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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-01-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:09 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
00:15 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
00:54 exio4_ joined #minetest-dev
00:55 n4x joined #minetest-dev
01:56 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
02:06 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
02:11 Kodexky joined #minetest-dev
02:12 Kodexky Ha ha! i've got volume dialog working!!!
02:13 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
02:15 * acerspyro gives Kodexky a cookie
02:22 VargaD joined #minetest-dev
02:25 exio4 compiling kernel
02:53 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
02:57 paramat joined #minetest-dev
02:58 VanessaE guys, rollback needs a serious fix soon.  one of my admins just did a check and, on a database that's not more than a couple months old or so, it takes so long to do a check that the server pings out from IRC>
02:59 n4x waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
03:00 n4x I didn't remember I had a not-builtin kernel module
03:00 n4x I have the sources, but IIRC the module is now merged so I am trying to make it work :p
03:00 n4x (wifi)
03:00 VanessaE n4x: this has to do with Minetest core
03:02 n4x oh..
03:05 paramat hi hmmmm, two ready for review/merge, #2036
03:05 ShadowBot -- Builtin: Remove builtin_biome.lua. Minimal: Add simple biome to default/mapgen.lua. Remove indev mapgen ores by paramat
03:05 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
03:05 paramat and #2106
03:05 ShadowBot -- Mgv5: Move cave generation from base terrain loop to optional function, fixes biome surface in tunnels by paramat
03:09 VanessaE according to the admin who ran it, that rollback check took 12 minutes to complete. ..
03:10 VanessaE paramat:  -- you should add something like this in mt_game also.
03:12 paramat yes saw that, i assumed that latest MTgame is for latest MT surely?
03:13 VanessaE not precisely
03:13 VanessaE latest mt_game doesn't work on latest *stable* mt
03:13 VanessaE those couple of lines seem to be the only hangup
03:14 VanessaE (I was always under the impression that mt_game should always work on latest stable mt)
03:15 paramat hm i dunno, that makes thing difficult, at least MTgame tag 0.4.11 leads to a version before my new biomes
03:17 paramat get_mapgen_params is essential for v5/v7 biomes, which i want to add before next stable MT
03:17 VanessaE well in this case I just made it default to the regular mapgen v6 code
03:18 VanessaE wfm :)
03:18 paramat cool
03:24 paramat and here's one for kahrl or anyone who can merge docs, is now corrected, #2103
03:24 ShadowBot -- Lua-api.txt: Document that paramtype=light is essential for a light source to spread its light by paramat
03:26 hmmmm alrighty
03:26 hmmmm minetest time
03:26 hmmmm paramat, i know you've been wanting me to merge multiple things, can you list all of them pending at the moment?
03:26 hmmmm also sapier had one or two things
03:27 paramat sure
03:27 hmmmm what did you want to add before the next stable minetest?
03:28 paramat crumbs lots of stuff
03:30 paramat PRs ready for review/merge: #2036 #2106
03:30 ShadowBot -- Builtin: Remove builtin_biome.lua. Minimal: Add simple biome to default/mapgen.lua. Remove indev mapgen ores by paramat
03:30 ShadowBot -- Mgv5: Move cave generation from base terrain loop to optional function, fixes biome surface in tunnels by paramat
03:30 hmmmm one thing about commit messages
03:31 hmmmm if you have multiple items, separate them by a newline and don't end with a period
03:32 paramat and #2103
03:32 ShadowBot -- Lua-api.txt: Document that paramtype=light is essential for a light source to spread its light by paramat
03:32 paramat okay
03:33 paramat i'll paste my todo list for next stable
03:34 paramat it's enough for 3-6 months work
03:36 exio4 joined #minetest-dev
03:37 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
03:37 paramat some are done or are questionable
03:38 hmmmm ahh!  fonts are small but formspecs are large
03:38 VanessaE hmmmm: get all the way to HEAD and check sapier's gist.
03:38 hmmmm how many did he have
03:38 VanessaE this one,
03:38 hmmmm just that one i was gonna do yesterday or more since then?
