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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-04-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 nore cheapie: I guess they should
00:32 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
00:43 paramat #5562 minor issue
00:43 ShadowBot -- Compiler warning about redefinition
00:52 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
01:24 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
01:27 nore sofar: can we close game#1608?
01:27 ShadowBot -- Choose player attribute modname prefix character.
01:31 paramat looking
01:33 paramat voted for : so 4 +1s for that, can close i think
01:45 nore there are like half of mtg PRs we should just merge
01:45 nore *shrug*
01:57 paramat game#1669 is updated
01:57 ShadowBot -- Carts: Make rail recipes more generous by paramat
02:06 paramat code of game#1581 sems good will test
02:06 ShadowBot -- stairs mod improved by MarkuBu
02:15 paramat +1 will merge with game#1676 soon
02:15 ShadowBot -- Leafdecay: Do not restart aready running timers by paramat
02:27 sofar +1 game1695
02:28 sofar game1691 is OK to merge, it's fairly trivial if you ask me
02:29 sofar game1676 is trivial, please merge
02:29 sofar game1668 still waiting for snow sound fixes :/
02:30 paramat proposed aspen leaves?
02:30 sofar game1669 is OK, just merge that already
02:31 sofar oh, yeah, make em lighter, sure
02:31 paramat +1 for game1691
02:31 sofar man I drew the aspen leaves by hand, you know that?
02:32 sofar +1 for a pr to change them the way you showed there
02:32 paramat ok
02:32 paramat great will merge a bunch soon
02:32 sofar I think I spent a few hours on that texture :D
02:33 sofar but, it was a great exercise in visuals and repetition
02:33 sofar I think it turned out original and very decent
02:33 paramat will wait on 1695 for other devs opinions
02:33 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
02:33 paramat yeah it's good
02:34 sofar octacian: are you around to update game1597 ?
02:34 sofar then maybe we can get it merged as well
02:35 sofar game1581 is good to go, right?
02:35 paramat yes will merge that
02:35 paramat i tested
02:36 sofar it's gotten plenty review
02:36 sofar and I'm sure markbu tested it well
02:36 sofar his code is fairly decent from what I've seen thus far
02:44 paramat will merge games 1581 1669 1676 1689 1691 over the next few mins, might take a little while due to editing commit messages
02:54 nore sofar: I'm gonna code the inv config thing tonight if you didn't do it yet
02:54 nore (well, if you want to do that I'll let you)
02:56 sofar I'm doing a storage trip with some boxes atm
02:57 sofar nore: consider settings like server announce, server name as well
02:58 sofar motd, server_description, enable_pvp, enable_damage, free_move, fast_move
02:58 sofar gotta figure out which ones makes sense, which ones are too much
02:59 sofar server_announce
03:02 paramat merged
03:05 paramat good, thanks for reviews. new stair/slab placement didn't apply, author will be pleased :]
03:10 mogeid joined #minetest-dev
03:11 paramat still on 1 page of MTG PRs, just
03:13 Puka joined #minetest-dev
03:14 paramat in an hour or so i'll merge #5527 plus anything else that can be
03:14 ShadowBot -- Sneak glitch: Detect ledge for 2-node climb-up by paramat
03:21 mogeid joined #minetest-dev
03:37 sofar nore: should make some sort of static array of { setting_name, type, default_value } for that form
03:37 nore sofar: that's what I'm doing ;)
03:37 sofar dammit
03:38 nore
03:38 sofar seems redundant
03:38 nore (the second table is to get all settings displayed in the same order and not in an implementation-dependant order)
03:39 sofar can't you just make them ordered by making them like
03:39 sofar settings = {
03:39 sofar { name = "enable_fire", type = bool },
03:39 sofar easier and only 1 list
03:40 nore yes, but the problem is that you don't have easy access to the definition of enable_fire for instance
03:40 nore when it comes to using the fields you received
03:40 sofar the array will be short enough
03:40 sofar but sure
03:40 sofar actually
03:40 sofar just put the index number in the formspec
03:41 sofar and get the structure by numeric index
03:41 sofar that's how I did the itb one too :)
03:41 nore hmmm
03:51 sofar
03:55 nore :o
03:56 nore there are not many lines I wrote remaining
03:56 sofar of course, I've deleted and rewritten so much code that thousands of lines of previous code are not counted in this list
03:56 sofar yeah
03:56 sofar I kinda lawn mowered over a ton of stuff
03:56 nore heh
04:01 nore game#1696
04:01 ShadowBot -- Add in-game configuration inventory tab by Ekdohibs
04:03 sofar screenshawt
04:04 sofar ok, that seems ok, but
04:04 nore
04:05 sofar swapping those settings doesn't actually change anything until a server restart
04:05 nore yes
04:05 nore maybe I should add a warning about it somewhere
04:05 sofar and we should migrate to modstorage based settings while we do this maybe?
