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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-11-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 RealBadAngel all of them
00:00 RealBadAngel i am not talkin about master
00:00 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: Yours should disable compilation seperately.
00:01 RealBadAngel why so?
00:01 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, thats not how his system works
00:01 RealBadAngel introduce extra lags?
00:01 RealBadAngel put there dozens of "ifs" ?
00:02 RealBadAngel pointless
00:02 PilzAdam he puts all the features into one shader
00:03 RealBadAngel if drawtype can have bumpmapping, parallax, waving and whatever all is in one shader file
00:03 RealBadAngel configurable via settings
00:03 RealBadAngel shaders are divided only by drawtype
00:03 RealBadAngel not the effects theyre providing
00:04 * VanessaE is back.  yay.
00:04 RealBadAngel yay. thats it. ;)
00:05 RealBadAngel so, ShadowNinja, definitely not. disabling one shader will cause one or more drawtype to be unaviable.
00:06 RealBadAngel in best case, without any effects applied it will miss lighting code
00:06 RealBadAngel and will become black ingame
00:07 RealBadAngel translating it to english, enable/disable switch doesnt disable shader itself but the effect done in particular shader which have to be run anyway
00:22 VanessaE in which case something will just need to be done to ensure the shaders always compile properly on as many hardware setups as possible
00:23 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
00:23 VanessaE is there a performance loss if e.g. bumpmap, waving leaves, waving grass are all enabled, but only, say, waving leaves are actually being used?
00:26 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
00:32 RealBadAngel if bumpmapping is disabled its code is simply not executed
00:32 RealBadAngel but remember when shaders are enabled each pixel light is calculated in shaders, not in the engine
00:33 RealBadAngel this is the main reason why any particular shader cannot be just simply disabled
00:34 RealBadAngel all the shaders, no matter the drawtype share same lighting code
00:45 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
00:45 VanessaE right
00:45 VanessaE so about getting them to compile...
00:45 VanessaE what is it that's broken on ShadowNinja's machine that isn't on mine, yours, exio's?
00:48 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
00:51 RealBadAngel i know whats wrong, his opengl is much more restrictive
00:51 RealBadAngel it demands a variable to be set
00:51 RealBadAngel if defined
00:52 RealBadAngel i will fix it right away
00:53 RealBadAngel my version pays no shit about that
00:54 RealBadAngel sometimes i think i should buy a dozen of PCs, with dozen of different GPUs and a few systems installed on each machine to debug standarized one language lol
00:56 RealBadAngel switching to linux, brb
01:03 VanessaE that's a long reboot time :P
01:04 Fury yeah
01:04 VanessaE RealBadAngel:  that's like the lighting issue on mine - it allows math "overexposure" or something, so you had to clamp() it to make it match yours.
01:06 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
01:07 RealBadAngel ShadowNinja, ive pushed some updates, please do try now
01:07 RealBadAngel liquid shader shall work for you now
01:08 RealBadAngel ive also added versioning to each shader
01:12 VanessaE RealBadAngel: you need a better computer.  11 minutes is a fucking long reboot time ;)
01:14 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
01:16 RealBadAngel VanessaE, ive made fixes in shaders in those 11 minutes and pushed them :P
01:17 RealBadAngel also i started to revamp settings menu
01:17 VanessaE I know :)
01:18 RealBadAngel simply dissapearing of settings is not good imho
01:18 RealBadAngel i want them grayed out
01:18 VanessaE yes
01:19 RealBadAngel maybe leave setting desc, but grayed and no checkboxes?
01:21 RealBadAngel btw, any particular reason why this is still not merged?
01:23 VanessaE greyed out, fake grey checkboxes
01:23 VanessaE else it looks like a bug.
01:24 VanessaE "celeron55 commented 11 months ago -- Why?"
01:24 VanessaE that's why not :P
01:24 RealBadAngel answer for such question is usually "just because"
01:25 RealBadAngel i tried it and it feels good
01:26 RealBadAngel one of those changes that make world feel like moving
01:27 RealBadAngel same is for wavin leaves, small change but drastically change perception of the world
01:27 RealBadAngel sum of such small changes gives player feel that he plays real world
01:28 Fury well many people did like it and it was proposed with an option to turn off
01:30 RealBadAngel as almost everything here
01:31 Fury if a change is presented with the option to turn it off and every single comment, except with Calinous was " I agree, I want it" add it
01:31 RealBadAngel thus i can see no point to bake this pull any longer, 11 months is enough
01:32 RealBadAngel or we are planning this for 0.5? ;)
01:35 Fury no idea
01:36 RealBadAngel due to code freeze i wont be nagging to merge it now
01:36 RealBadAngel but just after release...
01:37 RealBadAngel ShadowNinja, here?
02:05 VanessaE you know, it occurs to me... if DanDuncombe can be convinced to get his fork of Realtest to a stable point, it would be a good candidate for including in official builds.
02:06 VanessaE (recalling previous discussions on the subject and the general consensus that more games need to be included with the engine)
02:07 RealBadAngel we already tried that
02:07 RealBadAngel and we ended with fight what shall be included in each one
02:08 VanessaE RealBadAngel: the previous attempt (survival/build/common) was a fiasco.  This will be done differently, if at all.
02:08 VanessaE separate, self-contained games
02:08 VanessaE none of this cross-sharing stuff.
