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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-05-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:24 jhcole joined #minetest-dev
00:25 jhcole left #minetest-dev
00:52 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
01:14 paramat hmmmmm, i added line comments to your latest 2 PRs, bbl
01:14 paramat left #minetest-dev
01:20 galex-713 joined #minetest-dev
01:36 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
02:08 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
02:16 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
02:50 paramat joined #minetest-dev
02:51 jhcole joined #minetest-dev
02:53 jhcole sofar:
03:05 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
03:18 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
03:18 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
03:30 paramat left #minetest-dev
03:42 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
04:29 hcorion joined #minetest-dev
04:43 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
05:16 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:38 nore ~tell paramat +1 to game#1067
05:38 ShadowBot nore: O.K.
05:45 hmmmmm wth
05:46 hmmmmm a comparison between minetest and voxellands is definitely off-topic for this channel.  i can tolerate small back-and-forths of off-topicness, but when it becomes the entire topic for like 100 pages of text and drowns out legitimate dev chat, then i'd say that shouldn't be allowed
05:47 hmmmmm in any case, if that guy wants to implement javascript, scheme, lisp, etc. extensions then he's totally free to
05:53 galex-713 I was trying to know the differences and the differences of goal between the two projects, since the goals of a project are applied by the devs and that’s the canal of the devs, I thought I would get more relevant answers here, and I mostly did
05:53 galex-713 hmmmmm: ^
05:55 galex-713 sorry for the noise I thought #minetest was for the in-game-concerning things
05:55 lisac joined #minetest-dev
07:19 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
07:23 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
07:25 Megal joined #minetest-dev
07:41 nore lisac: are you there?
07:41 lisac Yep.
07:41 lisac I saw the pull request :D
07:42 lisac It won't run on my PC, though.
07:42 nore could you produce a backtrace please? :)
07:42 lisac Sure :D
07:45 lisac nore:
07:46 nore hm...
07:46 nore *that* is strange
07:47 nore lisac: what does valgrind give?
07:47 lisac moment.
07:47 lisac what do I type? I'm quite new to debugging.
07:48 nore just, valgrind bin/minetest
07:48 nore like with gdb
07:49 lisac Ok.
07:50 lisac nore:
07:50 nore ok, thanks
07:52 lisac np :D
07:52 lisac I'm going to shop, I'll be back in ~15 minutes.
07:59 nore lisac: could you test with lastest version please when you're back? :)
08:00 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
08:21 lisac nore: I'm back.
08:21 nore cool :)
08:22 lisac Compiling.
08:23 lisac nore: Seems to work, thanks!
08:23 nore ah, good
08:24 nore I reverted some changes, so could you try with the latest commit too please, where I re-added them?
08:24 nore (but in a different way)
08:24 lisac sure.
08:26 lisac Crashes on starting a game.
08:26 lisac but main menu works.
08:26 nore hm...
08:26 nore could you do a backtrace too please?
08:26 lisac sure.
08:28 lisac
08:30 nore hm, I guess dynamic_cast does strange things
08:30 nore I'm almost sure it is that, even
08:31 Zeno` interesting
08:32 Zeno` valgrind has the answers
08:33 Zeno` statictext.h line 176 has an invalid read
08:34 Zeno` why does it need to be cast anyway?
08:35 Zeno` if you remove the cast it crashes elsewhere
08:39 Zeno` oh yucky
08:41 nore Zeno`: I need to distinguish between irrlicht static texts, and ours
08:42 nore dynamic_cast works fine on my machine, but not lisac's, apparently
08:42 nore which is *strange*
08:42 lisac I can give you my system specs, if you want.
08:42 nore (I do not even get errors in valgrind)
08:42 nore lisac: yes, I would be interested
08:42 lisac Pentium D 820.
08:42 nore and you cmake command too
08:42 nore +r
08:42 lisac 3GB of DDR2 RAM...
08:43 lisac GeForce 210.
08:43 nore hm, most important would be OS I think
08:43 lisac D2151-A1 Motherboard....
