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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-01-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 VanessaE_ that looks pretty good actually
00:00 VanessaE_ screenshot coming..
00:00 VanessaE_
00:01 VanessaE_ left is HEAD, right is with that last patch (only)
00:02 VanessaE_ inventory looks good too
00:06 sofar Can you account for sun position?
00:07 VanessaE_ that's planned some time in the future
00:07 sofar excellent... little things like that really help with atmosphere
00:09 kahrl #2185
00:09 ShadowBot -- Fix NDT_GLASSLIKE normals by kahrl
00:23 VanessaE_ kahrl: there is one minor side effect:  glass isn't smoothly-lit
00:24 VanessaE_ but that wasn't evident before I guess (or I never noticed it)
00:26 VanessaE_ btw, client is now doing 40 fps at 64m view range at VE-Creative spawn.  best I've seen it in ages.
00:31 kahrl it isn't smooth in master, so no regression there at least :)
00:31 kahrl not that I want to complain, but my fix shouldn't improve performance :)
00:32 VanessaE_ actually
00:32 VanessaE_ I think it did
00:33 kahrl hmm, weird
00:33 VanessaE_ at least, there's no obvious reason for the higher fps/view range.  maybe your patch combined with all the recent performance tuning just "worked">?
00:33 * VanessaE_ shrugs
00:36 VanessaE doesn't matter, I'm not one to complain either :)
01:00 cheapie_ joined #minetest-dev
01:01 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
01:36 Nate123 joined #minetest-dev
01:41 proller joined #minetest-dev
01:50 sofar Assignment to undeclared global "srcstack" inside a function at .../minetest/bin/../games/minimal/mods/default/init.lua:1368.
01:50 sofar fresh git (10 minute back or so)
01:50 sofar placed an item in an oven (no mods)
01:53 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
02:09 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
02:55 TriBlade9 joined #minetest-dev
03:24 sofar what is "BS"? some universal BlockSize factor?
03:25 VanessaE some of us interpret it more...literally ;) but yeah more or less
03:27 Zeno` heh
03:27 * sofar calls BS
03:27 Zeno` I see /* BS */ at the top of many source files (often next to an include) and begin to wonder
03:28 Zeno` How I interpret it depends on the mood I'm in :)
03:39 sofar I'm not seeing the player acceleration in the player object, is there a way to determine the player acceleration accurately somehow?
04:40 est31 joined #minetest-dev
04:44 est31 Hello, after logging in to VE-S, I get ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Could not load image "door_steel.png" while building texture
04:44 est31 others report it too.
04:44 VanessaE ^^^ note that the textures exist and work fine, the problem he's having is client-side.
04:45 VanessaE I believe this is the same issue causing MichaelEh's client to crash (just a different texture being references)
04:45 VanessaE d*
04:45 est31 also accompanied by: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Creating a dummy image for "door_steel.png"
04:51 VanessaE what's the story on >
04:51 VanessaE I believe this to be the cause of est31's issue
04:52 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
05:10 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
05:27 selat joined #minetest-dev
06:14 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
06:15 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
06:20 Gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
06:20 Gregorycu Is someone able to check out #2173
06:20 ShadowBot -- Speed up Profiler::avg by a factor of 10 by gregorycu
06:43 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:08 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
07:55 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
08:16 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
08:19 selat joined #minetest-dev
08:34 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
08:51 adc joined #minetest-dev
09:03 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:14 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
09:33 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
09:41 younishd joined #minetest-dev
09:46 selat joined #minetest-dev
10:08 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
10:13 gregorycu What's the haps?
10:20 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
10:59 werwerwer joined #minetest-dev
11:31 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
11:36 Zeno` looking at just the code, #2156 looks fine
11:36 ShadowBot -- Optimise MapBlockMesh functions by gregorycu
11:36 gregorycu Thank you Zeno
11:39 gregorycu Zeno, there is a settings callback system
11:56 compunerd joined #minetest-dev
12:10 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:21 Megal_ joined #minetest-dev
12:40 Nerz joined #minetest-dev
12:46 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest-dev
12:50 T4im joined #minetest-dev
13:08 VargaD_ joined #minetest-dev
13:25 Amaz left #minetest-dev
13:26 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
13:27 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
13:29 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
13:38 gregorycu Why is the single player mode performance so terrible compared to client/server ?
13:41 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
14:01 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
14:08 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
14:12 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
14:18 Kalabasa joined #minetest-dev
14:24 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
14:25 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
14:42 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
14:54 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:57 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
14:58 T4im hm recently I noticed that the meshupdatethread noticeably spikes in cpu when moving through the world (but calms down fast again when stopping)
15:02 Nerz loading/creating area is intensive, yeah
15:02 T4im feels like it increased in recent commits though
15:05 T4im oh wait… that could simply be the optimization parameter changes
15:05 * T4im facepalms
15:07 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:07 Nerz :p
15:09 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:15 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
15:20 Nerz Zeno` ?
15:23 Nerz #2119
15:23 ShadowBot -- Rewrite client/server packet handling by nerzhul
15:26 Zeno` I've experienced no problems with #2119 on my server
15:26 ShadowBot -- Rewrite client/server packet handling by nerzhul
15:26 Zeno` I don't think VE has either
15:26 Zeno` hmmmm might merge it
15:29 kilbith why not you Zeno` ?
