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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2014-05-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:08 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest-dev
00:09 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest-dev
03:36 Exio4 joined #minetest-dev
03:38 werwerwer_ joined #minetest-dev
04:03 Shardvexz joined #minetest-dev
06:07 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
06:34 Mimilus joined #minetest-dev
06:48 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
07:12 Mimilus plip
07:14 Mimilus what is the best ? Making all texture one by one, or use ^ for concatening textures ? the first way requires  a lot of files but is it better for the framrate ?
07:14 Mimilus framerate*
07:42 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
08:08 Robby joined #minetest-dev
08:29 Eater4 joined #minetest-dev
08:31 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
08:31 PenguinDad joined #minetest-dev
08:31 celeron55 "Just to let you know the fact that for the latest Ubuntu,  14.04, in the
08:31 celeron55 stable PPA there's only the 0.4.7 version of Minetest, while all the
08:31 celeron55 other ubuntu relases, which are older than 14.04, have the 0.4.9."
08:31 celeron55 (an email)
08:32 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-dev
08:32 TenPlus1 left #minetest-dev
09:23 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:36 Eater4 joined #minetest-dev
10:25 tomreyn joined #minetest-dev
10:31 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
10:33 RealBadAngel hi
10:33 RealBadAngel celeron55, here?
10:38 RealBadAngel anway, command line switches to set log level are obsolete already thx to this:
10:48 RealBadAngel nvm, i was wrong ;)
10:54 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:05 Eater4 joined #minetest-dev
11:13 PenguinDad joined #minetest-dev
11:39 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
11:42 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
11:53 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
12:10 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
12:28 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
13:03 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
13:08 GhostDoge joined #minetest-dev
13:23 crazyR__ does anyone know if this is the correct syntax['test'] = 'bla' in lua
13:24 VanessaE wrong channel.  use #minetest.
13:24 crazyR__ oh sorry, thought i did. lol thanks
13:24 VanessaE and only if 'test' needs to be a literal string for some reason.  otherwise, do = 'blah'
13:25 crazyR__ test would be a var, basically it would be dynamic
13:26 VanessaE you can do that, sure
13:26 VanessaE lose the quotes
13:26 VanessaE I believe the syntax then is,[variable]  = 'blah'
13:27 VanessaE been a while since I fiddled with dynamic variable names though
13:27 VanessaE *looks it up*
13:29 crazyR__ <-- thats the actual code :/
13:29 VanessaE hm, I'm wrong
13:29 VanessaE
13:30 VanessaE G*d I'm rusty.
13:32 crazyR__ lol, i assure you im much worst with lua, lol. all my work is trial and error lol.
13:33 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
13:41 crazyR__ i see where i went wrong :/
13:41 crazyR__ noob mistake
13:54 GhostDoge joined #minetest-dev
14:01 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:12 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
14:14 rdococ joined #minetest-dev
14:20 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
14:31 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
14:31 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
14:39 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
14:42 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest-dev
14:51 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
14:56 us`0gb joined #minetest-dev
15:23 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
15:34 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:35 Megaf__ joined #minetest-dev
15:36 Calinou max_hear_distance in minetest.sound_play() does not seem to have an effect
15:37 Calinou (the default also is small and unrealistic.)
15:39 [PavelS] joined #minetest-dev
15:45 Mimilus joined #minetest-dev
15:47 CraigyDavi_ joined #minetest-dev
15:55 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
16:21 PenguinDad
16:21 PenguinDad ^ Comments please
16:28 proller better to implement auto reconnect
16:29 sfan5 sometimes servers actually shut down and don't come back up
16:37 CraigyDavi I like it PenguinDad. Will it still work if the server crashes?
16:39 PenguinDad CraigyDavi: it won't work if the server crashes
16:40 crazyR__ <proller> better to implement auto reconnect  <-- that doesnt work so well on freeminer servers. it crashes the client on reload
16:40 CraigyDavi It's nice, but I'd like the feature so that when the server crashes the client freezes
16:41 proller because formspec crashes everywhere
16:41 proller and it was fixed
16:42 crazyR__ ahh thats good to hear. so what happens if the server doesnt come back up... do you have a time out at which point the client kicks t menu?