03:38 VanessaE that's the only one I am aware of
03:40 paramat thanks for the merges
03:42 paramat i recently attempted v6 overgeneration but it's difficult, v6 is so complex
03:46 VanessaE is there some API element that allows dig-node and place-node operations to be done by a mod but without them being recorded in the rollback log?
03:47 hmmmm i'm not entirely sure if overgeneration is a smart idea overall..
03:48 VanessaE looks like there isn't.
03:50 MinerDad joined #minetest-dev
03:50 VanessaE would someone consider adding such, please?
03:51 paramat hmmmmm i'm not sure either but i certainly want to fix those discontinuities somehow
03:52 paramat but then, any trees or dungeons placed are already overgeneration..
03:53 hmmmm that's not a good thing
03:54 hmmmm guys, is this the way it's supposed to look?
03:54 hmmmm vanessae, for what it's worth you can skip rollback recording by doing a voxelmanipulator operation
03:55 paramat my lua mapgens work by overgenerating the noisemaps, 'doing the maths' outside the mapchunk but only placing nodes within if at all possible
03:56 VanessaE hmmmm: I'm not sure if that would work in this case - dig_node() and relatives seem to be needed (pipeworks' nodebreakers and deployers, technic quarry)
03:56 paramat ..but that's more difficult or impossible with how core mapgen works
03:56 paramat yeah small fonts in big boxes is normal for latest
04:00 exio4 joined #minetest-dev
04:00 hmmmm what I pasted is with sapier's gist applied
04:01 VanessaE hmmmm: that's not normal (assuming his gist was correct)
04:01 hmmmm speaking of mainmenu
04:02 hmmmm we should remove darkrose
04:02 paramat and add me!
04:02 hmmmm she simply does not develop minetest anymore.  the last patch she made if i recall correctly was disasterously dangerous
04:03 hmmmm i almost never interacted with darkrose, and when i did, i was yelling about some screwup or the like...
04:04 hmmmm yeah.. we have to add you, and a couple of other people...
04:06 hmmmm  hah!
04:06 hmmmm i like that texture pack too
04:06 hmmmm for some reason i think lavacooling is FUBAR.  does it behave like that in minecraft too?
04:09 VanessaE hmmmm: I made some changes to it between gloopblocks and dreambuilder_game
04:09 paramat our new grass texture is dark and gloomy, i tried minimal and the grass is lovely
04:09 VanessaE it behaves a lot more sane
04:10 hmmmm i'll have to try out dreambuilder.
04:10 paramat .. i might submit a brighter texture
04:10 hmmmm paramat, yes, my favorite grass was the original texture
04:10 VanessaE  use this along with current git HEAD of gloopblocks
04:10 hmmmm really hate the current grass but I didn't have any control over minetest_game so i figured what the hell
04:11 hmmmm but i hate a lot of things about minetest_game.  it's so sucky and unfinished.  i hate the american cheese textured "gold"
04:11 hmmmm the sounds blow
04:11 hmmmm axes and such should be able to dig other damage groups as well
04:11 paramat also the new dirt is too yucky light brown, i might submit a darker one
04:11 VanessaE the basic idea is slower ABMs (obviously), and always generating "foo:bar_cooled" so that lavacooling damage is easy to remove.
04:12 VanessaE the slower ABMs alone actually had the side effect of making the terrain look somewhat more natural
04:12 paramat i actually like the new sounds, their humourous lofi abstractness suits the game
04:13 hmmmm it's better than it used to be at least
04:13 hmmmm but there's not enough variation to the sounds
04:14 hmmmm our glass breaking sound is almost exactly like minecraft's, but there are less sounds to randomly cycle through making it sound... not as good
04:14 paramat the snow sound that sounds like a door slamming is really funny
04:17 paramat work on v7 caves is progressing, but the lava caves density seems far too high i will reduce it, no wonder liquid queue gets overwhelmed
04:18 hmmmm eweh
04:19 paramat ^ thats v7 lava caves as they were, with tunnels removed and new 3D noise tunnels not yet added
04:20 hmmmm you know i've been wondering if cave-related noise should be separate from the rest of the mapgen
04:22 paramat you like to centralise =) i think different mapgen need different defaults for cave noises
04:22 hmmmm not so much centralize as organize
04:23 VanessaE paramat: that's definitely too many caves, and too small also
04:23 hmmmm you've got to realize that i don't have some sort of master plan.. i'm learning as i go along
04:23 VanessaE I'd say 1/4 as many and twice as big at the largest
04:23 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
04:24 paramat well i don't dare touch the large cave code, just reduce their number, the size may be restricted by mapchunk plus shell
04:24 hmmmm yeah...