15:31 hmmmm first of all
15:31 hmmmm is it ready
15:31 hmmmm second of all, i've been hearing reports of network lag
15:32 hmmmm i'm not sure if adding a huge refactor is the best idea at this time, especially since we want to release 0.4.12 soon...  this would push a release much further off
15:32 Zeno` network lag?
15:33 hmmmm in the meantime i doubt this pull request is as susceptible to rot since people don't modify the networking as often
15:33 Zeno` what network lag?
15:33 hmmmm the lag spikes wayword_one and others complained about
15:33 Zeno` Did you look at the profile he made?
15:34 hmmmm no, i did not
15:34 Zeno` That's not network lag, that's thread lag
15:34 Zeno` "lag"
15:34 hmmmm what's lagging in the thread??
15:34 hmmmm anyway I sort of suspected that
15:34 Zeno` 20% of the CPU time is spent switching threads
15:35 Zeno` which is kind of crazy
15:35 hmmmm that doesn't sound right
15:35 hmmmm as in doesn't sound correct
15:35 Zeno` *shrug*
15:35 twoelk just for the records, my windows clients (krocks builds and related) still seem to crash on VE-C server. The amount of ram seems not relevant. All I need to to is fly around and load lots of blocks. The client will crash, disconnect but not load main menu and stay grey and unresponsive instead. And no I havn't much more info to share, am still testing local environmental possabilities
15:35 Zeno` the simple_single_player server does not belong in a thread (IMO)
15:35 Zeno` it should be a process
15:36 Zeno` but look at the valgrind output he gave us
15:37 hmmmm i'll have to check it out
15:37 hmmmm not irght now though i have work
15:37 Zeno` please do :) It's interesting
15:38 Zeno` and I've since confirmed it with my own tests
15:39 Zeno` twoelk, have you got mesh cache set to true?
15:41 * twoelk lets the virus scanner do it's reports and has a look at is minetest folders
15:41 twoelk +h
15:42 twoelk probably whatever default was
15:43 Zeno` ok; make sure it is false
15:43 Zeno` hmmmm, I will be merging it later today
15:44 VanessaE hmmmm: I'd like to recommend that ^^^^ cache be disabled by default and the variable name changed so that it can't possibly be turned back on by old configs.  it costs 800 MB of RAM in dreambuilder for no tangible benefit.
15:44 Zeno` because AFAICS: a) the code is correct; b) it's faster; c) it's been tested for over a week; d) it does not seem to have anything to do with Wayward_One's problem
15:44 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
15:44 kilbith it happened to me (client crashes after 20 min) after 10-20 min spent on VE-C since the mesh nodes has been implemented
15:45 VanessaE kilbith, twoelk:  minetest.conf, enable_mesh_cache = false
15:45 T4im the meshnodeupdate thread does seem to be quite cpu intensive indeed
15:45 VanessaE that'll at least extend your playing time anyway
15:45 kilbith anyways, this server is unplayable for the fairly old computers
15:45 Zeno` VanessaE, it should be disabled by default (it was at first, but maybe that's changed?)
15:46 VanessaE Zeno`: it didn't even *exist* at first, as far as I'm aware
15:46 roniz joined #minetest-dev
15:46 Zeno` I know it didn't exist at first :P
15:46 Zeno` it was added during 0.4.10 dev
15:47 Zeno` VanessaE, have you had problems with #2119?
15:47 ShadowBot -- Rewrite client/server packet handling by nerzhul
15:47 Zeno` I haven't on MTZ
15:48 VanessaE nope, no problems that I can trace back to that
15:48 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
15:49 * twoelk notices he ripped apart his last installation a little too early
15:49 Nerz good new for #2119
15:49 ShadowBot -- Rewrite client/server packet handling by nerzhul
15:49 Nerz can this be merge before 23h00 GMT+1 ? :D
15:49 Zeno` What time is it now?
15:50 Nerz 16h55
15:50 Zeno` Personally I can't see why not
15:51 Brains If you were wanting to do a quick release, a rework of the network code would be contraindicated...
15:51 VanessaE I would tend to agree with Brains and hmmmm..
15:51 kilbith has been extensively tested and it's just code design...
15:51 Nerz Brains, rework was tested since 1 week on not owned-by-me servers and no problem was reported
15:52 Nerz The problem are not in my code, the problem are on the protocol, and i haven't changed protocol
15:52 Brains Which is lovely...  And I suppose similar things could be said about the last release.
15:53 Brains To be clear, pretty much everybody here uses a dev build so hiccups don't affect as much...  But a release isn't for us.  So there is a substantially higher bar.  Do the release, then merge the code.  "Everybody" is happy then.
