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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-07-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Jordach hmmmm, there are way way way way way too many caves
00:04 Jordach 1/45 sounds good over 16 blocks
00:05 Jordach (as 16^2 sections)
01:31 ShadowNinja Is there a way to do foo:bar(y)  -->, y) in Lua with metatables? Probably with __index or __call.
03:02 ShadowNinja Comments?
03:05 ShadowNinja kahrl: Is there a way to do hypot(x, y, z) instead of the two calls? It was simple the other way...
03:20 khonkhortisan joined #minetest-dev
03:42 ShadowNinja There, got it.
04:01 ShadowNinja Well this way is about 100x slower. But they come up with different results...
04:05 ShadowNinja Aaand dual call way wins.
04:14 ShadowNinja 1 billion times in 0.33 seconds. Not bad.
04:23 hmmmm what do you guys think about taoki's fog
04:23 hmmmm i think i'm gonna merge it soon
04:41 ShadowNinja
04:41 ShadowNinja Haven't tried it but it looks good.
04:42 ShadowNinja hmmmm: How does that look?
05:02 ffoxin joined #minetest-dev
05:03 ShadowNinja *ahem* Anyone?
05:12 hmmmm what's with the vector.length??
05:23 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Useful for direction vectors. (See normalize)
05:23 hmmmm no, i mean why is it coded that convoluted way instead of just sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
05:25 ShadowNinja hmmmm:
05:26 hmmmm oh, there's no way it's going to overflow
05:26 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
05:26 RealBadAngel hi
05:29 ShadowNinja Well the speed is identical.
05:31 ShadowNinja If anything hypot is a tad faster.
05:31 hmmmm that's nonsense, it does more arithmetic
05:31 RealBadAngel Nore has pulled computer code into technic_game and im pretty suprised with it
05:31 hmmmm there's no reason why it isn't slower
05:32 RealBadAngel the code uses precompiled libraries .so and .dll
05:32 ShadowNinja 13.29. 13.3. Run ten billion times.
05:33 RealBadAngel i had no idea thats possible
05:33 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: Yep, I use LuaSocket for the IRC mod.
05:34 hmmmm it could be that luajit notices the pattern and optimizes it into a single FMA instruction followed by fsqrt
05:34 RealBadAngel holly molly, that makes many weird ideas possible
05:35 hmmmm shadowninja, those are seconds btw, right?
05:35 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Yes.
05:35 RealBadAngel that means i can do Z80 and CP/M without changes to the engine at all
05:36 RealBadAngel only the screen will be needed
05:39 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Anything else?
05:40 hmmmm nah
05:42 ShadowNinja Ok, preparing pull...
05:47 ShadowNinja hmmmm:
05:51 kahrl good morning
05:51 RealBadAngel morning kahrl
05:53 kahrl nice to see the vector helpers committed
05:54 kahrl a few ideas: should vector.normalize handle null vectors? should there be a
05:54 kahrl for the first one:
05:54 kahrl erm
05:54 hmmmm nobody really uses the dot product
05:54 hmmmm if it's needed we could add it
05:55 kahrl yeah
05:55 kahrl same with cross product
05:55 hmmmm and yes, normalize should handle 0 vectors
05:58 nore joined #minetest-dev
06:02 nore hmmmm, should that be merged?
06:02 hmmmm maybe
06:03 nore and will the sky color pull request be merged too?
06:03 hmmmm man wtf is with this
06:03 hmmmm +    float x; m_time_of_day >= 0.5 ? x = (1 - m_time_of_day) * 2 : x = m_time_of_day * 2;
06:04 hmmmm can he try a *little* harder in terms of code quality
06:04 nore it is the same as abs(x-0.5)*2, no?
06:06 hmmmm spaces mixed with tabs for indentation
06:06 kahrl nore: 1 minus that, if I see that right
06:06 hmmmm and then he declares a function inside of the sky ctor
06:06 hmmmm it's called m_horizon_blend()
06:06 hmmmm m_horizon_blend is a great method name
06:07 nore yes, I am seeing that
06:07 nore what are those m_ at the beginning of function/parameters names
06:07 nore ?
