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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-03-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:33 kaeza is this intentional?
00:33 kaeza sofar, ^
00:34 kaeza the actual issue is that walking "on" a torch plays the wood sound
00:37 betterthanyou710 joined #minetest-dev
00:50 twoelk left #minetest-dev
01:26 AntumDeluge joined #minetest-dev
01:50 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
02:34 sofar kaeza: well torches are wood, aren't they?
02:34 sofar and walking sounds are horrendous :)
02:35 sofar I mean, buggy
02:35 sofar walk in 1 deep water and you hear sand sounds and not slushing water
02:36 sofar kaeza: torches are `walkable = false` though, so how can you walk on them?
02:37 kaeza sofar, place a dirt node, put a torch on one of its sides, hop onto the node, then walk on the border just above the torch
02:37 sofar right
02:37 kaeza the game thinks you are walking on the torch :I
02:37 sofar not a bug in torches, though
02:38 sofar again, walking sounds
02:38 kaeza yeah
02:38 sofar should just move them to CSM
02:38 sofar then we can do far smarter footstep sounds
03:22 paramat joined #minetest-dev
03:23 paramat #5388 is ready can anyone review/approve?
03:23 ShadowBot -- Map gen limit: Rewrite by paramat
04:13 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
04:20 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
04:56 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:37 paramat sofar i assume it's ok to merge game#1641 on just your approval? i will merge game#1624 game#1645 game#1646 soon also
05:38 ShadowBot -- Fix crash when using unconfigured default:key by octacian
05:38 ShadowBot -- Biomes: Add and auto-select mgv7 floatland biomes by paramat
05:38 ShadowBot -- Junglegrass: Prevent seeding of dirt_with_grass by paramat
05:38 ShadowBot -- Leafdecay: Change Aspen radius back to 3 by paramat
05:38 sofar yeah, that's ok
05:38 sofar edge case, but well tested
05:38 paramat will do then
05:47 paramat merging those 4 in a few mins
05:54 paramat merging ..
05:59 paramat complete
06:01 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:12 kaeza if you're going to ask for reviews at least give them some weight
06:12 kaeza and maybe some time before merging
06:21 sofar
06:21 sofar wool mod using colored nodes & colored itemstacks
06:21 sofar wip (testing - PoC)
06:34 paramat weight ? The map gen limit PR is really heavy maaan. those 4 were already approved or were trivial
06:43 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
06:47 nerzhul merging #5401
06:47 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add core.get_timeofday & core.get_day_count env calls by nerzhul
06:57 nerzhul #5405 merged too
06:57 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Fix minimap problems by nerzhul
08:05 nerzhul can someone take a look at #5406, it's needed for future CSM interactions with client
08:05 ShadowBot -- Reduce memory & function cost of Game class functions by nerzhul
08:29 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:35 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
08:38 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:47 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:01 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
09:08 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
09:12 paramat joined #minetest-dev
09:12 Puka joined #minetest-dev
09:20 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
09:40 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
09:47 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
09:50 rubenwardy left #minetest-dev
09:50 glut321 joined #minetest-dev
10:13 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:14 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
11:03 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
11:16 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:22 kilbith how about officially dropping support for OpenGL and OpenGL ES 1.x, they're representing a very low marketshare and it's deprecated
11:22 kilbith hint to
11:25 Calinou
11:25 nrzkt kilbith: i think it's irrlicht support nos us
11:25 nrzkt not*
11:25 Calinou it will break someone's workflow ;)
11:25 nrzkt kilbith: about long time unused thing i really want to raise the minimum protocol, i don't see why we support minetest 0.4.9
11:26 kilbith I mean, if it breaks on one's device, we just have to tell him to buy a more recent hardware
11:26 nrzkt raise to 0.4.13, have a user and forkers contract, we support maximum 2 years old protocol
11:26 nrzkt a 0.4.9 player don't have breath xD
11:38 xunto joined #minetest-dev
11:44 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
11:44 red-001 what's the oldest mt version any server on the serverlist uses?
11:49 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:00 VanessaE regarding LBMs, when `run_at_every_load = false` is so set, what exactly determines that it's been run?
12:01 VanessaE is the LBM name stored in the map block or something?
