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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-02-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 ShadowBot` joined #minetest-dev
00:02 troller joined #minetest-dev
00:05 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
00:05 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
00:11 rom1504 joined #minetest-dev
00:36 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
00:36 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
00:37 TC04 joined #minetest-dev
00:52 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
01:01 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
01:21 octacian #1592
01:21 ShadowBot -- ConnectionReceiveThread::Thread(): Assertion '0' failed.
01:22 octacian sofar, nore, paramat, anyone else xD ^
01:22 octacian * game#1592
01:22 ShadowBot -- Add workbench and nametag to rename items by octacian
01:22 octacian I keep forgetting to put "game" first lol
01:30 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
01:30 paramat ok
01:33 octacian joined #minetest-dev
01:34 octacian Also, game#1589 and game#1590 are ready to be merged from my testing.
01:34 ShadowBot -- Keys: Show owner in description by octacian
01:34 ShadowBot -- Books: Show title in description by octacian
02:03 octacian joined #minetest-dev
03:03 sofar octacian: merged one of them
03:03 octacian sofar: ok. Adding screenshot to workbench PR
03:04 sofar I'm gonna be honest with you - I really don't like the workbench as is
03:06 octacian sofar: Added formspec screenshot.
03:06 octacian And what do you not like about it?
03:07 sofar in due time
03:07 sofar but, almost all of it, lol
03:07 octacian Specifics?
03:07 sofar the need for a workbench entirely
03:07 sofar the fact that it's a nodebox
03:07 octacian Ah, I see.
03:07 octacian You'd prefer a model?
03:07 sofar the fact that one of the slots just always contains a nametag
03:08 sofar for mtg, I'd prefer a normal node, just like a chest or a furnace
03:08 octacian IDK, it'd be much harder to create a nice texture for a normal node.
03:09 sofar plenty of workbench textures around that are usable
03:09 octacian Also, the basic reason is that doing it with just a nametag using the method that books use for copying books would require that I register recipes with nametags for every single item in the game
03:09 octacian True.
03:09 octacian Could you give me a link.
03:10 sofar xdecor has one from originally pixelbox I think
03:10 sofar plus there's a few cc-by-sa MC texture packs around that are very usable as well
03:10 octacian OK, I'll take a look. I'd be willing to change it.
03:10 sofar e.g. pixelperfection, isabellaII
03:10 sofar etc.
03:11 octacian Now, IMO having a workbench is the best way to do it.
03:12 octacian As you mentioned, something should be consumed in the renaming process as it should not be "free" to rename an item
03:12 kaeza just a minor thing: should it be named "workbench"?
03:12 kaeza may cause confusion for people who come from MC
03:12 kaeza I'm fine with it in any case
03:13 octacian So, I thought that keeping the nametag and requiring that it be in the workbench almost as "fuel" would be a good way to add cost
03:13 sofar I think you can do it without all the recipes, and do it on the crafting grid
03:13 octacian kaeza: I thought about that. I didn't have any better ideas though, aside from directly using anvil which doesn't even make sense anyways
03:13 octacian sofar: it's true that you can, however, I personally think that the workbench is more, IDK, "elegant" maybe
03:14 sofar MC solves the issue with the anvil, but the anvil has many purposes
03:14 sofar the problem is that we've implemented tool repair without an anvil
03:14 sofar otherwise I'd say, make an anvil instead
03:15 octacian Yes, that's why I introduced the workbench. I was going to open a PR after this allowing you to repair tools only inside the workbench
03:16 kaeza meh. I say leave it as-is
03:16 octacian Though I guess an anvil is a "block with a hard surface on which another object is stuck" so it would kinda make sense to use an anvil
03:20 octacian sofar: anyways, about the slot for nametags, I didn't really have a better idea as to how to require fuel
03:26 sofar seriously though, I think we need to try a little harder to do this on the craftgrid
03:26 octacian We could.
03:27 octacian I'm open to giving it another try.
03:27 octacian I still have the old code for the nametag on_use formspec.
