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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-03-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 paramat done =)
00:11 est31 joined #minetest-dev
00:15 paramat left #minetest-dev
00:23 est31 does the server do any kind of formspec parsing?
00:23 est31 I haven't found any code
00:24 est31 I'm asking because of #2308
00:24 ShadowBot -- Server should send other players inventories when its needed
00:25 est31 so either the server parses the formspec, or we create a lua function that causes the inventory to be sent
02:08 prozacgod joined #minetest-dev
02:19 Anchakor1 joined #minetest-dev
02:20 Anchakor2 joined #minetest-dev
02:40 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
03:02 Zeno` ShadowNinja, why is strgettext() not used anymore, and replaced with usages such as: wide_to_narrow(wstrgettext("Def  ... which converts narrow to wide and then back to narrow in the calling function?
03:03 est31 Zeno`, do you know whether the server does formspec parsing?
03:03 est31 see chatlog why that is interesting
03:04 Zeno` chatlog?
03:04 est31
03:05 Zeno` hmm
03:06 paramat joined #minetest-dev
03:11 est31 does implementing a minetest.send_player_inventory(ofname, toname) method sound reasonable?
03:12 dzho joined #minetest-dev
03:12 est31 that method would send the inventory of ofname to toname, and only use case would be to populate local data for formspec
03:14 paramat #2434 this works but please could someone check i have the correct defined value for the added 5th flag 'deco force placement'? i assume the progression is 0x01 0x02 0x04 0x08 0x20 0x40 0x80 .. ?
03:14 ShadowBot -- Biome API: Enable decorations placed on water. Add schematic decoration force place flag by paramat
03:16 est31 paramat, what about 0x10?
03:16 est31 it would be next free bit
03:16 paramat okay thanks
03:16 est31 unless its occupied by sth else
03:17 Zeno` you know the easiest way to write that?
03:17 est31 because 0x10 == 16
03:17 est31 1 << n ?
03:18 Zeno`
03:18 est31 yup
03:18 * paramat looks
03:19 paramat i need to learn my bitwise stuff =/
03:21 Zeno` As for the formspecs... I've never really looked at that part of the engine, but it "sounds" reasonable :3
03:29 paramat okay i understand bitwise stuff now, after some web searching
03:29 Zeno` est31, I've managed to get Android builds to work but with any locale other than English all the strings are empty (well, almost empty)
03:30 est31 /mine is german
03:30 Zeno` est31 and german works for you on Android (I can't remember)
03:30 est31 yes it works, but not with your commit
03:30 est31 it breaks something
03:31 Zeno` nah, I mean from current master
03:31 est31 current master works for me
03:31 est31 have to check whether its really german
03:31 Zeno` I think I might reclone my repo... dunno how that'll help, but *shrug*
03:33 est31 ok I have to rebuild it as currently my phone has your commit installed
03:46 est31 you know what might be the issue Zeno`?
03:46 est31 that its not your commit
03:47 est31 because now I've tested master and also got those weird strings
03:47 est31 it might be that I had an error with installing it on my phone
03:47 est31 but it very much looks like a regression.
03:47 est31 trying older commit...
03:54 Zeno` good. I was starting to think I was going insane :)
04:23 paramat pull 2434 is corrected and docs added, will push in 2 hours
04:23 paramat left #minetest-dev
04:23 ShadowNinja Zeno`: Because someone didn't know it existed supposedly.  Please fix those instances.
04:24 est31 joined #minetest-dev
04:25 Zeno` ShadowNinja, I'm just wondering the best way to do it. Currently I have but I think now that I can get rid of that silly extra inline function I made and just use gettext() directly. On the other hand, by using the inline function things can be changed so I'm undecided
04:26 * est31 is still struggling with getting the app to his phone
04:26 Zeno` So I might leave it. Dunno yet
04:27 Zeno` hmm, if I do that I'd need to add another keyword to update script thing :/
04:27 ShadowNinja Zeno`: No need for std::string around strgettext, and gettext doesn't require freeing, so you can use that if you're using it directly as a char*.
04:28 ShadowNinja But it you're storing it in an std::string I'd use strgettext.
04:28 Zeno` I shouldn't have re-cloned minetest. I have work in two different repos now :3
04:34 Zeno` link updated. All my changes in a single repo now. I knew it was a bad idea to re-clone heh
04:34 Zeno` (while I was in the middle of something else)
04:34 ShadowNinja Zeno`: Oh, definitely don't add strgettext_c though.  The str prefix stands for std::string.
