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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-07-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Taoki PilzAdam: Pushed the fix, see the pull request again. Feel free to squash the last commit into the previous one also
00:00 hmmmm something as simple as this i don't see why it isn't already pulled
00:01 kahrl hmmmm: I've been too busy with other stuff lately to work on minetest
00:01 kahrl don't know about others
00:02 hmmmm nobody else does pull requests
00:02 hmmmm i used to but i never got any of my own things done
00:02 PilzAdam hmmmm, the problem is to get another core dev agree on things
00:02 PilzAdam e.g. I already told arsdragonfly that his 2 pull requests are good, he just needs one more core deb
00:03 PilzAdam *dev
00:03 hmmmm that rule is only for questionable things
00:03 hmmmm do you realize what a drag it'd be if we really waited for somebody else to sign off on a commit?
00:03 Taoki PilzAdam: Going to bed soon. Any other problems with the fog code (apart from disagreances of taste on color and intensity)
00:04 Taoki Latest commit fixed the rotation when looking up thing
00:04 PilzAdam Taoki, Ill test it again later on
00:04 kahrl how big is the new font?
00:04 PilzAdam same size AFAIK
00:04 hmmmm also what's up with that tiling
00:05 kahrl same size and it supports more languages?
00:05 kahrl hmmmm: probably unrelated to the commit, I've seen that in other screenshots
00:05 hmmmm i thought it was supposed to strech to the largest dimension and crop the other
00:06 VanessaE fwiw, that "HDX" icon was drawn as a perfect square...
00:06 kahrl the commit should delete liberation{sans,mono}.ttf too
00:07 hmmmm e.g., screen size is 1024x768, image is 800x500 or something, it'd scale the 500 to 768 and the 800 to 1229, and crop 1229-1024 pixels
00:07 PilzAdam kahrl, yea, I do that and merge it then
00:08 kahrl PilzAdam: okay
00:08 PilzAdam #783 too
00:10 hmmmm now what's the consensus on the formspec based main menu
00:11 kahrl PilzAdam: don't know much about the i18n part of minetest but if you think it's good merge it
00:12 PilzAdam oh, the font has no ö, ä or ü
00:12 kahrl nice
00:12 PilzAdam well, the mono one has
00:16 kahrl the new font makes the text in the main menu very tiny
00:16 PilzAdam not for me...
00:16 PilzAdam have you the changes in defaultsettings.cpp compiled?
00:17 RealBadangel joined #minetest-dev
00:17 kahrl yeah
00:17 kahrl oops
00:17 kahrl 02:14:23: ERROR[main]: WARNING: Font file was not found. Using default font.
00:17 kahrl I wonder why
00:19 kahrl for some reason git apply 790.patch didn't add the new font files
00:19 Exio about merging
00:19 Exio
00:20 PilzAdam kahrl, I have tested #789 and it seems to work perfectly fine
00:20 PilzAdam VanessaE tested it too and it seems to work
00:20 VanessaE yeah 789 worked fine for me.
00:21 kahrl great
00:21 Exio you already got the testers and PilzAdam is a coredev like you
00:21 Exio merge? :D
00:21 kahrl it might cause some minor merge conflicts with the formspec main menu, for example
00:22 kahrl but nothing too difficult to fix
00:22 PilzAdam we already have conflicts IIRC
00:22 PilzAdam ;-)
00:22 hmmmm the formspec main menu should be our top priority now
00:22 hmmmm i am waiting for that to do the mapgen configuration page
00:23 Exio a feature-freeze until the formspec main menu gets merged?
00:23 PilzAdam ehm, no?
00:23 PilzAdam a full feature freeze would be insane
00:23 Exio not full
00:23 Exio anything that will, can or may cause merge conflicts :P
00:24 kahrl nah, we can deal with conflicts
00:24 kahrl the point of feature freeze is to avoid introducing new bugs before a release
00:24 PilzAdam thexyz, update weblate
00:24 Exio one small thing, what about this "cosmetic change"
00:25 PilzAdam thexyz, (i.e. pull master into the weblate repo)
00:25 Exio nodes are already infinite, why not tools too?
