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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-04-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Fixer nore, ok, reproduced too, now i will compile some more to test and to find commit with regress
00:04 nore Fixer: ah, good
00:05 * nore goes to bed (it's 2am here...)
00:05 Fixer 3am here %)
00:15 Fixer commit with regression identified
00:20 Fixer i guess now it is devs time to shine to fix it :}
00:20 VanessaE well report the bug then :P
00:20 Fixer VanessaE, don't, I've reported already and found the commit
00:20 Fixer issue #3955
00:20 ShadowBot -- Death on login [needs investigation]
00:35 paramat thanks good work
00:40 VanessaE wow, old bug
00:50 Dragonop Yep, hopefully fixing it won't create more bugs
01:17 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
02:39 paramat closed #3472
02:39 ShadowBot -- Add chat command /m to send PM
02:43 paramat .. as we now have what was asked for
02:44 * sofar slaps paramat with a bush
02:44 sofar :)
02:45 paramat closed #3621 as confirmed actually working
02:45 ShadowBot -- minetest.transforming_liquid_add(pos) is not working?
02:46 paramat *=.
02:59 paramat closed #3949 because pointless issue
02:59 ShadowBot -- Add games that should be bundled with Minetest
03:01 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
03:03 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
04:02 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
04:29 paramat left #minetest-dev
04:31 paramat joined #minetest-dev
04:34 paramat now merging games 994 1003 1008 1009
04:42 sofar well, crap, so much for making a nice cactus mesh
04:43 sofar that would break the existing mapgen placed cactus models
04:43 VanessaE sofar: round trees mod does round cacti also
04:43 VanessaE (I'm thinking of the abm it uses, or is it an lbm now? I forget)
04:44 paramat merged
04:44 sofar that's... not what I'm looking for. I want to make it spikey by using a mesh node
04:44 VanessaE ah
04:44 sofar but I don't want to make the arms of the current mapgen cactus trees float
04:45 sofar so I'd have to make the spikes stick outside of the 1x1x1 box
04:46 sofar and then they z-fight :(
04:47 VanessaE sounds like the only solution then would be a multi-node-sized model of something like a C. gigantea that drops several nodes' worth when dug.
04:48 VanessaE (modeled, of course, to look like it's still made from cubes)
04:50 VanessaE that's the route I'd take in this situation anyways.
04:52 VanessaE another option might be to split the model into three or four pieces (central trunk, two arms, maybe a top piece) and have some active code that say, chops off one arm, then the other, then the top, finally the trunk, all pieces drawn so that they work well together but don't care if the arms look weird "separately".
04:52 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
04:52 VanessaE that way you retain some granularity.  might even be seen as a gameplay feature.
04:54 VanessaE (inb4 "no, that won't work either, not what I'm aiming for."  :P  )
05:02 sofar lol
05:02 sofar sorry, I'm a sucker for simplicity
05:02 paramat it's cool you tried, but it's best left as a cube. in minetest there are many non-cubic objects represented as cubes, a mesh for cactus is going in the direction of making meshes for everything
05:02 sofar if I can fix it with a nice mesh model.... I will
05:03 sofar if not, then I'll pass
05:08 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:11 paramat left #minetest-dev
05:36 hmmmm [01:02 AM] <paramat> ..., a mesh for cactus is going in the direction of making meshes for everything
05:36 hmmmm so much this
05:36 sofar lol
05:36 hmmmm people are missing the point of a block world game because they're trying too hard to be like minecraft
05:37 hmmmm a cube with spikes is not a block
05:37 sofar slow down, it's just an experiment
05:37 sofar it doesn't work with the mapgen cacti anyway
05:37 sofar so, I'll probably shelf it
05:39 sofar there's a giant gray zone between "this is an engine where anything is possible" and "let's keep everything a block"
05:40 sofar
05:40 sofar doesn't look half-bad, does it now?