08:43 lisac Kubuntu Linux 14.04
08:43 nore ok
08:43 lisac So... I'm using cmake ../
08:44 lisac * cmake ..
08:45 nore found that comment in code
08:45 nore / no dynamic cast possible due to some distributions shipped
08:45 nore / without rtti support in irrlicht
08:45 nore --> that's the answer
08:45 lisac So, what do I do?
08:47 nore lisac: that means I've got to change this code
08:47 lisac Ah. Well, ok.
08:48 Zeno` did you want valgrind output, nore?
08:48 Zeno` it doesn't tell you much more than the trace though
08:48 Zeno` (if anything more)
08:48 nore Zeno`: I don't need it, I just need to avoid that dynamic_cast
08:49 Zeno` 2016-05-03 18:41:52: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer joins game. List of players: singleplayer
08:49 Zeno` RTTI symbol not found for class 'irr::gui::CGUIStaticText'
08:49 Zeno` yes :)
09:03 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
09:10 nore lisac: Zeno`: could you try again please?
09:10 nore the code does not use dynamic_cast anymore, it should work fine now :)
09:10 lisac sure, gimme a moment.
09:12 lisac How'd I use the colored chat? :D
09:13 nore lisac: you can't really "use" it
09:13 nore but you can do /help
09:13 lisac Ok.
09:13 nore also, if you have an error (like a missing texture), it should show up in red
09:13 lisac /help all
09:13 lisac it gives all white.
09:14 nore :(
09:14 nore this is *strange*
09:14 * nore checks the version that is committed
09:15 nore it *should* be colored
09:15 lisac Well, I'm using min. dev. test.
09:15 nore chat commands are in builtin anyway
09:15 lisac It might be the issue due to fact I'm not using run in place.
09:16 nore hm, I don't think so
09:16 lisac Ok.
09:19 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
09:28 nore lisac: could you re-test, and tell me what you get on actionstreamN
09:28 nore s/N/?/
09:28 nore i.e. do you get a lot of "COLORED TEXT" printed, or not?
09:31 nore lisac: wait, what's your irrlicht version?
09:36 nore lisac: could you test with latest commit too please? :)
09:37 * nore is going to eat, bbl
09:45 numZero joined #minetest-dev
09:46 Zeno` nore, I'm eating dinner and a few other things right now but I can test in about an hour or so if you still need it
09:47 nore Zeno`: that would be perfect :)
09:48 nore Also, if you can try with the last commit, and without it, it would be good :)
09:54 lisac Moment, pleae.
09:54 lisac *please
09:54 lisac I was playing super tux kart. :D
09:55 lisac nore
09:56 lisac nore: 2016-05-03 11:56:34: ACTION[Main]: COLORED TEXT
09:56 lisac I get ton of those.
09:58 lisac Version: 1.8.1+dfsg1-1
10:08 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
10:08 gregorycu lads
10:10 Zeno` gcu: masterchef is on and you're here? :-o
10:10 gregorycu Fuck masterchef and everything it stands for
10:10 Zeno` strong sentiment... haha :)
10:11 Zeno` nore, apart from the actionstream COLORED TEXT as lisac noted (I assume you added it for debugging) everything seems fine
10:12 nore lisac: Zeno`: so you get colored text?
10:13 nore Also, what happens when you remove the last commit?
10:17 gregorycu My bishop is broken
10:17 Zeno` Oh, I haven't tested that it actually works :D Just that it doesn't crash and valgrind doesn't complain
10:18 Zeno` I'll try removing the latest commit. I'm not properly back yet (maybe 15 more minutes)
10:20 lisac Nope.
10:20 lisac Doesn't work.
10:21 Zeno` nore, I thought you were in France. Don't they spell colour properly their either? :p
10:21 Zeno` s/their/there
10:22 nore Zeno`: well, I alternate between UK and US spelling
10:22 lisac It is faster to write 'color'.
10:22 gregorycu It's faster to write c
10:22 gregorycu Doesn't make it right
10:22 nore I learnt British English, but I've read a lot of American English on the Internet...
