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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-06-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
00:20 damiel_ joined #minetest-dev
00:24 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
00:30 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
00:30 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
00:50 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
00:54 Puka joined #minetest-dev
01:02 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
01:30 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
02:34 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
02:40 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
02:48 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
02:49 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
02:57 paramat joined #minetest-dev
03:39 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
04:39 paramat left #minetest-dev
05:07 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:59 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
06:20 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
06:34 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
06:36 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
06:42 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
06:50 asl97 joined #minetest-dev
06:56 Megal joined #minetest-dev
06:57 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
06:57 sloanonlinux Hello
06:57 sloanonlinux So anybody working on the object dragging issue?
06:59 OldCoder sloanonlinux, try linking the Issue and also wait until people are here
06:59 OldCoder I think the weekend might be good
06:59 OldCoder Many of these people are in Europe, remember...
06:59 OldCoder It is 9:00am on a business day there
07:00 OldCoder Some of them need to work
07:00 jin_xi sloanonlinux: what is the object dragging issue? is there a specific report about it?
07:00 OldCoder sloanonlinux, link the Issue
07:00 OldCoder at GitHub
07:00 OldCoder and ask for feedback on how to modify it
07:00 * OldCoder needs to go o/
07:01 sloanonlinux jin_xi:
07:04 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
07:06 jin_xi thanks, i doubt someone is currently working on this but thats just a guess
07:06 sloanonlinux Where's the code?
07:07 jin_xi give me a minute i'll do some looking
07:08 jin_xi i'd say relevant code is in guiFormSpecMenu.cpp
07:10 sloanonlinux Searching
07:11 asl97 sloanonlinux: check the on_event function
07:11 asl97
07:11 asl97 i see a `m_selected_dragging = false;` which suggest it's there
07:13 sloanonlinux Ok now I just need to put a breakpoint there and debug it somehow
07:14 sloanonlinux Can you recommend a tool for me?
07:15 asl97 sloanonlinux: i don't really use a tool for debugging, i just follow the code flow and throw some prints if the flow is too complex for me to follow
07:15 jin_xi i use ack and qtcreator for navigating the source. as for debugging i find lots of printf most useful, but thats mainly my ignorance
07:16 sloanonlinux I wonder if an IDE like code::blocks or geany would be helpful
07:17 jin_xi qtcreator is an ide and its very useful. it parses the cmake.txt and all the source so you get very easy navigation to definitions and such and smart autocomplete
07:18 sloanonlinux I will install it then, thank you :)
07:19 sloanonlinux And I don't program much at all, I used to mess with autohotkey a lot, I improved a minetest addon and I improved the hexchat slap plugin to do other stuff
07:19 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
07:21 asl97 jin_xi: isn't it mainly focus on qt stuff?
07:21 jin_xi you gotta start somewhere :) i have always found mt is quite nice to hack on. some areas like formspecs do suck though
07:22 jin_xi asl97: the most qt stuff is in all the other qt dev apps like designer and such, creator as an ide can deal with plain c++ just fine. as i said it does play nice with lots of non qt specific tools, for example cmake
07:23 sloanonlinux jin_xi perhaps printf will be fine
07:28 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
07:36 edgrey joined #minetest-dev
07:49 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:55 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
08:56 edgrey joined #minetest-dev
09:05 Puka joined #minetest-dev
09:24 Megal joined #minetest-dev
11:05 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:12 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
11:38 damiel_ joined #minetest-dev
11:40 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:40 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
11:41 xunto joined #minetest-dev
12:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:27 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
14:39 Samson1 joined #minetest-dev
14:44 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
14:47 Samson1 joined #minetest-dev
14:54 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
15:11 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
15:21 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:21 Puka joined #minetest-dev
15:23 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:34 Krock joined #minetest-dev
15:39 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
15:43 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
16:04 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
16:24 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
16:32 Thomas-S joined #minetest-dev
16:49 est31 joined #minetest-dev
16:51 Sockbat joined #minetest-dev
16:51 Fixer render, why it is that way? and (looks crappy)
16:52 asl97 Fixer: smooth lighting?
16:52 Fixer yes
16:53 asl97 it's probably just another lighting bug
16:54 Zeno` it's not a bug
16:54 Zeno` it's just that... well, the lighting algorithm is....
16:54 Fixer crap?
16:54 Zeno` yeah
16:54 Fixer can it be at least improved?
