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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-06-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Exio lemme do it and then we'll see :P
00:00 Exio i'm not even sure if it'll work hehe
00:04 ch98 compiling in mac ppc error
00:04 ch98 error: no match for 'operator!=' in 'i != std::list<_Tp, _Alloc>::rend() [with _Tp = RollbackAction, _Alloc = std::allocator<RollbackAction>]()'
00:04 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
00:04 ch98 on  c++ code
00:04 ch98 for(std::list<RollbackAction>::const_reverse_iterator
00:04 ch98 i = m_action_latest_buffer.rbegin();
00:04 ch98 i != m_action_latest_buffer.rend(); i++)
00:05 ShadowNinja ch98: File? Line?
00:05 kahrl use a pastebin (and you posted this in #minetest already)
00:05 ShadowNinja Happens with == too it seems.
00:05 ch98 well, there may be more experienced people here
00:06 PilzAdam ch98, all people that are here are in #minetest too; and posting this in many channels seems selfish
00:06 ch98 oh ok
00:08 ch98 I will be using this channel for error messages now
00:09 ch98 Users/net/Desktop/minetest-0.4.4/src/rollback.cpp:117: is the path
00:09 Exio what the actual fuck?
00:09 Exio 0.4.4?
00:09 Exio try with the lastest git
00:10 ch98 4.6 had more errors and asked for something that can't be installed on ppc mac
00:11 ch98 couldn't even get past the cmake
00:12 PilzAdam I dont know if this is the right channel to help you with compiling on mac
00:12 Exio well, i think fixing them by yourself would be faster
00:12 Exio as we don't own a mac
00:14 ch98 well, more reason for learning c and c++
00:17 Exio
00:18 Exio any things to "fix" before throwing the pull request?
00:19 Exio like, names wrong or so
00:19 PilzAdam what does that do exactly?
00:19 Exio when you press T or / (the default keybinds), it opens a console what closes after pressing return/enter
00:33 Exio k - #751
00:39 kahrl Exio: haven't tested it, but what happens if you press '/' while the (closed) console contains a nonempty prompt?
00:40 Exio it adds the /
00:40 Exio to the end, i need to fix that, i guess
00:40 kahrl I'm not entirely sure what should happen
00:41 Exio this needs a clearInput, no?
00:41 Exio clearInput; add("/"
00:41 Exio ); :P
00:41 kahrl would be nice if the partially completed line went into the history
00:42 Exio making the clearInput throw the stuff to the history, then (i guess?)
00:43 kahrl add a method replaceAndAddToHistory to ChatPrompt
00:44 kahrl (which only adds to the history if the prompt is nonempty)
00:44 kahrl I don't see a problem in calling it from the_game
00:45 kahrl for T: replaceAndAddToHistory(L""), for /: replaceAndAddToHistory(L"/")
00:46 Exio ok
00:46 kahrl see ChatPrompt::submit for how to add something to the history
00:47 Exio yep
00:52 Exio wait, is actually ChatPrompt::submit just an "addToHistory" + "clear"?
00:52 kahrl actually yeah
00:52 Exio ah ok
00:54 kahrl guess you could replace the one submit call in the entire codebase with a replaceAndAddToHistory call
00:55 Exio i actually added an "addToHistory" function
00:55 kahrl that's good too
00:56 Exio :P
00:57 Exio well, what you said is better
00:58 kahrl I don't think clear() is even called up to now
00:58 kahrl having addToHistory() and replace(std::wstring) would be enough
00:58 kahrl and replace returns the original content
01:00 Exio just a random thing, should addToHistory public or i just keep it private?
01:00 Exio even if it isn't used anywhere
01:01 kahrl public and then do this in guiChatConsole:423: prompt.addToHistory(); std::wstring line = prompt.replace(L"");
01:02 Exio and then i remove submit, no?
01:02 kahrl yeah
01:02 Exio ok
01:02 kahrl s/line/text
01:03 Exio void ChatPrompt::replace(std::wstring line)
01:03 Exio it actually doesn't return anything, i'll change that
01:03 kahrl right, so it returns what was there before
01:04 kahrl alternatively add a getLine method
01:04 kahrl whatever just like best :)
01:04 kahrl s/just/you
01:05 Exio getLine would be just return m_line;
01:05 Exio (i guess)
01:05 kahrl yup
01:24 Exio kahrl: i wonder, as you know more minetest code, would be making a 'wrapper' (replaceAndAddToHistory in guiChatConsole to m_chat_backend->getPrompt().addToHistory/replace) ok, or what should i do? :P
01:25 kahrl doesn't really matter I guess
01:25 Exio ok
01:25 kahrl you could call it "submit" ;)
01:28 kahrl ^ only partly in jest, but I admit "submit" is a bit misleading since it doesn't submit it to Client
01:28 Exio "jest"?