05:40 sofar so, it's not a bizarre thought. someone else probably already did it
05:41 sofar yup, I can find 1 google image that shows something similar, lol
05:42 VanessaE I would still define that as "mostly a cube"
05:42 VanessaE enough that honestly, I don't think it violates MT's general nature
05:43 sofar there's one reason to do this
05:43 sofar right now, you can't make cacti actually *hurt* a player
05:43 sofar since it's 1x1x1
05:43 sofar you can set damage_per_second = 1 for it, but a player could never "enter" the block
05:43 sofar if the cactus block was *smaller* than 1x1x1, then that would work
05:44 VanessaE the solution for that in the past has... yeah
05:44 sofar so, there's a solid reason... for making it a mesh
05:44 VanessaE a 12x16x12 nodebox for the body and the needles extending out to the 1x1x1 boundary
05:45 sofar I'd just do 14px x 14px
05:45 sofar let's not make it super skinny
05:45 VanessaE well close enough
05:48 sofar oh, hmm, damage_per_second doesn't work for a smaller collision box
05:49 sofar wait, typo
05:53 sofar well that's an ugly hack. you have to almost stand entirely inside the cactus for it to hurt you
05:53 sofar I'm at 3/16 and then it starts to tick damage :(
05:55 sofar meaning, I can walk in between 2 cacti and not get hurt even if they're adjacent
05:57 sofar yeah, no wonder, yikes, that calculation in environment.cpp
06:09 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
06:23 * nore wonders how 8787d2e7 could have added the problem
06:24 sofar well, it stop players from moving
06:24 sofar so now they're stuck in an invalid position
06:25 sofar the trick is probably to stop damage until that condition is reached
06:47 sofar well, all that playing with cacti at least resulted in possibly a nice addition
06:47 sofar VanessaE: I got cacti to damage players standing on, walking into them
06:47 VanessaE cool
06:48 Zeno` Why to the cacti walk into people?
06:48 Obani joined #minetest-dev
06:48 sofar phrasing error, likely ;)
06:48 Zeno` =)
06:49 sofar the grammar really hurts the ccti
06:49 sofar argh
06:49 sofar obvious signs i need to go to be
06:49 sofar d
06:49 Zeno` heh
06:58 Zeno` can someone explain the branches to me please?
06:58 Zeno` Most of them didn't exist last I was active
06:58 sofar all irrelevant except master?
06:59 Zeno` ok, so the same as before. That's cool :)
06:59 Zeno` what is dev-0.5?
07:00 sofar march 5 2015 last commit... old stuff :)
07:00 sofar I dunno maybe there's stuff in there that's still useful, but I doubt it
07:01 Zeno` ok thanks
07:07 Obani joined #minetest-dev
07:09 Obani sofar,
07:09 Obani Will it be possible to be touched from the head ?
07:12 Obani joined #minetest-dev
07:18 sofar possibly, yes
07:42 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
07:48 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
08:02 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:12 damiel joined #minetest-dev
08:23 nore ok, maybe wait a bit before merging #3948, I will probably change the escape code to \x1b
08:23 ShadowBot -- Escape more strings: formspecs, item descriptions, infotexts... by Ekdohibs
08:29 nrzkt2 nore if we can use standard codes for escaping, could be good
08:29 nore nrzkt2: you mean, like ansi terminals?