15:54 Zeno` If *merge* it though there is a condition
15:54 Zeno` get rid of all those stupid exceptions in connection
15:54 Zeno` :)
15:54 Nerz personnaly i use my test server with 10 users and there are no problem
15:54 Zeno` not now, but in a soonish PR
15:54 Nerz i don't manage connection at this time zeno
15:54 Nerz but yes
15:54 Nerz i agree with you, and i'll discuss with sapier for this
15:55 Nerz next PR is focus on packet writing, because this PR is only rework the packet handling/reading
15:55 Zeno` k
15:55 Zeno` I'm on a mission to get rid of all the abused exception handling hehe
15:55 Nerz on third PR i think, i will rework the connection between packets and connection, because there are many buffer/unbuffer to convert data
15:56 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:56 Nerz but at this time i cannot remove these because old code use it :D
15:56 Nerz i need to change building, see you soon
15:58 DuDraig joined #minetest-dev
15:58 hmmmm Zeno`:  what??
15:58 hmmmm merging what, the network rewrite, right before a release?
15:58 hmmmm exactly after I said no?
15:59 hmmmm code like that is going to cause problems
15:59 hmmmm after 0.4.12, I'm all for it
15:59 hmmmm but right now, please spare all of us..
16:14 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
16:15 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:15 Nerz back
16:16 Nerz Zeno` , i agree to fight with exceptions :D
16:21 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
16:21 twoelk that setting did indeed help. I flew around for 20 minutes constantly loading new blocks until it crashed
16:22 twoelk so for normal playing it should be ok
16:23 twoelk btw, tacking screenshots seems to randomly trigger the same effect
16:25 twoelk 17:19:50: ERROR[main]: Some exception: "bad allocation"
16:25 twoelk In trans_func.
16:25 twoelk Access violation at 5C747365 write?=8 address=1551135589
16:25 twoelk In trans_func.
16:25 twoelk Access violation at 5C747365 write?=8 address=1551135589
16:25 twoelk 17:19:51: ERROR[main]: Some exception: "Access violation"
16:26 twoelk last message before crash
16:27 VanessaE obviously another memory leak
16:29 twoelk the message Acces violation is shown in chat, a few seconds later it seems blocks will not load and there is no interact. it takes a while until the client crashes after that.
16:30 twoelk the fovorite server file is not updated to the last server visited
16:31 twoelk and the config also seems to be not updated
16:32 twoelk the copy to local db seems ok though
16:39 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
16:41 twoelk according to irc messages it took about two minutes from the not loading of blocks anymore until the client finally crashed, no debug info is written after blocks failed to load. moving is normal during the dead time and allready loaded blocks are rendered correctly
16:44 Nerz erf
16:47 Zeno` hmmmm, ?
16:47 Zeno` what release
16:47 twoelk actually it is pretty similar to the lost-connection timeout except that the client hangs on it's way back to the main menu
16:47 Zeno` hmmmm, and why is you saying no stronger than me saying yes?
16:47 Zeno` that doesn't make sense
16:47 shadowzone Zeno`, we seem to have a problem.
16:47 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
16:48 hmmmm because one decision ruins the 0.4.12 release and the other does not
16:48 Zeno` hmmmm, what release?
16:48 hmmmm the 0.4.12 release
16:48 hmmmm in fact, weren't YOU the one to propose it?
16:48 Zeno` ages ago, yeah
16:48 hmmmm and we're going forward with it!
16:49 hmmmm are you saying you want to take it back?
16:49 Zeno` right!
16:49 Zeno` where is this mentioned? :(
16:49 Brains On the mailing list...  </jk>
16:49 hmmmm i thought it reached a significant consensus
16:50 * Zeno` checks his pockets
16:50 Zeno` nope, nothing here
16:50 hmmmm alright whatever.  *right now* do you agree with making an 0.4.12 release within a week??
16:50 * Zeno` looks at the topic... nope, nothing there
16:50 Zeno` yes I would agree to that
16:50 hmmmm okay
16:50 hmmmm in fact I think I mentioned this last night
16:50 Zeno` so, in that case I won't merge
16:51 hmmmm no new features were added since then
16:51 Zeno` I wasn't here last night, I was in hospital
16:51 hmmmm Zeno`:  a veto should override approval
16:51 Zeno` hmmmm, not if it's only one person
16:51 hmmmm what's the sample size though.
16:51 shadowzone I vote yes!
16:52 Zeno` anyway, I was in hospital after I got attacked by a crocodile so I had no idea there was a release planned for this wekk
16:52 Zeno` week*
16:52 hmmmm lol believable story
16:52 hmmmm what a crock :0
16:52 shadowzone O_O
16:52 Zeno` true fact
16:52 Zeno` look through the logs
16:52 shadowzone Did Krock get you?
16:53 shadowzone Zeno`, by the way, MTZ-Basic crashed.
16:53 Topic for #minetest-dev is now **FEATURE FREEZE FOR 0.4.12** **TENATIVE RELEASE DATE: 01/29/15** Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
16:53 Zeno` anyway I didn't know about an imminent release :(
16:54 Zeno` shadowzone, is deezl or CWz online?
16:54 Zeno` shadowzone, I can't ssh to it from windows
16:54 hmmmm 1 week sounds fair enough
16:54 shadowzone I could, and no.
16:54 shadowzone Yep
16:54 hmmmm note: after this release we switch to the new release model
16:54 hmmmm we NEED to for everyone's sanity
16:54 VanessaE what version number will it start at?
