celeron55 hmmmm: take a look at this
17:07 celeron55 BlockMen: because they're not most popular, but just quite popular!
17:08 hmmmm inspired by ace of spades?
17:08 hmmmm really?
17:08 hmmmm i don't think anybody's ever heard of 'gnomescroll' either
17:08 celeron55 read further 8D
17:08 BlockMen i want a download counter for every mod and use that for the "Most Popular" :P
17:08 hmmmm just available for windows, mac osx and linux?  way more than that
17:08 BlockMen ok, enough fun for today
17:09 BlockMen im off...
17:09 BlockMen bye
17:09 hmmmm i'd change the "minetest is developed by" back to "a random bunch of lunatics'
17:10 hmmmm the last sentence in that introductory section is just retarded
17:10 PilzAdam anyone against putting the new "MINETEST" header into the game as menuheader.png?
17:10 hmmmm no amount of rewording can fix that
17:10 VanessaE PilzAdam: seems fine to me.
17:10 hmmmm and then they reference le reddit for some random reason
17:11 hmmmm if it were up to me, i'd say toss all of that content and do it from scratch
17:12 VanessaE "Build your dream world by hunting for and digging various resources such as gold, Mese, trees, and so on.  It's an almost-infinite voxel world, so your imagination is the only limit!"
17:12 VanessaE how about that?
17:12 hmmmm "fast dynamic lighting"
17:12 hmmmm okay wow.
17:12 hmmmm everything except "lighting" is wrong with that
17:13 PilzAdam what about a blank page with a link to this discussion?
17:13 VanessaE hah
17:13 hmmmm it doesn't matter, it's already been thoroughly revised from what i understand
17:13 hmmmm ugh you're kidding me, this is actually part of the main minetest page?
17:14 hmmmm throw all of it out immediately
17:14 hmmmm i am embarassed to be associated with minetest now
17:14 hmmmm bring back the old text
17:23 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:24 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:31 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:34 Taoki PilzAdam: Any news?
17:38 celeron55 hmmmm: it was an old version of that page
17:38 celeron55 this is the current one
17:39 celeron55 it's mostly the old text... i think i'll change some stuff still though
17:39 hmmmm ahh, that's much better, except i don't see why we have the "(or boxel, as reddit calls it)" part there
17:39 hmmmm and the lighting is definitely not dynamic
17:39 celeron55 it has been there for like a year
17:39 hmmmm that would mislead people
17:39 hmmmm not until taoki gives minetest some nice lights :)
17:40 celeron55 i'll remove the reddit reference
17:40 Taoki hmmmm: With some help from soneone else who knows I assume
17:40 celeron55 how's now?
17:40 hmmmm the lighting is tough, but with enough time to work on it, you can solve almost anything
17:40 hmmmm looks better
17:40 Taoki At best I can add a setting to disable voxel lighting and add hardware lights. But someone else will need to take care of adding in the shadows
17:40 ssieb is the lighting calculated on the client or server?
17:41 hmmmm server
17:41 ssieb oh!
17:41 ssieb that's probably what's causing the lag on my server then :-)
17:41 hmmmm erm, probably not.
17:41 * ssieb has the walking lights mod...
17:41 rubenwardy this may be relevant for "most popular mods":
17:42 rubenwardy - food, that is probably bias
17:42 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:42 Taoki Current lighting is prolly a very laggy factor
17:47 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:48 celeron55 now i'm quite happy with the site
17:48 celeron55 some pages are quite short; those can obviously be extended a bit (but with actually useful information and not some blah blah)
17:53 celeron55 added "About this website" at the end of
17:57 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:57 ShadowNinja The server list looks a lot better there, it just has to be tweaked to fit properly
17:58 celeron55 hmm, i think i'll attempt that a bit
17:59 celeron55 ah, the page is locked by you :P
18:00 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
18:00 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
18:00 celeron55 ShadowNinja: i think it would be good to put name and description in the same column
18:00 celeron55 name being a header-ish thing in there
18:00 celeron55 that will already make it fit quite well
18:03 ShadowNinja Yes, that would work, the flags could also be made a lottle more human-readable, perhaps we could use icons, that would save space and look nice.
