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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-08-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 paramat joined #minetest-dev
00:06 paramat will push game#620 very soon
00:06 ShadowBot -- Flowers: Add sporeless mushrooms by paramat
00:17 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
00:30 paramat now pushing 620
00:45 paramat complete
00:55 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
01:58 paramat left #minetest-dev
02:37 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
03:36 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest-dev
04:40 hmmmm hrhm
04:59 book` joined #minetest-dev
05:04 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
05:39 msantana joined #minetest-dev
05:42 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:52 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
06:11 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
06:14 leat joined #minetest-dev
06:35 nore joined #minetest-dev
06:50 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
07:09 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
07:21 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
07:25 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
07:27 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
07:30 FR^2 left #minetest-dev
07:56 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest-dev
08:12 sprinkl joined #minetest-dev
08:13 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
08:49 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
08:55 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
09:05 err404 joined #minetest-dev
09:10 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
09:21 err404 joined #minetest-dev
09:24 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
09:26 leat joined #minetest-dev
09:50 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
09:55 err404 joined #minetest-dev
10:06 TBC_x joined #minetest-dev
10:32 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
10:49 deltib joined #minetest-dev
10:50 err404 joined #minetest-dev
11:06 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest-dev
11:07 err404 joined #minetest-dev
11:13 sloantothebone joined #minetest-dev
11:29 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
11:47 err404 joined #minetest-dev
11:59 est31 joined #minetest-dev
12:14 err404 joined #minetest-dev
12:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:27 leat joined #minetest-dev
12:33 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
12:47 err404 joined #minetest-dev
13:06 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
13:08 est31 joined #minetest-dev
13:19 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
13:24 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
13:26 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
13:33 err404 joined #minetest-dev
13:36 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
13:42 srifqi any news about #2561 ?
13:42 ShadowBot -- Add mapgen settings to create world dialog by srifqi
13:46 VanessaE paramat:  plantlife's former mushrooms mod has been adapted to use the default ones (using game commit 408ee69f)
13:47 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
13:57 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:44 SopaXorzRaker joined #minetest-dev
15:04 TBC_x joined #minetest-dev
15:10 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
15:20 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
15:23 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
15:33 nore joined #minetest-dev
16:12 paramat joined #minetest-dev
16:12 paramat ok
16:21 paramat hi nore sfan5 here's the stair commit game#629 can i push later? and here's the jungle textures commit game#627 any comments/approval?
16:21 ShadowBot -- Stairs: Add straw and metal blocks by paramat
16:21 ShadowBot -- Default: New darker jungletree_top and junglewood textures by paramat
16:22 VanessaE G*d this FPS regression sucks
16:23 sfan5 paramat: 627 is good
16:23 nore paramat: 629 is good too
16:23 VanessaE paramat: +1
16:23 sfan5 I'd like nore's input on the new texture thoo..
16:23 sfan5 ok nevermind
16:24 VanessaE also, after freeze, remove those "upside down" nodes and use an ABM to convert them to 6dfacedir
16:24 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:24 nore I'm ok with 627 too
16:24 paramat thanks
16:24 sfan5 hm
16:25 sfan5 paramat: 629 ok too
16:25 paramat unsure about straw? i was too
16:25 paramat kinda neutral
16:25 nore straw stairs are a bit strange, but make sense when used for rooftops
16:26 paramat yeah seems popular with sokomine
16:27 paramat Vanessa there is an abm for replacing upside-down nodes with 6d facedir
16:27 nore btw, for a future release, perhaps we could include generated structures (villages, etc.) to make mapgen even more interesting
16:27 VanessaE there is?
16:27 VanessaE well in that case remove the node defs
16:27 nore sfan5, paramat: what do you think about it?
16:28 paramat nore that would be excellent
16:28 nore VanessaE: they are still there for very old maps
16:28 paramat that replace abm should be removed i think
16:28 nore although maybe it could be disabled by default, and enabled with a setting
16:28 nore so people with very old maps would still be able to keep them
16:28 VanessaE nore: an ABM to convert them means the old nodes don't need to be defined anymore.
16:29 nore wait, you can do an ABM on nodes that are not defined?