04:05 nore hmmm
04:05 sofar maybe we can make some sort of a framework out of it that mods can use
04:06 sofar register_setting("name", "type", "desc", default)
04:06 sofar with an on_change callback?
04:06 sofar so mods can reload settings?
04:06 nore well I think the good think to do would be per-world minetest.conf, first
04:06 sofar and, if callback is missing, display warning to the user?
04:06 nore as for that: for mods such as fire (?) it's not possible
04:07 sofar yes, so, missing callback == warning to admin to restart
04:07 nore we can't register/unregister ABMs during game
04:07 nore ah
04:07 nore hmmmm
04:07 sofar also, put all these settings into the modstorage for the `config` mod
04:07 sofar sorry, that's a lot of ideas
04:08 nore seems legit for modstorage
04:08 sofar then it'll be one place with all the settings, and per world
04:08 sofar and it will work remotely
04:08 nore yeah
04:08 sofar allow /home
04:08 sofar and /sethome
04:08 sofar also a setting
04:08 nore ah yeah
04:09 sofar this has potential
04:12 sofar I need to take a look at my Timer class
04:16 sofar grrrr
04:17 sofar can't get to the machine where I have the code atm
04:17 nore there's the paste you made
04:18 sofar I think I fixed up some more later
04:18 paramat joined #minetest-dev
04:18 sofar it's at my box at work
04:18 sofar vpn decided I need to change my passwd, and I can only do that *at* work
04:20 nore uh
04:22 sofar the last gist is a fairly good version though
04:22 sofar oh well, maybe something else then
04:34 paramat can i merge #5367 ?
04:34 ShadowBot -- Builtin: Fix subgame mod selection by SmallJoker
04:35 sofar I would, but I'm suspicious of rubenwardy's comments in that one
04:35 paramat will leave it then
04:37 paramat will merge #5527 in a moment then
04:37 ShadowBot -- Sneak glitch: Detect ledge for 2-node climb-up by paramat
04:45 paramat merged
04:54 nore sofar: what do you think about new version?
04:56 sofar did you push an update?
04:56 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
04:57 nore yep
04:57 nore (force-pushed)
04:57 sofar try adding `assert(storage)` just below the getter
04:57 nore okay
04:57 sofar just to avoid weird problems later on that are hard to debug
04:58 sofar -> table.copy(data)
04:58 nore seems legit
04:59 sofar I'd shorten the methods a bit
04:59 sofar config.get, config.set, config.register
05:00 nore hmmm
05:00 sofar that's just me though, I can see about keeping it similar
05:00 nore with setting_get/setting_set, it's very close to the already-existing API
05:01 nore which is helpful
05:01 nore however
05:01 nore I'm thinking, why did I use modstorage
05:01 nore when we have storage API?
05:01 nore *setting
05:01 sofar per-world settings?
