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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-05-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 hmmmm looks good
00:14 Exio a random offtopic question, is in C++ "if (something)" the same as "if (something != NULL)"? (and same for "!something" and "== NULL")
00:16 sapier1 joined #minetest-dev
00:16 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
00:20 PilzAdam I noticed that the conlock in server.cpp:851 takes often over 30s when running in valgrind; is that normal?
00:24 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
00:24 sapier1 valgrind emulates memory access conlock is required for map transfer to client .... sounds reasonable
00:24 Warr1024 Exio: I think if(X) is the same as if(X != 0), which is the same as if(X != NULL) if you can assume that NULL == 0.
00:25 Warr1024 which is true on all platforms I'm aware of, but I'm personally not that confortable with that assumption.
00:26 sapier1 it's true for all minetest supported platforms ... I have learned that other platforms are not of interest in to core developers ;-)
00:26 Warr1024 works
00:26 PilzAdam sapier1, Minetest definetly uses it like this
00:26 hmmmm sapier, what other platforms are there where that isn't valid?
00:26 Warr1024 my general rule is that I use == NULL or != NULL explicitly unless I'm committing to a project that already makes that assumption.
00:27 hmmmm according to the C++ standard, the integer representation of NULL shall be equal to 0
00:27 sapier1 :-) some embedded architectures I know  of where memory is organized by token
00:27 sapier1 we already figured out that NULL is implementation specific ;-)
00:28 hmmmm sapier, and are you using valid C++ on those architectures, or some derivative?
00:28 sapier1 of course ;-) as NULL is implementation specific it can be everything on a different architecture
00:28 Warr1024 is NULL == 0 part of the C++ spec, or inherited from C?
00:28 sapier1 it's not very common to be something different than 0
00:29 hmmmm grr
00:29 hmmmm this again
00:29 hmmmm i need to bust open the standard
00:29 Warr1024 I know there are a number of standards for C
00:29 Warr1024 I actually don't work with C++ much...
00:29 Exio my C++ skills are the same as my C ones
00:30 Exio so they are like, nothing :P
00:30 sapier1 no you don't need to as it's used this way everywhere in minetest there's nothing wrong with using it same way as already done
00:30 PilzAdam everbody stop talking arguing if NULL == 0 is C++ standard or not
00:30 Warr1024 I was just curious
00:31 Exio NULL means -1
00:31 Exio so, shutup all! ;P
00:31 Warr1024 in any case, the correct thing to do is probably just imitate the style of code you're modifying...
00:31 PilzAdam we had this discussion already and its completly nonsense
00:31 PilzAdam for Minetest: 0 == NULL
00:31 PilzAdam ^ there, you have you haver your standard
00:31 PilzAdam -r
00:32 sapier1 lol :-) standard ... tztz ... there are so many standards ;-) ... I'd prefere to call it a minetest convention
00:33 hmmmm Possible definitions include 0 and 0L, but not (void*)0.
00:33 hmmmm 5.2.10 Converting an integral constant expression (5.19) with value zero always yields a null pointer (4.10), but converting other expressions that happen to have value zero need not yield a null pointer.
00:33 hmmmm so let's see here
00:34 hmmmm says *IN THE STANDARD* that possible definitions of NULL include 0 and 0L, and then converting either of these integral constant expressions with value 0
00:34 hmmmm we get a null pointer
00:34 Warr1024 so null is zero, but not all zero is null :-)
00:34 hmmmm depends on how the type gets promoted in comparison
00:35 hmmmm so what about a float
00:35 sapier1 thats like the difference between infinify + infinity and infinity * infinity ;-)
00:36 hmmmm floats with a value of 0 need not yield a null pointer when they are demoted
00:36 hmmmm er
00:36 sapier1 floats are completely different to integer values ;-)
00:36 hmmmm that's a stupid example because i don't even think you can have a valid conversion from float to any pointer type
00:36 hmmmm yes, but it doesn't say anything about integer values, it just says "other expressions that happen to have value zero"
00:37 hmmmm so i guess the right answer depends on what "have value zero" means
00:37 sapier1 it's to late here to think about that fine differences ;-)
00:37 Warr1024 hopefully you're not on one of those platforms where 0 != -0 :-)
00:37 hmmmm also what is with you and your smileys
00:37 hmmmm are you really happy about the C++ standard or something?
00:38 hmmmm it does back up what i originally said btw
00:38 Warr1024 naw, I'm just not really trying to argue or anything.
00:38 hmmmm well you and sapier for that matter
00:38 hmmmm ;-)
00:38 hmmmm ;-)
00:38 hmmmm ;-)
00:39 sapier1 guy's it's just been a comment ... I didn't think about some keywords instantly triggering same discussion over and over again ... e.g. keyword security features
00:40 hmmmm worrying about the representation of NULL is not security
00:40 hmmmm just like worrying about copying fixed length strings with strcpy is not security
00:40 hmmmm it's just being pedantic
00:41 Warr1024 I've always just used NULL because I thought the point of having a NULL keyword was so that you didn't *need* to know what the value of NULL was...
