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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-08-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:25 VanessaE <bulldog1>  LazyJ says that he cant see me on the server. He says when I move there is only a blackoutline
00:36 pitriss left #minetest-dev
01:06 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
01:15 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
01:31 kaeza VanessaE, sorry for the delay
01:31 VanessaE s'ok
01:31 kaeza any more info needed?
01:31 VanessaE for #863?  I suppose not
02:01 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
04:11 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
04:39 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
04:39 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
04:58 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
05:14 celeron55 02:00:38 < pitriss> Please can any MT dev look here;p=12 --
05:14 celeron55 the server now says that when it gets in the "failed to emerge player" state
05:15 VanessaE celeron55: someone on my server also keeps getting that error, even when the server's almost totally idle.
05:15 VanessaE (probably the same reason you just stated, though, hard to say as he didn't give me much info)
05:16 celeron55 get some relevant log of it through multiple login attempts
05:19 VanessaE *looks at log and groans*
05:19 celeron55 i was not aware that people would consider it better for a server to say nothing when it can't allocate the player than say that the client can't get it right now
05:19 VanessaE any particular search pattern that'll get what you need?  this is ather verbose
05:19 VanessaE rather*
05:19 celeron55 maybe they're just used to waiting for the timeout when connecting
05:19 celeron55 if their client crashed
05:20 VanessaE it might just be the choice of wording that's the issue.
05:20 celeron55 well, i'd like to know if that happens in any other case than when the client's connection has broken right before it (which shows up as a connection timeout occurring sometime after)
05:21 VanessaE maybe write something like "The server says you're still online.  Maybe your client exited unexpectedly?  Wait {some amount of time here} and try again."
05:23 VanessaE hm, lots of 'New connection:  "his user ID here" from his_IP_here', without disconnect/timeout messages between them
05:24 VanessaE
05:24 VanessaE e.g. ^^^
05:24 celeron55 the "access denied" part of the message is generated by the client
05:24 VanessaE (note the timestamps...every 2 seconds seems like...a problem)
05:25 VanessaE (line 2 is from the player_textures mod)
05:26 celeron55 hmm... i'll add a few more loggings from the server; it doesn't log certain relevant situations here
05:26 VanessaE a minute later I see stuff like this:
05:27 VanessaE (obviously I just grep'd the log for the userid)
05:29 celeron55 hmm actually... i added the relevant log messages already
05:29 celeron55 oh
05:29 celeron55 add -A 3 or so to grep
05:29 VanessaE sure
05:29 celeron55 it doesn't print the player name in all messages there
05:30 VanessaE a bit more verbose (with the aforementioned -A 3):
05:37 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
05:39 VanessaE (I tend to forget about grep's context switches)
05:59 celeron55 i think i'll make it say in that situation "An another client is connected with this name. If your client closed unexpectedly, try again in a minute."
06:01 VanessaE that's good
06:01 VanessaE s/An another/Another/
06:05 celeron55
06:06 celeron55 also what's up with the message dialog
06:06 VanessaE ?
06:07 celeron55 the bottommost line gets cut off in a way that makes you wonder if there's more text in there than it's showing
06:07 VanessaE oh yes
06:07 celeron55 probably a bug in the TTF code, altough it might be older than that
06:07 VanessaE always been cut off like that for...ever
06:07 celeron55 it is? well, i'll fix that too
06:08 celeron55 the dialog is very horrible anyway though
06:08 celeron55 irrlicht's word wrapping is too brainless for error messages coming from lua and so
06:08 VanessaE heh
06:09 celeron55 maybe i'll leave that for some time when i'm not sitting on my computer after breakfast instead of going to work
06:09 celeron55 hmm... i mean, at my computer
06:10 celeron55 sitting on it would be even more useless though
06:10 VanessaE well it gets kinda cold up there in .fi, so "on" might be a useful way to keep your butt warm :P
06:10 celeron55 my butt has a built-in heater!
06:11 VanessaE gas-powered I'm guessing ;)
06:15 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
06:15 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
06:15 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
06:23 VanessaE celeron55: anyhow, line 108, s/An another/Another/
06:23 VanessaE else I guess it's right, you know the code better than me :)
06:57 nore joined #minetest-dev
07:02 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
07:04 pitriss joined #minetest-dev
07:10 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
07:29 SpankDat joined #minetest-dev
07:29 SpankDat hi
07:29 SpankDat :D
07:29 * SpankDat all on the floor
07:29 * SpankDat give me some more
07:29 * SpankDat 'til you get sore
07:30 * SpankDat , ooohh..