12:21 Remy__ joined #minetest-dev
12:29 paramat joined #minetest-dev
12:40 nrzkt red-001: the problem is more clients than server, but except one inactive server in 0.4.9 and 3 inactive servers in 0.4.12 224 servers are at least 0.4.13
12:59 lisac joined #minetest-dev
13:14 red-001 maybe show_formspec should be moved to the new minetest.ui namespace?
13:16 nrzkt red-001: minetest.ui contains references to objects not functions
13:16 nrzkt but maybe we should do some namespace triage, don't know
13:20 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
13:22 red-001 maybe game#1647 should be closed?
13:22 ShadowBot -- Nyan Cat license
13:23 red-001 nvm it just got closed by sfan
13:51 numZero joined #minetest-dev
14:15 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
14:19 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
14:55 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
15:04 Remy__ joined #minetest-dev
15:07 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:18 Remy__ joined #minetest-dev
15:21 red-001 huh looks like someone has copyrighted the nyancat and is willing to sue people
15:21 red-001 also they have a trademark
15:26 sfan5 nothing new there
15:30 nrzkt sfan5: did you get some time for a short review ?
15:30 VanessaE red-001: that's the reason I re-drew it.
15:30 sfan5 nrzkt: of what?
15:30 nrzkt #5113
15:30 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Give CSM access to core.colorize by red-001
15:31 nrzkt it's basicly code move from server lua builtin to common builtin for permit using it client side
15:32 red-001 well I doubt minetest will be targeted, since that wouldn't make them any richer
15:49 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
15:53 glut32 joined #minetest-dev
15:54 nrzkt red-001: there is a debug stuff mentionned by sfan5 you added in last fix
15:54 nrzkt can you remove it ?
15:54 nrzkt except this debug stuff are you okay sfan5?
15:55 glut32 Hi all, I have a bug on minetest running on mac osx. The "M" Key doesn't work with my french keyboard (AZERTY). Does someone know how to fix this bug?
15:55 nrzkt irrlicht bug i think
15:55 glut32 This bug is reported here :
15:55 glut32 I think also that it's in irrlicht
15:56 nrzkt if you try irrlicht 1.9 you should see a different it fixes many keyboard problems
15:56 sfan5 nrzkt: yes its fine with me otherwise
15:56 nrzkt nice thanks
15:56 glut32 when irrlicht 1.9 will be released ?
15:57 nrzkt i don't know, it's in dev since years... lol
15:57 glut32 ah ah
15:57 glut32 it's like duken nukem
15:57 glut32 *duke nukem
15:57 glut32 lol
15:57 Karazhan joined #minetest-dev
15:58 nrzkt yeah or diablo3
15:59 Remy__ joined #minetest-dev
16:04 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:09 red-001 done
16:10 Remy__ left #minetest-dev
16:12 numZero joined #minetest-dev
16:17 Puka joined #minetest-dev
16:29 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
16:29 blaze joined #minetest-dev
16:30 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
16:47 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
17:29 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
17:50 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
17:55 Fixer nrzkt: 4 servers with 0.4.12 (mostly empty, 2players), 13 with 0.4.13 (mostly empty, 7players), 77 with 0.4.14 (lots of empties and some heavy played ones, 232players), 114 with 0.4.15 (301 players) // from few weeks old data
17:56 Fixer it is safe to say that currently 0.4.14to0.4.15dev are most used versions
18:02 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
18:09 red-001 maybe raise the minimal protocol version to 0.4.12 then?
18:11 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
18:18 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:18 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:20 nerzhul merging #5113
18:20 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Give CSM access to core.colorize by red-001
18:29 Fixer nerzhul:
18:30 nerzhul yes :)
18:31 nerzhul maybe 0.4.12 at least plus communicate with server admins
18:31 Fixer may be a bit outdated, but should more or less represent the situation
18:31 nerzhul i think we should cross with sfan5 serverlist, using only valid MT versions (not fork versions)
18:31 Fixer 55% of players are on 0.4.15+
18:32 nerzhul and this is nice, a lesser than 1 year old server
18:32 Fixer 42% are on 0.4.14(+dev)
18:32 Fixer might be some slight errors in this
18:32 nerzhul and no, not 55% of players, 55% player play on a vXXX server :)
18:32 Fixer for 0.4.14 or 0.4.14dev
18:33 sofar you can raise it to 0.4.14 from that data alone
18:33 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
18:33 sofar do you really care about 1%?