02:08 RealBadAngel to achieve that one condition shall be fulfilled in the first place
02:09 RealBadAngel different maintainers for each one
02:09 RealBadAngel with one folk ruling them all it will always fail
02:10 VanessaE yes, that's the plan
02:10 VanessaE my game has been proposed for inclusion, as has Pilztest
02:10 Fury did you think of a name?
02:11 VanessaE nope.
02:11 RealBadAngel PA shall too
02:11 VanessaE I still need help with that.
02:11 RealBadAngel otherwise folks can think its mushroom picking simulator
02:11 VanessaE haha
02:13 RealBadAngel and in the end they can think "damn, its so realistic, so hard, that i cannot find even a single mushroom"
02:14 Fury im playing in a minecraft server that has buildcraft and other similar mods. getting inspiration for minetest mods
02:14 RealBadAngel i wish some1 would bring there something similar to Thaumcraft
02:15 Fury this server has it and I still havent touched it
02:15 RealBadAngel its a good and well thought mod
02:15 RealBadAngel i liked to play with it
02:15 VanessaE whatever I name it, I don't want my game to have "mine", "test", or "craft" in the name.  too many games like that already
02:16 RealBadAngel whatever the name
02:18 Fury well find something to call it fast so it can be included faster
02:18 RealBadAngel btw, have you heard about another voxel game using Irrlicht already?
02:19 RealBadAngel not an open source
02:20 RealBadAngel its pretty advanced
02:20 RealBadAngel
02:22 Fury has better lightning
02:24 Fury wow the destruction of the building and the exploding volcano also look good
02:33 Partmedia left #minetest-dev
02:41 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
02:44 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
03:05 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
03:43 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
04:04 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Do you think we're ready to release? (As in tomorrow or the day after)
04:05 hmmmm if the Windows releases work then yes
04:40 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
04:41 bas080 joined #minetest-dev
05:14 VanessaE wait!
05:14 VanessaE don't release yet!
05:14 VanessaE apparently there's still that weird alpha issue celeron55 pointed out with leaves
05:14 VanessaE Sokomine reports this, with latest mt/mt_game:
05:15 Sokomine yes. and when i change perspective slightly (look a bit to the side/up or down/move a bit), it...flickers...kind of
05:17 VanessaE I don't see anything in mt_game that would cause this...
05:18 Sokomine see also:
05:19 Sokomine ...and (just looking a few degrees more to the left than in the first picture)
05:19 Sokomine with shaders disabled, the moretrees leaves look...odd. it flickers when switching perspective
05:19 VanessaE moretrees definitely don't do anything to cause this
05:19 VanessaE it has to be a bug in the allfaces_optional drawtype
05:22 Sokomine moretrees is innocent here. seems to be the tiny trees from bas080 that need an update here
05:24 VanessaE ok maybe not a bug in the engine thne.
05:24 VanessaE then*
05:25 VanessaE but c55 did find a similar problem with default trees
05:25 VanessaE so..  Is the z-ordering/sorting thing EVER gonna get fixed?
05:33 hmmmm uhhh
05:33 hmmmm 0.4.6?
05:33 VanessaE hmmmm: nope.avi
05:33 hmmmm I don't get it, why do you want to hold back 0.4.8 for a bug that's been around for a while and is clearly non-trivial to fix
05:33 VanessaE I still see z-ordering glitches here and there
05:33 hmmmm the point is
05:34 VanessaE I don't.  The thing soko mentioned is not an engine bug apparently.
05:34 VanessaE it's a mod being stupid.
05:34 hmmmm you seem to think that minetest has to be perfect and completely bug free to release 0.4.8
05:34 Fury if it was non trivial it would have been fixed already
05:34 hmmmm but this same bug has been around before 0.4.7 even according to the screenshot
05:34 Fury but yeah release the kraken
05:34 VanessaE let me rephrase that - it's not a bug worth stopping the release for -- I thought it was the bug c55 complained about, which IS a showstopper.
05:34 VanessaE (or so he made it sound)
05:35 hmmmm what showstopper
05:35 VanessaE lemme find the ref.
05:35 hmmmm I am not aware of any transparency bugs aside from the alpha channel material bug which was added with the known caveat of bugginess
05:38 VanessaE
05:38 hmmmm wtf
05:38 VanessaE yeah.
05:38 VanessaE look at the image in particular.
05:38 hmmmm and just as an aside I haven't seen anything like that
05:38 hmmmm so is it consistent for him?
05:39 VanessaE I've seen similar effects but only with clouds vs. water
05:39 VanessaE idk, that's the first and last I've heard from him about that
05:39 hmmmm and again
05:39 hmmmm it seems to be that one mod
05:39 hmmmm the "Eden" game
05:40 VanessaE oh?
05:40 hmmmm yes, read the context of that quote
05:40 Sokomine er, no, my screenshots where taken from latest git of everything relevant involved
05:40 Sokomine i have no clue why my mt says it's 0.4.6
05:40 VanessaE I guess I have to yell at Mossmanikin.  Eden is his game isn't it?