05:02 nore the Settings class
05:02 nore I think it's per-world
05:02 nore hmm it's even more general
05:02 nore you give the name of the file you want
05:03 nore and it can be hand-edited more easily I think
05:03 nore I should convert it to use that instead
05:05 sofar well, I can see that would be good for a server that's brought down
05:06 sofar but, if we add a gui? it's somewhat lost on me :)
05:06 nore well, yeah, but it's more suitable anyway
05:07 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:07 nore and if the server is down because of a setting, well, that fixes it
05:09 nore anyway :)
05:09 sofar yeah, I would frown if it wasn't a basic setting type of mod :)
05:12 nore mods/config/init.lua:7:17: accessing undefined variable 'Settings'
05:12 nore fix your luacheck :p
05:13 sofar nuh uh
05:13 sofar did I add that in the first place?
05:16 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
05:18 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
05:21 nore sofar: should I mark it as "high priority"?
05:22 sofar I don't think that's needed, but it would be nice to get input from -hub on it asap
05:22 sofar put it in the 0.4.16 milestone ?
05:22 nore yup
05:33 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
05:36 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
05:38 sofar nore: you changed something in the sizing of the window
05:38 sofar now it's tiny when you open the config tab
05:39 nore sofar: yes
05:39 nore is that bad?
05:39 sofar yeah, keep the size constant
05:39 sofar the tabs need to remain on the same place on the screen
05:41 nore hmm, seems legit
05:41 nore will change
05:45 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
05:46 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
05:58 nerzhul sofar, can you re-look at #4981 please ?
05:58 ShadowBot -- Partial damage cheat fix: node damages server side by nerzhul
06:00 octacian joined #minetest-dev
06:00 octacian sofar: sorry, was AFK
06:00 octacian I'm gone evenings now, all but Sunday and Tuesday
06:02 sofar good! tomorrow then ;)
06:02 octacian sofar: I'll try to update game1597 tomorrow. Will let you know when done.
06:03 octacian Possibly tonight, but I should technically be getting to bed considering the time... lol
06:03 octacian Yeah, tomorrow.
06:03 octacian Ugh, already trying to remove PB&J Pup? It's not that bad, in fact, I prefer it to the nyan cat
06:05 octacian sofar: I'd kinda forgotten about most of my PRs though, been so busy with other projects, MT and in general (e.g. my new subgame)
06:05 octacian So, sorry about that :D
06:05 sofar no worries
06:05 sofar we're trying to get a bit of merging done before 0.4.16
06:06 octacian When is 0.4.16 currently planned for?
06:07 nerzhul 4th june
06:07 nerzhul octacian, =>
06:07 octacian Oooh, 3 days after my birthday xD
06:09 octacian What's this mod metadata API?
06:09 octacian (again, I've been quite inactive so have missed a lot)
06:10 nerzhul instead of writing your data to a plain file you call your private mod storage at mod load and you use metadata api on it
06:11 octacian Interesting..
06:11 octacian So this is a replacement for Settings() as well
06:11 octacian Just checked API doc, it'd be good to mention that the metadata API applies to it as it could be a bit confusing
06:11 octacian NVM >_<
06:12 nerzhul absolutely not a replacement for settings, it's for persistent data
06:12 octacian Just say that it does mention all methods in metadata ref
06:12 octacian nerzhul: why do you say that? Isn't that the purpose of Settings()? Storing and accessing data in a file?
06:14 octacian You know, it'd be interesting if subgames could really use Minetest as an engine, customizing the main screen as well, doing things like changing the actual icon/name
06:16 nerzhul settings is for settings, metadata is for misc data, for example if you want to store player data (but i suggest using player custom attributes backend introduced in 0.4.16)
06:16 octacian Well, interesting either way.
06:16 octacian It could definitely be useful for stuff like my spawnpoint mod
06:17 nerzhul spawnpoint mod yes, for home mod use player attributes
06:18 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
06:45 nore okay, game#1696 should be ready now
06:45 ShadowBot -- Add in-game configuration inventory tab by Ekdohibs
06:45 nore night all :)
07:17 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
07:21 kilbith nerzhul shouldn't be allowed to push anything until he cleans his shit
07:21 kilbith we may need hmmmm back
07:25 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
07:27 paramat joined #minetest-dev
07:27 paramat will merge game#1697 in a moment
07:27 ShadowBot -- Stairs improved by MarkuBu
07:31 varu|zZz joined #minetest-dev
07:32 cheapie Hey, that name looks familiar...
