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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-06-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 PilzAdam it seems to happen when a sapling hangs on the edge of a node (see screenshot)
00:00 PilzAdam you can litteraly watch the stack growing up
00:08 hmmmm mmm..
00:09 hmmmm just realized, papyrus doesn't generate in mapgen v6 if water_level != 0
00:09 hmmmm hardcoding and assuming all these things, jeez
00:10 PilzAdam we are switching to register_decoration() anyway
00:11 hmmmm one question; what do you think about decorating the bottom of the ocean?
00:11 Exio with what?
00:11 hmmmm *shrug*
00:11 Exio :P
00:12 hmmmm maybe somebody came up with a mod that places starfish or kelp or something
00:12 kahrl sunken ships
00:13 kahrl should underwater plants be made in a way that makes them not air pockets?
00:13 hmmmm obviously
00:14 khonkhortisan and not just underwater, but any liquid
00:14 Exio i wonder how without hacks
00:14 hmmmm you say that like the solution is obvious
00:14 hmmmm is the content at that node water, or is it the decoration?
00:15 khonkhortisan Fluid properties could be added to the decoration, and render both, but tiles are needed for both.
00:15 hmmmm btw if you can solve this in an elegant manner, we'd have another one up on minecraft.  they don't have anything of the sort either.
00:15 Guest63453 joined #minetest-dev
00:17 diemartin hmmmm,
00:19 hmmmm i'm assuming he did that with a nodebox, and making it an alternative liquid?
00:19 hmmmm either way, if we can make what that guy is doing in the mod not-glitchy, there'd be a solution
00:22 PilzAdam this mod has other 1000 lines of nodeboxes
00:23 hmmmm yeah but nevermind that, how does it merge with the water nodes?
00:23 hmmmm i am not seeing anything special
00:25 PilzAdam ok, its a normal node where the nodeboxes is higher than the actual node
00:26 PilzAdam the plant is above the actual node
00:26 Exio offtopic-about-minetest_game, am i the only here who thinks the grass, flowers and dry shrub should be dig_immediate?
00:26 Exio (buildable_to nodes)
00:27 PilzAdam hmmmm, its a hack
00:27 hmmmm is this feature wanted enough to make it not a hack?
00:28 PilzAdam I dont need it
00:45 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
01:15 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
01:36 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
01:42 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
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01:50 VanessaE Exio: very little improvement for me, at least not in that one "bad" area on my server's map.  +4 FPS perhaps
01:50 VanessaE (running latest git with your patch already merged per kahrl)
01:50 Exio aw
01:51 VanessaE CEnv: num of objects.......  477 !?
01:51 VanessaE where??
01:53 hmmmm :D i found a nyancat
01:54 VanessaE CM: blocks occlusion culled:  0.   um ?
01:54 hmmmm vanessa's seed, 305, -1544
01:55 VanessaE left #minetest-dev
01:55 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
01:55 VanessaE oops.
01:55 VanessaE hmmmm: kacey found one at about  -329,-188,-571
01:56 Exio aw damn
01:56 Exio got trapped with sand
01:59 VanessaE Exio: your change did help marginally, like I said about +4fps
02:00 hmmmm
02:02 Exio i just did what the comment said
02:03 * VanessaE watches num of objects creep up.. +200 since I mentioned it a few mins ago, and I'm just standing here.
02:03 VanessaE (now 734)
02:04 Exio is it just client-side?
02:04 VanessaE beat me.
02:05 VanessaE beats*
02:05 VanessaE 882 now.
02:05 VanessaE and my fps is dropping accordingly.
02:06 Exio any local-mod for reproduce it?
02:06 Exio (you know, my network is shit)
02:06 VanessaE Exio: there are only four mods on my server that make entities, that I know of - simple mobs, item_drop (technic), pipeworks, and signs
02:07 VanessaE only the signs entities are visible from where I'm standing.
02:08 VanessaE well O tjoml ot
02:09 VanessaE er..
02:09 kahrl default makes entities (items)
02:09 * VanessaE moves her hands to the right keys
02:09 VanessaE kahrl: I mean actively, as part of normal play
02:09 VanessaE well I think the cause of my low fps is pretty obvious:  too many entities and lack of effective hidden block culling
02:10 VanessaE with a view range of 50, it manages to cull exactly one "block" (I assume a mapblock)
02:10 Exio i would like a way to reproduce it locally :/
02:10 VanessaE Exio: download my server's map and game from the form page.
