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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-05-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:30 msantana joined #minetest-dev
00:52 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
00:58 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
01:24 est31 joined #minetest-dev
01:32 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
01:33 paramat joined #minetest-dev
01:36 paramat another PR for pushing later #2692
01:36 ShadowBot -- Mapgen v5/6/7: Cleanup node resolver and aliases by paramat
01:36 paramat left #minetest-dev
02:42 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
03:33 paramat joined #minetest-dev
03:38 paramat now pushing 2692
03:38 VanessaE wait, not THAT button! :)
03:39 paramat BOOM
03:43 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
03:43 FR^3 joined #minetest-dev
03:45 est31 was 2692 trivial?
03:45 paramat it is done
03:45 paramat fairly
03:49 FR^3 joined #minetest-dev
03:50 paramat a code cleanup. however i do have plans for mgv5/v7 to detect sandstone to enable generation of sandstone dungeons in sandstone biomes
03:50 VanessaE bbl
03:53 * est31 pushes in 15 minutes:
04:00 FR^3 joined #minetest-dev
04:25 paramat left #minetest-dev
04:37 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
04:54 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
05:08 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
05:28 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
05:52 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
05:53 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:08 ekem joined #minetest-dev
06:32 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
06:45 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
07:04 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
07:12 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
07:28 nore joined #minetest-dev
07:39 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
07:53 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
07:58 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
08:00 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest-dev
08:38 leat joined #minetest-dev
09:21 nore thoughts about #2693?
09:21 ShadowBot -- Add code to support raillike group names by Novatux
09:21 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
09:33 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
09:46 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
10:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:26 RealBadAngel nore, here?
10:27 nore yep
10:28 nore RealBadAngel, ^
10:28 RealBadAngel wanna test minimap?
10:28 nore of course :)
10:28 RealBadAngel
10:29 RealBadAngel code is still messy
10:30 RealBadAngel but it works pretty nice imho :)
10:31 Wayward__Tab joined #minetest-dev
10:34 RealBadAngel nore, tell me when u got it compiled
10:34 nore just finished
10:34 nore is there anything to put in minetest.conf?
10:34 RealBadAngel yup
10:35 RealBadAngel hud_map = true
10:35 RealBadAngel zoom and mode is by now set in game.cpp
10:35 nore hm... is it normal that it is in the middle of the screen?
10:35 nore well, middle top
10:36 RealBadAngel line #3996 mapper->drawMap( floatToInt(player->getPosition(), BS) ,&client->getEnv().getClientMap(), false, 4);
10:36 ShadowBot RealBadAngel: Error: Delemiter not found in "HTTP Error 404: Not Found"
10:36 RealBadAngel false/true for radar
10:36 RealBadAngel last one is zoom 1, 2 or 4
10:37 RealBadAngel about position on the screen - need to fix it, it is valid for default window
10:38 RealBadAngel so, how it works for you?
10:38 nore surface mode works well
10:39 RealBadAngel have you tried radar?
10:39 nore not yet
10:41 nore ah, perhaps you should scan for non-solid nodes instead
10:41 nore (of air)
10:42 RealBadAngel we can add it there
10:43 RealBadAngel atm it works that way when theres more air in the column dot on the map is brighter
10:45 nore also, perhaps instead of having two modes, perhaps do something like
10:45 nore if there are a lot of air (or other) nodes directly above one another in a column, use surface mode
10:45 nore (i.e. show top node below)
10:45 nore else, use radar
10:45 nore brb
10:50 RealBadAngel exploring big caves would trigger such changes
10:51 RealBadAngel i thought about just toggling it with one key, like off, surface *1,*2,*4, radar *1,*2,*4
10:51 RealBadAngel will try it now
11:05 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
11:05 selat joined #minetest-dev
11:24 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
11:49 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
11:58 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:58 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
12:28 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
12:30 RealBadAngel nore, here?
12:30 nore yes
12:30 RealBadAngel ive pushed some changes
12:31 RealBadAngel config setting is: enable_minimap = true
12:31 RealBadAngel then ingame use F9
12:34 nore it works well, except for the minimap position :)
12:35 RealBadAngel gonna fix that now
12:35 RealBadAngel btw, what about makin it slightly bigger?