16:54 asl97 i was going for buggy/poor
16:55 Zeno` It can probably be improved (maybe)
16:55 Zeno` probably maybe :)
16:56 Zeno` it's slow as mud already though
16:56 Fixer can't put any descent lightning with this shit
16:56 Fixer lighting*
16:57 asl97 Fixer: it probably work fine without smooth lighting
16:57 Fixer this looks somewhat better
16:58 Zeno` if you look at the algorithm, (I'm saying this from memory, it's been over a year since I looked at it), it works from left to right
16:58 Fixer asl97: "better", cough:
16:58 Zeno` so what is seen in that picture is, unfortunately, what I was expect
16:59 Fixer no way i gonna play with smooth off
16:59 Zeno` ok, that's shit
16:59 asl97 square lighting xD
16:59 Fixer reminds me of doom:
17:00 Zeno` nah doom wasn't that shit
17:00 Zeno` lighting has been a known problem for a long time
17:01 Zeno` it's the slowest part of the engine for a start
17:02 Zeno` I did improve the speed by about 50% but it's still a major bottleneck
17:03 Calinou Fixer: Doom uses a 2D sector system for lights, not comparable
17:03 Fixer if i immerse it deeper into wall, it looks somewhat less crappy
17:03 est joined #minetest-dev
17:03 Fixer but less brightness
17:05 Zeno`
17:06 Zeno` If you get caught between the moon and NYC
17:06 Zeno` the best that you can do is fall in love
17:07 Fixer i will post a feature request
17:08 Zeno` a fall in love feature request!
17:08 Zeno` it's not a dating site mate :P
17:09 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
17:09 est31 joined #minetest-dev
17:13 Fixer
17:15 hmmmm lighting sucks, i get it
17:15 hmmmm :/
17:17 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:17 Fixer light in walls is no go, looks like pure shit
17:17 Fixer so i resort to hanging lamps
17:19 Fixer somewhat suspicious about this ->
17:21 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
17:21 Zeno` without making the algorithm even slower I'm not sure what we can do
17:22 Zeno` apart from implement hardware lighting which is a huge task
17:22 est31 joined #minetest-dev
17:22 rubenwardy I'd much rather have a larger view range and faster chunk loading than fancier lighting
17:23 Zeno` even with hardware lighting for rendering will still have to keep the current stuff for ABMs etc
17:24 Fixer is "sucks" allowed in minetest github issue tracker?
17:24 est31 i dont think why it should not be allowed
17:25 est31 we have no "children speak only" rule
17:25 kaeza there's also this BTW:
17:25 kaeza (that should be pitch black)
17:25 rubenwardy The issue tracker is for developers, not for children
17:25 est31 ^
17:26 Zeno` although it could probably be "reversed" for ABMs to make it quicker
17:26 Zeno` don't use "sucks" in the issue tracker though
17:27 rubenwardy sucks is unprofessional and vague though
17:27 Zeno` even though I don't find it offensive I'm sure that using some different words can make it more powerful
17:27 Zeno` yeah
17:27 Zeno` I mean, I say stuff all the time casually (like "sucks") but it can be better phrased
17:27 Fixer crap is better?
17:27 Zeno` lol, I prefer "pooh"
17:28 asl97 Zeno`: reversed.... max light is 14, that's a lot of node to check
17:28 Zeno` seriously, just say that it's... hmm this is tricky
17:28 rubenwardy Just say what you want :P
17:28 Zeno` asl97, not really if you only check from the ABMs
17:29 Zeno` asl97, at the moment it does it "forwards" for every node
17:29 Zeno` and yeah it's a lot of nodes
17:30 asl97 wait what....  i thought you mean search for light nodes to find the lighting value on demand
17:30 Zeno` I do
17:30 Zeno` but you don't have to search forever
17:30 asl97 14**3 = 2744 for each node
17:31 Zeno` you only search backwards until the threshold is reached
17:31 asl97 wait no
17:31 Zeno` how it works now is that a light value is calculate for every node in existence
17:32 asl97 29**3 = 24389, 14 on each side + 1 for the center
17:32 Zeno` asl97, and what does it currently do?
17:32 asl97 um... idk
17:34 Zeno` anyway, it's all just nonsense talk since we don't have hardware lighting :)
17:38 Zeno` I'd like to see hardware lighting btw
17:38 asl97 doesn't it currently just loop through each of the light node and do max(latest_light, current_light-distance)?