01:29 kahrl replaceAndAddToHistory says more clearly what the function does
01:29 Exio hehe
01:29 Exio replaceAndAddToHistoryWhenThereIsAnActualLine :D
01:30 kahrl replaceAndAddToHistoryWhenThereIsAnActualLineAndRemoveTopOfHistoryOnOverflow
01:31 Exio (tm)
01:31 Exio ;P
01:31 Exio hell, yeah
01:31 Exio works :D
01:32 kahrl grats :)
01:35 Exio other thing, should escape open the menu after the console is closed?
01:35 Exio i don't think it should
01:36 kahrl the pause menu? it does currently but it shouldn't, I think
01:36 Exio exactly
01:48 Exio kahrl:
01:49 Exio escape now doesn't throw you to "the pause menu"
01:49 Exio (if you are using the console), just closes it
01:49 Exio plus the change about "" and "/" (they get added to the history), and the stuff from before
01:50 Exio about triggering a bug "more frequently", isn't that other "reason" for trying to fix it somewhen?
01:50 Exio i mean, if it affects more frequently, more people will try to fix it ;P
01:50 Exio "affects more frequently", whatever
01:52 Exio i actually just like that because the history and tab completion
01:53 kahrl the bad thing about the F10 bug is that it is just about impossible to track down
01:53 kahrl I'm a bit pessimistic about it getting fixed
01:53 VanessaE I haven't had an F10 crah in...forever
01:53 VanessaE crash*
01:54 kahrl well maybe it has been fixed :P
01:54 kaeza same here
01:55 Exio i didn't get it for a long ago, too, maybe it got fixed by a side effect of other bugfix/feature :P
01:58 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
01:59 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
02:00 Exio since a long ago, well, whatever
02:01 Exio you can understand it
02:04 kahrl I tried the branch and I like it
02:07 VanessaE which branch?
02:08 Exio
02:08 VanessaE ah
02:09 VanessaE ok, I'll bite.
02:11 VanessaE oh.
02:11 Exio kahrl:
02:11 VanessaE not as fancy as I expected, but I like the change
02:11 Exio what fancy did thing did you want? :P
02:12 VanessaE I expected something like the old command dialog but with several lines' worth of history
02:12 VanessaE but this is good, too
02:15 Exio the "old" command dialog is pretty basic and doesn't support lots of stuff what the console does, using the console "with other behavior" (the close_on_enter for example) seems better for avoiding repeating even more code)
02:15 VanessaE idea:
02:15 VanessaE when the chat console closes, put a brief dark region behind the chat text at the top of the screen.  Make it fade away after a couple of seconds.
02:16 Exio wasn't that "done" by other pull request around?
02:16 VanessaE simple bit of visual feedback that'll help alleviate the impression that whatever the user typed was ignored.
02:16 VanessaE dunno,
02:17 Exio
02:17 VanessaE but this should only be visible for a few seconds, and would be a simple dark region identical to what's done to create the console
02:17 VanessaE yes, something like that.
02:18 VanessaE but darker and only momentarily visible.
02:18 VanessaE (I am not in favor of a permanent, darkened region like that, though)
02:19 VanessaE (I've got a decent, shadowed font that I use, so such would be redundant in my setup)
02:19 Exio i actually don't understand what *exactly* you want what that pull request doesn't "do"
02:20 VanessaE simple:
02:20 VanessaE when you open the main console, you've got the darkened background, right?
02:20 VanessaE if you opened it with / or T it auto-closes when you hit enter.
02:21 VanessaE What I suggest is that it should temporarily darken the area behind the remaining chat text in a manner similar to #608, but that darkened area should fade away completely after a couple of seconds.
02:22 VanessaE this will draw the user's eye to the chat text
02:22 VanessaE which of course should contain the output of the command that was executed
02:23 VanessaE (or the line of chat that was just sent)
02:23 VanessaE without something to draw the user's eye to the chat area, you get the impression for an instant that the command didn't execute, because it looks like the console simply closes.
02:24 VanessaE I've seen this same effect on some bug trackers, when you submit a comment (e.g. launchpad), the background of the new comment will turn, say, green for a few seconds and then fade to white.