04:24 hmmmm that's a real problem
04:25 hmmmm so listen, with that in mind, let's stop with the mapchunk borderering thing.  it was a stupid idea to begin with, or rather it's just a solution that had larger ramnifications which celeron never saw at the time he implemented it
04:26 hmmmm if we're placing discrete structures like caves that are not bounded by a mapchunk... then why are we generating it inside of a mapchunk
04:27 hmmmm this is also something that would help decorations get more powerful than they are at the moment
04:28 paramat i can do 3D noise large caves
04:29 hmmmm running away from discrete structure generation won't help in the long term
04:29 paramat mapchunk shell is essential for some things, especially my mapgens *is worried*
04:29 VanessaE paramat: 3d noise alone won't be enough
04:30 VanessaE you have to be able to "crawl around" when you generate caves too after all
04:30 VanessaE (I don't know the term used for that)
04:32 hmmmm i don't have all the answers yet but i have a vague idea of what is 'right'
04:37 paramat okay. just one thing though, the way dungeons are now is magical and perfect and should be preserved, especially the glitches where they occasionally project from the terrain, or half a dungeon or a cobble ring floats in the air. for me these are vanilla MT's best feature
04:37 hmmmm that's a bug
04:37 hmmmm i don't have any idea how that can be preserved once it gets fixed
04:38 paramat just don't fix it =)
04:38 hmmmm lol
04:39 paramat watchng MC videos much of it's lovable character comes from bugs that they were wise enough to not fix
04:39 hmmmm like what?
04:42 paramat glitchy mob behaviour, lots of subtle things
04:43 paramat i have watched a lot of MC videos, it's an obsession, but don't own the game
04:56 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
05:30 Zeno` hmmmm,
05:31 Zeno` hmmmm, and consider the case where an l-system tree "pokes" out of a block into an unemerged block above it
05:31 hmmmm ....yes?
05:31 hmmmm ahhh
05:31 hmmmm i never even thought about l-system trees
05:31 Zeno` because I don't initialise the whole lot there *can* be instances where the new block is not initialised
05:31 hmmmm yeah, that's very true.  i guess we didn't check all cases where voxelmanipulator is used with blank contents assumed to be air
05:32 hmmmm for what it's worth, lsystem trees are RBAs code :)
05:32 Zeno` Can you think of a way around this without invoking the constructor by allocating an array using new? (because that way in most instance is very slow)
05:32 Zeno` I thought about memset to CONTENT_AIR, but then param1 and param2 are kind of "undefined"
05:32 Zeno` or even memset to 0, but that's stone
05:33 Zeno` Anyway I think this is the source of very occasional "random nodes/blocks"
05:33 hmmmm if you're going to memset the mapnode area you're going to set param1 and param2 anyway..
05:33 hmmmm yeah, you're right.  this explains it perfectly
05:34 VanessaE it also explains why it's only been seen on worlds where moretrees exists in some manner, huh.
05:34 hmmmm lol.  if i were working on lsystem decorations i bet i would've caught it
05:35 paramat
05:35 paramat the best dungeons are the glitchy ones, magickal and dreamy like something from a dream or an anime. luckily they are extremely rare so remain magickal discoveries. perfect for conversion by adding glass walls and access bridges
05:36 hmmmm hrmm
05:36 hmmmm where the hell does he get (1,3,1) from
05:36 VanessaE the maximum size of a giant sequioa.