07:34 celeron55 kilbith: i might prefer half a hmmmm; 1 hmmmm is a bit too much
07:34 varu|zZz nmm
07:34 varu|zZz specify endian
07:35 varu|zZz barely fits, but i am drunk :D
07:35 varu|zZz left #minetest-dev
07:38 paramat merging ..
07:43 paramat complete
07:43 DS-minetest is there a reason, that the daily ppa doesn't work?
07:46 paramat probably
07:50 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:06 Zeno` is there anything at all we can do about the current compilation warnings?
08:07 Zeno` I might look later I guess
08:07 nerzhul Zeno`: you talk about jsoncpp ?
08:08 Zeno` Yes I pasted them the other day (and I think there was a sha related one as well which looked easy to fix)
08:08 nerzhul
08:08 Zeno` reading
08:08 kilbith why do you say reading
08:09 kilbith you already did
08:09 nerzhul jsoncpp is not maintained by us, we have only warnings on C++11 builds due to jsoncpp for C++03 using auto_ptr, we cannot do anything, we are not at C++11 minimum
08:09 Zeno` I was reading the log
08:09 Zeno` I hadn't read that :P
08:10 Zeno` Pity there is probably no way to suppress it
08:11 nerzhul Zeno`: no, except detect C++11 builds and have two jsoncpp embedded, one for C++11 and one for C++03
08:11 Zeno` well, not properly anyway
08:11 Zeno` yeah :/
08:11 nerzhul maybe we can switch to C++11 after release, Debian will release 9 and have C++11 support (really)
08:13 Zeno` what is CentOS status on C++11?
08:13 * Zeno` looks
08:14 Zeno` I am beginning to hate LTS releases
08:14 Zeno` CentOS has a new LTS so maybe we can drop support for CentOS 6 now
08:15 Zeno` most people are using debian for their servers anyway
08:15 Zeno` I guess
08:15 nerzhul Zeno`: i don't know, but maybe i can add a docker build on Centos 6
08:16 Zeno` Last time C++11 came up I objected. But I think that was over a year ago now. I've probably changed my mind now
08:16 nerzhul Zeno`: we should wait debian 9 and debian 9 is planned for july/aug, and we will release after that
08:17 Zeno` sounds reasonable
08:17 nerzhul maybe we can discuss about this point in the saturday point ?
08:19 Zeno` the what? :)
08:20 nerzhul i send you in MP, nore relayed it to me
08:20 Zeno` ok
08:23 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:23 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:29 Puka joined #minetest-dev
08:29 kilbith Zeno`: you're too old to use C++11
08:29 Zeno` oh yeah. I forgot :D
08:29 Zeno` my memory must be failing
08:52 Krock uhm.. why all this rush for C++11?
09:04 kilbith learn to embrace the innovation, retrograde
09:05 kilbith not surprised by this question from someone sticking on Windows XP
09:11 Krock whatever, kilbith, I'd like to get your opinion on #5533 (as a player)
09:11 ShadowBot -- Sneak: Strip down version by SmallJoker
09:12 kilbith I don't give a flying crap about the sneak ladder
09:12 kilbith but nice cleanup anyway
09:12 Krock oh okay. Thanks
09:12 kilbith and I'm not a player, I don't play this shit
09:13 kilbith the only fun part in MT is developing it
09:13 Krock then * as a previous player
09:20 nerzhul lol
09:21 nerzhul Krock: Windows supports C++11 since W7 SP1 which is... 4 or 5 years old :)
09:21 nerzhul W10 supports C++14 and with creator update partial C++17 support will be enabled
09:21 nerzhul supporting Windows XP is like supporting Linux kernel 2.2
09:22 nerzhul C++11 problem will happen with android build, we are using a old NDK and should switch to a more recent NDK
09:27 nerzhul Krock: and there is not rush, i just open discussion for a switch after release, then in 2 months, after analysis about android build (i should test it on my phone)
09:35 Zeno` I don't think there is a "rush" for C++11
09:35 Zeno` we've discussed it on and off for over a year (maybe longer)
09:36 Zeno` and I was against it the last time it was discussed
09:36 Zeno` But it's hard to continue maintaining the opinion I had back then
09:46 celeron55 i don't think anyone can call C++11 a rush at this point
09:47 celeron55 it's been discussed for probably like literally the entire lifespan of MT
09:48 red-001 does any OS still not support c++11?