04:35 Zeno` yeah
04:35 Zeno`
04:35 Zeno` oh ok
04:35 Zeno` I didn't know about that str prefix nomenclature
04:36 Zeno` I'll fix that
04:37 Zeno` aren't functions called str* reserved anyway?
04:38 Zeno` well, str* where * starts with a lowercase alpha character
04:39 ShadowNinja std::* is reserved, although aliases are added for most things globally.
04:39 ShadowNinja I didn't chose the prefix though, it's moddeled after wstrgettext.
04:40 Zeno` I didn't add the function by the way. I added the overloaded variant ;)
04:40 Zeno` But.. hmm
04:41 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
04:42 est31 Zeno`, 100% confirmed regression
04:42 Zeno` good. I am not insane after all :)
04:42 est31 and bisecting breaks at first step because build fails
04:42 est31 :(
04:43 est31 what I know this far: b4cdbc997f is good, master is baf
04:43 est31 bad*
04:43 ShadowNinja Zeno`: Can you check #2395?
04:43 ShadowBot -- Clean up database API and save the local map on an interval by ShadowNinja
04:44 Zeno` est31, any luck with ?
04:44 VanessaE ShadowNinja: did that rewrite of the migrate code ever get committed?
04:44 Zeno` ShadowNinja, yes I will check it
04:45 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Working on it :-) ^
04:45 VanessaE oh, that's the same PR?  the name doesn't suggest it :P
04:45 Zeno` ShadowNinja, has it changed today? Because I reviewed that the other day
04:46 Zeno` when it still had WIP tag
04:46 ShadowNinja Zeno`: No.  You didn't comment on it though.
04:46 Zeno` Oh. Well, I'll look at it again :)
04:47 ShadowNinja VanessaE: That was an added benefit of not having the database require half of Minetest to be instantiated.
04:47 VanessaE oh heh
04:47 VanessaE hell of a benefit :)
04:47 ShadowNinja Also, I might write a PostgreSQL backend.
04:48 est31 my guess its loading of unified inventory :D
04:50 Zeno` ShadowBot, it seems fine to me
04:50 Zeno` err ShadowNinja
04:51 ShadowNinja est31: Partly, but mostly creating a MapBlock, NodeMetaDataList of NodeMetaData and an InventoryList of Inventories of ItemStacks and 4096 MapNodes and then re-serializing it whwn all that was needed wan an assignment.
04:52 est31 ShadowNinja, unified inventory requires ~20 secs to load for dreambuilder
04:52 est31 perhaps one day I'll fix the issues you pointed out on gregorycu's PR, as he isn't very motivated anymore as it seems
04:52 ShadowNinja est31: I know, but it's not the 2hour+ difference that ^ causes.
04:53 est31 2 hour ?!
04:53 est31 I only see 4 mins
04:56 Zeno` est31, can you try my patch on Android? I can't wait until I get back onto my main computer to check :P
04:57 est31 I'm currently bisecting Zeno`
04:57 est31 but after my build finishes, I'll try yours
04:57 est31 what is your commit about btw
04:57 Zeno` ok thanks
04:57 est31 is it to fix that precise issue?
04:57 est31 or sth else
05:00 Zeno` I'm just doing general stuff atm because I'm on my laptop. But it may fix the issue
05:05 ShadowNinja est31: 4 minutes on my tiny testing DB.  The difference is measured in hours for the big servers.
05:05 est31 ok
05:05 est31 Zeno`, no your commit didnt fix
05:06 est31 while bisecting, I saw that it first got worse and then got totally bad
05:06 est31 first, every string would be displayed well, but the end wouldn't be recognized, then it turned into total garbage
05:07 est31 might also be randomness I admit
05:10 Zeno` it might also be being overwritten :/
05:11 Zeno` Pushing in 10 minutes (simple bug fix)
05:14 est31 why exactly is it still optional to have freetype builds
05:14 est31 I mean, without freetype, minetest isn't international
05:15 Zeno` I dunno actually
05:16 Zeno` I think there *was* discussion about removing the non-freetype option
05:19 est31 travis doesn't try android builds, does it?