00:41 hmmmm it's a leftover from K&R C, really
00:41 Warr1024 strcopy?  shit, I use memmove...
00:41 sapier1 you started this discussion again  .... security is completely unrelated to this matter it's just a triggerword to start another useless discussion ;-P
00:43 PilzAdam we should have a list of badwords that lead to endless discussions in this channel
00:43 sapier1 hmmmm worrying about strcpy with fixed string lenghts is security as it's addressing human factor not technical reasons
00:43 PilzAdam "NULL" and "security" will be in this list
00:44 sapier1 lol just because some guys always want to have root access everywhere ;-P
00:44 hmmmm char foo[32]; strcpy(foo, "barbar"); <----- oh hell we're all doomed
00:44 sapier1 as I said HUMAN FACTOR
00:45 PilzAdam well, Im going to sleep now; bye
00:45 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
00:45 sapier1 a developer never using strcpy will NEVER happen to use it in a security relevant matter
00:45 hmmmm i would when it's reasonable
00:46 sapier1 so you believe you're without failure ... congratulations I never met a person like you before ;-)
00:46 Warr1024 I just don't need my compiler bitching at me about which of the competing strcpy/strncpy/strlcpy replacements I should be using :-/
00:46 hmmmm there are even better ways to fail without needing to use strcpy
00:46 hmmmm what compiler are you using?
00:46 sapier1 I thougth flaw was a inherited feature of humanity
00:47 sapier1 but something completely different
00:48 sapier1 mod management
00:48 Warr1024 OpenBSD's fork of gcc.  Lots of added paranoia.
00:48 Warr1024 isn't that another one of those "danger" terms? ;-)
00:48 hmmmm focusing on security like openbsd isn't healthy
00:49 Warr1024 well that depends on how dangerous the world around you really is :-)
00:49 sapier1 warr1024 you should realize that minetest only will be used in perfectly safe environents with only trustworthy users ;-) always and forever of course
00:50 sapier1 -ironic
00:50 hmmmm openbsd doesn't get anything accomplished ever because of its paranoia, and it's actually counterproductive because the whole "security" reputation discourages people to speak out about flaws
00:50 Warr1024 sapier1: I run it under its own account on my OpenBSD server, seems safe enough.
00:51 hmmmm also, i doubt you're going to run OpenBSD with no other daemons
00:51 sapier1 yes ... most ppl will run it with normal user privilege
00:51 hmmmm once you install any 3rd party software, all of that "muh security" is gone
00:51 Warr1024 hmmmm: not all
00:52 Warr1024 a lot of security isn't about perfect code, but about mitigating risk.
00:52 sapier1 you only have to be more secure than the one next to you :-)
00:53 hmmmm that being said, wouldn't you be more productive in securing your environment if you were to isolate things?
00:53 hmmmm like uh.. jails?
00:53 Warr1024 yeah
00:53 hmmmm so my stance is this:
00:54 hmmmm if you'd like to focus your effort on smaller things that don't really make as much of an impact, that's fine and all, but do keep in mind that you'll never have the time or energy to do the big things that actually matter and you'll be perpetually catching up
00:54 hmmmm and this is why i use freebsd
00:54 hmmmm not openbsd
00:54 Warr1024 ah
00:54 hmmmm pcc sucks by the way
00:54 Warr1024 I tried Free for a while.
00:55 Warr1024 it was a bit too chaotic for my taste, especially around the 5.x releases.
00:55 hmmmm it's quite fast, and has at least some support from software vendors
00:55 hmmmm and it's modern
00:56 hmmmm i wouldn't dream of using anything else if i didn't have to
00:58 Warr1024 That's fine for you, I guess...
00:58 Warr1024 I'm not sure what the point of this discussion was, though.
00:58 Warr1024 I'm well aware of the fact that everyone has their own preferences for operating system...
00:59 Warr1024 either way, minetest runs just fine on both of them.
01:31 Warr1024 left #minetest-dev
01:31 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
01:44 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
02:07 tucebrin joined #minetest-dev
02:41 tucebrin can you delete this thread
02:41 tucebrin i dont want it lol
02:41 tucebrin
02:41 tucebrin sfan5 thexyz VanessaE
02:41 tucebrin i cant delete it on my own
02:55 ShadowNinja tucebrin: That goes in #minetest.
02:55 tucebrin im banned there so we
02:55 tucebrin can you say i said so pl
03:21 tucebrin left #minetest-dev
03:27 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
03:33 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
04:15 hmmmm hrmm
04:15 hmmmm was i on drugs or something when i came up with the mapgenparam crap?