03:27 octacian Though I still think that overall a workbench would be better that would be used both for this and for repairing tools
03:28 octacian Thought it would probably be actually easier to do it in the craftgrid.
03:28 octacian If you've got any ideas as to how to do it, I'll try and implement it. Prob in a new PR.
03:28 octacian That way both options are available for review.
03:33 sofar my idea would be to make a craft recipe for the nametag and then use a group for renameable items
03:33 sofar groups = { renamable = 1 },
03:33 sofar then the recipe for naming can refer to "group:renamable"
03:34 octacian Yes, you could. However, chances are we'd want to make all items renamable. It'd be better to automatically assume renamable unless group = {renamable = 0}
03:34 sofar and then we can selectively using groups mark items that are safe to rename
03:34 octacian Yes. I think that that should be implemented either way.
03:34 sofar nobody is going to make stone renamable
03:34 sofar keys are the main thing imo
03:35 sofar "front door key"
03:35 octacian Yes, somebody will in a custom map.
03:35 sofar well sure, but in a custom map they can toss a worldmod that marks special items renamable and actually names them too
03:35 octacian With the ability to rename anything, you could do some pretty interesting stuff
03:35 sofar so we don't need to worry about that much
03:35 octacian It's preferable if map creators don't have to use worldmods though
03:36 octacian However, I agree at this point with renaming in the craftgrid.
03:36 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
03:36 sofar why? they're highly convenient and can ship with the map in one location
03:36 octacian It wouldn't make sense unless repair was done in the workbench as well, which should definitely be left for later.
03:37 octacian Yes, but IMO, if I was making a map and specifically wanted to prevent renaming items, there would only be a small amount of items that I'd want to prevent
03:37 sofar well, it's moot anyway since you can just make named items irregardless
03:38 octacian Why, well because when making maps I'd personally prefer not having to restart the world every time I wanted to change something
03:38 octacian Which is why I think we should also have a utilities mod with stuff like a command block
03:38 sofar you're argueing the wrong way
03:38 octacian That's probably true :rotfl:
03:38 sofar map creators want to use special tools to make special items
03:38 sofar and then remove those so the map is "adventure mode"
03:39 octacian True. Still though, I think stuff should be automatically renamable.
03:39 sofar can't see why we couldn't have an admin-only command
03:40 octacian What do you mean? to do what? rename items?
03:40 octacian Oh. I understand.
03:40 octacian I don't see an issue with that either, but it just doesn't make since to not be able to rename items.
03:41 sofar well, here's what I think
03:41 sofar I think we should have a relatively small basic set of items that can always be renamed
03:41 sofar things like craftitems and some tools
03:41 sofar but probably not nodes
03:41 sofar leave those not nameable for now
03:42 sofar it's easy enough to generate named nodes irregardless
03:42 sofar any 2 lines of lua can make them
03:42 sofar books are already solved
03:42 sofar keys are badly needed
03:43 sofar but I could care less if people named a mushroom or a loaf of breakd
03:43 sofar bread*
03:43 sofar but weapons, no
03:43 sofar I don't see why we would allow so by default
03:43 octacian Yes, I agree. However I still see no reason why we should prevent people from naming nodes or weapons.
03:43 sofar it's only going to conflict with mods
03:43 * sofar ponders
03:43 sofar well, maybe not
03:44 sofar do we have a group:tool ?
03:44 octacian I'm not sure.
03:44 octacian No.
03:44 octacian we do have minetest.registered_tools don't we though?
03:44 octacian Yes, we do.
03:45 sofar the craft stuff works for us if we use groups
03:45 octacian Could use a simple loop to iterate through and add renamable though I still don't like preventing renaming some stuff.
03:45 octacian But again, that's true, it only works if we use groups.
03:45 sofar I'm sure we can compromise on that
03:46 octacian Meaning that the only way to allow renaming everything would be to iterate through registered_items adding renamable = 1 to the groups if it wasn't already equal to 0
03:46 sofar we'd just add it to every node reg
03:47 sofar override_item makes no sense inside default
03:47 octacian True.
03:47 sofar sadly, some parts do :/
03:47 octacian But what about other mods outside MTG.