06:07 RealBadAngel i say yes for #655 its really needed
06:07 ShadowNinja
06:07 RealBadAngel 49 limit is pain in the ass
06:08 nore And, since now force_load is possible, the counter-arguments do not hold anymore
06:08 nore with voxel manip
06:08 nore and it avoids reading the map, etc
06:09 RealBadAngel and comparing to other request that changed the limit, this one allows to configure it
06:09 hmmmm it's probably a good time to bring this up, i dislike how the horizon in the sky abruptly cuts off
06:10 nore when I made the request, it was the same, then I thought it was good to be able to configure it
06:11 kahrl hmmmm: that's what I meant when I said it looks like standing in a giant cardboard box
06:12 kahrl it not noticeable with the current fog but very with #799
06:12 hmmmm yeah
06:13 hmmmm if you're going to draw special attention to the sky background like that, it better at least look nice
06:13 hmmmm code style aside, because it's so damn noticable, i don't think i want to merge this
06:14 RealBadAngel i also noticed that effect
06:14 RealBadAngel i like the colours but the box is annoying
06:14 hmmmm nore, no the sky color pull request won't be merged.
06:15 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
06:15 RealBadAngel hi VanessaE
06:15 VanessaE hey
06:16 RealBadAngel imho the fog shall be drawn in circle, that would be ok
06:17 VanessaE *checks log*
06:17 kahrl RealBadAngel: that would look like a cardboard cylinder :P
06:24 VanessaE I suggested taoki just do some kind of simple vertical gradient
06:24 ShadowNinja hmmmm: My pull?
06:24 VanessaE he wanted to save that for some future tweak
06:24 hmmmm ??
06:24 ShadowNinja
06:25 hmmmm in a bit
06:25 ShadowNinja VanessaE: s/he/She/
06:26 RealBadAngel kahrl, when you turn around your eyes dont further or closer, your view is a cylinder
06:26 RealBadAngel *dont see
06:26 VanessaE if I may point something out:
06:27 VanessaE the fog coloring is really nice and all, but the fog color also needs to be tuned toward gray as the view distance shrinks.
06:27 VanessaE THAT would probably help the "I'm in a cardboard box" appearance.
06:28 kahrl VanessaE: it's really the sky color that does that
06:28 hmmmm what do you guys think about
06:29 VanessaE kahrl: oh?  hrm
06:30 hmmmm kahrl, the media thread assert thing, how did you guess that it was caused by having too many files sent?
06:30 VanessaE well either way it needs tuned to that end.  I noticed it myself when I tested Taoki's code.  discolored fog doesn't really "feel" right when it's up close.
06:30 kahrl hmmmm: the ObjectProperties field should be called collide_with_objects
06:30 VanessaE then it should be bluish-grey
06:30 VanessaE hmmmm: absolutely YES (if the code works right anyway)
06:31 kahrl hmmmm: well I don't really know why the assert happens, I just looked at under which circumstances it can fail
06:31 kahrl why the assert failures happen*
06:31 hmmmm wouldn't the next logical step be to see how the number of sent files could exceed the number requested?
06:31 kahrl I did but didn't find anything
06:31 hmmmm hrmm
06:32 hmmmm well then i guess you should push that
06:32 hmmmm ignoring the error is better than exploding
06:32 kahrl I'll do that
06:56 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-dev
06:56 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
07:45 VanessaE bbl, bedtime
07:47 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
07:47 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:05 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
10:39 sfan5 any objections angainst merging #799 ?
10:41 Taoki Probably even the tribes in Africa would find something more to add to that before it's rready :P But I feel it's ready and as best as it can get, and I heard several who approve too
10:41 Taoki Besides,,, anything else that can be tweaked can be tweaked later on if someone really wants to. I did all I could do
10:51 Taoki sfan5: My suggestion is to merge it. If a few people find so many horrible issues with it, they can try to fix them later. IMHO the effect and improvement is very good and more important than issues which can be tweaked later (given I don't have more to add and tweak to that code myself)
10:52 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:52 sfan5 Taoki: I'd do that, but a core dev needs to agree with it
10:52 Taoki RealBadAngel is one that does
10:52 Taoki RealBadAngel: Can you confirm that, to be sure I didn't understand wrong
10:52 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
10:54 Taoki sfan5: celeron55 also tested it a few days ago and said "it's fine for me"
10:55 Taoki 1 or 2 days
10:56 RealBadAngel Taoki, im after your colours, they make world look way better. But i have to agree with others that the box feelin around the player is terrible. I told you saw from begining. I will try to see if it can be fixed.
10:56 Taoki ok. Think it shouldn't be added in the meantime till that's solved?
