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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-02-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 red-002 yes and makes sense for them to change the music based on time
00:01 red-002 unlike mt
00:01 red-002 unless mobs get added to default
00:02 VanessaE like I said, you only need a few themes.  menu, daylight on the surface, night on the surface, in a cave, and something that plays if you've been in a fight more than a few seconds
00:02 red-002 yeah that sounds good
00:03 paramat to be clear i'm thinking about very forced-obvious mainstream movie music, where a snister place must have scary dark music etc
00:03 paramat (sinister)
00:03 VanessaE oh hell no, nothing like that
00:03 red-002 I would say that is bad editing
00:03 VanessaE I was talking more subtle - like when it gets dark on the surface, the theme switches to a minor chord or something
00:03 red-002 ^
00:04 VanessaE (but is otherwise substantially the same theme)
00:04 red-002 maybe slowly change the theme?
00:04 red-002 or would that be too complex?
00:05 paramat well, i wouldn't expect music to be upbeat in daytime and darker at night, that itself is rather obvious
00:05 paramat stereotyped
00:05 paramat anyway, we have no way of creating in-game music yet so ..
00:06 red-002 it's used so often I'm not sure if you can even all it a stereotype
00:06 red-002 call*
00:07 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
00:07 red-002 just because a lot of people do it doesn't mean it's bad
00:09 red-002 I mean you can have one theme if you want to but that would be incredibly bland
00:09 paramat also doesn't mean it's good :]
00:10 red-002 yes but that's not the reason I argue for it
00:11 red-002 I argue for it because it improves the experiences of playing the game
00:11 paramat i found MT lacking music refreshing, in no way did that disappoint
00:12 red-002 well I disagree I even turn off the sound altogether sometimes because it just gets so borning with only footsteps and digging
00:13 paramat it's not essential to enjoy the game, you can listen to your own choice of music
00:13 VanessaE paramat: that's where your argument falls down
00:13 paramat you would also tire of game music
00:13 VanessaE "it's not essential" is a very poor argument for leaving something out
00:13 red-002 ^
00:14 red-002 you could say that chat is not essential
00:14 VanessaE otherwise, all minetest would have is stone, air, and a mese pick or so
00:14 paramat i'm not using that as an argument, just an observation
00:14 VanessaE music isn't essential, but it does make a game more enjoyable for most.
00:15 VanessaE the irony here is that I play with sound disabled.
00:15 VanessaE (or rather, muted)
00:15 paramat yes, can do, if done well
00:15 proller joined #minetest-dev
00:16 red-002 I can't enjoy games nearly as much without sound in my personal experience
00:17 red-002 and right now that is the optimal way to play minetest
00:17 paramat sound or music?
00:18 red-002 music and sound
00:18 paramat sounds are important yes
00:18 red-002 if you are missing either the game isn't very enjoyable
00:18 paramat well i feel sorry for you
00:18 paramat put a CD on
00:18 red-002 no sound - you lack feedback
00:19 red-002 no music you get really tired of the sounds
00:19 red-002 yeah I do that someone of the time but it would be nicer to have background music that matches the visuals
00:19 red-002 even if not directly
00:20 red-002 that and ambient sounds of the biome
00:20 paramat you can match the visuals with what is suitable from your own music collection
00:20 red-002 I suppose
00:20 paramat ambient music is good for that
00:21 paramat after a while you will get bored of the game music anyway if you hear it to many times
00:21 paramat (too)
00:21 red-002 still that's not an argument for not including music
00:22 red-002 you will get bored of everything at some point
00:22 paramat i agree
00:22 red-002 that's like saying we don't need textures because they get boring
00:23 paramat yeah
00:26 red-002 could you maybe give an example of what exactly  you are arguing against?
00:32 paramat that should be clear. bad usage of music and bad attitudes to the subject. but meh i got carried away arguing about it, wasted too much time already :]
00:33 paramat #5262
00:33 ShadowBot -- Mesh updates: Add setting to limit updates per-frame by paramat
00:33 paramat for testing mostly
00:33 VanessaE paramat: fix the screwdriver ;)
00:33 VanessaE that's something no one can argue about ;)
00:36 paramat i think i'll leave that to juhdanad
00:37 paramat or someone else
00:37 VanessaE he's been MIA for a few days.. but ok
00:38 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
00:39 red-002 aren't  #5259 and #5228 the same thing?
