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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-04-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:40 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
01:56 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
02:38 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
02:52 Zeno` Warr1024, what happened with #4005?
02:52 ShadowBot -- Minetest.apk build failure
02:53 Zeno` Warr1024, did your issue turn out to be something else?
03:09 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
03:11 Warr1024 nope
03:12 Warr1024 I think my experiences were the same as yours
03:12 Warr1024 reverting that commit makes it work, ndk update didn't help me
03:13 Warr1024 my desktop and server issues were unrelated
03:16 WarrTab joined #minetest-dev
03:17 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
03:27 Zeno` oh
03:27 Zeno` I just can't see your comments but maybe I was looking in the wrong place
04:19 DI3HARD139 Oh Hi there Zeno
04:40 Zeno` hi :)
05:12 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:47 Zeno` 2016-04-21 15:33:11: ERROR[AsyncWorker-1]: not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 0)
05:47 Zeno` ======= Backtrace: =========
05:47 Zeno` heh
05:52 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:54 hmmmm wtf is this shit?
05:54 hmmmm isn't that a clear violation of the lua code style standards
05:55 Zeno` in what way?
05:57 paramat too much alignment?
05:58 hmmmm the if and the statement on the same line
05:58 paramat oh duh!
05:58 * paramat just woke up
05:59 paramat yes it is
06:00 Zeno` I guess
06:01 sfan5 paramat: btw i approved #4010
06:01 ShadowBot -- Textures: Replace menu background fallback dirt_bg.png with empty sky texture by paramat
06:01 paramat ok thanks, will merge sometime
06:02 Zeno` hmmmm, if you want to yell at me for missing that before merging then that's ok
06:02 paramat nore sfan5 game#1029 ? easy
06:02 ShadowBot -- Add: New Heart Texture by KevDoy
06:02 hmmmm d'oh it's fine
06:02 hmmmm it doesn't matter
06:02 Zeno` heh
06:02 hmmmm so when's the release going to happen
06:02 hmmmm i want to be able to work on some new stuff
06:03 paramat 2 weeks of freeze
06:03 paramat maybe
06:03 paramat freeze this weekend
06:03 sfan5 paramat: game#1029 is good
06:03 ShadowBot -- Add: New Heart Texture by KevDoy
06:03 paramat ok
06:04 paramat hmmmm one thing we may need your help on is #2759
06:04 ShadowBot -- Shadow bug at y = 63 in mgv5/mgv7/mgflat/mgfractal/mgvalleys(/mgwatershed)
06:04 paramat i'm going to tackle it during freeze
06:04 hmmmm oh, that..
06:04 Zeno` I wish I could track this bug down
06:04 paramat but am mystified by this
06:05 Zeno` it doesn't seem to happen in debug builds though :/
06:05 hmmmm nah i've seen it with debug builds
06:05 hmmmm i am eternally debug
06:05 Zeno` the one I pasted a bit of before?
06:05 paramat he is de bug man
06:05 Zeno` it happens nearly every time I launch the game
06:06 Zeno` aha!
06:06 hmmmm generating in minetest is way too complex
06:06 Zeno` caught it
06:06 sofar I'm getting abm overruns after my game runs for an hour
06:06 sofar could be a timekeeping bug :(
06:06 hmmmm zeno, lol.
06:07 hmmmm paramat, that lighting bug existed way before my patch
06:07 paramat yeah quite possibly
06:08 Zeno` strange
06:08 hmmmm you know what i think would help with debugging this class of problems
06:08 paramat well we had dark air at y=47 a while ago, which you fixed
06:09 hmmmm what if there was a way to 'slow down' light propogation for a specified chunk
06:09 hmmmm and you can visualize it
06:10 hmmmm perhaps the lighting algorithm could be duplicated and instead of setting light it places translucent nodes of varying colors
06:10 Zeno` it's in log.cpp :3
06:10 paramat interesting
06:11 hmmmm how often does this bug happen anyway?
06:11 hmmmm is it readily reproducible?
06:11 paramat or better differing colours of post effect colour
06:11 paramat it is reproducable
06:11 paramat happens 100%
06:11 paramat with terrain level = 62
06:12 paramat all mapgens except mgv6
06:12 hmmmm i'll have a look i guess
06:12 paramat i will for sure
06:13 paramat this is partly why i said a 2 week freeze, for this bug
06:13 hmmmm so all i do to reproduce is set the surface terrain to offset 62 for surface noise?
06:13 Zeno` this is probably the source of all those invalid characters in the log file as well
06:13 hmmmm and then set scale to 0
06:13 paramat yeah
06:13 Zeno` which never used to cause a crash but now it is...
06:14 paramat make sure to read the whole thread for details
06:14 hmmmm once i readily reproduce it i should be ok
06:15 Zeno`
06:15 paramat then generate the upper chunk first
06:15 hmmmm wait, which noise gets set to 62 exactly
06:15 hmmmm both terrain base and terrain alt?