10:57 Taoki It's fine then, will wait for you to take a look at that
10:59 RealBadAngel effect is excellent, just to spread it over sphere, or something round
10:59 ecube joined #minetest-dev
10:59 RealBadAngel corners in every edge of the world.... bleah ;)
11:00 Taoki I'll post a note on how to modify that, since it's only one number that influences the sphere
11:01 Jordach we *ARE* in a voxel world though
11:04 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
11:10 RealBadAngel Jordach, sure, but the feelin of fog box is terrible
11:10 RealBadAngel its just way too many corners
11:25 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:53 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
11:56 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest-dev
12:53 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
13:16 john_minetest joined #minetest-dev
13:49 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
14:31 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
14:55 sapier joined #minetest-dev
14:56 sapier VanessaE I fixed up/down keys in listboxes but I had to change enter button handling too. Plz tell me if I accidentaly broke something related to enter
15:07 kahrl sapier, is this a bug? builtin/mainmenu.lua:580
15:07 kahrl shouldn't that be menu.last_world <= #menu.worldlist
15:14 kahrl oh, yeah indeed I can't delete the last world in the list
15:16 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:42 sapier yes you're right kahrl
15:56 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest-dev
16:09 ShadowNinja
16:12 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
16:12 Jordach_ joined #minetest-dev
16:35 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest-dev
16:35 john_minetest left #minetest-dev
16:40 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
16:57 sapier1 joined #minetest-dev
17:05 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
17:07 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
17:14 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
17:15 ShadowNinja hmmmm:
17:18 hmmmm fine, but why would you check if both x and y are 0, and not just x after assigning it?
17:21 PilzAdam <hmmmm> what do you guys think about <- I think it should be merged
17:22 hmmmm sfan5, could you *not* say "hurr any objections to #pull" 5 minutes after we have a detailed discussion about why it shouldn't be merged as-is?
17:22 sfan5 hmmmm: ...I didn't see the discussion then
17:22 sfan5 the discussion was before I joined
17:22 hmmmm are you going to fix the hexadecimal number commit?
17:22 sfan5 fix == ?
17:23 hmmmm yes, you forgot to change several color codes, and then there's the problem where the bottom bar is sometimes green
17:23 hmmmm remember, we discussed this?
17:23 sfan5 yes
17:23 sfan5 the bottombar-is-green thing seems to have to do something with irrlich
17:23 sfan5 irrlicht*
17:24 PilzAdam its sometimes blue for me
17:24 hmmmm so you're saying it's an irrlicht bug and you can't do anything to influence the color being black
17:24 hmmmm can you go into more detail why?
17:24 hmmmm it seems to have been consistently black before your commit happened
17:24 sfan5 it was a guess
17:25 sfan5 I don't know why std::hex shouldn't work correctly
17:25 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
17:26 PilzAdam reverting 307c57dcc494161d019d7ee394e7cdb1912ca11f fixes it
17:26 hmmmm obviously.  but i thought we'd give him a chance to fix things up
17:28 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Changed.
17:28 hmmmm so is builtin/modstore.lua:192 the offending line?
17:28 hmmmm 0x32CD32 seems like it'd be pretty green to me
17:29 PilzAdam but it was LIM before
17:29 sfan5 hmmmm: it was LIM for Lime before
17:29 hmmmm right
17:29 hmmmm but is that element really that green box with the games?
17:29 ShadowNinja There is no newline after my name in the credits...
17:29 PilzAdam sfan5, maybe add some unittests for parseColor()?
17:29 hmmmm erm, you shouldn't need unit tests for something so simple....
17:29 hmmmm this seems like it might be a deeper bug
17:30 hmmmm shadowninja, try again
17:30 ShadowNinja hmmmm: I did.
17:30 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
17:30 hmmmm so you're saying it's consistently like that?
17:30 hmmmm as in, you can reproduce *that* bug?
17:31 ShadowNinja Yes.
17:31 hmmmm that's good to know, tell sapier about it
17:32 thexyz sfan5: you should use susbtr(0, 2), and so on
17:32 thexyz because, well, color is 2 characters
17:32 sfan5 derp
17:33 hmmmm anyway, I just tried changing that color code to red and it didn't seem to change anything, so that's not what the problem is
17:33 ShadowNinja sapier1:
17:34 PilzAdam ^ thats what I see too
17:35 hmmmm oh shoot
17:35 hmmmm i just noticed they're missing commas
17:35 hmmmm are those the only things that get concatenated?