16:55 hmmmm I vote for 1.0.0
16:55 VanessaE I vote for 5.0
16:55 Zeno` yeah 1.0.0 is fine with me
16:55 shadowzone I vote for 1.0.0
16:55 shadowzone My inner 1st grader comes out saying "0.X, 1.X"
16:56 T4im vote for 5.0
16:56 Zeno` 5.0 or 5.0.0?
16:56 Zeno` there cannot be 5.0
16:57 Nerz no
16:57 Nerz you cannot improve it
16:57 T4im 5.0.0, 5.0 being the shortform omitting the "patch" field
16:57 Nerz the network protocol is purely shit
16:57 selat joined #minetest-dev
16:57 Nerz if you need to increment the version like this, wait the network protocol to be rewritten
16:57 T4im fair enough actually for any major increment ^^
16:57 Nerz there are some ugly things, like a packet with U16 ID but the answer is U32 ID
16:57 * twoelk mumbles for 0.5.0
16:58 Zeno` Nerz, what we're trying to do is get a semantic versioning system in place (or something that at least resembles it)
16:58 Nerz or you have PASSWORD in a STATIC 28 CHAR instead of a dynamic packet sized string
16:58 Zeno` 5.0 just seems silly to me
16:58 hmmmm Nerz, that's because passwords are sent as hashes, are they not?
16:59 shadowzone Zeno`, just checked, deezl is not online, CWz is but away from keyboard.
16:59 Nerz username is a STATIC CHAR 20
16:59 Nerz it's not a hash :p
16:59 T4im zeno: many of us considered minetest at the version "4.11" at the moment… the 0 never was taken seriously
16:59 Zeno` it's actually malloc char 20 iirc
16:59 Nerz it's ugly
16:59 T4im with such a mental picture it stops looking silly :)
16:59 T4im and the other version starts to
16:59 Nerz std::string powa
17:00 Zeno` ok, 5
17:00 Zeno` whatever
17:00 Zeno` as long as it's consistent from then on :)
17:00 T4im don't you guys have someone in charge of public relations? I think it should be that persons call in the end
17:00 Nerz how can we announce feature freeze, there are so many PR and lags :s 5.0 will announce a major thing for users, and it's not
17:00 twoelk this will look stupid in history, people will think they missed something
17:00 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
17:00 Zeno` I am in charge of PR because I am fucking polite
17:00 T4im hehe
17:01 Zeno` i mean
17:01 Zeno` err
17:01 Zeno` nvm
17:02 Nerz increase major version mean major features, there are no major features here :) and sapier & me need to break protocol , a major progression is needed for that :p
17:02 Zeno` hmmmm, seriously... next time let me know if there is a planned release, please?
17:02 Zeno` or somebody at least
17:02 hmmmm it was planned yesterday
17:03 hmmmm you weren't around the entire day so...
17:03 Zeno` I wasn't on IRC yesterday, I was in hospital
17:03 hmmmm yes
17:03 T4im oh :( you're ok?
17:03 VanessaE 5.0(.0) because every idiot user (as opposed to intelligent ones) keeps calling 0.4.x just 4.x.  this will avoid any chance of confusing it in the future.
17:03 Zeno` so, after this release maybe there needs to be a protocol for that as well
17:03 hmmmm yes
17:03 hmmmm let's get a mailing list and announce things like these on it
17:04 shadowzone Now I see the logic in 5.0, I'm slow.
17:04 hmmmm like every other open source project ever
17:04 hmmmm mailing lists are more for developers, forums are targeted toward users
17:05 Nerz the prefix 0. is pretty good, this tell that the engine is not ready, and we all think it's the case
17:05 * Brains sees the logic in 5.0, he just thinks it is a mistake.  *shrug*
17:05 twoelk My unrelevant idea is still to make next release 0.5.0 as it is understandible and from there fast forward to 1.0.0 within months with more frequent releases.
17:05 Calinou “is not ready” BS
17:05 Calinou thank you
17:05 VanessaE twoelk: then users will be calling it 5.0, 1.0, 4.12..... which one's the latest?
17:06 VanessaE (of course we know, but they don't)
17:06 Nerz the course to the upper number is stupid, we are neither firefox nor google chrome
17:06 Nerz and there is no marketing to do :p
17:06 Calinou if you are going to start a new version scheme, I suggest starting over to 1.0
17:07 Nerz +1
17:07 Calinou so next release would be 1.0.0
17:07 Brains VanessaE: If you are a "modern" user and can't tell that 0.4.11 is before 0.5.0, then I'm not sure how much hand holding should be invested in you...  On the other hand, projects that do a 5.0 release from 0.4.11 look just plain silly and obviously doing a PR thing.
17:07 Calinou this is what Warsow did
17:07 Nerz but after 0.4.12
17:07 Nerz 0.4.12 for fixes, 1.0.0 big changes
17:07 VanessaE Brains: the problem is the proposed 1.0 - users call 0.4.x just 4.x.  now we will be giving them a 1.x.
17:08 hmmmm Nerz:  why do toclientpacket.cpp and toserverpacket.cpp only contain a constructor?
17:08 Nerz they are removed
17:08 Nerz in the next PR
17:08 Brains VanessaE: If the messaging on the website and engine itself is "0.4.11" and "0.5.0" or "1.0.0", then it is about as plain as can be.  You can only go so far with beating people over the head with obviousness.