03:47 octacian For example, the books in homedecor.
03:48 octacian Defaulting to renamable would allow players using homedecor to take advantage of the new features and rename books even before homedecor is updated
03:48 octacian (the same goes for other mods that introduce like items)
03:48 sofar ah see
03:48 sofar I don't think we should allow books to be renamed
03:49 sofar that'd be a copyright violation
03:49 octacian rly.. :rotfl:
03:49 sofar besuides, the persson writing can already give a title
03:49 sofar and even change it
03:51 octacian True. But they can't change the description tooltip
03:51 octacian It would be appreciated for organization, just as the new functionality in default will be.
03:52 octacian This, IMO, leaves two options: implement using craftgrid and groups and iterate through registered_items setting groups.renamable = 1
03:52 octacian or use workbench approach
03:52 octacian ^^ only if groups.renamable ~= 0 ofc
03:52 octacian That's what I see anyway.
03:53 sofar separate mechanism from nodes/items
03:53 octacian What do you mean?
03:54 octacian registered_items contains a table of all nodes, craftitems, and tools
03:54 octacian * list, not table
03:54 sofar iterating and modifying every registration == bad
03:54 octacian Yes, I agree.
03:54 sofar so, dont
03:54 octacian I just don't see a better way to do it aside from limiting the items which I personally do not like either.
03:54 sofar just implement naming based on groups
03:55 sofar then we can argue the second part
03:55 octacian Will do. I'll open a second PR tomorrow.
03:55 sofar ppl will disagree with me as well, lol
03:55 octacian Leave them both open ofc though.
03:55 octacian somebody will ALWAYS disagree with you xD
03:56 paramat sofar are you ok with game#1587 ?
03:56 ShadowBot -- Biomes: New surface node for rainforest by paramat
03:57 sofar paramat: do it, :+1:
03:59 octacian I've gtg though.
04:11 paramat ok
04:16 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
04:26 paramat hm 'litter' seems to be a more suitable term than 'debris'
04:28 paramat there's 'detritus' and 'duff' but those are less clear language
04:28 octacian paramat: that font is just installed locally
04:28 octacian I didn't hardcode it, in fact, is that even possible?
04:29 octacian
04:30 paramat ok
04:30 paramat no problem
04:31 paramat i'm going to use 'rainforest litter'. i get anxious when naming nodes, it has to be right otherwise we have to use dreaded aliases to support old worlds
04:32 octacian paramat: BTW, do you prefer the crafting grid approach to renaming items, or the workbench (which easily allows renaming anything but nametags)?
04:45 paramat i'll think on that
04:46 octacian OK
04:55 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:30 paramat merging game#1587 in a moment
05:30 ShadowBot -- Biomes: New surface node for rainforest by paramat
05:32 paramat merging ..
05:35 paramat .. complete
05:53 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
05:56 lhofhansl How can I determine whether a piece of code (say in Map or MapBlock) is run on the server or the client? #ifdef SERVER does not work when the client is starting the server.
05:57 lhofhansl (and I do not want to use virtual methods between ClientMap and ServerMap because this is hot path and the dispatch might slow things)
06:05 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:47 lhofhansl NM. Found another way.
07:14 lhofhansl #5320
07:14 ShadowBot -- [For Testing] Allow server side occlusion culling. by lhofhansl
07:14 lhofhansl left #minetest-dev
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08:08 lumidify joined #minetest-dev
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09:25 ID joined #minetest-dev
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09:59 troller joined #minetest-dev
10:19 shymega joined #minetest-dev
10:29 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
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15:04 octacian joined #minetest-dev
15:05 octacian sofar: I believe the books PR is ready to merge (rubenwardy gave it a thumbs up)
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15:11 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
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17:00 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:30 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
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17:59 Thomas-S Can someone please review #5302? This is very much needed, I think this would solve the mining drill problem with the technic mod, too.