17:36 PilzAdam yes
17:37 PilzAdam adding commas fixes it
17:38 sfan5 hmmmm: I can fix the contributor list in my commit
17:38 hmmmm also don't forget to fix the *rest* of the color codes that you missed
17:38 sfan5 I did
17:39 hmmmm great
17:39 sfan5 in the contributor list and something with mods
17:39 sfan5
17:40 sfan5 ^ the diff
17:40 hmmmm great
17:41 hmmmm i just wish you'd look at your own code more the next time instead of blaming it on irrlicht and then blaming it on std::hex :/
17:41 sfan5 I didn't blame it on std::hex...
17:41 hmmmm [01:25 PM] <sfan5> I don't know why std::hex shouldn't work correctly
17:42 sfan5 The bar at the bottom is still sometimes blue or grey for me
17:42 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
17:43 hmmmm hmm
17:43 hmmmm you should try printing out the substrings to make sure they're actually what you want to be parsed
17:44 hmmmm also, your code can crash minetest if someone has a color code less than 6 characters
17:44 hmmmm it'd throw out_of_range
17:45 sfan5 that part is sapiers(?) code
17:45 ShadowNinja IMO the credits should use a table and table.concat(minetest.contributors, ",").
17:45 hmmmm well it should be done differently
17:45 hmmmm u32 color;
17:46 hmmmm whoops, color is already used for the string name
17:46 hmmmm u32 color_value;
17:46 hmmmm iss >> std::hex >> color_value;
17:46 sfan5 and then bitshift it?
17:46 hmmmm r = color_value & 0xFF; g = (color_value >> 8) & 0xFF; b = (color_value >> 16) & 0xFF;
17:46 hmmmm other way around actually
17:48 kahrl actually you should be able to just call video::SColor(color_value)
17:49 hmmmm and then set the alpha after
17:49 kahrl right
17:50 hmmmm hmmm, as for the listbox concatenation problem, i suppose the reason why sapier didn't see it was because it's easy to miss
17:51 hmmmm and i don't know why i didn't see it after the first time, my eyes must be that bad
17:51 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Do you agree that a table would be better?
17:52 hmmmm not really.... this is such a mundane piece of code
17:53 sfan5 updated diff:
17:53 hmmmm when people are adding contributors to the list they'd just make sure they write the comma in.  i can see how you'd miss some on accident when doing it in bulk though
17:53 hmmmm ah yes, that looks good sfan.
17:53 hmmmm does that fix the "sometimes blue" bottom bar for you?
17:54 sfan5 for some reason, yes
17:54 hmmmm there must've been a less obvious string parsing issue after fixing the substr calls then... not that it matters now
17:55 hmmmm also with this you can remove the if(color.size() != 6) return false;
17:56 hmmmm and please change the code style of that second check to if (!string_allowed(...)) \n \t return false;
17:56 sfan5 wah, too late
17:56 hmmmm i seriously don't get where this trend of putting the if body on the same line.
17:57 hmmmm that's okay, you can force push for about 5-10 minutes
17:57 sfan5 and its gone again
17:57 hmmmm the if body on the same line came from*  i meant to say before
17:58 sfan5 I don't get why I should remove the .size() check
17:58 hmmmm because it's not needed anymore
17:59 hmmmm you read the entire color in as an integer instead of breaking it up into 3 two-character strings now
17:59 sfan5 pushed
18:00 hmmmm ah, great, perfect
18:02 sfan5 but if someone would inpu "F0F" it wouldn't end up how the most browsers parse #F0F
18:02 sfan5 *input
18:02 sfan5 but since Minetest is a game and not a browser..
18:03 hmmmm i guess it's because i see hexadecimal colors as not a code but rather just a number
18:05 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:13 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
18:35 serengeor redeclipse
18:35 serengeor urgh, wrong window
18:36 serengeor downside of having window manager that autofocuses window under mouse cursor..
18:47 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:58 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
19:20 hmmmm the whole hex color code commit really screwed sapier's fixes and there are like 5000000 conflicts
19:22 sapier joined #minetest-dev
19:36 VanessaE sapier: your current patches don't apply cleanly against current HEAD.
19:36 NakedFury what is the hex color code for? colored chat?