17:08 hmmmm next PR??
17:08 Calinou only really unknowledgeable users call it 4.x
17:08 Calinou and they should be proven wrong
17:08 Nerz ofc hmmmm
17:08 Zeno` we could make it
17:09 twoelk the next highest logical step is 0.5.0 in my oppinion. from there on the pacing can be changed to second place instead of now third and when 1.0.0 is reached things get perfect - version number wise
17:09 Nerz #2119 is a read rewrite
17:09 Calinou please not 4 numbers, Zeno`
17:09 ShadowBot -- Rewrite client/server packet handling by nerzhul
17:09 shadowzone Zeno`, too many 0's
17:09 VanessaE Brains: but matter how obvious that leading zero is and how many times we correct them, they keep omitting it.
17:09 Calinou it's Freeminer silliness
17:09 Zeno` :D
17:09 hmmmm well, okay...
17:09 Nerz hmmmm next PR will be rewriting write on client side
17:09 Zeno` the leading 0 can be implied
17:09 est31 VanessaE: you can add a ~version to the bot in your server's irc channel
17:09 Nerz hmmmm :
17:09 Calinou or we can make the next version be 0.5.0, that makes sense
17:09 Zeno` does anyone want me to revert my last merge since I didn't know that there was a release imminent?
17:10 * Brains has no vote but suggests 0.5.0. bbiab
17:10 VanessaE Zeno`: nah, too late now
17:10 Zeno` can't remember what it was... something SN did
17:10 hmmmm send real port to server list?
17:10 Zeno` yeah
17:10 hmmmm it's fine... besides, how could that break
17:10 Zeno` yep, ok, I'll leave it
17:11 Zeno` I vote for 1.0.0 or 5.0.0
17:11 Zeno` heh :)
17:12 shadowzone I vote for 5.0.0.  REASON: My brothers and sister called it "Minetest 4.11" not "Minetest 0.4.11" only if I correct them.
17:12 Zeno` shadowzone's brothers have spoken! Case closed
17:12 shadowzone Lol
17:13 * Zeno` bangs his gavel
17:13 Zeno` next!
17:13 shadowzone Wait...What's next?
17:14 Zeno` nothing is next apart from a short wait
17:14 Zeno` next is the release
17:15 * twoelk thinks 0.5.0 would be nice version number for announcing officiall android support at a somewhat higher level than before
17:15 Zeno` twoelk, 0.5.0 is no good because it won't accommodate semantic versioning
17:16 Zeno` (nor backporting of bugfixes)
17:16 Zeno` so, really, it's 1.0.0 or 5.0.0 (IMO)
17:17 twoelk then there is no choice but 1.0.0 no matter what achievement qualifies such a version jump
17:17 Calinou we don't need to accomodate semver for now, perhaps
17:17 Zeno` Calinou, I think we do
17:17 Calinou then go for 1.0.0
17:17 Calinou but be sure to fix a lot of bugs and add at least one major feature, to not deceive users like Linux did :P
17:17 * twoelk is still not convinced though
17:18 Zeno` quite honestly 1.0.0 should really have been the version number before scripting was added
17:18 Zeno` but, can't change history
17:18 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:19 T4im git-filter-branch hmmm
17:19 twoelk a job for the timecops
17:19 twoelk where is the doctor when one needs him?
17:20 DoctorWho Gah!
17:21 * twoelk imagines a dessinterested stupid face to that sound
17:21 Zeno` I'll let you guys nut it out. I can see the benefits of both 1.0.0 and 5.0.0
17:21 Zeno` 5.0.0 (although I hate it) might be better for the public
17:22 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:22 * twoelk quietly wispers 0.5.0 next week and 1.0.0 next month?
17:23 Calinou 5.0.0 sounds like a gigantic bump, don't do it
17:23 Krock wut? 0.4.12?
17:24 Nerz twoelk, there are no major change for using 0.5.0, 0.4.12 is pretty good, and then, break the ice, change ugly things and 1.0 will be there :D
17:24 Acerspyro joined #minetest-dev
17:25 twoelk yeah but clearing the last digit befor jumping to doeble zero seems more logical to me
17:26 twoelk whatever is decided will have to be explained lots of times anyways as there seems to be no logical sollution
17:27 Nerz in fact, 3 digit is legitimate: 1 for major updates (new feature for users), 2 for minor changes (rewrites, performances...), 3 for minor update (memory leak...)
17:28 Calinou major update shouldn't be just new feature
17:28 Calinou it should be in case of a total overhaul
17:28 Nerz ofc
17:30 rubenwardy Just phrase is as a dropping of the 0.
17:30 jin_xi so i say 5.5.0 is nice as it echoes the projects histrory when it was minetest-c55
17:30 twoelk use android support to justify jump to 0.5.0 and network rewrite for 0.7.0 and break formspecs for 1.0.0
17:30 jin_xi but seriously im for 1.0.0 or so, jump to 5 is to big and arbitrary imo
17:33 Nerz twoelk, legitimate
17:33 twoelk lets see that could be adding client side lua to justify 2.0.0 and maybe mob-api for 3.0.0 :P
17:35 rubenwardy I suggest 4222.0
17:35 twoelk leave real implemented infinity for 10.0.0
17:36 twoelk and elevate to be gods with 42.0.0
17:37 Acerspyro How about we just jump straight to 666.666.6666
17:37 twoelk nah thats evil
17:37 rubenwardy (4222 is the number of commits so far)
17:37 Acerspyro or 6969.696969
17:38 Krock jump to (int)-1 pls
17:38 Krock *unsigned int
17:38 Acerspyro but seriously, majorversion.commit?