17:59 ShadowBot -- Store legacy metadata separate from new item meta data by rubenwardy
18:00 betterthanyou711 joined #minetest-dev
18:03 blaze joined #minetest-dev
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18:20 Krock Thomas-S, would be more helpful to know why numberZero downvoted on it
18:21 Krock sofar, FYI. I'm keen to fix the issues in #4304 and open a new pull for it - but I guess this won't happen before this weekend
18:21 ShadowBot -- Add fading sounds by Bremaweb
18:22 sofar Krock: neat, I can wait
18:23 Krock ^^
18:33 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
18:37 paramat joined #minetest-dev
18:46 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
18:54 VanessaE paramat, sofar:  will param2 or hardware coloring ever be applied to default wool?  (need to know for a future plan)
18:54 VanessaE s/ or /\//
18:54 sofar my position is
18:54 sofar it's contingent on getting coloring of itemstacks
18:55 sofar if we can get itemstack meta coloring
18:55 sofar then we can have colored wool
18:55 paramat indeed
18:55 sofar and even handle digging and placing with a simple API
18:55 VanessaE I ask because I want to pipe wool through Unified Dyes, given the extensive color range it has.
18:55 VanessaE UD has those, btw.
18:56 VanessaE I tried to cover everything that could be wanted with this sorta thing (colored itemstacks aside)
18:56 sofar without colored itemstacks, we can't have red wool in the inventory next to blue wool
18:57 paramat but also some are concerned about how this limits texture packs ability to choose their own exact hues and use individual textures instead of colourising a single texture
18:57 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
18:57 sofar and I absolutely dislike the "drop item+dye" mantra
18:57 sofar paramat: they can replace the colormap too
18:57 VanessaE sofar: only sane way to do it without colored itemstacks
18:57 sofar paramat: so that solves that problem entirely
18:57 paramat oh yeah oops
18:58 sofar VanessaE: I can't politely say how bad I find that method
18:58 sofar so I would have never done it
18:58 sofar colored itemstacks, problem solved
19:00 VanessaE sofar: ok so how would you have done it?
19:00 VanessaE assume no colored itemstacks
19:00 sofar not
19:00 sofar that's what I said
19:00 sofar <sofar> so I would have never done it
19:00 VanessaE nono I mean,
19:01 VanessaE how would you have done colorized ... anything ... without managing the dyes etc?
19:01 sofar I would have *not* done it, and instead solve the colored itemstack problem first
19:01 VanessaE I see.
19:01 paramat ^ indeed
19:01 sofar now you have everyone learning a weird new way
19:02 sofar I just want a red wool block in my inventory when i dig a red wool block
19:02 sofar I mean, I didn't see the problem beforehand either :)
19:02 VanessaE and then I presume colored itemstacks, you would import the param2 value to the itemstack, expl...   yes, that.
19:02 sofar the only exception is landscape coloring
19:02 sofar that doesn't need colored itemstacks imho
19:02 VanessaE I'm fine with that idea, and as soon as it becomes possible, I'll implement it.
19:03 VanessaE or rather, use it
19:03 sofar afk a bit
19:03 paramat a minor issue is that colourising a single base texture is less flexible in appearence than tuning individual textures in Gimp
19:03 VanessaE paramat: true enough, and default wool would have some difficulty there because yellow wool is more of a yellow-with-gold-highlights
19:04 VanessaE the others, I was able to get reasonably close (look at castles++ mod's tapestries for an example)
19:04 paramat and there are only 14 wools, so i don't see much need to use hardware colouring
19:04 VanessaE 14 wools, hardware coloring, suddenly you have the equivalent of 256.
19:04 VanessaE since they'd all be reduced to a single node.
19:04 VanessaE (node def that is)
19:05 paramat you mean add new colours?
19:06 VanessaE well you could, but "new colors" comes with the territory
19:06 VanessaE no one says the extra colors have to be in the inventory
19:06 VanessaE I do that with UD for example.  the default 15 dyes are there, but the 240 others added by UD are not.
19:06 paramat ah the palette ..
19:06 VanessaE yes.
19:06 VanessaE it's just a side effect, one you'd be advised to take advantage of ;)
19:08 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
19:10 cheapie OK, so param2-ize the wool, then make it work with colored itemstacks as well once that's possible. I don't see the issue here.