05:19 est31 it should
05:20 est31 I cant bisect if half of the history doesnt even compile :(
05:21 * est31 looks at sfan5
05:21 Zeno` yes, it's a problem isn't it :(
05:22 chchjesus_ joined #minetest-dev
06:02 est31 Zeno`, results of my git bisect, the break is somewhere in here:
06:03 est31 however, can't nail it down further, as I can't compile more
06:03 Zeno` thanks
06:04 Zeno` :(
06:12 est31 joined #minetest-dev
06:31 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
06:35 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
06:48 selat joined #minetest-dev
06:49 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:24 est31 joined #minetest-dev
07:58 est31 I want to create a new function inside the lua api but my code wont work
07:59 est31 my code :
08:00 est31 this commit is where I think it all doesn't woek
08:00 est31 work*
08:02 est31 I mean, it doesn't even catch the assert(false)
08:02 est31 and it *really* should catch that
08:02 est31 what mistake have I made?
08:03 est31 Zeno`, ShadowNinja ideas?
08:07 Zeno` I will check when I get back :)
08:08 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:11 est31 nrzkt, can you read my code?
08:11 est31
08:11 est31 its not working
08:11 nrzkt hi est31
08:11 est31 its not even catching the assert(false)
08:11 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
08:11 est31 hi :)
08:13 nrzkt hmmm, you have a problem with the packet reading, right ?
08:14 kilbith i had a big freeze yesterday when quitting a server:
08:14 nrzkt i think it's related to putRawString use, which is special think
08:14 nrzkt thing*
08:15 est31 its not even catching the assert(false)
08:15 est31 also, when I do logging inside that function, it doesnt print
08:15 nrzkt which function ?
08:15 est31
08:29 est31 joined #minetest-dev
08:30 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
08:36 est31 joined #minetest-dev
08:44 blaze joined #minetest-dev
08:46 nrzkt est31: oh i see
08:51 nrzkt i don't know why this isn't used, but it's an lua call. Do you call it somewhere ?
08:52 nrzkt i think you have a problem with your registered command, no ?
08:59 est31 nrzkt, that function should be called when you type /inv other_player_name into the console
09:00 est31 the code that uses that is also part of the commit
09:00 nrzkt yeah i see, but i seems your Lua call is not done, no ?
09:01 nrzkt else the assert will work without problem
09:01 est31 its done here:
09:01 nrzkt yes i see, but this must assert when you type /inv, no ?
09:02 est31 yes it should do the assert when I type /inv
09:02 est31 but it doesnt
09:12 nrzkt this is very strange
09:23 nrzkt i let you search, i don't know why this doesn't work here, i think a problem mapping lua <-> c++
09:23 nrzkt i'm working on some useless std::list to convert them to std::vector
09:24 est31 you said inventory.cpp was ugly, or was it something else?
09:25 nrzkt not ugly, it's pretty, but the algorithm is very very complicated i think
09:33 est31 serialisation? or other?
09:36 nrzkt Lua call to C++ call
09:44 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
09:45 nrzkt i will push another std::list to std::vector improvement
09:45 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
09:47 BlockMen nrzkt, tell me when done plz. i will push #2406 then
09:47 ShadowBot -- Fix some rendering glitches by BlockMen
09:51 nrzkt it's done. Have you fixed the brace i mentioned ? :)
09:54 est31 BlockMen, can you help? I want to register a lua api function but calling it doesnt result in anything:
09:55 BlockMen nrzkt, ofc. and also done
09:55 nrzkt perfect :)
09:55 BlockMen est31, sorry. dont have time for now. just wanted to push this as promised yetserday
10:00 BlockMen left #minetest-dev
10:04 nrzkt we need to track and reduce PR... we are > 90
10:07 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
10:19 Guest53849 а завтра-то, завтра-то пятница!
10:20 Guest53849 (oh sorry)
10:20 nrzkt Guest53849 please speak english
10:20 Guest53849 wrong tab (
10:22 nrzkt i will push another convertion from std::list to std::vector into Server::asyncRunStep. I also refactor this part of code to a better style
10:27 selat joined #minetest-dev
10:36 est31 nrzkt, I think you can close #1306, as #2377 did the same and got merged
10:36 ShadowBot -- Fix line run on, making lua-api.txt more readable. by hoodedice
10:36 ShadowBot -- Wrap lines longer than 80 characters in lua_api.txt by rubenwardy
10:37 nrzkt done, thanks est31
10:38 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
10:44 nrzkt i will push some other std::list to std::vector improvements, especially on media and sounds loops. I also do this improvement on tile.cpp and i will move the file to client/ dedicated dir, be careful
10:48 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:48 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:00 nrzkt it's commited. Sorry for doing little commits instead of a huge commit but it's better for code review :)
11:03 casimir joined #minetest-dev
11:05 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
12:12 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
12:24 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
12:25 Wuzzy Hi there. Comments on this?:
12:26 blaze joined #minetest-dev
12:27 Zeno` from a quick glance it looks good
12:31 Zeno` Wuzzy, I'm fine with it
12:31 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
12:31 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
12:32 Wuzzy Did you read the tooltips?