00:39 ShadowBot -- make biome value directly passable by mapgen
00:39 ShadowBot -- Lua API for providing a custom biome system
00:46 paramat yeah very similar
00:47 red-002 I would suggest closing one of them
00:47 paramat yes
00:48 paramat thanks
00:54 Fixer paramat: i wonder if it possible to slow down it past 1, like 0.5, 0.2 in 5262
00:54 Fixer to process 1 mesh every 2 frames
00:55 Fixer this will probably need modification of code
00:55 VanessaE doubt it, but it would probably be trivial to add a "skip 'n' frames between mesh updates" counter
00:56 paramat < 1 is not helpful though
00:56 troller joined #minetest-dev
00:56 VanessaE but that's probably useless.  does any mesh update ever take more than 1/30 second?
00:56 paramat it's too slow
00:56 VanessaE (or 1/60 second perhaps)
00:57 VanessaE if you slowed the number of processed meshes to one per frame, even at 30 FPS that would still be a lot of meshes updated before the user even realizes there's been much of a delay
00:58 paramat without my commit i'm finding my freezes do not seem to be linked to a large number of meshes processed during a frame
00:58 paramat might try the sleep thang ..
00:59 Fixer paramat: my spikes are directly linked to meshes processed
01:02 Fixer paramat: <celeron55> this indicates the spike is somehow caused by mesh generation (something inside MapBlockMesh::MapBlockMesh), not by something that is ran in the main thread, which seems weird
01:04 paramat yes saw that. i still get long freezes with my commit set to 5
01:04 paramat thinking there's another issue
01:05 paramat not even sure anymore my commit helps
01:06 * paramat is suddenly very unsure
01:08 Fixer check if long freezes coincide with mainloop_other
01:09 paramat hm they might do actually
01:09 Fixer paramat: long freezes are of different origin, stutters are microfreezes, most of them are shorter than 200ms
01:09 paramat ok
01:10 Fixer stutters coincide with mesh updates, thats what celeron also said
01:10 Fixer long freeze are different bug :/
01:12 paramat what debug output detects stutter best?
01:13 Fixer F5 - drawtime graph
01:13 Fixer and mesh update graph
01:13 Fixer look for spikes
01:13 Fixer in windows I use fraps
01:14 paramat 'mainloop draw' ok
01:15 Fixer paramat: you can limit fps at say 100, than walk and look at drawtime and mesh update graphs, and check spikes that above average
01:15 Fixer paramat: but only those that related to mesh updates
01:15 Fixer paramat: it is very easy to see, both go up
01:17 Fixer go in jungle forest
01:17 Fixer play in singleplayer
01:17 Fixer i go sleep now
01:17 paramat ok thanks. enough for today
01:17 Fixer 3:00
02:09 QwertyDragon joined #minetest-dev
02:18 Eater4 joined #minetest-dev
02:40 octacian joined #minetest-dev
02:51 butchster left #minetest-dev
03:15 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
03:15 lhofhansl Hi folks... Just saw the jitter discussion yesterday. I have tried various things wanted to give an update.
03:16 lhofhansl First #5050, that's similar to Fixer's sleep. Didn't help much. Probably 40 was too big.
03:16 ShadowBot -- Limit per round MapBlockMeshes created in MeshUpdateThread by lhofhansl
03:17 lhofhansl Also try to limit here:, but didn't post a patch, since it didn't do much either.
03:18 lhofhansl I found that #5239 helped (reduced work on block load - spent in Voxelmanipulator), but Fixer could confirm that it improves things.
03:18 ShadowBot -- Only add direct neighbors for each MapBlock loaded on the client. by lhofhansl
03:19 lhofhansl The Fixer's sleep helps, but it slows down map loading _significantly_ specifically with a larger v_range.
03:20 lhofhansl Not wonder really... Slower map loading, less jitter. The source of the jitter is still not clear then. It must be something on the main thread, or it wouldn't cause jitter.