02:27 VanessaE (right here is where I expect one of, "ehm, wut?"  or  "fuck no, you moron!"  or  "oh! I see what you meant" ;)  )
02:29 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
02:40 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
02:41 Exio i still don't get it, grr
02:42 Exio i will try to read it tomorrow; it is getting late and i need to do hw
02:53 VanessaE translation:  "ehm, wut?"
02:53 VanessaE ;)
02:54 Exio VanessaE: i need to do two projects for tomorrow
02:54 Exio i have like 5 hours left if i don't sleep; but i need to
02:54 VanessaE relax, I'm just kidding now
02:54 VanessaE you got more important stuff to do.
02:54 Exio but boring* :P
02:55 VanessaE heh
03:17 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
04:17 ch98 left #minetest-dev
05:06 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
05:51 emptty joined #minetest-dev
06:09 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
06:18 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
07:30 emptty joined #minetest-dev
08:18 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
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09:00 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:26 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
10:27 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:34 BrandonReese joined #minetest-dev
10:55 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:15 PilzAdam somone on #terasology just posted this:
11:15 PilzAdam I want this in minetest :-)
11:17 Calinou not that hard, we could add this to world creation menu
11:17 Calinou but we need to make mapgen settings actual per-world settings
11:17 proller +1
11:19 PilzAdam although I would make the preview optional and disabled by default, and put a big red "SPOILER ALERT!" there
11:25 Calinou uh uh
11:29 sweetbomber joined #minetest-dev
11:37 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
11:43 celeron55 PilzAdam: hmmmm was aiming for such at some time; dunno if he got sidetracked or abandoned the idea
12:22 PilzAdam celeron55, <- can you change the link to point to here: ?
12:26 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
12:37 Guest73207 joined #minetest-dev
12:38 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
12:53 thexyz PilzAdam: done
13:01 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
13:16 kahrl which of these pull requests shall be merged (next)? #733 #738 #743 #746 #747 #748 #750
13:16 kahrl or any others
13:18 VanessaE 748, hands down.
13:18 VanessaE then 750 and 746
13:19 kahrl any objections to 748?
13:21 Exio the objection is to why it isn't merged yet
13:22 PilzAdam I dont really get what this is fixing, so you need to write it to the changelog
13:23 kahrl I don't really have a concise way of describing it, but I can try
13:23 VanessaE PilzAdam: in most formspecs, when you close the formspec, you have to jiggle the mouse to get the keyboard to work again.
13:24 PilzAdam this really fixes it? then throw it in ASAP
13:24 kahrl actually in all formspecs, but only if you moved the mouse when the formspec was open
13:24 VanessaE e.g. you can't t -> hello! -> enter -> t -> foo....oops, the dialog didn't open -> jiggle the mouse -> t -> foo -> enter
13:25 PilzAdam you have an issue for that open, right?
13:26 VanessaE PilzAdam: ages-old, yes
13:26 VanessaE
13:26 serengeor_ joined #minetest-dev
13:26 Exio wow, 103
13:27 celeron55 i find it funny how long kahrl's previous attempt at fixing the focus thing was
13:28 celeron55 it was like 1.5 years ago and it modified basically everything everywhere 8)
13:28 PilzAdam <- this one?
13:28 kahrl a-yup :P
13:29 rubenwardy|away joined #minetest-dev
13:29 PilzAdam "Fixed bug where you need to move the mouse after closing a formspec" <- would this be ok for changelog?
13:29 VanessaE "jiggle the mouse" :)
13:30 celeron55 you don't need to jiggle it
13:30 celeron55 just move one pixel
13:30 VanessaE celeron55: shush.  don't spoil the joke.
13:30 Exio is #132 still valid?
13:30 celeron55 also, as it happens in every menu, so "closing a menu" would be better
13:30 celeron55 -so
13:31 VanessaE Exio: yes, I still get that issue every so often
13:31 VanessaE (whether it's due to the same underlying cause as it was then, I don't know)
13:35 PilzAdam Exio, yes
13:36 Exio other random thing, what about #346 ?
13:36 PilzAdam nobody knows ;-)
13:46 kahrl any objections to 750?
13:49 PilzAdam if it doesnt leak then its good
13:49 VanessaE do we really care about #260, since the described syntax is deprecated anyway?
13:50 VanessaE er #206
13:52 kahrl are quotes in itemstrings really deprecated?