06:15 hmmmm or what's going on
06:15 paramat mgv7 base and alt
06:15 Zeno` can crash every single time either by connecting before the server list times out or by closing main window before server list times out
06:16 Zeno` prints a bunch of random characters in the "2016-04-21 16:09:44: ERROR[AsyncWorker-0]: serv..." log message and segfaults
06:16 hmmmm wtf paramat
06:16 hmmmm i thought you said the spawn point selection still works
06:17 paramat it won't if all terrain is > 62
06:17 paramat it looks for sea level to sea level + 32
06:17 paramat but yeah could be more robust
06:18 paramat ok i'll work on it
06:18 Zeno` I think the thread is ending before the log finishes outputting it
06:18 Zeno` god
06:19 Zeno` I don't like this :(
06:19 hmmmm humm
06:19 Zeno` log.cpp line 345 (segfault)... source is httpfetch.cpp line 384
06:19 hmmmm i wonder if the problem will disappear if i stop the deco placement algorithm from spawning in the overtop
06:20 Zeno` in httpfetch.cpp the data and strings are valid but they're not by the time log.cpp line 345 is reached
06:20 paramat good idea
06:22 paramat oh but placealldecos is called for node_min to node_max
06:22 paramat maybe it's dusttopnodes
06:24 paramat remember i allowed dust to be placed near full_node_max.Y if the chunk above is generated
06:25 paramat maybe it's placing dark air as dust
06:26 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
06:27 paramat dust has a fallback value of "air", perhaps it should be "ignore"
06:28 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
06:29 paramat .. as dust = ignore disables the dust sprinkle search
06:29 Zeno` #4012
06:29 ShadowBot -- Fetch server list segfault
06:30 hmmmm wait a minute
06:30 hmmmm let's think critically here for a moment
06:30 hmmmm this is clearly not on the border of a mapchunk
06:30 hmmmm the mapchunk top is 47
06:30 hmmmm the overtop for that chunk stops at y = 47 + 16 = 63
06:31 paramat yes
06:31 hmmmm the next chunk starts at 48
06:31 hmmmm and the lbound for the underbottom is 48 - 16 = 32
06:31 hmmmm let's see if decorations are disabled, will everything turn black (my guess is no)
06:34 hmmmm hmm
06:34 hmmmm okay it did turn black so it has nothing to do with the decorations at all
06:35 hmmmm let's disable light spreading and only cast sunrays
06:37 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
06:37 hmmmm indeed it only happens when generating top down
06:38 Zeno` actually the crash is happening when the http requests times out
06:38 hmmmm a demon has cast its shadows of evil across the lands of mgv7...
06:38 Zeno` it's got nothing to do with me closing or connecting
06:41 Zeno` ok, now the bug is in an issue I need to work out why this OS won't connect to the public server list
06:41 Zeno` nothing is blocking it (I can visit it in a browser) and changing the timeout from 5000ms to 500000ms makes no difference (crash still happens and still won't fetch)
06:42 paramat heh
06:42 Zeno` blocker!
06:42 Zeno` I have to disable public server list to be able to play! Blocker, blocker, blocker!
06:43 hmmmm that sounds like a pretty embarassing bug
06:44 Zeno` paramat, it's not really a blocker because there is a workaround (of course) :)
06:45 hmmmm :|
06:45 hmmmm should just feed minetest some laxatives
06:45 Zeno` which brand
06:46 Zeno` although... if ever goes down lots of people's clients will be possibly crashing
06:46 hmmmm all of them
06:46 * Zeno` merges laxatives
06:46 hmmmm lactulose, miralax, colase
06:46 hmmmm epsom salt
06:46 hmmmm it's going to be one big poo
06:47 hmmmm but at least it'll stop being blocked up and it'll come out
06:47 hmmmm we should have a yearly con for minetest development discussion
06:47 hmmmm call it Shitfest
06:48 paramat meseCon?
06:50 Zeno` meseruns
06:50 Zeno` lol
06:50 Zeno` I'll meet you at shitfest
06:51 Zeno` the inaugural shitfest at Taco Bell LA
06:51 Zeno` I'll be there for sure! Can't wait
06:52 hmmmm oh this is cool
06:53 hmmmm so i have light spreading disabled right
06:53 hmmmm and then i wander into a snow biome
06:53 hmmmm which has the raised snow cover as the dust node
06:53 hmmmm so all of the snow biome is pure blackness while everything outside the snow biome is nice and sunshiny
06:54 hmmmm i have a mod idea
06:54 hmmmm the dark realm
06:54 jin_xi vantablack snow
06:54 hmmmm you need to complete some kind of objective before the darkness swallows up some kind of area
06:55 VanessaE hmmmm: sounds like the plot from Neverending Story.
06:55 paramat ok my idea about dust top nodes fixes this =O
06:55 hmmmm paramat, it has nothing to do with dust top nodes
06:55 hmmmm it's in propogateSunlight
06:55 paramat ok, but this tests as fixed
06:56 paramat will continue to test
06:56 hmmmm i would prefer to fix the actual problem rather than covering up the symptom
06:56 paramat indeed
06:56 hmmmm
06:57 hmmmm creeping darkness
06:57 paramat wow
06:57 Zeno` crikey
06:59 Zeno` I like it
07:00 Zeno` maybe it can be rebranded as a feature
07:00 jin_xi oh my god! Its full of features
07:00 Zeno` lol
07:00 hmmmm i laughed
07:03 paramat setting the dust fallback to "ignore" fixes this, so this is due to "air" being placed as a dust, due to biomes where dust is unspecified
07:04 Zeno` jin_xi, can you recommend a mod I should be using to test your particles?
07:05 paramat in dustTopNodes dust = ignore will disable dust placement
07:06 jin_xi no, just digging particles work 'kind of as expected' for now, something is off with time scaling for spawners. also i fixed the offset thing and cleaned up, let me paste again, ok?
07:08 jin_xi <= drop in replacement for particles.cpp using irrlicht triangle selector for collision detection
07:08 hmmmm very nice paramat
07:09 hmmmm i'm sorry about what i said before, it really is caused by the dust nodes
07:09 hmmmm everything is always getting dusted with air
07:09 damiel joined #minetest-dev
07:09 paramat there is a reason dust is placed in the overtop, so perhaps the lighting call should now cover the overtop
07:10 hmmmm i don't know.  there are a lot of extremely subtle things that have changed since i first wrote it
07:10 hmmmm this might have to do with 1 up 1 down generation
07:10 paramat weird how chatting to you makes my head clear, so thanks
07:10 Zeno` ok thanks jin_xi
07:10 hmmmm it's called rubber duck debugging
07:10 paramat well i tried removing that and it didn't help
07:11 paramat (overgen)
07:11 paramat ok so i'll work on this then
07:11 hmmmm dust is written to the overtop because it won't get another chance to generate when the chunk containing the overtop runs
07:11 hmmmm well, at least, that was the original rationale
07:11 hmmmm but now with 1 down overgen, it's not quite the case
07:12 hmmmm you can safely remove node dusting from the overtop since terrain at the chunk border will have another chance to get dusted when the chunk on top is generated
07:12 paramat well it's a change i made to ensure dust on overgenerated trees
07:12 Zeno` jin_xi, can you paste it at dpaste?