19:36 sapier grrr what did they change again?
19:37 VanessaE current git HEAD is busted for me anyway - it throws these errors and and tries to log me into some server, not sure where, as soon as I launch it.
19:38 VanessaE s/errors and/errors /
19:38 sfan5 NakedFury: someone could actually add that
19:38 sfan5 they are for colored formspecs
19:38 hmmmm lol colored chat.
19:39 sapier hmm sounds like someone created a invalid serverlist/favourites entry
19:39 sfan5 previously it was limited to ~10 colors, with the new format we can use all 16.3M colors
19:39 NakedFury not just chat but also player names
19:39 hmmmm every single time there's a game with a colored chat feature, they eventually remove it in a patch because it creates more problems than it's worth
19:40 sapier guys I'm seriously annoyed ... you add features but don't add bugfixes
19:40 NakedFury yes when the admins go stupid teen mode and change the colors
19:40 sfan5 what problems could colored chat create?
19:40 hmmmm all of my recent commits have been bugfixes
19:40 sfan5 sapier: does your patch cleanly apply?
19:40 NakedFury well for one using bright colors
19:40 sapier #22F922 is crap at least add a lookup table
19:40 sapier no it doesn't as YOUR patch skrewed it up
19:41 hmmmm maybe do something like COLOR_LIME_GREEN = 0x22F922
19:41 hmmmm (there's no way to do constants in lua so it'd just have to be a global variable)
19:41 NakedFury but addig colors can help. example admins and special moderators having a different colored name so players can know the,
19:41 sfan5 ^
19:41 sfan5 wasn't kahrl working on something chat related while ago?
19:42 PilzAdam yes
19:42 VanessaE nice.  MT is totally busted now because your stupid lua menu doesn't properly sanitize its input >:-(
19:42 sapier I'm not against colors I just hate that you guys keep making me additional work
19:42 VanessaE sapier: ^^^
19:42 hmmmm if it makes you feel any better, i had no part in this, it was committed totally without my knowledge
19:43 sapier VanessaE there are lots of bugs already fixed but sfan5 seems to think that 16m colors instead of 10 is more important than bugfixing
19:43 sfan5 thats not what I intended
19:43 sapier but that's what happened
19:43 VanessaE oh ok, so your latest patch already had that covered.  my bad.  *waits*
19:43 sapier I'm gonna rebase it again
19:43 PilzAdam I guess sfan5 has to rebase sapiers pull then and merge it then
19:44 hmmmm sapier, it's beyond that
19:44 sapier I'll rebase it and fix that color numbers too
19:44 hmmmm mainmenu.lua can be merged and the conflicts manually fixed, but other files, it's easier to just redo your changes
19:45 sapier redo?
19:45 sfan5 git mergetool with meld is pretty simple
19:45 hmmmm yeah, like take the fix that you actually applied and re-apply it to the new code
19:45 sapier ähhm the fixes already are 500 lines again
19:45 hmmmm i'm just saying
19:46 hmmmm it's much harder to work with using a mergetool - i tried it this morning and i gave up
19:46 PilzAdam nobody like the idea that sfan5 has to rebase it?
19:46 hmmmm pilzadam, he'd have to rewrite history
19:46 ShadowNinja kahrl and PilzAdam wrote a highlight system. (Like in IRC)
19:46 hmmmm these changes were already committed
19:46 VanessaE sapier: recommend when you rebase, fix your pull request summary work:  "-others"  <--- what others?
19:46 hmmmm the most recent commit by sfan fixes what was busted in his original commit that was two days ago
19:47 VanessaE a/work/wording/
19:47 VanessaE *sigh* should I just go back to bed? :-S
19:47 PilzAdam hmmmm, I mean that he has to rebase sapiers branch to current master
19:47 sapier lot's of things I already have forgotton due to noone merging it
19:47 hmmmm oh, erm, it'd probably be better if sapier were to do that
19:48 sapier yes as I know what needs to be done it's best
19:48 sfan5 hmmmm: 1 day ago*
19:48 VanessaE brb
19:48 hmmmm the funny part about all this is that i predicted it to the T
19:48 sapier that's why I didn't want to add colors YET
19:49 hmmmm i said, "great, now that there's the lua main menu, people are going to want to add things but it needs to get stable first, and there are plenty of bugs to fix"
19:49 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
19:49 VanessaE there.
19:50 thexyz ShadowNinja: link?