05:37 Zeno` yeah, but it should {CONTENT_AIR, 0, 0} and I can't do that with memset. So might have to go back to the slow way   new MapNode[new_size]; :(
05:37 hmmmm that's ridiculously stupid
05:37 hmmmm you don't ever hardcode shit like that
05:37 VanessaE I seem to recall he and I discussed reasonable limits, but I wasn't in a position to recommend a better way to code it
05:37 hmmmm Zeno`, no, just fix the offending code
05:37 hmmmm don't make the entirity of minetest suffer for one case
05:38 VanessaE the RIGHT way to do it would be to emerge each block as the interpreter crosses into those blocks, yes?
05:39 hmmmm that'd be the smart way, yes
05:40 hmmmm another way would be to find the total size by doing a dry run of the algorithm first without placing any blocks, but record the greatest coordinates a node would have been placed from each axis
05:40 Zeno` hmm
05:41 hmmmm i don't know, treegen.cpp looks like a bonified mess to me
05:41 VanessaE mmmh...  one would have to add the necessary checks in 5 places if I read this right
05:41 Zeno` unfortunately (for minetest) I have a job interview in 1.5 hours. But I can continue to look at it after that. At least the (most probable) source of the bug is found
05:41 VanessaE (and I likely don't)
05:41 hmmmm :)
05:41 hmmmm good luck Zeno`!
05:41 hmmmm first job or what?
05:41 Zeno` thanks :)
05:42 VanessaE Zeno`: good luck!
05:42 Zeno` Nah, far from first hehe
05:42 hmmmm lol
05:51 Zeno` bbl
06:20 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
07:06 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:26 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
07:53 shmancelot joined #minetest-dev
07:54 shmancelot left #minetest-dev
08:00 leat joined #minetest-dev
08:13 paramat hmmmm, 'count = (ps.range(1, 8) == 1) ? ps.range(0, ps.range(0, 2)) : 1;' i'm having trouble editing this for a roughly 1 in 9 chance of 1 or 2 large caves in a mapchunk, everything i try results in caves in every mapchunk or no caves at all, example: 'count = (ps.range(1, 9) == 1) ? ps.range(1, 2) : 0;'
08:13 paramat i am bemused
08:16 paramat i'm assuming ps.range() returns an integer in the range. perhaps i'll try reformatting this without the '?' usage
08:28 paramat i'll also try with random in case pseudorandom is buggy
08:33 paramat weird, now i'm getting identical dungeons, one in every mapchunk
08:34 paramat this is all mgv7
08:39 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
08:42 paramat a few dungeons are different, then below y = -800 there are huge volumes of identical dungeons, i suspect blockseed
08:42 jluc joined #minetest-dev
08:46 paramat .. that would also explain my problem with large cave randomness since that is seeded with blockseed
08:47 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
08:51 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
08:52 paramat back soon
08:52 paramat left #minetest-dev
08:57 DFeniks_ joined #minetest-dev
09:50 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
10:23 paramat joined #minetest-dev
10:30 paramat left #minetest-dev
10:36 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
10:39 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
10:57 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
10:57 selat joined #minetest-dev
11:00 Megaf Hi
11:01 paramat joined #minetest-dev
11:12 paramat hmmmm mystery solved, using getBlockSeed() works. printing it to terminal getBlockSeed2() was always returning zero
11:12 paramat left #minetest-dev
11:21 paramat joined #minetest-dev
11:23 paramat confirmed: using getBlockSeed() also fixes the problem i was having with pseudorandom, now i can reduce the per-mapchunk chance of a large cave
11:31 blaze joined #minetest-dev
11:32 paramat left #minetest-dev
11:55 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
12:03 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
12:09 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
12:18 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
12:19 gregorycu So, i fucked up my github branch, is anyone feeling helpful?
12:44 gregorycu Can we get  #2091 merged
12:44 ShadowBot -- Speed up extent calculations by gregorycu
12:45 sfan5 small tip: nobody of the devs is here atm
12:45 gregorycu How can I tell that?
12:45 gregorycu Ops?
12:46 sfan5 no
12:46 sfan5 your irc client should show you that 1/4 devs are set to away
12:46 gregorycu Voice?