07:12 paramat it's essential
07:12 hmmmm oh, touche
07:13 Zeno` jin_xi, so I don't have to manually remove the line numbers (I can't get it as plain text without creating an ubuntu login and I don't want to do that)
07:13 paramat so i guess the lightng call must now cover this dust
07:13 jin_xi oh sure
07:13 paramat so yeah this was my fault :}
07:13 Zeno` paramat, you're a blocker
07:14 Zeno` :p\
07:14 paramat beta-blocker
07:14 jin_xi
07:14 Zeno` thanks jin_xi
07:14 hmmmm proton pump inhibitor
07:28 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
07:29 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
07:30 Zeno` actually
07:30 nrzkt no
07:30 nrzkt i don't know what but: no
07:31 Zeno` maybe #4012 might be an almost blocker now because there is no way to disable public server list downloading since I merged kilbith's PR
07:31 ShadowBot -- Fetch server list segfault
07:31 paramat still a very minor issue with snow dust in taiga but i'll look into that, for now i'll push this y = 63 fix today
07:32 Zeno` so if the public server list doesn't work, the game crashes and you can no longer just unclick the public server list checkbox as a workaround
07:34 * Zeno` panics
07:34 VanessaE that's a blocker for sure.
07:34 * nore agrees
07:35 paramat milestoned it
07:35 Zeno` I'm having trouble bisecting it
07:35 Zeno` the bug is still there in the last release!
07:35 Zeno` I'll just bisect the entire history I guess
07:39 Zeno` can anyone block at their firewall and try and reproduce?
07:40 Zeno` or make the curl request timeout in some other manner (you can probably decrease the time-out from 5000 to maybe 1 in httpfetch.cpp)
07:42 Zeno` actually the timeout is in convert_json.cpp (change it at line 39... e.g. add fetch_request.timeout = 10; or something might do it)
07:43 Zeno` it's not *at* line 39... you'd have to add fetch_request.timeout = 10;  :) That might cause it to be reproducible without firewalling the server URL
07:44 Zeno` by default the timeout is 5000
07:45 nore Zeno`: unplugging the network connection between the host is resolved and the server list is downloaded gives no crash but this error message:
07:46 nore 2016-04-21 09:44:28: ERROR[AsyncWorker-0]: not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 200)
07:46 Zeno` also "serverlist_url" is a setting
07:46 Zeno` 200?
07:46 nore is yes
07:46 nore s/is//
07:47 Zeno` the crash for me is actually occurring when it's trying to log that actual message
07:47 nore strange
07:47 Zeno` it can be seen in the backtrace (log.cpp line XXX)
07:47 nore do you get a crash with "couldn't resolve hostname" too?
07:47 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:48 Zeno` I have a terrible feeling that it's a race condition
07:48 Zeno` I'll change the hostname to something non-existent. one sec
07:48 nore (unplugging the cable *before* asking the serverlist)
07:49 Zeno` yes it's the same
07:50 Zeno` it seems to be timing out before resolving the URL
07:50 nore crash too?
07:50 Zeno` yes
07:50 nore it's probably a race condition indeed :/
07:51 Zeno` notreal.invalid/list?proto_version_min=13&proto_version_max=27
07:51 Zeno` and that crashes at log.cpp line 345
07:51 Zeno` the response code is now 0 though
07:51 Zeno` hmm
07:52 nore yes, I get response code 0 too for unknown host
07:52 nore except not a crash...
07:52 Zeno` well, this is crazy
07:52 nore were you able to bisect it finally?
07:52 Zeno` no it'll take a while
07:52 Zeno` hmm
07:53 Zeno` nore, can you do me a favour? build a DEBUG version with JIT *disabled*?
07:53 nore I'll try that
07:53 Zeno` (Lua JIT of course)
07:53 Zeno` thanks
07:55 nore how do you enable debug?
07:55 nore can't find the flag
07:55 Zeno` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
07:55 nore thanks
07:55 Zeno` np
07:56 nore compiling...
07:56 Zeno` if it happens with just these conditions it's not a blocker... this is very weird
07:59 nore if I start it now with network cable unplugged I get a crash
07:59 Zeno` I wonder if the Lua JIT is hiding it or the Release build
07:59 Zeno` either way at least it's confirmed
07:59 Zeno` even if it only happens under certain conditions
07:59 Zeno` (the normal conditions I use but not the end-user)
08:01 Zeno` very odd
08:03 nore with LuaJIT enabled I still get a crash
08:03 Zeno` so it only happens with debug builds
08:03 nore it's a race condition
08:03 Zeno` that makes me a bit uneasy though
08:03 Zeno` yeah
08:03 nore with normal build:
08:03 nore 2016-04-21 09:58:20: ERROR[AsyncWorker-1]: ounnot found (Couldn't resolve host nCoul) (response code 00))
08:03 Zeno` that string is incorrect
08:04 nore it is
08:04 Zeno` my log is full of invalid characters as well
08:04 Zeno` all on that log line
08:04 nore in normal build, the race condition was still there, just less severe
08:04 Zeno` *sigh*
08:04 Zeno` why can't it be an easy bug to find
08:05 nore hm, maybe we should add locks for writing things to the debug streams?
08:05 Zeno` can you add a comment to the report please?
08:05 nore doing that
08:05 Zeno` I have to quickly do something
08:05 Zeno` (just in case you're not here when I get back)
08:05 Zeno` brb (10 minutes or so)
08:05 Zeno` thanks
08:06 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:18 paramat #4013
08:18 ShadowBot -- Biomes: Make dust fallback 'ignore' to fix y = 63 lighting by paramat
08:19 Zeno` nore, it crashes on release for me also
08:19 Zeno` just less often
08:19 Zeno` maybe just 10% of the time
08:19 nore Zeno`: should I mark the issue as blocker?
08:20 Zeno` I'm not sure. What do you think. The only reason I've probably not noticed it before it because I've always had the "public server list" checkbox unchecked
08:20 nore same
08:20 Zeno` it's pretty bad really
08:21 Zeno` if the server list URL goes down nobody will be able to play
08:21 Zeno` well, maybe or maybe not be able to play
08:21 nore well, the obvious fix I see is to make all streams have a lock to ensure there is no problem with concurrent accesses
08:21 Zeno` How about I mark it as critical?