03:20 lhofhansl Anyway... Nobody here it seems :)
03:35 sofar lhofhansl: cool
03:36 sofar lhofhansl: no worries one day we'll drill down into it
03:36 lhofhansl Very elusive this one.
03:36 sofar at one point we'll need to use latencytop or some real hardware profiler
03:37 lhofhansl I'm using the Linux perf counters which should be pretty accurate.
03:38 lhofhansl but so far they have pointed me to things that looked promising, but did not end up fixing the problem.
03:38 lhofhansl #5239 looked very promising at first (lots of work done on the main thread)
03:38 ShadowBot -- Only add direct neighbors for each MapBlock loaded on the client. by lhofhansl
03:39 lhofhansl but leads to rendering issues (with lighting) and Fixer says does not help on his setup at all.
03:41 lhofhansl The key is track not general CPU, but what the main thread is doing (just stating the obvious)
03:41 lhofhansl I'll keep at it, when I get time.
03:47 cheapie <insert rant about minetest_game screwdriver + colorfacedir here>
03:48 cheapie mt_game #1567 is the bug in question, by the way.
03:48 ShadowBot -- Configure mods menu: scrolling by clicking arrows or bar enables/disables mods
04:03 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
04:28 proller joined #minetest-dev
06:18 lhofhansl I see a great improvement in jitter when I inline MeshMakeData->fill (from here into the updateThread here:
06:19 lhofhansl However, now there's a race condition somewhere that sometimes crashes client :(   But that's the direction to continue in
06:22 lhofhansl The jitter is in fact gone in this - some synchronization will likely be needed to add, so we'll get some of it back.
06:45 sofar neat
07:06 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
07:19 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
07:20 fling joined #minetest-dev
07:45 lhofhansl left #minetest-dev
08:15 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:20 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:49 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
09:30 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:39 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:08 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:27 troller joined #minetest-dev
10:41 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
10:42 ge joined #minetest-dev
11:13 red-002 could someone else review #5252 ?
11:13 ShadowBot -- Add support for the new arguments of `request_shutdown` to the `/shutdown` chatcommand. by red-001
11:13 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
11:16 nerzhul red-002, okay for me, merging
11:20 red-002 thanks
11:47 red-002 #5266
11:47 ShadowBot -- Fix not being able to damage players in minimal by red-001
11:49 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
12:04 red-002 #4468 anyone?
12:04 ShadowBot -- Load textures from the subfolders in texturepacks. by red-001
12:05 red-002 also what is the action needed tag for?
12:08 est31 joined #minetest-dev
12:13 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:22 red-002 #4642
12:22 ShadowBot -- Allow the join/leave message to be overridden by mods. by red-001
12:22 red-002 updated and rebased
12:23 red-002 does the controversial tag still apply?
12:24 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
13:01 paramat joined #minetest-dev
13:02 paramat #5258 is simple and fixes remaining world-edge crashes
13:02 ShadowBot -- Voxelmanip: Do not emerge or blit to blocks over map gen limit by paramat
13:03 paramat #5215 is fairly trivial i might merge it later
13:03 ShadowBot -- Firelike drawtype: Fix visual_scale being applied squared by paramat
13:04 red-002 #5260 is really trivial
13:04 ShadowBot -- Use the `ARRLEN` macro in more places and remove an unused macro. by red-001
13:06 paramat looking
13:08 paramat +1
13:44 red-002 what do you think of adding a way to log the chat to the client?
14:00 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
14:04 rubenwardy would other's find it useful if src/ was split up into client/server/assorted-common-code folders? Or just me. I find a long flat list annoying to navigate (even with fast file search)
14:07 Fixer paramat: if you seen similar kind of freeze/stutter that are not linked to mesh updates and appears on mainloop_other like on this screenshot, you can confirm it in this issue:
14:08 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
14:09 Fixer paramat: screenshot of freeze
14:10 paramat ok
14:11 paramat splitting /src would not help me, just creates longer navigation to the file i want
14:11 paramat for me it's ok
14:11 rubenwardy longer than scrolling?