04:16 hmmmm or maybe i just didn't waste too much time coming up with the ideal solution back then
04:16 hmmmm i can't come up with a good idea on how to do this to fit with the current paradigm
04:17 hmmmm maybe it's a result of overgeneralizing things
04:23 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
05:19 kahrl hmmmm: what are the problems with it?
05:20 kahrl for the fixed_map_seed thing I guess you could rename it to seed and tell people to adjust their minetest.conf
05:30 sfan5 you should be able to set the seed while creating the world IMO
05:35 kahrl I agree with that, maybe set the other mapgen params too
05:36 hmmmm it's just too overcomplicated for what it is, very messy, and if i duplicate default noiseparams to avoid leaks, i'd have to handle exceptions bette
05:36 hmmmm beter
05:37 hmmmm what i'd really like to do is setDefault to the result of g_settings->get(blah), but that goes against the original design
05:38 hmmmm i can't just set the defaults before i call readParams() either, since i would need to know what kind of MapgenParams it is
05:38 hmmmm so like.... erm
05:39 hmmmm do i remove the mapgen default parameters from defaultsettings.cpp and have setDefaults() as part of the interface for MapgenParams?
05:46 hmmmm no this is stupid.  it makes way more sense to just change Settings the way i need it to work
05:48 kahrl I don't quite get the exceptions bit. Can there be any exceptions other than std::bad_alloc when you duplicate NoiseParams?
05:50 hmmmm erm no i mean exception with getNoiseParams
05:50 hmmmm the NoiseParam duplication bit is what i was originally doing, but this would cause more memory leaks because of the current way i set mapgenparams
05:51 kahrl you could write proper copy constructors and assignment operators for all mapgen params classes
05:51 kahrl lots of code though
05:52 hmmmm oh noo we don't do operator overloading
05:52 hmmmm but yeah i could also do that
05:53 kahrl there's a bunch of operator=s in the code base already
05:53 hmmmm that's not too good but it's there
05:53 kahrl why?
05:53 hmmmm why is it not good?
05:54 kahrl I don't see what's wrong with it
05:54 hmmmm because it hides details that are very important that you normally wouldn't know are there
05:54 hmmmm operator overloading is only really good for things like vectors and matricies, and makes sense there
05:55 hmmmm it gets iffy when you have an assignment operator doing frees and what not
05:55 kahrl I don't like overloading stuff like + and so on but I don't see a problem with operator= and operator==
05:56 kahrl meh. when I see an assignment of an object in C++ I look if there's an operator=
05:56 kahrl it's not really hidden
05:57 hmmmm but look at the extra effort you have to put in to go and check if there's something weird going on with operator= that you didn't expect
05:57 kahrl well, when I write my own code there isn't anything weird (to me)
05:57 kahrl I have my own rule that structs don't have operator= but classes usually do (if needed)
05:58 kahrl and the operator= makes sure pointer members are duplicated and freed as needed
05:58 kahrl anyway, is there a reason these NoiseParams have to be pointers?
05:58 hmmmm you know, it's ironic, operator overloading's purpose is so that you can carry out an operation that you'd expect some class to have so it's more 'natural', but instead you need to watch out for overloaded operators so that it doesn't do anything weird that you don't expect which is completely contradictory
05:59 hmmmm is there? hrm
05:59 kahrl oh, because getNoiseParams returns a pointer
06:00 hmmmm because they're too big, in my opinion, to be types that are copied around everywhere
06:01 kahrl how often are mapgen params copied?
06:01 hmmmm you mean noiseparams
06:01 hmmmm hrmm..
06:01 hmmmm probably a lot more than they really need to be, which is fine because they're just pointers
06:01 kahrl no, mapgen params
06:01 hmmmm mapgen params are never copied
06:02 kahrl then I don't see a huge problem making them not pointers
06:02 hmmmm some params in the mapgenparams are copied for quick reference
06:02 hmmmm alright let me think about this
06:03 kahrl ohh I see now that the defaults are duplicated in mapgen_v6.h and defaultsettings.cpp
06:04 hmmmm i just feel like such a trivial detail, getting and setting some parameters, is made complicated
06:04 hmmmm and it doesn't need to be
06:05 hmmmm so yeah, you have a point.. NoiseParams in MapgenParams doesn't really need to be pointers
06:05 hmmmm the MapgenParams being used is only ever destroyed when the map is destroyed so that wouldn't pose a problem for other things to keep pointers of them
06:06 kahrl but readParams will be terrible to change because getNoiseParams returns a pointer
06:07 kahrl which can be NULL
06:07 hmmmm i'm not as worried about that as i am the inconsistency that some noiseparams must be freed and others must not
06:09 kahrl that's not really different from how it is now, is it?
06:09 hmmmm but that's what i set out to fix
06:09 kahrl for the getNoiseParams/getStruct thing I would make it accept a pointer to the struct and return bool
06:09 kahrl (or s/pointer/reference if you like)
06:10 kahrl if you do that there won't be many NoiseParams left that have to be freed
06:10 hmmmm i would do that too but there was a reason why i didn't
06:10 hmmmm which i am trying to remember
06:13 kahrl I see a commented out delete[] buf in there
06:13 hmmmm if i were to do that, i would remove the need to use templates
06:13 kahrl maybe the original design allowed an arbitrary number of outputs?