12:36 nore hm... I don't know
12:36 nore maybe it could be in the config
12:36 RealBadAngel well for sure it should scale with screen resolution imho
12:54 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:14 RealBadAngel hi proller
13:25 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
13:40 RealBadAngel nore,
13:40 RealBadAngel now scaled and correctly positioned
13:40 nore good :)
13:45 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
13:51 leat joined #minetest-dev
13:56 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
13:59 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:04 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: If you based it on gsmapper it has to be GPL unless you can get the author to agree to re-license it.
14:20 nore sfan5, ShadowNinja: thoughts about game#506, game#508, game#450?
14:20 ShadowBot -- Add screwdriver callbacks, and code them for doors and beds by Novatux
14:20 ShadowBot -- Default/mapgen: Add mapgen aliases for sandstone brick and sandstone brick stair by paramat
14:20 ShadowBot -- Make TNT respect on_blast, implement on_blast for some nodes by Wuzzy2
14:20 sfan5 508 is so trivial you don't even need to ask
14:24 nore also, what about #2693?
14:24 ShadowBot -- Add code to support raillike group names by Novatux
14:26 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
14:31 sfan5 nore: game#450 seems ok
14:31 ShadowBot -- Make TNT respect on_blast, implement on_blast for some nodes by Wuzzy2
14:34 RealBadAngel ShadowNinja, i wrote to gsmanner bout it, if he wont respond i will delete all his original code. anyway most of it is already changed
14:42 Amaz RealBadAngel, one problem with the mapper is that I get ~9 fps when it is set to zoom x1, and when it is disabled I get 40-50fps, which seems to be quite a dramatic difference...
14:44 RealBadAngel Amaz, now it does full scan each frame, i will optimize it later
14:45 RealBadAngel btw, i do get 60fps all the time no matter the zoom ;)
14:45 Amaz Okay! Lucky thing ;)
14:45 RealBadAngel and whats the framerate for you with radar mode?
14:46 Amaz 15-20 on zoom x1.
14:46 RealBadAngel whats the difference with zoom x2 and 4?
14:47 Amaz With radar? 30-35 on zoom x2, and normal on zoom x4.
14:47 RealBadAngel and surface?
14:48 Amaz 25-30 with zoom x2, 30-50 with zoom x4.
14:49 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:50 RealBadAngel whats ur cpu, gpu and ram?
14:54 Amaz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6570  @ 2.10GHz, Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07), MemTotal:        3008900 kB
14:54 Amaz Not the best system in the world :)
14:59 nore sfan5, btw, I noticed a problem while looking at game#450: see game#509
14:59 ShadowBot -- Make TNT respect on_blast, implement on_blast for some nodes by Wuzzy2
14:59 ShadowBot -- Beds, doors and fire
15:01 nore I think the best fix would be to have multi-node support somewhere, perhaps even in builtin
15:06 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
15:11 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:14 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:25 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
15:47 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
15:56 TheWild joined #minetest-dev
16:15 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
16:25 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:33 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest-dev
16:35 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
16:41 leat joined #minetest-dev
16:44 cyberarm joined #minetest-dev
16:48 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
17:02 dzho_ joined #minetest-dev
17:02 selat_ joined #minetest-dev
17:07 TheWild joined #minetest-dev
17:10 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
17:13 leat joined #minetest-dev
17:16 RealBadAngel nore, are you here?
17:17 nore yep
17:18 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
17:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:22 leat joined #minetest-dev
17:24 Krock RealBadAngel, nice to see gsmapper active again :D
17:24 Krock (or a remake of it)
17:24 RealBadAngel nore, ive pushed changes that should effect with better fps
17:25 RealBadAngel scanning is divided into 4 stages and image is generated only when scan is finished
17:25 RealBadAngel a bit less smooth but its enough i think
17:26 nore RealBadAngel: good, trying it
17:26 RealBadAngel test it and tell me bout fps
17:26 MinetestForFun_ joined #minetest-dev
17:33 nore fps without/surfacex1/surfacex2/surfacex4/radarx1/radarx2/radarx4/ : 60/30/60/60/40/60/60
17:35 RealBadAngel how does it "feel" now?
