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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-04-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 est31 ok bye again just joined to point this out
00:29 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
01:20 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
02:25 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
03:37 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
03:44 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
04:32 leat2 joined #minetest-dev
04:42 Zeno` amazing
04:43 Zeno` myround() has been broken since... forever
04:43 Zeno` heh
04:43 Zeno` hmmmm, you're the unit test person now :P
04:44 Zeno` the most glamorous responsibility possible and you've got it
04:57 hmmmm paying down technical debts on all my own work
04:57 hmmmm i'm not writing unittests for others
05:09 Zeno` But you're the unittest subsystem maintainer
05:10 Zeno` (/me quickly edits the wiki)
05:19 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
05:22 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
05:26 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
05:36 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:21 nore joined #minetest-dev
06:50 selat joined #minetest-dev
06:57 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
06:59 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
07:09 err404 joined #minetest-dev
07:10 sofar guys, I'm attempting to player:set_look_yaw() but even with cinematic disabled I can't ever get the final look yaw to work out.
07:11 sofar I stone player:get_look_yaw() and then later player:set_look_yaw() that same value, and it just looks a different direction
07:11 sofar same for pitch
07:11 sofar it seems with pitch that my character is rotated 90 degrees anti-clocwise as seen from above
07:14 sofar I don't do any stupid deg-to-rad conversions, I literally use the output of the get_ in the set_
07:15 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
07:19 sofar so far, I think like pitch is negated (huh) and yaw gets added 1/2 pi
07:21 sofar I really don't understand why I'd have to do this:
07:21 sofar player:set_look_yaw(warps[i].yaw - (math.pi/2))
07:21 sofar if warps[i].yaw == player:get_look_yaw()
07:21 sofar and pitch is:
07:21 sofar player:set_look_pitch(0 - warps[i].pitch
07:21 sofar )
07:21 * sofar checks github issues
07:28 cib joined #minetest-dev
07:29 hmmmm well don't look at me
07:31 sofar hmmmm: hehehe
07:32 sofar I filed a github issue. Probably should fix get_look_yaw() output
07:44 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
07:54 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
08:04 Yepoleb joined #minetest-dev
08:31 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
08:47 book` joined #minetest-dev
09:11 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:48 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
10:08 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
11:06 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
11:13 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
11:46 selat joined #minetest-dev
12:33 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
12:54 selat joined #minetest-dev
13:00 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
13:04 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
13:33 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
13:43 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
13:45 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
14:08 selat joined #minetest-dev
14:17 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
14:44 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:47 younishd joined #minetest-dev
15:06 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
15:06 ShadowNinja hmmmm: I don't like NetworkPacket either, but I already started reworking it.
15:07 ShadowNinja The << -> insert/append/addFoo changes are good, but they'll require a lot of changes.
15:09 ShadowNinja A more C++y way to do it would be template<typename T> append<T>(const T &src); with specializations, you'd have to make the type mandatory though.
15:11 ShadowNinja Oh, and a better way to do the log silencing thing would probably be with bool Logger::silenced_outputs[LL_MAX]; or similar.
15:11 ShadowNinja That way it's only stored once and only checked once.
15:13 hmmmm no on no no
15:14 hmmmm stop changing things to be The C++ Way
15:14 hmmmm that doesn't make them automatically cleaner
15:14 hmmmm templates are absolutely horrendous and we should seek to avoid them at all costs
15:14 hmmmm the past couple of times in my own projects where i decided it would be a good idea to use templates, it turned out to be a horrible idea
15:14 hmmmm it devolves everything into an unreadable mess
15:15 hmmmm caveat, unless it's a very simple obvious usage
15:28 ShadowNinja Hmmm, silenced_levels should really be atomic, even if it's only used by one thread currently.  I don't have an implementation of that though (it's in my threading PR).  I guess a volatile bool is good enough, since loads and stores to that are atomic on all architectures I've checked (x86, ARM, and maybe MIPS).
15:47 misprint joined #minetest-dev
15:50 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:50 est31 joined #minetest-dev
15:51 est31 ShadowNinja, btw whats missing for the security patch?
15:51 est31 The actual PR points to an outdated branch, doesnt it?
15:52 ShadowNinja est31: Nothing.  I started implementing the partially-functioning-require() thing, but it turned out to be very ugly depends on Lua implementation internals.
15:52 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
15:53 est31 is require really that important?
15:53 ShadowNinja No.
15:53 est31 admittedly, I came here and raised that issue, but I never thought it was important or a blocker issue
15:54 est31 also OK if we don't have that API to access mod directories
15:54 est31 (for that skins mod in dreambuilder)
15:54 est31 that can come later
16:01 ShadowNinja I implemented that The Right Way with LFS, but it can also be fixed by simply asking for the insecure env and using it in the open call.
16:02 est31 LFS?
16:02 * est31 has seen too much github LFS ads the last days
16:04 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:05 ShadowNinja est31: LuaFileSystem.
16:05 est31 ok
16:14 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
16:18 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
16:38 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
16:39 Zeno` est31, since I am preparing for bad weather (which will probably mean power loss :() I vote for your PR once you fix the style issues
16:41 est31 ok thanks :)
16:41 Zeno` char * not char* e.g. and remove casts that are not necessary :{
16:41 Zeno` :P*
16:42 est31 I'll have to read up when casts are neccessary
16:44 Zeno` ShadowNinja, what's wrong with "modtime" (vs. mod_time)?