13:53 VanessaE well, no one who pays attention to the api doc uses the old syntax anymore, so.. :-)
13:53 kahrl PilzAdam: the tile code is too complex for me to completely understand it, but afaik textures only get "leaked" when connecting to a server
13:54 kahrl so there's a finite number of them and they get cleaned up on disconnect
13:54 kaeza I guess using quotes in itemstrings is useless anyway
13:54 kaeza nobody in their right mind would use spaces in item names
13:54 kahrl kaeza: strictly speaking the API doesn't prevent it
13:54 kaeza (and I guess the checks don't allow that)
13:54 kaeza hm?
13:55 PilzAdam kahrl, what does valgrind say?
13:56 kaeza if you ask me, I'd say mark it deprecated syntax if it isn't already
13:57 kahrl I haven't been patient enough to try valgrind
14:00 kahrl it spams me with uninitialized value warnings because rotation isn't initialized in the TileSpec constructor
14:01 VanessaE kahrl:
14:01 VanessaE the commit where the old syntax was deleted from the api.
14:03 kahrl +eg. '"default:apple" 2'
14:13 kahrl so uhh... valgrind doesn't even show me leak information by default?
14:13 kahrl thank you valgrind for wasting 15 minutes of my time
14:13 PilzAdam valgrind --leak-check=full bin/minetest
14:13 kahrl it could have told me that when I started it not when I quit it
14:13 PilzAdam I also use --log-file=something.log
14:13 kaeza aww
14:14 kaeza but at least you were playing in my server <3
14:14 kahrl not so much playing as getting killed by some jerk while running at 0.1FPS :P
14:14 celeron55 let's make a more randomly broken game so that developers will be playing on servers to debug it
14:15 kaeza ^
14:15 PilzAdam I get up to 18 FPS when looking at the ground in valgrind
14:15 kaeza interesting: celeron55 was playing on WazuClan the other day
14:16 celeron55 kaeza: what day
14:17 kaeza two days ago IIRC
14:17 celeron55 not me
14:17 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
14:17 kaeza from the looks it was not you actually
14:17 celeron55 also i almost never use the name "celeron55" on servers
14:17 celeron55 more often something else
14:17 celeron55 (if you stumble upon some privilege-less stranger, it has a rare chance to be me 8))
14:18 kaeza lol IK
14:18 kaeza you don't go talking like "giv me intrct plz!!!"
14:19 celeron55 i probably have played on wazuclan some day to check it out though (can't remember server names)
14:34 kahrl PilzAdam: I don't see any texture related leaks
14:34 kahrl most of them are either in libasound or related to shaders
14:34 PilzAdam good
14:37 kahrl VanessaE: did you try #746?
14:37 VanessaE not yet, I'll do that right now.
14:45 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
14:48 VanessaE 255MB world I use for testing (my old pre-map-reset server), clearobjects maxed out at 601 MB virtual, 128MB resident, ~6.7MB shared
14:48 VanessaE much better.
14:49 VanessaE wait, that was the wrong one.  shit.
14:49 VanessaE still, it didn't use much
14:50 VanessaE lemme get the correct figures for the one that was under test.
14:59 VanessaE singleplayer, running that same map.  Default textures, my game.  Started with ~1.1GB virtual, 481 MB resident, 38MB shared (most of which, doubtlessly, is the client half).  Clearobjects maxed out at ~1.2GB virtual, 569 MB resident, 41 MB shared (so a difference of ~88 MB).
15:01 VanessaE I'd call it good, myself.
15:02 kahrl certainly much better than 22.5GB ;)
15:02 VanessaE yep :D
15:02 kahrl does the block unloading seem to cost performance?
15:02 VanessaE I didn't notice, actually
15:02 kahrl awesome
15:03 VanessaE I was only paying attention to the RAM usage :)
15:04 kahrl if it does cause some problems the new config setting can be set to a large value to disable it, anyway
15:04 VanessaE "HA! What'd I tell you!?  88 MB an hour!!"
15:06 VanessaE (go ahead, use that in your official commit message ;) )
15:06 kahrl heh
15:17 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:25 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:41 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest-dev
15:43 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:46 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:46 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
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16:24 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
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17:44 PilzAdam kahrl, just tested max_clearobjects_extra_loaded_blocks = 1 vs. 4096 on a ~70 MiB map; 1 is only ~10 sec. slower
17:45 sapier is bsd license compatible to minetest?
17:50 PilzAdam without the patch it crashes the server (out of RAM)
17:57 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
17:59 kahrl PilzAdam, interesting
17:59 kahrl what default value would you recommend?
18:00 kahrl I thought 1 would be much slower because each unload cycle causes a sqlite transaction
18:00 PilzAdam what is the memory usage in RAM per block?