19:50 hmmmm why, oh why, did i not revert sfan's commit and apply sapier's first
19:50 PilzAdam <hmmmm> obviously.  but i thought we'd give him a chance to fix things up
19:50 * sfan5 will try rebasing sapiers changes onto HEAD
19:50 sfan5 +now
19:50 sapier hmmmm actually I guess that'd be mmodt easy way to do
19:51 sapier sfan rebasing with concurrent changes fails most of time
19:51 hmmmm erm, you want me to do that right now?
19:51 hmmmm alright here's my plan
19:51 hmmmm i revert the two color related commits, apply your fixes, then just redo what the coloring commits changed
19:51 sapier sounds reasonable
19:52 PilzAdam wait
19:52 PilzAdam do that in a seperate branch, and apply the diff against master by hand
19:52 hmmmm of course
19:52 hmmmm you think i'd want to make a mess out of the commit log?
19:53 PilzAdam just wanted to be sure
19:53 PilzAdam people have strange ideas sometimes
19:54 VanessaE hmmmm: weblate already did that. :P
19:54 sapier btw I changed key press handling I guess noone did use "EditBoxEnter" event by now
19:55 * sfan5 is almost done rebasing the first file
19:55 PilzAdam sapier, two things Id like to see fixed too: the scrollbar should automatically be set so that the selected world is visble on startup; and mouse wheel control would be nice too
19:55 hmmmm I know, but it wasn't possible to fix weblate and I guess the pros outweight the cons
19:55 hmmmm sfan5, nevermind that
19:56 hmmmm i am doing it on my own
19:56 sapier I'd like to fix that PilzAdam but irrlicht doesn't support setting scroll position of a listbox
19:56 PilzAdam ummm... we had that before Lua menu IIRC
19:56 sapier mouswheel could be possible
19:57 sapier it should be visible pilzadam
19:57 sapier but at lowermost position only
19:57 PilzAdam also, we should sort the world list
19:57 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
19:57 sapier sort by what criteria?
19:57 PilzAdam alphabetically
19:58 sapier I suggest sorting in c++ as it'd reduce world selection complexity
19:59 hmmmm how is it currently sorted?  by age?
20:00 sapier don't know as it's read from fs
20:01 sfan5 almost done merging 3rd file
20:01 hmmmm sfan5, no, i'm doing it already!
20:01 hmmmm stop
20:03 thexyz that's all because of merge-fobia
20:08 hmmmm and while I'm doing this, would you like me to use color constants instead of the actual hex codes?
20:08 hmmmm well actually i should be doing that in a separate commit
20:09 sfan5 sapier: does this look correct?
20:10 PilzAdam I guess the assembly shaders can be removed
20:11 PilzAdam since the reason why we changed it to a bool is that assembly shaders wont be done
20:12 Exio what assembly shaders?
20:12 sfan5 Exio: those who werent done
20:12 Exio exactly :P
20:13 Anchakor do the current MT shaders do anything else then bump-mapping?
20:13 PilzAdam oh, and the comment "// 0 = off, 1 = assembly shaders only, 2 = highlevel or assembly" needs to be changed too
20:13 PilzAdam ^ thats relevant for your rebase, hmmmm
20:13 hmmmm yeah
20:13 PilzAdam Anchakor, sure
20:13 sfan5 Anchakor: coloring light
20:14 PilzAdam Anchakor, fog, sunrise/set, brighen topside of a node
20:14 sapier looks ok sfan5, at least I don't see any obvious error
20:15 kahrl will enable_shaders = 2 now mean that shaders are disabled?
20:15 sapier yes
20:15 kahrl well this will break existing configs
20:16 kahrl but it can be done I guess
20:16 Exio i guess anything that isn't "0" or "false" or similar should be true
20:16 hmmmm this is ridiculous
20:16 Exio s/guess/think/
20:16 hmmmm something as simple as changing enable_shaders shouldn't break configurations
20:16 sapier what does getbool result for "2"?
20:16 kahrl sapier: false
20:17 sapier so only 1 is true?
20:17 kahrl yeah
20:17 PilzAdam kahrl, it uses is_yes(), wich only accepts "y", "yes", "true" and "1"
20:17 sapier :-) strange behaviour normaly everything except 0 is true
20:18 sapier I realize this isn't quite good but as shaders are a very obvious feature I guess anyone will notice they're disabled and check in settings
20:18 Anchakor if you want a bloom shader I did some successful experimentation a year ago:
20:18 kahrl would changing is_yes break anything?