05:41 hmmmm it's Neuromancer
05:41 Sokomine the problem i encoundered seems to be mod-specific. some textures have it
05:41 hmmmm I don't really understand why he's using alpha levels on leaves when he should be using allfaces_optional
05:41 Sokomine activating shaders removes the glitch, but that's not a solution for all and i'm not even sure i like shaders
05:42 hmmmm half of these supposed bugs come from people using modding features the wrong way
05:42 hmmmm now I regret adding use_texture_alpha.  I really thought people could be mature about it and stick to only things like colored glass but I guess that's asking for too much
05:43 Sokomine no. just explain what's wrong. perhaps that particular modder didn't get the why
05:45 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
05:45 VanessaE hmmmm: the problem is some of this stuff has only ever been explained here or on some core dev resources -- but not to the modding community as a whole.
05:46 Sokomine it's bas080' tree mod that has the leaves problem. if you know what's wrong with those textures/node definitions it might be helpful if you could tell us. if you want to, you can post it in the relevant thread and explain. i'll have to write something regarding that mod later anyway
05:46 Sokomine *nod* quite a large part of what ought to be known is not. repeating an explanation can help
05:47 bas080 hmmmm, i'm here to push the envelope
05:48 bas080 I'll make sure to change it so it works for the majority.
05:48 hmmmm alrgiht
05:48 hmmmm it's really simple:
05:48 VanessaE hmmmm: that said, regarding long-standing hard-to-fix bugs.... so, are we grandfathering-in bugs now?  I don't mean for the 0.4.8 milestone, I mean...just ever?
05:48 hmmmm see where you have "use_texture_alpha = true"?
05:48 hmmmm remove that
05:48 bas080 hmmmm, :P
05:49 hmmmm VanessaE, if someone can figure them out, then that's great, if not and they're not critical, then it's NO reason to hold up 0.4.8
05:49 hmmmm we've been waiting 5 months for what was supposed to be a 1.5 month release
05:49 VanessaE hmmmm: I agree - which is why I just said it wasn't for 0.4.8 but just, ever.
05:49 hmmmm and the reason was 90% because I went onward with my life and got a job and moved and shit and couldn't be around to nag you people
05:50 VanessaE heh
05:50 hmmmm you would never release 0.4.8 if I weren't here nagging
05:50 VanessaE don't nag me, I'm not a core dev so no one here listens to what I have to say anyway :)
05:50 Sokomine :-) hope it gets released soon. people who prefer the version labled stable ought to get the advantages recently added
05:52 Fury just release it already and stick to the deadline for xxx.9 next time
05:53 Fury :D
05:54 hmmmm we're waiting for thexyz and sfan5 to compile windows versions
06:07 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
06:10 werwerwer_ joined #minetest-dev
06:19 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
06:34 VanessaE hmmmm: it just occurred to me...if the delay is now how long it takes before new builds are made...shouldn't the repo be tagged/marked for 0.4.8?
06:38 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
06:48 hmmmm no, I'm waiting to verify that builds can be made so that it can be tagged for 0.4.8, and they're recompiled as such then
06:48 VanessaE oh ok
06:48 hmmmm if they don't build then that's not really 0.4.8 now is it
06:48 VanessaE true
06:48 hmmmm i'd have to rewrite history to undo that
06:53 VanessaE I'd give it a shot but the newest windows I have on hand is win2k :)
07:05 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
07:06 thexyz there's the dev wiko
07:06 thexyz wiki*
07:06 thexyz you complain about people using featured the wrong way
07:06 thexyz yet neither right nor wrong way is documented
07:07 Exio4 joined #minetest-dev
07:23 us-0gb joined #minetest-dev
07:25 sfan5 hmmmm: ?
07:25 sfan5 hi everyone btw
07:26 VanessaE hey
07:28 us-0gb Hello!
07:42 us`0gb joined #minetest-dev
07:59 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:17 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
08:18 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
08:19 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
08:32 thexyz time for some daily dose of WAT
08:33 thexyz warning C4804: '>' : unsafe use of type 'bool' in operation
08:33 thexyz warning C4129: '%' : unrecognized character escape sequence
08:35 thexyz cool
08:35 thexyz findcurl overrides my manually specified curl dll path
08:54 thexyz here's the build
09:05 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
09:12 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
09:28 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
09:44 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
10:20 celeron55 thexyz: the first one is clearly a bug; NodeNeighbor::l is a boolean
10:20 celeron55 and the second one... what
10:21 celeron55 why is the percent sign escaped
10:25 celeron55 it comes from the original leveldb commit
10:44 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
11:05 F_XZ joined #minetest-dev
11:07 F_XZ left #minetest-dev
11:16 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
11:16 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
11:18 Akien joined #minetest-dev
11:23 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
12:09 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
12:14 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
12:19 Akien joined #minetest-dev
12:24 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
12:44 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
12:49 PilzAdam thexyz, can you merge the translations in?
13:00 Akien joined #minetest-dev
13:10 zat joined #minetest-dev
13:34 nore joined #minetest-dev
13:36 nore joined #minetest-dev
13:47 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
14:26 nore any thoughts on this?
14:31 sfan5 opinions please!
14:31 sfan5 nore: document the packet format in clientserver.h
14:31 nore sfan5, I'm ok with it
14:31 nore oh, yes, forgotten that
14:32 sfan5 I guess I'll merge #1018 then
14:33 sfan5 I wish Github would include a button for merging without merge commit
14:34 PilzAdam sfan5, ummm... we have a feature freeze
14:34 sfan5 that is not a feature
14:34 sfan5 more like a precaution
14:34 sfan5 many people just enable everything and then wonder why it does not work
14:35 PilzAdam committing something hours before a release that isnt a high priority bugfix isnt good
14:36 nore sfan5, done
14:36 sfan5 :-/
14:36 nore PilzAdam, is 0.4.8 coming out? (at last...)