02:10 VanessaE
02:11 Exio size?
02:11 Exio 4TB? ;P
02:11 VanessaE then teleport to -310,19,-421
02:11 VanessaE heh no about 990 MB for the map and about 14MB for the game
02:11 Exio 1gb
02:11 Exio that is like 2 days with this network, sadly
02:11 Exio s/like/about/
02:12 Exio (yes, i like offtopic)
02:12 VanessaE number of objects is now 1029 and I haven't moved from this spot since I signed onto the server.
02:12 VanessaE I seem to lose about 1 fps per 100 objects
02:15 Exio VanessaE: can i have your debug.txt 'of that'?
02:16 VanessaE the server's debug log, you mean?
02:16 Exio i want to check the infostream, so yes :P
02:17 VanessaE sure, I
02:17 VanessaE I
02:17 VanessaE damn it.
02:17 VanessaE I'll upload it in a sec.
02:18 VanessaE 1177 objects now, and my fps is down by 10 now.
02:19 VanessaE's a god-awful big file
02:20 VanessaE 4.1 GB for the log file alone
02:20 Exio rm
02:20 Exio and reproduce it other time :P
02:20 VanessaE lol
02:22 VanessaE deleted the log and restarted the server.
02:22 VanessaE client shows 541 objects now.
02:23 Exio wait a bit, until it gets 600 or 650 or so
02:23 Exio then post it :P
02:23 VanessaE sure.
02:24 Exio thanks
02:25 VanessaE flew around a bit and loaded up all of the map that would be visible from where I am standing now (but no more than that).  fps is peaking 31 where it used to do about 23-ish
02:26 Exio i would call that part of your map the FPS killer
02:26 VanessaE yes, indeed so
02:26 Exio if you survive 10 minutes inside that zone, you win a prize :D
02:26 VanessaE standing at the spawn, looking down the north road from the left side of the road.
02:28 Exio what about
02:29 VanessaE I walked forward a bit to examine a sign up ahead, then returned to the spawn.  816 objects now.
02:29 Exio kahrl / hmmmm: ^
02:29 hmmmm no idea exio, not really my area...
02:29 Exio but, what do you think?
02:30 hmmmm why not
02:31 VanessaE damn it.  bad ownership on the log file after 'touch'.  had to start over.
02:31 VanessaE (it didn't create a log for that +300 object jump)
02:31 VanessaE Exio: I have no objection to that.
02:32 Exio aw
02:33 VanessaE ok, it's creating a log now :-)
02:33 VanessaE loaded up all of the relevant area of the map, started with 555 objects, and pushing about 30 fps.
02:35 VanessaE walked over to the same area to check out the same signs, then a bit beyond, and returned to the spawn.  705 objects now.
02:35 VanessaE
02:35 Exio downloading
02:36 VanessaE this time it's "only" 5MB
02:36 VanessaE wow, 1MB per minute of uptime. :D
02:38 VanessaE obviously the signs entities are the ones being duplicated
02:39 VanessaE (there are a couple dozen such signs in the area)
02:40 Exio i don't get how the entities will be duplicating only client-sidely
02:40 VanessaE no clue at all.
02:41 Exio as that is in the serverthread...
02:42 VanessaE want the client's log too?
02:42 Exio unless it is 40 gb, yes :P
02:42 VanessaE heh
02:42 VanessaE I'll edit out all but the last session :-)
02:43 VanessaE holy..
02:43 VanessaE 2GB for that bastard
02:43 VanessaE perhaps..I should redo that one also
02:43 Exio ha
02:45 VanessaE
02:45 VanessaE enough to see it rise from 550 to 700-and-change
02:47 VanessaE 22:44:50: INFO[main]: ClientEnvironment::addActiveObject(): added (id=5441)  <--- WHAT!?
02:48 VanessaE surely that doesn't mean it created and/or destroyed that many objects?