12:47 sfan5 yes and no
12:47 gregorycu I don't know who are devs, nor where to look for this information in here
12:47 sfan5 the devs have voice
12:48 sfan5 but them having voice doesn't mean they are here
12:48 gregorycu You have voice... You are a dev
12:48 gregorycu Merge my PR for it is good
12:48 gregorycu Also, I have to delete my repo
12:49 sfan5 I can't simply merge a PR if i feel like it
12:49 sfan5 i need other devs approval
12:50 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
12:50 sfan5 anyway, I'll be away now too
12:52 gregorycu Cool, I'll wait for someone else with voice to come along, and I'll bug them
12:55 puhfa gregorycu: hey, thanks btw for looking into the entity issue yesterday
12:55 gregorycu I'm still looking into it
12:55 puhfa and im still grateful :) you just disappeared so quickly that i didnt get to thank you
12:55 gregorycu I've got some entity spawners
12:56 puhfa also, i didnt use forceloading, if that info is of any help
12:58 gregorycu I'm hoping to catch VanessaE
12:58 gregorycu So I can discuss pipeworks with her
13:09 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
13:11 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
13:20 gregorycu If she ever is available
13:21 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:22 gregorycu Because yeah, i can't make this work
13:22 rubenwardy Recently the bots have been winning on the forum - At least 5 a week which aren't deleted. We need better protection software.
13:22 rubenwardy and/or moderators
13:23 rubenwardy Also, they comment on posts and that has been missed several times.
13:24 T4im joined #minetest-dev
14:10 sapier joined #minetest-dev
14:14 impact joined #minetest-dev
14:21 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
14:23 est31 PilzAdam: merge? #2105
14:23 ShadowBot -- Update german translation by est31
14:42 werwerwer joined #minetest-dev
14:53 kilbith sapier: it is OK for you ?
14:54 sapier you're talking about the dropdowns right?
14:54 kilbith yes, and the android thing below
14:54 sapier yes ... seems to be fine ... if you know somehing more speaking for "touch free target" feel free to change it too
14:55 kilbith haven't figured out what it is exactly
14:56 sapier switches from digging on arbitrary positions to digging on croshair only
14:56 sapier I don't know how to explain this in two words :-)
14:56 kilbith also, i'm wondering if i should add the biome settings in the world creation too
14:58 sapier I don't know I'm almost not involved at all in map creation
15:05 kilbith well, those dropdown are functional (.conf is set) but i only have a problem: the dropdown options disappear when i change of tab
15:06 kilbith i don't really understand how works the formspec index
15:06 sapier disappear means?
15:08 kilbith i choose an option > .conf is set > i change of tab > the dropdown are empty (but .conf is still set well)
15:08 kilbith s/set/configured
15:08 sapier can you show me the code you're using?
15:08 kilbith sure
15:09 kilbith (i prevent: it's just horrible)
15:09 sapier well in this case you'd have to polish it anyway ;-)
15:09 sapier but that's a different topic let's first have a look why it doesn't work as expected
15:10 kilbith yeah lot of refactoring to do
15:11 kilbith sapier:
15:13 sapier do you se an error message on console?
15:13 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:14 sapier wait, what's that loop for?
15:14 kilbith yes i forgot to remove a '(' when i cleaned to show you
15:14 sapier no that loop
15:14 kilbith otherwise none error
15:14 sapier you seem to place three different dropdown elements at very same position
15:15 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
15:15 kilbith the loop is for take 2 indexes by table
15:15 kilbith with i
15:15 sapier yes but each loop adds it's own dropdown
15:15 kilbith sorry, 3
15:16 sapier I guess you wanted to add the content not 3 dropdowns
15:16 kilbith there's a loop for the filter, and another for mipmap
15:16 sapier yes and each of it adds three dropdowns
15:17 sapier "dropdown[3.86,0.2;3.75;dd_filters"
15:17 kilbith yes, three options per dd
15:17 sapier NO
15:17 sapier three dropdowns each having three options
15:17 kilbith hmm..
15:18 sapier dropdown[ ... ] specifys a dropdown gui element
15:18 sapier the options are withing []
15:19 sapier what you actually need is some function to get the index from settings
15:19 sapier e.g.