18:03 ShadowNinja little*
18:05 celeron55 or use even shorter ones (only single capital letters) and add mouseover tooltips... icons aren't really that important usability-wise
18:05 Jordach2 joined #minetest-dev
18:06 ShadowNinja Good idea
18:06 celeron55 or just list the meanings of them at the start or end of the page
18:06 celeron55 it doesn't really require anything fancier than that :P
18:09 celeron55 Displaying users 1-20 of 1372 found. 1372 users total
18:09 celeron55 :D
18:09 celeron55 fucking spambots
18:10 celeron55 they can't do anything but read the pages anyway
18:10 celeron55 well, each of them is just a single line in a file, whatever
18:10 celeron55 i can accomodate millions of them
18:10 Jordach2 joined #minetest-dev
18:11 celeron55 maybe i'll disable registration anyway
18:11 celeron55 yeah, done
18:14 rubenwardy I signed up to, not that anyone cares
18:14 Exio 1372 users, where?
18:14 celeron55 yeah, you have an account
18:15 celeron55 added you to the member group; you can update stuff when needed
18:15 rubenwardy ok, thanks
18:15 sapier joined #minetest-dev
18:16 rubenwardy It would be pretty epic if someone builds a bot that produces a new screenshot wall every so often
18:16 rubenwardy well, nah
18:16 VanessaE guys, can someone please finally fix this stupid off-by-one error in the inventory textures?
18:17 VanessaE (where one thing in the inventory shows up as something else in-world)
18:17 Jordach2 VanessaE, that;s just the texture atlas
18:17 VanessaE Jordach2: it's not related to the texture atlas - it happens for some people even with the atlas disabled.
18:17 VanessaE (which is the default case since 0.4.6 I think)
18:17 Jordach2 hmm? oh right, forgot i have 1gb of VRAM
18:18 celeron55 rubenwardy: well... not actually useful at all and just one thing more that can break :P
18:18 rubenwardy yeah, i thought so
18:18 sapier I'm about to update the sky patch this should fix one of the last texture leaks
18:23 sapier is anyone here who can tell me what those heavy lua timers are used for?
18:23 Jordach2 timing, pure and simple.
18:24 sapier jordach I didn't want to know what the word timer means but what they are used for
18:24 sapier cause disabling them doesn't seam to have any impact on default game except reducing lua load by 50% (while having lots of mobs in there)
18:25 Jordach2 its like a node specific abm
18:25 Jordach2 with 1 chance
18:25 celeron55 what are you talking about
18:26 sapier
18:26 sapier
18:26 sapier misc.lua line 10
18:26 sapier you can se about 2/3 of total time consumed by lua is only by those timer
18:26 sapier s
18:26 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
18:26 sapier second pastebin is with comments on that lines
18:27 celeron55 everything that uses minetest.after is synced to the timer list using that loop
18:28 sapier so we can't avoid this overhead at all?
18:28 celeron55 i don't understand why it would use so much time
18:28 celeron55 i would guess your profiling is somehow flawed
18:29 sapier I doubt, I've improved some functions and have seen exact what I expected in profiling
18:29 sapier and if you have a look at those functions having high self times each of them has a loop
18:29 celeron55 how can total be 25.7 seconds if hits is only 916?
18:30 sapier total is time including time of called functions, self is time spent in this function
18:30 celeron55 that doesn't make it make any more sense
18:31 celeron55 i am guessing it somehow confuses the callbacks transferred in there with the time the actual callbacks take to complete sometime later
18:31 sapier according to this number each call to this fct took aproximatly 28ms
18:32 sapier maybe ... I'll do more investigations on this
18:33 celeron55 comment out line 17
18:33 celeron55 and see what happens
18:33 celeron55 then it will just handle the functions without calling them
18:42 sapier
18:43 sapier doesn't seam to make much of a difference
18:49 sapier celeron do we really need granularity of step for timers?