02:50 * VanessaE updates the downloads of her game and world files (just in case the existing ones are too old)
03:32 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
04:53 AllegedlyDead joined #minetest-dev
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05:31 VanessaE kahrl: after clearing objects, ad signing out/in, I'm getting 40-47 fps at the spawn, using the modified game (and already two sheep have re-spawned and are walking around)
05:31 VanessaE and*
05:38 VanessaE kahrl: started a new world as requested, still with the all-nodeboxes-replaced-with-cubed modified game, view range of 50, flew around a bit to get a good amount of generated land, blocks occlusion culled is still 0.  If I turn the view range up, it starts exceeding 0.  Exceeds 10 at a view range of 90, exceeds 100 at a view range of 220.
05:40 VanessaE there is only 1 object in the loaded region, and with a view range of 100 I can still get 25 fps even with lots of large trees in view (if I turn away from them, fps shoots up into the high 50's)
05:42 * VanessaE heads off to bed.
05:43 hmmmm wow this is freaking amazing
05:43 hmmmm exio, you're the one who fixed that re-calculation, right?
05:44 hmmmm minetest is running a solid 7-13 fps faster for me, i'm hitting 50 fps no problem
05:44 hmmmm this has gotta be the single biggest enhancement in a while
05:47 hmmmm this is awesome.. people ought to be able to experience this right away
05:48 hmmmm i'm going to finish up decorationdef at least to the schematic, and then move trees and what not over to that, and i think we need to make an 0.4.8 release
05:49 hmmmm anything else big currently cooking?
05:54 ShadowNinja hmmmm: thexyz is working on rebasing db_backends_2.
05:54 hmmmm i'd wait for that, but i really feel like this is enough of a reason alone for people to update
05:55 hmmmm (and then on top of that is other performance boosters and bugfixes)
05:58 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
05:59 thexyz ShadowNinja: sadly, I don't have much time those days
06:57 lrh9 joined #minetest-dev
06:57 lrh9 Hello.
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09:50 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
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10:23 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
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10:40 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
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11:08 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
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12:55 Exio the line i removed was just doing what a comment said..
12:55 Exio :P
12:58 PilzAdam ok, this duplaction of saplings and decayed apples seems to be something new
12:59 PilzAdam I found two "stacks" in my singleplayer world too
13:07 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:10 rubenwardy This would be awesome:
13:10 rubenwardy It is a portal scene node
13:11 rubenwardy you could add a draw type "portal" and a portal is drawn instead of transparency
13:11 rubenwardy portal location is defined by setmeta("portal","0,0,0")
13:11 rubenwardy any thoughts?
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13:14 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
13:18 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
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15:17 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
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16:38 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
16:41 sapier joined #minetest-dev
16:50 sapier MirceaKitsune (indirectly) suggested changeing set_animation prototype to avoid having a new function this obviously requires changeing protocol too. Any oppinions to doing it this way? Except of compatibility problems I don't see any issue with this but this is a decision that should be based on more than 2 oppinions
16:55 Taoki sapier: I think it shouldn't require changing protocol, since we wouldn't add any new parameters. We just have to make sure that leaving the other parameters to nil works
16:55 Taoki eg: set_animation( , 10, )
16:55 sapier we do add a new parameter
16:55 sapier base_velocity
16:55 Taoki Ah
16:55 Taoki What is that for?
16:56 Taoki There already is one for animation speed
16:56 sapier yes but this is the speed the animation is played
16:56 Taoki Sure. What would the other one do though?
16:56 sapier compare it to slow motion normal fast forward ...
16:57 Taoki I still don't understand
16:57 sapier the base velocity specifies which object speed matches the animation at (default) animation rate
16:57 Taoki We have a parameter for animation speed. Why would we need 2?
16:57 Taoki ah...
16:57 Taoki A builtin way to change animation speed vased on object velocity?
16:57 Taoki eg: For walk animations to match the walking speed?
16:58 sapier yes but not only builtin but client does already predict the new animation rate while objects velocity changes
16:58 Taoki I see
16:59 sapier server doesn't have to update animation speed if velocity changes
16:59 Taoki Well firstly, how much is that needer right now? There's not much acceleration /. deceleration so I'm not sure if such a change would be very visible
16:59 sapier this doesn't work reasonably well due to network latency
16:59 Taoki Sure, doing that over network would be sotyl
16:59 Taoki **costly
16:59 Taoki But how much does this improve anything visually?