07:31 SpankDat left #minetest-dev
07:31 VanessaE ...
07:43 sfan5 I'm totally going to ban him from #minetest
07:45 sfan5 s/totally/definitly/
07:46 sfan5 s/definitly/definitely/
07:57 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
07:58 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
08:04 nore left #minetest-dev
08:30 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
08:37 Akien joined #minetest-dev
08:44 VanessaE sfan5: I thought he already was
08:44 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:44 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
09:07 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:47 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:18 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
10:26 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:36 sfan5 VanessaE: he was, but changed his nick
10:39 Jordach you know the texture pack selection pull; i can switch between VanessaE's HDX and Default without issues
10:41 Jordach it even works with preload item visuals
10:48 EdB joined #minetest-dev
10:57 EdB_ joined #minetest-dev
11:02 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:22 nore joined #minetest-dev
11:23 nore can someone merge #860?
11:24 nore hmmmm said he was OK, and kahrl said that if hmmmm was, then he was too
11:24 nore (logs from yesterday)
11:24 PilzAdam sure
11:24 Jordach nore, your texture pack selector works: i can switch between HDX and Default WITHOUT issues
11:24 nore Jordach, thanks
11:24 Jordach in one ./minetest
11:24 nore the most difficult was to clear the texture_to_path cache
11:25 Jordach i dont have to keep killing minetest
11:25 nore because you would else have to restart
11:25 Jordach it even works with preload item visuals
11:25 nore PilzAdam, did you look at #861?
11:25 nore Jordach: I'm happy it does
11:29 PilzAdam nore, 861 works
11:29 nore thanks
11:41 nore PilzAdam, why isn't #856 merged?
11:48 nore what of you think of #688 too?
12:16 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
13:03 PilzAdam a simple fix for worlds in the server tab being filtered by selected game in singleplayer tab:
13:04 Akien_ joined #minetest-dev
13:08 iqualfragile thats a funny bug
13:36 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest-dev
14:31 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
14:52 celeron55 <- i will push this in a moment ("Clean up server's log messages and give a better error to client when it's player is in use")
14:52 celeron55 oh, the commit message is bad; it should be "its" 8)
15:00 PilzAdam celeron55, wait
15:01 PilzAdam BlockMen said that MSVC complains when you do L"foo"\n"bar", it expects L"foo"\nL"bar"
15:02 BlockMen PA, then merge #859 before celeron55 commits
15:03 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
15:05 celeron55 wud
15:06 celeron55 what the
15:06 celeron55 don't merge that
15:06 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:06 celeron55 what kind of bullshit is that LagPool modification for example
15:06 celeron55 there should be absolutely no reason for that whatsoever
15:07 BlockMen when compiling with MSVC it takes #define max instead the float value
15:07 BlockMen i have no idea why, but it dies
15:07 celeron55 eh
15:07 BlockMen *-i +o
15:08 celeron55 1) that is ridiculous
15:08 celeron55 2) the fix is ridiculous
15:08 celeron55 change the name of pool and max to m_pool and m_max or something sane like that
15:08 PilzAdam or s/#define max/#define MAX
15:09 BlockMen ok, then just close the request
15:09 celeron55 PilzAdam: it's in MSVC's headers; one'd need to #ifdef MSVC #undef max #endif or something like that
15:09 celeron55 and then you'd stumble upon different versions of MSVC doing it differently
15:10 PilzAdam that is ridiculous
15:10 celeron55 anyway, i'll take care of those
15:11 celeron55 requiring L in the middle of strings is also ridiculous
15:12 celeron55 maybe we should make a list of things in MSVC that are ridiculous and publish it, just for lulz
15:12 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
15:15 BlockMen celeron55, btw thanks for calling my fix atempt (where PA helped me btw) ridiculous
15:16 celeron55 BlockMen: don't take it personally
15:17 celeron55 thinking you are code is silly
15:18 nore left #minetest-dev
15:18 celeron55 (anyway, good catch as always)
15:19 celeron55 pushed the server message stuff and the better MSVC fix for lagpool
15:23 PilzAdam what about that mainmenu fix i posted earlier?
15:24 BlockMen celeron55, ok.