10:23 gregorycu Make sure you right the correct thing, always
10:23 nore :D
10:29 gregorycu Hooray, my bishop is now behaving himself
10:30 gregorycu Next is birds
10:30 nore gregorycu: pathfinder?
10:46 lisac bye everyone
10:46 nore bye
10:48 Zeno` nore, you want me to revert "Another test to fix the bug"?
10:48 nore yep
10:49 Zeno` ok
10:49 Zeno` no segfaul
10:50 Zeno` t :)
10:51 Zeno` and valgrind is clean also
11:25 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
11:44 Zeno` #4072 anyone?
11:44 ShadowBot -- Fix holding down F10 (open console) causing GUI to freeze by Zeno-
11:47 nore Zeno`: sorry, I must leave now, so can't test:
11:47 nore s/:/ :\//
11:47 nore but looks fine
11:47 Zeno` np :)
11:53 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:13 damiel joined #minetest-dev
12:18 gregorycu yeah, pathfinder
12:33 nore gregorycu: is it committed anywhere btw?
12:34 gregorycu A copy is
12:34 gregorycu Not the latest
12:34 gregorycu I'll commit the latest
12:34 nore I'll look then :)
12:34 nore How fast is it now?
12:36 gregorycu Depends on the length
12:36 gregorycu For < 15 distance, about 500 microseconds
12:37 gregorycu Most of the slowness is fetching block data
12:37 nore Wasn't it 250 yesterday?
12:37 gregorycu Yeah, that was very short distances, about 9
12:37 nore Ah, ok
12:37 nore So, quite fast then
12:37 gregorycu Also depends on the rule
12:37 gregorycu Yeah, fast enough
12:37 nore What rules du you have for now?
12:38 gregorycu Also, I know a way to sacrifice speed for accuracy
12:38 gregorycu Or rather, accuracy for speed
12:38 gregorycu I will make that an option
12:38 gregorycu Animals don't have to be 100% optimal all the time :)
12:38 nore Indeed
12:38 nore What's your idea?
12:38 gregorycu But yeah, by default, will be perfect
12:38 gregorycu Just a factor, 1 to 10
12:38 gregorycu 10 being very accurate, 1 being less
12:39 gregorycu Basically amplifies the heuristic
12:39 gregorycu Makes the algo favour things that approach the goal faster
12:39 nore Ah, I see
12:39 gregorycu
12:39 gregorycu If you look at the code here, some of the options are in there
12:40 gregorycu minetest.find_path(src,dest,1000,{swimming_above=true})
12:40 nore It's not optimal indeed, but that's not a problem and it is even more realistic for animals :)
12:41 gregorycu
12:41 gregorycu That's what I mean
12:41 gregorycu Suboptimal path, but also not horrible
12:43 gregorycu I added a new rule before
12:43 gregorycu diagonally=true
12:44 gregorycu And the C++ changes:
12:45 nore gregorycu: also, how does needed height work? I.e. if there is a step between
12:46 gregorycu Needed height is for things more than one block tall
12:46 gregorycu aka. players
12:46 gregorycu Or rather, ie. players
12:46 gregorycu It works... well
12:46 gregorycu Actually, I better check that
12:47 nore I mean, what happens in that situation (X is solid, . is not)
12:47 nore XX..
12:47 nore ....
12:47 nore ..XX
12:49 gregorycu If required_height is 2 there
12:49 gregorycu That should be fine
12:49 gregorycu An extra X at the top or bottom will mean not enough space
12:50 gregorycu The middle column, column 3 means a player can fall down
12:50 gregorycu Need like a shared online sketchpad
12:50 nore Well, it should not be possible
12:50 nore There is no middle column...
12:51 gregorycu
12:52 gregorycu Is that what you mean?
12:53 gregorycu Doens't take long for the dicks to come out
12:54 gregorycu Well, what do you mean?