15:19 sapier if not bilinear and not trilinear then
15:19 sapier indes = 0
15:19 sapier else if trilinear then
15:19 sapier index = 2
15:19 sapier well the numbers are messed up of course ;-)
15:20 kilbith yes i see
15:20 kilbith and i want to replace the "if" by a table which chains as indexes
15:20 kilbith i.e. filters = {["a b c"] = {true, false}, ...}
15:20 sapier I don't think that's gonna work
15:21 kilbith thats too redundant actually
15:21 sapier still you have to evaluate the settings
15:21 sapier as those aren't a table you need to translate them
15:22 sapier I'd suggest writing a helper function
15:22 sapier function getSettingsFilterIndex()
15:22 sapier this way you can just remove the for loop and write this function where you do "dump(..." now
15:23 kilbith heh, you're talking to a fuckin bad coder :/
15:23 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
15:23 sapier that's not an excuse ;-) everyone did start this way ;-)
15:24 sapier and I'll be last one to blame you for having to learn I'll help where I can
15:24 kilbith that's fine, thanks ;)
15:25 kilbith i'll continue to tinker
15:25 kilbith trying to inspirate on the video_driver DD
15:27 SudoAptGetPlay joined #minetest-dev
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15:32 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
15:54 exio4 joined #minetest-dev
16:01 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
16:04 alexxss joined #minetest-dev
16:06 kilbith sapier: i want to create a variable that take the current filter enabled, how shall i put in core.setting_get(" ") ?
16:06 kilbith s/how/what
16:07 kilbith certainly the options which are set on 'true' but idk to make that
16:08 kilbith hmm, we should continue in private maybe
16:09 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
16:14 sapier you can't
16:15 sapier settings are stored to config file, you can't use them as temporary variables
16:18 kilbith i'm close to give up and let the checkboxes
16:19 sapier why? you've been already there?
16:20 sapier give me a few second's I gonna show you
16:20 kilbith i'm very easily confused when it concerns functions
16:23 roniz joined #minetest-dev
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16:24 sapier
16:25 sapier despite of possible typos this should work
16:25 sapier ok fixed a typo
16:26 sapier questions?
16:28 kilbith oh yes, that's not as complex that i was thinking :)
16:35 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:35 kilbith sapier: 'continue' is not a real statement in Lua loop
16:36 sapier hmm thought break wasn't ... well in this case do a if (i == 1) then ... else <code after continue> end
16:37 sapier or even more simple the way I just updated the gist
16:39 kilbith bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
16:39 kilbith bbl
16:43 impact joined #minetest-dev
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16:49 SudoAptGetPlay joined #minetest-dev
16:50 Garmine joined #minetest-dev
16:52 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
17:04 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
17:20 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
17:22 acerspyro joined #minetest-dev
17:23 compunerd joined #minetest-dev
17:24 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:47 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
17:47 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
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18:01 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
18:19 blaise joined #minetest-dev
18:19 blaise joined #minetest-dev
18:24 ezraanderson joined #minetest-dev
18:59 SudoAptGetPlay joined #minetest-dev
19:05 impact joined #minetest-dev
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19:55 hmmmm paramat, yes, that code looks correct for pseudorandom
19:55 hmmmm yeah, noise3d() gives good random distributions but it's in the range of -1 to 1 :)..
19:56 hmmmm i forgot to transform it to the 32 bit integer range
19:57 hmmmm Mapgen::getBlockSeed2() is designed to give relatively good and uniform distributions - not to be secure.  please don't use it for security purposes
20:04 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
20:17 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
20:20 alexxss joined #minetest-dev
20:30 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
20:42 casimir joined #minetest-dev
20:46 hmmmm btw paramat, i just fixed that
20:49 Robby joined #minetest-dev
21:00 Robby joined #minetest-dev
21:07 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
21:11 paramat joined #minetest-dev
21:11 paramat thanks
21:24 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
21:27 sapier celeron55 what do you think about this for android?
21:35 VanessaE sapier: idk about c55's opinion, but I like it; what's the one with the player walking into a box?
21:36 VanessaE (second from the right, next to the paper airplane, which I assume means fly)
21:36 VanessaE noclip?
