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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-05-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 est31 Fixer, 0.4.13 had no delete singleplayer button either
00:00 Fixer strange
00:00 est31 ermm sorry
00:00 est31 it might have had lemme check again
00:01 DonBatman You can only have one singleplayer world. If you want to delete it you need to use a file manager or hook it to the computer
00:04 Fixer it is close ~0.4.14, 0.4.15 should have autoreconnect gui dialog, seriously
00:05 Fixer simple usability things
00:06 est31 autoreconnect?
00:07 est31 0.4.14 has that already
00:07 est31 it has to be enabled by the server owner though
00:07 Fixer yes, if internet is down or server restart/whatever
00:07 Fixer why it is server-side? :S
00:07 Fixer nobody enables it
00:08 est31 Fixer, because not every server has automatic restart enabled
00:08 Fixer just usual window with "Fuck you! Please reconnect"
00:08 est31 and those which have, can enable reconnect
00:09 Fixer yeah, but I have not seen any server with it enabled
00:09 est31 then ask the admin
00:09 Fixer good idea
00:10 DonBatman I think pixel shadow has it enabled
00:10 Fixer also, it seems maike made a very simple server without much mods, and it damn lockups again, it is strange :/ probably same issue that aflatus has
00:12 Fixer something with threading, server works for 6 hours or so and slowly dies
00:12 Fixer probably another ing bug of the year
00:12 Fixer elusive one
00:12 DonBatman I had that issue before but it was the ram slowly creeping up
00:13 Fixer it has plenty of cpu and ram
00:13 Fixer i7 and lots of ram
00:13 Fixer it is not network
00:13 DonBatman I have 6 gigs of ram and after an hour of playing it would use up all the ram
00:13 Fixer seen his lets play videos he got sometimes 5 second door open lag
00:13 Fixer not funny
00:14 DonBatman not funny at all
00:14 Fixer or maybe he was playing from his cellphone internet, that can also explain it :/ not sure
00:14 Fixer DonBatman, not good, something is leaking, it is a bug
00:15 DonBatman It has not happened in recent builds
00:15 est31 yes its a bug
00:15 est31 well it may be
00:15 Fixer gn (actually i go to bed and play it some more on some servers)
00:15 est31 depending on your setup
00:15 est31 night
00:16 DonBatman night
00:16 DonBatman est31 what do you mean depending on your setup
00:16 est31 DonBatman, do you have high res texture packs
00:16 DonBatman no
00:17 est31 okay then it sounds like a bug
00:17 est31 high view range?
00:17 DonBatman usually 100 or 120
00:18 est31 thats not high
00:18 DonBatman I can go higher but find it smoother at that range
00:33 est31 okay made a pr
00:33 est31 I think stuff is ready to roll now
00:33 est31 and bye for today
01:06 paramat #4117
01:06 ShadowBot -- Mainmenu: don't show change keys dialog on android by est31
01:21 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
01:30 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
02:04 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
02:54 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
02:55 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
03:05 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
03:11 est31 joined #minetest-dev
03:12 est31 paramat, what do you think
03:12 est31 should we write some stuff to the press
03:12 est31 about the release
03:13 OldCoder Sure y not
03:13 * OldCoder offers to help edit
03:13 paramat erm
03:14 OldCoder Emergency Release Management?
03:16 paramat aw someone -1 your PR
03:16 OldCoder ?
03:17 paramat anyway go ahead i don't mind, but i don't like writing so won't get involved
03:17 paramat #4117
03:17 ShadowBot -- Mainmenu: don't show change keys dialog on android by est31
03:17 paramat if we decide to support keyboards more work is needed
03:18 paramat must go eat now
03:25 OldCoder est31, PM regarding possible press release if you like
03:25 OldCoder If there is a significant development...
03:25 * OldCoder will phone reporters who have covered MC
03:25 est31 There is I think
03:26 OldCoder This seems suitable for #minetest-project
03:26 est31 (progress)
03:36 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
03:43 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
04:01 est31 If anyone wants to be involved, we are discussing this press release thing over on #minetest-project
04:16 OldCoder
04:16 OldCoder ^ Comments should be made in the other channel
04:48 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:11 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:12 est31 paramat, OldCoder and me think that its better to announce may 16 as release date
05:13 est31 as we arent sure whether we will release on may 14
05:13 est31 so better to have some days as buffer
05:13 est31 just that the press has a date to work with
05:14 est31 That still won't change us from doing the release when we think its best, like may 14
05:14 est31 does that sound reasonable paramat ?