14:36 sfan5 yes
14:36 nore PilzAdam, what about the swap_node thing (for 0.4.9)
14:37 sfan5 #1018 is just a tiny bugfix/precaution, I'm going to push..
14:38 PilzAdam sfan5, it adds translations, so we have to wait for all languages to translate it first
14:38 PilzAdam that will take at least another day
14:38 PilzAdam do you really want to block 0.4.8 because of this?
14:38 nore sfan5, I'm wondering... hasn't enable_shaders be changed to use a bool value?
14:38 sfan5 not every language has everything translated
14:38 sfan5 nore: yes
14:38 sfan5 but 0 is false
14:39 nore it should set "false" then...
14:39 PilzAdam sfan5, there are quite a few with 100%
14:39 PilzAdam sfan5, dafuq!
14:39 PilzAdam can you stop pushing things if 2 core devs said "no"?
14:39 sfan5 2 core devs? who?
14:40 PilzAdam nore and me
14:40 sfan5 <nore> sfan5, I'm ok with it
14:40 nore (I'm only asking to set to false and not 0)
14:40 sfan5 that means no?
14:40 nore sfan5: I'm ok if you change the 0 to false
14:41 sfan5 anyway, we don't need to delay 0.4.8 because onyl 99,9% is translated
14:41 sfan5 nore: thats kinda pointless, but ok
14:41 nore and about translations: I guess asking in #minetest channel should be ok to have half of them in less than 1 hour
14:42 sfan5 ok, fixed
14:42 PilzAdam nore, no, I tried that, it takes at least a day to get ~4 translations
14:42 PilzAdam sfan5, we dont add () arround conditions in Lua
14:42 nore does it? we can have 2 translations right now (French and German)
14:42 PilzAdam we first need to wait for thexyz to update weblate
14:43 sfan5 PilzAdam: are you expecting me to change that too?
14:43 PilzAdam sfan5, I would have expected you to fix it _before_ pushing it
14:43 nore PilzAdam, is it ok if I add #1017 to 0.4.9 milestone?
14:44 sfan5 you told me after I rebased & pushed nore's fix
14:44 sfan5 s/fix/suggestion/
14:44 sfan5 s/suggestion/fix/
14:44 PilzAdam nore, I have no idea what the 0.4.9 milestone is meant for
14:45 PilzAdam sfan5, you should have waited longer before pushing
14:45 nore PilzAdam, "
14:45 nore Features to be added to 0.4.9. they may not be ready for merge yet. Prior merging pulls need to be checked for completeness."
14:45 nore there:
14:46 PilzAdam nore, if you add all other pull requests and issues that fit this description too, then ok
14:46 sfan5 PilzAdam: can you update the .po files and commit?
14:46 PilzAdam sfan5, no, I dont know if that would mess up weblate
14:47 sfan5 no, weblate is updated manually... oh.. ok
14:47 sfan5 we can only do that if thexyz pushes the current translations from weblate
14:47 sfan5 (if there are any)
14:49 sfan5 PilzAdam: did you take a look yet?
14:49 sfan5 I'd relly like to get a player list into 0.4.9 and formspec customizeable would be nice too
14:49 sfan5 really*
14:51 PilzAdam for now Id like to focus on getting 0.4.8 out
14:51 sfan5 ok
14:52 nore is the milestone ok?;state=open
14:52 nore (anything that I have forgotten or that shouldn't be there?)
14:52 sfan5 that looks ok
14:53 F_XZ joined #minetest-dev
15:04 nore sfan5, what doesn't work with that?
15:04 sfan5 segfault
15:05 nore when? (server start, when pressing tab, ...)
15:06 Fury joined #minetest-dev
15:06 sfan5 pressing tab
15:06 kahrl Can I fix the invalid escape sequence in main.cpp:1256? Seems trivial enough not to interfere with the code freeze
15:07 nore sfan5, you should perhaps send the string to a client when connecting to the server...
15:07 nore kahrl, looking at it
15:08 nore yes, you should fix it...
15:08 kahrl ok, I'll push it
15:08 nore it seems indeed trivial
15:09 sfan5 nore: it is designed to allow a custom player list if wanted, if no string is get by the client it will display the default one
15:09 sfan5 just add a test mod that does set_playerlist for every player
15:10 nore sfan5, yes, but the string should nevertheless be sent by the server (i.e. the server starts, changes the string, and then I join)
15:10 nore or is it per_player?
15:10 sfan5 yes, per player
15:11 zweipktfkt joined #minetest-dev
15:11 nore and do you know where the sergfault lies?
15:11 sfan5 to allow '''This way mods can group the list to teams or something similiar.'''