15:26 celeron55 PilzAdam: it seems reasonable
15:26 ecube joined #minetest-dev
15:29 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
15:30 celeron55 PilzAdam: of course there could be a better system for setting what linked stuff should be shown with each tab though
15:30 PilzAdam Im not very familiar with sapiers code
15:30 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:31 celeron55 i wouldn't attempt that
15:38 BlockMen celeron55, hmmmm and other devs, what you say to #851 ?
15:42 celeron55 ha
15:42 celeron55 this broken text formatting in the error message dialog is sapier's lua mainmenu's fault
15:43 celeron55 i wonder how much time has already been wasted fixing all this stuff up again
15:43 kahrl BlockMen: seems good, are there compatibility issues?
15:43 hmmmm 851 looks good
15:43 kahrl oh, I think you need to add drowning to minetest.nodedef_default in builtin/item.lua
15:44 BlockMen kahrl, im kinda sure that there are not, but let me check again
15:44 PilzAdam Ill merge 851 then
15:45 kahrl I mean how many mods make use of the old drowning system and will they get updated
15:45 hmmmm oh you know, when i read the original code i thought that tried to read it as a bool first then an int
15:45 kahrl I think they will since it's a kinda new system
15:45 PilzAdam kahrl, previously all liquids drowned the player
15:45 PilzAdam now you need to add it to nodedef
15:46 kahrl hrm
15:46 proller hmmmm, maybe decrease nparams_biome_def_humidity 50->20 before release ?
15:46 PilzAdam but we never released the old system
15:46 hmmmm then this is fine
15:46 kahrl so all mods that register liquids are affected, even very old ones
15:46 hmmmm hey proller
15:46 kahrl that predate the drowning
15:46 PilzAdam kahrl, if you compare 0.4.7 -> 0.4.8 nothing changes for them
15:46 hmmmm i was just wondering, what is the purpose of sending the heat and humidity to the client?
15:47 proller hmmmm, for making fog later
15:47 kahrl I guess you can see it that way, and I agree it's probably no big deal
15:48 hmmmm proller, is that actually needed?
15:48 celeron55 you definitely need to add the field to minetest.nodedef_default
15:48 hmmmm what if there was a different packet to add extra data to mapblocks or specific positions or areas
15:48 BlockMen ok, will add then
15:48 PilzAdam BlockMen, Ill do that
15:48 BlockMen PA, y?
15:49 PilzAdam I already have it squashed and merge ready
15:49 celeron55 (all fields should be there so that mods can check them without checking for nil or other garbage)
15:49 BlockMen PA, ok
15:50 proller hmmmm, actually its useful for debug
15:51 proller hmmmm, some mods now can start using heat/humidity, and debug info about it will helpful
15:52 proller about heat/humidity at your position
15:53 kahrl proller: you could make a craftitem that prints the heat/humidity at the player's position in on_use
15:53 kahrl it's only needed on the server that way
15:53 BlockMen PilzAdam, and for updating drowning in _gmae
15:53 BlockMen *_game
15:53 PilzAdam already done
15:54 proller kahrl, yes, but i want make fog depended on humidity, and its imposible without sending to client
15:54 BlockMen good
15:55 PilzAdam kahrl, btw, found a bug in your last crack overlay commit: the last frame of the crack is shown if you release the dig button
15:57 proller and now possible to make mod with temperature damage, and maybe make gui for heat at client with it
15:57 kahrl oh dang, how did I not notice that
15:58 proller hmmmm, and what about  decrease nparams_biome_def_humidity 50->20 before release ?
16:00 proller fog better to make after
16:01 PilzAdam I dont know if 799 gets merged
16:02 BlockMen a short question: would a hand like that get merged? ->
16:02 BlockMen or do you guys think its too mc like?
16:04 celeron55 proller: by the way, it's likely that the weather data transferred over network is yet moved to an another packet; don't be too hasty about moving forward with what it is
16:04 celeron55 proller: but it likely requires hmmmm's attention and time, the availability of which i'm not really knowledgeable of
16:06 kahrl PilzAdam: the problem is that I changed progression to a u32
16:06 kahrl then progression >= 0 is always true
16:08 proller celeron55, i start playing with improving clouds, and sending clouds_height from server, it maybe needs in new packet, and maybe make yet another packet for mapblock near it
16:08 proller what else send for mapblock?