14:13 paramat hm good point
14:13 paramat it would take me a long time to remember which section a file is in, that would make it difficult
14:14 paramat usually i can't be sure, which means searchiing through several subfolders
14:14 paramat (searching)
14:22 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
14:24 nerzhul merging #5260
14:24 ShadowBot -- Use the `ARRLEN` macro in more places and remove an unused macro. by red-001
14:26 red-002 red-002,  looks like you forgot to add the two approvals label to #5266 ?
14:26 ShadowBot -- Fix not being able to damage players in minimal by red-001
14:27 rubenwardy done
14:28 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
14:28 nerzhul why did you autoincrement red-002 ?
14:30 nerzhul red-003++
14:31 red-003 I think I was connected with two clients or something
14:36 nerzhul merged #5266
14:36 ShadowBot -- Fix not being able to damage players in minimal by red-001
14:36 nerzhul thanks for your involvement red-001
14:36 nerzhul we really should think and merge CSM
14:36 red-001 ^
14:37 nerzhul i don't want to rebase branch too many times
14:37 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
14:37 red-001 I should also fix my two PR's for csm
14:44 juhdanad Hi all! Should the Minetest screwdriver rotate the wallmounted nodes?
14:44 red-001 if possible yes
14:45 red-001 imo that is
14:45 red-001 as long as nodes can disable it that is
14:47 Fixer wanna also rotate some doors (bug danger)? %)
14:48 juhdanad To use trapdoors as regular doors?
14:50 Fixer door rotation was disabled due to bugs, but some people may want horizontal doors o_0 currently trapdoors are nice workaround
14:53 Fixer juhdanad: wallmounted signs and ladders?
14:53 red-001 I think I fixed the issue with #5152 on non-windows platforms
14:53 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add `get_wielded_item` by red-001
14:53 Fixer and torches
14:56 Fixer juhdanad: yes! i want it, one day i needed to rotate some sign on table and few ladders, it can be useful
15:02 Calinou I'd really like to see a merge of btw :)
15:02 Calinou my UHD laptop wants it badly :p
15:02 red-001 #5057
15:02 ShadowBot -- Undersampling by numberZero
15:03 lisac joined #minetest-dev
15:03 numZero joined #minetest-dev
15:08 Fixer Calinou: why? your GPU is not good enough for minetest?
15:09 Calinou Fixer: my laptop has only an IGP, it's too slow for running Minetest at 3840x2160
15:09 Calinou running it downsampled by factor 2 (1920x1080) would be fine
15:09 Calinou without changing screen resolution, which affects text rendering and the desktop as well, which isn't desirable
15:11 numZero_ joined #minetest-dev
15:11 Calinou 15 FPS with a large scene at view range 250, I'd get probably twice as much with downsampling :)
15:13 Calinou 21 FPS with shaders disabled, it helps a bit... I'd still like to have 40 FPS at all times at least
15:14 lisac Calinou, What is the point of playing with 250 view range anyways?
15:14 zorman2000 joined #minetest-dev
15:14 Calinou lisac: being able to see far away is a huge game changer, trust me :P
15:15 lisac lol, I'd have to. I've only got A8 7600.
15:15 Calinou i7-7500U here
15:15 zorman2000 left #minetest-dev
15:15 numZero joined #minetest-dev
15:15 lisac lol
15:15 lisac I gotta restart my PC.
15:15 lisac my front panel audio is not working
15:16 lisac probably badly connected.
15:16 lisac be back later
15:16 zorman2000 joined #minetest-dev
15:17 zorman2000 Hi all, using the most recent Android client, I have spotted a few bugs which seems to be from Minetest Game
15:18 zorman2000 I'm unsure however what is the correct Github repo to report them. Should I report them to the minetest_game repo?
15:18 red-001 what are the bugs?
15:18 zorman2000 The bugs are a few missing biomes (which seems to me to be related to changing default mapgen to v7) and a bad inventory texture for the cart
15:19 red-001 sounds like mt_game
15:19 zorman2000 Yes, had the same feeling.... thanks!
15:21 red-001 does this happen in singleplayer?