06:14 hmmmm oh no, that was because i was trying to use new exactly like malloc() size i was returning a void * originally
06:16 hmmmm alright, i can't see why i didn't do this originally then
06:16 hmmmm maybe i wanted to keep the pattern of just foo = getSetting("bar")
06:21 hmmmm if i do this, i'd be able to keep everything else the same, pretty much
06:21 hmmmm but the "everything else" is crap and i'd like to recode that as well.. meh
06:24 kahrl sorry I don't have any good ideas for that
06:26 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
06:28 hmmmm my getStruct() could've been so much cleaner, if only Settings get functions had a parse counterpart
06:29 hmmmm actually i could probably do that, but what would be the point now.... it's already done and it works and there are more pressing issues
06:31 hmmmm #define getV3F(s) parseV3F(get(s)), so then you could also reduce duplicate work; foo = get(s); if (!foo.empty()) parse(s) else do other thing here;
06:31 hmmmm such as what is done in the EmergeManager constructor
06:33 RealBadAngel hi hmmmm
06:33 hmmmm hey
06:33 RealBadAngel have you seen pics i posted in #minetest recently?
06:34 hmmmm wow looks like F.E.A.R.
06:34 kahrl I don't like have too many #defines
06:34 hmmmm pretty nice.. i saw what you did with water, and that's great as well
06:34 kahrl having*
06:34 RealBadAngel im really gettin better with shaders i think ;)
06:34 hmmmm well, inline functions if you want to be C++y then
06:35 kahrl yeah because that #define would mean no other class could have a getV3F method
06:35 hmmmm wait, can you inline a method?
06:35 hmmmm non-static method
06:35 kahrl sure
06:35 RealBadAngel im standing now by one problem. how should i add normal maps for textures?
06:36 hmmmm shrug
06:36 RealBadAngel second "tiles" table?
06:36 kahrl RealBadAngel: do you have any hardware lights yet?
06:37 RealBadAngel kahrl, not yet. i do have sun and moon pos (+wind) but those are only for calculations atm
06:38 kahrl I see. Well you can't test or really do much with normal maps then, I think
06:39 RealBadAngel they work pretty well without lighting
06:39 RealBadAngel seen the pictures?
06:40 RealBadAngel ofc light would introduce extra depth, but still effect is amazing imho
06:40 kahrl hmm I can't really see much difference to HD textures but my eyes are bad, also probably because of the static picture
06:41 RealBadAngel well i can make screenshot with on/off
06:41 RealBadAngel so you can compare
06:41 kahrl that might help
06:46 kahrl Personally I won't use HD textures because they make the tiling of the same texture over and over much more noticeable. But I can see why people like them.
06:49 RealBadAngel im uploading images, hold on a sec
06:50 RealBadAngel this is BEFORE:
06:51 RealBadAngel and this is AFTER:
06:52 kahrl it does give it more depth. But I'm still not convinced this couldn't be done by changing the texture :P
06:52 hmmmm ewww yeah
06:53 RealBadAngel please do note this is with made with just one normal texture for everything yet
06:53 hmmmm especially now that you have it side-by-side like that, the latter screenshot could be the same thing except with textures that have some sort of edge detection
06:53 RealBadAngel and fake lights
06:54 RealBadAngel when we got real light sources it will automatically use them
06:59 RealBadAngel back to normals: i think i will duplicate "tiles" table for them
06:59 RealBadAngel and then if defined, shaders will be able to use the normal maps
07:00 RealBadAngel do you guys agree?
07:01 kahrl what if a texture pack wants to add normal maps to default textures?