08:21 paramat i'll merge #4010 and 4013 in an hour or so
08:21 ShadowBot -- Textures: Replace menu background fallback dirt_bg.png with empty sky texture by paramat
08:22 nore #4013
08:22 ShadowBot -- Biomes: Make dust fallback 'ignore' to fix y = 63 lighting by paramat
08:22 Zeno` nore, yeah that would be the reasonable fix
08:22 nore I wonder how much it would slow mt though
08:22 Zeno` nore, unless it causes performance issues... I haven't looked at the code at all
08:22 Zeno` heh yes
08:23 Zeno` I wonder if making a copy of the string would suffice (probably not)
08:23 nore maybe not verbosestream then, with a warning that it is not thread-safe?
08:23 Zeno` for this release I think that any workaround would be reasonable
08:23 Zeno` (within reason)
08:23 nore or, just a lock around the serverlist download code
08:24 Zeno` that might work
08:24 Zeno` err but will that stop closing the window? I suppose it's only for 5 seconds
08:24 Zeno` it might stop quickly hitting connect or enter as well... worth exploring that option though
08:25 nore hm, or just a lock around errorstream
08:25 nore might be enough
08:25 Zeno` if it's an error then even if it impacts performance it probably doesn't matter
08:25 nore maybe what actually happens is that a buffer is re-allocated
08:26 nore and one of the threads keeps a pointer to the old buffer
08:26 Zeno` I think it is, because using valgrind I get a double-deallocate
08:26 Zeno` well even without valgrind I get it:
08:26 paramat hmmmm so you approve of #4013 ?
08:26 ShadowBot -- Biomes: Make dust fallback 'ignore' to fix y = 63 lighting by paramat
08:26 Zeno` *** Error in `../minetest/bin/minetest': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007fa3c8012f90 ***
08:26 Zeno` 2016-04-21 15:33:11: ERROR[AsyncWorker-1]: not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 0)
08:27 Zeno` (that's in console)
08:31 Zeno` nore, I tagged it "High Priority"
08:32 nore Zeno`: problem is that a string is used as a buffer inside log.cpp
08:32 Zeno` yes I noticed that
08:32 hmmmm paramat, looks good to me.
08:32 nore if we used a fixed-length buffer instead, we might get corrupted or truncated error messages
08:32 nore but no crash
08:32 nore and it wouldn't affect performance
08:33 Zeno` hmm... that's a possibility yeah
08:34 nore and it wouldn't be a problem is messages > 500 chars (for example) are split over several lines
08:35 nore we might even set the threshhold lower, to something like 200 chars
08:37 nore Zeno`: could you do it? (or do you want me to do that, but I don't have much time right now :/)
08:38 Zeno` I can't do it right now but will let you know tomorrow
08:38 Zeno` we could always add a "disable_server_list" setting lmao
08:39 Zeno` I'm just about to cook dinner and do some chores, but after that I'll be looking at it again
08:39 Zeno` can MT be compiled without CURL support?
08:40 Zeno` ENABLE_CURL
08:40 Zeno` I'll have to check what happens when that's disabled as well I guess
08:40 Zeno` but ultimately the log issue does need fixing
08:46 nore Zeno`: could you try that please?
08:46 nore should fix logging
08:48 Zeno` testing
08:50 nore (it was quicker to code than I expected ;))
08:52 Zeno` works for release... compiling debug version
08:52 nore submitting a pr then
08:53 Zeno` yep
08:53 Zeno` works for debug also
08:53 nore #4014
08:53 ShadowBot -- Make logging use a fixed-length buffer to avoid race conditions. by Ekdohibs
08:53 Zeno` that *was* quick
08:53 nore yay! :)
08:54 paramat i'm about to merge some stuff shall i merge this too?
08:54 nore paramat: you can
08:54 paramat will do
08:54 Zeno` yep code looks good and it fixes the issue, so merge away :)
08:54 Zeno` thanks nore
08:55 nore np :)
08:55 * nore goes back to his homework
08:55 paramat i'll merge 4010 4013 4014 very soon
08:56 paramat what about #4009 any reviews?
08:56 ShadowBot -- Fix timer initialization. by sofar
08:56 nore LGTM
08:57 paramat good, Zeno` is 4009 ok with you?
08:57 Zeno` yes it is
08:58 paramat ok will merge that too
08:58 Zeno` ERROR[AsyncWorker-1]: notreal.invalid/list?proto_version_min=13&proto_version_max=27 not found ( not found (TTimeout was reache) (r (ronse code de 00)
08:58 Zeno` heh... at least it's not crashing
08:58 nore paramat: also, don't forget #3907 before 0.4.14
08:58 ShadowBot -- Update credits tab by est31
08:59 paramat i won't
08:59 Zeno` paramat, add me back before you do :P
08:59 nore Zeno`: yep :) but corruption of error messages is not dangerous, as long as we don't get crashes ;)
08:59 paramat yeah
08:59 Zeno` nore, I agree totally
09:00 paramat zeno is already added in credits
09:00 Zeno` yay!
09:00 Zeno` I exist again :)
09:01 Zeno` gotta go... bbl. Thanks again nore
09:01 nore paramat: yes, but wasn't #3907 moving them?
09:01 ShadowBot -- Update credits tab by est31
09:02 paramat zeno is in current devs section
09:03 nore ah, indeed
09:03 nore I only saw the line that was removed
09:12 paramat now merging those 4 to engine
09:25 paramat merges complete, lots of milestones closed :]
09:25 nore :)
09:32 nore paramat: could you check #3948 please?
09:32 ShadowBot -- Escape more strings: formspecs, item descriptions, infotexts... by Ekdohibs
09:32 nore Zeno`: nrzkt: ^
09:33 paramat sorry this is beyond my understanding, all i could do is a code style check, not sure that counts as an approval
09:42 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:51 Zeno` nore, IMO it should be merged sooner rather than later
09:52 Zeno` escapes were added (fairly) recently, right?