15:21 zorman2000 Yes
15:22 red-001 yeah that sounds like something worth reporting then
15:29 Fixer big vrange is game changer for me too, much more immersive
15:33 lisac joined #minetest-dev
15:40 rubenwardy zorman2000, definitely sounds like
15:40 rubenwardy
15:44 zorman2000 Thanks rubenwardy
15:44 zorman2000 Issue:
15:44 zorman2000 game#1575
15:44 ShadowBot -- Bugs using the newest Android client
15:52 ircSparky_ joined #minetest-dev
16:08 pilino1234 joined #minetest-dev
16:08 pilino1234 game#1576
16:08 ShadowBot -- Setting sane default settings for Minetest Game
16:10 Krock -1 from me. people might want to have another time speed and then they wonder why it's write protected in MTG.
16:10 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
16:11 rubenwardy really those mods shouldn't be writing to minetest.conf for that
16:11 rubenwardy there should be a better API for determining between game, global, and world configurations
16:11 Krock overwriting settings is never good. cancel that PR
16:11 pilino1234 It's not a PR yet, just a proposal :)
16:11 Krock ah, I thought there was a PR for it already
16:12 pilino1234 I think mt game should make sure that it works, regardless of what other subgames have been doing
16:12 red-001 still -1
16:12 red-001 you shouldn't force people you use certain settings
16:12 pilino1234 If people want to play with different gravity in mt game, just use /set in-game
16:13 pilino1234 But for the casual player switching b/w a space subgame and mt game, it should be user-friendly
16:13 rubenwardy also, the space game shouldn't be setting settings for gravity - it should use the player physics API
16:15 pilino1234 I noticed this with Foghrye4's saturn subgame
16:16 pilino1234 It's being done all over the place...;type=Code&amp;utf8=%E2%9C%93
16:17 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
16:19 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
16:20 Krock pilino1234, these are mods that are supposed to take affect on such things
16:20 luizrpgluiz Hello, would it be complicated to put javascript support to make mods for the minetest?
16:20 red-001 luizrpgluiz, yes
16:21 rubenwardy it's unlikely to happen, most core devs are opposed to JS
16:21 Krock luizrpgluiz, nah. Just find a C++/C library to compile that stuff and embed it in < 2000 lines of code
16:22 rubenwardy the best way to make it happen is to abstract away the Lua API, and then make a fork to add JS support (or allow .dlls to do so)
16:22 red-001 it would be pretty nice to have c++ mods
16:22 pilino1234 Krock, some. Others are subgames changing global settings to their needs (time_speed etc.)
16:23 red-001 that way lua support could just be a c++ mod
16:23 Krock red-001, that's already possible right now. You can use "require" in lua to load libraries
16:23 luizrpgluiz At the moment then it is not possible to put another script language in the game?
16:23 rubenwardy although there's not much point to have JS, really - JS's power (imo) is from promises and tons of libraries - neither of these would be applicable to Minetest
16:23 Krock it's just slow AF but works
16:24 rubenwardy you could make a Lua library which runs a JS vm (you can require c, as said)
16:24 red-001 that's more of a workaround
16:25 rubenwardy relevant:
16:25 Krock pilino1234, still. MTG should not do it similar to them. I've seen servers with a lower time speed to make it more realistic
16:25 rubenwardy !title
16:25 ShadowBot Replace Lua with JavaScript - Minetest Forums
16:25 red-001 I was talking about using dynamically loaded libraries for mods
16:25 luizrpgluiz Who had promised that it would be possible to use more than one world in the minetest?
16:26 pilino1234 Krock: I see. So it would need a new engine API for per-subgame settings for this to work correctly?
16:26 rubenwardy per-world
16:26 Krock red-001, yes I know. But it's not a good idea from two sides: number 1 is called security and 2: portability
16:26 rubenwardy there are already per-subgame settings
16:27 red-001 isn't there already per-world settings
16:27 Krock red-001, people would have to compile their mods or download compiled ones
16:27 red-001
16:27 rubenwardy I don't think those are settings
16:27 rubenwardy and I don't think you can set them from lua
16:27 pilino1234 rubenwardy, so that's what MT game should be using instead of what I did? Will that override what other subgames have done to minetest.conf?