18:00 kahrl 16k+x
18:00 kahrl where x depends on metadata
18:01 PilzAdam maybe write that info in minetest.conf.example? so people can calculate themselves
18:01 PilzAdam and just leave the current value as default (4096)
18:04 celeron55 just make the default value the smallest that doesn't increase the overhead a lot on regular HDDs
18:04 celeron55 no need for explanations because that will suit practically everybody until forever
18:05 kahrl I don't mind adding a one line documentation to minetest.conf.example
18:06 kahrl 4096 doesn't seem to add much write overhead and consumes between 64MB and 100MB of extra memory usually
18:06 kahrl so it should be a fine default value
18:06 kahrl maybe 1024?
18:07 celeron55 something like "This is a trade-off between sqlite transaction overhead and memory consumption (4096=100MB)" could be a useful comment
18:07 kahrl sounds good
18:08 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
18:10 PilzAdam why do you do this "if(num_blocks_checked % unload_interval == 0)" instead of "if(num_blocks_checked == unload_interval)"?
18:11 kahrl with the latter variant it would only unload once, wouldn't it?
18:11 PilzAdam oh, you dont reset it
18:12 kahrl a similar check is used for report_interval
18:12 kahrl updated the minetest.conf.example comment:
18:14 kahrl should the getBlockNoCreateNoEx calls be getBlockNoCreate calls?
18:14 kahrl none of them should fail, but if it does the latter gives a traceable exception
18:21 kahrl since I don't think that really matters, is it ok to merge it (it = the gist)?
18:21 PilzAdam sure
18:26 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
18:29 kahrl a simple fix for a segfault, looks good to merge
18:30 PilzAdam this function isnt used at all
18:30 PilzAdam ask hmmmm, its part of his mgv7 code
18:30 kahrl sweetbomber was trying something with register_biome
18:30 kahrl but yes it isn't used currently
18:30 celeron55 sweetbomber started developing mgv7 with hmmmm's approval (or that's what i figured from their discussion)
18:32 kahrl hmmmm: does #752 break/conflict with anything you're doing?
18:32 celeron55 not likely at all, as that's in a location recently completely modified by the scriptapi changes and hmmmm has been busy with school stuff
18:33 celeron55 (or something like that)
18:33 kahrl right
18:34 RealBadAngel hi all, a question: new menus based on formspec are gonna be added in o.4.7 or after?
18:34 celeron55 what part of "freeze" you didn't understand? 8)
18:35 hmmmm aa
18:35 hmmmm no 752 is fine
18:35 kahrl hmmmm: ok, I'll merge it
18:35 hmmmm thanks sweetbomber
18:35 RealBadAngel i was away and rather busy for a few days
18:35 hmmmm subtle, that one is.  i guess he came across it when he tried to add too many
18:35 RealBadAngel this is my last day on old flat
18:35 celeron55 i think 752 is a good sign of what sweetbomber is doing; it sounds like he's digging into the thing enough to know something 8)
18:36 RealBadAngel theres a box there, chair, some junk and nothing more ;)
18:36 hmmmm yeah, sweetbomber knows what he's doing it seems
18:36 RealBadAngel tommorow im moving to a new place
18:36 Jordach a dev that isnt an IRC asshole \o/
18:37 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, I dont think your flat is interesting for minetest's development
18:37 Jordach PilzAdam, RealBadAngel: mg_flags = new_flat
18:37 RealBadAngel well, it isnt
18:37 RealBadAngel i am askin bout menus
18:37 hmmmm celeron55, not so much developing mg v7, but improving the biome selection and then he has that bigger idea (which i don't think will work out in the end) for placing discrete structures
18:38 hmmmm if the latter works out, we can use that for caves too somehow
18:38 hmmmm which is big
18:38 RealBadAngel i want to add many menu options, that why im askin for menu system to use
18:39 RealBadAngel i do have many shaders code ready to release
18:39 hmmmm with no need for the extra borders in vmanip, map generation can be completely parallel and it'd remove several long-term problems
18:40 celeron55 RealBadAngel: i'm not fully knowledgeable of what's happening with the menu, but i suggest waiting until after 0.4.7 is released and ask again
18:41 kahrl RealBadAngel: I think the menu will be one of the big new features of 0.4.8
18:42 RealBadAngel celeron55, shaders stuff anyways is too fresh stuff to release it with unecessary hurry
18:43 RealBadAngel but it will need definitely ways to turn parts of it on/off
18:44 RealBadAngel so my guess is waitin for new menu system is better
18:44 kahrl you can do minetest.conf settings for now
18:45 RealBadAngel they will have to be made anyways, of course
18:46 RealBadAngel but the options that basically doubles rendering time deserves meny entry ;)
18:49 RealBadAngel i have almost finished water reflections, but price is high
18:49 kahrl nice
18:49 kahrl does it work at all elevations?