00:27 PilzAdam Exio, I dont have any oppinion on #539
00:27 PilzAdam but I think VanessaE has
00:27 hmmmm hmm
00:27 hmmmm do you guys have any opinions on varying cave flood liquid by 3d perlin noise
00:28 Exio and for bugging around, #763? it doesn't break anything here (linux-opengl) and the docs of irrlicht say it only affects directx
00:28 hmmmm i can backport it to V6's cave generator if you guys would like that as well
00:28 Exio PilzAdam: iirc she liked it
00:29 VanessaE I have no real comment on #539.
00:29 PilzAdam re #763, I already told thexyz that he can merge it if he wants since his builds are the only ones that are affected
00:30 PilzAdam VanessaE, hm? wouldnt that break your way of using the creative mode?
00:30 VanessaE PilzAdam: not really.
00:30 Exio haha
00:31 kahrl I think #539 makes sense
00:31 PilzAdam fine, I merge it then
00:32 kahrl also that line minetest.debug("node_dig") can be removed, I remember you asked about that once
00:37 PilzAdam Exio, anything else ;-)
00:38 Exio #724 ;P
00:39 PilzAdam I dont like how sapier puts "---------------" arround the functions, but whatever
00:41 kahrl weird
00:41 kahrl why does DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf contain ü and ß but not ä or ö
00:41 Exio what are those weird chars! :P
00:41 hmmmm pilzadam, me neither, but... everybody has their own style eccentricities that i'd rather just overlook
00:42 hmmmm as long as it's not absolutely horrid and it's consistent within the source file they're working in
00:42 PilzAdam Exio, they are used in German
00:42 hmmmm the a and o with omlauts?
00:43 hmmmm i thought those were for scandanavian languages only
00:43 RealBadangel for german too
00:43 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
00:44 kahrl norwegian uses å, ø, æ afaik
00:46 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
00:46 hmmmm wow :D the more i explore around, the more i like mapgen v7
00:46 hmmmm just need to fix up a couple nagging issues and i think i'll be satisfied
01:02 kahrl should I merge the texture atlas removal?
01:02 hmmmm yes
01:02 PilzAdam yep
01:02 VanessaE sure
01:04 RealBadangel yeah
01:08 sokomine hmmmm: if part of a map ought to be kept (and moved to a diffrent location/inserted in a new map), it ought to be enough to rewrite the indices of the sqlite db if i'm not mistaken?
01:09 hmmmm ???
01:12 hmmmm sokomine, if you have something to ask, it's much more preferable to talk about it in the channel
01:12 sokomine it happens quite often that old server maps are no longer used. it would be nice to copy them together. moving part of a map to another location ought to work by rewriting the pos-value (the index) on database level?
01:12 sokomine yes, that was an accident
01:13 hmmmm is PMing someone a knee-jerk reaction?
01:13 hmmmm do you have a hotkey to start a PM?
01:13 hmmmm probably like F10 on your keyboard
01:13 sokomine no. but i have to write /msg #minetest-dev ... and accidently typed /msg #hmmmm this time. we may need a translater anyway
01:14 hmmmm huh?? why would you have to do that?
01:14 sokomine else it will land on #minetest
01:14 kahrl sokomine: why not use worldedit?
01:14 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
01:14 hmmmm are you using irssi?