07:02 kahrl maybe it should just look for <texturename>_normal.png
07:02 kahrl perhaps only if some setting in minetest.conf is enabled
07:03 kahrl would that work or is there a use case for using the same normal map for different textures? (and you don't want to have a hundred copies of the same normal map)
07:05 RealBadAngel this is what im doin right now
07:05 RealBadAngel same map for all
07:05 kahrl but that's just a test
07:05 RealBadAngel ofc but in most cases it works suprisingly good
07:05 kahrl it doesn't look right on the ores
07:06 RealBadAngel yup, but i tested water bump also
07:06 RealBadAngel this works better
07:07 RealBadAngel hmmmm, maybe check for _normal.png is better solution
07:07 kahrl imo graphical details shouldn't be specified in a mod
07:07 kahrl mods should provide 16x16 textures by default and a user can install a HD texture pack if they want
07:08 RealBadAngel lookin for normal file just will eliminate need to define
07:09 RealBadAngel well, it shall make the code also lotsa easier in fact
07:10 RealBadAngel kahrl, btw you were right about using just another texture would do the trick
07:10 RealBadAngel but
07:10 RealBadAngel only for static picture
07:11 RealBadAngel major difference you can see when MOVING
07:13 RealBadAngel game feels totally different. i think i need to record a video
07:13 kahrl ah, that's what I thought
07:15 RealBadAngel and im pretty happy with performance
07:16 RealBadAngel i do have rather low end machine, 1.8ghz, radeon hd 4670, 4gb of RAM
07:16 kahrl oh that's pretty nice then
07:17 RealBadAngel and linux drivers are way slower than windows one
07:17 RealBadAngel all this, plus 128x texture pack and water shaders, bump mapping and i do have 40fps
07:17 RealBadAngel also filtering x2
07:38 sfan5 this confuses me, is a map seed u64 or int
07:39 sfan5 nvm
07:39 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
07:39 sfan5 map.h:481:u64 m_seed; <- I guess that means u64
07:43 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
07:43 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
08:15 sfan5 oh yeah, sure; when I use gdb to debug the problem it works fine, without gdb it fails
08:25 * sfan5 just finished "World seed text field in Create World dialog"
08:26 Jordach \o/
08:26 sfan5 it hashes the seed and uses the first sizeof(u64) bytes
08:27 Jordach just like fixed_map_seed
08:27 Jordach you should emulate that conf function
08:30 sfan5 ->
10:12 sapier joined #minetest-dev
10:19 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
10:35 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:02 PilzAdam sfan5,
12:06 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
12:08 sapier only thing missing is windows zip support ... still I'd prefere to add minizip in a separate commit instead of bloating this one even more
12:11 sapier what's up to scriptapi split I've update some minor changes but as far as I know there are even more recent branches, should I merge those one or is one of those to be merged?
12:15 VanessaE PilzAdam: can you put that common/build/survival --> minetest_game merge through btw?
12:23 PilzAdam nobody seems to object, so I guess its fine
12:30 diligent joined #minetest-dev
12:40 VanessaE PilzAdam: it might be a good idea to investigate that ABM randomness issue at the same time, since this merge will affect pretty much everyone
12:50 PilzAdam
12:51 PilzAdam ^ here is what I plan to do
12:52 VanessaE *reads*
12:53 PilzAdam "Revert the following commits in the engine:" = "Remove the common mods part of it"
12:53 VanessaE this looks fair to me.
12:53 PilzAdam now another core dev needs to agree...
12:54 VanessaE *nod*
12:54 PilzAdam and we also need to define what "Later" means
12:54 VanessaE weed it out before 0.4.8 maybe.
12:54 VanessaE (leave it in for 0.4.7)
12:55 VanessaE plenty of time for any game authors to tweak their build scripts.
13:09 sapier ok after adding even credits tab to formspec menu I don't have any idea what to polish :-) ... time to repair brakes of my car ...
13:10 diligent stfu sapier
13:11 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
13:11 PilzAdam diligent, ehm...
13:11 VanessaE diligent = landmine.
13:11 diligent thanks for blowing my cover -_-
13:11 diligent noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
13:11 diligent ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
13:12 diligent oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
13:12 sapier :-) landmine happens to become a running gag ;-P
13:12 diligent was kicked by PilzAdam: diligent
13:12 Jordach and thats why LM is an ass to you guys
13:12 VanessaE [05-18 09:10] <diligent> stfu sapier
13:12 VanessaE and this is why people are an ass to him.
13:13 VanessaE s/an ass/asses/
13:13 PilzAdam Jordach, the reason for the ban was the "nooooooooo[...]"
13:14 Jordach okay, thats reasonable
13:20 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:21 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
13:41 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
13:53 RealBadAngel so, PilzAdam, only comments were "where are lights gone?" ;)
13:57 * PilzAdam still waits for a core dev to agree to this:
14:01 RealBadAngel and you are askin me for this?
14:01 RealBadAngel you know that i was trying to crucify you for this to happen :P
14:01 PilzAdam well, you are a core dev
14:02 VanessaE bbl
14:02 * RealBadAngel turns on lotsa green lights around
14:02 VanessaE back in 3-4 hours
14:02 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, I take this as an agreement then :-)
14:04 RealBadAngel of course
14:04 RealBadAngel i just made another fine normal map
14:05 RealBadAngel i thought i can use kinda script to generate them but i was wrong
14:06 RealBadAngel it heavily depends on surface kind
14:06 RealBadAngel
14:25 PilzAdam done
14:26 PilzAdam anything else to do?
14:26 sfan5 *edits his build script*
14:33 PilzAdam someone can write something in the forum
14:35 sfan5 you?
14:35 PilzAdam yea
14:36 PilzAdam in General Discussion?
14:36 sfan5 which section if not "General Discussion"?