19:11 VanessaE point is, I'm going to write a mod, or maybe cheapie will, that's gonna param2-ize the wool, one way or another.
19:11 VanessaE and it'll run through UD
19:11 cheapie VanessaE: I already failed miserably at that. You do it :P
19:11 VanessaE the whole point of that mod is a central API and way of doing things.  one change there and everything that uses it follows.
19:11 VanessaE cheapie: no worries, I'll figure it out.
19:12 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
19:12 juhdanad Hi all!
19:13 VanessaE hey
19:13 juhdanad Finally I could connect...
19:15 juhdanad So, I don't know how itemstack metadata works. Is it possible to return an itemstack with a field 'param2' set when a node is dug?
19:15 VanessaE no idea, though if there's meta then I don't see why not
19:16 paramat not sure
19:16 juhdanad And if you have two items with the same metadata values, can you merge them?
19:19 Krock I'm not aware of such a check
19:19 paramat Krock if core devs agree to this, would you be interested in being a mtgame dev?
19:20 Krock paramat, well, I'm not sure. Either I'd want to join both or none
19:20 paramat ah it could be both
19:20 paramat normally it would be actually
19:20 Krock just because Zeno also already talked to me a while back
19:21 Krock I'm not sure what's to expect from a dev and the instructions on the wiki are quite vague
19:22 paramat your blood
19:22 VanessaE heh
19:22 Krock doing a blood brother ritual xD
19:23 ircSparky_ joined #minetest-dev
19:23 paramat there's no obligation to work when you don't feel like it, many devs disappear often. it's mostly code review and approvals
19:25 Krock ah, good to know that. Well, for me this doesn't have any priority at all but if you think there should be a voting then I wouldn't say no :)
19:26 paramat we'll see what devs think
19:26 Krock juhdanad, AFAIK the metadata is cleared when two items are merged, thus all of these specific items have a stack max of 1 or use wear
19:29 juhdanad Then metadata is not a good solution for storing colors...
19:29 VanessaE well my vote means exactly bupkis but I'm okay with Krock being added as a dev.
19:29 Krock VanessaE, but you're also quite long into this game and surely have got plenty of knowledge ;)
19:30 paramat i would be +1 for engine and game dev
19:31 ircSparky_ joined #minetest-dev
19:31 sofar juhdanad: itemstacks with different meta don't merge
19:31 sofar juhdanad: yes, you can (in lua already) make an itemstack contain a param2 when digging that reflects the node param2
19:31 sofar as a matter of fact, we could retain the digging param2 for certain nodes
19:31 sofar but, easy enough to do in lua
19:32 juhdanad Great! Then it is easy to render the item according to its metadata (I think so...)
19:32 VanessaE fwiw, UD stores the color in the node's metadata as well as its param2
19:32 sofar but remember, items ~= nodes
19:33 sofar craftitem properties do not have tiles
19:33 sofar instead, inventory_image
19:33 VanessaE (easier to reference the stored dye name then to look up the color from the param2 value)
19:33 sofar you may have to add a color = property
19:33 sofar as well, to make it symmetric with nodes
19:34 sofar VanessaE: that's a mod choice, though
19:34 VanessaE yes.
19:34 VanessaE just pointing it out for reference.
19:34 sofar if we're reserving itemstack meta names we should be consistent
19:34 sofar description is now already used officially
19:34 juhdanad No, param2 is needed. This ensures that mods can replace palettes.
19:34 sofar we can do param2, it seems the best
19:34 sofar but are we going to do paramtype2 for craftitems?
19:34 sofar it would be most logical
19:36 sofar also, you need to provide a palette
19:36 juhdanad There would be two fields, I suppose: 'param2', which is effective for nodes, and 'color', which overrides everything.
19:37 sofar so a palette = param is needed
19:37 juhdanad That way you can also rotate facedir nodes in the inventory.
19:37 sofar yup
19:37 sofar well nodes should be simpler
19:37 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
19:37 sofar since they already have palette, paramtype2 properties
19:38 juhdanad The problem is that palettes are only loaded if a node requests them.
