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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-04-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:16 paramat left #minetest-dev
00:41 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
00:49 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
01:00 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
01:06 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
01:21 paramat joined #minetest-dev
01:41 paramat hi hmmmm sorry to ask again, please could you review #4002 sometime? one of the last milestones delaying freeze
01:41 ShadowBot -- Mgv7: Combine mountain terrain generation with base terrain generation by paramat
01:42 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
01:48 paramat now merging game#1040 game#1044
01:48 ShadowBot -- Doors: Use LBM instead of ABM to convert doors. by sofar
01:48 ShadowBot -- Flowers: Make flower spread a public function to enable override by paramat
01:52 Warr1024 is there a way in the mod api to save a schematic including node metadata?
01:52 paramat hm doubt it
01:53 paramat schematics only contain node id, param1, param2
01:53 Warr1024 is there any reasonably good way to serialize node marialize node metadata?
01:53 Warr1024 s/mari/seri/
01:54 Warr1024 it looks like to_table() is kicking back raw InvRefs instead of tables, so I'd have to do this complex bunch of loops...
01:57 paramat if you see her on channels 'Sokomine' is perhaps the expert on this
01:58 Warr1024 ah, thanks
02:03 paramat merges complete
02:03 paramat and she has some impressive schematic related mods on the forum
02:10 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
03:09 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
03:21 DI3HARD139 How can I change the path for CURL?
03:39 dzho joined #minetest-dev
04:10 paramat hmmmm freeze is hopefully this coming weekend, in case there's anything you feel needs to go in
04:22 cheapie joined #minetest-dev
04:30 paramat will merge game#1017 in a moment
04:30 ShadowBot -- Fire: Higher chance of removing flammable nodes by paramat
04:32 paramat now merging
04:34 paramat merged
04:42 paramat VanessaE you'll now need to override the flower spread function to include the check for 'group:flora_block' :)
04:42 VanessaE yep. I know.
04:42 VanessaE I'll wait for release before I change that, since feature freeze is imminentg
04:42 VanessaE imminent*
04:51 cheapie joined #minetest-dev
05:06 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:10 paramat left #minetest-dev
05:12 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
05:29 DI3HARD139 When choosing which spatialindex-*.lib file, do I use the -32 or _c-32?
07:04 Krock joined #minetest-dev
07:29 oleastre joined #minetest-dev
07:42 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
07:52 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
08:07 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-dev
08:17 cat5e joined #minetest-dev
09:00 celeron55 things seem to be working now again, exactly at UTC 9:00
09:23 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
10:15 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
10:41 Krock joined #minetest-dev
10:42 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:09 Samson1 joined #minetest-dev
11:14 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:18 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:41 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
11:41 damiel joined #minetest-dev
12:09 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
12:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:26 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
12:26 MoNTE48 joined #minetest-dev
12:49 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
13:01 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
13:15 dfelinto joined #minetest-dev
13:25 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
13:58 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:59 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
14:00 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
14:08 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
14:58 Krock joined #minetest-dev
15:24 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:25 hmmmm omg
15:25 hmmmm sp500 hit 2,100
15:26 hmmmm first time this happened in over 6 months
15:26 Krock sorry, what?
15:26 hmmmm whoops wrong channel
15:26 Krock lol
15:38 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
15:49 Samson22 joined #minetest-dev
15:50 Samson22 joined #minetest-dev
16:00 sofar hmmmm: also, INTC earnings today!
16:00 Fixer yeah, and we are stuck with recession and shit500 hit -2100 :/
16:00 * sofar wonders if his stock will go up or down :o
16:01 * Fixer has no stock
16:01 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:01 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
16:02 Fixer some people actually discuss that kind of indexes, over here it is: please raise my wages, my pansion, lower pay for heating/electricity don't care how la-la-la
16:04 sofar here it is: better healthcare, stop making people go bankrupt over health issues, kill all politicians
16:04 Fixer i forgot last part :)
16:04 sofar um wait, that last thing is supposed to read: kill all politicians!!!!
16:04 sofar anyway
16:04 Fixer yes, states have problems with health services, even i know that
16:05 Fixer canada rocks /cough/
16:12 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
16:14 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
16:55 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:04 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
17:11 hmmmm sofar, you work at $INTC yes?
17:12 hmmmm your thoughts on the upcoming layoffs?
17:16 sofar I can't comment on that, obviously.
17:16 sofar but, if you look at any company this size, you'll see that stuff like that happens every year.
17:19 hmmmm can't imagine it helps employee morale
17:19 hmmmm this is a layoff on the magnitude of MS's
17:21 sofar rumors are rumors
17:23 hmmmm he he he, just hope it's not your entire QA/validation department!
17:23 hmmmm intel has been getting sloppy with cpu validation lately, lots more errors in the silicon these days it seems
17:24 sofar our ClearLinux QA is part of our team, not part of a separate organization.
17:24 sfan5 still better than AMD
17:24 hmmmm AMD cuts corners
17:24 hmmmm literally
17:24 damiel joined #minetest-dev
17:24 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
17:25 hmmmm idunno man, if i were a gambling man i'd go long on amd.  Zen is going to be competitive simply because intel has not been making any real improvements in ipc lately.