18:33 sofar 9 players
18:33 nerzhul sofar, i think we should cross the server part and the client part
18:33 nerzhul we need sfan5 report for the last 6 months
18:33 nerzhul to have a credible version report
18:34 nerzhul for CSM future usage we need to raise and have a contract about protocol maintenance
18:34 Fixer seriously, why still on 0.4.12 and 0.4.13? it is too outdated, and 0.4.16 soon
18:35 sofar well, if you do what others do
18:35 sofar e.g.
18:35 sofar one release every 6 months
18:35 sofar maintain 4 versions (2 years)
18:35 sofar so when 0.4.16 comes out, you remove 0.4.12
18:35 nerzhul sofar, it's what i suggested, 2 years contract
18:36 nerzhul it permit to nuke some old unused code
18:36 sofar and you send warnings to 0.4.13 that it's outdated
18:36 sofar (if even possible)
18:36 nerzhul and at a time, we should think about having a migration process on minetest databases permitting to convert very old mapblocks to new format (maybe external from minetest itself) permitting to evolve, but it's not the discussion there
18:39 red-001 you could make new servers send chat messages imforming users they are using an old version
18:39 nerzhul if i remember i implemented it in 0.4.14 or 0.4.13
18:39 red-001 server owners can't do this
18:39 nerzhul or there is an open pr
18:40 red-001 as minetest doesn't let lua know the protocol/mt-version of a client
18:41 red-001 implemeted map converting?
18:42 sfan5 red-001: it doesn't need to be done in lua
18:42 Fixer current 0.4.12 and 0.4.13 servers from serverlist: They are mostly empty
18:43 Fixer with just 3 players on...
18:43 red-001 Fixer, the main issue isn't the number of servers
18:44 Fixer number of players
18:44 Fixer not servers
18:44 red-001 but how many users still us old versions
18:44 red-001 use*
18:44 Fixer you mean clients
18:44 red-001 yes
18:44 Fixer will be interesting to know
18:44 sofar tbh
18:45 Fixer last time I seen graphs from sfan and someone else it was holyshit fragmented like with servers
18:45 sofar if clients fetch the serverlist we can inform them
18:45 red-001 you could try and get some server owners to log the mt-versions of users that connect
18:45 sofar at a minimum the server list can include the "current version" and print a message in the UI somewhere
18:45 red-001 oh is the mt-version in the user agent?
18:45 Fixer red-001: rubenwardy has code for that
18:45 sofar red-001: no, the client doesn't need to send any data
18:46 sofar red-001: all that's needed is the serverlist send out the current stable client version
18:46 sofar well um
18:46 Fixer red-001:
18:46 sofar that will help with *future* client releases, lol
18:46 Fixer not sure if it is this
18:46 Fixer should be
18:47 red-001 I would be nice to have some sort of easy way to warn players that thier version of mt is outdated
18:47 red-001 s/I/it
18:47 Fixer ah yes, it is 50/50 mt vs multicraft
18:47 Fixer and at the time most of folks used 0.4.13 it seems
18:48 red-001 is that the one that spams a lot of ads>
18:48 Fixer probably
18:48 Fixer i don't use anything with ads and they are bloked everywhere including on googlespyos
18:49 Fixer we need newer stats
18:49 Fixer to see if 0.4.13 is safe to nuke
18:49 Fixer or whatever you want
18:50 red-001 I say keep 0.4.13
18:50 red-001 it's only two releases old
18:50 Fixer 0.4.13 was released on August 20, 2015
18:52 Fixer on that survery: 0.4.14 - 54%, 0.4.13 - 35%
18:52 red-001 maybe someone could run another survey?
18:52 sfan5 i have to do those surveys
18:53 sfan5 because the access logs are obviously not public
18:53 Fixer Mobile  -> 2320046 92.51%
18:53 Fixer kek
18:53 * red-001 expects at least 95%
18:54 Fixer 93% will not miss sneak elevators
18:54 Fixer 93% uses calculator to play
18:54 Fixer #pcmasterrace
18:54 Krock kids' flooding the stats!
18:59 nerzhul please note 0.4.7 or older is sometimes rogue clients
18:59 nerzhul for multicraft we are not the code base owners, it's not our problem to maintain compat but fork owner
19:00 nerzhul he should see the communication and do sth
19:00 sfan5 who should do something about what?