08:30 nrzkt2 why not like ANSI, it's a well known and documented thing
08:30 nrzkt2 it's better to follow a standard than invent our standard for this
08:31 nore yeah, probably
08:31 nore I should look into its documentation though
08:31 nore problem is, we do want to add a bit more escape sequences
08:31 nore (translations for example)
08:34 nore well, another advantage of doing that is that is should work almost out-of-the-box with terminal_chat_console
08:36 asl97 joined #minetest-dev
08:37 nrzkt2 of course :D yes
08:37 nrzkt2 except for windows where a translation layer should be needed, look at trinitycore or mangos project for mapping colors
08:37 nrzkt2 they have many color mappings for cross platform
08:40 nore hm, it looks like we can't add other escape sequences easily :/
08:41 nore well, if we wanted to add more data like informations for translations
08:42 nore we would need to do things that are very hacky
08:42 nore and, another problem with ANSI escape sequences
08:42 nore is that ";" is used as a separator
08:42 nore but it is already a separator in formspecs :/
09:15 Preuk joined #minetest-dev
09:24 Preuk left #minetest-dev
09:31 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
10:06 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
10:48 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
11:07 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
11:19 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:24 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
11:27 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
11:31 Zeno` rewriting all my test scripts to deal with changes :)
11:32 Zeno` I've spent a lot of time looking at everything that's changed since my sabbatical and I have to say I'm very impressed
11:33 Zeno` great work
11:34 celeron55 where do you even get that information in any reasonable form
11:35 celeron55 the commit log is quite long for reading
11:37 Zeno` I read nearly every commit
11:38 Zeno` wasn't much else to do :)
11:38 celeron55 nore: i would imagine ANSI is still among the best options even if when you have to escape the ';'s
11:38 Zeno` I suppose it's not really "information" but an impression
11:38 nore celeron55: yeah, but how would you add more escape sequences? (translations for example)
11:39 nore since you have to write the string to translate, and its arguments too
11:39 celeron55 well i don't think the strings to be translated should contain those
11:40 celeron55 that would be a huge issue no matter what
11:40 nore celeron55: how would you handle things such as "Furnace is active (42%)"
11:41 nore the classical way of doing that is to translate "Furnace is active(#1%)"
11:41 nore and then give it #1
11:41 ShadowBot -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome
11:41 celeron55 and you want to color a single word in it?
11:41 nore but we can't do that if we use ansi escape sequences :/
11:41 iangp joined #minetest-dev
11:42 celeron55 can't?
11:42 nore celeron55: no, what I mean is that the server has to send separately the string to translate and its arguments
11:42 celeron55 i'm not following
11:42 nore and we can't pass a string as argument in an escape sequence
11:43 nore sorry, gtg :/
11:44 celeron55 ehm, well i hope someone knows what is going on and prevents some huge mess
11:45 nore to make it short : imagine the server has to send the text "Furnace is at x%", where x is any value
11:47 nore the client isn't able to translate that when x is replaced by a value
11:47 nore but it is able if you say that you have to translate a format string
11:48 nore and you give the arguments of the format string
11:49 nore and that means you have to send the argumznts separately
11:50 celeron55 i understand that but i don't understand how this relates to ANSI codes
11:50 celeron55 i guess it doesn't
11:54 nore well, we want to add escape sequences that can be stripped easily and that can be extended
11:54 nore so that if we want to add more escape sequences in the future, it can be done without a protocol bump
11:55 nore and that is the problem with ansi escapes
11:56 nore they are not extensible
11:56 celeron55 that is kind of a problem, yes
12:02 nore that's why I used that non-standard format :/ but if you have a better idea, I would be interested
12:11 celeron55 well, i don't care as long as it was considered
12:20 nrzkt2 nore, why not use blizzard's method ?
12:21 nrzkt2 $|f000000 xxx |r
12:21 nrzkt2 if i remember
12:21 nrzkt2 they also added $g $r $n for gender race and number :p
12:21 nrzkt2 name*
12:30 nore nrzkt: do you have a link?
12:32 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:32 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
12:46 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
12:48 nrzkt
12:49 nrzkt my syntax was a little bit errored because i worked on in three years ago :) but not many
12:50 nrzkt the hyperlink mode in wow is also interesting for us :D
12:50 nrzkt in wow and warcraft (maybe starcraft too) you can type those in caht to add colors directly from end user
13:25 nore nrzkt: hmm... I'm not sure we should do exactly the same, but it can be used to give some ideas
13:25 nore the main problem is that their format is not extensible
13:28 nrzkt what do you mean ? extensible for doing what ?