16:30 paramat i noticed the stairs mod adds node defs for every material, not good
16:30 sfan5 nore: villages? surely a nice idea, but it needs to integrate with the rest too
16:30 sfan5 like e.g. chests in villages
16:30 sfan5 so it's a bit more work than just adding village generation
16:30 paramat well just a few isolated houses would be fine
16:31 nore sfan5: chests in villages can be done, (remember mg)
16:31 paramat villages is problematic and heavy
16:31 paramat best a mod thing
16:31 nore paramat: well, isolated houses are a bit lonely
16:31 paramat hehe
16:31 paramat small clusters of houses then
16:32 nore that could be good too
16:32 sfan5 nore: I'm not saying it can't be done but i mean that it does not suffice to just add some houses and be done with it, integration with the test of _game is needed to
16:32 sfan5 too*
16:32 nore yes, I agree with that
16:33 nore the question is how much integration we want
16:34 nore should the villages just use the materials provided by other mods in _game, or should them interact with the game in some way?
16:34 sfan5 so much that villages are not just "oh a village, time to farm some wood and cobble"
16:34 paramat the replace abm has been in effect long enough, pilzadam won't like it but i think we can remove this heavy abm now
16:34 sfan5 or disable it by default, paramat
16:34 nore paramat: just add a setting to enable it again
16:35 paramat okay in .conf
16:36 sfan5 nore: just use the materials imo, it would be pretty nice to have something unique to villages though (like something you can only acquite in a village)
16:36 nore sfan5: to prevent that, there should be benefits to not destroying a village then
16:36 paramat i wonder if we can remove the upside-down node defs, those are being generated for all the new materials too
16:37 nore paramat: put it in the same setting as for the abm
16:37 paramat okay
16:39 paramat the replace abm has been in effect for 2 years, i would much rather just remove it completely
16:40 sfan5
16:41 paramat oh yes that one
16:42 Krock LOL
16:43 paramat oh about mese ore glowing, looks bad, i'd like to remove the light
16:43 paramat the stone node lights up
16:43 sfan5 it does?
16:43 sfan5 i like it
16:43 paramat mese block glowing is okay
16:44 nore well, I think a dim glow for mese ore is good, since the block glows too
16:45 paramat okay i'll recheck how it looks
16:45 paramat maybe i remember how it looked before paramtype = light was added
16:48 paramat RBA is working on a new PR for game#626 i'll merge it when i see it
16:48 ShadowBot -- Add needed tileable flags for grass nodes by RealBadAngel
16:51 paramat okay i'll add a setting for the replace abm and disable by default
16:53 VanessaE regarding leaf decay, is it safe to finally throw out the code I use in moretrees?
16:53 VanessaE (sorry, offtopic a bit, but I'm working on that mod at the moment)
16:59 paramat dunno what was the problem?
17:00 VanessaE leaf decay used to be fairly slow on very large quantities of leaves due to how often the decay ABM runs.
17:01 VanessaE so I used my own, less-often-running code. est31 had an idea to speed up the default decay.
17:01 VanessaE just wondered if that ever went in.
17:03 nore VanessaE: I think it hasn't even been coded yet
17:04 VanessaE ok.
17:04 paramat correct not even coded
17:05 paramat oh crumbs leafdecay is interval 2
17:06 VanessaE THAT is why I asked.
17:06 VanessaE I'd like to discontinue this code in moretrees if at all possible.
17:07 paramat we should tweak the interval and chance
17:08 paramat longer interval smaller chance value
17:09 VanessaE moretrees uses an interval of 2, chance 100, nearness radius 5 (except for palms, those have a radius of 12)
17:09 paramat interval 5 chance 2 might be equivalent and more efficient
17:09 paramat because the search is the heavy part
17:12 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
17:13 paramat yes it's equivalent, i'll make a PR for interval 5 chance 2
17:26 paramat actually the search is in the engine, the action is in lua and is the heavy part, so it's smoother to have a short interval and higher chance value
17:27 paramat problem is players expect a certain leafdecay rate, it may be unpopular to make it slower
17:27 paramat so yes it really needs doing in the engine
17:28 paramat my mapgens never have leafdecay
17:29 kilbith left #minetest-dev
17:31 VanessaE now about jungle trees... the default mapgen generates such dense jungle regions (when they're enabled at all) that there's no room for moretrees' versions to grow.  Is there any mod-friendly solution to this?