19:00 nerzhul sfan5, can you do report from the last 6 months about version usage please ?
19:00 sfan5 sure
19:04 nerzhul ty
19:09 red-001 Could I suggest changing the forum rules so that posting only complied bytecode for mods is not allowed?
19:10 red-001 it can be a security issue
19:11 Krock haven't seen such a mod yet but that's surely something that should be in the rules
19:12 Fixer there is on
19:12 Fixer one
19:12 red-001 also the mod is likely to break if you use a diffrent mt/lua/arch
19:12 Fixer anticheat by rnd
19:12 red-001 ^
19:12 Fixer has bytecode
19:13 Fixer to hide code from cheaters
19:13 Thomas-S
19:13 Fixer maybe he published everything now
19:13 Fixer and bytecode was MY idea
19:13 Fixer btw
19:13 red-001 security by obscurity
19:13 Fixer he was not going to publist it, but I said he can use bytecode and at least make it available
19:14 red-001 it's not even that much obscurity
19:14 Fixer so he did
19:14 red-001 you can easily decomplie bytecode or at least disassmble it
19:14 Fixer i suggested googling obfuscator %)
19:15 * Fixer runs away
19:15 red-001 lol
19:15 Krock ask kaeza to obfuscate it for you
19:15 red-001 you can also to that with lua code to a certain degree
19:17 Krock replacing tabs, LF/CR with spaces and variable names with numerals like _1, _2 and so on
19:17 red-001 I mean normal complied lua has varible names in plaintext
19:18 Fixer it was security via obscurity, yes
19:19 Fixer i'm not sure if posting such mods is ok on forum though
19:20 Fixer maybe someone will find it useful
19:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:56 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
20:15 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
20:28 nerzhul merging #5384
20:28 ShadowBot -- avoid crashing when accessing mapgen early by zeuner
20:32 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
20:37 nerzhul Krock, sofar can you look at #5406 please ?
20:37 ShadowBot -- Reduce memory & function cost of Game class functions by nerzhul
20:38 Krock already looked at it and only found these two "this->" lines
20:38 nerzhul it's normal
20:38 nerzhul GH didn't notify me of your comment
20:38 Krock Ctrl+F5 ;)
20:39 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
20:39 nerzhul or maybe it's not normal now, i needed it at a moment, but after rewriting another part, missing it, looking
20:40 nerzhul exact, thanks for noiice
20:40 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
20:41 Krock apart from that, lovely. I wonder how this mess even started :3
20:41 nerzhul i don't know, never see anybody working on it on 3 years :p
20:42 nerzhul i think at first rundata was a local variable moved toclass at a point and code was never refactored
20:42 nerzhul in fact it was added by ShadowNinja in Nov 2016
20:43 nerzhul it was local to Game::Run before
20:43 nerzhul SN started to refactor it by moving to class, and do other optimisations to improve rendering, and my commit finish this variable refactoring as it seems :)
20:43 nerzhul it rebased + force push, can you re-look at this
20:44 nerzhul please :)?
21:15 nerzhul merging #5406
21:15 ShadowBot -- Reduce memory & function cost of Game class functions by nerzhul
21:16 nerzhul thanks for your review Krock
21:17 Krock np, it's easier to review these pulls than such that add new features :)
21:17 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
21:18 nerzhul this PR was a little bit anoying to read many lines are identical :p
21:19 Krock indeed
21:19 nerzhul sfan5, ping, does your processing finished ?
21:19 nerzhul Krock, we should refactor the flag usage now, i need it for CSM, it contains the real flag to showing hiding minimap, the current model on CSM is not as perfect as using this flag
21:21 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:22 VanessaE sofar: another thing we desperately need:  rollback_check works fine, responds nearly instantly usually, but rollback (that is, undoing actions) is dog slow these days
21:23 sofar worth a bug report?
21:23 sofar I've never used it
21:23 nerzhul sofar, i tryied to used it 2 years ago, but only usage was disk usage, i removed it :p
21:24 sfan5 nerzhul: i havent begun yet
21:24 sofar seems with pgsql it shouldn't be so bad performance wise?
21:24 VanessaE sofar: I think there's already a bug report for it
21:26 nerzhul sofar, rollback only used sqlite no ?
21:26 nerzhul i didn't looked at its requests, maybe a db index is missing
21:26 VanessaE it's sqlite, yes.
