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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-02-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:22 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-dev
00:41 book` joined #minetest-dev
00:41 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Wayward1 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Etzos joined #minetest-dev
00:41 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
00:41 dulrich joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Dragonop joined #minetest-dev
00:41 proller joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Terusthebird joined #minetest-dev
00:41 DevBox joined #minetest-dev
00:41 _tutima joined #minetest-dev
00:41 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
00:41 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
00:41 sfan5 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 exio4 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
00:41 ekem joined #minetest-dev
00:41 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 kahrl joined #minetest-dev
00:41 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
00:41 VirusJones joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Amoebaa joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
00:41 evmzh joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
00:41 sofar joined #minetest-dev
00:41 harrison joined #minetest-dev
00:41 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
00:41 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
00:41 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest-dev
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00:41 dzho joined #minetest-dev
00:41 cheapie_ joined #minetest-dev
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00:41 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Kray joined #minetest-dev
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00:41 gentoobro joined #minetest-dev
00:41 thePalindrome_ joined #minetest-dev
00:41 linkedinyou joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 misprint joined #minetest-dev
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00:41 leat joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
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00:41 cat5e joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
00:41 eeew joined #minetest-dev
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00:41 nore joined #minetest-dev
00:41 rom1504 joined #minetest-dev
00:41 jomat joined #minetest-dev
00:41 pozzoni joined #minetest-dev
00:41 exoplanet joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Robby joined #minetest-dev
00:41 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Sockbat joined #minetest-dev
00:41 LuciousLisa joined #minetest-dev
00:41 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
00:41 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Last release: 0.4.13, Aug 20 2015. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
00:43 ShadowNinja The Android build aborts on startup due to a texture size issue.  Perhaps it should just print a warning?  Either way, I'll make a PR to fix it.
00:43 ShadowNinja As soon as I finish making the chat console work on Android (almost done...)
00:43 OldCoder -project logs are at for those who wish to review progress
00:45 luizrpgluiz I'm glad I fix the error of shaders when he turns to leave the game faster :)
01:02 sofar joined #minetest-dev
01:11 est31 joined #minetest-dev
01:12 est31 ShadowNinja, seen my comment on the encoding issue?
01:12 ShadowNinja I'm going to commit a 15x15 -> 16x16 resize of object_marker_red.png in a minute (tested already).
01:12 ShadowNinja est31: R
01:12 est31 fine with me
01:13 ShadowNinja est31: In a minute, Chromium has decided to be slow ATM...
01:16 ShadowNinja Oh, it's not slow, it's just not redrawing.
01:16 ShadowNinja est31: Clipboard issues?
01:16 est31 yes
01:17 est31 i have tried copying from the f10 terminal
01:17 est31 with your pr applied
01:17 ShadowNinja est31: Does it work in the old text box?
01:17 est31 yes
01:17 est31 it works in formspec boxes
01:17 est31 but it doesn't work in f10 chat console
01:17 est31 and wide_to_utf8 works neither
01:18 ShadowNinja animation: beyond the scope of this PR, selection: checking...
01:18 est31 in fact it gets worse :)
01:19 est31 it didnt have animation before did it
01:19 ShadowNinja Hmmm, yes, the last char won't select.
01:19 ShadowNinja The animation was there before, and for what it's worth I like it how it is.
01:20 ShadowNinja est31: Selecting with the mouse won't work, you have C&P issues with shift-arrow selection?
01:20 est31 yes
01:21 est31 i mean ascii works
01:21 est31 but non ascii
01:21 est31 thats broken
01:21 est31 I'm checking minetest -> external application btw
01:22 est31 not the other way round, thats completely broken thanks to irrlicht
01:22 ShadowNinja est31: So C&P works, but not for wide characters?
01:22 est31 yeah not for umlauts ÄÖÜ etc
01:22 est31 ß
01:23 ShadowNinja est31: O.K., I'll check that.