17:34 kaeza so set_noiseparams() sets a config variable to "serialized" noise parameters, right? I think that is not very obvious to the user, and not consistent with the other settings functions (setting_set_bool, setting_get_pos, etc)
17:36 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:42 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
17:44 Taoki Is hardware lighting still on the developer's list? Now that RBA retreated in the mountains, since he was the one who was going to work on it.
17:44 Taoki I assume he'll still do it in his fork, then we can back port it... was curious in either case.
17:45 Taoki That's one of the changes I'm looking forward to the most.
17:45 paramat VanessaE, in mgv6 noise param 'mgv6_np_trees' controls tree density for appletrees and jungletrees
17:45 paramat so you will end up with sparse appletree forests too
17:45 VanessaE damn.
17:45 paramat in mgv5/v7 the decorations have individual parameters for each tree
17:46 paramat in mgv5/v7 jungletrees have a fixed density, you would just reduce the 'fill ratio'
17:47 paramat (fixed = no noise variation)
17:47 VanessaE nah, won't work here unfortunately.
17:49 paramat lighting changes may be done by hmmmmm in future, not sure it will be 'hardware'
17:49 paramat hopefully we might get realtime shadows ported from the new fork
17:50 Taoki Hardware is essential. Current lighting system is a hack we really want to get rid of (or at least, me and RBA and other developers). Modern lighting won't be possible without that, so hopefully so.
17:51 err404 joined #minetest-dev
17:51 Taoki Shadows might be possible without, but they'd probably be a hack and not as correct as them being a cut in a real light source.
17:51 paramat okay so how about interval 2 chance 10 for leafdecay? half the rate. the way that abms 'catch up' when returning to an area will clean up any mess quickly enough
17:52 VanessaE sounds good to me.
17:52 * Taoki will hope that some developer doesn't do anything that will anger hmmmmm and make him leave the project and start a fork too.
17:53 paramat lol
17:53 paramat someone already did a while back
17:53 Taoki Ouch
17:53 paramat if hmmmmm left his fork would be 'the project' hehe
17:55 Taoki You know what? This makes me wonder: Could Github be theoretically configured to facilitate sharing commits between multiple forks? Biggest issue here are of course GIT conflicts, which need to be solved manually and are a pain, which is why this isn't very doable. But if everyone could have a git master repo of their own, set to auto-sync with the main one... that might be neat.
17:56 Taoki Then every angry developer (or developer who wants to go their own way for any reason) could start a fork, but useful changes are automatically shared. But again, the problem is GIT conflicts, which are inevitable eventually.
17:56 Taoki So instead of people having Minetest forks, they just have places where they put their own changes. I guess it's kinda the same thing as what's possible and done already, but I'm thinking of something better automated.
18:03 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
18:07 err404 joined #minetest-dev
18:13 paramat now pushing game 627
18:17 est31 joined #minetest-dev
18:17 paramat complete
18:18 est31 ok, about the 0.4.13 release
18:19 est31 I'm afk for the next few days, so what do you think about the target date being wednesday the 19th?
18:20 paramat fine for me
18:21 est31 paramat, or other mtgame devs, can you give mtgame the 0.4.13 release label the next few days?
18:21 VanessaE fine by me, barring any blockers yet to be fixed.
18:21 est31 yes ofc
18:21 est31 just nobody should just give the next person who comes around with a crash the blocker label
18:21 est31 we had this with the "error in error handling" errors
18:22 est31 ofc if multiple people experience the issue, it has to be solved
18:23 est31 There are two open blockers right now, both to be solved by me
18:23 paramat yes we'll tag mtgame in time for wed
18:24 est31 (one is a regression caused by me, the other is a problem caused by the forum switch)
18:32 err404 joined #minetest-dev
18:56 err404 joined #minetest-dev
19:05 VanessaE paramat: do you plan to add anything else to mt_game before the release?
19:08 paramat yeah: new grass texture, extra stairs/slabs, tweaked leafdeacy abm params
19:08 VanessaE ok
19:08 VanessaE I'll wait then.