18:49 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:51 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
19:04 sapier hmmm increasing "granularity" doesn't help as I can't avoid this fct beeing called every step ... I'll think about how to get this done in a a little bit time saving way
19:07 sapier fixed sky patch removing merge to working branch
19:08 PilzAdam celeron55, :D
19:09 sapier jordan really seams to hate mobf  ... 36 seconds wow :-)
19:09 RealBadAngel lol
19:11 hmmmm RRR ME HATE MOBF
19:11 hmmmm sounds to me like he's just super active on the forums though.
19:12 sapier "no" isn't quite a answer beeing very helpfull to a newbee ;-)
19:12 hmmmm you know, the more i play around with the cave code, the more i think it's pretty good in concept
19:12 hmmmm it's just that the code that does it is messy
19:13 RealBadAngel his activity is next to none comparing to some other members like jojoa ;)
19:13 sapier if you're right and concept is good don't change it :-)
19:15 hmmmm i still haven't completely decided on what i'm going to do, but i think i'd like to generalize the cave code a bit more, move it into its own file, and extend whatever i'd need to in mapgen v7
19:15 RealBadAngel if both were good and right we wont have caves in the air and added content carving
19:15 RealBadAngel that beast have to be kept underground
19:15 hmmmm it does.. i'm going to keep it underground
19:16 sapier wrong time of application doesn't mean generation itself is wrong
19:16 hmmmm i'll still add the is_ground_content check though.
19:16 hmmmm v7 doesn't need caves floating in air because it does the same task much better using 3d noise
19:17 hmmmm since v7 maintains a height map, this is easy
19:20 hmmmm v6 guessed the ground level is at the maximum height of terrain generated, which clearly doesn't work like it's intended, especially after chunks were introduced
19:20 proller prepare it for merge? or forgot?
19:20 hmmmm would probably be nice if you squashed that...
19:20 hmmmm also i don't know
19:21 hmmmm proller, do those really belong in the game?
19:21 proller try DEV fractal world
19:21 hmmmm it's just something you're messing around with...
19:21 proller works now
19:21 hmmmm indev is different
19:21 hmmmm indev actually has a purpose, to extend v6 past what it is now
19:28 rarkenin joined #minetest-dev
19:28 rarkenin joined #minetest-dev
19:42 celeron55 uummmmmmm
19:42 celeron55
19:42 celeron55 licence: GNU GPL
19:43 celeron55 that's not going to go in
19:43 proller fucked licenses
19:45 RealBadAngel proller, have you seen this guys email somwhere?
19:45 proller hm. we cant include gpl files ?
19:46 proller where is problem?
19:46 celeron55 GPL is not compatible with LGPL
19:46 celeron55 minetest is LGPL
19:46 RealBadAngel i can contact this guy, hes polish
19:47 RealBadAngel you want me to do so?
19:48 proller yes, try please
19:48 proller source from
19:49 proller Lead Developer = Krzysztof Marczak
19:49 proller
19:49 ds-2k joined #minetest-dev
19:51 hmmmm +#include "mandelbulber/fractal.cpp"
19:52 hmmmm including an entire .cpp file
19:52 hmmmm welp
19:52 proller its templated
19:52 proller i think no problem here
19:52 proller but can make via link
20:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:08 proller is any BIG objection about ?
20:09 proller want to commit and later make better
20:09 PilzAdam "Unrecognized author"
20:10 PilzAdam what are "miuntains"?
20:10 proller mispell
20:10 proller fixing..
20:10 PilzAdam and I dont think that the liquids should be placed as ores
20:11 hmmmm hmm
20:11 hmmmm proller, yes
20:11 hmmmm that should probably wait until the after-map-created callback is implemented
20:12 ds-2k hmmmm, has a GPL license header
20:12 hmmmm then you could provide your own mapgen.lua for your own mapgen
20:12 proller maybe commit now, and remove when ready other ways?