09:52 Zeno` i.e. since the last release?
09:52 Zeno` if so then if \v is to be "reserved" 3948 should be merged before release
09:54 paramat i'll re-add to milestones
09:55 Zeno` nore, based on what I can see and what I just said I strongly think it should be merged before \v starts being used in mods created for a release version of mt
09:55 Zeno` thanks paramat
09:55 paramat looks like it's almost ready anyway
09:55 Zeno` yeah
09:58 Zeno` if hmmmm's questions are answered adequately (they seem to be) then I approve
09:58 paramat hopefully est31 and hmmmm will review it
09:58 Zeno` yep, now that's it's a milestone it should be cool
10:00 nore Zeno`: yes, \v was recent
10:01 Zeno` I thought so... remembered seeing it somewhere. So, yes, I support this PR very much (for the aforementioned reasons)
10:03 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
10:19 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
10:21 kilbith to anyone thinking that single-line conditions and bodies is a violation :
10:22 nore Zeno`: I'm wondering, though... Why are there two async workers trying to download the public serverlist?
10:27 Zeno` twice as fast!
10:28 nore ah, they each download part of it?
10:28 Zeno` actually I'm not sure
10:29 Zeno` I was only looking at the backtrace and didn't notice that two threads were downloading it. Is one launched via lua?
10:29 nore possibly
10:29 nore well, the two thread are async-worker 0 and 1
10:30 Zeno` they're both from get_favorites
10:31 Zeno` I don't get it
10:32 Zeno` thread.cpp line 262 is executed twice for the same thing?
10:45 Zeno` there is certainly two threads
10:46 Zeno` void *Thread::threadProc(void *param) receives two pointers (they're different) that leads to the same execution path
10:50 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
10:52 lag01 joined #minetest-dev
10:52 Krock joined #minetest-dev
10:57 Zeno` yeah so two workers are definitely started
11:02 asl97 joined #minetest-dev
11:10 Zeno` hang on
11:10 Zeno` init.lua calls itself?
11:12 Zeno` based on of course there are two threads for the same thing
11:12 Zeno` once for the main menu and again for async
11:16 Zeno` "main_menu_script" is not a core setting so it loads init.lua again in the false code section
11:20 Zeno` i.e. I'm betting that dofile(core.get_mainmenu_path() .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua") gets called twice
11:20 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
12:14 Zeno` anyone else approve #3979
12:14 ShadowBot -- Android settings optimization by MoNTE48
12:15 Zeno` since there seems to be only me, Warr1024 and Wayward_One actually even building android builds can we just get this out of the way?
12:17 Zeno` celeron55, any comments?
12:18 Zeno` The independent review that hmmmm asked for (mainly from Mr Batman) seems to have been done
12:22 celeron55 almost nobody seems to be interested in android; i guess it can be merged
12:23 celeron55 monte48 will do some other android-related PRs after it i think
12:24 Zeno` ok I'll merge
12:25 Zeno` I've tested as well as batman and as far as I can tell it improves things
12:25 Zeno` so *shrug*
12:26 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:28 Zeno` at least he's contributing back now
12:29 nrzkt Zeno`: i only build for android to doing releases
12:29 Zeno` nrzkt, yep... I really meant build and test I guess :)
12:30 asl97 Zeno`:
12:30 asl97 everyone just forget about my comment about client_mapblock_limit :|
12:30 Zeno` what's that comment mean?
12:30 Zeno` oh
12:31 Zeno` where is that comment
12:31 asl97
12:31 asl97 and a few other setting that i also said in
12:32 Zeno` oh man
12:32 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
12:32 asl97 MoNTE48 said he will check those setting later and change the pull request
12:32 asl97 ie: the pull request wasn't ready
12:32 Zeno` well he should have said that >:-]
12:32 Zeno` I hate doing it but I will revert history
12:33 Zeno` it's within the time limit
12:33 Zeno` done
12:33 Zeno` adding comment to the PR
12:36 Zeno` added WIP label
12:36 Zeno` *sigh*
12:41 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
12:48 Krock lol.. that's one of the very rare pulls that were merged before they were done
12:48 Krock there are so many outstanding out there which would be done for a long time
13:05 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:05 celeron55 asl97: i know it was forgotten, but it seems nobody wanted to actually do anything about it so i dropped it
13:06 iangp joined #minetest-dev
13:07 celeron55 apparently it now has proper indication about WIP status
13:24 est31 joined #minetest-dev
13:24 est31 regarding #4005 last time I checked, building android worked for me
13:24 ShadowBot -- Minetest.apk build failure
13:24 est31 but I am rebuilding now afresh
13:32 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
13:34 Zeno` thanks est31
13:34 Zeno` I tried on Ubuntu for about an hour (maybe more)... couldn't work out what was wrong
13:34 Zeno` works fine on F21 & F23
13:34 est31 I am on ubuntu
13:34 est31 15.10
13:34 Zeno` hmm
13:35 est31 which ndk version?
13:35 Zeno` I wonder what we're all doing wrong
13:35 Zeno` umm... r10e I think
13:35 Zeno` (from memory)
13:35 est31 i have r10e
13:35 Zeno` do you have other NDK versions as well?
13:36 est31 I have r9d
13:36 est31 should I try with that
13:36 Zeno` I was thinking maybe it was a $PATH thing with a bin for a latter ndk toolchain in $PATH
13:36 Zeno` but I was testing on a livecd and kind of lost all my history once I gave up
13:37 Zeno` toolchain ~= compiler
13:37 Zeno` it's me, Wayward_One and Warr1024 who all had trouble btw
13:37 Zeno` Warr1024, is using debian 8 I think
13:42 paramat left #minetest-dev
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13:56 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
14:00 est31 so if its a regression it can be bisected
14:00 est31 if its no regression, then that's bad
14:00 est31 once we have the faulty commit, it can be split into pieces
14:00 est31 to find out which part of the commit causes the problem
14:00 est31 is that a sane thing to suggest Zeno`?
14:01 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
14:02 crazyR hey est31 do you by anychance use the mapper script for making a colors.txt file?
14:02 est31 crazyR, you mean leaftest?