17:35 nore and with another test: always 30, and another one: always 60, except with surfacex1: 35
17:36 RealBadAngel minimap fps is now 1/4th of it was before
17:36 nore well, it works well
17:37 nore what you should do perhaps: use result of computation of previous image to do the next one
17:37 nore that could make it far faster
17:38 nore but still draw it at the same fps as before could work well :)
17:38 nore and recompute it every 1/2s or something like that
17:38 nore or better, if possible: each time an update is received
17:39 RealBadAngel that wont work that good, now its smooth because map follows the player
17:39 nore yes, but you can use previous results
17:39 nore recomputing only columns that need to
17:39 RealBadAngel if you make it .5s intervals it would jump
17:40 nore and if the player moves up/down, looking at top & bottom nodes that have changed
17:40 nore and every .5s, recompute it
17:40 RealBadAngel to see what have changed you need to scan everything anyway
17:40 nore since some nodes may have changed (because the client received a new block for example)
17:40 nore yes, but only every .5s
17:41 nore you know how the client has moved, so there are a lot of columns you don't need to compute again
17:41 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
17:41 nore and if the player has moved up/down, look at the nodes that were added or removed
17:41 nore in the scanning area
17:41 RealBadAngel other can add nodes in the area too
17:41 nore and update accordingly
17:41 RealBadAngel *others
17:42 nore that would be in the "every .5s update"
17:42 RealBadAngel well, thats good idea to make the code faster
17:43 nore for example, with radar
17:43 nore you only need to look how many air nodes were added on top
17:43 nore and how many were removed on bottom
17:43 nore if the user moved up
17:45 nore I would complain because the radar shows that caves are bugged too :p
17:45 RealBadAngel i will try such optimisations when code is cleaned
17:45 nore ok, thanks :)
17:45 RealBadAngel now need to show minimap and cursor as meshes
17:46 nore meshes??
17:46 RealBadAngel that will allow easier rotation of marker
17:46 RealBadAngel and the map itself
17:46 RealBadAngel you cant rotate the texture, but you can do that easily with mesh
17:46 nore ah, that would be useful :)
17:47 RealBadAngel simple plain mesh with one texture
17:47 RealBadAngel but then i will be able to make minimap round and rotating :)
17:48 RealBadAngel and i will be able to get rid of the rest of gsmanners code (and the license too) ;)
17:49 nore ah, good :)
17:49 VanessaE suddenly I get the impression the minimapper will be like the regular overhead view in google maps :)
17:51 est31 joined #minetest-dev
17:51 nore hm... nodes that have a param2 are of the color of their top texture when not rotated
17:52 sfan5 hm
17:52 nore (for example trees)
17:52 nore that looks a little strange
17:52 sfan5 where is nrz when you need him
17:52 kilbith you have his e-mail
17:53 sfan5 but irc is way easier
17:53 Megaf VanessaE: minimapper?
17:56 * Megaf googles
17:57 VanessaE Megaf: um, the thing RealBadAngel and nore are working on..?
17:58 Megaf oh, ok then
17:58 Megaf I like that already
17:59 RealBadAngel
17:59 est31 Krock, you there?
17:59 Krock est31, this answer answers your question.
17:59 est31 I have a question regarding MSVC compatibility
17:59 RealBadAngel ^^ tree with what im working on
17:59 est31 I know I broke
17:59 Krock est31, should I tell you all compiling errors?
18:00 ElectronLibre RealBadAngel: Got this with the lastest version of your minimap
18:00 est31 Krock, about this file
18:00 est31 you only set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE
18:00 est31 why not _DEBUG too?
18:00 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: Is the mini-map generation done in a seperate thread?
18:01 est31 can you try to run a debug build on that commit?
18:01 Krock est31, who uses _DUBUG on json?
18:01 Krock I wasn't sure if debug has that problem too..possible
18:01 est31 can you test it?
18:01 Krock mhm k
18:02 RealBadAngel ElectronLibre, thx, will check this
18:02 est31 then I can add that to libgmp too
18:02 ShadowNinja Krock: You should probably use a more generic option, so SemiDebug, MinSizeRel, RelWithDbgInfo, etc work too.
18:02 RealBadAngel ShadowNinja, its done in draw loop
18:03 ElectronLibre I had unknown nodes around me I think, I will try to see without the minimap.
18:03 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: Make sure to seperate it then.  The UI thread should only blit the finished texture to the screen.
18:03 Krock Funny, there's no debug option in the .vcxproj file of json, so I can't compile it for debug :/
18:03 RealBadAngel ShadowNinja, im not sure how to run it in a separate thread
18:03 RealBadAngel any example in mind?
18:04 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: grep -r 'public JThread' src/
18:04 est31 Is the rendering being done in irrlichtß
18:04 est31 ?
18:04 est31 then we can forget separate threads
18:05 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: Then use a MutexedQueue or similar to pass back whatever the UI thread needs.