21:36 sapier I don't know those buttons have been added by someone else
21:36 sapier I just moved them to that autohiding bar because those buttons don't need to be drawn permanently
21:37 VanessaE makes sense to me
21:38 VanessaE shouldn't the chat icon also be inside that menu?
21:39 sapier well I'd consider it as regular control element while the others are more like settings. but if others think so too it's not a big deal to move it
21:44 Brains Is there a page on the dev wiki with scut work for noobs?
21:45 VanessaE sapier: well I was just thinking of it from the standpoint that it'd be one less icon on the screen all the time, given that users don't spend most of their time actually chatting.
21:46 VanessaE the inventory control could be put there, too
21:47 sapier well why not move the control buttons there too ;-)
21:48 VanessaE because those are something you have to hold down to use :)
21:54 VanessaE my point being, if it's just *click* (well, *tap*) and bam, something new appears on screen or a setting changes, and it's just a one-off event, seems like hiding it putting it in that roll-out is a good idea
21:54 VanessaE s/hiding it//
21:57 sapier you know there are ppl complaining why they have to enter the text edit field on android ;-)
21:57 VanessaE heh
21:59 acerspyro joined #minetest-dev
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22:09 Amaz left #minetest-dev
22:34 Kodexky joined #minetest-dev
22:35 Kodexky VanessaE: Hi, the man in a box is for noclip indeed.
22:36 VanessaE try inverting the colors of the half of the figure that's inside the box
22:36 VanessaE that would make it more obvious, I think
22:37 Kodexky i did try that, but for a solid box.
22:37 Kodexky i'll try with the translucent one that was finally used.
22:38 Garmine joined #minetest-dev
22:40 Kodexky sapier: why not let the chat button double up as the button bar toggle?
22:41 sapier for what I remember the gui hud ain't accessible while a formspec is shown
22:42 acerspyro I wish the chat box would not be some stupid box in the middle of your screen that limits text display to 1/10th of your screen's width...
22:43 acerspyro I don't understand all of this cramping into boxes in the middle of the screen anyways.
22:44 sapier there's work to replace the chat box by console that's why we don't spend work for it any longer
22:44 acerspyro cool
22:44 acerspyro What about the main menu
22:44 acerspyro And the server list?
22:46 sapier depends on your device we can't make it perfect on each one that's why we have the gui scaling parameter
22:47 acerspyro Laptop screen, but it could be dynamic
22:47 Kodexky joined #minetest-dev
22:47 Kodexky no, what i mean is to use 1 tap to toggle buttons bar, then a 2nd one to actually show chat dialog. (asuming you leave chat btn where it is now))
22:48 acerspyro Or a F key to show chat log, and scrolling would go back in chat
22:48 acerspyro works while typing and in-game, tho no scrolling up while in-game.
22:48 sapier Kodexky:  how is that different from moving the chat button into the bar?
22:51 jluc joined #minetest-dev
22:51 Kodexky no difference, sorry. Didn't saw that. Too small irc window and a faulty mouse, thats all.
22:54 kilbith ShadowNinja: you can close  thanks.
22:54 kilbith or even PilzAdam ^
22:55 ShadowNinja Done.
22:57 VanessaE what';s the story on correcting these bad mapblocks that are showing up due to the spawn_tree() call?  they're starting to trigger "impossible" situations in mods
22:57 kilbith ShadowNinja: btw, #2054 updated, it is OK for you ?
22:57 ShadowBot -- Reorganizing client and settings tabs by kilbith2
22:58 ShadowNinja kilbith: Yep, at least visually.
23:03 sapier left #minetest-dev
23:10 VanessaE kilbith: the menu is looking good, as far as the screenshot shows anyway
23:13 kilbith thanks
23:14 kilbith the screenie is authentic
23:15 impact joined #minetest-dev
23:17 Kodexky great, i lost the svg. :s
23:18 acerspyro lol
23:19 Kodexky i'll get at it after dinner.
23:19 acerspyro it'll be gone after dinner
23:20 Kodexky ?
23:31 Kodexky sapier: any reason for volume and those dialogs not being a guiformspec?
23:46 paramat joined #minetest-dev
23:47 Kodexky joined #minetest-dev

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