16:59 sapier it's one of main graphical glitches for mobf mobs which do smooth speed changes
17:00 Taoki ok
17:00 sapier improovement is drastical as mobs don't seem to slide through landscape
17:00 Taoki Yeah, sounds like a new parameter would be needed then... specifying how much velocity is applied to the animation. But I still agree it should be part of set_animation and not a new function
17:00 sapier of course this depends on animation quality
17:00 Taoki And such would require bumping the protocol version
17:00 Taoki There would be another way, but rather hacky and I doubt anyone would agree
17:01 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
17:01 sapier sending two messages for one setting isn't an option thats not even a hack ;-)
17:02 Taoki I was thinking animation speed could have a negative value to indicate it's influenced by velocity. But that would suck so no
17:02 sapier that wouldn't tell you how animation is related to objects speed
17:03 sapier e.g. if someone specifies very high detailed animations 1block/s could be 100 frames
17:03 Taoki Yah. A new parameter should be added then I think
17:03 Taoki It should be ok to simply bump the protocol version up
17:03 Taoki I think. Best to ask PilzAdam to be safe
17:04 sapier that's why I post it here to get some more oppinions to this issue :-)
17:06 Taoki That's good. Sadly I don't know exactly what would need to be done, other than the protocol version must be bumped and documented
17:07 Taoki hmmmm: Are you there?
17:08 sapier I know what needs to be done it's only typework but I don't want to change it just to realize the old version is the one to add ;-)
17:09 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
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17:16 hmmmm yes?
17:16 Taoki hmmmm: Hi.
17:17 Taoki hmmmm: I wanted to ask you about something regarding mapgen v7. There's a feature that would be really awesome and useful if you wish to consider adding it...
17:18 Taoki
17:19 Taoki hmmmm: Basically, I'm wondering if you could add support for rendering multiple layers of ground levels vertically. So that we could divide the world and add more realms past a certain height (like how Minecraft has the Nether and The End, as different realms in the same world)
17:19 hmmmm we decided against realms already
17:19 Taoki When and why?
17:19 sapier "The world size of Minetest is painfully small I agree" ????
17:19 hmmmm divisions in height are the way to go, because they're much easier to implement and don't require rewriting everything
17:19 sapier 32k blocks?
17:20 Taoki hmmmm: Yes, that's what I'm suggesting in the last post. Thought that's what you meant the team decided against
17:20 Taoki I suggested that in the first post, but like everyone said it would be hard to do
17:20 hmmmm i already am going to do this
17:20 Taoki So now I'm suggesting just that; Dividing past a certain height and generating a new world there
17:20 Taoki Awesome!
17:20 hmmmm we'll call a large region of height a realm
17:20 hmmmm each realm has a collection of biomes
17:21 sapier hmmmm you should add a "get_ground_level(pos)" function in that case
17:21 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-dev
17:21 hmmmm i mentioned early on that get_ground_level is going to be more difficult to implement well
17:22 hmmmm i think we're sticking with passing an approximate range to look through
17:22 sapier yes but if there are multiple layers you need that function
17:22 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:22 Taoki My thought was that we could have a Lua parameter specifying how many realms you have. When that parameter is larger than 1 (therefore there are more worlds), the world boundaries are divided vertically and each squeezed / treated like a different realm.
17:22 sapier lua parameter?
17:22 sapier I guess this should be a world parameter
17:22 hmmmm it'd have to be a lua parameter
17:22 Taoki sapier: So each game (eg: minetest_game) can define how many realms they have and what biomes each use
17:22 Jordach you can divide 31000 into 10 different realms with 3100on y
17:23 sapier why lua? is number of worlds adjustable while a game is running?
17:23 hmmmm taoki, i'm not worrying over details at the moment, but they are definitely not going to be uniformly divided like that
17:23 Taoki Alright. That's ok if they do work :)
17:24 hmmmm anyway
17:24 Taoki hmmmm: Another suggestion for this feature (which I'm not sure the mapgen can do but asking either way) is to block seeing and walking between realms. So if you either fly all the way up or dog too much down, you don't pop into the other realm. And instead see everything stop loading like you do currently when you reach world bounds
17:24 Taoki But that might have to be implemented separately
17:24 hmmmm a "realm" will be defined as a range in height
17:25 Taoki Since well, we wouldn't want the risk of digging down so much or flying up so high you get to the other realm :P
17:25 Taoki nice
17:25 hmmmm each "realm" gets its own generateTerrain(), and its own collection of biomes
17:26 hmmmm so there'll be the overworld "realm", the aether "realm" which will be positive 3d noise (the floating islands), probably occuring around 7000 or so
17:26 hmmmm below the overworld will be the "mantle" realm which is basically just a bunch of large sheets of iron blocks and lava sources and things like that
17:27 hmmmm then underneath that is the nether
17:27 hmmmm so you can see the need for separate generateTerrain() functions, since they each do something quite different
17:27 Taoki hmmmm: Are all those going to be hard coded however? I was hoping that Lua could define if there are multiple realms, the height of this one and the biome set
17:27 hmmmm they're gonna have to be hard coded.