18:06 RealBadAngel ShadowNinja, there are pros and cons to that imho
18:07 est31 from what I read, we have to generate our very own irrlicht context for this when we want to use threads
18:07 est31 and then only pass on the image
18:07 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: Of course there are, but you can't be doing long operations like scanning the map on the UI thread, it kills FPS.
18:07 Krock ShadowNinja, there's no problem with debug because minetest links with "/MDd", like json
18:08 RealBadAngel but putting that in thread instead of splitting it into parts will continuosly eat cpu
18:08 ShadowNinja est31: The UI thread might have to generate the actual image, but a seperate thread can scan the area and generate an array of pixel values.
18:08 est31 ok that sounds reasonable ShadowNinja
18:09 ShadowNinja Krock: What about MinSizeRel, SemiDebug, and RelWithDbgInfo?
18:09 RealBadAngel but anyway going to implement that in a thread
18:09 RealBadAngel thx SN
18:09 exio4 RealBadAngel: it doesn't, you may only generate n images per second
18:09 ShadowNinja YW.
18:09 exio4 it could be cheaper, as you could generate maybe only 10 updates per seconds
18:09 RealBadAngel atm image is generated each 4th frame
18:10 ShadowNinja It should definitely be limited to 1/sec or so.
18:10 RealBadAngel on the other frames its collecting data
18:10 VanessaE nore: I took a look at that screwdriver callback pull.  didn't try it yet, but the idea looks good to me.
18:11 RealBadAngel so minimap has now 15fps (when mt has 60)
18:11 Krock ShadowNinja, minetest is linked with /MDd and json with /MD with non-Release options, there aren't any conflicts
18:12 est31 ok then
18:12 est31 Krock, can you make a PR to make gmp compile for you?
18:12 TheWild RealBadAngel, great job with that minimap though... will be possible to set arbitrary color for each type of node from Lua? (e.g. in register_node)
18:12 Krock est31, is your pull up-to-date?
18:12 est31 ?
18:13 est31 Its merged now into master
18:13 Krock oh
18:13 Krock Ah yesterday.. I missed something
18:13 est31 nice idea TheWild, that can be used for real mapping too
18:13 Calinou the node color should be automatic by default, with an optional override
18:13 RealBadAngel TheWild, color is taken from top of the node
18:14 Calinou color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255} probably
18:14 VanessaE use minetestmapper's colors.txt if it's present :)
18:14 RealBadAngel texture is scaled down to 1x1 to get the color
18:14 Calinou colors.txt seems obsolete to me
18:14 Calinou IMO, it's up to mods to define colors if they want an override
18:15 sfan5 <Calinou> colors.txt seems obsolete to me
18:15 sfan5 what
18:15 sfan5 i just updated it a few days ago
18:16 Calinou it's an obsolete way of doing things, I mean
18:16 VanessaE it's faster to read a color from a text file than to scale an image down to get it......
18:16 ElectronLibre If it can help you RealBadAngel, the minimap crashed every time it tried to get an unknown node texture. Now I've removed them and it work. Adding a check about whether or not the node is register would be enough I think (I don't know how to do so but it must not be that complicated).
18:16 RealBadAngel ElectronLibre, thx a lot, will put there check for it
18:17 VanessaE ElectronLibre: that's easy to do, at least on the lua side of things.
18:17 ElectronLibre Yes, on the lua side I can do it. But on the C++ side, I can't.
18:20 est31 What do people think of #2695
18:20 ShadowBot -- Faster settings and defaultsettings by est31
18:21 est31 I want to make more changes to that file later on, but that PR is a first step with the largest speed boost
18:25 est31 Zeno has already said that the code looks good
18:25 est31 so if sb could test it then thats enough I guess
18:25 est31 not that I havent tested it
18:26 est31 add this code so some place to test settings:
18:26 est31 s/settings/speed/
18:32 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-dev
18:32 TenPlus1 hi folks...
18:32 Krock heya
18:33 TenPlus1 hi krock...  have you ever gotten the bouncy node feature to work properly ?
18:33 Krock no and the only bouncy node I saw was made with a physics change..
18:34 TenPlus1 I've made a quick slimeblock that doubles the players bounce height when it's dropped on, but holding jump shoots them into outer space..!!
18:34 TenPlus1 and disable_jump doesnt work
18:34 Krock but isn't that great?