17:38 Zeno` but it's not something I feel that I'm capable of doing
17:38 Zeno` asl97, kind of yes
17:39 Zeno` for every node
17:39 Zeno` hmm
17:40 Zeno` I see what you mean
17:40 Zeno` it'd have to stay anywya
17:40 Zeno` a cache would not help because the end effect would be the same... you're right
17:42 asl97 looking backward from a node (which would have to be done for every node) would be slower than having only the lighting node set the brightness
17:42 Zeno` it *might* be slightly quicker if only things that rely on a light value are calculated but it wouldn't be worth it I don't think
17:42 Zeno` asl97, yeah I was thinking wrong
17:42 Zeno` every node, however is already "travelled"
17:43 Zeno` but essentially you're right
17:44 Zeno` I apologise for thing out aloud :D
17:44 Zeno` s/thing/thinking
17:45 asl97 Zeno`: even if it's 'travelled' and cache, it still have to add the distance dimming
17:46 Zeno` which is, essentially, how it works now
17:47 Zeno` well, not really
17:47 Zeno` it's from light sources
17:47 Zeno` as I said, I was wrong
17:50 Zeno` but that's ok
17:50 Zeno` thinking of crazy and dumb stuff is part of the process
17:52 hmmmm [01:22 PM] <Zeno`> apart from implement hardware lighting which is a huge task  :)  that's what I wanna do
17:53 hmmmm i've gotta get the biome crap in a good place first though
17:53 Zeno` hmmmm, if you can do it then that would be more than a milestone
17:53 hmmmm i have a feeling that the actual implementation wouldn't be too hard
17:53 hmmmm it'd just be a lot of accounting work
17:54 hmmmm but i'll reserve judgment until i actually try it
17:54 Zeno` it'd be nice
17:56 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
18:10 asl97 if i understand what you mean by hardware lighting correct, even with it, the server would still need to calculate lighting for the mods which need light value, although those could be calculate on demand
18:10 est31 yes
18:11 est31 and essentially every user would have to calculate it
18:11 est31 instead of the server once calculating it for all players
18:39 paramat joined #minetest-dev
18:46 paramat too much negativity about our lighting, you're noticing the few problems and these of course make a disproportionally large impression than what works well, overall it works fairly well. hardware lighting has it's own problems like keeping large underground spaces dark
18:48 VanessaE paramat: admit it.  client-side lighting SUCKS.
18:48 VanessaE that's why some folks want to get the client to do more work on it, even if the server already does - there's a big difference between flat, per node solid lighting that mods needs, and smooth, continuously-variable lighting that clients need to look goodf.
18:48 VanessaE -f
18:50 VanessaE (whether the answer is "hardware" lighting is a different matter)
18:50 paramat you mean 'server-side lighting sucks'?
18:50 VanessaE I mean client-side lighting sucks
18:50 VanessaE server-side lighting is mostly okay
18:51 paramat oh misunderstood
18:52 VanessaE I mean hell, the client can't even smoothly-light a nodebox.
18:52 VanessaE or signlike, or any other drawtype besides whole cubes.
18:52 VanessaE frankly, it looks like shit in a well-built modern minetest world
18:52 paramat i see. maybe it's not obvious how hard it is to get right until you code it
18:53 VanessaE actually, it's quite obvious, otherwise maybe I'd have taken a crack at it already
18:53 paramat 'sucks' and 'shit' are huge exaggerations
18:54 paramat stuff generally looks fairly good
18:55 paramat working on mapgen i'm really aware of the problems, but keep it in perspective
18:56 VanessaE let's see....  flat lighting on most nodes, no colored lighting, block shadows are generic blurred triangles that don't represent the shape of the object, shadows don't follow the sun, entities/players have no shadows, entities/flatly lit, everything always seems too dark until you pour more lights into the scene than needed, lights can't spread more than 16 nodes....
18:56 VanessaE those are just the visual effects, not counting already-discussed bugs in the server side (e.g. spawn_tree())
18:57 hmmmm sorry paramat vanessae is right
18:57 hmmmm lighting has got to be the weakest area of minetest righ tnow
18:57 hmmmm compared to most other games it sucks
18:57 Megal_ joined #minetest-dev
18:57 hmmmm maybe it worked for minecraft in the early days but we should be beyond that
18:58 asl97 unless you raycast everything light related and cause performance to sucks, i don't really see anyway to improve it
18:58 paramat VE most of those don't bother me, it just becomes MT's character
18:58 VanessaE paramat: that's a poor way to establish "character", honestly.
18:59 asl97 and i kind of like the square lighting
18:59 est31 idk how lighting algorithms work
18:59 est31 maybe with raycasting
18:59 VanessaE I get it, there's no one available to work on it (who has time, skill, and knowledge of the area), but it doesn't change the fact that the lighting sucks.