21:26 sofar I'm not sure where the slowdown would come from tbh
21:26 VanessaE I assumed it had to do with the actual act of setting nodes etc. during the restore, not so much the database lookup
21:27 nerzhul VanessaE, let me 5 mins to look at the code
21:27 VanessaE ok
21:27 nerzhul can you tell me which action is slow ?
21:28 VanessaE /rollback <user> 999999
21:28 VanessaE (the user in question actually only had actions going back ~150000, I just use lots of 9's to kill off anything they built)
21:29 nerzhul i think index are missing, i see there are indices on coordinates and id
21:29 VanessaE sofar: get my note, btw?
21:29 nerzhul there is missing indices
21:29 nerzhul it's sure
21:30 nerzhul some select conditions are not using indices
21:30 Fixer we need rollback limit in days or whatever
21:30 sofar UD protection checks? yeah. Although I'm sad I didn't paint a penis anywhere on your server as a PoC
21:30 nerzhul action needs timestamp + actor index only
21:30 Fixer sofar: drawing ***** is so 2011
21:30 nerzhul other cases seems covered
21:30 sofar stars? I find them offensive
21:31 nerzhul VanessaE, at a point, shutdown your server (you cannot add indice to your sqlite while db i poened by another process)
21:31 VanessaE triggered! :)
21:31 VanessaE nerzhul: every morning at 11am CET.
21:31 nerzhul CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `action_ts_actor` on `action`(`timestamp`,`actor`);
21:31 nerzhul this should help rollback actions based on timestamp & actor
21:32 nerzhul also some actions are downloading the whole actor or node table, it can be very slow
21:33 juhdanad Has it ever occured to you that Minetest disables a modpack (worldedit) when you join to the world, while other mods remain enabled?
21:33 VanessaE juhdanad: sure, if its dependencies aren't met.  some other wayu?
21:33 VanessaE -i
21:33 VanessaE -u*
21:34 juhdanad I'll check...
21:34 juhdanad No, it has no dependencies.
21:36 VanessaE nerzhul: how does that work exactly?  (I so rarely use sqlite for anything, I don't know how to use it on the rollback log)
21:36 nerzhul sqlite <file>
21:36 nerzhul run query
21:36 nerzhul close
21:36 nerzhul start your server
21:36 VanessaE hm, ok
21:37 nerzhul index can be long to create depending on table size
21:37 VanessaE ok, I'll do that in a while, next time I need to reboot
21:38 * VanessaE records this conversation in a text editor
21:39 VanessaE sofar: heh, wiseass :)
21:39 VanessaE (re: protection check)
21:41 nerzhul i don't guarantee a miracle indices are use when context permits it, but i see a missing indice here, if it works better for you we will add it to our scheme
21:42 VanessaE ok
21:53 sofar VanessaE: I thank you for the compliments to my rear
21:54 VanessaE heh
22:02 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
22:44 sfan5 some madman is running an android build in nacl   Minetest/0.4.15-bc2861e2-Android (nacl/31 nacl)"
22:44 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:45 VanessaE sofar: btw, you might want to chime in on #1530.
22:45 ShadowBot -- Add minetest.register_on_time_change by HybridDog
22:45 nerzhul what is that sfan5
22:45 VanessaE er
22:45 VanessaE game#1530
22:45 ShadowBot -- Add paint API by juhdanad
22:45 nerzhul for me nacl is Na Cl :p
22:45 sfan5 nerzhul
22:45 VanessaE bbl
22:45 nerzhul oh
22:46 sfan5 also i think use on desktop (as opposed to mobile) has risen
22:57 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:15 sfan5 nerzhul:
23:18 nerzhul sfan5, thanks
23:18 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:19 nerzhul 2.5% 0.4.11 hmmm
23:19 nerzhul more forks now as it seems
23:20 nerzhul then we should update our minimum protocol to 0.4.11 at least and drop previous support
23:20 Calinou almost 9% of IPv6, not bad
23:20 nerzhul newest Linux version: 4.9.9-rt6-1-rt
23:21 nerzhul this is wrong i'm using 4.10.3 xD
23:21 Calinou MultiCraft, 60% of all requests :(
23:21 nerzhul 0.4.11 client are ios ?