01:23 est31 I've printed the contents of selected before passing it to irrlicht
01:23 est31 didnt change
01:23 est31 ermm
01:23 est31 it worked I wanted to say, it showed the correct text
01:24 est31 so the formspec boxes work with copy pasting äöü stuff
01:24 ShadowNinja est31: Erm, what are you saying?
01:24 est31 I say that I added "errorstream << "COPIED: " << selected << std::endl;"
01:24 est31 after std::string selected = wide_to_narrow(prompt.getSelection());
01:25 est31 and right before Environment->getOSOperator()->copyToClipboard(selected.c_str());
01:25 est31 and I got ERROR[Main]: COPIED: Ö
01:25 est31 when I typed Ö and copied that
01:26 est31 but when I paste it to say irc, then I get Ö
01:26 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
01:26 est31 "hhÄhh" becomes "hhÄhh"
01:27 est31 so dunno, seems the way irrlicht's formspec box converts is better
01:28 est31 I havent really found out how irrlicht does it though
01:28 est31 the code that does it is in fact in minetest for irrlicht 1.9 we copied that file for another locale related bug
01:28 est31 src/intlGUIEditBox.cpp line 345
01:29 est31 Text is stringw
01:29 est31 and s is stringc
01:29 ShadowNinja I don't have non-ascii characters on my keyboard so I have to just paste it it, and that isn't working either (<invalid multibyte string>).
01:30 est31 I get funny chars by pressing "Alt Gr" and then a letter
01:30 ShadowNinja Some rendering bugs on my desktop are getting really bad, I'm gonna have to update and reboot.
01:32 est31 you can consider installing non ascii keyboard layout
01:32 est31 i have installed russian to test whether i can type russian to various parts of minetest
01:33 est31 anyway, good luck rebooting, I'm going to bed, bye
01:34 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
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02:03 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
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02:26 nolsen joined #minetest-dev
02:30 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
02:31 curious___ joined #minetest-dev
02:45 gregorycu Can anyone tell me the host,ip for VanessaE basic-plus server?
03:04 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest-dev
15:53 leat joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 nore joined #minetest-dev
15:53 ottodachshund joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
15:53 xeranas joined #minetest-dev
15:53 everamzah joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
15:53 book` joined #minetest-dev
15:53 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
15:53 nolsen joined #minetest-dev
15:53 cheapie joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
15:53 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
15:53 VirusJones joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 fling joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Kray joined #minetest-dev
15:53 gentoobro joined #minetest-dev
15:53 thePalindrome_ joined #minetest-dev
15:53 linkedinyou joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
15:53 misprint joined #minetest-dev
15:53 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
15:53 cat5e joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
15:53 eeew joined #minetest-dev
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15:53 enesbil joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
15:53 rom1504 joined #minetest-dev
15:53 jomat joined #minetest-dev
15:53 pozzoni joined #minetest-dev
15:53 exoplanet joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Robby joined #minetest-dev
15:53 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
15:53 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Last release: 0.4.13, Aug 20 2015. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
15:53 paramat joined #minetest-dev
16:15 paramat another easy to review PR #3795 increases chance of successful spawn. PR has changed so first comment is out-of-date
16:15 ShadowBot -- Mgvalleys: Correct spawn problems by duane-r
16:17 paramat i might work on a new texture for jungletree top
16:22 xeranas joined #minetest-dev
16:23 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
16:24 misprint joined #minetest-dev
16:25 Guest99181 joined #minetest-dev
16:37 ud1_ joined #minetest-dev
16:59 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
17:13 ShadowNinja Welp, I guess I've fixed the non-ASCII C&P bug -- apparently it's just ANSI 8-bit text, not something sane like UTF-8.
17:14 ShadowNinja ñ now works, but ä, ö, and ü don't.  Those don't work in the old text box either though.
17:16 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
17:25 ShadowNinja Hmmm, a, etc should work.  Might just be an issue of signedness?
17:28 ShadowNinja Yep, that did it.