20:13 hmmmm ah that's a mistake, but the two authors are right here, and they can decide to change the license...
20:13 ds-2k yes I thought it was because kahrl's code was before the relicense
20:13 hmmmm proller, people might not like the whole spring idea
20:13 celeron55 ds-2k: that's a mistake, it was merged after the relicensing and kahrl has agreed to it
20:13 proller ok
20:14 celeron55 should be updated though
20:14 proller without spring?
20:14 hmmmm I guess
20:14 proller only absheight?
20:14 hmmmm no wait
20:14 hmmmm *for now*, register the springs if minetest.get_setting("mg_name") == "indev"
20:14 celeron55 (anyone feel free to commit/make a pull request of a fix to that)
20:15 hmmmm and it'll be fixed later
20:15 hmmmm when the code i'm talking about gets done
20:15 proller ok
20:15 hmmmm i mean it's wrong, but it works well enough
20:15 hmmmm by the way, proller, did i tell you about the after_environment_create callback?
20:16 proller no
20:16 hmmmm it's a function that will get called after the ServerEnvironment is created and fully initialized
20:16 hmmmm and it'll be passed some information along with the mapgen parameters
20:16 hmmmm and from there, it can be decided which mapgen.lua to use
20:17 hmmmm but it's not done yet
20:17 proller ok, punch me when it will be ready
20:22 hmmmm uh oh
20:22 hmmmm i just realized your addition of defineCave() screws up generation
20:23 hmmmm notice how you pass a PseudoRandom, not a pointer or reference to one.  you make a copy of it, you get different pseudorandom results
20:24 hmmmm don't bother fixing it though, i'm changing a lot of that code.
20:24 hmmmm just wanted to let you know
20:25 hmmmm ahhhh.... no wonder why the seed i used for testing looked a little different than it used to
20:27 Taoki PilzAdam: Any news on that bobbing?
20:35 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:35 proller wtf!
20:36 proller i try to run two servers on 30000 and 30001 port, and i cant start 30000 after 30001
20:38 proller its test.cpp
20:39 sapier doesn't it cleanup sockets?
20:39 proller its use const int port = 30003;
20:39 proller server.Serve(30001);
20:40 proller Address server_address(127,0,0,1, 30001);
20:40 sapier oh so as soon as this port is used by another process the test fails
20:40 proller yes
20:41 proller and you gets randomly crashed on start server when 30000 active
20:41 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
20:41 sapier so test should use specified port for testing too
20:42 proller test must use or port from config, or random 50000+ ports
20:43 proller or now its possible to run 2+ servers but all of must not use 30000,1,3
20:43 celeron55 just don't run the unit tests
20:44 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
20:44 Exio i wonder why are the unit-tests enabled by default :P
20:44 celeron55 they are enabled in debug builds
20:45 Exio ah
20:45 celeron55 to force developers to make sure they work
20:45 proller oh
20:45 proller ok
20:45 celeron55 just add --disable-unittests to command line if you run debug builds
20:45 celeron55 but yes, the test shouldn't use a static port
20:46 proller its works
20:48 ds-2k celeron55: (to fix the license header)
20:52 proller springs only in indev  - okay?
20:53 hmmmm looks good
20:53 PilzAdam springs are way too rare
20:54 hmmmm he tested it, that's probably intentional
20:54 proller i want make like farscale option to smooth increase
20:54 PilzAdam and why the sand?
20:55 hmmmm oh
20:55 proller i tested spawn on floatlands and 1000 mountain - there is no way to get sand
20:55 hmmmm ore generation can replace the whole "add blobs of dirt and gravel" stuff
20:55 proller yes
20:55 PilzAdam do we want this?
20:55 hmmmm want what?