17:28 Taoki ok. That's not really the feature I was thinking of them :/
17:28 sapier why do they have to be hardcoded?
17:28 hmmmm because they're components of the mapgen
17:28 hmmmm so unless you want to define the mapgen in lua ...
17:29 Taoki hmmmm: But couldn't Lua define where each type of mapgen is used (between which heights)? And allow defining any set?
17:29 hmmmm i honestly cannot see the point in that
17:29 hmmmm i mean, sure, i guess you can define where they are and if they occur or whatever
17:29 Taoki hmmmm: It would allow any game to define its own set of realms and setup it sees fit
17:30 hmmmm but you won't be able to actually change it
17:30 Taoki I'm actually thinking of using that
17:30 sapier but mapgen could use a generation range couldn't it?
17:30 Taoki That's what I'm thinking
17:30 hmmmm i'm saying that you wouldn't be able to change the method of generation
17:31 hmmmm that means the aether is still going to be floating islands generated in the same way, the most you'll be able to do is define between which heights it spawns and if it spawns at all
17:31 Taoki hmmmm: Main feature I'm suggesting is the ability to define diggerent ground levels and ranges at different heights. So the mapgen can eg: generate a land at height 1000 just like it does at height 0. Using the same noise function etc
17:31 hmmmm and of course the blocks and whatever, but that's a given with the current infrastructure
17:31 sapier yes hmmmm but you could specify the generation mode as world parameter
17:32 Taoki Same way you explore the normal existng world. Just replicate the same generation rules at some very big heights
17:32 hmmmm sapier, if you mean you want to define another "nether-like" realm, then of course
17:32 hmmmm you can define as many of those as you'd like
17:32 sapier no I was more thinking about games wanting different realms or even only a single one
17:33 hmmmm you can do that too
17:33 sapier if it's hardcoded how?
17:33 hmmmm that detail wouldn't be hardcoded
17:33 hmmmm what would be hardcoded is the generation technique
17:34 hmmmm you'd have a limited selection of things like "nether-like" and "aether-like" and "regular terrain-like"
17:34 sapier what is meant by "generation technique" maybe this is just a matter of understanding
17:34 sapier ok and specify which realm uses what technique in world settings?
17:34 hmmmm yes
17:34 Taoki hmmmm: So imagining the existing world. The ground level is usually at height 15 - 20, and water level at height 0. As you explore, new hills mountains etc. are generated at this height. My idea is a Lua parameter to allow doing the same high in the sky. So at height 1000 there would be a new water level, the ground level would usually be around height 1020, and so on
17:35 sapier and then specify different biomes for different techniques?
17:35 hmmmm yeah
17:35 hmmmm here's the complicated factor
17:35 hmmmm uninstall a mod, the terrain becomes inconsistent
17:35 hmmmm there's a reason why i did what i did with putting noise parameters in map_meta.txt
17:35 sapier hmmmm that happens atm too
17:36 hmmmm and people are okay with this????
17:36 Taoki If you uninstall a mod that contained terrain block definitions, it's logical you have to delete that world too :P
17:36 sapier uninstalling mods always gives negative results sometimes bigger sometimes less big
17:36 hmmmm you can redefine them just as easily
17:36 Taoki hmmmm: The mod uninstallation issue? Sure! It's the server admin's fault if he used block definitions for teerrain he now has to take down
17:36 Taoki That's good too
17:37 sapier i don't think that problem can be fixed by engine at all
17:37 hmmmm my problem is that once it's generated, it's generated and the damage is done
17:37 hmmmm you can re-enable a mod and have the unknown nodes back again
17:37 PilzAdam hmmmm, since we have this per world mod system now it would be ok to let mods define it
17:37 Taoki yeah
17:37 sapier yes and where's the problem? if an artist cuts his stone block wrong damage is done
17:38 sapier no way to glue it back without lots of additional work ;-)
17:38 hmmmm i would be more okay with this if we had a good way to forcefully regenerate blocks
17:38 sapier hmm what about world_drop(min,max)
17:38 Taoki A system to delete and re-generate specific parts of the world would be great. But can be a different feature for later on
17:38 Taoki sapier: Yep, that
17:39 hmmmm sapier, what's that, trim the world to a specified bounding box?