18:59 est31 maybe differently
18:59 paramat MT has a simple retro character, the lighting has a suitable character
18:59 est31 and then there are guys like paramat
18:59 est31 "mt is simple, it must stay broken"
19:00 est31 sorry paramat ;)
19:00 asl97 what happen to the shader lighting stuff that RBA did?
19:00 hmmmm that requires a new third party library
19:00 hmmmm one that cements irrlicht even harder to mt
19:00 paramat problem is many apply their reaction to the bugs to the whole system, obviously the bugs suck
19:00 hmmmm and it still needs a ton of work
19:00 paramat est i don't mean that
19:01 hmmmm i get what paramat is saying though, there are lots of people who like minetest because it's simple
19:01 hmmmm and they're deeply unsatisfied with the directino
19:01 est31 well yeah
19:01 hmmmm instead of trying to have some kind of modern hardware-based lighting just do what you've been doing very well
19:01 hmmmm perfect it
19:01 est31 minetest is a melting pot of people who want a simple broken game
19:01 hmmmm but that's sorta minetest classic's territory though, isn't it?  you know, the darkrose/xyz 0.3.x fork?
19:01 est31 and people who want more modern aspects
19:02 hmmmm people of differing opinions will always exist
19:02 hmmmm MT Classic is there btw, and it's a fork i support the concept of
19:02 hmmmm i think it's a good thing
19:02 VanessaE if you want the "simplified, classic" appearance, play Voxelands (MT classic).
19:02 VanessaE for G*d sakes, let MT itself evolve.
19:03 VanessaE this isn't 1995 anymore :P
19:04 VanessaE as for RBA's lighting shaders, they might have been useful but one thing he had a bad habit of doing was showing screenshots without releasing any of the interrim code that produced them
19:05 asl97 VanessaE: so i guess that is lost for good....
19:05 hmmmm btw rba isn't the only person capable of making shaders, just the only one interested
19:05 paramat i'm not against improvement, i'm pointing out lack of perspective and over-negativity, i'm saying that implementing hardware lighting will certainly make other types of bug arise
19:05 VanessaE asl97: unless Mati or someone else can get access to his computer and upload the remains of his code, yes.
19:05 hmmmm of course it's not a silver bullet.
19:06 hmmmm but it's a huge leap forward
19:06 paramat remember i actually would love to see realtime shadows with sunlight direction
19:06 VanessaE paramat: you could call it "over-negativity" if I had, for example, bitched about the lighting continuously.  Surely you've noticed that I've had very little to say about it client-side, and others less so.  I've only spoken up now because it needs said.
19:07 asl97 there will always be bugs,  some are just much more noticable
19:07 paramat no i can call it over-negativity now :)
19:08 paramat now go look through the sceenshot thread, some actually look good
19:08 VanessaE as for shaders, RBA and I talked about that stuff in private a LOT.  having lighting and shadows track the sun was, to his mind, trivial.
19:08 VanessaE but he never implemented it because other stuff needed done first.
19:09 hmmmm that is trivial
19:09 VanessaE paramat: do you actually PLAY the game?
19:09 paramat his plan was a hybrid, per-node lighting modulating hardware lighting
19:09 VanessaE I mean on a public server with well-built surroundings
19:10 paramat i don't play on servers much, mostly naturally generated world
19:10 VanessaE that's why you never notice the problems.
19:10 asl97 most of us played it in the past and stopped for one reason or another
19:10 kaeza this is real nice. now the client tab is completely unusable since
19:10 VanessaE kaeza: agreed.  I HATE that "feature"
19:10 Fixer disagree
19:10 Fixer i like it
19:11 asl97 kaeza: me too, mostly cause it 'phone home'
19:11 VanessaE I would love to see the favorites split off from the public list again.  it just sucks.
19:11 kaeza asl97, Fixer, it's not about style, it's about #1959
19:11 ShadowBot -- Checking public serverlist checkbox causes minetest to freeze.
19:12 kaeza now it happens ALL the time
19:12 Fixer kaeza: where is this checkbox everybody talks about?
19:12 asl97 Fixer: gone due to the merge
19:12 VanessaE Fixer: removed.  now the list merges public servers with favorites
19:12 VanessaE so by definition every time you open the client tab it has to fetch the list
19:12 Fixer right, but why bug appears?
19:13 Fixer VanessaE: right
19:13 Fixer it was like that for ages
19:13 kaeza Fixer, RTFPR?