17:33 ShadowNinja When pasting something outside the 8-bit range it's apparently stored elsewhere, because the clipbored is returned as "".
17:34 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
17:38 ShadowNinja It seems like Irrlicht should be reading the "Clipboard" clipboard, not the "Primary" clipboard (X11 has two).
17:38 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
17:42 kaadmy ShadowNinja: would that cause problems with the copy buffer only working on windows?
17:44 ShadowNinja kaadmy: No.  It's just Irrlicht reading the wrong clipboard by default.  They're brobably both usually set to the same thing anyways though.
17:45 kaadmy ah
18:02 est31 joined #minetest-dev
18:05 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
18:10 ShadowNinja est31: I made the chat console handle non-ascii characters -- but it only supports characters up to 255, turns out Irrlicht doesn't support full Unicode clipboards.
18:11 ShadowNinja I'm trying to piece together a fix, but the X11 documentation isn't particularly helpfull.
18:11 est31 i agree its really bad
18:13 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
18:17 est31 ShadowNinja, is the fixed version online in the PR?
18:17 ShadowNinja est31: No, not yet.
18:18 est31 äöü works for me for formspecs text boxes
18:22 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
18:26 est31 so I guess it will work for me for the f10 console too
18:26 est31 because I think in german setup äöü is < 255
18:31 ShadowNinja est31: Pushed.  I tested and those characters worked.  Notably they did NOT work in text boxes for me.
18:32 ShadowNinja est31: Try anything past U+FF and it will fail everywhere due to Irrlich's incomplete inplementation though.
18:33 est31 äöü works for me
18:33 est31 in f10 console
18:34 est31 But ↓ doesn't
18:34 est31 it shows up in the console
18:34 est31 but when i copy it and paste it externally its broken
18:35 est31 but its broken for formspec textboxes as well
18:35 est31 well, then its fine for me
18:35 est31 my priority was that its at least as good as formspec textboxes
18:38 everamzah game#879
18:38 ShadowBot -- Only register dye crafts from flower group if flower exists by everamzah
18:41 paramat game#880
18:41 ShadowBot -- Default: New jungletree_top texture by paramat
18:47 everamzah i like it, reminds me a bit of acacia, though.  and that edge almost feels like a bevel.  but it's overall an improvement to my eye
18:47 est31 ah still that old conflict
18:48 everamzah which?  dye?  did i do a dupe? :D
18:48 est31 no
18:49 est31 about jungletree top texture
18:49 est31 but I think i like this one
19:03 Fixer paramat, nice! potentially outer layer could be thinner, but ... try placing them in checker fasion
19:05 paramat i need to work on the central colour
19:16 est31 I've been playing this game
19:16 est31 and its really interesting to see different colors of grass throughout the world
19:17 est31 perhaps that's why everybody wants to change grass texture :)
19:20 nore about grass texture and color, I really think we should have a way to add biomes colors at some points in the future
19:21 est31 mapgen already does that
19:22 est31 snow and savanna
19:22 nore I mean, using at single node
19:22 nore where you could have a smooth color transition between biomes
19:22 est31 you mean, storing it in param1 / 2?
19:23 nore either in param1/2, or based on humidity & temparature map
19:23 est31 you don't mean wheather do you?
19:24 nore no, rather mapgen humidity and temperature
19:24 est31 hmm that would sound like an idea
19:24 nore it could be stored with the map (that's only 2d, so not much info to store)
19:25 nore (and there should probably be some way for lua mapgens to define them and mods to access them, but that's another thing)
19:26 ud1 joined #minetest-dev
19:33 foxz joined #minetest-dev
19:33 foxz hi all
19:34 foxz is it channel for lua minetest side or only c++ ?