16:27 red-001 rubenwardy, they the same format
16:27 rubenwardy doesn't mean they're settings
16:27 red-001 and they are loaded by the same code
16:27 luizrpgluiz Because it has a minecraft plugin or mod that can use more than one world in the same game
16:27 rubenwardy same parser, different storage
16:28 red-001 so what do you call them?
16:28 rubenwardy pilino1234: MTG shouldn't be changed at all
16:28 pilino1234 I think it should have sane default values, at least for now while other subgames can "break" it
16:28 rubenwardy is just key-value world meta data in the key=value format
16:29 Krock reading key and value into a key-value table ... :P
16:31 Krock Also, there's now an up-to-date pull of the node metadata-only changes: 5268
16:31 Krock * #5268
16:31 ShadowBot -- Send only changed node metadata to clients instead of whole mapblock by SmallJoker
16:32 rubenwardy I looked through that, and couldn't see any problems - but it's not an area I know well, so I can't review reliably
16:36 numZero joined #minetest-dev
16:38 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
16:41 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
16:48 numZero_ joined #minetest-dev
16:51 paramat joined #minetest-dev
16:54 paramat juhdanad don't rotate doors yet, i seem to remember some debate over whether to do that or not, i'll look for the discussion
16:54 paramat but yes rotation of coloured nodes is wanted very much
16:55 paramat game#1567
16:55 ShadowBot -- Screwdriver does nothing when used on colorfacedir or colorwallmounted nodes
16:56 paramat juhdanad
16:57 juhdanad Thank you, I won't modify door code.
16:58 paramat i think the intention is to not rotate doors, it's not much needed anyway and would look bad
16:59 juhdanad (Oh, by the way I will be on a trip next week so I won't be able to communicate with you)
16:59 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
16:59 paramat might cause weird behaviour due to the hidden node above etc.
16:59 paramat ok
16:59 paramat you will be missed
17:02 VanessaE juhdanad: re: screwdriver rotating wallmounted nodes -- it used to at one time, I don't know why that feature was removed/quit working.
17:03 VanessaE I would suggest rotating doors is fine, so long as protection is accounted for and both door nodes (if any) are handled.
17:03 VanessaE (I don't remember if default doors are single mesh nodes or still two separate nodes)
17:03 juhdanad And trapdoors? They are easy and bug-free to rotate.
17:03 VanessaE trapdoors is fine too
17:03 VanessaE some players might want to use them as a "half door"
17:04 paramat one mesh but there is a 'hidden' node in the top half
17:04 VanessaE (provided the open/close code can handle that orientation)
17:04 VanessaE paramat: ok, so more or less the same as e.g. homedecor's doors and such.
17:06 juhdanad Currently in vanilla Minetest game players can place rotated trapdoors, but they always open upwards.
17:06 paramat rotating trapdoors seems ok as long as it's not too complex to do
17:08 juhdanad With the current state of my new pull I was able to get trapdoors that open sideways (like big doors) and downwards. Is it acceptable then?
17:09 paramat fine for me
17:09 paramat and useful
17:11 zorman2000 juhdanad: are you sure they only open up?
17:11 zorman2000 I can get trapdoors that when rotated open sideways
17:12 VanessaE ditto
17:13 VanessaE or at least I used to.  there's a pub near spawn on my "creative building" (30008) server that has one serving as a sort of "half door" between the patron' area and the space behind the bar.
17:16 juhdanad Yes, it was possible to rotate trapdoors before; false alarm. Sorry, I just saw that when you place a trapdoor on the ceiling, it is not oriented accordingly.
17:21 TC01 joined #minetest-dev
17:21 VanessaE I look forward to your fixes
17:22 juhdanad game#1577
17:22 ShadowBot -- Let screwdriver use wallmounted and colored nodes by juhdanad
17:23 VanessaE juhdanad: works for me.