15:11 sfan5 yes in Irrlicht IIRC
15:12 nore couldn't it be some formspec-related thing then? (I guess perhaps a formspec being empty, or something like that)
15:13 sfan5 let me reproduce it and give you a backtrace
15:24 sfan5 now it does not work at all
15:26 EvergreenTree Ahem, sorry for repeating myself, but no one noticed when I reported this:
15:26 EvergreenTree <EvergreenTree> I have noticed a problem with the inventory image for the jungle sapling:
15:26 EvergreenTree <EvergreenTree> Since it is pretty much the same code as the regular one, it shouldn't be any different
15:26 EvergreenTree <EvergreenTree> I think VanessaE had a problem with this, I think it has something to do with the plantlike drawtype
15:26 EvergreenTree <EvergreenTree> It is especially strange, as the regular sapling looks normal, but the jungle one doesn't.    They are practically the same code, so I have no idea
15:29 nore EvergreenTree, is the image the same? I thought it had always been like that...
15:30 EvergreenTree IT has, which is a problem
15:30 EvergreenTree Considering the default sapling looks normal
15:30 EvergreenTree In comparison
15:30 EvergreenTree VanessaE had a problem with this in moretrees, where the leaves would be squashed when the drawtype is set to plantlike
15:31 * EvergreenTree pokes VanessaE
15:31 EvergreenTree I didn't fix it, so I'm not sure how
15:34 adama_ joined #minetest-dev
15:36 adama_ hello every one
15:47 nore hey, something that should probably be done before 0.4.8: buckets should check area protection
15:47 sfan5 nore: when i press tab the mouse unfocuses and pressing esc after that segfaults
15:48 nore strange...
15:48 nore sfan5, what about ^
15:48 sfan5 that counts as feature and we have feature freeze
15:49 nore a feature? I'd count it a bug...
15:51 sfan5 backtrace:
15:51 sfan5 ^ nore
15:51 nore no idea then...
15:54 zat joined #minetest-dev
16:01 nore
16:04 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:06 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
16:06 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
16:08 adama_ VanessaE is your plantlife mod compatable with dev. version of MT?
16:09 pitriss adama_: of course it is..
16:10 adama_ ok
16:10 pitriss adama_: but for mod related question you should use non dev channel
16:10 nore adama_, don't ask modding-related things here, this channel is for engine only
16:10 adama_ lol
16:10 adama_ sorry
16:10 nore np
16:10 adama_ thank you
16:11 adama_ left #minetest-dev
16:19 nore so, releasing 0.4.8 soon?
16:38 PilzAdam thexyz,
16:38 PilzAdam can I push that and will you update weblate?
16:39 thexyz well if it doesn't break anything then do that
16:40 PilzAdam done
16:45 thexyz updated weblate as well
16:46 PilzAdam and german translation done
16:46 thexyz anyone actually tested my windows build?
16:46 PilzAdam yes, works in wine
16:47 thexyz so after the most common use case is covered anyone tested it on windows?
16:47 nore PilzAdam, I can do translation in French if you need it
17:01 Calinou me too
17:03 Calinou done :>
17:15 sfan5 I'd like to have #1019 and #1020 fixed before we release 0.4.8
17:16 PilzAdam sfan5, "rename button"?
17:17 sfan5 you can see the button on this screenshot:
17:18 nore sfan5, is that modmgr?
17:18 PilzAdam there is also the issue with the wrong world being selected in a long world list
17:19 sfan5 nore: yes
17:19 PilzAdam sfan5, I reported #1020 to sapier a while ago
17:41 nore sfan5, could you try replacing the modmgr.modlist by modmgr.global_mods for #1019?
17:41 nore (there are a few ones to replace for the rename modpack thing)
17:42 sfan5 one sec, I'm just testing another fix
17:43 nore there are exactly 2 of those
17:43 nore it looks like modmgr.modlist is for world use only, not for global use
17:44 nore ok, now I am sure it has to be that
17:45 sfan5 2 of them?
17:45 nore yes, the one that crahsed and another one
17:45 nore in modmgr.handle_rename_modpack_buttons(fields)
17:46 nore sry, I don't have the correct lines numbers here, I'm not on the most recent version
17:46 nore ah, I can test that as soon as compiling is finished...
17:46 sfan5 wow, a Debug build is really slow
17:47 nore why do you use it?
17:47 sfan5 works perfectly
17:47 sfan5 to test the tab_playerlist2 issue
17:48 sfan5
17:49 PilzAdam oh, the bug that the wrong world is selected only happens when I use keys to navigate to it
17:49 nore sfan5, it doesn't for me
17:50 PilzAdam which reminds me that kahrl's formspec_table has to go in sometime soon
17:50 nore I don't get crash, but the modpack is not renamed
17:50 nore PilzAdam, I added it to 0.4.9 milestone
17:51 nore sorry, it works
17:51 nore but the modname is not changed in the menu
17:51 nore (it is not updated)
17:53 PilzAdam sfan5, commit messages shouldnt be "Fix #xxx"
17:56 nore sfan5, at least add that line 679: modmgr.refresh_globals()
17:56 nore I'm working out how to fix mod not being correctly selected after that
17:59 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
18:01 sfan5 nore: pull updated
18:01 nore wait a bit though
18:03 nore ok, add that after it:
18:03 nore modmgr.selected_mod = filterlist.get_current_index(modmgr.global_mods,
18:03 nore filterlist.raw_index_by_uid(modmgr.global_mods, fields["te_modpack_name"]))
18:03 nore that will make the modpack you just renamed be selected again
18:03 nore after that, I'm ok with the pull...
18:04 sfan5 updated... merging
18:05 nore sfan5, what's the other bug?