01:14 sokomine ircII
01:14 hmmmm ctrl+P might work there as well to switch to a different channel window
01:15 hmmmm anyway, how old are we talking about exactly
01:15 hmmmm you can arbitrarily move entire blocks at the map db level by simply changing its key, yes
01:16 sokomine even with the new improvements done by hmmm, worldedit would not be suitable for entire towns built by players. it happens frequently that old servers are abandomed or new maps created and good buildings on them lost. worldedit could be used for some of those buildings, but as good builders tend to include the environment, just moving the entire map section might be best
01:16 sokomine fine :-) i just wanted that confirmed
01:16 kahrl hmmmm: unless some mods stores absolute coordinates if node metadata or something like that
01:16 kahrl in*
01:16 kahrl store*
01:16 hmmmm oh, well, i guess that's true....
01:17 hmmmm you should expect some breakage though no matter what
01:18 hmmmm also, you can mix and match serialized block versions in the same DB so there's no problem there, if you're wondering about that
01:20 sokomine mods that have such special requirements might be a prolbem, yes. mostly teleporters and mods like that i guess. diffrent mods on old and new maps will be a problem that has to be dealt with no matter's not exactly an everyday-task to merge maps
01:20 sokomine has someone already written a tool to merge maps? if so, it ought to be made more public
01:24 hmmmm pilzadam, do you know of any mods that have mushrooms
01:24 VanessaE hmmmm: reizenpilz is one.
01:24 hmmmm haha
01:24 VanessaE or however the hell it's spelled.
01:24 kahrl riesenpilz*
01:24 VanessaE that's the one
01:24 sokomine yes, riesenpilz, and also swamps
01:24 VanessaE
01:24 hmmmm hmm
01:24 sokomine there's at least one other
01:24 VanessaE more flowers mod also
01:25 hmmmm i asked him because i figured he'd know first :P
01:25 VanessaE
01:26 hmmmm the mushrooms in the second link are what i'm looking for
01:26 hmmmm can we hijack those and put them in minetest_game?  i'll add a decoration definition for mushrooms in caves
01:26 hmmmm i also want them for forest biomes in v7
01:27 VanessaE I see nothing against it, no idea what his license was though
01:28 hmmmm hmmm!
01:28 hmmmm when did jordan4ibanez get banned
01:28 VanessaE should be WTFPL though.
01:28 VanessaE a couple weeks ago I think
01:28 kahrl he asked to be banned
01:28 hmmmm ...
01:28 VanessaE another ragequit; he asked me a couple days ago to delete his forum account in fact.
01:28 sokomine unfortionately happens a lot :-(
01:28 VanessaE (not that I can)
01:28 hmmmm why can't they delete their own accounts?
01:29 VanessaE dunno.
01:29 VanessaE hmmmm: little mushrooms are fine, but please, not those big huge ones
01:30 hmmmm oh yes... those big huge ones.... we'll add mycelium, and have mushroom islands... and bone meal, so we can grow tiny mushrooms into giant ones
01:30 kahrl don't forget the giant oceans that the mushroom islands are found in
01:31 hmmmm but seriously
01:33 hmmmm what do you guys think of atmospheric sounds
01:33 hmmmm thinking like the kind of stuff minecraft does in caves
01:34 VanessaE atmospheric sounds?
01:34 VanessaE you mean like dripping water or bats or so?
01:34 hmmmm that too
01:34 VanessaE or just an echo?
01:34 hmmmm all of that
01:35 VanessaE hm
01:35 kahrl VanessaE:
01:35 VanessaE well if they can be done without killing the CPU or eating a ton of network bandwidth, and if they can be disabled, then sure
01:35 VanessaE (disabled e.g. on an alien planet)
01:35 * VanessaE listens
01:36 VanessaE oh I dunno...
01:36 VanessaE that's...
01:36 VanessaE *shakes head*
01:36 VanessaE I ...
01:37 VanessaE I'd have to say no, not if they're anything like *those*
01:38 VanessaE but say an echo of your footsteps/digging activities, occasional bats chittering, water dripping if it's nearby, those sounds seem okay
01:38 VanessaE (the former would be hard, I expect)
01:40 VanessaE </flood>
01:41 RealBadangel all this things are in  ambience mod
01:41 RealBadangel including bats
01:43 RealBadangel hmmmm, try it,
01:43 VanessaE such sounds would definitely need to be shipped with the client.