17:23 VanessaE :+1:
17:24 paramat fast
17:27 VanessaE note to self: write a "fix_after_screwdriver" routine :)
17:28 VanessaE (not a bug, just something I need to fix in unified_dyes)
17:30 kaeza not related to that PR, but what's the reason for that `nextrange` function?
17:32 kaeza isn't that basically `(x+1)%max` ?
17:32 juhdanad Yes, it is.
17:33 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
17:43 juhdanad What program does Travis use to check Lua syntax?
17:44 red-001 luacheck iirc
17:44 red-001 #4962
17:44 ShadowBot -- Save the name of the world in and remove invalid characters from the directory name by red-001
17:48 red-001 sfan5, Are all the issues you had with it fixed?
17:48 sfan5 dunno
17:48 sfan5 will have too look at it again
17:57 juhdanad Oh, and 'lhofhansl' and 'juhdanad' are easy to remember. :)
17:58 paramat lets aim to get juhdanad's light bug fix PR reviewed during next week then
17:58 Krock yes, they are, lhofdanad
18:01 Hunterz1 joined #minetest-dev
18:05 VanessaE juhdanad: the screwdriver works 100% now, thanks :)
18:06 juhdanad VanessaE: I pushed a new version to resolve Travis build errors, but I only removed unused assignments from the code, so it still should work fine.
18:06 VanessaE no prob.  suggestion:  rotate wallmounted nodes around Y first.
18:07 VanessaE i.e. north wall, then east, then south, then west wall, then top, then bottom
18:08 juhdanad Dose the order matter?
18:08 juhdanad *Does
18:08 VanessaE no
18:08 VanessaE only to the extent that the user probably doesn't expect it to flip back and forth as it rotates around ;)
18:10 juhdanad I will try to do that, but first I would like to update builtin to support colored nodes (for example colored signs do not pop out when you remove the wall behind them)
18:10 Shara shara
18:10 VanessaE colored signs?
18:11 juhdanad Or any attached node.
18:12 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
18:12 VanessaE I just tried that with a torch.  delete the wall, the torch falls down.
18:13 juhdanad Not if the torch is colorwallmounted, I suppose.
18:13 VanessaE ahh
18:13 VanessaE now I understand.
18:14 juhdanad Because I naively thought that a C++ search for CPT2_WALLMOUNTED will show me anything that needs to be corrected...
18:19 VanessaE hm, default signs can't be rotated properly.
18:19 VanessaE (they just get forced to the floor and then don't move after that)
18:20 VanessaE (guess it wasn't 100% ;) )
18:25 juhdanad VanessaE: you can only rotate a sign if there is a free node next to it.
18:25 VanessaE interesting
18:25 VanessaE I didn't know that
18:25 juhdanad Put the sign in a corner and try rotating then!
18:26 Fixer i have harder suggestion
18:26 Fixer VanessaE: put a sign on upper part of a door to block the view :}
18:27 VanessaE juhdanad: oh, sure enough.  still needs to follow that suggestion about rotation order
18:27 VanessaE Fixer:  heh
18:27 Fixer VanessaE: try it, i need this
18:27 juhdanad Fixer: You can't put a sign on a door unless the door is walkable.
18:29 Fixer also
18:29 Fixer probably not related
18:29 Fixer ha
18:29 Fixer it is possible to put sign on door now
18:29 Fixer nevermind then
18:30 Fixer it is only bed remainingf
18:30 VanessaE Fixer:  like this,
18:30 VanessaE :)
18:30 Fixer
18:30 VanessaE (signs_lib's signs don't fall :) )
18:30 Fixer yes
18:30 Fixer defaults too
18:31 VanessaE default signs do fall.
18:31 Fixer no
18:31 VanessaE oh wait, you mean if placed on a door?
18:31 Fixer if i open doors, they still hover
18:31 Fixer nevermind, topic closed
18:31 VanessaE heh
18:33 Fixer i will post a bug for signs on bed
18:34 rubenwardy #5269
18:34 ShadowBot -- Lua API Documentation Cleanups by rubenwardy
18:39 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
18:42 Fixer i can rotate the ladder now
18:42 Fixer but not the sign...
18:43 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:43 juhdanad Fixer: you can rotate the sign if there is another wall to which the sign can attach itself.