18:05 sfan5 #1020
18:08 nore ok, I may have the answer
18:08 nore trying to fix it
18:17 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
18:22 nore there is an important bug that crashes it:
18:23 nore I added print(5.2) line 328 of mainmenu.lua
18:23 nore here it what I get:
18:23 nore 5.2
18:23 nore Loaded texture: /home/nathanael/Minetest/textures/base/pack/no_screenshot.png
18:23 nore Loaded texture: /home/nathanael/Minetest/textures/base/pack/menu_header.png
18:23 nore 5.2
18:23 nore 5,2
18:24 nore ^ the last thing is what crashes everything: Lua numbers got a "," instead of a ".", and the formspec size element gets corrupted
18:24 nore sfan5, ^
18:24 nore I have absolutely no idea about how this could happen, though
18:25 sfan5 wat
18:25 nore you do think is it impossible too, don't you?
18:25 sfan5 yes
18:26 nore yet it is (maybe locale? how are decimal numbers represented in German? are they with a comma too?)
18:26 nore (and do you get "invalid size element" too?)
18:27 sfan5 YES
18:27 sfan5 s/YES/yes/
18:27 nore yes for the decimal comma?
18:28 sfan5 yes
18:28 sfan5 but I don
18:29 sfan5 't see how locale could affect internal strings
18:29 nore the strange thing is that gettext isn't even enabled on my build...
18:30 nore sfan5, is doesn't affect internal strings, it affects how numbers are displayed
18:30 sfan5 hmm
18:30 nore but I don't see why a call to show_file_open_dialog would cahnge something
18:33 kahrl nore: does the bug happen in 0f9440fa61f?
18:33 nore kahrl, do you have the bug?
18:33 kahrl no
18:33 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
18:34 nore how do I go back to that?
18:34 kahrl git checkout 0f9440fa61f and rebuild
18:36 nore kahrl, "error: pathspec '0f9440fa61f' did not match any file(s) known to git."
18:36 kahrl ah, I managed to get the bug now with LANG=de_DE ../bin/minetest
18:37 nore kahrl, what is strange is that gettext isn't even enabled in my build...
18:38 kahrl well even without gettext there is some code that sets the numeric locale
18:38 kahrl some of that must be buggy
18:39 kahrl I got the bug in a build with gettext, so that build option has no effect
18:39 nore but why do we even set numeric locale?
18:40 kahrl it should always be set to "C"
18:40 kahrl but I think there is some code that sets LC_ALL, maybe it forgets to set LC_NUMERIC
18:41 nore src/guiFileSelectMenu.cpp:      m_previous_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL,0);
18:41 kahrl weird, I can checkout 0f9440fa61f no problem
18:41 nore src/guiFileSelectMenu.cpp:      setlocale(LC_ALL,m_previous_locale.c_str());
18:41 nore kahrl, must be that.. ^
18:41 kahrl oh indeed
18:41 kahrl there we go =)
18:44 kahrl wait, those line are there in 0f9440fa61f but got removed in 22a59b3912f
18:44 kahrl lines*
18:44 nore yes, I saw that...
18:45 nore grep -R "LC_ALL" only outputs gettext.cpp, lua/src/loslib.c and intlGUIEditBox.cpp
18:46 kahrl ugh, there's a setlocale(LC_ALL, "") in CGUIFileOpenDialog.cpp
18:47 kahrl enabled on all platforms except windows CE
18:48 nore where is it?
18:48 nore (I can't find the file)
18:48 kahrl irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht
18:49 nore ah, in Irrlicht... what do we do then?
18:49 kahrl work around it as usual ;)
18:50 nore that is?
18:50 kahrl I think the lines that you posted above were such a workaround, do you know why sapier removed them?
18:50 kahrl of course the workaround failed to reset LC_NUMERIC but that could be fixed
18:50 nore no idea... but LC_NUMERIC should be set too
18:51 nore do you know in what commit he removed them?
18:51 kahrl 22a59b3912f
18:52 nore I'd say he thought they were not needed anymore...
18:52 kahrl maybe
18:52 nore should I label the bug as blocker?
18:53 kahrl dunno... is it really that big of a deal?
18:53 nore dunno... could you try to put those lines here again, with the LC_NUMERIC one too?
18:53 kahrl especially since you can just click on another tab to fix the menu
18:54 kahrl I'll try
18:54 nore no, you can't
18:54 kahrl oh, I"m on the old commit still
18:55 kahrl it does work there
18:56 nore the proper thing to do would be to save all locale things
18:56 nore and restore them at the end, not only the numeric one
18:58 nore grrr, why doesn't Irrlicht accept utf8?
18:59 kahrl the workaround plus setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C") don't fix it
18:59 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
19:02 nore kahrl, can I merge that?
19:02 OldCoder I have time today to rebuild servers and clients. Is upstream git in a state where people recommend I use it for live servers?
19:03 kahrl nore: yes
19:03 kahrl other people are written without umlauts too (Jürgen, Neuschäfer)
19:04 kahrl OldCoder: wait for 0.4.8 maybe
19:04 OldCoder kahrl, Very well. It is intended for December, correct?
19:04 kahrl I hope it doesn't take that long...
19:04 OldCoder Have fun :-)
19:05 OldCoder If you need testing, let me know
19:05 kahrl sure
19:05 OldCoder kahrl, has anybody else reported the lockup on item definitions issue? I do not have many people besides myself to test for that.