17:25 sfan5 i've found intel cpus to simply be more powerful in the past
17:26 sfan5 maybe i've tested the wrong ones though
17:28 lag01 joined #minetest-dev
17:40 Fixer intel is nice, i hope amd catch up with zen
17:40 Fixer i've used AMD Duron 900MHz many years ago as CPU
17:40 Fixer Athlons were good competitors to P3
17:43 Krock nut just against P3 IMO
17:43 Krock *not
17:44 hmmmm back when i was rocking my athlon 64 3500+ the mapgen took literally 2 minutes to make a single chunk
17:45 Fixer hmmmm, not good, i was playing on P4 2.8GHz and mapgen was fine
17:45 hmmmm but now that i'm Intel Inside(tm) and i made several huge optimizations it now takes 60 milliseconds
17:46 Fixer i doubt that was Athlons fault
17:46 Calinou Fixer, I think people are a bit too hopeful for Zen
17:47 Calinou the last CPU "revolution" was like a decade ago...
17:47 Krock 2 minutes for a chunk? go include LuaJIT instantly!
17:47 Fixer Calinou, it is not revo, they will just use the same architecture as Intel iirc
17:48 Fixer "Reports from AMD indicate that Zen will abandon modular CMT (Clustered Multithread) for a [17]SMT (Simultaneous Multithreading) microarchitecture, which is similar to, but not the same model that Intel uses."
17:48 Fixer that should help a lot
17:49 Krock Calinou, a decade ago but good processors are still expensive
17:51 Calinou Fixer, maybe they'll reach Sandy/Ivy Bridge level only... :(
17:51 Calinou there's little hope that they can reach even Haswell level
17:51 Fixer Calinou, that will be good enough
17:51 Calinou yeah but in comparison to Intel's Skylake, it'd fall short
17:51 Calinou especially if you find a deal on an Intel CPU (I've seen an i7-6700K for €350)
17:51 Fixer Calinou, i think last big jump was before SandyBridge or just after it
17:51 Calinou there's still quite a bit of difference between Sandy Bridge and Skylake :)
17:51 Calinou both frequencies and IPCs have increased
17:52 Fixer too costly, sorry, we have serious devaluation, no more toys :(
17:52 Calinou not by much, but they still did
17:52 Calinou Fixer, if only one could download hardware... :D
17:52 Fixer and dollar wages
17:53 Krock Calinou, that would be like when you could eat software
17:53 Fixer thank chtulhu i recognised catastrophe 1 year before and we exchanged some more currency to dollars
17:53 damiel joined #minetest-dev
17:54 Fixer broght dslr and new pc in time :}
17:55 Fixer ready for a cataclysm (tm)
17:57 PilzAdam so much offtopic here
18:00 oleastre joined #minetest-dev
18:02 hmmmm YO my main mushroom man, what's going on?
18:02 hmmmm haven't seen you around lately
18:03 Fixer mushroom man?
18:03 hmmmm pilz is german for mushroom
18:03 Fixer got it
18:04 PilzAdam this sounds like I'm supplying you with mushrooms
18:04 PilzAdam for any feds reading: I'm not
18:06 Fixer mushrooms... mmm
18:08 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
18:15 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
19:25 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
19:58 Warr1024 on Debian 8, trying to compile for Android, but it's failing on building curl.  Am I missing something obvious?  Did something change lately?
20:16 nrzkt Warr1024, no problem for me with curl, i only noticed a problem with linking on openssl 1.0.2g
20:17 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
20:18 Warr1024 ah, I remember having had openssl issues at one point... I wonder what I did to work around it?
20:19 Warr1024 hopefully there will be another release soon enough so I can use offical bins on some platforms...
20:20 nrzkt i haven't solved the openssl issue yet, it's anoying
20:30 Warr1024 looks like there are some 64-bit constants in test_serialization.cpp that cause compiling to fail on 32-bit archs, too.
20:31 Warr1024 appending LL to them to force the type seems to have gotten past it...
20:40 hmmmm whoops :(
20:58 sofar hmmmm: looks like it'll be a depressing day here -
20:59 hmmmm layoffs usually increase stock price in the short term, but i wouldn't bother buying up more since the news has already been priced in
20:59 hmmmm too late!
21:03 sofar I'm actually hoping to sell some soon :)
21:04 hmmmm iunno i'd just hold to be honest
21:04 hmmmm it's nice for income
21:05 sofar trying to build a house soon...
21:05 sofar after hours plunge already 3%+
21:07 sofar tbh they didn't miss the earnings estimates by much. picky brokers
21:20 jin_xi guys, anyone up for looking at some mt hacking questions?
21:21 jin_xi effing particles again...
21:29 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
21:40 Wayward1 joined #minetest-dev
21:42 Wayward1 Warr1024, does your apk compile failure resemble #4005?