20:19 PilzAdam kahrl, only used in settings.h and test.cpp
20:19 PilzAdam so I guess no
20:21 PilzAdam hmm... its used in Settings:getStruct() and I dont know how that works
20:21 ShadowNinja thexyz: Somewhere in the logs. kahrl: Do you have that highlight patch gist?
20:22 sfan5 hmmmm: I got a complete rebase now
20:22 hmmmm great, thanks, but i already did it ...
20:22 PilzAdam ShadowNinja,
20:22 hmmmm grr
20:23 hmmmm alright, sfan5, merge yours
20:23 hmmmm s/merge/commit or whatever/
20:23 PilzAdam sfan5, have you removed the .asm shaders and fixed the comment?
20:23 sfan5 i need to test it first
20:23 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Wasn't there a colored one?
20:23 sfan5 PilzAdam: no
20:23 sfan5 I just merged it
20:23 sfan5 *rebased
20:24 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, that one has colores
20:24 PilzAdam sfan5, then do that before pushing
20:24 kahrl but only in the console
20:24 ShadowNinja Ok.
20:24 kahrl adding colors to the ingame chat is less trivial
20:24 PilzAdam well, we need to merge this console-only pull request, so that doesnt really matter
20:25 PilzAdam ehm, nvm
20:25 sfan5 wat. git changed history but it didn't require force-push
20:26 hmmmm uhh..
20:26 hmmmm why not push it to your own branch first and we'll see
20:26 PilzAdam " Merge branch 'formspec_mainmenu_fixes' of…
20:26 PilzAdam …inetest"
20:26 PilzAdam not good...
20:26 hmmmm squash it.
20:26 sfan5 PilzAdam: wasn't avoidable
20:26 VanessaE hmmmm: ..before it multiplies?
20:26 VanessaE ;)
20:27 hmmmm git cherry-pick
20:27 PilzAdam its not hard to not use "git merge"
20:27 hmmmm and you pushed it already
20:27 sfan5 PilzAdam: git am doesn't allow you to merge it manually
20:27 hmmmm christ
20:27 hmmmm someone fix it before it gets pulled
20:27 PilzAdam oh man, you messed everything up
20:28 hmmmm why
20:28 hmmmm the hell
20:28 hmmmm are people so trigger happy
20:28 sfan5 :(
20:28 kaeza I already pulled :(
20:28 sfan5 whats wrong now?
20:28 kaeza (if you know what I mean)
20:28 PilzAdam sfan5, you just merged
20:28 sfan5 PilzAdam: yeah
20:28 PilzAdam we. dont. merge.
20:28 PilzAdam we rebase
20:28 sfan5 ...
20:29 hmmmm amazing how something so cute and simple like colors turned out to be a nightmare
20:29 hmmmm pilzadam, are you going to squash the merge?
20:29 hmmmm and force push it
20:29 hmmmm or should i
20:29 PilzAdam lemme try
20:30 sfan5 its gone now
20:30 sfan5 now what
20:30 hmmmm alright
20:30 hmmmm at this point it's back to the way it was
20:30 hmmmm maybe i should do it
20:30 PilzAdam sfan5, push your thing to your fork
20:30 PilzAdam hmmmm, I can do it
20:31 hmmmm alright
20:33 PilzAdam sfan5?
20:35 sfan5 I got 3 patch files from the commits I just removed, none of them apply cleanly
20:37 hmmmm how about i just push my own version
20:38 sfan5 wait
20:38 sfan5 I got the diff I put into the gist to apply, its one commit now
20:42 sfan5 I have a commit by "sapier <Sapier at GMX dot net>" with everything merged now
20:43 sfan5 can I push that?
20:43 sapier hmm I guess I need to check my git settings again ... thought I removed my email address some time ago :)
20:43 PilzAdam push to your fork first and look if you havent messed it up
20:44 kahrl just to make everything more complicated, I propose:
20:47 PilzAdam kahrl, seems good
20:55 sfan5 PilzAdam: git isn't pushing it to the branch for some reason, hmmmm can do it
20:58 sfan5 the commit looks like this:
21:08 sfan5 good night now
21:19 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
21:26 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
21:27 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
21:29 PilzAdam hmmmm, you can push your version
21:50 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
22:15 PilzAdam sapier1, Lua version of world sorting:
22:17 sapier1 did you check this isn't messing up world selection?