01:43 VanessaE any good quality sound is gonna kill your network bandwidth.
01:43 RealBadangel just move them to /sounds
01:43 VanessaE RealBadangel: I mean for hmmmm's proposed built-in stuff.
01:44 RealBadangel so i said, move the sound files to /sounds folder and start using them
01:46 VanessaE *pokes hmmmm*  that's not such a bad idea really.
01:46 sokomine yes, that is kind of a problem with the ambience mod. very few people have the patience to wait up to 20 minutes to connect to a server. maybe some media data ought to be available for download as a seperate package
01:46 VanessaE since the client plays the sound files even when stored locally, a server need not actually send any media.  it just has to issue the playback instructions when needed.
01:47 RealBadangel VanessaE, for example you can install ambience mod on your server WITHOUT sounds, then if the client will have sounds files in /sounds folder he will hear them
01:47 VanessaE right, that's exactly what I was just saying :)
01:49 RealBadangel this way minetest should deal with music and any sounds imho
01:50 hmmmm yeah, short small sounds
01:51 hmmmm not big ones like your mod has
01:51 hmmmm also i wonder if i should take over the TCP thing since it seems nobody else is going to do it
01:52 VanessaE glwt, hmmmm
01:52 VanessaE c55 did say it was...not entirely usable
01:52 RealBadangel hmmmm, when sounds are stored only on client side size doesnt matter
01:53 RealBadangel its only one time game download
01:53 kahrl curl might still download faster than a builtin TCP connection
01:53 hmmmm we also want TCP for block sending though.
01:53 VanessaE kahrl: only if the TCP is done wrongly.  If you can avoid HTTP overhead, why not?
01:53 RealBadangel but not everybody can setup a media server
01:54 kahrl VanessaE: HTTP clients tend to open multiple TCP streams in order to circumvent congestion control limits
01:54 VanessaE true
01:54 VanessaE but I'm thinking protocol overhead specific to http - surely one could make something specific to MT that needs less?
01:55 kahrl the overhead is really not much but it can be reduced of course
01:55 VanessaE (even just the control commands like GET could be reduced by a couple of bytes, if it's a binary protocol)
01:55 VanessaE but you're right I guess
01:56 VanessaE probably not worth the extra effort
02:20 hmmmm there's a binary version of http that some browsers and webservers support nowadays
02:20 hmmmm chrome is really big on it
02:20 hmmmm forget what it's called - made by google though
02:20 VanessaE SPDY or something?
02:20 hmmmm yeah
02:20 hmmmm really should be used more
02:20 hmmmm i can't stand inefficiency
02:21 VanessaE left #minetest-dev
02:21 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
02:21 VanessaE damn it
02:21 VanessaE what moron decided that ctrl-w should close a window instead of erasing a word?
02:21 VanessaE anyway
02:21 VanessaE I looked into it briefly, but it just felt too...proprietary
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07:29 hmmmm alright, i've found the formula for perfect terrain generation
07:30 hmmmm this revamp i'm doing to mapgen v7's terrain generation addresses all problems it had before; oceans can be *very*, mountains aren't only of the 2d perlin noise slope variety, no more height discontinuities
07:31 hmmmm of course i demolished basically everything it had before in the process
07:33 hmmmm oceans can be very deep*
08:20 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
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08:44 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:59 EdB joined #minetest-dev
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11:13 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
12:32 PilzAdam <RealBadAngel> but not everybody can setup a media server <- StarBlessed has a public media server that contains many mods, any server can point to it (
12:41 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
13:25 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
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17:53 sapier joined #minetest-dev
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18:22 hmmmm how's the bumpmapping coming along?
18:22 hmmmm how about the colored fog?
18:22 hmmmm how about the hardware lighting?