14:02 est31 leaftest requires a colors.txt, it does not provide it
14:03 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
14:03 est31 I dont maintain a colors.txt myself, but VanessaE does.
14:03 est31 and there is a tool to autogenerate colors.txt, somewhere
14:03 crazyR I mean do use this:
14:03 crazyR yeah thats the tool, im having issues with it trying to find some who uses it
14:04 crazyR Il ask VanessaE, thanks :)
14:04 est31 yeah she uses it, np
14:05 nore est31: while you're there, could you review #3948 again please? I have fixed the issues you said last time
14:05 ShadowBot -- Escape more strings: formspecs, item descriptions, infotexts... by Ekdohibs
14:06 est31 sorry, I gotta go in 4 minutes
14:06 nore np
14:09 est31 nore, why did you add unescape_string here ?
14:10 est31 hmm perhaps the commit is too big to review it this fast.
14:10 nore hm, probably for consistency I'd say
14:11 nore because it should be unescaped like the others
14:12 nore else, you can't have formspec characters in a dropdown...
14:12 est31 ah makes sense
14:12 est31 Zeno`, r9e is a build success for me too.
14:12 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
14:12 est31 r9d*
14:14 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
14:19 nore something I'd like to change is how dropdowns are handled
14:20 nore it should return the index of the text that was clicked, or at least, a key-value system
14:20 nore NOT the string that was displayed
14:21 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
14:34 nrzkt nore could be good for static DD but not for dynamic DD
14:35 nore nrzkt: then a key-value system
14:35 nore you can set the key equal to the string then
14:58 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:12 paramat joined #minetest-dev
15:26 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:26 Foghrye4 joined #minetest-dev
15:35 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:54 Foghrye4 Hello. I would like to see reviews on a new version of pull request:
15:57 Zeno` Warr1024, where are your comments regarding the android build issue (perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place)
15:58 Zeno` Foghrye4, that will take a while for me to review
15:59 Foghrye4 OK. Approval will be fine too.
15:59 Zeno` well approval is always good isn't it :)
16:00 Zeno` it's a big change
16:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
16:03 Zeno` Foghrye4, at a glance it looks like good work
16:03 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
16:03 Foghrye4 Thank you.
16:05 paramat however we're busy with release for the next week and this is not a priority, we'll have more time after release to look at this
16:06 Zeno` yeah I was just about to say that. It's not even that "we're busy" but that freeze is imminent. So it can't really be merged until after that which will give time for a proper review anyway
16:07 Foghrye4 *sigh*. Okay. Hope you wouldn't forget about it, when time comes.
16:08 sofar that's one of the PR's that looks good for pulling early into 0.4.15 so it can be tested
16:08 Zeno` Foghrye4, this is the first I've seen it. From what I can see the idea is good and the code looks mostly good (just trivial style issues). I won't forget about it
16:09 Zeno` sofar, for sure. Something this big should be merged very soon after release so it gets lots of exposure for testing
16:09 sofar there's a few PRs like that
16:09 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:09 Zeno` maybe we could add some kind of label?
16:10 Zeno` Not sure what the label should be though...
16:10 Zeno` hmm
16:10 sofar nah
16:10 nrzkt you can add 0.4.15 milestone for this
16:11 Zeno` well I added two anyway
16:11 sofar that's not really needed
16:11 sofar just do a "merge window" style merge
16:11 sofar where anything that looks reviewed and positive gets merged
16:11 sofar then test like crazy :)
16:12 sofar you might as well mark all non-0.4.14 PR's as 0.4.15
16:12 sofar so it's really just not needed
16:13 Zeno` there must be something we can write to prioritise it for merging after release though
16:13 Zeno` so we don't forget
16:14 sofar it's called "go through open PRs" ;)
16:14 Zeno` pfft
16:16 Zeno` there is a testing label
16:16 Zeno` maybe there should be a "needs testing" one
16:16 Zeno` anything so that we're reminded to look at it
16:16 paramat well there's 'high priority'. i would say farmap is that, the next big thing to do after release
16:17 Zeno` the problem is that "high priority" is so vague (I consider it, for example, to apply only to bugs)
16:17 sofar the itemstackmetadata thing is looking promising
16:18 sofar it's not about being priority I think. I think it's about making clear incremental steps right after the release, instead of at the end of the release process
16:18 Zeno` yes, that's correct
16:24 Zeno` ok I'm adding "merge candidate" if people agree
16:25 Zeno` which can mean that the concept is sound and that the code is sound but maybe it needs more review or testing
16:25 Zeno` anything will do as long as there is *something* there
16:25 Zeno` I think merge candidate kind of sums it up
16:26 Zeno` any objections?
16:26 Zeno` or ideas
16:28 Zeno` sofar? paramat?
16:29 paramat can 'testing' do that?
16:29 paramat maybe not
16:29 Zeno` not really because testing is usually applied by the person who makes the PR
16:29 paramat no objections
16:30 Zeno` ok adding
16:30 Zeno` done
16:31 Zeno` so that can mean: "this should be merged as soon as possible because it's a good idea and needs testing and blah blah"
16:31 Zeno` heh
16:31 sofar sure
16:33 est31 joined #minetest-dev
16:34 Zeno` maybe it should have been "prioritize" but oh well
16:34 Zeno` at least there is a reminder there now
16:37 proller joined #minetest-dev
16:38 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
16:47 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
17:01 paramat left #minetest-dev
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17:15 Warr1024 Zeno`: I never got around to posting anything about it, since it seemed like there were still things we were going to try.
17:16 Zeno` Warr1024, I must be going crazy. I thought you added a message lol
17:16 Warr1024 In a nutshell, on Debian 8 amd64, I was unable to build it using r10d and r10e ndk, but able to build with either ndk after reverting that one commit.
17:16 Zeno` I am officially insane
17:17 Zeno` can you add that to the issue so that others (e.g. est31) can see?