21:42 ShadowBot -- Minetest.apk build failure
22:00 dzho joined #minetest-dev
22:56 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:57 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
23:19 Warr1024 Yes, #4005 is the error I'm having.
23:19 ShadowBot -- Minetest.apk build failure
23:19 Warr1024 good to know that it's not just my setup that's messed up, but it's a shame that it's broken for anyone else...
23:20 Warr1024 maybe we should try a bisect and see if we can identify a change that broke it?
23:21 Zeno` Warr1024, so... nothing has changed for you in the last few days?
23:22 Zeno` I built for android only about a week ago and noticed nothing unusual
23:25 paramat joined #minetest-dev
23:25 Zeno` so is that curl or ./conftest failing?
23:25 Zeno` (looking at lines 126 and 128 of config.log)
23:25 Warr1024 I don't remember the last time I tried to build
23:26 Warr1024 let me check...
23:26 Zeno` it looks like --host should be added somewhere? Hmm
23:26 paramat *** freeze at weekend hopefully ***
23:29 Warr1024 according to nerzhul's comment on the issue, curl 0.48 works fine, so maybe I can just change that in the Makefile?
23:29 Warr1024 whelp, I kicked off a build, so I'll see if that makes a diff...
23:29 Zeno` ok
23:29 Zeno` I'm also looking at line 125 though
23:30 Zeno`
23:31 Zeno` which is probably nothing
23:32 Warr1024 yeah, curl 7.48.0 gives me the same shit.
23:33 Zeno` in the NDK?
23:33 Warr1024 according to Makefile, curl is alrady build with --host=${TARGET_HOST}
23:33 Warr1024 which should evaluate to --host=arm-linux
23:34 Zeno` I guess one of us should install Ubuntu to try and replicate
23:35 Warr1024 my last good build was 2016-01-04
23:35 Warr1024 I'm on Debian 8 and am having the same problem, so I'm going to see if the old code is failing for me too
23:35 Zeno` well if there is an error it should be easy to bisect at least
23:35 Zeno` thanks
23:35 Warr1024 if it is then it must be something that changed on my system like a package upate
23:36 Warr1024 if not, then I can try a bisect and see what changed in the codebase.
23:36 Zeno` I'd just look at the git history for the android makefiles first, but yeah
23:41 Zeno` why is my CPU so hot :/
23:41 Warr1024 yeah, a few suspicious revs in there.
23:41 Zeno` ok, I'll try again when back on my dev computer
23:41 Warr1024 stuff like "update a whole bunch of deps" which sounds like exactly the kind of thing that would break stuff...
23:41 Zeno` yep for sure
23:42 Zeno` and if it is broken that's a blocker
23:42 Zeno` hopefully easy to fix though
23:42 Fixer Zeno`, cpu is in australia
23:42 Warr1024 yeah, unfortunately it might be hard to untangle the good parts from the breaking ones...
23:43 Zeno` Fixer, it's only 12C outside (14c inside) and my CPU is idling on 58C lol
23:43 Zeno` Warr1024, we'll just remove CURL then!
23:43 Zeno` (joke)
23:44 Warr1024 heh
23:44 Zeno` Warr1024, I dunno how I can personally fix it though 'cause it worked for me the other day
23:45 Warr1024 well, I don't think I actually use it myself
23:45 Zeno` umm... what are you using? Debian or Udbuntu?
23:45 Warr1024 Deb 8
23:45 Zeno` I can install on a VM
23:45 ShadowBot` joined #minetest-dev
23:45 Warr1024 well, it's not "pure" deb 8
23:45 Warr1024 was originally 6 and I followed the upgrade paths
23:45 Fixer i have deb 8 too in vm, but i cross-compile to windows
23:45 Warr1024 which means that there will always be a few odd bits of config that don't match a stock install
23:45 Fixer so probably no help
23:45 Zeno` Fixer are you able to build for android?
23:46 Fixer Zeno`, never tried it
23:46 Warr1024 don't we have CI for android or anything?
23:46 Zeno` so two people have the problem?
23:47 Zeno` you and Wayward_One? (both on debian-based linuxes)
23:47 Warr1024 as far as I know, yes.
23:47 Warr1024 is there a set of platforms for which cross-compiling to Android is or is not supported?
23:47 Zeno` Can you add a comment as well please?
23:47 Warr1024 sure
23:48 Zeno` Warr1024, I don't know. I had a lot of trouble setting up the silly android SDK/NDK I know that much heh
23:48 Zeno` kind of scared to touch my config now =D
23:49 Warr1024 yeah, I know the feeling
23:49 Warr1024 I seem to have lost the ability to build the desktop version, too
23:49 Warr1024 er, it builds, but immediate SIGSEGV on launch
23:50 Warr1024 tried to gdb it a bit, bt points to a problem in or something, so it sort of sounds like a video driver issue..
23:50 Warr1024 ironically, I've had the most luck getting it to build and run stable on OpenBSD
23:51 Warr1024 but there's no android cross-compile support to speak of, and there are some particularly annoying performance issues...
23:54 Zeno` this is very odd
23:57 Zeno` actually I'm not sure I like that patch

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