12:32 Zeno` Yes but I will read them more closely later
12:32 Wuzzy okay, thanks
12:32 Zeno` I like them
12:32 Zeno` This text bug for android has me stumped
12:33 Zeno` I think I may just rewrite gettext related functions from scratch :(
12:34 Wuzzy Huh?
12:35 Zeno` Android is broken
12:39 Zeno` either that or revert all the patches associated with the bug
12:41 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
13:05 kilbith Wuzzy, the newline in Lua is \ not \n
13:10 kilbith nvm
13:12 Zeno` wtf... where did src/client/ come from?
13:16 nrzkt from main.cpp split
13:16 nrzkt when ClientLauncher class was separated from an old discussion with celeron55 (1 month ago i think)
13:17 Zeno` oh, that's right
13:17 Zeno` sorry I forgot (stressed about the text issue)
13:17 nrzkt be cool :D
13:18 Zeno` also I just ran minetest client with default values and the main menu doesn't seem to fit in 800*600 now?
13:21 kilbith Zeno`,
13:22 kilbith what do you mean ?
13:23 Zeno` I mean the really easy ones to find </sarcasm> hehe
13:25 kilbith although the debug is kinda explicit
13:26 Zeno` yeah, but still...
13:26 Zeno` anyway, I've changed #2287 to a blocker
13:26 ShadowBot -- Text bug on Android
13:26 Zeno` I can't find the issue
13:27 Zeno` I need better Android debugging skills :) If I use the android versions of affected functions on PC there is no problem, so I'm stumped
13:27 Zeno` s/PC/Linux
13:28 Zeno` Notice in the screenshot the actual error is strings not being terminated. That should have been fixed, but now on android all strings are just junk (mostly blank)
13:47 nrzkt VanessaE... :(
13:47 VanessaE ?
13:48 nrzkt hopefully plantlife was fixed but there was a huge bug on previous version. Server at 100% CPU using get_us_time 51M times per 5 minutes...
13:48 nrzkt be careful
13:48 VanessaE I already fixed that.
13:49 nrzkt i only update 1 per week and then you killed my server all the week , then don't tell about our bugs :p
13:49 VanessaE I posted about it on the forum :P
13:49 nrzkt i don't read the mods forum, i haven't time to do that and optimise the engine :p
13:51 VanessaE sorry
13:51 nrzkt hopefully valgrind spotted you :D
13:51 VanessaE heh
13:51 nrzkt more Lua calls on get_us_time than every other calls :p
13:52 VanessaE well anyway that particular issue was fixed within some hours of it occurring, so your update just caught the code at a bad time I guess
13:52 nrzkt i think so
13:52 VanessaE it didn't do my server any favors either
13:53 nrzkt me too, then i will add a special case on core to make more calls for your server to use 100% CPU everytime :p
13:54 VanessaE :P
14:00 Jordach_ joined #minetest-dev
14:21 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
14:26 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
14:32 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
14:34 luizrpgluiz What's the likelihood of having mobs in minetest?
14:37 Wuzzy you mean, in engine?
14:38 luizrpgluiz the game itself as passive and aggressive mobs as there was in previous versions of the game
14:40 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
14:45 luizrpgluiz if it had kept the old mobs in the game, many people would not leave the game as many people doing, vanilla would be better with the old mobs from the previous version of the game, 0.4.0
14:46 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
14:46 fz72 joined #minetest-dev
15:01 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:15 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest-dev
15:33 nrzkt i will ppush another std::list replacement (std::vector and std::queue)
15:42 Zeno` merging #2435 then I will sleep :)
15:42 ShadowBot -- Fix mapgen using unitialised height map values by Zeno-
15:43 Zeno` unitialised height :D
15:44 Zeno` I wish I'd checked that spelling... oh well hehe
15:45 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
16:09 proller joined #minetest-dev
16:10 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
16:13 ShadowNinja So I wrote a PostgreSQL backend.  I don't expect speed miracles because it's being used in synchronous mode (that's all the database API supports ATM), but it seems fast enough to be quite usable.  Next up: MapSaveThread (maybe)
16:20 ShadowNinja Also, I'll merge my DB fixup soon (today or tomorrow probably).  I've just got to remove some includes that seem unnecessary from the SQLite3 backend.