19:36 nore foxz: it is only for engine development and of minetest_game, so C++ and a bit of Lua, but not for mods
19:36 foxz oh sry
19:36 nore no problem :)
19:36 nore (you can try #minetest for that though)
19:37 foxz I not really skilled with c++ but, what u think about spidermonkey engine (vs lua)
19:38 est31 javascript is a bit of a messy language
19:38 est31 lua has nicer concepts
19:38 est31 yes js is more poopular but I think lua is a nicer language overall
19:39 est31 and it would be a huge change for minetest, lots of work
19:39 ShadowNinja Should be ready to merge now: #1952
19:39 ShadowBot -- Use the console instead of a dedicated window when pressing chat/command keys by ShadowNinja
19:39 est31 the last character bug is fixed I confirm that
19:41 ShadowNinja JS is probably a better choice of language now, because there are a few good JIT implementations (LuaJIT is old and has a number of limitations, eg the constant limitation that WE has to hack around and the 32-bit memory limit).
19:41 Fixer even with cyrillic? аіїыгк... etc
19:42 foxz so, spidermonkey seen more fastest than luaj no ?
19:42 est31 Fixer, i've meant the bug where you cant select the last character when going left
19:43 est31 and the international character bug, that one is fixed as well. at least "fixed" in a sense that it isn't worse than the formspec text entry boxes.
19:43 ShadowNinja foxz: SpiderMonkey and V8 are probably faster than LuaJIT.
19:44 est31 Fixer, does copying cyrrilic from formspec entry boxes work?
19:44 Fixer est31, have not looked yet, i want to wait until PR is ready and test it
19:45 est31 Fixer, no i mean whether it works on formspec entry box
19:45 est31 can you test it
19:45 Fixer on sec
19:45 est31 i am writing a bug report for irrlicht and if you say cyrillic doesnt work i'll include that in my report
19:46 ShadowNinja est31: Anything above U+00FF won't work.
19:46 nore est31: ShadowNinja: about adding support for another language, wouldn't there be some language where we could have better performance?
19:46 Fixer est31, nope, does not work with cyrillic
19:46 est31 ShadowNinja, i think it depends on code page
19:47 est31 wchar_t isn't always ucs-something
19:47 ShadowNinja nore: Well of course, but if all we cared about was performance we'd be using C.
19:47 nore (so, one with a good JIT, and avoiding that all numbers get transformed into floats thing)
19:47 est31 ShadowNinja, you said that ü doesn't work for you. But ü is U+00FC
19:48 ShadowNinja est31: Well, in practucal usage it probably will be.
19:48 nore ShadowNinja: well, perhaps there could be a way to link C++ mods with core? (but there would definitely be problems with it)
19:48 ShadowNinja est31: It does work.
19:48 est31 ah okay
19:48 nore about formspec: do you want me to test too? (my system locale is fr, so I might get different results than yours)
19:49 ShadowNinja est31: It didn't work at one point because I needed to do a cast to unsigned.
19:50 est31 ah okay
19:53 ShadowBot` joined #minetest-dev
19:55 est31 Fixer, submitted this bug report;t=51248
19:57 Fixer nice
20:00 foxz ShadowNinja: V8 sucks :)
20:00 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Do you think you can fix the OSX threading test failure?
20:02 OldCoder I have set mg_name = single node in both the map_meta file and the .conf file. MT rewrites this as mg_name = v5 in the map_meta and adds v5 parameters. Is there an issue with singlenode?
20:02 OldCoder "singlenode"; not "single node". That was a typo.
20:05 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Works fine for me.
20:06 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I see no typo in mg_name = singlenode. In fact, it is a line I copied from another world's file. Is there something that may cause git-current to reject it?
20:07 * OldCoder is using the latest 0.4.13
20:07 ShadowNinja nore: An option for C++ mods has been discussed before.  They'd have to be manually compiled, but it would be noce to have that option for high-performance needs.
20:08 foxz sry to disturb, but is it possible to use sqlite into a mod lua, and if not, can u planning it ?
20:09 ShadowNinja OldCoder: I'm using latest git too.  I just changed "v5" to "singlenode" in my config and it worked fine (this is on a world with a dummy database backend so it regenerates every time).