13:31 nore I mean, we can't add more escapes in the future
13:32 nore while being able to remove them now
13:32 nore also, if we keep the same escape sequences, we might break mods
13:36 nrzkt i don't understand why ? which escape sequence are we using in 0.4.13 ?
13:37 Zeno`` joined #minetest-dev
13:38 nore nrzkt: none
13:39 nore I added some escape sequence escaping in a recent commit
13:40 nrzkt but 0.4.14 wasn't released you have time to make a convergent solution
13:40 nore what I meant was that if we use the same escape sequences as they do, we might break mods that use "|" in strings
13:42 nore and we can't make that escape sequence format extensible with unknown escape sequences stripped without modifying it
13:42 nrzkt because MT was so permissive, i think every std escaping model could be used in our mods
13:42 Zeno`` it's great to have reliable internet
13:43 nore so I'd say we should choose a format, but we should keep in mind it should be easy to add new escapes in it
13:44 nore that's why I settled to \v(...), but as ShadowNinja said, maybe \x1b instead is better
13:45 nore so I'll change that, I will also have to find a way for the server to send translations
13:46 nrzkt create a new packet TOCLIENT_TRANSLATIONS u32 count << std::map<std::string, std::string>
13:51 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
14:09 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
14:26 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
14:27 gregorycu Hey all
14:28 VanessaE hi
14:29 gregorycu Fixer: How's things
14:32 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
14:49 Fixer gregorycu, hi, nice, got a nice time outside
14:49 Fixer gregorycu, now here
14:50 gregorycu Yeah, been busy for the past few days
14:50 gregorycu I'm basically abandoning my stutter work because farmap will probably change that stuff a little
14:50 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
14:50 gregorycu Along with the other work to reduce stutter
14:50 gregorycu Haven't given up
14:51 Fixer gregorycu, farmap does not solve the jitter/stutter unfortunately
14:52 gregorycu I meant the code will be different
14:52 gregorycu It will be a nightmare merge
14:53 Fixer gregorycu, it will be nicer if farmap pr adapts to your optimisation one %) if it really helps to fix jitter/stutter
14:54 gregorycu c55 has a hard task already
14:54 gregorycu :)
14:54 gregorycu I can make it compile in your machine
14:54 gregorycu By removing all thread safety :)
14:55 Fixer if think that way, huge farmap pr will hold a lot of things
14:56 Fixer gregorycu, can i at least try it?
14:57 gregorycu Of course, give me a few min
14:57 gregorycu You ever think about learning C++?
14:57 Fixer maybe if it really does help it will convince other devs to think about it
14:57 Fixer gregorycu, not yet, i'm procrastinating too much while reading python tutorial for years apperently
14:58 gregorycu Yeah, I was doing my fair share of python today
14:58 gregorycu It's one of my languages
14:59 Fixer i need more effort to read and learn it, everytime some **** goes in the way and distracts me
15:03 Zeno`` hi gregorycu
15:03 gregorycu Zeno
15:04 Zeno`` how are you?
15:05 Zeno`` Is minetest taking longer to connect to servers than it used to, or is it my internet?
15:06 Zeno`` it's hard to tell; my internet has been ship lately
15:09 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:09 jin_xi sup guys just tested if this bug is still present, and it seems it is: id's of expiring particle spawners are never deleted
15:10 jin_xi PR here for review or redo:
15:11 gregorycu Fixer: My env is being a piece of shit at the moment, I don't know if I can get this out to you tonight
15:11 Fixer gregorycu, no problem, if you can, please make a PR for it
15:12 gregorycu Well, I'm not going to make it threadsafe unless it appears to make a difference :)
15:12 gregorycu And i won't do a PR unless it's threadsafe
15:13 Fixer ok
15:13 Fixer gregorycu, i will test it and then you will decide
15:18 Zeno`` hmm, that's an old PR
15:19 Zeno`` seems I commented... I wonder if it can be rebased
15:19 Obani joined #minetest-dev
15:20 Zeno`` jin_xi, have you tested it?