17:17 WarrTab2 joined #minetest-dev
17:17 Zeno` it really worries me that I've already read your messages when they didn't even exist :(
17:17 * Zeno` googles for a clinic
17:20 ekem joined #minetest-dev
17:24 Warr1024 Zeno`: must have been something we discussed on IRC
17:24 Warr1024 Zeno`:
17:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:25 Zeno` must have been
17:25 Zeno` it's still a bit disturbing that my insanity has been confirmed
17:26 Warr1024 Maybe you're using an IRC client that looks a lot like github's comments interface...
17:26 Warr1024 I'm on irssi, so not much chance of that here...
17:27 Zeno` I'm using the github irc client
17:27 Zeno` :P (just kidding of course lol)
17:27 Zeno` night all
17:33 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
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18:46 celeron55_ somebody sent me an email with bad english (saying they're french) where they ask if they could "work on the version Android de Minetest"
18:46 celeron55_ does there happen to be a person here who is french and who cares about android development enough to find something to work on for this guy?
18:47 sofar nrzkt?
18:48 celeron55_ the email address and the content of this message suggest to me that it's a student with a task to do something to an open source project
18:52 sofar been there :)
18:52 sofar the powertop mailinglist is full of those
19:24 ID joined #minetest-dev
19:33 dr4Ke joined #minetest-dev
19:37 dr4Ke Hi everyone. I can't find out how to access the maximum world size in a lua script (mod).
19:37 dr4Ke I know the C constant MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT is defined (currently at 31000).
19:37 ShadowNinja celeron55_: I'm working on reworking the Android app ATM, so there may be duplicate work.
19:38 sfan5 why do you need to know that constant in lua
19:38 dr4Ke It seems to be used as map_gen_limit in different places of the C code. But I don't know how to get this value in lua.
19:38 ShadowNinja (Update to API level 23, cleanup, bug fixes, proper adjustment to device theme, etc)
19:38 sfan5 it's also unlikely to change as minetest doesn't support more 32768 nodes in each dir (+ and -)
19:39 sfan5 oh that one
19:39 sfan5 dr4Ke: read "map_generation_limit" from the settings
19:42 dr4Ke My goal is to create an object, at a random place in the world, but within its boundaries. And I'm afraid that some user has a minetest compiled with a value below this one.
19:42 dr4Ke Thanks for the map_generation_limit. I'll look at it.
19:45 lag01 joined #minetest-dev
19:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
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19:55 dr4Ke sfan5: Thank you very much for the map_generation_limit. It was exactly what I wanted.
19:57 numZero joined #minetest-dev
20:02 ShadowNinja Can anyone review/test #3994?  I'd like to get it merged soon before a have another pull depending on it.
20:02 ShadowBot -- Upgrade Android build to Gradle build system by ShadowNinja
20:04 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
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20:23 ShadowNinja sfan5, nore, nrzkt: ^ ?
20:28 ID joined #minetest-dev
20:32 est31 joined #minetest-dev
20:34 ShadowNinja A text relocation warning has become an error with Android M.  I apparently have to make sure everything's compiled with -fPIC, but I'm apparently still missing something...
20:35 est31 ShadowNinja, you have made the project name settable in settings.gradle; its good for forkers who want to keep the diff small. But forking minetest makes no sense if you don't also change the applicationId
20:36 est31 That's what I've meant in #3994
20:36 ShadowBot -- Upgrade Android build to Gradle build system by ShadowNinja
20:36 ShadowNinja est31: There isn't a applicationId call in settings.gradle though, it's only valid in the defaultConfig section in build.gradle.
20:37 bugzapper joined #minetest-dev
20:37 ShadowNinja Currently you have to change the name in a lot of places for the Android build anyway.  My upcomming patch should improve that a bit, but you're always going to have to at least rename the source directory.
20:38 ShadowNinja In addition to updating the build file with the name and package.
20:38 ShadowNinja And ${applicationId} apparently doesn't work in the package field in AndroidManifest.xml, so that too.
20:39 est31 aha
20:39 est31 well
20:39 est31 okay then
20:40 est31 I gonna test whether it builds, and if it does, I'll +1 it
20:40 est31 still it would be cool if you reverted the pointless \ changes
20:42 est31 Warr1024, you say you can reproduce #4005 , can you test something?
20:42 ShadowBot -- Minetest.apk build failure
20:44 lisac joined #minetest-dev
20:47 Warr1024 sure, what's up?
20:50 est31 I am pretty sure I have a fix
20:50 est31 lemme see
20:50 est31 if the fix does not work i have another strategy at fixing it
20:51 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
20:52 est31 Warr1024, does this patch make it work for you?
20:52 est31 and if not, then can you go through each commit of this branch:
20:52 est31 and tell me the commit that adds the build error
20:53 ShadowNinja Looks like openssl is the issue...
20:53 nrzkt ShadowNinja, yes
20:54 Warr1024 est31: okay, will take about 20 or 30 min.
20:54 Warr1024 I also can't test that the build output works right now, just whether or not it builds.
20:59 damiel joined #minetest-dev
21:08 est31 ShadowNinja, can you have a look at #4004
21:08 ShadowBot -- CONTRIBUTING: disallow signed git commits by est31
21:08 est31 we rely on no signed git commits and it would be good to have it inside CONTRIBUTING.MD
21:09 Warr1024 est31: failed, same problem, for me.
21:10 est31 okay, then try the commits from and find the one that adds the regression
21:10 Warr1024 alright, could take a little while...
21:11 est31 ShadowNinja, I can't apply the patch for
21:11 est31 it says space before tab in ident
21:12 ShadowNinja est31: s/if there would be/if there were/
21:13 ShadowNinja est31: Well, that's no good, but it shouldn't berak the patch.
21:13 ShadowNinja Are you sure it's that?
21:13 est31 hrmm seems it cant really cope with .patch files
21:13 est31 thats bad
21:14 ShadowNinja You could also try `git fetch refs/pull/3994/head:gradle` or whatever the ref is.
21:14 ShadowNinja (followed by `git checkout gradle`)
21:16 ShadowNinja scanelf -qT libs/x86/  -> (memory/data?) [0xF1F480] in (optimized out: previous CAST_encrypt) [0xF1F440] <repeated many times, also with CAST_decrypt>
21:17 ShadowNinja It seems like some of openssl's assembly is incompatible with -fPIC (although I barely know what I'm doing with this).