05:15 paramat possibly, although it's possible something might delay us longer
05:15 OldCoder It is not life or death
05:16 paramat i would be happier with sending out releases when release actually happens
05:16 OldCoder It seems unlikely reporters will be highly interested at this stage; think of it as learning how to do this
05:17 paramat setting a date is like 'stirring up the pixie of doom' as we say here :]
05:18 * OldCoder suspects all will be well
05:19 paramat anyway go ahead with what you all think is best, i'm not too bothered :)
05:31 paramat left #minetest-dev
05:41 OldCoder Would anybody like to contribute a screenshot to a press release?
06:21 Megal joined #minetest-dev
06:52 Megal joined #minetest-dev
06:54 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
06:59 est31 joined #minetest-dev
07:10 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
07:32 est31 joined #minetest-dev
07:36 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
07:56 troller joined #minetest-dev
08:03 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:39 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
08:42 louiloui joined #minetest-dev
08:52 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:53 Megal joined #minetest-dev
09:46 Demonette joined #minetest-dev
10:55 Megal joined #minetest-dev
11:40 est31 joined #minetest-dev
11:48 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:09 damiel joined #minetest-dev
12:14 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Feature freeze since 2016-05-01, release on 16th. Last release: 0.4.13, Aug 20 2015. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
12:16 Robby_ joined #minetest-dev
12:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:26 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
12:35 Fixer nrzkt, you here?
12:48 Fixer !tell paramat found flying trees slightly above water in android, seed is 1545594005093856815 -71 2.5 142 yaw = 296 standing on grass looking at water, trees close and above in air, behind them is small stone wall with other trees
12:48 ShadowBot Fixer: O.K.
12:50 nrzkt Fixer: i'm there
12:51 Fixer nrzkt, yesterday you gave me 21 aug 2015 android build
12:54 nrzkt Fixer: oh sorry, i'm not at home i haven't the up to date thing
12:54 Fixer nrzkt, so I've used Zeno's build instead, it is close to newest
12:56 Megal joined #minetest-dev
13:02 Fixer !tell paramat screenshot of the problem / mt 0.4.13-fb762c0a-Android Kitkat 4.4.2
13:02 ShadowBot Fixer: O.K.
13:38 Obito joined #minetest-dev
13:39 Obito left #minetest-dev
13:46 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:59 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
14:01 Megal joined #minetest-dev
14:01 Fixer rubenwardy, no delete world button anymore, unfortunately
14:01 rubenwardy yeah, saw github message
14:01 rubenwardy probably due to changes in advanced settings
14:02 rubenwardy Another thing that Android needs is a close inventory/formspec buttons
14:02 rubenwardy because using the back button is not obvious
14:02 rubenwardy and is also against android design specs (back button is being used as up rather than back)
14:10 Robby_ joined #minetest-dev
14:16 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
14:24 Fixer yeah, minetest UI is cumbersome
14:31 rubenwardy Movement would be a lot easier with a joystick style control, imo
14:31 rubenwardy but meh
14:35 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
14:55 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
15:14 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:17 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
15:22 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:39 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:49 paramat joined #minetest-dev
15:50 paramat Fixer that's expected, it's a large cave extending beyond a chunk border and removing ground in a previously generated neighbouring chunk
15:55 paramat DonBatman, Wayward_One here is an improved version of 4086: #4119 please can you test?
15:55 ShadowBot -- Android: Let the OS handle the hardware buttons by est31
15:55 paramat or anyone else with android
15:58 paramat *** release is probably tomorrow, sunday as backup ***
16:01 paramat unless we work now to re-add change key support to android, i think #4117 should be merged
16:01 ShadowBot -- Mainmenu: don't show change keys dialog on android by est31
16:02 paramat i think we can consider key support after release, i feel we should just merge this for less delay. please review
16:02 DonBatman paramat I agree
16:03 paramat ^^^ nore nrzkt sfan5 ShadowNinja
16:04 nore paramat: fine with me
16:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
16:05 ShadowNinja paramat: Like the local mod install gialog was disabled "temporarily for release" a year or so ago?