19:42 sofar so that would have to be added for craftitems then
19:42 VanessaE all I care about is that whatever is in the inventory, it looks exactly the same as it does in the world (drops/forced inventory colors aside). :)
19:44 juhdanad Well, I think I can do that, but then item definitions will also have palettes.
19:45 betterthanyou710 joined #minetest-dev
19:46 juhdanad BTW when do you plan to release the next version of Minetest?
19:46 paramat perhaps may-june
19:47 juhdanad Then I'll have a plenty of time.
19:51 juhdanad paramat: did you notice that your 'chambers' mod does not always manage to generate the full chamber if you fly around fast?
19:52 sofar juhdanad: that's acceptable
19:53 sofar juhdanad: wanted, even, I think
19:54 juhdanad It is because the map generator copies some blocks, then the mod generates the chamber, finally the mapgen blits back the unchanged data.
19:54 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
19:54 juhdanad This also causes the 'moretrees' mod's partially generated trees.
20:00 blaze joined #minetest-dev
20:03 diemartin #1596
20:03 ShadowBot -- Wrong letters shown in Czech translation (V0.4.8)- Mageia, GNU/Linux
20:03 diemartin game#1596
20:03 ShadowBot -- Add desert/silver sandstone-related blocks. by kaeza
20:06 Fixer i really waiting for coloured baked clay in default, i miss it so much (very popular building block in minecraft btw, wool texture is not good for buildings and nature materials are limiting)
20:06 VanessaE unifiedbricks has that.
20:08 VanessaE (it isn't baked, but it is clay blocks and looks good)
20:09 Fixer hardened/backed/whatever - texture is important
20:10 VanessaE there's a mod for that, too
20:10 VanessaE (I should fork it and convert it to use UD)
20:11 VanessaE  or
20:18 paramat my 'catacomb' mod?
20:18 paramat that mod doesn't work in 'on generated though'
20:20 paramat oh you mean when a nearby mapchunk is generated
20:21 paramat hm i think i noticed a few chambers missing a wall
20:23 ircSparky joined #minetest-dev
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20:37 paramat well nevermind seems too difficult and complex to fix
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21:36 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
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22:03 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
22:05 octacian sofar: FYI, I think the books PR is ready to merge, rubenwardy approved.
22:08 xerox123 joined #minetest-dev
22:22 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
22:26 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
22:38 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
22:47 paramat joined #minetest-dev
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23:39 diemartin paramat, should I also change the "normal" sandstonebrick?
23:40 paramat no, that would need an alias and we want to avoid those
23:41 paramat trees have inconsistent naming too for old and new tree types
23:44 diemartin I can use a simple alias, duplicated code, or an unreadable mess
23:45 paramat hm yes looks like old sandstone would have to be separate from your register functions
23:45 paramat well, for crafting at least
23:46 diemartin no, because I also register the nodes, and I must make a special exception for the normal one
23:46 paramat for nodedefs you can expand the prefix to become the whole name?
23:47 diemartin I can do that. don't have to like it though :(
23:48 diemartin uh, actually, you'd need to pass three names or at least just the "stone" name which will quickly get a mess
23:48 diemartin what's bad about aliases?
23:50 paramat yes i can see this would affect your clean code, however i think some code duplication is fine, i would suggest splitting off the old sandstone and using your code for the 2 new ones
23:51 paramat well, i personally don't like them unless essential, and here we are doing it just for name consistency (non essential) and your registering method (nice but non essential)
23:53 diemartin so, just opinion, no technical reasons?
23:53 paramat for just a few new nodes i would have been fine with duplicated code
23:53 paramat well technical too yes
23:55 paramat duplicated code for nodes is actually a little clearer to read and understand
23:55 paramat sorry btw
23:56 diemartin I'm just trying to get some comments before I change it and somebody complains "why not create a function for this" or something :)
23:57 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
23:58 diemartin I disagree. I find it perfectly readable. also, duplicating code makes it harder to change things (like groups or whatever) if needed in the future as you need to change it N times instead of just once

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