23:21 sfan5 nerzhul: sort -n doesn't sort versions correctly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
23:22 nerzhul tail -n 2623000 /usr/local/nginx/logs/serverlist.log strange it's not a date, normal ? :)
23:22 sfan5 Calinou: better than 60% of requests from a majorly outdated fork that was basically abandoned by its author
23:22 Fixer had strange fps and minimap related problem, updating again
23:22 sfan5 yes i tune the line count manually to match the 10 day span
23:22 nerzhul sfan5, nice
23:22 nerzhul okay then 10 days instead of 6 months, ^^
23:23 nerzhul maybe 1 month could be better then ? possible to extend it ?
23:23 sfan5 yes but i don't feel like redoing that stats right now
23:23 nerzhul you cannot do a script calculating all ? :)
23:23 nerzhul i will open an issue to udpate at least our compat to 0.4.11
23:23 sfan5 nerzhul:
23:24 Fixer Windows -> 63410   03.71%
23:24 Fixer O_O
23:24 nerzhul Fixer, i think windows users use MC only
23:24 Fixer probably me+krock+few guys make up this 3.71%
23:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:25 Fixer jordach
23:25 red-001 I'm sometimes part of the 4%
23:26 Fixer so at b52f300 i had strange fps problem, i've used minimap for some time, off/on, map was loaded in memory most of the time, noticed that fps even while looking at sky was just 65... that was odd
23:27 Fixer it feels like minimap was enabled but not shown
23:27 Fixer updating to newest, will see how it works later
23:31 Fixer i see players from necrodistros
23:32 Fixer 0.4.13 as top for nonmobile, most of them are linux guys, ridiculously old
23:32 Fixer NOT FINE
23:34 red-001 intersting there are less moblie users this time
23:38 nerzhul sfan5, rubenwardy sofar Zeno` please comment your opinion about bumping minimum version in #5411, server owner comments are welcome
23:39 ShadowBot -- Update server min protocol version to v24 by nerzhul
23:39 sfan5 seems fine to me especially since this will only really take effect when .16 is released
23:39 sfan5 for the 0.4.11 min.
23:40 nerzhul can you add your comment on issue, ti's better for tracking
23:40 nerzhul thanks :)
23:40 sfan5 also swap_node is irrelevant because server-side, no?
23:40 nerzhul when we decide which version, i will drop code parts related to this
23:40 nerzhul sfan5, it's in the protocol changelog
23:41 nerzhul i don't know how it's used exactly
23:41 nerzhul proto v22
23:49 kaeza nerzhul, would you consider making the client-side API as identical as possible to the server-side API?
23:50 kaeza I can envision distributing a mod as both client- and server- side, and only enable features depending on which side we are on
23:50 nerzhul kaeza, not in term of functionalities because each other have its owner specs, but when a call can be same between client and server it's done
23:50 rubenwardy reusing code is good
23:51 nerzhul client will not have all server specs and same for server, for example client don't have http API (for security reasons), and server don't have minimap placement api :)
23:51 nerzhul rubenwardy, for maintenance yes :)
23:51 kaeza I know what you mean, but it makes sense to reuse the server-side code even if some arguments are dummies
23:52 nerzhul generally you have, either a similar class or the same class but a InitializeClient which only reuse some functions calls and make it more generic (example ServerEnv => Env)
23:52 kaeza e.g. some callbacks are missing playerref arguments. maybe it could always be the local player?
23:52 nerzhul with the current progress i don't know what can be possible, but i know when more calls will be added craftking books will be purely client side
23:53 nerzhul we will have a special minetest.localplayer object i think for localplayer
23:53 nerzhul minimap is minetest.ui.minimap
23:53 nerzhul in ui we can set our ui functions maybe, but ui objects
23:54 nerzhul i don't know if i will have time for this, but i will try to start the base for our localplayer object client side, and try to use as close api as server
23:55 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
23:57 Fixer ok, i'm panicing npw
23:57 Fixer something is wrong with minetest
23:58 Fixer after visiting certain area with minimap on I have instand fps drop ???
23:58 Fixer looking at sky - 60fps (it was 95 or so) just before this
23:58 Fixer not sleeping on f5 graph for some reason
23:58 Fixer o_o
23:59 nerzhul Fixer, minimap is not very optimal, maybe it's due to recent somebody minimap "optimizations" which are not
23:59 Fixer nerzhul: i disabled minimap, still 60-65 fps while looking at sky, smth is wrong now

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