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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-01-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 kaadmy_ joined #minetest-dev
00:01 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
00:19 turtleman_ joined #minetest-dev
00:43 cmdskp joined #minetest-dev
00:44 cmdskp Add find_total_nodes_in_area with optional limit:
01:06 sofar Nice!
02:49 gregorycu Hello
02:49 gregorycu I wasn't aware netsplits were still a thing
02:49 sofar Ohhhh yes
02:50 sofar Not a daily thing but still happening
02:51 gregorycu I'd like to announce that I'm taking a break from minetest
02:51 gregorycu For about one hour
02:52 gregorycu I had you all worried didn't I
02:54 * VanessaE growls at gregorycu
02:56 gregorycu Too soon, sorry
02:57 gregorycu So, I spend up tree generation by like 70%
02:57 gregorycu Actually, let me be clear with the maths, it takes like 60% of the time it used to
02:57 VanessaE nice
03:04 * Fritigern would love to see that in action
03:09 blert joined #minetest-dev
03:51 VanessaE hmmmm: OOM crashes seem to be on the upswing.  can something be added to the engine to tell the coder how much was *attempted* to allocate at the time?
03:51 VanessaE (as opposed to only the current usage)
03:52 sofar the failing allocation size should be dumped
03:52 VanessaE perhaps also which mod it was that attempted the allocation (if different from what's already reported)
03:54 sofar do people not use static in C++?
03:54 VanessaE idk
03:56 sofar seems silly to export functions to symbols if they're only used in the same cpp file. kinda goes against my coding ethics :)
04:09 Player2 joined #minetest-dev
04:29 gregorycu OOM?
04:30 gregorycu sofar: I generally agree with what you say
04:30 gregorycu In C++ however, there is a thing called anonymous namespaces
04:30 gregorycu Which are a little different but can serve the same purpose
04:33 sofar can we have a style comment about where to place opening { braces ?
04:33 sofar in
04:37 hmmmm VanessaE:  no it can't, unless you modify the lua runtime library
04:37 hmmmm sofar:  is it not self-descriptive?
04:38 sofar there's nothing explicit about where to put the opening brace
04:38 sofar I see plenty of code where it's
04:38 sofar if () {
04:38 sofar but also lots of
04:38 sofar }
04:38 sofar else
04:38 sofar {
04:39 hmmmm before the code style was unified, people did whatever they felt like
04:39 gregorycu It's unclear, I use that ambiguity to not give a shit about it
04:39 sofar lol, fair enough
04:39 sofar lol
04:39 hmmmm our official code style is inherited from the linux kernel style
04:40 sofar yeah, that makes me happy
04:40 sofar since I've worked so much with it in the past
04:40 hmmmm i.e. the most common, non-weird, non-annoying style prevalent on the internet
04:40 sofar plus a ton of related projects I've worked with use it too
04:40 hmmmm { on the same line as the thing if it's not a function definition
04:40 hmmmm { on a separate line if it's a function definition
04:41 sofar that's what I tend to use
04:41 hmmmm right, it was chosen speficially because the majority of people use that
04:43 hmmmm paramat:  will look into that, but can you summarize what it does for me?
04:44 hmmmm from what I understand, this generalizes liquid flowing so that it doesn't only flow into CONTENT_AIR, but rather any node that's marked as floodable?