18:50 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest-dev
18:50 RealBadAngel by now i am using arbitrary water level
18:50 RealBadAngel sea level in fact
18:51 RealBadAngel and wondering how to make it for varying levels
18:53 PilzAdam terasology has this for sea level only
18:54 RealBadAngel because its the easiest way
18:55 RealBadAngel but usear can easily make many different water surface levels
18:55 RealBadAngel on different heights
18:55 RealBadAngel and thats the problem
18:57 kahrl a very fake but easy way to do it would be screen space reflection
18:58 RealBadAngel current camera view flipped?
18:58 kahrl I'm not sure exactly how it works, but there is code on the internet
18:58 RealBadAngel reflection is a texture
18:59 RealBadAngel you get it by rendering to texture, not screen
18:59 kahrl yeah, that texture would be the current screen
18:59 kahrl what vector calculation have to be done beyond that I don't know
18:59 RealBadAngel then you use this texture as water surface
19:00 RealBadAngel and add effects like distortion
19:00 Exio mix()
19:01 RealBadAngel so basically the texture is a picture in the mirror
19:02 RealBadAngel with border on the sea level
19:03 RealBadAngel this means to get tree view in water, you render the view flipped, clip on the water height level
19:03 RealBadAngel so the mittor image is at the right place
19:05 RealBadAngel the problem is where to clip it
19:05 RealBadAngel if user is not watching the sea level
19:05 RealBadAngel or can see many levels
19:06 kahrl if the user has a supercomputer, clip at every level that has water ;)
19:06 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
19:06 RealBadAngel hehe
19:06 Exio inb4 "For enabling shaders we recomend a SLI with GTX TITANs"
19:07 RealBadAngel cmon, the effects works on ati 4670
19:07 Exio for what kahrl said, i mean :P
19:08 kahrl but, well, you could cycle through the needed levels and only generate one of them each frame
19:08 RealBadAngel which is treated as old one and thus only legacy drivers for ir
19:08 kahrl then the reflections will lag behind the real scene a bit but it might be good enough
19:09 Exio that doesn't sound easy to implement with shaders :P
19:10 RealBadAngel shaders are easier to code than it looks at the begining, but to make something nice with them is different stuff
19:10 RealBadAngel lotsa geometry calculations to do
19:11 RealBadAngel i was wondering for a function to get avereage sea level in view
19:12 RealBadAngel but i guess it will take too much tine
19:12 RealBadAngel *time
19:13 kahrl you could store the average sea level per mapblock (calculate it during mesh generation, and store it in MapBlockMesh)
19:13 kahrl then just compute the average over the stored values of the rendered mapblocks
19:14 kahrl you will also need to store a weight of course
19:18 kahrl getting the mode (rather than mean) seems to be more useful but is more complicated
19:19 celeron55 did RBA add some kind of dual-pass rendering?
19:21 kahrl I assume he did, for the clipped scene for water reflection
19:29 RealBadAngel yes i did
19:29 RealBadAngel second pass renders to texture
19:31 RealBadAngel storing generated water level imho doesnt make any sense
19:31 RealBadAngel user can simply build a pool in a cave
19:32 celeron55 kahrl is not talking about the map generator
19:32 RealBadAngel this should be some render time solution
19:32 celeron55 he is talking about the mesh generator
19:32 celeron55 see MapBlockMesh
19:32 RealBadAngel ah
19:33 RealBadAngel count water levels at generating meshes? that could work
19:34 RealBadAngel seems like a good way to try
19:46 RealBadAngel thx kahrl for the idea
19:46 RealBadAngel i think it may work
19:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:57 sapier joined #minetest-dev
19:58 sapier what do you think about adding full minizip source while only using unzip?
19:59 sapier at least atm only unzip
20:03 celeron55 when we were planning some mmdb stuff, we came up with using .tar.gz
20:03 celeron55 as the automated package format
20:03 celeron55 but dunno
20:04 sapier I guess this would be a minor change ... what about supporting both?