20:55 hmmmm he needs sand for his floatlands
20:56 PilzAdam oh, thats above y=500 only
20:56 hmmmm i'm just saying that for mgv7, i don't need to bother adding the "blobs of dirt and gravel"
20:56 proller when you at 20000 - you cant reach ground
20:56 Taoki ohh, springs of water for floatlands? Sure thing
20:57 proller and springs now not flood air
20:58 proller commiting..
21:00 sapier1 joined #minetest-dev
21:10 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest-dev
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21:45 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
21:46 BlockMen celeron55, umm...when you google "minetest mods" and click result "mods [Old Minetest Dev Wiki]" you get here :
21:46 BlockMen and then the navigation does not work anymore....
21:49 BlockMen maybe you can add a redict for to then it should work
22:08 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
22:13 sapier1 left #minetest-dev
22:21 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
22:38 BlockMen left #minetest-dev
23:07 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, can you merge this?
23:07 PilzAdam why dont you push this directly?
23:07 RealBadAngel this is your playground :)
23:08 PilzAdam done
23:08 hmmmm pilzadampilzadam
23:08 Taoki PilzAdam: Mine too mine too :P
23:09 PilzAdam need to sleep
23:09 PilzAdam bye
23:09 hmmmm i need those sand textures updated, the sandstone bricks, dirt with snow, snow
23:09 Taoki ok, later
23:09 hmmmm :(
23:09 VanessaE hmmmm: you could go ahead and push those through, imho
23:09 RealBadAngel too late
23:09 VanessaE which brick did you settle on, btw?
23:09 hmmmm the 2x1
23:09 VanessaE ok
23:09 hmmmm i plan on using it for desert temples
23:10 VanessaE maybe I'll make a "carved sandstone" or something in gloopblocks and use the 4x1 there.
23:10 hmmmm well, okay
23:11 VanessaE unless you have plans for it
23:21 Exio hmmmm: can you check Taoki's fall-stuff?
23:22 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
23:23 Taoki hmmmm: If you want to
23:26 VanessaE Taoki: squash your commits
23:26 Taoki VanessaE: Dunno how to do that now. Usually they're squashed at merge time
23:27 VanessaE Taoki: git rebase -i HEAD~9;  then change each "pick" to "squash" except the first entry.  save, then use the next editor that comes up to compose your "real" commit message.  Save.  git push -f
23:27 hmmmm i'll take care of that
23:28 VanessaE ok, he will.
23:29 Exio :D
23:31 hmmmm ugh you've gotta be kidding me
23:31 hmmmm they're all out of order
23:32 hmmmm taoki, could you please rebase your branch against upstream
23:32 hmmmm first squash them, then rebase with master
23:32 Taoki hmmmm: I'm not familiar with rebase. I just merge master in. Haven't tried  that command tyet
23:32 Taoki Does github allow this on their site?
23:33 hmmmm nope
23:33 hmmmm and actually this is all screwed because you merged the remote branch
23:33 hmmmm nevermind what i said to do, this is more complicated
23:34 Taoki Ok. In another project i usually merge master in to keep my branch updated
23:34 Taoki Can you fix it for now? I should learn rebase a bit later
23:34 hmmmm i'm trying to think of something
23:34 hmmmm this is so screwed
23:34 hmmmm i guess it looks like i have to cherry pick every single one
23:34 hmmmm ..ugh
23:36 Taoki Sorry :/
23:36 Taoki Thought it would be possible to squash them all and merge in.
23:36 Taoki Actually, no. Since I merged master into it then the changes in other master commits are also recored in my branch. So squashing would no longer work
23:36 Taoki Right :(
23:37 Exio i use git pull for that stuff :P
23:37 Exio (for keeping my "branch" updated)
23:37 hmmmm that does exactly what taoki did
23:38 Exio git pull?
23:38 Exio != git merge?
23:40 hmmmm git pull is git fetch + git merge
23:41 Exio ah
23:46 hmmmm
23:59 Taoki hmmmm: Thanks. Now I can focus on the next things to do on the code :)
23:59 * Taoki usually waits for codes in order so I can avoid GIT conflicts

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