04:44 sofar hmmmm: that's pretty much it - other air like nodes
04:45 hmmmm at first glance the implementation looks right
04:45 hmmmm except I think it's missing something
04:47 hmmmm paramat, the builtin definition of CONTENT_AIR is missing f.floodable = true
04:48 blert joined #minetest-dev
04:54 sofar you'd think that he'd have tested normal air
04:54 sofar ;^)
05:19 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:20 paramat hmmmm > "this generalizes liquid flowing so that it doesn't only flow into CONTENT_AIR, but rather any node that's marked as floodable?" correct
05:20 paramat thanks i hadn't thought of making "air" floodable
05:20 paramat currently it checks for 'air' or floodable
05:21 paramat so i can reduce that to 1 check
05:27 paramat my plan is to modify mgv5 first to use the 'mapgen air' alias (it seems suitable for alien terrain) and see what issues arise with the use of custom atmosphere or vacuum nodes
05:43 hmmmm errm speaking of which, all the mapgens still use CONTENT_AIR
05:43 hmmmm you need to make a PR that gets c_air from mapgen_air
05:44 sofar yikes, I need to touch collisionMoveSimple for this PR
05:44 hmmmm ugly function huh
05:44 paramat yeah i know
05:45 sofar not only that, I had it all coded up for content_mapblock.cpp, but none of the data I need is used or passed into collisionMoveSimple
05:45 hmmmm all the "old" code are in monolithic, huge, thousand-line functions
05:45 sofar so now I need to track down where to get handles to those bits for
05:45 hmmmm presumably celeron took this from carmack's advice to not create a separate function for code used only once
05:46 hmmmm that only works if you have code folding in your editor, use it, and also the code regions need to be well encapsulated for this strategy to work - but I still can't find any solid evidence that there's an advantage to doing so
05:46 sofar I'm pretty guilty of making it worse in PRs
05:46 sofar how do I split this out? nahhhh, copy+paste
05:46 hmmmm refactoring large functions into smaller functions is good because it makes things more easily testable
05:47 hmmmm it gives you a clear indication of what the inputs and outputs are
05:47 hmmmm etc.
05:47 hmmmm it's so much cleaner.  I know carmack said so but carmack is not always correct
05:47 hmmmm if john carmack told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?
05:47 sofar minetest is already incredibly more complex than doom ever was
05:47 gregorycu carmack
05:48 gregorycu *sigh*
05:52 gregorycu hmmmm: Is there an area of code where performance is a real concern
05:52 gregorycu Apart from all of it
05:52 hmmmm see the real problem with minetest performance are the algorithms themselves
05:53 hmmmm all the low hanging fruit has been picked by this point
05:53 gregorycu I have some lighting optimisations here
05:54 gregorycu Exceptions in tight loops is not fun
05:54 hmmmm oh yeah - there's one thing
05:55 hmmmm lots of 'coding by exception' in old code - it caused bugs and performance issues
05:56 hmmmm it exists in the network processing loop as well for returning status codes
05:56 gregorycu *sigh*
05:56 gregorycu That's certainly something I can fix up
05:56 paramat is there proof that the change to 'normal verticies' affects performance even when shaders are disabled?
05:57 hmmmm yup
05:59 paramat i was thinking of bisecting and profiling that
06:02 hmmmm i already did just that, it's a 25% perf difference
06:02 paramat personally i feel the types of shaders that enabled are not, erm, visually suitable
06:03 gregorycu
06:03 gregorycu paramat: "The moretrees shadows are a different issue, caused by using l-system generation during mapgen. before the mapchunk above has generated."
06:03 gregorycu What's the solution for that?
06:04 paramat that's the fault of moretrees mod, it should place saplings that grow later
06:04 gregorycu I don't know if I agree
06:05 gregorycu Has this got to do with trees specifically?
06:05 paramat however, if updateLighting finds an ungenerated chunk above, it should assume light if above water_level
06:05 paramat .. like everything else in MT
06:07 paramat maybe not specifically l-system trees, maybe more updateLighting running too soon after mapgen, when neighbouring chunks are still ungenerated
06:07 sofar ohhh that's sneaky, collision boxes for the fence are just -1/2,1/2
06:07 * sofar curses
06:08 * sofar fails at making proper collision boxes
06:09 paramat another shadow bug sometimes arises if many saplings grow rapidly in a short time, ie rapid use of updateLighting
06:10 gregorycu ?
06:10 VanessaE sofar: if you're working on that revision of how fences connect, PLEASE make the collision boxes fit the fences
06:10 sofar VanessaE: that's what I'm attempting
06:10 VanessaE ok
06:10 paramat a sapling growing into a tree uses 'place schematic' which calls 'update lighting'
06:11 gregorycu I don't understand how a lot of calls in quick succession can break it
06:11 * paramat doesn't either
06:11 VanessaE paramat: thread-unsafe?