17:39 Acerspyro right now, we're at 0.4.11, idk how many releases have happened but it would be the number of releases.GITcommitNumber
17:39 Calinou commit number should only be used for dev build
17:39 Acerspyro Calinou: Yes
17:39 Acerspyro So it would be, for example if we had 52 releases
17:40 Acerspyro Minetest v.52
17:40 Acerspyro Why does that look insane to me, while it is clearly logic?
17:41 Nerz twoelk idea: use android support to justify jump to 0.5.0 and network rewrite for 0.7.0 and break formspecs for 1.0.0 seems pretty good
17:42 Krock Acerspyro, and the dev releases?
17:42 Acerspyro Minetest v.52.4222.0
17:43 Nerz beuark
17:43 Acerspyro Why does using big numbers as the major revision number look crazy, but makes sense?
17:44 PilzAdam why are people so obsessed with version numbers?
17:44 PilzAdam it doesn't matter at all
17:44 Acerspyro Minetest v.Whatever version you downloaded.
17:44 Krock yeah. just continue with 0.5.0 and everyone is happy
17:45 Acerspyro I wonder what's the major release number for if it's never used.
17:46 twoelk PilzAdam: in your how to report a bug you want a version information. so that better use a system users may understand
17:46 PilzAdam twoelk, I don't need to understand how version numbering works when I just have to copy the text from the top-left or --version output
17:48 twoelk If it is logical I don't have to copy it bit for bit and may notice more easily when I make a mistake
17:48 twoelk I can copy chinese signs but it is easier if I understand them
17:48 Krock Acerspyro, it's used just not now. it might take some years
17:49 Acerspyro What's gonna trigger its use?
17:49 Acerspyro (forward prediction much)
17:50 Krock it's there because we do it this way.
17:56 roniz joined #minetest-dev
18:14 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
18:22 Nerz everybody died because of too huge minetest version... IRC become a desert
18:24 hmmmm this is such a trivial thing to decide
18:24 hmmmm it's so ridiculous so much effort is being expended on the stupid things
18:24 hmmmm command decision:  next version is 1.0.0.  DONE
18:24 T4im big bikeshedding is followed by lots of cycling around
18:24 hmmmm LET'S MOVE ON
18:25 Nerz version is useless, commits are useful (but i think commit to change version is useless :p)
18:27 * twoelk hands hmmmm an umbrella for the shitstorm brewing on the horizon
18:28 VanessaE hmmmm: ok, as long as we can be sure of one thing else:  release early, release often...  no more of this 2-4 months between releases bs.
18:28 VanessaE (but you already addressed that previously)
18:30 VanessaE Nerz: version numbers serve a purpose:  to signal to the user what they have, and to tell those of us who have to field support requests/bug reports definitively whether the user has an up-to-date-enough version for whatever it is they're doing.
18:30 Nerz ofc
18:30 VanessaE users will never understand commit IDs
18:30 Nerz subversion commits are more readable than git, right :p
18:30 VanessaE and frankly, they're a little cumbersome to compare versus an incremental version number
18:32 T4im plus commit ids can sometimes create accidental words you might not want to publish… like beef or babe
18:32 VanessaE heh
18:32 T4im (seen those already)
18:35 Nerz :p
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20:32 * est31 senses version number bikeshedding
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20:45 est31 ~vers
20:45 est31 sorry
20:46 VanessaE 0.4.11.kiss_my_ass
20:46 VanessaE ;)
20:55 shadowzone o.o
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21:03 rubenwardy How about
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23:06 sapier joined #minetest-dev
23:08 sapier VanessaE: any issues with the new packet code?
23:08 VanessaE not so far.
23:08 VanessaE but,
23:08 VanessaE it's been decided not to merge until after the 0.4.12 release (on jan 29)
23:09 sapier I see, a release? now? :-)
23:09 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
23:09 sapier well I guess this has been discussed long enough as usual :)
23:10 sapier any opinions about the autohiding button bar? merge prior or after 0.4.12
23:10 sapier ?
23:11 VanessaE it's technically a feature and we're in freeze now, but as it's android and it's kinda needed for usability, I don't see a reason to wait
23:12 sapier did you have time to test the apk?
23:12 VanessaE no, I didn't
23:12 VanessaE but I've pointed others at it
23:12 VanessaE I'm unclear if they were able to successfully use it though
23:13 VanessaE wait.
23:13 VanessaE lemme see if anyone's using it :)
23:13 sapier :-) guess the file download is timed out by now
23:14 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
23:14 Topic for #minetest-dev is now **FEATURE FREEZE FOR 0.4.12** **TENATIVE RELEASE DATE: 2015-01-29** Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
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23:14 VanessaE nope, it still downloads.