12:55 nore Nvm
12:55 nore Gtg
12:55 gregorycu ok
13:30 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
13:48 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
13:56 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:57 Soni joined #minetest-dev
14:45 bugzapper joined #minetest-dev
14:55 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
14:59 nore ~gregrorycu what I meant precisely was that you can have a 2 node height over one surface, and same over another, that is next to it and one node below; but if this is the case, a player can't go through since they have to fit in a one node high hole to get through
14:59 ShadowBot nore: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
14:59 nore ~tell gregrorycu what I meant precisely was that you can have a 2 node height over one surface, and same over another, that is next to it and one node below; but if this is the case, a player can't go through since they have to fit in a one node high hole to get through
14:59 ShadowBot nore: O.K.
15:02 rubenwardy [Help] Command "gregrorycu": runs profilers and optimises code
15:03 rubenwardy Usage: coffee > gregrorycu minetest > profit
15:05 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:10 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
15:16 hmmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:19 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
15:21 gregorycu If a player can't move directly to the side, it excludes all potential positions below that position.
15:22 gregorycu You can try it out and see :)
15:24 gregorycu There is a minor bug where I don't detect head collision when the height is >1
15:25 gregorycu Which is fixed locally
15:25 rubenwardy I fail, coffee | gregrorycu minetest | profit
15:26 gregorycu Lol
15:26 gregorycu Cheers Ruben
15:26 hmmmmm lol
15:26 hmmmmm too many instances where fixing one thing breaks another thing
15:27 * gregorycu is what it is
15:27 gregorycu Isn't a perfect command
15:28 hmmmmm hmm i'm referring to the chat console
15:28 hmmmmm
15:28 gregorycu Ahh ok
15:28 hmmmmm commit that breaks it
15:28 hmmmmm ironically another 'fix'
15:28 gregorycu (obviously you were not talking about my pathfinding code)
15:34 gregorycu Hey ShadowBot, you forgetting something?
15:34 VanessaE no, it isn't.  nore can't spell :)
15:35 gregorycu Lol
15:35 gregorycu Did that answer your question nore?
15:37 gregorycu I'm going to bed in 5 min. Otherwise you can ask me in 6 hours time.
15:37 paramat joined #minetest-dev
15:44 paramat any reviews for simple PR #4072 ?
15:44 ShadowBot -- Fix holding down F10 (open console) causing GUI to freeze by Zeno-
15:47 Zeno` yeah I think it's great
15:48 paramat well, you can self-approve :)
15:48 Zeno` already have :P
15:48 hmmmmm paramat, PLEASE stop that.
15:49 hmmmmm the idea of self-approval is bunk.
15:49 hmmmmm it holds no weight whatsoever.
15:49 hmmmmm I don't know about you, but whenever I see "one approval" and then I look at the PR thread and see nobody actually approving, I say to myself, "oh, it's one of those self approvals.  aka means NOTHING at all"
15:50 hmmmmm it's kind of like using yourself in a citation
15:51 paramat we've been through this before though. i really don't mind not being able to self-approve, but labelling your own approval is useful for searching by label. so let's actually decide
15:51 hmmmmm if you don't think your PR is ready, why don't you use the WIP tag?
15:52 paramat yeah i'm happy with that
15:52 paramat well
15:52 paramat searching labels for 'two approvals' would fail with that approach
15:53 paramat but i really don't mind either way, as long as we decide on a methid
15:53 paramat (method)
15:53 Zeno` if it has two approvals the person should just merge it
15:53 Zeno` so the two approvals tag is useless for the majority of PRs
15:54 hmmmmm right my point is you can call it whatever you want
15:54 hmmmmm you just need to be aware that most likely others won't see it the way you see it
15:54 paramat no, very often a PR will get 2 approvals but it can't be merged until later
15:54 paramat (due to dev business)
15:54 paramat (busyness)
15:55 paramat hmmmm yes self-approving does upset people :)
15:55 paramat as they get stuck on the literal meaning instead of knowing the usefulness
15:57 paramat however labelling one's own approval is helpful as a label, that's why i'm doing it
15:57 PilzAdam hmmmmm, there seems to be a consensus among all other core devs that self-approving is legit
15:57 Zeno` PilzAdam, it *is* legit. But there is no point in adding a label to self-approve
15:57 paramat well it's legit, but actually showing it in a label is the issue
15:57 Zeno` otherwise why would you even make the PR?