16:09 celeron55 the cloud thing is also quite controversial
16:09 celeron55 don't expect to get them in without talks with everybody; it's just so different to what we have currently
16:09 kahrl PilzAdam: this fixes it:
16:11 proller celeron55, now its small try, if it will improvement - i will make pull with discussion and "NO" from PilzAdam ;-)
16:12 PilzAdam kahrl, yep, that works
16:14 kahrl shall I push it?
16:14 PilzAdam sure
16:14 hmmmm proller, at this point, there are a lot of things that need to be changed/completed/fixed before 0.4.8 comes out
16:14 hmmmm i don't think we're going to see it for a while
16:14 hmmmm but yes, that will be changed before release, definitely
16:15 kahrl hmmmm: that is going to make RBA sad ;)
16:15 hmmmm it's because everybody started adding these huge features that half work
16:15 PilzAdam what about the 0.4.8 feature freeze?
16:15 hmmmm I suppose there could be an indefinite feature freeze
16:15 hmmmm at this point we don't need more new stuff added, the crap that's already here needs to be fixed and there's a lot of it
16:16 kahrl would a feature freeze encompass the httpfetch framework I'm working on?
16:16 hmmmm hmm
16:16 PilzAdam I think so
16:16 hmmmm i'd say no because there's not much that could interfere
16:17 PilzAdam kahrl, how long do you need to finish it?
16:17 kahrl it could break things because I'm planning to change every place that uses curl
16:17 hmmmm oh ;/
16:17 kahrl PilzAdam: dunno, depends how difficult it is to integrate with the main menu
16:17 kahrl and how the speed tests that I'm going to do work out
16:18 PilzAdam I think it should wait
16:18 kahrl but we can't release 0.4.8 with these huge freezes in the mainmenu
16:18 kahrl when it can't connect to some server
16:19 celeron55 it also looks like we're not going to get polish translations if it's to be included that magazine
16:19 celeron55 +with
16:20 celeron55 so it's kind of useless to try to aim for that
16:20 PilzAdam sapier seems to hide ;-)
16:20 kahrl when RBA came here to announce the magazine thing, I thought to myself that it's not going to happen
16:20 kahrl there just wasn't enough time
16:22 PilzAdam this seems to be a simple fix
16:22 PilzAdam s/fix/improvement/
16:23 Calinou \o/ a local "standards guy"
16:24 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
16:25 kahrl PilzAdam: what is the reasoning behind the current complicated comparison function?
16:26 kahrl is there some corner case it tries to address
16:26 PilzAdam I wrote it once since I didnt knew that you can compare strings like that; and sapier just copied it from me
16:26 kahrl ah
16:26 BlockMen btw issues ->
16:27 BlockMen im using it in my builds and it seems to be fine
16:27 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
16:27 kahrl PilzAdam: does the new version sort "same" strings in an undefined order?
16:27 kahrl "same" as in "World" vs. "world"
16:28 PilzAdam yes
16:29 kahrl perhaps if == then return<
16:29 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
16:31 PilzAdam seems good
16:32 kahrl I think it's good to push then
16:56 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
17:02 hmmmm guys, this is a stupidly simple feature that would be really nice to have:  a traction field for nodes
17:03 hmmmm ice could be slippery and actually feel like ice, we could have soulsand, etc.
17:03 hmmmm i'm certain that *somebody* has asked for this before
17:03 jin_xi im all for it
17:03 PilzAdam there is a pull request for slippery group for ice
17:04 hmmmm yeah.. forget that.  what i'm proposing would be much more generic
17:06 proller ++ for generic traction
17:11 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
17:22 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:27 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-dev
17:44 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:58 Akien joined #minetest-dev
18:05 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:09 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
18:21 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
18:37 iqualfragile shouldnt this be inverse? marking nodes which do not make the player sufflocate makes more sense to me
18:40 celeron55 i don't really get that at all
18:40 celeron55 why would a player "suffocate a different amount"
18:40 celeron55 it just doesn't make sense
18:40 celeron55 it always takes the same amount for you to need to breath, and it always takes you the same time to die if you then don't
18:41 hmmmm well hold on, it doesn't necessarily need to be suffocation
18:41 hmmmm what if it's radiation, or poison gas?
18:41 VanessaE celeron55: there was a movie some time back, I forget the name, where a diver had to be submerged in an oxygenating fluid in order to dive *really* deep without a diving bell/submarine.