18:35 TenPlus1 would be amazing if I had moon realm installed :) but for normal play, nope
18:35 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
18:36 TenPlus1 would one of the devs be so kind as to add disable_jump check to the bounce code when jump is pressed
18:37 est31 TenPlus1, do you want to make a PR?
18:38 TenPlus1 er... c+ isnt my strongpoint... I could manage an issue :P
18:38 est31 thats ok too, best with example code :)
18:39 TenPlus1 heh, will do that now...
18:40 Krock est31, there we go #2696 compiled without troubles
18:40 ShadowBot -- Build and link gmp correctly on MSVC by SmallJoker
18:41 TenPlus1 it's already an issue it seems:
18:45 TenPlus1 back later... testing :)
18:46 nore anyone against merging #2693?
18:46 ShadowBot -- Add code to support raillike group names by Novatux
18:47 est31 nope nore
18:47 est31 SN has already +1ed it so you are free to merge
18:48 est31 Krock, can you add newlines at the end of the files in your pr again?
18:49 est31 thanks Krock
18:49 Krock np
18:49 est31 why exactly do you need those additional paramsß
18:49 est31 ?
18:49 est31 /O2 /Ob2 /D NDEBUG
18:50 Krock those o's are for optimizations
18:50 Krock and the /d ndebug is just default
18:50 est31 ok then, I +1 it
18:51 est31 I guess I can push it directly
18:51 est31 I mean, nobody else uses msvc :)
18:52 Krock *cough* BlockMen *cough*
18:52 est31 pushing #2696 in 15 minutes
18:52 ShadowBot -- Build and link gmp correctly on MSVC by SmallJoker
18:56 nore pushing in 5 minutes
18:56 nore ShadowNinja, ^
18:57 est31 looks good nore +1
18:57 est31 merge it now :)
18:58 nore I'll wait 21:00:00 :p
19:03 nore <-- can I merge that too?
19:05 est31 when can pos be modified?
19:05 nore in the callback
19:05 nore such as the one in doors, as I just discovered
19:06 est31 ah ok
19:06 est31 then merge it
19:18 nore hm...
19:18 nore 2015-05-12 21:16:59: ERROR[main]: WARNING: before createPlayingSoundAt: invalid name
19:18 nore 2015-05-12 21:16:59: ERROR[main]: WARNING: createPlayingSoundAt: out of memory
19:19 nore (and that hundreds of times)
19:20 nore (I tried to explode a 10x10x10 cube of tnt)
19:29 est31 hmmmm, #2695 was your idea. Can you +1 it?
19:29 ShadowBot -- Faster settings and defaultsettings by est31
19:32 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
19:34 VanessaE [05-11 03:14] <hmmmm> alrighty guys, I'm gonna skedaddle
19:34 VanessaE [05-11 03:14] <hmmmm> i'll be gone for like a week or so on business
19:35 est31 oh ok
19:36 est31 skedaddle nice word
19:43 VanessaE bbl
19:57 Calinou that word does exist :o
20:16 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
20:49 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
21:03 paramat joined #minetest-dev
21:10 paramat since hmmmm is away can anyone approve my plan to make mgv5/v7 dungeons use sandstone brick in sandstone biomes? also, i forgot to add a sandstone alias to default/mapgen, will push that later
21:11 * est31 needs hmmm too :(((
21:13 est31 paramat, can you at least test #2695 ?
21:13 ShadowBot -- Faster settings and defaultsettings by est31
21:13 est31 what code should I review?
21:25 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
21:39 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:48 paramat sorry i'm too busy to test that
21:50 paramat if you've tested it that's good enough :)
21:50 cyberarm_ joined #minetest-dev
21:53 paramat i just had an idea to possibly add very rare obsidian brick dungeons 8]
21:54 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
21:55 paramat .. in future, i'll discuss it with hmmmm when he's back
21:55 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
22:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:05 est31 merging in 5 minutes:
22:14 paramat cool, good to have those warnings fixed
22:16 est31 interestingly, only gcc had that warning
22:17 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:18 paramat will push game#510 soon, trivial fix for my previous mtgame commit
22:18 ShadowBot -- Default/mapgen: Add sandstone alias for sandstone biome detection by paramat
22:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:20 est31 joined #minetest-dev
22:28 paramat now pushing 510 to mtgame
22:33 paramat done
22:37 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:37 est31 joined #minetest-dev
23:07 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
23:23 paramat left #minetest-dev
23:54 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev

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