16:47 ShadowNinja Zeno`: It isn't a real compound word.
16:47 Zeno` and?
16:48 ShadowNinja Zeno`: Mashups like that can be confusing
16:48 Zeno` for a local variable?
16:48 ShadowNinja Zeno`: Yes.
16:48 Zeno` If it was a global, then I'd agree
16:49 Zeno` but for a local... that's almost like saying don't use 'i' as a loop counter (that is an int)
16:49 ShadowNinja Zeno`: There shouldn't be any globals in Lua.
16:50 ShadowNinja Except for require() or the minetest table.
16:50 Zeno` ok
16:50 ShadowNinja (and mod namespaces, since there's no good alternative ATM)
16:51 Zeno` I would have called it mtime
16:51 Zeno` heh
16:59 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
17:09 ShadowNinja So, uh, security was approved a while ago IIRC, so unless there are objections I guess I'll merge it in a little while
17:10 ShadowNinja I already removed the working-but-horribly-ugly require() thing.
17:14 jin_xi Zeno`: thanks for your remarks on #2587 but...
17:14 ShadowBot -- wip irrlicht particles 2 by obneq
17:15 jin_xi at this stage its not about style, more if/how minetest can use what irrlicht offers
17:16 jin_xi so im more interested in comments on how to go about things in a more general way
17:16 Zeno` I only made 3 comments, and only 1 of those was about style
17:16 jin_xi look, i can not produce code suitable for mt, im not even a computer person
17:17 jin_xi im just trying to help the situation, which has been we'd like to use irrlichts particles but no one does the work
17:17 Zeno` comparing floating point numbers to a literal constant is not a good idea (it's not about style)
17:17 jin_xi of course you're right
17:17 jin_xi but i really need someone to look at the mechanisms involved
17:18 Zeno` Yes, but I can't do that when I don't understand something (e.g. the 667 comment)
17:19 Zeno` I wasn't being critical... my comments were just, well, comments
17:19 Zeno` probably reflecting more about me than anyone else
17:20 Zeno` but ....  return (irr::scene::E_PARTICLE_AFFECTOR_TYPE) 667;   I really don't "get" that
17:20 Zeno` I have no idea what it's meant to do :(
17:20 ShadowNinja Zeno`: It's a custom type that isn't in the enum I think.
17:21 jin_xi yes, just an unique number, and surely not the proper way to do it
17:21 ShadowNinja Irrlicht apparently doesn't let you properly register your own affector.
17:22 Zeno` A comment would help then. I did assume that, but... well, assumptions are bad
17:22 jin_xi so what this pull does now is to eliminate all tracking of spawners and particles from mt, and register an effector for camera offset
17:22 Zeno` is that defined behaviour btw?
17:23 Zeno` jin_xi, yeah I like it
17:24 Zeno` my comments are merely things that stood out
17:33 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:41 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-dev
17:41 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
17:42 werwerwer joined #minetest-dev
17:49 Wayward_One_ joined #minetest-dev
17:49 dzho joined #minetest-dev
17:49 disableclouds joined #minetest-dev
17:52 leat2 joined #minetest-dev
17:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
17:54 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
18:19 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
18:19 hmmmm and are down =/
18:20 est31 hubbard like the scientology founder?
18:20 hmmmm hubbard like the freenode server
18:20 est31 why is a freenode server named after him
18:21 est31 scientology and freenode are quite opposite things
18:21 hmmmm maybe they liked him
18:21 cib joined #minetest-dev
18:21 Krock maybe it's a common name
18:21 hmmmm but, seriously, probably Hubbard Cobb
18:21 Calinou soon we'll have
18:21 Krock ^^
18:21 est31 +1
18:21 hmmmm seems to me like they're named off of famous authors
18:22 est31 ah
18:22 est31 HITCHCOCK, SIR ALFRED [1899 - 1980] Born in Essex,
18:22 est31 England, Sir Alfred Hitchcock was a noted film director
18:22 est31 and producer. Over a long career he pioneered many modern
18:22 est31 techniques in film-making, made more than 50 feature films,
18:22 est31 and so on
18:22 est31 mine is no author :p
18:39 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
18:41 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
19:30 crazyR_ joined #minetest-dev
19:30 crazyR_ joined #minetest-dev
19:33 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
19:33 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:37 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
20:22 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
20:46 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
21:01 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:17 err404 joined #minetest-dev
21:27 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
21:47 Mallot1 joined #minetest-dev
22:20 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
23:02 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
23:27 sofar est31: freenode servers are all physicists -
23:31 est31 ~whois est31
23:31 ShadowBot est31: realname (~est31@unaffiliated/est31) has been on server since 10:50 AM, April 30, 2015 (idle for 0 seconds) and is voiced on #minetest-dev and is also on #minetest-technic and #minetest.
23:31 est31 * - HITCHCOCK, SIR ALFRED [1899 - 1980] Born in Essex,
23:31 est31 * - England, Sir Alfred Hitchcock was a noted film director
23:31 est31 * - and producer. Over a long career he pioneered many modern
23:31 est31 * - techniques in film-making, made more than 50 feature films,
23:31 est31 * - and influenced many present-day directors and producers.
23:31 est31 sofar ^
23:34 sofar ahh yes, lol
23:34 sofar freenode servers are all dead people?

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