06:12 VanessaE (just a random guess; sounds a lot like a race condition)
06:12 paramat maybe, i don't understand that stuff much
06:13 gregorycu All the calls happen in the one thread
06:14 * sofar oooohs some more in hope
06:14 blert when you get time would you please take a look at this... ... and tell me if you think the problem lies with LuaJit, Intel's drivers or something in minetest? thanks
06:15 paramat btw the shadows at y = 63 are caused by mapgen lighting calculations and are a separate issue, don't concern yourself with that
06:16 gregorycu oh
06:16 paramat yes luajit has a low memory limit, causes OOM
06:16 paramat one of my lua mapgens is enough to cause OOM due to use of noise
06:17 paramat mapgen has a seperate, faster set of lighitng code
06:17 sofar VanessaE: works! you can stand right up to the fence model I made and walking over it you go slightly up-and-down when you hit the pole vs. the rod connecting
06:17 * sofar does a YESSS
06:17 VanessaE sofar: good deal
06:18 VanessaE that's been something of a pet-peeve for me for the longest time :)
06:18 sofar checking localplayer.cpp next
06:18 VanessaE sofar:
06:18 VanessaE :)
06:19 sofar unfamiliar cultural phenomenon
06:20 VanessaE that's the tune my husband or I will sing whenever something goes exceptionally right.
06:20 VanessaE (the tra-la-la part anyways)
06:21 sofar I got that part :)
06:21 VanessaE (and now, you have the tune stuck in your head. :) )
06:22 sofar my wife is sitting next to me watching facebook cat videos
06:22 sofar you're no match for her
06:22 VanessaE heh
06:22 VanessaE oh really?
06:22 VanessaE don't make me pull out URLs for videos involving blowing shit up, melting things, etc :)
06:22 VanessaE anyways, </offtopic>
06:23 sofar my has a grad in nanotechnology and physics
06:23 * sofar hears <challenge accepted>
06:24 VanessaE nah
06:29 sofar sweet, collision boxes are working nicely. sneaking works well as well. I'm not sure why I don't need to modify localplayer.cpp but it works fine
06:29 gregorycu So, I've made tree spawning faster by speeding up the lighting functions some more, paramat & hmmmm, what lighting related activities do you want me to do to test performance
06:29 gregorycu paramat: You've mentioned lava before
06:31 paramat l-system is faster due to faster 'update lighting'?
06:32 hmmmm gregorycu:  if you want, you could optimize 3d perlin noise with NEON
06:32 hmmmm ;-)
06:32 paramat erm, perhaps test something with lots of light sources (because of the results i got)
06:33 paramat maybe a big l-system tree with glowing leaves or something
06:33 gregorycu I can do that
06:34 gregorycu treegen::spawn_ltree calls updateLighting
06:34 gregorycu In fact, updateLighting is 98.5% of the cost of spawn_ltree
06:35 sofar VanessaE:
06:35 paramat i'm still concerned about my apparent slowdown result when 350 glowing ores were present
06:35 sofar notice the 2 entities are right on the bars
06:35 VanessaE I see them
06:35 VanessaE nice
06:35 gregorycu That's fair enough
06:36 gregorycu It was a 112^3 chunk though
06:36 gregorycu Maybe I should make a massive tree with 350 glowing leaves?
06:36 paramat yeah, a rare use case
06:36 VanessaE 350 is "massive"?
06:36 VanessaE heh
06:36 VanessaE try 3000
06:36 gregorycu huh?
06:37 gregorycu Does such a thing already exist?
06:37 sofar just plant a spruce or sequoia from moretrees. Those crater your memory.
06:37 VanessaE I recall PilzAdam saying once that harvesting a single moretrees tree yielded him something like 2000 nodes.
06:37 gregorycu 2k?
06:37 * gregorycu runs it again
06:37 VanessaE something like that
06:37 sofar I cut down the wood in a spruce the other day. It gave me 250 trunk nodes and my diamond axe was completely USED UP
06:39 gregorycu Doesn't look like 2k
06:40 gregorycu Can I increase the size of these trees easily?