15:20 Zeno`` it looks pretty straightforward and if it fixes the bug then...
15:22 jin_xi i have tested it when i made the pr, but thats a long time ago.
15:23 Zeno`` I've added rebase needed label, but will either rebase myself and test or add another comment (once I get all my test scripts rewritten)
15:23 Zeno`` from memory it was a real concern (leak)
15:24 Zeno`` bookmarked
15:24 jin_xi yes it creates a ever growing list of ids which might be problematic if lots of explosions or similar are used
15:26 Zeno`` it looks good at a glance. I'll get it rebased and test
15:30 Zeno`` It probably should have been merged at the time :/
15:30 Zeno`` what's the deal with the feature freeze?
15:31 Zeno`` critical/high-priority bug fixes only?
15:42 Fixer Zeno``, no new feature but bug fixes are ok (i guess)
15:42 Fixer Zeno``, ask paramat, he knows
15:52 damiel joined #minetest-dev
15:56 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:09 sofar to test that, you have to make a mod that creates new particlespawners every N seconds and let it run...
16:10 sofar Zeno``: I'd love to help test that. I have a torch modification that is a good test case for it too.
16:14 jin_xi sofar, just manually place spawners with non-zero time and print out id numbers
16:31 nore I updated #3948 with \x1b as escape character instead
16:31 ShadowBot -- Escape more strings: formspecs, item descriptions, infotexts... by Ekdohibs
16:32 nore the translations code has not yet been updated though
16:41 lisac joined #minetest-dev
16:42 lisac nore: Are you there?
16:43 nore lisac: yep
16:43 lisac Awesome! I wanted to ask you about the colored chat you are working on.
16:43 lisac If you have some time.
16:44 nore of course :)
16:46 lisac Ok, is there any place where I can get the code?
16:46 lisac Or could you tell me how do I set a specific part of code to a color?
16:46 lisac I'm working on a mod, and it is essential to it...
16:47 lisac See at  #3924
16:47 ShadowBot -- Colored item descriptions
16:47 lisac :D
16:47 nore lisac: either do minetest.get_color_escape_sequence(color), and concatenate that string
16:48 nore it will set the color of text to the color you chose
16:48 nore or do minetest.colorize(color, string), that will set the color to that color and then back to white
16:48 lisac Ok, thank you!
16:49 lisac This is going to be fun when it is added :D
16:49 nore you're welcome: )
16:49 nore though, you may have to wait a bit before
16:50 nore it still is WIP, and depends on #3948 being merged in a stable release before
16:50 ShadowBot -- Escape more strings: formspecs, item descriptions, infotexts... by Ekdohibs
16:50 lisac Oh, ok.
16:51 lisac Also, how did you solve the fact that chat lines are handled as lines, rather than characters?
16:51 Obani nore, I guess it will be in 0.4.15
16:52 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:58 nore Obani: colored chat, or 3948?
16:59 nore lisac: what do you mean?
16:59 lisac Well, last time I checked the code, I think minetest was rendering it as a line?
16:59 lisac Not characters.
16:59 lisac I mean...
17:00 lisac The whole line...
17:00 lisac Not separated.
17:01 nore Hmm... actually, the code does render each character separately now
17:02 nore but there might be a moment where all these chars are just one long string
17:03 lisac Oh, ok.
17:03 lisac Guess I was using outdated code :D
17:03 nore well, the same thing was happening before my changes
17:04 nore it's just that we add our own modified version of irrlicht code now: )
17:04 nore (**** that phone autocorrect that breaks my smileys)
17:12 lisac :D
17:19 Obani nore, colored chat elements
17:55 dulrich left #minetest-dev
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18:07 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:16 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
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19:00 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
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19:49 Obani joined #minetest-dev
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22:42 Dragonop_ joined #minetest-dev
23:15 iangp joined #minetest-dev
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