18:22 Exio no idea :D
18:22 hmmmm we need to get shit on the road
18:23 hmmmm but nevermind any of that
18:23 hmmmm i think right now is a good time to start the release process for 0.4.8
18:23 hmmmm anybody have any objections to starting the week long feature freeze tomorrow?
18:24 Exio the main menu
18:24 Exio sapier is right
18:24 hmmmm yeah but what does it matter.... it's just a patch version level
18:24 hmmmm if we'd like we can release that with 0.4.9 a week later
18:44 sapier ok rebased mainmenu
18:44 sapier btw I always have to do this manualy so plz have a look if I missed something
19:03 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
19:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:35 hmmmm alright so i apply 65c0b36 first, then 364410e?
19:35 hmmmm of course
19:38 hmmmm wow lol it looks almost exactly the same
19:39 hmmmm is it normal for the minetest header logo to show up when i check the creative mode checkbox, and disappear when left unchecked?
19:40 PilzAdam no?
19:40 hmmmm does it do that currently?
19:40 hmmmm erm
19:40 hmmmm maybe it's because my minetest_game is very very out of date
19:42 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
19:44 Jordach hmmmm, how about we merge mt_game 184
19:44 hmmmm how about we do this first without interruptions
19:44 Jordach alrighty
19:51 hmmmm anyway, yeah, updating minetest_game fixed the issue.  but it still switches between the "generic minetest" and "minetest_game" when the checkboxes are clicked, oddly.
19:51 hmmmm what's worse is that if you're in another game (such as minimal) and you check creative mode, it goes back to the cloud menu with the minetest logo on top
19:51 hmmmm and same with enable damage
19:52 hmmmm not sure if this is a mod manager bug or a sapier's menu bug
19:52 hmmmm i'll leave it for you guys to figure it out.
19:53 hmmmm this is even better, click around a bit and the minetest header logo will sometimes be replaced with a blank white rectangle
19:53 PilzAdam I cant reproduce it
19:53 PilzAdam oh, you have sapiers Lua menu?
19:53 hmmmm that's... what we're doing currently, yes.
19:54 hmmmm alright
19:54 hmmmm provided sapier is going to be around to fix these things, i'll merge it
19:55 sapier joined #minetest-dev
19:55 hmmmm i'd like to merge it even in its current semi-broken state just so that it doesn't get any more merge conflicts and there's incentive to get it working 100%
19:55 sapier ok should be fixed
19:55 hmmmm huh
19:55 sapier the background toggling
19:56 hmmmm there's that, the header texture not loading properly (is a white rectangle a placeholder image?  shouldn't it be transparent if it fails to load?  maybe texture corruption)
19:56 hmmmm and then worlds don't load if you double click on the name in the listbox
19:58 sapier I don't have a quick idea how to fix the texure issue, worlds ... hmm this should work I have a look
19:58 hmmmm but you at least confirmed the texture issue, yes?
19:58 hmmmm it's not a showstopper for me anyway
19:59 sapier no not now I can confirm only the worlds issue by now (haven't tested the other one ;-))
20:00 hmmmm now this is really weird.... i looked at the credits box before and two of the entries were on the same line
20:00 hmmmm and now i looked again and it's not
20:00 hmmmm *very* bad
20:01 sapier strange all entries in credits tab are different lines in a listbox
20:02 hmmmm this would basically mean there's a huge bug that happens sometimes in the formspec engine
20:03 sapier maybe something when parsing the listbox
20:03 hmmmm nah
20:04 hmmmm i hope i was just hallucinating then
20:04 sapier listboxes are new so it's one of main features to test
20:04 hmmmm anyway, the header texture blanking is more easily reproduced than i thought, just click on the game button twice
20:05 sapier ok I fixed the doubleclick issue ... was result of renaming listbox to fix other errors
20:06 hmmmm yeah, saw that
20:06 hmmmm actually the texture problem is fixed as well
20:07 sapier really?