18:41 BlockMen celeron55, for example toxic gas can make more damage
18:41 VanessaE the fluid was present to prevent suffocation, rather than to cause it
18:42 BlockMen or games/mods that want change the damage of water or what ever
18:42 VanessaE (and to prevent him being crushed by the pressure)
18:42 celeron55 hmmmm: then it should not be related to breathing at all
18:42 celeron55 hmmmm: we already have that for lava, and it is already a variable value
18:42 hmmmm ah, that's true
18:42 celeron55 BlockMen: same for you
18:42 hmmmm forgot about lava honestly
18:43 celeron55 BlockMen: the damage of suffocation is a player property, not a property of the liquid
18:43 BlockMen celeron55, and what about games that want have more damage for e.g. water than 1??
18:43 BlockMen *-?
18:43 Exio4 radiation could affect you after a while, like don't letting you breath after 2 seconds "under it" or so
18:43 celeron55 add it to object properties
18:43 celeron55 like walk speed etc
18:43 BlockMen why a new property for that then?
18:43 celeron55 wut?
18:44 BlockMen you mean adding it to the player?
18:44 celeron55 yes
18:45 celeron55 that way a mod can vary it based on the player's equipment or whatever
18:46 BlockMen well, maybe that can be changed. but another thing the commit add is the possiblity to "drown" in other nodes too
18:46 BlockMen like it would be realistic to "drown" in sand
18:47 celeron55 but then you currently have a drowning bar that has bubbles
18:48 BlockMen thats a feature, not an issue. it shows player how much air remains
18:50 celeron55 but it should be a booelan still
18:50 celeron55 boolean*
18:50 celeron55 hmm, oh that radiation
18:52 celeron55 well okay; i'll accept it, BUT
18:52 celeron55 it is not compatible in such a way that we require
18:52 BlockMen wut?
18:52 BlockMen y?
18:53 celeron55 you cannot put it in until it will make liquids in existing non-updated games make the player drown
18:53 celeron55 or is there a reason why that is reasonable+
18:53 celeron55 ?*
18:54 BlockMen isnt the important 0.4.7 -> 0.4.8?
18:54 celeron55 hmm, has none of this been in 0.4.7?
18:54 BlockMen drowning was just enabled for dev builds
18:56 BlockMen celeron55, it was added after 0.4.7 release ->
18:56 celeron55 and actually, that doesn't even matter
18:56 celeron55 it'd be relatively new anyway
18:56 celeron55 okay, it's fine to me as-is (assuming there isn't some error i didn't notice)
18:58 BlockMen at least 3 more devs have checked, so there shouldnt be
19:01 VanessaE bbl
19:02 BlockMen left #minetest-dev
19:06 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
19:36 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:44 kahrl hey, I found a memleak in the server_announce code
19:44 kahrl the string allocated by curl_easy_escape is not freed
19:45 kahrl but I'm rewriting it anyway :P
19:45 celeron55 oh god, the formspec field is just bad; it appears to be impossible to make it show a multiline error message properly
19:45 celeron55 the error_message is shown using it now and... eh
19:45 celeron55 it sucks
19:46 celeron55 if you get anything that doesn't fit on a single line (like you get half of the time), you don't see some pixels of the second line and none of the lines after that
19:46 celeron55 should this be somehow hacked together or does anyone have any interest in maybe making it properly
19:47 celeron55 making the field larger doesn't make more text fit to it
19:48 kahrl celeron55: what would be involved in making a proper solution?
19:48 celeron55 fixing something in guiFormSpecMenu maybe
19:49 celeron55 see builtin/mainmenu.lua:147 (or somewhere around there)
19:50 kahrl perhaps use a textarea instead of a field?
19:50 kahrl a readonly one if that is possible
19:50 celeron55 well, i'll try
19:50 celeron55 readonly isn't possible 8)
19:50 kahrl that would also make it possible to copy the message to the clipboard (if clipboard works in irrlicht)
19:52 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
19:54 VanessaE back
19:55 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
19:57 celeron55 the formspec textarea's IGUIEditBox doesn't have word wrapping turned on
19:57 celeron55 is there some application where it shouldn't be turned on?