23:15 sapier good
23:15 sapier I'm unsure about the exact positions
23:15 VanessaE I get no responses from anyone if it's being used or not :-/
23:16 VanessaE wait
23:16 VanessaE [01-22 13:52] <Builder123@MTZB> ok have them installed and running on tablet and phone as well
23:16 PilzAdam hmmmm, date format should conform to ISO 8601
23:16 VanessaE I think he's talking about your apk, sapier.
23:17 VanessaE [01-23 10:19] <Builder123> I like the improvements for android - has more controls approaching the PC versions
23:18 sapier hmmmm I guess android apk will be a little bit out of sync anyway so I'm gonna merge it immediately after 0.4.12 release and do the andorid 0.4.12 version right after merging it
23:18 VanessaE that's about all I could get from anyone, and as you can tell by those timestamps, that's a little old.
23:19 sapier sounds like ppl see it as improvement
23:19 sapier well one person
23:21 acerspyro Should fix scrollbars
23:23 sapier acerspyro: could you at least one time please provide a suggestion telling what you actually mean?
23:23 VanessaE sapier: there may be an issue with the network patch..
23:23 sapier what issue?
23:23 VanessaE;t=4057&amp;p=168651#p168552
23:23 acerspyro oh sorry
23:23 acerspyro The scroll bar is hard to grab
23:24 acerspyro Something usual on android like hold and moving your finger to scroll might be better
23:24 VanessaE at first I thought MichaelEh was having inadequate RAM problems, but now his description looks like a network timeout since I enforce 0.4.11-or-higher on that server
23:25 sapier acerspyro: what scrollbars are you talking about?
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23:26 acerspyro sapier: Server list
23:26 sapier VanessaE: any way to reproduce it by now?
23:26 sapier acerspyro: on android or pc?
23:26 VanessaE sapier: I can't reproduce it, no, but I don't run Windows, either.
23:26 kilbith MichaelEh's quote : "In fact, 0.4.11 for windows either 32 or 64 crashes on my windows 7.1 Enterprise even in single player mode. It's either not render SOME media types or NONE at all."
23:26 kilbith ...
23:26 acerspyro sapier: On Android
23:27 clymancer wtf kilbith
23:27 VanessaE kilbith: by that he means either he plays with 0.4.10 and some media types (e.g. meshes) can't be rendered, or none at all work (because 0.4.11 or newer just crashes)
23:27 sapier acerspyro: what's the issue there, to small or something else?
23:27 acerspyro Yes, it's a bit too small and hard to browse, but that's not what I'm talking about
23:28 acerspyro You have to grab the tiny scrollbar to scroll down
23:28 sapier 0.4.10 crashes if you join a 0.4.11 server? are you kidding?
23:28 acerspyro and if you move your finger outside of its area, it stops scrolling
23:28 VanessaE sapier: nono, 0.4.11 crashes way more than 0.4.10 did, and I even tried pointing him at sfan5's latest builds, to no positive effect.
23:29 sapier acerspyro: sounds like an issue hard to fix, I'm gonna think about it but I doubt there's gonna be a quick solution
23:29 VanessaE his "greyed out" symptom reminds me of what happens when trying too-new of a client to connect to say redcrab
23:29 VanessaE that's why I wondered if it was a network glitch
23:29 acerspyro sapier: Seems like this lacks flexibility on the GUIs
23:30 sapier VanessaE: I remember seeing this when running mt in valgrind too ... did assume it was a valgrind issue
23:30 VanessaE plus a LOT of people are still complaining about crashes after playing for a while (5 to 20 mins), indicating a memory leak somewhere.  worse if the game already uses a lot of RAM, e.g. dreambuilder
23:30 sapier acerspyro: our gui is extremely limited and no there ain't any chance for a quick fix
23:30 kilbith ... since mesh node implementation, yes
23:31 acerspyro Hmm, not willing to be too demanding, but how about using another backend for the GUIs?
23:31 sapier VanessaE: could be one of those issues we fixed about a week ago, I don't think a lot of ppl run clients that recent
23:31 acerspyro but this isn't a quick fix either, but will probably make fixing other GUI issues in the future way easier
23:31 VanessaE kilbith: enable_mesh_cache = false  will help, but doesn't stop the leak.
23:31 sapier acerspyro: if you wanna implement it no problem
23:32 VanessaE sapier: michael tried a build that's now only about 2 days old
23:32 sapier acerspyro: usually switching gui frontend just changes old issues for new issues you don't know yet
23:32 sapier and for our gui we've got a lot of history to cope with
23:33 sapier yet writing a new gui including formspec replacement is quite a lot of work so if there's any student willing to spend about 3-6 months of time?
23:33 acerspyro not me
23:34 sapier VanessaE: memory loss in that new clients is strange... wonder if it's a leak or just stall memory
23:34 acerspyro I suck at developing stuff and I know it.
23:34 acerspyro sapier: I got that leak too
23:34 VanessaE sapier: there are bad leaks in 0.4.11-release, most of which have been fixed in subsequent commits.  there's apparently a few left is all.
23:34 VanessaE ditto for crashes
23:35 sapier well I'd suggest finding those leaks prior release
23:35 sapier any ways to reproduce them ?