15:57 PilzAdam ah, okay
15:58 paramat nope, often the contributor will make a PR but not be confident about it
15:58 Zeno` paramat, well they should say so
15:58 paramat sure, but that won't show up in labels
15:58 Zeno` paramat, I'm sorry but AFAIK you're the only one who likes core devs adding the label to their own PRs
15:59 Zeno` If you need feedback, label it with "needs testing", or "WIP" or add a comment :/
16:00 paramat it's useful when filtering for 'two approvals'
16:00 Zeno` just filter for one approval and the end result is the same
16:00 Zeno` (unless you don't know who the core devs are I suppose)
16:00 paramat ok
16:01 Zeno` anyway, whatever :)
16:01 paramat i'm not too bothered about it, will change behaviour
16:03 paramat so, inless it's made clear by a WIP label or in the description, we'll auto-assume self-approval if a core dev makes a PR
16:03 paramat (unless)
16:04 paramat or rather, 1 of the 2 required core dev agreements is assumed
16:05 paramat that's what the label is referring to
16:07 paramat so essentially, people get upset over actually stating this in a label, even though self-approval is still actually happening :} somewhat weird but ok
16:11 jhcole joined #minetest-dev
16:21 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
16:21 sofar sfan5: "This translation is currently locked for updates!"
16:22 sofar I guess I don't understand weblate yet.
16:29 sofar can't translate, no idea why
16:46 paramat #4080 is simple, any reviews?
16:46 ShadowBot -- Fix Android player_stepheight for snow block by MoNTE48
16:46 sofar I gave it a friendly thumbs up
16:46 hmmmmm that is so hacky
16:47 hmmmmm yeah i guess it's fine for now.
16:48 paramat what would be a less hacky fix?
16:49 hmmmmm i don't know..
16:49 hmmmmm the main issue is that jumping on android is difficult
16:49 paramat ok, i'll merge this later
16:51 paramat and maybe 4072 also once i test
16:52 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
16:52 hmmmmm personally, i think minetest should be pulled from the Play store until there is a maintainer who can actually ensure the quality of minetest and fix bugs...
16:52 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
16:52 sfan5 sofar: but locked by who
16:53 sofar sfan5: no idea? est31 for updates?
16:53 hmmmmm releasing to a major platform when there is literally no support or QA is reckless
16:53 sofar all languages are locked
16:53 sofar not just dutch
16:53 sfan5 o.O
16:59 paramat i still somewhat wish we didn't bother with android at all, but then it may be better players use an official app rather than unofficial ones
16:59 paramat monte seems happy to help out with android
17:00 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:08 nore VanessaE: heh, I'm on a phone, it's harder
17:08 MoNTE48 joined #minetest-dev
17:09 MoNTE48 Hi. #1454 and #2122
17:09 ShadowBot -- Irrlicht sometimes reports unexpected multibyte character
17:09 ShadowBot -- Volume key Android
17:10 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:11 MoNTE48 + #2571
17:11 ShadowBot -- Android: Taking a screenshot floods the chat with an error
17:12 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
17:15 paramat 2571 is a duplicate of 1454
17:16 MoNTE48 I know, but the essence. I fixed it last night
17:16 paramat ok
17:17 MoNTE48 Remove this and add on
17:19 paramat a PR would be much appreciated
17:19 hmmmmm how could any of these items be independently tested?
17:19 hmmmmm i'm sorry we're not just gonna take some person's word that it works, trust me
17:19 hmmmmm just "trust me"
17:22 MoNTE48 hmmmmm
17:22 MoNTE48 hmmmmm
17:22 MoNTE48 hmmmmm, it's not my problem. I found a solution to that error of 3 years, and this is a serious mistake. Check - your job. After all, you are recognized as the programmers, I do not
17:22 hmmmmm OK, that being said, don't get upset if your PRs sit around for a while
17:23 MoNTE48 I'm not said. I just work here
17:27 paramat nore sfan5 PilzAdam #4083 can be closed? i think so.