19:57 celeron55 the word wrapping is very dumb though; it just can't wrap a filesystem path for example
19:57 VanessaE ok, signing onto servers when there's been any kind of recent timeout is completely busted now :-/
19:58 kahrl celeron55: some stuff like luacontrollers might be newline sensitive (I don't use them so I don't know)
20:00 celeron55 this is how it looks like when using a current textarea
20:00 celeron55 (it doesn't look much better when adding word wrap)
20:00 kahrl well yuck
20:01 celeron55 8D
20:01 celeron55 the formspec mainmenu is pretty horrible
20:02 celeron55 that's with irrlicht 1.7 though; with 1.8 the background color would be green
20:04 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
20:04 kahrl whenever there are formspec problems like this my temptation would be to add special-purpose formspec element types
20:04 kahrl (like a errormessage[...] field in this case)
20:04 kahrl not the greatest idea ever :P
20:05 PilzAdam the only thing that works good in formspecs are lists
20:05 PilzAdam everything else just feels wrong
20:06 PilzAdam you can never get anything pixel perfect at every window size
20:06 celeron55 well it wasn't designed for anything it is used for now; it was designed for just showing inventories
20:06 PilzAdam why do we use it for the menu then?
20:06 celeron55 i have no idea
20:06 celeron55 ask sapier
20:07 celeron55 or whoever thought it was a good idea
20:07 celeron55 i literally just came back once and saw that it had been added
20:08 celeron55 or, well, maybe someone asked something but i wasn't interested
20:13 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
20:16 celeron55 it's not like the alternative is that glorious either though
20:18 celeron55 but these aren't really tolerable
20:29 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
20:33 proller update jsoncpp -
20:36 VanessaE ok we got three servers now with the "could not allocate player" issue - mine, Landrush, and some "Remobo" server (whichever that is)
20:36 VanessaE aside from mine being more up-to-date and showing the newer message.
20:38 VanessaE (Landrush's issue description starts here,;p=12 )
20:40 celeron55 something obviously is wrong in some unforeseen way
20:42 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
20:42 celeron55 VanessaE: can you try commenting out the DenyAccess() on lines 2059...2061 on your server
20:42 celeron55 and see what happens
20:42 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
20:43 celeron55 (server.cpp)
20:44 VanessaE sure, sec.
20:46 VanessaE wait, I haven't restarted it yet :)
20:47 celeron55 i want to try before that
20:47 VanessaE oh ok
20:47 VanessaE timed out already
20:47 VanessaE (that was quick)
20:47 celeron55 i failed a password and now i'm getting "it"
20:47 celeron55 now i tried again after a short pause and now it works
20:48 VanessaE timed out.
20:50 VanessaE and again.
20:50 VanessaE and twoelk just signed out - he's one who was having problems before.
20:52 celeron55 this doesn't make any sense
20:54 celeron55 oh well, try something
20:54 VanessaE hm?
20:55 celeron55 if the DenyAccess comment-out doesn't affect it (it'll probably just leave users out without notifying them at all); you could try disabling the if block at server.cpp:4653
20:55 celeron55 i'm going to sleep now
20:56 celeron55 i guess this is to some extent reproducible on a random test server too so i'm not sure if it's worth it to test it on your main server
20:57 VanessaE actually, you'll have a hard time reproducing this on a local server - I *never* have this error.
20:57 VanessaE I suspect at least some routine network latency is necessary for it to occue
20:57 VanessaE occur*
20:58 VanessaE I'll leave out the suggested changes for now.
21:03 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
21:58 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
22:57 kahrl valgrind is reporting an uninitialized access in formspec
22:57 kahrl in the OnEvent called from guiFormSpecMenu.cpp:809
22:57 kahrl I suppose one should initialize all the members of evt
22:58 kahrl same at guiFormSpecMenu.cpp:883
23:00 kahrl I'll copy the code from guiFormSpecMenu.cpp:971, can I push that?
23:17 Guest97449 joined #minetest-dev
23:20 kahrl <-- seems trivial enough, builds, fixes the valgrind error
23:20 kahrl pushing in 15 minutes if noone objects
23:21 PilzAdam_ are there any visible bugs resulting from this?
23:22 kahrl no
23:25 kahrl the point of the code is to move the cursor in each field to the end when creating a formspec, and it still does that
23:26 kahrl (I only checked with simple fields, not password fields, as password fields in the default mainmenu always start out empty)
23:29 kahrl (in fact, selecting a world in the "Server" tab resets the password and other fields)
23:48 kahrl WTF, how did this even pass the tests?
23:49 kahrl in filesys.cpp it accesses prefix[prefixsize+len], and prefixsize == prefix.size()
23:49 kahrl filesys.cpp:598*
23:49 kahrl I meant to write prefix[prefixpos+len]
23:50 kahrl changing it doesn't break the tests

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