06:40 VanessaE turn up the number of iterations
06:40 VanessaE that'll increase the node count, to a point
06:40 VanessaE or add extra terms to the axiom and rules lines
06:40 VanessaE e.g. additional F's
06:40 gregorycu I want to approach lighting calculations to something near 1M
06:41 VanessaE erp
06:41 VanessaE I think you'd be better off spawning a few hundred trees in a small area
06:41 gregorycu I can't, because that's 100 calls to update lighting
06:41 gregorycu I need one massive call
06:41 VanessaE true
06:42 sofar easy enough ... use worldedit to create a schematic with lots of lights in it
06:42 sofar maybe use the random function?
06:43 gregorycu I don't exactly understand what schematics are
06:43 sofar spawn e.g. 20% glowstone 30% stone ?
06:43 sofar you do //1 //2 around the extremities
06:44 sofar then //mtschemcreate huge-thingamabob
06:44 sofar then in your test setup, do //1 in a spot, and //mtschemplace
06:44 sofar I believe that automatically calls updatelight
06:45 celeron55 07:45:37 <+hmmmm> presumably celeron took this from carmack's advice to not create a separate function for code used  only once
06:45 celeron55 uhm
06:45 gregorycu You're in trouble now hmmmm
06:45 VanessaE busted :)
06:45 sofar large fish for sale
06:45 sofar large fish for sale
06:45 sofar get it fresh
06:47 celeron55 i don't know where the hell you got that from, but the actual reason for code like that is a design meant for a much simpler program bloated up by new features made by mostly other people than myself
06:47 paramat schems allow saving a cuboid of world as a file, then spawning that anywhere with 'place schematic', which calls 'update lighting'
06:47 hmmmm i'm pretty sure i got that from you, lol.
06:48 hmmmm a long time ago you said it
06:48 celeron55 i have said that, but in most cases it's not what has happened
06:48 celeron55 well
06:48 celeron55 i haven't quoted carmack for that
06:48 celeron55 but anyway
06:48 sofar eh, don't fret too much about it. just don't ever look at the kernel code I wrote.
06:50 gregorycu I hate it when mommy and daddy fight
06:50 VanessaE lol
06:50 paramat schems are very rarely larger than a mapchunk (500 000 nodes)
06:50 hmmmm how large they are is irrelevant
06:50 * sofar wonders how hard it is to have a lua nodedef option with groups that can be used to compare in c++
06:51 hmmmm the problem is that Mapgen::updateLighting() makes several assumptions only possible because it knows it's operating in the context of map generaiton
06:51 gregorycu We are not discussing that function
06:51 sofar sounds like it needs fixing?
06:51 gregorycu We're talking about the other one :)
06:51 sofar or splitting up, even
06:51 hmmmm well
06:52 gregorycu The other one acts on an arbitrary area
06:52 gregorycu Actually, an arbitrary area of map blocks
06:52 hmmmm I think you might be able to generalize Mapgen::calcLighting() by clearing the existing light values in the specified area first
06:52 hmmmm I think
06:52 hmmmm maybe, possibly
06:52 hmmmm also you need to figure out the special overtop case
06:53 gregorycu overtop case?
06:53 hmmmm er... yea.. it's messy
06:53 gregorycu :/
06:53 hmmmm just continue doing what you're doing :-)
06:53 hmmmm but I think a lot of the work done in Map::updateLighting() may possibly be not necessary
06:54 gregorycu I've done my optimisations, I just have to prove it's faster in all cases
06:54 hmmmm the fastest code is code that doesn't exist
06:54 hmmmm just remember that
06:55 gregorycu Yeah, which is why I culled some std sets
06:55 gregorycu That have lots of little allocations
06:55 gregorycu (Well, I replaced it with vectors)
06:55 hmmmm agreed, so many of these stl containers are like stds
06:56 gregorycu vector+sort+unique faster in this case
06:56 gregorycu And probably gives the app better performance in other areas because it doesn't have to touch the allocator so much
06:56 hmmmm the allocator ought to not be so slow to begin with
06:56 hmmmm I kind of wonder what it's doing..
07:02 gregorycu Is there a binary of world edit anywhere?
07:03 paramat left #minetest-dev
07:03 gregorycu For windows
07:03 VanessaE a...binary?
07:03 VanessaE worldedit is an ordinary Lua mod...
07:03 gregorycu Oh, is it?
07:04 gregorycu I thought it was a stand alone exe
07:04 VanessaE
07:07 sofar effin libvirt
07:10 gregorycu sofar: How do I spawn a certain % of different things?