19:13 rubenwardy From a UI point of view, I like the merge
19:13 rubenwardy but it shouldn't cause a freeze at all
19:13 kaeza err RTFI, rather
19:13 VanessaE rubenwardy: I hate it.  there's no visible delineation between favorites and the rest.
19:14 Fixer kaeza: try deleting your favourites?
19:14 VanessaE in a modern UI one might choose to change the background color of one versus the other, or something.
19:14 Fixer kaeza: try clean game
19:14 rubenwardy The stars are moved to the top though, aren't they, VanessaE?
19:14 Fixer without config
19:14 rubenwardy and a change in background would be good
19:14 VanessaE rubenwardy: I don't know.  I just know I hate the current situation.  it was better with a separate list.
19:15 asl97 fun fact, if it timeout when fetching the list, you can't reload it.
19:15 asl97 iirc, it use to be able to reload it by toggling the button
19:15 Fixer VanessaE: it was unintuitive
19:15 kaeza Fixer, read the part about a race condition causing th program to lock up, which only happened before when the checkbox was selected, and now it happens regardless?
19:15 Fixer asl97: changing tabs helps
19:15 Fixer kaeza: strange, never seen this problem
19:16 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
19:16 rubenwardy VanessaE: favourites are moved to the top
19:16 kaeza bleh
19:16 kaeza Fixer, Windows?
19:16 Fixer kaeza: yes
19:16 VanessaE rubenwardy: it still sucks.
19:17 kaeza Fixer, MinGW?
19:17 kaeza 32, 64?
19:17 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:17 Fixer kaeza: cross-compile on debian gnu/linux with mingw64
19:17 Fixer stable
19:18 asl97 great, it phones home everytime i change tabs to client :|
19:18 Fixer asl97: phones home? it just fetches the list, it does not send any telemetry, or does it?
19:18 kaeza ^ that is bad too, BTW
19:19 kaeza can't comment on the style, because I don't even know how it looks like
19:20 Fixer gregorycu as always forget to look at it month ago %)
19:22 asl97 Fixer: you haven't seen the stat have you?
19:23 rubenwardy All the server list gets is the IP and the user agent
19:23 paramat hmmmm #4216 is updated. related: i'm working on adding cracked sandstone and will do this next
19:23 ShadowBot -- Dungeons: Generalise. Add new parameters by paramat
19:23 hmmmm thanks
19:23 hmmmm one thing about your commit messages though
19:23 hmmmm i notice they're always... choppy
19:23 hmmmm like
19:23 hmmmm Thing: Blah.  Foobar.  Blah blah  blah.
19:23 hmmmm if you do multiple things, why not write your commit message in the format of:
19:24 hmmmm Component: High level summary here.
19:24 hmmmm - individual item number 1
19:24 hmmmm - individual item number 2
19:24 hmmmm Rationale here
19:24 hmmmm ?
19:24 paramat i mostly do already
19:24 paramat well recently anyway
19:25 asl97 rubenwardy: including the time of when you open minetest to play on a server, including private server
19:25 rubenwardy the user agent can include details about device and OS
19:25 rubenwardy So?
19:25 asl97 it tracks usage of minetest
19:25 rubenwardy The forum also gets the time of when you open the forum
19:25 paramat my commit message in that PR is like that, just no bullet point symbols
19:26 hmmmm hmmm
19:26 Fixer kaeza: try running it via gdb
19:26 hmmmm could you write the subject part something to be like
19:26 asl97 that cause you open the forum, imo joining a private home server shouldn't phone home
19:26 hmmmm well
19:26 kaeza rubenwardy, apples and oranges. when I go to the forums, I expect the owner to see that data, but not when playing a local game
19:26 hmmmm "Generalize.  Add new parameters." hardly summarizes what that commit actually does
19:27 hmmmm it's like an omni-commit that does 10 different things
19:27 hmmmm maybe just write something like "DungeonGen: Make many misc. generalizations and adjustments"
19:27 hmmmm ?
19:28 paramat the summary is difficult because i'm keeping it to 1 line
19:28 paramat ok
19:29 hmmmm yeah and paramat in the future could you please keep individual, complete changes in separate commits?