17:39 sapier no that should drop every block within min,max
17:39 Taoki That's a common issue in Minecraft. There are those servers that have huge cities people worked on. Then they all get deleted because a new version of MC came which adds new stuff to the mapgen, which the existing world can't get
17:39 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
17:40 hmmmm I think there should be both behaviors
17:40 sapier return value would be exact coordinates of block boundaries beeing dropped as it's quite unrealistic user will exactly hit those
17:40 hmmmm taoki, i believe there is a way to have new ores added to old blocks
17:40 Taoki With such a function, epople wouldn't have to delete their cities... just the unexplored areas and let those regenerate :)
17:40 PilzAdam hmmmm, what about hashing the most relevant variables for world creation and check if it matchs the current setup at each startup
17:40 Taoki Nice, didn't know that
17:41 sapier this problem isn't limited to ores
17:41 hmmmm pilzadam, i think it might be okay if there's a way to have blocks regenerated
17:41 sapier every mod using on_generated has same problem
17:41 PilzAdam but where do you know wich blocks you have regenerate?
17:42 hmmmm easy
17:42 hmmmm generate the whole chunk
17:42 hmmmm only blit to blocks full of content ignore
17:42 hmmmm or isDummy
17:42 PilzAdam I guess this problem would be trivial to fix if we had this "only save modified blocks" feature
17:42 hmmmm we should do that too sometime
17:43 sapier hmm isn't threre a dirty flag used for network transmission? could this be used for saving too?
17:43 hmmmm i wouldn't know.
17:44 Taoki hmmmm: Anyway, here's a better example as to why I'm suggesting de-hardcoding realms to Lua: Let's say I make a game type where I want players to go between Earth, Mars and a Moon realm. In all 3 cases, the ground would be generated by the same mapgen type, only different biomes. But you'd need to define it to run at 3 heights for each
17:44 PilzAdam anyone objects: ?
17:44 hmmmm i think the only 'dirty' flag is being not present in the sent blocks set
17:44 hmmmm pilzadam, i thought that was merged a while ago
17:45 PilzAdam it was blocked because 0.4.7 freeze
17:46 Taoki But yeah, I hope you consider this for v7. Would be really useful for some ideas :)
17:46 hmmmm i think for a moon mod it'd be cool if there were multiple aether-like realms defined
17:46 hmmmm and they're just huge blobs of 3d noise with a *very* large spread factor
17:47 Jordach at least we have an *actual* sky biome before the leading product
17:47 Taoki Aether = floatlands?
17:47 hmmmm i guess
17:47 hmmmm it's going to look a lot nicer than the floatlands thing
17:48 Taoki Ok. Wouldn't work for a moon or mars realm in that case, since those would have to be constant ground just like the normaal world's surface (not floating islands)
17:48 Taoki Hence why mapgen would need to allow re-running the ground generator at another height
17:48 hmmmm then in that case
17:48 hmmmm nether, with the air blocks replaced with solid blocks, and solid blocks == air
17:49 Jordach common sense right there
17:49 Taoki I... don't know how that would look either
17:49 hmmmm how about you not worry about how something looks when it's far, far from completion
17:50 Taoki I tend to imagine something like it's already there a lot of the time :P
17:50 hmmmm i know people have big ideas but i'd rather just focus on getting things done instead of yapping away about some far off features
17:51 Taoki True... there's more important things to finish on v7 now. Although it might help to discuss such features early before the code gets more complex
17:51 hmmmm sort of reminds me of something a futurologist would do.. you know, the kind of people fascinated with home automation, flying cars and the like
17:51 Taoki heh, that sounds like me too :)
17:51 hmmmm and they don't shut up about THE SINGULARITY
17:51 hmmmm kurzweil basically
17:52 random_esrdxctfg joined #minetest-dev
17:52 random_esrdxctfg hi. any specific reason why boost is never used?
17:53 PilzAdam random_esrdxctfg, what boost?