09:48 celeron55 somebody said windows xp and somebody else said centos 6
09:49 celeron55 and debian, still, apparently
09:49 red-001 debian??
09:49 red-001 is 6 years not enough time?
09:53 epoch which version of debian?
09:56 epoch g++ -std=c++11 test.cpp seems to be working on the two debians I have.
09:57 epoch using jesse repos
09:58 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
10:02 nerzhul debian 8 red-001
10:03 nerzhul debian 8 embed clang 3.5 & gcc 4.8.
10:03 nerzhul clang 3.5 doesn't support all C++11 features (and somes are useful to MT) and gcc 4.8 no feature. Gcc 5.1 and clang 3.6 are required for a complete support
10:06 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
10:27 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:43 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
10:43 Krock red-001, a chatcommand wouldn't even get triggered with a message starting with ".."
10:44 red-001 ?
10:44 Krock err nvm. CSM chatcommands.
10:52 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
11:07 est31 joined #minetest-dev
11:15 est31 left #minetest-dev
11:15 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
12:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:15 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
12:23 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
12:32 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
12:36 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
12:49 MoNTE48 joined #minetest-dev
13:14 red-001 could someone review #5554?
13:14 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Allow enabling and disabling mods. by red-001
13:15 nerzhul seems okay to me
13:15 nerzhul you copied the server part no ?
13:20 red-001 yes it's based on the server-sided code just modifed to work on the client
13:22 nerzhul red-001: i think having a common function for server and client could be good here, can you factorize this ?
13:29 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
13:29 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
13:40 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
13:46 octacian joined #minetest-dev
13:47 luizrpgluiz Will the minetest gain support for using more than one world on the same gameplay and server?
13:48 Krock huh
13:49 Fixer you mean more realms?
13:49 Fixer more worlds per world?
13:50 Krock For multiple dimensions/realms in one world, see #4428
13:50 Megaf So, he means, you are in one world and then can cross to a different world using a portal
13:50 ShadowBot -- Different "Dimensions" / Other worlds
13:51 Megaf not a divided world such as Nether, where each thing exists on a different layer
13:51 Megaf but actual different world directories/databases
13:51 luizrpgluiz Have a minecraft  plugin that allows you to use more than one world in the same minecraft  folder in server mode, when the plugin is activated, you configure a  portal and this portal takes you to another world without being  dimension
13:52 Krock so rather jumping to other servers?
13:53 Krock I remember there's also an issue for that
13:53 luizrpgluiz For example,  minigames server in minecraft, when you click on a card, you are  teleported to another ready world, this world is another folder with  world information and constructions
13:59 Fixer that is probably multiserver, right?