21:18 est31 hrmm make clean_all fails
21:18 est31 lemme try normal make
21:34 BrandonReese joined #minetest-dev
21:39 est31 idk its somehow broken
21:40 est31 ShadowNinja, doesnt build for me
21:40 ShadowNinja est31: What's the error?
21:41 est31 Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.5. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in minetest/build/android/gradle/wrapper/ to
21:41 est31 thats what make clean_all is failing with
21:41 est31 normal make complains about ssl
21:41 est31 but i want to test that again after clean works
21:42 ShadowNinja est31: Well, er, update gradle to 2.12?
21:43 est31 ShadowNinja, I'm on ubuntu
21:43 est31 15.10
21:44 est31 it should work there, no?
21:44 ShadowNinja est31: Yep, just install Gradle 2.12.
21:44 est31 well I have 2.5 why do i need 2.12 just to execute this thing
21:45 est31 whats so awesome about 2.12 that we cant support 2.5 anymore
21:45 ShadowNinja est31: I'm not sure, try downgrading the android build tools version from 2.0.0, if you don't want to update.
21:46 ShadowNinja 1.5.0 might do.
21:47 est31 okay, second problem: it doesn't use path.cfg anymore
21:48 est31 it complains: java.lang.RuntimeException: SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
21:48 est31 our make based system had this path.cfg file where it read sdk and ndk location
21:48 est31 so its not based on env vars, but on that file
21:48 est31 much more practical
21:48 MillersMan joined #minetest-dev
21:48 ShadowNinja est31: It writes that to  Run `make`.
21:50 ShadowNinja It should read from too, but that would probably be a bit more difficult than just executing path.cfg.
21:50 ShadowNinja So for now it's duplicated.
21:50 ShadowNinja I should probably add as a dependency somwhere if I didn't already.
21:50 est31 i did make clean_all and it complained
21:52 est31 also dont forget to change the version
21:53 ShadowNinja est31: Why?  2.0.0 has incremental compilation support.
21:54 est31 well then dont use system gradle, but gradlew
21:54 est31 it then downloads gradle, just for minetest
21:54 ShadowNinja Eh, or not, looks like that was disabled.
21:55 est31 can it be enabled
21:55 ShadowNinja I don't like the idea of bundling generated files in the source tree.
21:55 ShadowNinja ^ incremental compilation was disabled.
21:56 est31 ok what about wgetting gradlew then
21:58 est31 hmm seems to be not that simple
21:59 est31 Well one of the two alternatives, either change the build tools version to 1.5.0 or add gradlew
22:00 est31 I dont want to be required to install random stuff onto my /
22:00 est31 just in order to compile minetest for android
22:02 est31 btw ShadowNinja making does not work
22:02 est31 that needs fixing too
22:03 ShadowNinja est31: Yep, just noticed that.
22:03 est31 it creates sdk.dir = and ndk.dir = for me
22:08 est31 do we need this signing config stuff?
22:09 est31 it breaks my build
22:10 ShadowNinja It's only used for the release build.
22:11 est31 still it complains about keystore not found even if I just want to do make clean_all
22:11 ShadowNinja Oh, looks like it might not be optional.
22:11 est31 I have removed it and it works well
22:14 est31 ShadowNinja, other than the s/if there would be/if there were/ you +1 my PR?
22:15 ShadowNinja est31: I've completely removed path.cfg and fixed the signing config (put not pushed yet).
22:15 ShadowNinja est31: Yep.
22:17 ShadowNinja Aaand pushed.
22:18 ShadowNinja I'll drop the gradle build tools version to 1.5 too.
22:18 est31 thanks
22:36 est31 ShadowNinja, next bug:
22:36 est31 /bin/sh: 8: [[: not found
22:36 est31 /bin/sh: 12: Bad substitution
22:36 est31 Makefile:763: recipe for target 'apk' failed
22:37 ShadowNinja est31: Er, you should have [[ as a shell builtin.
22:38 ShadowNinja est31: You could replace it with the deprecated [.
22:38 est31 make calls /bin/sh, if [[ a bashism we need to call /bin/bash manually
22:38 ShadowNinja I'm surprised there's still shells around without that though.
22:39 ShadowNinja Maybe it is a bashism.
22:39 est31 /bin/sh is a symlink to bash but bash goes to sh mode when it detects being used as sh
22:39 ShadowNinja It fixes, eg, the [ "x$foo" == "x" ] type of isEmpty hack.
22:40 est31 err
22:40 est31 its a symlink to dash sorry
22:40 ShadowNinja Oh well, I'll change it to [ ].
22:40 est31 ShadowNinja, what about this
22:42 ShadowNinja [[ isn't really needed in this case anyway.
22:50 est31 ShadowNinja, is it pushed?
22:52 ShadowNinja est31: Yep.
22:56 est31 it still crashes when I do make clean_all
22:57 est31 but thats no big problem
22:57 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:00 est31 okay trying a new make again
23:12 est31 ShadowNinja, it errors now with
23:12 est31 Android NDK: ERROR:jni/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file
23:12 est31 Android NDK: Check that jni/../deps/openssl/libssl.a exists  or that its path is correct
23:13 est31 and that file indeed seems to not exist
23:15 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
23:17 iangp joined #minetest-dev
23:18 est31 running make openssl now
23:18 est31 seems to be my fault
23:30 est31 ShadowNinja, sh fails again for me
23:30 est31 it complains "bad substitution"
23:30 est31 /bin/sh: 12: Bad substitution
23:30 est31 make[1]: *** [apk] Error 2
23:31 est31 Makefile:755: recipe for target 'apk' failed
23:32 est31 i have no idea though what you are doing wrongly here
23:32 est31 it just fails :)
23:33 Fixer ShadowNinja, btw, dat "T"-chat redesign has some bad sides :/ like: coordinates are hidden, bug that people need to scrool the text down
23:34 Fixer damn, now my hexchat has scrolling problem
23:52 Warr1024 !tell est31 commit 45db0547 is the first bad commit in my bisect.
23:52 ShadowBot Warr1024: O.K.

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