19:09 paramat that is if new leafdecay params are approved
19:09 VanessaE I just fixed that moretrees bug I mentioned, and between it and other changes, I'll need to resync dreambuilder against mt-game so it can be used there also
19:10 paramat oh and i might try to get my improved stone/desertstone brick textures in too
19:10 VanessaE link?
19:12 paramat nothing to see yet
19:12 VanessaE ok.
19:16 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
19:16 VanessaE paramat: shall I close game#611?
19:16 ShadowBot -- Junglewood texture too light, boring
19:17 paramat sure
19:20 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
19:20 paramat too light! ... boring!
19:20 VanessaE heh
19:21 paramat name suggestions for the new fork: 'minerock!' 'shinyminey'
19:22 Krock `mapgen4life`?
19:22 est31 minerswithears
19:23 luizrpgluiz greatly appreciated pinetrees trees now appearing worldwide generator in the release candidate and could enable the minimap :D
19:40 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
19:41 kilbith for the record, i stayed around this during 10 min and the map refused to load the mapblock at all :
19:43 paramat weird
19:45 kilbith yes, definitely somme issue to load the mapblocks :
19:45 kilbith i can stay around that permanently, never load
19:46 paramat maybe due to setting a low 'max mapblock number'? < est31
19:46 est31 if you try to log out and back in?
19:46 est31 paramat, it shouldnt do that
19:47 kilbith est31, yes i did that, then it occurs on different mapblocks
19:47 est31 paramat, if it deleted that block, it would have said that the server too
19:47 est31 then the server would re-send the mapblock once you get close
19:48 est31 kilbith, can you try the commit before my max mapblock commit?
19:48 kilbith sure, but not now
19:48 kilbith tomorrow
19:49 paramat what number of mapblocks do you limit too?
19:49 paramat (to)
19:49 kilbith to be kept in RAM ?
19:49 kilbith i set it to 10
19:50 kilbith but even then, it shouldnt do that
19:50 paramat lol 10
19:50 nrzkt 50 maybe better
19:50 kilbith what "lol 10" ?
19:51 paramat 1 mapchunk = 125 mapblocks
19:52 kilbith
19:53 kilbith that happened online too
19:54 celeron55 guys. just don't set it to 10
19:54 celeron55 there's no valid reason to do that anyway
19:54 kilbith if the setting is allowed, why not ?
19:55 celeron55 what's the point of settings if you limit them like for a baby that shouldn't touch the settings anyway?
19:55 kilbith i'll check with 1000
19:55 celeron55 i mean, that's not ideal of course, but there are way more important things
19:55 celeron55 use defaults if you have no reason to do otherwise
19:57 paramat 1000 is quite low, 8 mapchunks, the visible world with 80 nodes view distance
19:57 celeron55 if this value is put in the UI, then it should be limited in the UI, but otherwise who cares
19:59 kilbith okay, that does not happen with 1000
19:59 kilbith problem was setting 10
19:59 celeron55 1000 is very low; it's like 10MB or something
20:00 kilbith maybe the floor-limit should be set to 100 or so
20:00 celeron55 (actually maybe more like 20-30MB)
20:01 nore perhaps it should be set to 10000 then
20:01 nore avec 200MB is not a lot on most devices
20:01 est31 if it really is 200 MB in that case
20:01 celeron55 there's no reason to set it higher than necessary though
20:02 est31 I guess it highly depends on texture pack useage
20:02 celeron55 if 1000 works for everyone, there's no reason to set it higher
20:02 kilbith agreed
20:02 nore est31: what is the link with texture packs ?
20:02 est31 nore, ??
20:02 nore 1000 can be quite low if you have a high render distance
20:02 est31 yes
20:03 est31 but then you can set the limit high.
20:03 nore est31: I mean, I mean, how is this related to texture packs
20:03 celeron55 well i guess maybe 10000 wouldn't hurt
20:03 nore (sorry, that was a crappy translation earlier)
20:03 celeron55 the optimal value depends on server settings too
20:04 nore or, the best could be to set the limit depending on how much memory the machine has
20:04 celeron55 if the server sends blocks further away than 5 blocks, then the server will end up sending way more blocks than it should have to
20:04 est31 also note that mapblocks dont just store the actual mapblocks
20:04 est31 but the whole irrlicht mesh
20:04 est31 and more
20:04 est31 this adds to the ram as well
20:05 celeron55 yes; the mesh is generally about the same size as the voxel data IIRC
20:05 VanessaE 1000 isn't enough when I'm testing a plantlife map
20:05 VanessaE just fyi.