22:18 PilzAdam oh...
22:18 sapier1 starting of worlds depends on indexes beeing same anytime ... not sure if it's a problem but at least it needs to be checked
22:19 PilzAdam it breaks it
22:19 sapier1 I guess if sorting is done in core you don't need to verify correct indexing everywhere
22:20 PilzAdam yep
22:21 sapier1 you could also put a _raw function beween original core fct and lua fct ... my personal preference would be sorting done in core
22:21 PilzAdam yea, sorting in core would be best I think
22:37 ShadowNinja hmmmm:
22:38 ShadowNinja PilzAdam, kahrl: ^
23:20 hmmmm that still wasn't fixed!? ugh
23:20 hmmmm i need the last commit, i don't get why that was removed
23:21 hmmmm my patch reverts the last one, the original color commit, applies sapier's patches, then i manually applied the color patches
23:21 hmmmm can someone please move history forward one?
23:22 hmmmm this was so stupid, playing with git history especially to this extent, and it's all caused because some people can't learn how to push things to their own goddamn fork before screwing upstream
23:26 VanessaE
23:26 VanessaE this?
23:31 hmmmm erm, no, the one that fixed the original color patch
23:31 hmmmm i mean the next commit in history after what's currently in upstream
23:31 VanessaE dammit, I know I saw it in here somewhere.
23:31 hmmmm my local version's history is different so i don't have it
23:33 VanessaE only other thing I see that came after the late-media fix was an off-by-1 fix
23:34 VanessaE
23:34 VanessaE (the color fix)
23:35 hmmmm looking for 7e73b7cae9faf203e369dc5cf2b85cff6e6efbad.
23:35 hmmmm oh yup, that's it
23:35 VanessaE lot of tsuris over a dozen-line patch huh?
23:35 hmmmm yep
23:36 hmmmm oh wait a minute nevermind, i do have it in my history
23:36 hmmmm i didn't squash yet
23:36 VanessaE see?  I told you to squash it before it multiplies :P
23:36 hmmmm I wonder how celeron would've handled this crazy situation
23:39 PilzAdam hmmmm, done
23:39 hmmmm thanks
23:39 hmmmm although it's not going to matter because i'd need to force push anyway because that commit id isn't the same
23:41 hmmmm grr, how do i change the author...
23:43 hmmmm alright, this is what i'm going to push:
23:43 hmmmm agh shit, the lua_api.txt
23:43 VanessaE hmmmm: I'd recommend a detailed commit msg if possible.
23:43 hmmmm not needed
23:44 hmmmm this mess is going to be, for all intents and purposes, invisible to git history
23:44 hmmmm this never even happened.
23:44 VanessaE ok :)
23:45 hmmmm right, so after this commit we need somebody to patch is_yes() in Settings
23:45 hmmmm (remember, this would break configs as-is)
23:46 PilzAdam kahrl already linked a patch for that
23:46 hmmmm great
23:47 PilzAdam I can commit that together with the shader comment fix and removal of .asm shaders
23:47 VanessaE
23:48 VanessaE the aforementioned patch, for reference.
23:48 hmmmm okay
23:49 VanessaE I look at some of those variants...wouldn't it be a good idea to pass the string through a "to_lower" sort of function before comparisons?
23:49 PilzAdam are there lower-case numbers?
23:50 VanessaE well of course not, but,   UASSERT(is_yes("FAlse") == false);
23:50 VanessaE that, for example
23:50 hmmmm alright, this is what i am going to push
23:50 VanessaE (obviously not one of karhl's changes)
23:50 PilzAdam VanessaE, std::string s2 = lowercase(trim(s)); is already there....
23:50 hmmmm everything looks about right
23:51 VanessaE PilzAdam: evidently it's not being used if "YeS and FAlse" had to be explicitly checked for :P
23:51 hmmmm and done
23:52 hmmmm what the hell is with is_nonzero_number()
23:52 VanessaE O.o
23:52 hmmmm is there something wrong with "return atoi(s.c_str())" ?
23:52 hmmmm well, atoi(s.c_str() != 0 if you want to be more pedantic
23:53 hmmmm well nevermind, if it works then it works, it just seems convoluted to me
23:59 PilzAdam
23:59 hmmmm yup

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