14:00 nerzhul luizrpgluiz: it's not possible in current minetest design
14:01 Krock just teleport these victims to Y = -20000 with nether enabled
14:03 Fixer Krock: that is weak, we can do much better than nether with realms since world height is huge
14:03 Krock yes but an API to manage these realms is missing
14:13 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
14:13 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
14:27 Fixer my brain suddenly loads forgotten data: yesterday/or so you discussed about email from the guy about optimisation of that face mesh thing, there were already first tries to optimisize it by someone, probably by lhofhansl
14:27 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
14:28 Fixer i remember this discussed on github for sure, and it was closed because of bugs
14:28 Fixer graphic bugs*
14:33 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
14:35 nore merging this single trivial commit from ingame_config to master in 15 minutes since trivial
14:49 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:50 nore pushing
14:54 nore done
14:55 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
14:57 Krock > 1024 commits
15:00 nore \o/
15:01 nore well, actually exactly 1024 :)
15:17 red-001 Mar 15 22:30:25 <red-001>I wonder who will get 1024
15:44 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
15:45 Fixer i've retested bugs i posted in and concluded that they are invalid if you wait >3 seconds due to that cooldown. Issue can be closed. Tried to evade damage on slabs/stairs/doors.. no luck
15:46 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
15:47 Fixer sfan5 did actually fixed the evasion with that commits, my testing was wrong because everyone forgot about 3 second cooldown after teleportation that disables damage, if tested with proper wait - no luck evading
15:47 Fixer Krock has a fix for stair teleport I like
15:48 Fixer and that PR that removes that 3 sec cooldown period
15:51 Fixer teleport to center of stair is one of the crappiest parts currently
15:53 Krock Fixer, these are two different pulls
15:53 Fixer i know
15:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:54 Fixer i'm at least happy that evasion I observed was due 3 seconds cooldown
16:25 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
16:34 MrIbby joined #minetest-dev
16:44 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
16:44 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
16:45 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
16:55 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
16:56 garywhite joined #minetest-dev
16:57 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
17:08 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
17:20 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
17:26 nerzhul merging trivial #5566
17:26 ShadowBot -- Replace occurrence of luaL_reg in l_localplayer by t0ny2
17:31 epoch joined #minetest-dev
17:31 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
17:41 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:41 epoch joined #minetest-dev
18:00 sofar ok, it's working entirely now
18:00 sofar wheps
18:01 Puka_ joined #minetest-dev
18:26 lisac joined #minetest-dev
18:29 troller joined #minetest-dev
18:40 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
18:57 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
19:22 red-002 could someone review #5492?
19:22 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add local particles and particlespawners. by red-001
19:46 sofar hmm, I need to test that again now that all the other bits have landed that make it usable
20:08 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
20:19 nerzhul sofar, did you test #4981 ?
20:19 ShadowBot -- Partial damage cheat fix: node damages server side by nerzhul
20:21 sofar no time until I get home
20:21 sofar so, not for another 8+ hrs or so
20:27 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
20:41 epoch joined #minetest-dev
20:53 Fritigern_ joined #minetest-dev
21:04 Fixer found error on forums:
21:05 Fixer why it says 124 mb? is this correct measurement after OOM?
21:05 Fixer worldedit save of large world
21:05 Fixer large area*
21:06 Fixer my OOMs also had this suspicious very low mem usage
21:07 red-002 it seems to happen a lot recently
21:07 Fixer mem usage can be like 20-30mb constantly and then OOM, end of story
21:07 Fixer it is not like dreambuilder eats all lua mem
21:07 Fixer when i measured it was well below 100mb
21:07 Fixer yet OOM
21:35 nerzhul merging #5565
21:35 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Allow escaping chatcommands and add missing calls to gettext. by red-001
22:10 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
22:16 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:24 nerzhul sofar, #5475 needs you attention when timer:start()
22:24 ShadowBot -- WIP: player data to Database by nerzhul
22:24 nerzhul sfan5, you are also invited when you get time
22:24 nerzhul i restored the player backend using a common interface with database backends
22:25 sfan5 ok
22:31 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
22:32 nerzhul with this backend unplugging will be easier too :) just remove the two cpp files and the condition handling in backend switching condition heh :)
22:33 nerzhul sfan5, i'm also waiting for you on #5559 when you get 10 mins don't hesitate to add your comments
22:33 ShadowBot -- Pass clang-format on various cpp/header files by nerzhul
22:34 nerzhul i'm going to bed, see you later :)
22:41 Taoki joined #minetest-dev

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