16:06 Fixer paramat, what about this?
16:07 paramat after release
16:11 paramat est31 is working extremely hard currently lets not add last minute work that is not absolutely essential
16:14 Fixer paramat, is not bugfix needed? button was present in 0.4.13 but is gone for some reason
16:16 Fixer where is android menu source located?
16:17 paramat same as PC version
16:17 paramat builtin/mainmenu
16:17 Fixer delete button was either removed on purpose or gone because of some bug
16:18 paramat DonBatman has said this is normal, use file manager
16:19 paramat not a blocker
16:26 paramat i'll now merge #4117
16:26 ShadowBot -- Mainmenu: don't show change keys dialog on android by est31
16:29 paramat merging
16:33 paramat done
16:36 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
16:37 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:39 paramat DonBatman Fixer Wayward_One i'll be busy the next 4hrs so if possible please build latest android version, check that 'change keys' is gone from settings menu. apply #4119 (new version of 4086) to check it fixes issues 2122 and 1454, and play for a while to check for any new bugs
16:39 ShadowBot -- Android: Let the OS handle the hardware buttons by est31
16:39 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
16:40 Fixer I can't build android version, if someone provides apk, i will check it, thanks
16:40 rubenwardy The delete world button was in 0.4.13 in the settings tab
16:40 rubenwardy and is now been removed due to settings rework
16:40 rubenwardy so regression
16:40 paramat ok
16:40 rubenwardy you can't expect users to use the filemanager, that's bad UX
16:41 paramat hmm well it's up to someone to code a fix asap
16:42 paramat the release must be sat/sun no delays
16:43 rubenwardy true
16:43 rubenwardy and there could always be patch releases for Android
16:58 paramat ok if someone wants to fix #4120 it has to be coded and tested before saturday, otherwise it shouldn't delay release, android is not a priority and is imperfect in many ways
16:58 ShadowBot -- Android: missing "delete world" button
16:58 paramat bbl
16:58 paramat left #minetest-dev
17:06 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
17:14 elia joined #minetest-dev
17:17 Megal_ joined #minetest-dev
17:22 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
17:27 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
17:47 damiel joined #minetest-dev
19:12 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
19:45 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
20:03 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
20:07 Zeno` I must be blind...
20:07 Zeno` what does #4114 actually change?
20:07 ShadowBot -- Android: enable parallelism for main target too by est31
20:08 Zeno` oh nothing
20:08 Zeno` it's a placemarker
20:08 Zeno` fair enough I guess :)
20:09 DonBatman Zeno FYI we are discussing android build on #minetest-project
20:09 Zeno` sounds ominous
20:09 Zeno` thanks :)
20:10 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
20:30 troller joined #minetest-dev
20:31 MillersMan joined #minetest-dev
20:33 MillersMan sofar, about that static method in #4065: wasn't sure whether it should be static inline function or inline method, decided for the later as it accesses multiple fields of mapgen, but could also pass the mapgen as argument instead. what's your opinion?
20:34 ShadowBot -- Fix for flow issues in Mapgen::updateLiquid by MillersMan
20:35 MillersMan Fixer: I haven't fixed the reflow issue yet. I'm currently concentrating on getting initial flow to top performance (4065) and once it is merged i'll update the reflow stuff (4061) so i don't have to always do everything twice without knowing whether the changes are to be accepted at all.
20:36 Fixer ok
20:39 sofar MillersMan: if it's an inline it doesn't matter much, you just pick the most efficient thing to pass as an argument
20:41 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
20:43 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
20:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
20:48 MillersMan sofar: what's the prefered style then? i expect both to have same or similar performance after inlining and optimization so it's just a mater of taste
20:52 troller joined #minetest-dev
21:05 paramat joined #minetest-dev
21:34 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
21:51 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
21:51 asl97 joined #minetest-dev
22:01 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:08 hmmmmm joined #minetest-dev
23:35 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev

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