16:44 zat joined #minetest-dev
16:50 proller now only infinity reconnects
17:07 us`0gb joined #minetest-dev
17:19 whiskers75 joined #minetest-dev
18:00 _Megaf joined #minetest-dev
18:07 _Megaf joined #minetest-dev
18:25 ShadowNinja After having a mod crash and reloading the world:
18:26 ShadowNinja This bug has been around for a long time, and it seens to be related to particles.
18:27 Calinou ShadowNinja, do you know a solution to the “wood” and “stone” groups being added to the Stairs+ nodes?
18:27 Calinou this causes crafting to be too cheap
18:27 Calinou you can make a chest using 1 wood :s
18:27 cheapie joined #minetest-dev
18:28 ShadowNinja Calinou: Yes, you can not copy those groups, you'll have to be selective though, as things like "cracky" have to be copied.
18:28 Calinou is there a way to make it without repeating all definitions?
18:28 ShadowNinja Also: -> #minetest
18:28 Calinou yeah
18:28 Calinou reply there (or in PM)
18:48 Eater4 joined #minetest-dev
18:48 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
18:58 sapier joined #minetest-dev
19:14 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
19:18 ShadowNinja sapier:
19:19 ShadowNinja Last call for comments on #1258.
19:19 ShadowBot -- Organize builtin into subdirectories and use "core" namespace internally by ShadowNinja
19:33 proller again nothing changed, but all files touched 8(
19:36 Calinou subdirectories do help
19:36 Calinou good organization does help
19:36 [PavelS] joined #minetest-dev
19:38 ShadowNinja proller: git can't detect file renaming(/moving) on small files.  Bigger files work fine though.
19:40 nore joined #minetest-dev
19:43 proller but not splitting file
19:44 proller did you use git mv for moving ?
19:45 sapier well as celeron decided to switch to core I guess 1258 is fine  ... btw thanks for a lot of useless work on fixing all mods
19:45 ShadowNinja proller: Nope.
19:45 proller very bad
19:45 ShadowNinja sapier: Hmmm?  minetest is still the official namespace.
19:46 sapier ShadowNinja: links like that one are completely useless to me I never know what you're talking about
19:46 sapier of course as official as krim isn't part of russia
19:46 ShadowNinja sapier: What?
19:47 sapier <<< what do you want to tell me?
19:47 ShadowNinja sapier: I have you a pull link, for a pull.
19:47 ShadowNinja sapier: Oh, I meant that you should rename that variable.
19:47 ShadowNinja As said in the discussion.
19:47 sapier tjhat?
19:48 ShadowNinja proller: Thanks for mentioning git mv, I'll look into it.
19:48 ShadowNinja proller: Also, congradulations, you've said your first helpfull thing in months.  ;-)
19:49 sapier that's not fair ShadowNinja proller often (accidentaly) says usefull things
19:49 sapier too sarcastic?
19:49 proller if yu move file - you must use mv - it saves history and not cause problems for changes in this files in other branches
19:50 sapier doesn't git autodetect moved files too proller?
19:50 proller never seen it
19:53 ShadowNinja proller: Actually, it seems like `git mv` doesn't do anything special, it just mvs the file, rms the old version, and adds the new version.
19:54 proller but git know about renaming
19:55 ShadowNinja proller: Only by content comparison.  If you change anything and it's a small file the detection fails.
19:56 proller for example - freeminer.conf is renaed from minetest.conf and all current commits to  minetest.conf automatically merges to freeminer.conf
19:57 VanessaE and yes, git detects if you mv a file the usual way (I mean, without using `git mv`).
19:57 ShadowNinja proller: *conf.example *.  And thats a relatively large file.
19:58 ShadowNinja sapier: -> #minetest
20:02 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
20:04 sapier great shadow you remove one serialization variant and add another one ... that's gonna be a cleanup of ... well nothing ;-P
20:04 ShadowNinja sapier: Hmmm?