17:54 PilzAdam hmmmm, <- what about that? the format isnt "wrong", but it restores the old behaviour
17:54 Jordach_ joined #minetest-dev
17:54 PilzAdam (an earlier commmit changed it a bit)
17:54 proller lib<with<tons>of<templates<shit>>>>>
17:57 sweetbomberfdgdf joined #minetest-dev
17:57 sweetbomberfdgdf /nickserv ghost sweetbomber
17:58 PilzAdam is the license compatible with LGPL?
18:01 ShadowNinja sweetbomber: Make sure to type identify commands and such into the status window.
18:04 sweetbomber ShadowNinja: lol, i was lazy. almost leaked my pass. ty anyway
18:15 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
18:22 Exio joined #minetest-dev
18:47 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
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19:45 hmmmm pilzadam, don't really have anything against it.....
19:46 VanessaE PilzAdam: that fix should be pushed, though plants_lib has already been patched to avoid it per your pull request
19:48 PilzAdam VanessaE, yes, that commit is unrelated to any "compatibility" problems; its just a comsetic fix
19:52 lrh9 joined #minetest-dev
19:52 lrh9 Hello.
19:53 PilzAdam lrh9, this channel is not for "Hello", go to #minetest
19:55 kaeza nice way to greet newcomers
19:55 hmmmm kinda says in the topic, "chit chat goes to #minetest"
19:56 VanessaE agreed.  This channel is for core development discussion but saying "hi" doesn't constitute chit-chat.
19:56 PilzAdam he did it already several times
19:56 PilzAdam without anything useful
19:56 hmmmm i saw him yesterday, true
19:56 VanessaE so?
19:56 VanessaE how does that detract from the conversation -- especially right now when the channel barely had anything going on>?
19:57 hmmmm it's just kind of irritating
19:57 hmmmm personally i'd just ignore it though
19:57 PilzAdam I get highlighted for each message here, switching away from what Im doing to just see a "hi" isnt really good
19:57 kaeza then configure your client?
19:57 VanessaE PilzAdam: then fix your IRC client not to highlight you unless someone says your name.
19:58 hmmmm that must be the single most annoying irc client ever
19:58 PilzAdam I configured it to highlight  me on each message and I dont want to change that
19:58 PilzAdam because I expect messages here to be important for development
19:58 VanessaE then don't complain if you get irritated at every little message that comes across.
19:58 lrh9 left #minetest-dev
19:59 PilzAdam we should add ""How's it going?" = generally a /kick" back into the topic
19:59 VanessaE no, we should not.
19:59 VanessaE being an asshole is not a prerequisite for being a core dev.
20:00 hmmmm other FOSS project -dev channels aren't like that
20:00 sapier no we're way to nice compared to other foss projects ;-P
20:00 hmmmm yeah that's true.  but they wouldn't kick you for saying hi
20:01 sapier true too I didn't want to support pilzadams oppinion with what I said
20:01 sapier btw I haven't asked for formspec mainmenu to be added today .... done :-)
20:02 PilzAdam sapier, is that dynamic_cast thing fixed?
20:02 sapier it doesn't occur anymore :-)
20:02 sapier fix has to be done in gentoo/irrlicht depending who you ask
20:03 Exio is that patched in archlinux?
20:03 Exio i mean, they are pretty vanilla too
20:03 PilzAdam I kinda agree what you have said some time ago: We cant find all bugs when we keep it seperated, so merge it now and test things in upstream
20:03 sapier i don't have any Idea but fedora suse redhat debian all fix it
20:05 hmmmm am i the only one who does this:
20:05 sapier pilzadam that was before someone brought up an early 0.4.8 release ... mainmenu needs some time to get fixed completely so if 0.4.8 is in e.g. 2 weeks that's not best thing to do
20:05 hmmmm when i am punching out code, i just put a placeholder for writing an error message because it takes too long to think of something helpful and informative
20:06 hmmmm for example,   errorstream << "DecoSchematic::resolveNodeNames: blahblah" << std::endl; ////////////////
20:06 PilzAdam sapier, I havent heard anything of an "early 0.4.8 release"
20:06 hmmmm pilzadam, i brought up the idea yesterday.