20:07 hmmmm aside from the overly-verbose header/overlay loading messages on the console, everything is fine
20:09 sapier I wonder where origin of that messages is
20:11 hmmmm heh you're right, it's completely not there
20:11 hmmmm it's in the executable though
20:11 sapier I guess it's an irrlicht message
20:11 hmmmm irrlicht's not statically linked like that, though
20:11 hmmmm is it?
20:11 sapier no it it isn't it's a shared lib
20:12 sapier that's been source of the rtti problems
20:12 hmmmm anyway yeah, it's an irrlicht message for sure
20:13 sapier maybe I should add a check for the file to exist prior trying to load it
20:13 hmmmm well let's see what it's executed by precisely first
20:14 sapier but it's not critical as return value is checked
20:14 hmmmm so let me get this straight, lua is client-side now as well?
20:14 sapier not exactly
20:14 sapier mainmenu is run in separate lua engine
20:15 sapier it's an almost completely different api and not linked to servers lua stack
20:16 hmmmm yes of course
20:16 hmmmm but i mean, there's an instance of a lua interpreter running on the client side
20:16 sapier while mainmenu is shown yes
20:16 sapier it's closed upon start of game
20:17 hmmmm this looks so huge and daunting
20:17 hmmmm how long did it take you to code it?
20:18 sapier core features about a full day ... bugfixing ... hmm 2 days ... online modstore another days ... did you see online modstore yet?
20:18 hmmmm i haven't
20:18 hmmmm that's kinda crazy though
20:18 hmmmm did you spend your entire day just typing out code?
20:18 sapier hmm ah ... it's disabled by default :-)
20:19 sapier it's been raining
20:19 Exio this is like we need more rain in germany
20:19 Exio ;P
20:19 sapier no no no enough rain ;-)
20:20 hmmmm and i feel like i accomplished a lot if i write 500 lines of code in a day
20:20 hmmmm i slow?
20:21 sapier no you aren't
20:22 sapier I just sometimes do some extreme programmin sessions just to do nothing at all for days
20:22 hmmmm i have this constant fear that when i get a job, my bosses will think i code too slow
20:22 sapier if you wanna try modstore have a look at minetest.conf.example and enable the settings at end
20:23 sapier if you wan't gamemanager too set it to 1 too
20:23 hmmmm hmmm
20:23 hmmmm driver->getTexture is the offending call
20:23 hmmmm i assume that it's not called if the texture couldn't be stated or something?  or it does something else
20:23 sapier atm i guess it's always called
20:24 sapier guiEngine.cpp line 494 right?
20:25 hmmmm yeah
20:25 hmmmm well hold on, i'm still looking into it
20:25 celeron55 about programming speed: it really depends on what you're doing
20:25 sapier it's checked in 496 so behaviour is correct except of showing that noisy output
20:25 celeron55 if you're supposed to churn out generic websites, then you're not supposed to look at each line for 10 minutes
20:26 celeron55 if you're doing some mission critical server/control software, then you *are* supposed to look each line for 10 minutes 8)
20:26 sapier yes and lots of mainmenu code was already exisiting similar to the way I needed it for mainmenu so not much to research
20:26 khonkhortisan Testing the code could be more or less complicated
20:27 sapier yes but testing can only show presence of errors not absence
20:27 hmmmm hmmmmmm
20:28 hmmmm it seems that all other code does it this way:
20:28 hmmmm create a video::IImage * from the specified file,
20:28 celeron55 (also the amount of research one is doing along with coding is an important factor)
20:28 hmmmm then IDriverSource::addTexture(img)
20:29 hmmmm sapier, try doing that instead of getTexture, and see if it doesn't print that crap
20:29 sapier does img pass the filename to driver?