07:10 gregorycu Something like 80% air, 10% glowing stuff, 10% stone
07:15 sofar euhh I think that was a bukkit version thing
07:17 gregorycu bukkit
07:18 gregorycu I'll just have two spirals
07:18 sofar ignore, old memory servicing paging requests :(
07:47 gregorycu Generating a large spiral seems to have fucked my minetest
07:48 gregorycu Keeps printing 127 in the console
07:57 hmmmm 127 == CONTENT_IGNORE
07:59 gregorycu wow
07:59 gregorycu It actually finished
08:02 gregorycu What's a minetest_game block that glows?
08:04 VanessaE mese lamp
08:19 gregorycu Thank you
08:20 VanessaE yw
08:35 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:07 gregorycu *sigh*
09:08 VanessaE ?
09:11 Krock ??
09:13 gregorycu ??
09:13 gregorycu This shit isn't working
09:15 gregorycu Hey, I can make it crash
09:15 gregorycu Nice
09:16 gregorycu Anybody know about "mtschemprob"
09:16 VanessaE ya got me.
09:17 gregorycu So, i go mtschemprob start
09:17 gregorycu I punch a block and enter 10
09:17 gregorycu I then punch another block
09:17 gregorycu And i enter 10
09:17 gregorycu I call mtschemprob get
09:17 gregorycu And the pecentages are like 4.something %
09:17 gregorycu Which is not 10
09:18 gregorycu And when I go finish, nothing happens
09:22 VanessaE wish I knew, sorry
09:22 VanessaE sounds like it really might be easier to modify moretrees to create a couple big honkin' tree defs
09:23 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
09:24 gregorycu gargh
09:24 gregorycu When I go finish, is it meant to do it?
09:24 VanessaE dunno
09:24 VanessaE I know nothing at all about creating schematics
09:53 gregorycu lol
09:54 gregorycu Due to a coding bug, schematics are broken
09:54 gregorycu Who owns this component?
09:56 VargaD joined #minetest-dev
10:01 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
10:24 gregorycu Oh, I don't know what I'm doing
10:29 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
11:00 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
11:28 DogePony joined #minetest-dev
11:37 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
12:02 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
12:04 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
12:30 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
12:30 rubenwardy Pretty much a rewrite, reviews please:
12:31 rubenwardy (Add give_initial_stuff API)
12:31 rubenwardy Also, new PR: (Add itemnames and count to chest log messages)
12:36 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
12:47 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:03 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:44 alket joined #minetest-dev
13:56 Warr1024 I think I once long ago asked about the idea of adding dynamic runtime textures to MT; does anyone know of any existing issues/PR's or other discussion relevant to this?
13:56 red-001 what do you mean?
13:56 red-001 dynamic runtime textures?
13:57 red-001 I don't think minetest has those
13:57 Warr1024 The idea was to allow the server to push modified textures to the client after connecting
13:57 red-001 why?
13:58 Warr1024 why would be covered in my issue report, assuming there isn't onen already that my search didn't find.
13:59 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
14:00 Warr1024 Last time I looked at the code, it looked pretty [deceptively?] simple to add...
14:00 red-001 would this have something to do with randomizing textures?
14:04 VanessaE celeron55: is your farmap PR, when applied to a client, supposed to "work" when connecting to a server that has not also been patched?
14:05 Warr1024 red-001: no.  I want mods to be able to load completely new textures without requiring a server restart, and, ideally, not requiring all clients to reconnect.
14:06 red-001 well there are no open issues for that
14:06 Warr1024 well, by "load completely new textures", since I don't think node/ent defs change dynamically, it's more like "replace the content pf existing named textures"
14:08 red-001 aren't textures named after there
14:09 red-001 hash
14:09 red-001 so you would have to add an option to update node defs on the run
14:10 red-001 I don't think somethings like that would be easy to do
14:10 red-001 or to merge
14:10 celeron55 VanessaE: work as in run, yes
14:11 celeron55 VanessaE: but there will be no farmap
14:11 VanessaE ok.
14:11 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
14:11 VanessaE just making sure I didn't miss anything.