17:27 ShadowBot -- use_texture_alpha =true should Be on by default
17:28 sfan5 yes
17:28 paramat ok
17:30 paramat closed
17:40 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
18:05 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
18:21 Krock2 joined #minetest-dev
18:44 Foghrye4 joined #minetest-dev
19:26 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
19:46 paramat left #minetest-dev
19:51 damiel joined #minetest-dev
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19:51 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:51 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
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19:51 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
19:51 crazyR_ joined #minetest-dev
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19:51 Etzos joined #minetest-dev
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20:18 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
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22:53 BrandonReese joined #minetest-dev
22:55 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
22:55 Fixer australia man is back
22:56 Fixer gregorycu, shadowninja managed to randomly reproduce lighting bug on pr 3770
22:56 gregorycu <paramat> so essentially, people get upset over actually stating this in a label, even though self-approval is still actually happening :} somewhat weird but ok
22:57 gregorycu He's right you know.
22:57 gregorycu Either you want self approval, or you don't. Tags should reflect reality.
22:58 gregorycu Fixer, I came in just to say that. Now I gotta get ready for work :)
22:58 gregorycu That's good though
22:59 Fixer is not approval is by definition means approval of other persons? how you can self-approve? by making pr you already self-approve anyway $)
23:00 jhcole I'm confused. Can someone explain what happens to meta set on a falling node after it falls?
23:03 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
23:09 MineYoshi_ joined #minetest-dev
23:09 MineYoshi joined #minetest-dev
23:09 jhcole Its seems like the meta information does not 'fall' with the node. I'd really like to be able to attach extra information like meta to a node that might fall, and still be able to access it after it falls. Does anyone know a way to do this?
23:26 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
23:30 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
23:34 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
23:45 galex-713 joined #minetest-dev
23:48 gregorycu joined #minetest-dev
23:48 gregorycu jhcole that is a legitimate question. But with no answer.
23:48 gregorycu Try creating a bug for this
23:49 gregorycu Maybe it's behaviour that should change
23:49 gregorycu Fixer, in answering your question
23:49 Fixer gregorycu, everybody is sleeping, except australia, I guess
23:49 Fixer Australia*
23:49 Fixer i will go sleep in 5 minutes :)
23:50 gregorycu It's to make this true: all PRs that have one approval, have the one approval tag.
23:50 Fixer yes
23:50 Fixer self-appr does not count as tag
23:50 Fixer right?
23:50 gregorycu How do you find PRs that only need one additional approval?
23:51 gregorycu What tag do you search on?
23:51 Fixer with tag "one approval"
23:51 Fixer in ideal world
23:51 Fixer some devs may approve inside but without text :/
23:51 Fixer erm without tag*
23:52 gregorycu But that won't pick up things that are self-approved if they don't tag it
23:52 gregorycu I generally agree with hmmmm with a lot of things, but I think he is wrong here
23:52 Fixer how you can post the code in PR that you don't self-approve? %)
23:52 Fixer is approve word means aggrement from outside?
23:53 gregorycu Maybe it's not your code? But that's irrelevant. If github had an auto tag feature, we should use that
23:53 gregorycu But hmmmm's problem isn't one of efficiency
23:54 gregorycu " I don't know about you, but whenever I see "one approval" and then I look at the PR thread and see nobody actually approving, I say to myself, "oh, it's one of those self approvals.  aka means NOTHING at all""
23:54 Fixer i'm not even a dev to discuss this %)
23:54 gregorycu He has a problem with self-approval itself, not the tag
23:55 Fixer you can't self-approve yourself by definition, somebody needs to validate it and approve (from outside)
23:55 Fixer my kind of logic
23:55 gregorycu That's not really true
23:55 Fixer just my nondev opinion
23:56 gregorycu Self-validation is a thing
23:56 gregorycu It's a senantical argument anyway
23:57 Fixer whatever :) hmmmm will probably join irc soon
23:57 gregorycu Probably as I arrive at work
23:59 Fixer devs need developer clock that show time of other devs :)
23:59 Fixer europe is sleeping, usa is at work, australia goes to work
23:59 Fixer usa is finishing the work*
23:59 Fixer gn

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