18:43 juhdanad Put the sign in a corner!
18:44 Fixer ah, i see
18:45 juhdanad It is because the sign drops itself if there is nothing behind it.
18:45 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
18:46 Fixer juhdanad: i wonder if it possible to rotate it like that
18:47 VanessaE not possible with a sign.
18:47 VanessaE (they're wallmounted, so they don't have that orientation)
18:48 Fixer ah
18:48 Fixer ok
18:48 Fixer no problem, i can live with that
18:50 garywhite joined #minetest-dev
19:07 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
20:03 paramat joined #minetest-dev
20:21 red-002 nerzhul, could you review #5152 ?
20:21 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add `get_wielded_item` by red-001
20:28 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
20:29 Krock red-002, what are the preview files supposed to be? testing?
20:29 red-002 testing and examples
20:30 red-002 the samething as minimal
20:30 red-002 same thing*
20:31 Krock print(dump(itemstack:set_count("95")))
20:31 Krock ever tested this? it's not converted to a numeric value anywhere
20:40 red-002 it worked correctly
20:40 Krock uh, interesting
20:40 red-002 lua doesn't care about this sort of stuff iirc
20:40 kaeza it probably uses lua_tonumber
20:41 red-002 ^
20:41 kaeza which auto-converts strings which look like a number
20:41 QwertyDragon joined #minetest-dev
20:43 kaeza why isn't it using luaL_checknumber is another matter :)
20:51 red-002 I don't see what's bad about auto converting
20:53 Krock apparently luaL_checkinteger does this auto-converting
20:55 red-002 weird print(1 + '1') gives you a different result to print(1+1)
20:55 red-002 2.0 vs 2
21:19 celeron55 not in luajit 8)
21:19 celeron55 and possibly also previous lua versions
21:21 Krock can't reproduce that calculation results above
21:21 Krock s/that/these/
21:22 red-002 could be a bug in
21:23 red-002 which is Lua 5.3
21:24 Krock inb4 print(string.format("%.1f", 1 + 1))
21:52 Krock paramat, you got ninja'd on some lines (bulk node light PR)
21:58 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:59 paramat hehe i just saw
22:03 paramat Krock was it you who tested this PR?
22:04 Krock no, it was another pull but I can test it tomorrow :)
22:06 paramat ok
22:14 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
22:16 paramat i'll merge #5206 #5251 #5258 soon, anyone able to +1 #5271 ? semi trivial
22:16 ShadowBot -- Cache enable_damage in statbars.lua by tenplus1
22:16 ShadowBot -- Multiplayer menu: fix attempt to open nonexistant image. by sofar
22:16 ShadowBot -- Voxelmanip: Do not emerge or blit to blocks over map gen limit by paramat
22:16 ShadowBot -- Small fix for colorwallmounted and colorfacedir nodes by juhdanad
22:16 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
22:28 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:36 sofar just did
22:37 paramat thanks, will merge all 4 in a few minutes
22:43 red-002 maybe all server settings should be per-world
22:44 red-002 and minetest.conf should only be used for client settings
22:44 sofar ^^
22:44 Fixer i agree it is suboptimal right now
22:47 red-002 it shouldn't be too hard to do
22:49 red-002 no need for global and local settings
22:49 red-002 maybe if a lot of people request it minetest.conf could be used to supply the default vaules
22:53 paramat merging ..
22:56 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
22:59 paramat .. complete
22:59 red-002 could someone remove the rebase need label from #5152 ?
22:59 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add `get_wielded_item` by red-001
22:59 paramat yes
22:59 red-002 also it's no longer WIP
22:59 paramat i was about to ask
22:59 numZero_ joined #minetest-dev
23:00 red-002 it might need a bit more testing but I verified most of the functions seem to work
23:02 Fixer compiled 5 mins earlier :/
23:05 betterthanyou711 joined #minetest-dev
23:10 betterthanyou711 joined #minetest-dev
23:14 red-002 #5273
23:14 ShadowBot -- Extend is_yes() by red-001
23:54 Eater4 joined #minetest-dev
23:55 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev

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