19:05 OldCoder Sapier believes it is shaders
19:06 sfan5 kahrl: hmmmm wants to have 0.4.8 today or tomorrow
19:06 kahrl I haven't seen anything about that
19:06 nore kahrl, yes, I didn't noticed it before... I hate Irrlicht for that
19:06 kahrl sfan5: hmmmm wanted it a week ago ;)
19:06 OldCoder Ah. 0.4.8 may be relatively soon.
19:06 sfan5 anyay, it would be nice if we release 0.4.8 today
19:06 OldCoder !
19:07 nore kahrl, have you been able to fix that bug, or not?
19:07 sfan5 anyway*
19:07 kahrl nore: the numeric locale bug? no...
19:08 nore and did you try to set the locale right before returning to Lua?
19:08 nore I guess it should work, now you set it when exiting the menu
19:08 nore but a Lua call is executed before, I guess
19:09 nore do you see what I mean?
19:09 kahrl oh, yeah
19:09 kahrl I was under the impression show_file_open_dialog blocked until the dialog returned
19:10 nore wait, even better: where is the setlocale in the code?
19:11 nore the best would be to undo it right after that
19:11 kahrl well it's inside irrlicht
19:11 nore yes, but in what call?
19:11 kahrl happens during the constructor as well as several events
19:11 kahrl seriously, wtf
19:12 nore if I were you, I would make a macro to reset correctly the locale
19:12 nore and add it everywhere... ;)
19:12 kahrl Raymond Chen would say "Don't use global state to manage a local problem"
19:12 nore seriously, we need to report that to the Irrlicht guys...
19:12 kahrl setting the locale is slow... I really don't want to spam setlocale everywhere
19:13 nore slow how? 10ms?
19:13 nore more?
19:13 kahrl no idea
19:13 nore cause if it is less than 10ms, it is no problem to set it everywhere... it is a menu, that is not opened often
19:16 kahrl I don't know if doing it in the menu is enough
19:16 nore I would do it in destructor + each time Lua is called
19:17 nore I guess it is enough since in the old commit, refreshing the formspec fixed the bugs, as you said
19:18 kahrl well refreshing it still works for me in the current version
19:18 kahrl each time Lua is called -> that might be quite often?
19:18 nore no, not that much... only each time you send an event
19:19 nore and that is not *that* frequent
19:19 nore moreover, I guess that a Lua call is longer that just setting the locale...
19:21 kahrl it works, but I hate that it has to be done because of a rarely used menu
19:21 nore yes, I hate it too... but we have no other choice, I guess
19:21 nore we need to say something to the Irrlicht maintainers about that
19:23 kahrl apparently others have run into it as well
19:23 kahrl
19:26 nore kahrl, I found that in a forum post: It's only my low-level file-access functions that need to force it temporarily back to English settings to read and write the files correctly. 3 x setlocale() is not too much overhead each time a file is written or read. The performance of the file IO will outweigh the small overhead of setlocale().
19:26 nore so I guess setlocale is not very time-hungry
19:27 kahrl but that's compared to file IO
19:28 nore yes, I know... but you don't click 10 times a second in the window either... and Lua calls are not very efficient either
19:31 nore but anyway, you said locale was frequently set by Irrlicht
19:31 nore that means it is not too long to set it, else we would find it slow...
19:31 jojoa1997 joined #minetest-dev
19:32 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
19:34 nore kahrl, so, what do we do?
19:35 kahrl does sapier usually come by at this time?
19:35 kahrl he's been working with all this locale stuff in minetest so I'd like to know what he says
19:36 nore I don't know... I reckon he usually conencts earlier
19:38 hmmmm hhh
19:38 hmmmm forget about locale problems for now, besides, getting text to render properly under irrlicht is a farce
19:39 hmmmm I think we should release really soon, whenever we get the final word on MSVC and mingw compatibility
19:39 nore hmmmm, the problem is that Irrlicht changes the numeric locale in the file select menu, which causes the formspec to crash
19:39 hmmmm that's great
19:40 nore after a call, since the size elements gets from size[12,5.2] to size[12,5,2]
19:40 hmmmm yeah, sapier was warning about this
19:40 hmmmm what he wanted to do was to wrap every single atof() call with a setlocale
19:40 PilzAdam hmmmm, the MSVC build works
19:41 hmmmm I think that for now, the irrlicht file select dialogs should NOT be used
19:41 kahrl_ joined #minetest-dev
19:41 hmmmm I don't get who's using it or why
19:41 nore so, code it again?
19:41 nore it is used in mod manager
19:41 hmmmm oh that's great
19:41 hmmmm why does irrlicht need to be such a broken turd
19:41 nore perhaps copy the code from Irrlicht then, without the locale setting thing could work?
19:42 nore kahrl, dunno...
19:42 hmmmm that would be a way if the irrlicht dialog uses all external interfaces
19:45 nore source here:
19:45 nore do you think it can work without being in Irrlicht?
19:45 PilzAdam does it work with Irrlicht 1.7 and 1.8?
19:46 nore eh, no idea
19:46 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
19:47 nore anyway, last commit on that file looks like 3 years ago...