20:05 VanessaE just found this out today
20:05 celeron55 (the voxel data is about 12 or 16kB)
20:05 kilbith reason(s) ?
20:05 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
20:05 celeron55 VanessaE: tell us what the minimum value is for your usage
20:06 VanessaE celeron55: in my particular case, just a very rough guess would be around 5k blocks.
20:06 VanessaE BUT my usecase here is not typical of a normal user
20:06 celeron55 i'd say then the default should be 5000
20:06 est31 I think that minetest shouldn't take more than 500 MB
20:06 celeron55 because that doesn't hurt even mobile phones yet
20:06 est31 taken together
20:06 est31 with minetest_game
20:06 Calinou most of our desktop users have 4 GB of RAM
20:06 est31 & in singleplayer
20:06 Calinou we can afford to take 1 GB
20:06 est31 no
20:06 VanessaE 1GB is too much.
20:06 est31 we should think of our low profile users
20:07 est31 its like the c++11 discussion
20:07 kilbith the next-gen hybrid tablets are often 2 GB RAM
20:07 VanessaE est31 is right, 500 MB ought to be the rough max for vanilla default game
20:07 Calinou make it fit in actual 500 MB and we'll talk
20:07 celeron55 well the thing is, it's again ridiculous to try to make the same setting fit a low end and a high end setup
20:07 Calinou inb4 it never happens
20:07 celeron55 this value should depend on the view range or something
20:07 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
20:07 est31 celeron55, agree
20:08 nore well, it could be added to mainmenu too
20:08 nore in an "Advanced settings" tab
20:08 est31 we need a second settings tab
20:08 est31 for other things too
20:08 nore and there could be groups of settings that would change a lot of settings
20:09 nore for low-end/high-end hardware
20:09 nore so inexperienced users would just have to change 1 setting
20:09 celeron55 since that doesn't exist yet, the default should be made such that it fixes the problem it was made to fix and does not considerably degrade the experience of people using high performance computers
20:09 nore and experienced ones could precisely tune what they want
20:09 celeron55 i'd say that because of what VanessaE said, 1000 isn't enough
20:09 nore celeron55: agreed
20:09 est31 nore, nice idea
20:10 nore 5000/10000 should do it I think
20:10 est31 have three big sliders: RAM, CPU and GFX card
20:10 kilbith i still don't understand why plantlife needs more than 1000
20:10 celeron55 kilbith: increase your view range and block send radius to something rather high and walk to somewhere and turn back
20:11 nore kilbith: I'd say to be able to explore the map (with full view range) to see if plants are correctly spawned
20:11 celeron55 i would imagine you will see that much unnecessary loading has to be done when turning
20:11 Calinou we also need a view range slider in options GUI
20:11 celeron55 i vote 5000
20:12 est31 if you set full view range, you already leave the defaults
20:12 kilbith alright
20:12 est31 if you leave the defaults, you can adjust that setting too
20:12 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
20:12 est31 celeron55, 5000 sounds like a good compromise
20:12 paramat i like a 128 node view distance, that's 3x3x3 mapchunks = 27x125 = 3375 mapblocks
20:12 VanessaE kilbith: *plantlife* needs only whatever the engine gives it.  the *client* needs a lot in this case because I was exploring the terrain checking for bugs in some changes I had just made, and noticed some far away stuff disappeared when I would have rather been able to see it.