14:45 VanessaE well after some initial farting around, it looks good to me
14:45 VanessaE one thing of note: with the far map atlas node resolution set at 16, and HDX256 in use, loading a Dreambuilder world needs 8 GB of RAM with this setup, after flying around for a while.
14:45 turtleman_ joined #minetest-dev
14:45 VanessaE but that's probably expected.
14:56 turtleman_ joined #minetest-dev
15:27 H-H-H joined #minetest-dev
15:27 exoplanet joined #minetest-dev
15:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:38 zat joined #minetest-dev
16:14 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
17:59 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:10 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
18:15 cmdskp joined #minetest-dev
18:17 alket joined #minetest-dev
18:29 red-001 Is there any work being do on rewriting falling code to C++
19:12 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
19:30 Drangue joined #minetest-dev
19:31 H-H-H joined #minetest-dev
20:13 paramat joined #minetest-dev
20:16 paramat i'll might merge this later 'Shaders: Reduce amplitudes of waving leaves and plants' fairly trivial tuning of my work on waving
20:45 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
21:15 alket joined #minetest-dev
21:46 paramat will merge 3518 and 3522 later (trivial updating of lua_api.txt)
21:52 paramat nore sfan5 this just needs a +1, code is checked (add steel trapdoor)
21:53 paramat likewise (register fences)
22:20 RealBadAngel those fences shall be merged together with fixed drawtype on the engine side
22:24 `PenguinDad` joined #minetest-dev
22:28 RealBadAngel Warr1024, adding new textures runtime is relatively easy, whats harder is to free them up when unused, otherwise you will eat all the ram sooner or later
22:28 RealBadAngel can be done (minimap is generating textures runtime all the time)
22:29 RealBadAngel but in case of mabplocks thats somehow tricky, you cant delete texture when block is loaded and displayed
22:31 RealBadAngel and another thing, where are you going to hold pointer to modified texture. atm meta is fucked up place thx to sending whole mapblock instead of single node
22:33 Warr1024 I was thinking of replacing existing textures in thencache by name
22:34 RealBadAngel easy to say, but what about one you gonna drop?
22:35 RealBadAngel you have to make sure no node is using old one
22:40 Warr1024 I was just going to drop the old one by the same name, and the updated texture would replace it...
22:41 RealBadAngel wont work, because you will have there blocks using that texture
22:41 RealBadAngel the same moment you will delete old one you will get crash
22:45 Warr1024 oh, so I'd have to clear all the meshes or something?
22:47 Warr1024 or I guess I could just assign a temp texture or something while I clear the old one
22:48 RealBadAngel some mechanism to texture source has to be added to remove unused textures
22:49 Warr1024 so I could just rename the old one, add the new one, and rebuild meshes using the old one, and let it gc the old one?
22:51 RealBadAngel you cant just rename texture. it is cached and being used
22:51 RealBadAngel to replace the texture with the same name you would need to remove old one then add another with the same name
22:54 RealBadAngel Warr1024, i will look for my signs code that does the textures on the fly, i just cant remember atm where i have it
22:54 RealBadAngel so you will see how i solved that
22:56 Warr1024 oooh, thanks
22:57 Warr1024 maybe I should file an issue too, as a placeholder for discussion?
22:57 Warr1024 and then hopefully follow it up with a pr someday...
22:57 paramat left #minetest-dev
22:58 RealBadAngel Warr1024, this code wont help until node meta problem is fixed, otherwise you dont have a place to store modified textures
22:59 RealBadAngel well, they are stored, but moving shit in chest, forces regeneration of 9 mapblocks meshes and all those stored textures
23:00 RealBadAngel my patch eliminates that, but theres still weird case that each action on node inv is causing two meta updates
23:01 RealBadAngel and i have no idea why that happens
23:04 Warr1024 I wasn't planning on storing modified textures in my patch, even; I figure the mod code could regen it on restart if needed...
23:06 RealBadAngel when we are talking about "storing" we mean client side renderer and its resources
23:16 RealBadAngel atm theres no way to remove texture runtime safely
23:27 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
23:40 Warr1024 I guess it's still worth poking at, since it sounds like there are already more pieces of the puzzle than last time I speculated about this.
23:56 Drangue joined #minetest-dev

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