16:21 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
16:30 nrzkt ShadowNinja, i love you :D
16:30 nrzkt PostgreSQL is very good
16:30 nrzkt and what about mongodb ? :p
16:33 shadowzone nrzkt: hmm
16:52 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
16:52 ShadowNinja nrzkt: Any DB should be doable, but I've never used MongoDB.
16:54 nrzkt it's a nosql db, a little bit different from SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL
17:08 fz72_ joined #minetest-dev
17:08 nrzkt i will push two little commits to fix std::list misuse in game.cpp and collision.cpp
17:20 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:30 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
17:31 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:39 roniz joined #minetest-dev
17:40 rubenwardy #2383 is no longer a problem on latest master
17:40 ShadowBot -- Calling minetest.chat_send_all in minetest.register_on_newplayer causes hanging
17:45 ShadowNinja kahrl, anyone: Any idea why #2402 is failing for Clang?  As far as I can tell I didn't modify any code related to that part.
17:45 ShadowBot -- Clean up and tweak build and versioning systems by ShadowNinja
18:19 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:34 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
18:59 nrzkt well, modders, do you need some API improvements ?
19:03 shadowzone I think so
19:09 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
19:13 nrzkt i will push a little modification on l_get_modnames. I will remove our comparison. std::sort do the work, then we will use it :)
19:38 Krock yes, yes. gimme improvements!
19:40 nrzkt why not, but have you got ideas ? which new Lua call can improve modder's experience ?
19:42 Krock lol, I haven't got any idea :3
19:42 nrzkt Krock, you write mods ?
19:42 Krock sometimes
19:43 nrzkt high level api calls can be things like you call a function to get nodes and then you call a function to get each node properties and next you filter. An improvement here: you only call nodes you want :p
19:43 nrzkt if you know cases which look like this, don't hesitate
19:44 Krock not sure if it's Lua call releated but it might be useful to have 2 formspecs at once
19:44 nrzkt example ?
19:44 Krock or a system with a pop-up formspec
19:45 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
19:45 Krock I'm not good in finding any examples :3
19:46 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
19:54 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
19:57 nrzkt #2443 need reviews
19:58 ShadowBot -- MutexedQueue inherits from std::deque instead of instanciate a std::list by nerzhul
19:58 nrzkt i change the MutexedQueue function to use a proper std::deque because the main goal of this object is to be a std::deque with a mutex.
19:59 nrzkt i changed the design which instanciate std::list, and use a parenty to std::deque for a better class
20:03 Krock code looks okay but I'm not sure if that commit makes the queue better
20:34 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
20:36 luizrpgluiz how long will quit the update 0.4.12 for Ubuntu?
20:36 nrzkt we don't know. On FreeBSD and Archlinux this is pushed
20:36 nrzkt and available :)
20:37 luizrpgluiz because I just thought the version daily builds
20:38 luizrpgluiz the current version is compatible with 0.4.12?
20:40 nrzkt you mean master ?
20:58 luizrpgluiz no
20:59 luizrpgluiz minetest - 201503051031-0~3528~ubuntu14.04.1
21:00 luizrpgluiz because I just found this and is the latest development, I'm not even a little in order to download another Linux only to have the minetest 0.4.12
21:17 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
21:21 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
21:21 luizrpgluiz who is responsible for the world generator in minetest?
21:23 kilbith you're going to repeat the same questions for how long ?
21:24 kilbith nobody here will bother to be your personal intendant
22:10 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
22:13 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest-dev
22:14 BlockMen joined #minetest-dev
22:19 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
22:25 BlockMen can i push ?
22:27 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
22:28 BlockMen fixes #2385 ^
22:28 ShadowBot -- Saner raillike group handling
22:29 VanessaE BlockMen: have you tested what that will do with more esoteric uses of raillike, like roof shingles in homedecor?
22:29 BlockMen VanessaE, code example plz
22:30 VanessaE
22:30 VanessaE those, for example
22:30 VanessaE not that I expect a problem, but I've seen some pretty weird uses of the nodes in my mod :P
22:30 BlockMen VanessaE, nothing will change there ;)
22:30 VanessaE ok good
22:31 VanessaE bbl
22:31 nrzkt seems good for me
22:31 BlockMen ok, pushing then
22:33 BlockMen done
23:00 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
23:17 domtron joined #minetest-dev
23:35 domtron joined #minetest-dev
23:38 BlockMen left #minetest-dev

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