14:37 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:43 hmmmm ohhh so that's why sapier was talking about the file dialog boxes
14:43 hmmmm wow, fgsfg.... that is a lot of work, the next gen menu thing
14:44 PilzAdam
14:44 hmmmm sounds good
14:48 hmmmm oh yay he's cleaning up game.cpp too
14:49 hmmmm this is huge... and no doubt, people are just going to shove it under the rug, especially in the changelog
14:49 hmmmm "minor non-related gameplay tweak:  added lua configuration of main menu"
15:01 RealBadAngel sounds non harm as for a revolution ;)
15:05 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:08 PilzAdam
15:08 PilzAdam ^ the "new" mod system that was discussed here
15:15 PilzAdam ooops, little bug fixed:
15:17 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:29 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
15:51 arsdragonfly joined #minetest-dev
16:20 sapier hmm ok if this "new mod" system is settled now I'm gonna implement the configure world dialog in next_gen mainmenu
16:21 sapier hmmmm maybe changelog could be made a little bit more impressive by adding fileselect dialog, vertical labels, and (transparent) textlist formspec support too ;-)
16:22 sapier maybe not fileselect dialog as you can't open it from in game lua
16:38 RealBadAngel i implemented one normal per texture
16:39 RealBadAngel so every texture can have normal map now
16:39 RealBadAngel if its not provided, texture will be used and shown in old way
16:40 RealBadAngel i mean old one will be used
16:40 RealBadAngel if shader can find _normal.png it will automatically use it
16:42 RealBadAngel i have to make now over 700 normal maps for my texture pack
16:42 RealBadAngel and i do have like 10 of them rdy by now
16:57 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
17:14 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
17:20 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:35 Pentium44 joined #minetest-dev
17:35 Pentium44 darkrose, hi
17:35 Pentium44 are you here?
17:35 PilzAdam Pentium44, please no chit-chat here
17:35 PilzAdam use PM
17:36 Jordach Pentium44, /msg darkrose blah
17:36 Pentium44 ok
17:36 Pentium44 It was going to be on development be fime
17:37 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest-dev
17:57 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
18:02 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
18:18 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:23 Pentium_4 left #minetest-dev
18:32 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
18:43 hmmmm why does it seem like it takes longer to get into a game
18:57 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
19:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
19:10 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
19:11 hmmmm no matter what i try to do, i can't seem to get those nonvirtual dtor warnings
19:33 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
20:02 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
20:22 Exio /home/exio4/sources/minetest/src/mapgen_v7.cpp:107:9: warning: deleting object of polymorphic class type ‘Noise’ which has non-virtual destructor might cause undefined behaviour [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor]
20:22 Exio /home/exio4/sources/minetest/src/mapgen_v7.cpp:108:9: warning: deleting object of polymorphic class type ‘Noise’ which has non-virtual destructor might cause undefined behaviour [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor]
20:22 Exio like those?
20:23 Exio i just got spammer by those
20:23 PilzAdam Exio, everonye except hmmmm gets these warnings
20:24 Exio s/spammer/spammed/
20:24 Exio k
20:40 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
20:42 Exio got even more warnings with clang
20:44 PilzAdam so, any comments on the "new" mod system:
20:56 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
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21:12 iqualfragile PilzAdam: make shure you tell sapier about it, he will be happy
21:13 PilzAdam he already knows
21:17 hmmmm anyway
21:17 hmmmm i'll push the fix to my fork and have someone compile it from scratch and give me all of the warnings
21:18 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
21:21 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
21:42 hmmmm what the fuck
21:42 sapier joined #minetest-dev
21:42 Exio wut?
21:42 hmmmm i don't keep up with minetest for 2-3 weeks and it's noticably laggier, and loading textures takes 50x longer
21:42 hmmmm who did this
21:42 hmmmm not funny
21:44 sapier I've already implemented modmanager and gamemanager the way pilzadams changes make it official
21:45 sapier there have been some ppl recently complaining about performance degration but obviously noone was anoyed enough to investigate
21:46 hmmmm so other people have noticed it aside from me?
21:46 PilzAdam I havent noticed anything
21:48 sapier I've heared someone else complaining a week ago
21:48 sapier I don't exactly remember who
21:49 hmmmm well, at least the texture loading, why is that so much slower?
21:49 hmmmm to my understanding nothing at all was changed there, aside from the progress bar that was added while they're being loaded
21:49 PilzAdam maybe because of the FPS limit?
21:50 sapier maybe the progress bar update is implemented sub optimal?
21:54 PilzAdam is it a bit faster with menu_clouds = false ?
21:54 PilzAdam dunno
21:59 VanessaE hmmmm: it's the texture extrude code that's the hangup, or at least that's been the issue in the past.
22:03 hmmmm 4247ms with
22:03 hmmmm erm, so wait a minute, why can't i turn off preload item visuals
22:03 hmmmm it keeps getting reset to 1
22:04 PilzAdam are you sure that Minetest is closed while editing minetest.conf?