20:29 hmmmm hrmm
20:29 hmmmm yes, when you make it with createImageFromFile
20:30 hmmmm anyway it doesn't seem like there are any texture creation flags you can use to shut getTexture() up
20:30 hmmmm if you just stat the texture before calling it, you'll still get the annoying Loaded texture: messages
20:30 hmmmm so that's a non-solution at least
20:33 sapier I'll hava a look but at first glance I need more information about the image than I have
20:34 sapier createImage needs size of image ... no idea where to get it from
20:35 hmmmm createImageFromFile does??
20:35 sapier ohhh ... to easy :-)
20:39 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
20:43 sapier hmmmm loading from image doesn't seem to change anything except the message now tells : "Could not open file of image:"
20:44 sapier best thing to do is stating before loading and at least skip the error message
20:47 hmmmm weird....
20:47 hmmmm hold on a minute, does it still give a "Loaded image: " message?
20:48 sapier no still a loaded Texture
20:48 hmmmm oh
20:48 sapier I guess this is same for all other textures too it just doesn't show up that obvious because of those are not added using full path as texture name
20:49 Taoki There are lessons to be learned from here.
20:50 hmmmm are you 100% sure?  'cause you'd definitely notice all the messages scrolling when starting a game
20:51 Taoki PilzAdam: Got around to trying the latest fog code?
20:51 hmmmm hundreds, ranging into the thousands
20:51 sapier no I'm not 100 % sure ... but I remember seeing texture loaded messages at some info level
20:58 hmmmm <Neirdan> device->getLogger()->setLogLevel(ELL_WARNING);
20:58 hmmmm aha
20:58 hmmmm i guess the irrlicht loglevel isn't set early enough
20:58 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
20:59 sapier yes that's a good explanation
20:59 sapier is it set anywhere?
21:00 hmmmm shrug
21:00 hmmmm can't check now, hand is greasy
21:02 sapier lol logger seems to be used for font only
21:03 hmmmm i'd look more but i'm eating dinner
21:06 celeron55 thexyz: fix the forum guest posting
21:06 celeron55 thexyz: it's annoying and unusable
21:06 celeron55 either disable it or fix it
21:06 celeron55 (there's some bot detector detecting everyone as bots, no matter what)
21:07 celeron55 ...actually, i think i can do that
21:08 sapier whoever changed the inventory item textures added a huge texture leak
21:08 celeron55 (i'm assuming nobody cares to fix the bot thing)
21:10 VanessaE sapier: define "huge"
21:10 sapier none are removed at all
21:11 sapier first logout
21:11 sapier second
21:15 sapier hmmmm I fixed at least the "not found" error messages I don't have an idea how to fix the others
21:31 hmmmm does it work with ELL_ERROR?
21:31 hmmmm instead of ELL_WARNING
21:31 hmmmm hmm
21:34 sapier anyone to check in a fix right now ?
21:34 sapier fixes the texture leak ... extruded textures aren't cleaned up correctly atm
21:41 sapier left #minetest-dev
21:51 khonkhortisan_ joined #minetest-dev
21:59 Taoki_1 joined #minetest-dev
22:40 Lyrositor left #minetest-dev
22:44 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
22:55 kahrl sapier: that patch is wrong
22:56 kahrl it shouldn't be added to the list if cc->inventory_texture came from tsrc
22:58 ecube joined #minetest-dev
23:00 kahrl really that whole m_extruded_textures hack should be removed and generateTextureFromMesh moved to ITextureSource
23:00 kahrl so that ITextureSource is responsible for deleting the textures
23:14 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
23:18 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:26 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:32 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:45 hmmmm you know, we need some more basic usability things, like being able to draw out craft recepies by holding down the mouse and dragging it
23:47 hmmmm when you have a chest formspec open, right clicking should move everything from that stack to the opposite pane
23:48 PilzAdam rightclicking is already used to take half of the stack
23:48 hmmmm maybe double clicking then
23:48 PilzAdam this would be require some "doubleclick_to_list" field in the list[ element
23:49 hmmmm then that's next on the list

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