20:13 celeron55 i like a 400 node view distance
20:13 Calinou I use 256 view distance, fsaa = 4
20:13 Calinou all shaders on
20:13 celeron55 it's just that my current computer can't really deal with that 8)
20:13 celeron55 so i'm limited to 300
20:13 paramat so 5000 sounds good to me
20:14 nore looks good to me too
20:15 kilbith talking about viewing range, you have more performance if you set the same value for _min and _max
20:16 kilbith no "back and forth" shit of the v_range
20:17 celeron55 hmm, i just tested; yes, 1000 is definitely too low; with 5000 i haven't noticed unnecessarily loaded blocks with the same test
20:18 celeron55 the test for this is to walk some hundreds of nodes (going a bit faster than just walking is fine, but not at full speed), and then turning to look back
20:18 celeron55 with 1000, i can see only a very small distance; smaller than what i was seeing forward at that point
20:18 celeron55 with 5000 i could see pretty much where i walked from
20:19 celeron55 and this with a view range of 300
20:20 celeron55 and "max_block_generate_distance = 16" and "max_block_send_distance = 16"
20:21 celeron55 (yes, these are very non-default, but that's what i use)
20:39 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
20:41 WSDguy2014 joined #minetest-dev
20:44 est31 man this modstore is a huge piece of a mess
21:00 est31 hmmmm, there are also async worker threads in mainmenu lua
21:01 est31 regarding the discussion of "which lua can make errors"
21:01 est31 err
21:01 est31 "which threads run lua"
21:24 paramat looks like i won't need to add 'enable_stairs_replace_abm = false' to mtgame minetest.conf because it's absence is interpreted as 'nil'
21:26 est31 ok
21:26 est31 but add it to conf.example
21:26 est31 of mtgame
21:27 paramat yes is documented
21:27 VanessaE don't forget to get rid of those redundant node defs then
21:28 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
21:28 est31 abms work on nodes without nodedefs?
21:28 VanessaE yep
21:29 sfan5 it's not like an ABM needs any stuff from the nodedef
21:29 est31 well, internally abms could work on the internal nodedef id
21:29 est31 and not on those long pesky strings
21:29 est31 it would make sense performance wise
21:31 paramat updated then game#629
21:31 ShadowBot -- Stairs: Add straw and metal blocks by paramat
21:31 paramat setting also disables the upside-down node defs
21:32 paramat will test and push later
21:32 est31 found yet another argument against touching the param0
21:33 VanessaE paramat: nono, don't define those nodes at all
21:33 VanessaE you don't need them, whether the replace ABM is active or not
21:33 est31 why
21:33 est31 if its not active, then its rendered upside down, no?
21:33 est31 but better than unknown nodes, no?
21:34 VanessaE I don't see anything in the stairs mod that *places* upside down items anymore
21:35 VanessaE so if the ABM is no longer needed, then by definition neither are the separate, upside down nodes :)
21:35 VanessaE (the current code just flips the item over via param2)
21:36 est31 isnt the abm a new thing
21:36 est31 also, its only turned off by default
21:36 est31 it cant work without nodedefs
21:36 VanessaE no
21:36 est31 nodenames = {"group:slabs_replace"},
21:36 VanessaE you don't need node defs to match in an ABM
21:36 est31
21:37 est31 how do you know the group if you have no nodedef?
21:37 VanessaE groups may be a different matter.
21:37 paramat seems to me the node defs are needed to add 'replace name' and 'groups replace' to the old nodes so the abm can act on them?
21:37 est31 so the nodedefs should be registered depending on the abm setting
21:37 VanessaE yeah, I guess so
21:38 paramat as is
21:38 VanessaE I hate keeping old code like this around.
21:38 est31 its old code inside if false then end
21:39 paramat i wanted to remove the abm completely but am in minority
21:39 paramat so my implementation is fine then?
21:40 VanessaE yeah
21:42 est31 VanessaE, can you test #3058
21:42 ShadowBot -- Modstore: show an ui error if retrieving failed by est31
21:43 VanessaE sure.
21:43 est31 and hmmmm can you look at it?
21:43 est31 (or other devs)
21:44 est31 VanessaE, write in github, im gone
21:44 est31 bye
21:44 VanessaE I hate when he does that :P
21:53 H-H-H joined #minetest-dev
22:21 paramat tested so now pushing game 629
22:25 paramat complete
22:35 sloantothebone How do I fix minetest issues on github? or suggest fixes
22:36 sloantothebone
22:40 VanessaE [08-14 18:38] <freelikegnu> adding straw and metal blocks while bronze is causing kittens to die?!