22:04 hmmmm yeah nevermind, pebkac.. there was another preload item visuals line in the conf
22:04 PilzAdam there is also a checkbox in the settings tab
22:05 hmmmm oh boy, an exciting poop colored brown background when menu clouds are disabled
22:06 hmmmm with menu clouds disabled, the load still takes about 4.2 seconds
22:07 VanessaE hmmmm: you wanna really see how bad it gets, try it with any big texture pack (sphax, HDX, minetoon, whatever)
22:07 hmmmm it's not the load screen stuff that's the problem
22:07 hmmmm not that i thought it was anyway
22:07 PilzAdam the only huge difference can be achieved by changing preload_item_visuals
22:08 PilzAdam and if you have it off then it should load fast
22:09 VanessaE <offtopic>  <-- PilzAdam, suggestion for the default menu overlay for minetest_game </offtopic>
22:09 VanessaE <offtopic> (background is transparent so that clouds will show through) </offtopic>
22:09 PilzAdam ehm, no?
22:10 PilzAdam it should use the header from
22:10 PilzAdam also the header should be in menu_header.png, not in the overlay
22:11 PilzAdam I also dont know what is wrong with clouds only?
22:11 kahrl it looks a lot like the minecraft menu
22:11 VanessaE kahrl: it's inspired by one that cisoun did, I suppose it looks similar to MC, but wasn't meant to be
22:12 VanessaE PilzAdam: because plain clouds are boring and we always used to have some kind of little graphical identifier, but whatever.  the image is there if you change your mind.
22:12 Exio i like it
22:14 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
22:14 sapier did anyone test current formspec menu? And if any known issues?
22:15 PilzAdam is it rebased against current master?
22:16 PilzAdam ok, it isnt
22:16 sapier of course not ... lol I don't rebase once an hour ;-) but I've rebased after out last talk
22:16 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
22:17 PilzAdam ok, I got an empty formspec with only the tab buttons and lots of error messages in the console
22:18 sapier atm it's 8 commits behind master
22:18 sapier can you post the error messages?
22:18 PilzAdam /builtin/mainmenu.lua:865: attempt to concatenate field 'current_tab' (a nil value)
22:20 sapier strange
22:20 sapier ok found it
22:20 PilzAdam why do you create the new main_menu_tab setting in minetest.conf if there is already selected_mainmenu_tab?
22:20 PilzAdam also line 676 add "or 1"
22:21 sapier because I didn't know side effects of the old setting
22:21 PilzAdam sorry, but it looks like shit in fullscreen mode
22:22 kahrl side effects?
22:22 sapier no 1 is wrong its text
22:22 sapier main_menu_tab is a text identifyer
22:22 kahrl hmm
22:23 kahrl use selected_mainmenu_tab and if the text is not found default to the first tab
22:23 sapier it's a matter of decision formspec scales to screensize atm
22:23 PilzAdam well, it just doesnt look good
22:24 PilzAdam I like the idea of having a formspec based main menu, but if it looks like this then its better to keep the current one
22:25 sapier I don't have any idea what you're talking about in window mode differences are next to none ... fullscreen mode ... no idea how it looks like there but I'm sure it can be fixed too
22:25 PilzAdam no difference?
22:26 sapier the only difference I know is tab buttons
22:26 * PilzAdam takes screenshots
22:28 sapier << waiting for screenshots
22:35 sapier pilzadam?
22:37 PilzAdam
22:37 PilzAdam (ignore the Minetest header)
22:38 sapier oops faourites shouldn't look like that "show public" is missing due to curl support atm
22:39 sapier except of tab and the completely redone aadvanced tab I don't see any other difference
22:40 PilzAdam
22:40 sapier hmm i18n is missing too ... maybe we should think about adding lua i18n by default
22:40 PilzAdam the second one says it all
22:40 VanessaE sapier: eugh... that menu is way too big now, it'll break some menu overlays I expect.
22:40 VanessaE (it does look nice though, don't get me wrong)
22:41 sapier no problem size is tweakable ... and I guess I'll be able to add forced size formspecs too if you don't like menu scaling to big screens ... I personaly don't even think this is bad
22:41 PilzAdam also I dont know what you do with all the icons (game filter and credits tab), but they look very ugly
22:42 VanessaE PilzAdam: that's due to nearest-neighbor scaling most likely
22:42 sapier they are scaled to the size given ... most likely I didn't hit the native size
22:42 VanessaE why the engine doesn't use at least bicubic everywhere that it can stumps me
22:44 kahrl I don't think bicubic looks good on cartoonish icons
22:44 sapier ok so current issues are: 1) lock size of formspec even on big screens 2) fix favourite textlist 3) fix iconsizes 4) fix menu height ... guys you are aware that main menu is completely customizaben now are you? games even could add their own menu ;-)
22:45 PilzAdam 5) add public server list 6) only show "/ <gamename>" in topleft corner in singleplayer game
22:45 sapier pilzadam favourite textlist is somehow related to your favourites
22:46 PilzAdam 7) add support for menu_<background / overlay / header / footer>.png
22:46 sapier already supported
22:46 PilzAdam why dont I see the "MINETEST" header then?