19:29 hmmmm you can have multiple commits in the same PR you know
19:30 paramat i was assuming a mostly complete summary was better than a more vague one you suggest
19:30 hmmmm if a commit is atomic, it's easier to track down which modifications correlate to what was intended, and in the case of a bug where a bisect is required it's much easier to see what changes actually caused it
19:30 hmmmm well you can't do anything more complete than just "lots of stuff changed here" and then list each one in the respective bulletpoint
19:30 hmmmm because there's too much
19:31 paramat yeah i know i can have multiple commits in a PR
19:33 paramat yes i agree it's better, it's also a slow and difficult way to work, so i try to find a reasonable balance
19:34 hmmmm it's not
19:34 hmmmm you probably just haven't discovered git add -p yet
19:34 paramat i haven't :)
19:34 hmmmm it'll change the way you do everything
19:35 paramat my issue is, how to update an early commit in the stack without screwing up the later ones?
19:36 hmmmm there's a way to do that using git rebase -i
19:36 kaeza okay, so it works fine under gdb. now I get tons of "Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function." messages
19:36 paramat ok looking into -p
19:37 hmmmm i think
19:37 hmmmm edit and pick?
19:38 hmmmm or fixup
19:38 hmmmm SHRUG
19:38 hmmmm okay yeah, it was edit
19:39 hmmmm you got commit A at HEAD, and commit B at HEAD~1
19:39 hmmmm you see a problem with commit be and make a fix
19:39 hmmmm then you commit that one and then git rebase -i HEAD~2
19:39 hmmmm now you mark the last commit (the one you wanted to amend) with edit
19:41 hmmmm looks like you can do this without creating a new commit too:
19:41 paramat thanks
19:44 hmmmm `man git-rebase` should be required reading for everybody btw
19:52 est31 git rebase -i is really one of the most useful parts of git
19:52 est31 imagine doing that with svn or something
19:52 sfan5 svn hahahaha
19:53 sfan5 people still use that?
19:53 hmmmm yup :/
19:53 est31 yes, for example irrlicht
19:53 hmmmm hey at least it's not visual sourcesafe
19:54 asl97 #4224 possible close?
19:54 ShadowBot -- Hiding collision boxes
19:54 paramat nore sfan5 could you look at game#1134 ?
19:54 ShadowBot -- add fall_damage_add_percent to farming:straw by cdqwertz
19:54 hmmmm sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who listens to this on repeat when coding deep windows-specific stuff
19:54 Fixer hmmmm: i was expecting some 1 hour tutorial for dummies like me
19:55 sfan5 paramat: lgtm, interesting idea to reduce fall dmg
19:55 paramat ok
19:55 hmmmm perfect tunes to jam out on while reading about PnP power requests
19:58 Fixer you are the only one who listens to this
19:58 paramat yes i'll attend to 4224
20:00 est31
20:00 est31 that man is funny
20:01 Fixer hype level over 9000
20:02 paramat well 4224 is a valid request to hide by default
20:05 Fixer i wonder who on earth stars minetest on github
20:06 nore paramat: looks good
20:06 paramat thanks
20:07 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
20:12 asl97 at the rate the number of issue and pull request are building, it would probably reach 900 before the end of the year
20:12 kaeza blah. gdb is witchcraft to me. plus MinGW sucks
20:12 * kaeza reverts 65db88d
20:18 paramat nore sfan5 both or either of these recipes? game#1108
20:18 ShadowBot -- added new locked chest and mese crystal craft by tenplus1
20:19 paramat i think game#348 needs wear
20:19 ShadowBot -- Add snappy groups to axes for faster digging of plants by Calinou
20:20 paramat ^ Calinou could you attend to that?
20:20 Calinou paramat: you can close it
20:21 paramat ok
20:21 paramat someone else can always open a new PR for this if they want
20:22 paramat that was our oldest issue
20:30 paramat +1 for #4177 any more comments?
20:30 ShadowBot -- Add `place_param2` nodedef field. by sofar
20:31 paramat will be good for those new plantlike options sofar is working on, and addresses game#1116
20:31 ShadowBot -- Make a ton of crafted blocks rotatable. by sofar
21:12 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
21:31 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
21:37 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
21:47 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
22:16 Ambistic joined #minetest-dev
22:23 paramat hmmmm i hope this is okay now #4216
22:23 ShadowBot -- Dungeons: Generalise use, add capabilities, various modifications by paramat
22:41 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:48 paramat est31 hmmmm any opinions on #4177 ?
22:48 ShadowBot -- Add `place_param2` nodedef field. by sofar
22:49 est31 generally okay
22:49 est31 but didnt look at the code
23:34 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
23:48 Hijiri Does the settexturemod method on lua entities basically allow you to append stuff after the entity's texture? Does it apply the mod to all frames in an animated sprite?

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