22:40 sloantothebone ...
22:40 VanessaE ^^^^ solution:  add tin, silver, and mithril from moreores, and make bronze use tin+copper like it SHOULD be.
22:41 sloantothebone Oh
22:41 sloantothebone How do I fix minetest issues on github? or suggest fixes
22:41 VanessaE steel + copper = the stupidest recipe in the world for bronze :P
22:41 VanessaE sloantothebone: you referenced the .conf.example.  Open that file on github with the online editor, change it, and make a pull request.
22:41 sloantothebone Maybe i could fix the inconsistent .conf.example
22:42 sloantothebone Online editor?
22:42 VanessaE ywas
22:42 VanessaE yes*
22:43 VanessaE
22:43 sloantothebone Ok im at what do i do next
22:43 VanessaE above the file, on the right is a pencil and a trash can
22:43 sloantothebone oh i see
22:44 VanessaE make your changes, add a comment in the fields below the file, and click "Propose file change"
22:44 VanessaE (I think -- I've always done this by editing the file locally, pushing it to my fork, and making a PR from there)
22:45 sloantothebone Ok
22:46 sloantothebone And I'm not sure i completely understand the graphical regression
22:46 * VanessaE pokes kaeza
22:46 kaeza ow
22:46 VanessaE ha!
22:50 sloantothebone These two issues seem trivial
22:50 VanessaE #2866 needs fixed before release imho
22:50 ShadowBot -- Graphical regression.
22:51 VanessaE this whole "simple shaders" in fact needs addressed.
22:51 sloantothebone Hmm
22:51 sloantothebone How can i help to fix it_
22:51 VanessaE hm, just noticed it was an 0.4.13 milestone.  doesn't mean it'll stay that way :P
22:51 VanessaE sloantothebone: are you ad all versed in glsl? :)
22:51 sloantothebone How can i help to fix it?*
22:52 VanessaE at*
22:52 sloantothebone dont know what that is, guessing its a graphics library
22:52 VanessaE that would be a "no" :P
22:52 sloantothebone Yup
22:52 VanessaE it's the shading language used by OpenGL.
22:53 sloantothebone How many people are versed in glsl and working on minetest?
22:53 VanessaE one.
22:53 sloantothebone Who?
22:53 * VanessaE looks at kahrl
22:53 VanessaE (seeing as how RBA has left)
22:53 sloantothebone There is nobody named kahrl in this irc
22:54 sloantothebone How do i get versed in glsl
22:54 VanessaE same way as in any other language - pour through the web :)
22:55 VanessaE glsl is rather similar to C/C++, just with a different target platform
23:03 sloantothebone Oh ok
23:04 paramat game#631
23:04 ShadowBot -- Default/functions: Half rate of leafdecay ABM by paramat
23:05 VanessaE +1
23:17 kahrl the last time I touched minetest's shaders was when they were introduced...
23:18 kahrl at which point they were trivial shaders that basically only served to move finalColorBlend from the cpu to the gpu
23:18 kahrl I have no clue how any of RBA's more recent stuff works
23:19 VanessaE kahrl: it seems that your original shader code may be needed again.
23:19 VanessaE (as the "simple" shaders previously discussed)
23:26 kahrl well I think a simple shader could still include some effects like waving
23:26 kahrl it doesn't have to be *that* bare ;)
23:27 VanessaE heh
23:27 VanessaE right
23:28 paramat one thing that needs doing is improving our waving motion
23:28 paramat needs noise with more high frequency motion
23:29 VanessaE agreed
23:29 paramat another one #3061
23:29 ShadowBot -- Defaultsettings: Increase client_mapblock_limit to 5000 by paramat
23:29 VanessaE and water needs to wave only on the top surface (at present, the bottom vertexes that make up the sides also wave, which looks bad in some cases)
23:37 VanessaE someone, somewhere, is gonna complain that 5000 doesn't add up to a nice, round number :)
23:37 VanessaE (in which case, one of 4096, 4913, or 8000 is better :P )
23:50 paramat aha waving plants are moved by a smoothed triangle wave, we need noise with octaves instead
23:51 paramat this is a bit beyond me though
23:51 paramat left #minetest-dev

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