20:09 est31 foxz, no its not possible
20:09 est31 not yet
20:09 est31 perhaps it gets added one day
20:09 ShadowNinja foxz: You can require("luasql"), but there's no included SQLite support.
20:10 foxz ShadowNinja: ??
20:10 foxz oh ok
20:10 OldCoder ShadowNinja, some odd mod issue, then; I'll try to identify it
20:10 foxz luasql isn't sqlite
20:10 ShadowNinja foxz: It has an sqlite3 part.
20:11 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Oh, yes, that's probably it.  Look for `register_on_mapgen_init`.
20:11 OldCoder ShadowNinja, all right
20:11 Hijiri joined #minetest-dev
20:11 foxz ShadowNinja: where'r find doc ?
20:12 OldCoder ShadowNinja, the default/mapgen.lua is forcing mg_name to either v7 or v5. This is not standard, I assume.
20:14 ShadowNinja !give foxz lmgtfy LuaSQL
20:14 ShadowBot foxz:
20:14 paramat joined #minetest-dev
20:14 foxz ShadowNinja: bad kid :)
20:15 foxz ShadowNinja: minetest is compiled with it inclued ?
20:16 OldCoder Compiled with what included?
20:16 OldCoder That is a mod, isn't it?
20:16 ShadowNinja foxz: No.  |   OldCoder: LuaSQL
20:18 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
20:19 foxz ShadowNinja: ... :/ ... Im bit lost...
20:19 paramat singlenode mapgen is now 'hidden', and this is causing some problems and confusion, i might unhide it
20:20 ShadowNinja foxz: There is no SQLite3 API included in Minetest, but if you pull in an external library you can use its API.
20:20 paramat many players have asked how to select it
20:21 paramat it was hidden to not confuse newbies but seems to be causing more problems the way it is now
20:22 foxz ShadowNinja: I need to recompile MT ?
20:23 est31 no
20:23 est31 require requires no recompile
20:23 est31 only that its present in lua's load path
20:24 ShadowNinja foxz: You'll have to learn how Lua's module system works, then you can use it.
20:24 ShadowNinja foxz: This discussion should go to #minetest now though.
20:24 foxz ShadowNinja: sure :)
20:25 foxz ShadowNinja: ok... sry
20:25 foxz left #minetest-dev
20:31 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
20:39 OldCoder paramat, thank you
20:49 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
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21:10 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
21:17 VirusJones joined #minetest-dev
21:24 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
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22:26 paramat updated game#880
22:26 ShadowBot -- Default: New jungletree_top texture by paramat
22:30 everamzah was the texture changed since you first submitted the PR?   i can't tell a difference.
22:30 everamzah (still looks good tho, to me anyway, definitely an improvement)
22:31 everamzah oh it's not red anymore LOL i get it now
22:32 paramat the first was too red yeah
22:34 Fixer ShadowNinja, about 3770, funnily enough, when I catch that lightning bug, I can restart, and it will still be there... but... after changing leaves to simple it suddenly goes away
22:35 everamzah rubenwardy: after i add the space, and commit the change, do i push and that's it?  i dunno about 'squash', and i think --amend won't work b/c i already pushed?
22:41 rubenwardy git push -f    will push any ammended history
22:42 everamzah oh thx
22:42 rubenwardy but isn't amend for commit messages?
22:42 rubenwardy well, git push remote branch -f
22:42 everamzah (i have no clue what i'm doing)
22:42 est31 no
22:42 est31 amend also works with the last commit
22:42 est31 you change something
22:42 est31 then git add
22:42 est31 then ament
22:42 est31 amend*
22:42 est31 then the commit got changed
22:43 rubenwardy oh, cool
22:43 rubenwardy I usually do git commit -m "s"; git rebase -i HEAD~2
22:45 Wayward1 joined #minetest-dev
22:47 everamzah i did git push -f and it seems to have worked (there's a space now).  it didn't seem to like it now.  normally i do commit --amend if i haven't pushed, but whenever i push and then try to --amend it fails.
23:13 DevBox joined #minetest-dev

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