22:47 sapier because I don't have any minetest game including any of those overlays ;-)
22:47 PilzAdam 8) some hint(s) what tab you have selected
22:48 PilzAdam 9) better tab buttons
22:48 PilzAdam (i.e. not the normal buttons)
22:48 sapier 8) already done + 9) wont fix
22:48 VanessaE sapier: install the overlay I just posted a bit ago ;)
22:48 PilzAdam 10) port field in "Server" tab
22:49 arsdragonfly joined #minetest-dev
22:49 PilzAdam 11) translation
22:49 sapier formspec doesn't have tabs and will never have without complete rebuild which I can't do because of compatibility
22:49 PilzAdam then add some fake images or something
22:50 PilzAdam 12) fix scaling of icons (gamefilter & credits tab)
22:50 sapier won't help because I'm not a graphics guy any graphics done by me will look even worse
22:50 PilzAdam 13) why does it show 0.4.7?
22:50 sapier 12 is duplicate of 4
22:50 sapier because reading minetest version is not supported and this won't be added prior 0.4.7 ;-P
22:52 PilzAdam is it possible to have checboxes with a slidebar?
22:52 PilzAdam it could be used in the settings tab
22:53 sapier formspec doesn't have container support
22:53 sapier this can't be added without either creating a real mess or break compatibility completely
22:54 PilzAdam how would it be possible to create a full minetest.conf "manager" then?
22:54 sapier don't know but there will be a solution
22:55 kahrl why would adding tabs mean a redesign of the formspec system?
22:55 Exio because there is not a thing like the containers?
22:55 kahrl it doesn't have to be a container
22:55 sapier atm order of elements within formspec doesn't mean anything thus parsing is context free (as of element point of view)
22:55 Exio following what sapier said
22:56 PilzAdam tabs could just act like buttons
22:56 PilzAdam they just look different
22:56 sapier that's how they do now
22:56 PilzAdam why dont you give buttons the ability to look like tabs?
22:57 sapier a button can look like everything if you provide the correct images
22:57 kahrl the width of the tab buttons changes depending on font, font size and translation
22:57 kahrl so images aren't really useful
22:58 sapier to me a tab is a set of sheets with only one completely visible but all others only show their buttons
22:58 sapier thus it's a container
22:58 kahrl sure, but that doesn't mean it has to work that way internally
22:59 PilzAdam as I said, they can act like normal buttons and just look like tabs
22:59 sapier true but pilzadam doesn't seem to like the current button suggestion too ;-)
22:59 kahrl irrlicht's tab control is not a container IIRC
23:00 kahrl it just provides the buttons
23:00 sapier if you can explain to me how a plane can look like a submarine plz tell me
23:01 PilzAdam sapier, just add the Irrlicht tabs to the menu; when they are clicked just do nothing except sending a normal "button clicked" event to Lua
23:03 sapier hmm interesing idea ... might even work
23:05 sapier someone could help with i18n ... I don't have any idea how to integrate po files within lua
23:06 sapier pilzadam could you have a look at favourites menu and why it looks so strange for you?
23:08 kaeza sapier, about i18n, it would help to integrate sfan5's mod/lib/whatever
23:08 sapier I don't know much about it but maybe it would work
23:08 sapier I guess we need some generic support for po files as we do have translation there
23:09 kaeza that mod has a .po file reader
23:09 kaeza but would help to export gettext to Lua too
23:09 kaeza *gettext symbols
23:10 sapier sounds like what I'm looking for
23:10 kaeza to work with .mo catalogs
23:10 PilzAdam sapier, I have no idea about the favorite list
23:10 PilzAdam but its comletly messed up
23:11 sapier maybe data provided in curl mode uses characters interpreted as formspec field separators
23:11 PilzAdam it contains parts of the public server list and parts of my world list
23:11 sapier hmm or data generation has a bug
23:12 sapier I'll have a look once tested tabheader
23:12 PilzAdam also the Adress /port dont change when selecting on entry
23:13 PilzAdam it shows me this in adress field: "0/100 0.4.6 CDP Mine Art 1 (See http" and this in the port: "// for more details.)"
23:13 sapier if formspec is misinterpreted it's most likely to be skrewed up completely ... in local mode it works for me
23:13 PilzAdam (and also writes it to favoriteservers.txt)
23:14 PilzAdam btw: s/favourites/favorites/g
23:14 sapier I wonder what's the problem ... special chars are [;,#
23:16 PilzAdam I guess the problem is not formspec related
23:17 sapier it has to be something with formspec as the textlist is either not shown at all or errorneous set to transparente mode
23:52 Jordach joined #minetest-dev

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