23:35 acerspyro play for a long time
23:35 VanessaE sapier: connect and play for a while
23:35 est31 oh interesting... currently my minetest uses 3.4 gib... gonna pull and recompile
23:35 acerspyro est31: lelz
23:35 sapier let me be more precise any valgrind capable ways to reproduce them ;)
23:35 VanessaE est31: 3.4 GB?  what the hell are you running?
23:36 acerspyro VanessaE: nothing
23:36 VanessaE sapier: catch zeno, he's good at that :)
23:36 VanessaE est31: any texture pack?
23:36 est31 VanessaE: the instance thats connected to your survival server
23:36 acerspyro It can be doing plain fuckin nothing, and it can go up to 2 TB if left long enough.
23:36 est31 no nothing
23:36 VanessaE est31: oh, it's just sitting idle to test the leak?
23:36 est31 its commit g9b0d77a
23:36 VanessaE and you turned off that mesh cache?
23:36 est31 sitting idle?
23:37 est31 mesh cache let me see
23:37 VanessaE idle as in you're not actively playing
23:37 VanessaE just leaving it sitting there connected.
23:37 kilbith only 1GB for me with nothing...
23:37 VanessaE kilbith: that's consistent with what you should see right after connecting.
23:37 acerspyro kilbith: still too much for a game like MT
23:37 est31 I have a caverealms cave loaded... gonna retry and sit idle
23:37 VanessaE (before map has had time to load)
23:38 VanessaE est31: eh, that doesn't mean too much, map data should be a few dozen megs tops
23:38 kilbith oops, sorry, it's the total RAM usage ._.
23:38 kilbith 281 MB for minetest
23:38 acerspyro lol
23:38 acerspyro better
23:38 VanessaE kilbith: doing what?
23:38 VanessaE what server/game?
23:38 kilbith nothing, standing, new world
23:39 kilbith with homedecor and UI
23:39 est31 should I try enable_mesh_cache = false  ?
23:39 VanessaE est31: you should, it'll cut your usage by ~800 MB
23:39 VanessaE but it won't stop the leak
23:39 VanessaE (doesn't anyone read the forums? :P )
23:39 sapier nope ;-)
23:40 sapier we assume you're gonna tell us anything important VanessaE ;-)
23:40 VanessaE I like 6 places :)
23:41 VanessaE and I even set it so dreambuilder's .conf  :)
23:41 VanessaE (not that that helps server players)
23:41 est31 weird when I try to return to menu MT crashes. lets see whether I can reproduce...
23:42 est31 no
23:42 sapier est31 sounds like some sort of cleanup issue
23:42 est31 src/script/cpp_api/s_base.cpp:75: ScriptApiBase::ScriptApiBase(): Assertion 'm_luastack' failed.
23:42 sapier no lua stack available?
23:42 sapier very strange
23:43 est31
23:44 est31 I've stopped starting minetest with gdb perhaps I should re-introduce this
23:44 sapier is this everything?
23:44 est31 nothing unusual on stdout/err
23:44 sapier this looks like a race condition
23:45 sapier seems like something is done while client did already shutdown/delete required things
23:46 kahrl perhaps the system is simply out of memory and so luaL_newstate fails to allocate memory?
23:47 sapier possible too but prior starting new lua stack we did shutdown client I'd expect this to provide enough memory for a lua stack?
23:47 kahrl yeah, that's true
23:48 kahrl maybe the heap is too fragmented or something obscure like that
23:48 est31 memory was ~60%
23:48 VanessaE kahrl, sapier:  for the sake of memory, can we get the mesh cache to be disabled by default, and its minetest.conf/internal variable changed so that it can't accidentally be turned back on?
23:48 sapier could be ... guess we should fix that damn texture fetching issue soon
23:48 sapier or at least make it a proper assert
23:48 VanessaE (e.g. by someone's old config who wasn't paying attention)
23:49 kahrl VanessaE: why? it's a good thing in most cases
23:49 VanessaE kahrl: it's a bad thing.  800MB is not worth the intangible benefit.
23:49 kahrl it's only 800MB with dreambuilder
23:49 sapier "only" ;-)
23:49 VanessaE yeah I know, but even with minetest_game I'm sure it takes a significant amount.
23:50 VanessaE and I can't fix clients, I can only fix singleplayer
23:50 kahrl sapier: "only" refers to the game not the memory :P
23:50 VanessaE (with the game's setting I mean)
23:50 kahrl I don't think it takes much at all in minetest_game
23:51 kahrl how many nodebox/mesh nodes are there? less than a dozen?
23:51 * VanessaE reaches into the aether and pokes at Zeno`
23:51 VanessaE in minetest_game?  probably a couple dozen.
23:51 VanessaE no mesh nodes, but plenty of nodeboxes (stairs/slabs)
23:51 kahrl that number is small enough that the mesh cache won't be a problem
23:52 VanessaE but afaik it affects everything that is converted internally to a mesh and which can use facedir
23:52 kahrl disabling it would be bad for mesh making performance
23:52 VanessaE zeno and I tested doesn't seem to have a tangible effect on mesh-building
23:52 VanessaE but okay.
23:53 kahrl link?
23:53 VanessaE it was private chat
23:53 * VanessaE reaches into the aether and pokes at Zeno` some more

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