20:07 sapier someone wrote that related to that big performance fix
20:07 PilzAdam must have missed it in the logs
20:07 hmmmm exio's patch is pretty amazing and i feel that the players ought to have that right away
20:07 Exio the big performance fix is just removing a line that was explicity-said is useless
20:07 sapier obviously it's useless and harmfull
20:07 PilzAdam Exio, you should grep through the code and search more of those ;-)
20:08 hmmmm minetest would be smooth as butter now if only that choppiness spike was fixed
20:09 sapier choppiness spike?
20:09 hmmmm i think it happens in the render thread, but i can't be sure.
20:09 PilzAdam hmmmm, if you really want to release 0.4.8 that fast then at least finish the decoration stuff (i.e. add it to indev mapgen too) and use it in minetest_game
20:09 hmmmm yeah, every half second
20:09 hmmmm PilzAdam, that's the current plan.
20:10 PilzAdam and we need to ask other devs, I am undecided
20:10 sapier but plz add the mainmenu right after release ... the formspec improvement comming along with it are very very usefull
20:10 hmmmm btw there's no such thing as an early release
20:11 hmmmm these are patch version levels we're changing here
20:11 hmmmm we can make releases and bump that number as often as we'd like
20:12 sapier we don't really use the possibilities our version scheme would provide ;-) I guess we would be at 0.10.0 if we did with some 0.x.y versions
20:21 hmmmm i had to write a generalized and simplified version of getBlockNodeIdMapping()... where should that go, you think?
20:21 hmmmm it's not part of any class
20:34 proller joined #minetest-dev
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21:03 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
21:18 PilzAdam sapier, would you agree to merge ? we can turn the object collision for falling nodes back on later
21:19 Exio i agree by now
21:19 sapier I already told my oppion about adding this new property
21:20 PilzAdam oh, I though all your comments were about the dropped items and falling nodes
21:20 PilzAdam +t
21:20 sapier as a property added once is most unlikely to be removed anytime soon don't call it a temporary fix
21:20 PilzAdam the option itself should stay there forever
21:21 sapier no imho this commit is a workaround for a problem that should be fixed correctly
21:21 PilzAdam why dont give modders the ability to decide?
21:21 PilzAdam you forve everyone to use all collision or none at all
21:21 PilzAdam *force
21:21 sapier because they already can decide this property is almost same as "physical"
21:22 PilzAdam turning physical off will also remove the object node collision
21:22 VanessaE PilzAdam: he's right in that the bugs should be fixed to begin with, but we still need this setting - think of dropping craftitems.  Why should those *ever* stack up in practice?
21:22 PilzAdam and dropped items should never collide with objects, but they have to collide with nodes
21:23 VanessaE *nod*
21:24 sapier if I read "collide_with_objects" I don't have any idea what this means ... objects aren't a concept within lua
21:24 sapier there are nodes and entities
21:24 Exio collide_with_other_entities_around
21:24 Exio :D
21:25 sapier then rename physical to collide_with_everything
21:25 PilzAdam
21:25 PilzAdam "Object - something in the world that is not attached to any particular node or position, can move and act on its own. Examples include mobs, dropped items, falling sand or gravel, primed TNT. Players are also objects. "
21:25 sapier or make collision handling a value not beeing bool
21:25 sapier what happens if someone sets physical to false but collide_with_objects to true?
21:26 PilzAdam thats documented
21:26 PilzAdam "collide_with_objects = true, -- collide with other objects if physical=true "
21:26 sapier we have two parameters specifying same thing but depending on each other
21:27 PilzAdam making it a string field would break compatibilty
21:27 PilzAdam +i
21:29 sapier so we add a hack ... imho this is wrong but you'lll do it no matter what I say
21:29 sapier sane solution adding this hack would declare physical deprecated
21:29 sapier and add a new parameter collision_type (none,nodes,everything)
21:30 sapier at least thats my oppinion
21:39 sweetbomber joined #minetest-dev
21:49 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
21:55 sapier left #minetest-dev
21:59 hmmmm hey guys, anybody know of a function that sorts v3s16 members?
22:00 hmmmm e.g. p1 = {1, 2, 3}, p2 = {-1, 5, 6} sorted would be p1 = {-1, 2, 3}, p2 = {1, 5, 6}
22:02 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
22:02 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Look at WorldEdit.
22:02 hmmmm no.. i mean a function in minetest that already does that
22:02 ShadowNinja No.
22:17 ch98 joined #minetest-dev

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