20:05 kaeza gz seems to compress better than zip
20:05 celeron55 the main point is that minetest already has zlib included, which contains functions for handling .gz
20:05 sapier yes but "standard user" is used more to zip files
20:05 celeron55 so you only need to add a tar library, which is small
20:06 sapier minizip s quite less too  I actualy use only a single code file
20:06 PilzAdam modders are not standard users
20:06 sapier standard users are the one that need a gui to install mods
20:06 celeron55 the mod database can convert them by itself if needed
20:06 celeron55 or whatever
20:06 celeron55 it's not really an issue as long as there is a single used format
20:06 sapier yes but atm there's only local install support
20:07 sapier and zip seams to be most common used format for mods
20:07 sapier -a +e
20:07 celeron55 if you use only a single file from the zip library, why are you adding like 20 of them?
20:09 sapier that's what I intended to ask to complete license I need to add at least 3 files unzip.h unzip.c and MiniZip64_info.txt
20:09 sapier if someone needs other minizip functions later she/he needs to replace everything
20:10 sapier or find exact version
20:10 sapier so I don't care if you want minimal version only it'll be fine for me
20:11 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
20:11 sapier btw we don't need a tar lib the format is that simple this can be implemented in no time
20:12 celeron55 hmm, well, can you make a more minimal version of that commit?
20:12 sapier of course
20:12 celeron55 like, just rip out all the files that aren't actually used; the version of the library is mentioned in there anyway so files are easy to add if needed
20:14 celeron55 if zip support doesn't require more than a couple of files from that, then i don't see any reason for tar.gz
20:14 kahrl if I had to choose a format I would choose tar over zip
20:14 kahrl zip has some not nice things like the pain it is to find the zip directory
20:14 kahrl making untar a lot less code than unzip
20:15 celeron55 well if there is some actual reason why zip is less handy, then it's obviously not a good idea to use it
20:16 celeron55 i have never used any file archive libraries so i have no idea about anything
20:16 kahrl I assume minizip already handles all that stuff, so it's not like this code needs to be written, but it is still more code that is added
20:19 sapier unzipping is already implemented in that code
20:19 sapier it's not that simple I hoped to be but still not complex
20:21 sapier ok pushed minimal version (for linux) maybe there are two more files on windows as i stripped iowin32.c/h
20:23 sfan5 *reads backlog* ... i'd prefer tar.gz
20:23 sapier maybe we could use version 1.0 too which lacks zip64 support which we most likely don't need
20:24 sapier sfan5 if this was for me I'd prefere tar.gz too but primary users will bin windows users which aren't used to tar.gz
20:24 BlockMen left #minetest-dev
20:24 kahrl the mod repository can accept both formats and convert zip to tar.gz
20:24 sfan5 fow win users .zip would be nicer, indeed
20:25 kahrl the server, when submitting mods, I mean
20:25 PilzAdam doesnt the mod manage handle the archives?
20:25 sapier yes moddb is completely unrelated
20:25 sfan5 zip doesn't store uid and gid, does it?
20:25 sapier it's not required sfan5
20:25 sapier it may even be a problem
20:25 PilzAdam why do users need to know the archive format?
20:26 sapier cause they download it and they get told "don't download anything you don't know"
20:26 sapier I don't intend to add automated moddb downloading in first step
20:26 PilzAdam oh, so the modmanager doesnt download mods?
20:27 sapier not in first version
20:27 sapier in version 2 it will do
20:27 sapier this commit is already huge I don't want to extend it to a level where noone ever will be able to check it
20:30 kahrl I would not show the mod manager by default until it has automatic downloading
20:30 sapier btw minizip addition isn't required in first step too, formspec mainmenu modmanager will use system unzip if available
20:30 kahrl otherwise users will get confused about what it does
20:31 sapier there are two different buttons for local install and download kahrl
20:31 sapier and it's hidden by default atm too
20:31 kahrl what does local install do exactly?
20:32 sapier select a file unzip, try to guess correct filename if folder is incorrect move to global modfolder
20:32 kahrl I see
20:32 kahrl if it does that then it should probably support a number of archive formats
20:33 sapier it's primary intention is to get rid of those "modname-master" errors
20:33 sapier yes it's designed to use different formats but atm it supports only zip on linux ... it's a proof of concept
20:35 sapier i guess zip tar.gz tar.bz2 will be enough ... maybe tar.7z too
20:35 kahrl that's quite a lot, especially if it has to work on windows
20:36 sapier true thats why i started with zip
20:37 sapier libarchive could be used for windows tar support I've found a win32 version and it's available for almost all posix like os too
20:38 sapier but It'd be usable as soon as zip support is available for all os
20:46 sapier is anyone here who could test the minizip code on windows?