20:05 proller again...
20:05 ShadowNinja I added a JSON writing API, and removed marshal.  But that was a while ago.  And there were good reasons for those.
20:06 proller +1 for removed marshal
20:06 proller also +1 for use json as default and recommended save method
20:07 proller now time for skip some lines from sapier about xml ;)
20:07 ShadowNinja Nah, Lua tables are more powerfull than JSON.
20:07 proller powerfull where?
20:08 ShadowNinja proller: They support mixed hash and array keys.  They even support table keys.
20:09 proller where you need mixed keys?
20:09 proller and its not readable by human
20:21 sapier json isn as human readable as egypt hyroglyphs too ;-P
20:22 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
20:23 proller visit doctor
20:23 sfan5 let's use msgpack
20:23 sfan5 that is perfectly human-readable
20:24 proller for minetest.conf @
20:24 sfan5 ^ good idea
20:29 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:29 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:29 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:31 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:31 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:32 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:32 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
20:37 kaeza;t=9276
20:39 proller already implemented in <censored> ;)
20:44 proller most renames detected, but 9 conflicts, 4 of them deleted by them
20:46 sapier kaeza: how does that mod cleanup data on mod uninstall?
20:47 sapier and no that mod can't be added to minetest
20:48 sapier it's lgpl v3 thus incompatible to minetest
20:48 kaeza sapier, it's just an idea; having a centralized location for mods to store persistent per-player data would be useful
20:48 kaeza and about your question, I have no idea ;)
20:49 sapier I always have to think about windows registry, but sure there are reasons where it's usefull
20:49 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
20:51 BlockMen sapier, would you like to fix statbars?
20:52 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
20:53 sapier you're talking about the selection image?
20:53 BlockMen no, thats another issue
20:53 sapier which one?
20:54 BlockMen
20:54 BlockMen
20:54 BlockMen
20:55 sapier well you know as good as me what's reason for it ... old client on new server
20:55 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
20:55 BlockMen so that flags dont work is also wanted?
20:55 BlockMen and that healt bar is shown with damage disabled?
20:56 sapier no that's not wanted I thought you tested it?
20:56 BlockMen what? when should i have do?
20:57 BlockMen u asked me om to do, i said i have to leave
20:57 sapier well doesn't matter I'll fix i
20:57 sapier t
20:57 BlockMen next day it was merged
20:57 BlockMen s/om/pm
20:58 BlockMen and i think the problem with older servers should be solved aswell
20:58 BlockMen what is with you n-1 compatibility?
20:58 BlockMen *+r
20:58 sapier I'm trying to debug a connection issue with vazon right now can you find out what is broken?
20:59 sapier It's a graphical glitch only but I already said I'm gonna find a way to fix it
20:59 spillz joined #minetest-dev
21:00 spillz !tell celeron55
21:00 ShadowBot spillz: O.K.
21:07 spillz joined #minetest-dev
21:09 sfan5 spillz: the builds should proabably include luajit
21:11 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
21:15 Calinou why is password erased when window is resized?
21:19 sapier good question, I guess for some reason formspec is redrawn
21:23 sapier ShadowNinja:  you missed the header path comments on your move
21:26 sapier and lua_api.txt too
21:33 BlockMen i though it stays officially minetest for now?
21:34 BlockMen so what you want change in lua_api.txt then?
21:36 sapier because I still think cleaning up should be done ... and yes I know others may believe minetest still beeing official interface but it's crap for those of us doing both minetest and mod development... the only correct thing is core
21:36 sapier unless you wanna get told by ShadowNinja that core is the only one to be used in minetest builtin ;-)
21:37 sapier well see as I'm gonna refuse to rename everything in mainmenu cleanup
21:40 sapier sorry guy but mainmenu cleanup is not about replacing formspecs if you want to do that discussion do it here or in forum not in a commit not beeing related to formspec basics at all
21:46 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
21:48 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
22:02 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
22:05 zat joined #minetest-dev
22:36 BlockMen left #minetest-dev
22:59 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
23:53 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev

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