19:47 nore but last commit at all is 3 years ago too
19:50 kahrl use the sourceforge svn repository
19:51 hmmmm alright, so it changes the locale at the end of the ctor and OnEvent
19:52 kahrl nore, that version you linked doesn't even restore the working directory ;)
19:52 hmmmm is it possible we can fix this by somehow hooking OnEvent of irrlicht's window for the dialog
19:52 nore yes, I guess that... It looks like it is very old
19:52 hmmmm we set the locale back after the object is created and inside the hook, provided it's run after the parent OnEvent
19:52 nore the Irrlicht locale is only changed when creating the list of files
19:52 hmmmm see I don't know enough about irrlicht's gui to know if we can do that.. can we?
19:53 kahrl not sure if the patch that restored the working directory is in irrlicht 1.7
19:53 nore so changing it back when we get input should work
19:53 nore kahrl, then copy the 1.8 version, and test if it works with 1.7
19:53 nore if it does, we can keep the 1.8 one...
19:54 kahrl CGUIFileOpenDialog::OnEvent returns true after calling fillListBox, so it eats the event
19:54 hmmmm nore, setting it on input is bad because what happens to the things that use locale while the dialog is open
19:54 kahrl maintaining our own version or resetting the locale on every lua call seem to be the only options
19:54 hmmmm I agree
19:55 hmmmm just wanted to see if there was a way to avoid that
19:55 nore I'd prefer the first one if it works, else, we don't have choice...
19:55 kahrl but our own file dialog is kind of heavy for a code freeze
19:55 hmmmm by the way, what other things happen if we define _IRR_WINDOWS_CE_PLATFORM_?
19:56 hmmmm yeah I agree, this is a pretty bad bug though
19:56 hmmmm modmanager wasn't in 0.4.7 when that was released, so if it comes out now with such a major issue that wouldn't be great either
19:57 nore kahrl, on the other hand, it is not ours, it is only mocing it from Irrlicht ot here...
19:57 kahrl that's true
19:57 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
19:58 nore why does it even change the locale?
19:59 artur99 joined #minetest-dev
19:59 jojoa1997 joined #minetest-dev
20:00 kahrl I can't tell, is giving me HTTP 500 :P
20:05 kahrl no comment on setlocale
20:08 jojoa1997 joined #minetest-dev
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20:15 nore and have you tried to remove it to see what happens?
20:18 nore kahrl, ^
20:18 kahrl no
20:19 kahrl we use the default locale to LC_CTYPE anyway so mbstowcs wouldn't change
20:19 kahrl set*
20:19 kahrl err, use* for*
20:20 kahrl I don't really see the point of setlocale there, it probably was added because the program of the one who made the patch didn't set the locale properly
20:26 nore ok... I can't get it to compile no, though
20:26 nore virtual const wchar_t* getFileName() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
20:26 nore +w
20:27 nore it crashes in the h file...
20:27 nore what is that _IRR_OVERRIDE_ ?
20:28 kahrl I got an idea from #irrlicht
20:28 kahrl what if we simply call putenv("LC_NUMERIC","C")
20:28 VanessaE ...and you guys wanted to push this out after only a week of feature freeze? :)
20:28 kahrl err putenv("LC_NUMERIC=C") or the setenv equivalent
20:28 nore kahrl, what's putenv?
20:29 kahrl sets an environment variable
20:29 kahrl setlocale(LC_ALL,"") takes the locale from the environment
20:29 nore quite clever...
20:29 nore I want to see if this works
20:33 nore kahrl, so?
20:36 kahrl
20:36 kahrl works on gentoo linux with: LANG=de_DE ../bin/minetest
20:38 kahrl I don't know if windows's setlocale cares about the environment at all
20:39 nore kahrl, I hope they do... (you should check that with wine...)
20:40 kahrl still don't have that installed
20:40 PilzAdam VanessaE, even if we release at christmas, we will always find something that can be fixed
20:40 nore ok, works well on Debian 64bit, with FR as system default locale
20:41 nore I guess we only need someone to check the windows versions...
20:41 nore (sfan5 perhaps?)
20:41 sfan5 hm?7
20:41 sfan5 -7
20:42 nore could you test that fix for windows versions?
20:42 VanessaE PilzAdam: perhaps :)
20:42 nore (since you make windows builds...)
20:42 VanessaE (insert the old axiom about every program being reducible to one line that doesn't work)
20:43 ShadowNinja nore: You add whitespace to the end of a line in your minetest_game buckets pull.
20:44 nore where?
20:44 sfan5 nore: I'll test
20:46 nore ShadowNinja, is it ok now?
20:48 ShadowNinja nore: Yes, alhough I would like it if you could reduce the duplication.
20:53 sfan5 nore: does not worj#k
20:53 sfan5 work*
20:53 nore :(
20:53 nore kahrl, ^
20:54 nore ShadowNinja, like that?
20:55 ShadowNinja nore: Yes.
20:55 nore ShadowNinja, should it be merged before/after 0.4.8?
20:55 Fury joined #minetest-dev
21:01 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
21:10 nore kahrl, so, what do we do since it doesn't work on windows?
21:38 proller fix bool > 0  -
21:40 nore what would you think about adding the bit32 Lua library as default Lua available libraries? (it is in standard Lua 5.2, but not 5.1)
21:43 sfan5 that is a good idea
21:50 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
22:00 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, the long dig time in creative mode is ridiculous, do you really want to release it?
22:01 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Yes, and it was fine last release.
22:02 PilzAdam someone should update the changelog in the dev wiki
22:05 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: So is it mitori or mito551?
22:05 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, dunno, ask him
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