20:46 celeron55 i suggest thinking mostly in the long-term on this
20:46 celeron55 short-term benefits don't really count here
20:46 sapier it doesn't do any harm in long term while it adds instant benefit
20:48 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
20:52 sapier and I'll add moddb support once formspec mainmenu is merged upstream for 0.4.8 I guess moddb support will be there no later then 0.4.9
20:54 PilzAdam since we dont have a fixed release schedule that isnt really informative
20:54 sapier since we don't have a fixed release schedule I can't give you more exact information ;-P
20:57 sapier it's sure it won't be added for 0.4.7 pilzadam formspec mainmenu most likely will be added in 0.4.8 but I'm not sure if a online modbrowser with moddb integration voting etc will be ready for 0.4.9
20:57 sapier i mean 0.4.8
21:04 PilzAdam this seems good to me:
21:04 PilzAdam tested with the linked test mod
21:06 celeron55 i really wish people wouldn't assign any major features to any patch versions
21:06 celeron55 it is partly what leads to huge times between versions
21:07 celeron55 but still people will always say "yeah my feature will be in 0.4.current+1"
21:07 celeron55 just please stop it
21:08 sapier you can ask ppl to stop but they wont do "somewhere in future" just isn't an optio
21:08 sapier n
21:08 celeron55 assign a date instead
21:08 celeron55 not a version number
21:08 celeron55 "two months from now" is like a million times better than some arbitrary version
21:08 sapier telling a time is just useless if it isn't a mater of work but a matter of decisions to be made
21:09 celeron55 that's not an argument towards saying a version number
21:09 sapier and after almost two years I still don't have any feeling of how to predict when a decision will be made ;-)
21:10 sapier next release version is same as telling a version number
21:10 sapier I do understand that the version number most likely will be wrong but it's best aproximation I currently have ;-)
21:11 celeron55 maybe instead of coding you should then figure out how to make decisions predictable
21:11 sapier if I would find a way to do that I'd be a very rich man ;-)
21:20 celeron55 anyhow, it could be useful if more people would maintain a roadmap in the wiki
21:21 sapier I guess a roadmap can only be given by a single person or at least a few ... but of course thats my opinion
21:22 celeron55 well it should be done with the people who would be mainly making the things in it
21:22 celeron55 done by*
21:25 sapier that'd be a job for core developers ;-) but they'd have less time for coding if doing this ;-)
21:25 celeron55 you're quite a core developer actually
21:26 celeron55 the listings of developers and github privileges are quite arbitrary
21:27 sapier I'm just contributing what imho is necessary to improve minetest
21:27 celeron55 that's quite what everyone is doing 8)
21:28 sapier true :-) but for some ppl this is only adding fancy new features
21:28 celeron55 it doesn't really get more special than that, altough someone might imagine it in a more glorified way
21:30 sapier glorified? I don't do anything special ... I just want to fix the basics to for more creative ppl than I am
21:30 celeron55 again, that is what i see mostly everyone doing here :P
21:31 sapier sometimes I do have other impressions but maybe I'm wrong
21:31 kahrl PilzAdam, merged
21:31 celeron55 there's wild variation in what people consider "necessary to improve minetest" though
21:31 sapier but back to topic :) release schedule/roadmap
21:32 sapier and it's good to have different oppinions
21:35 PilzAdam kahrl, I could have merged this too, but whatever
21:35 PilzAdam less work for me
21:36 kahrl one less round trip time :)
21:36 PilzAdam and why are there dots at the end of the three latest commit messages?
21:37 kahrl hmm is there a rule about that?
21:38 celeron55 the rule is the rest of the commit messages 8)
21:38 kahrl I know I forgot to change the past tense in 601ab8
21:38 PilzAdam rule 2:
21:39 PilzAdam "look at the commit log" -> no dots
21:39 Anchakor dat pedantry
21:39 PilzAdam :D
21:39 celeron55 we're north europeans, what do you expect!
21:40 PilzAdam even worse, Im german :-p
21:41 Anchakor dots or no dots always make me stop when making a presentation slides
21:41 sapier ok guys I guess we don't have to proof anytime to be "good" germans .. do we?
21:42 celeron55 Anchakor: the obvious solution is to flip a coin for each line
21:43 Anchakor I decided to alter the convention on every slide and avoid those people who notice and point out
21:43 * PilzAdam hates dots in presentations
21:44 * celeron55 hates presentations
21:44 PilzAdam you most likely dont write full sentences in there
21:44 PilzAdam if you do, your presentation is wrong
21:44 sapier star trek on arte ... I guess star wars has lost cultural war :-)
22:14 * iqualfragile likes chocolate
22:27 sapier left #minetest-dev
23:54 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest-dev

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