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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-04-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 benrob03291 joined #minetest-dev
00:07 electrodude512 How do I enable a client side mod?  I saw the "preview" one, but I can't figure out how to enable it.
00:07 rubenwardy I think they're enabled by default
00:09 electrodude512 Not on my test world.  I'll try it on a new world.
00:09 electrodude512 Not on a new world either.
00:12 electrodude512 Is there any way for CSM to communicate with a server mod?
00:12 electrodude512 (I mean, I could abuse core.on_receiving_chat_messages, but that's disgusting)
00:14 electrodude512 I want a server-side smartphone item that, when right-clicked, tells my client-side smartphone mod to show the smartphone's GUI
00:14 electrodude512 and the smartphone needs to be able to communicate with the world via some sort of wireless digilines that I'll worry about later
00:15 electrodude512 Cheating isn't a problem, since the player could legitimately program the smartphone to do all of the same things he could achieve by cheating.
00:27 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
00:42 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
00:43 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
01:49 benrob0329 joined #minetest-dev
02:02 electrodude512 joined #minetest-dev
02:10 paramat joined #minetest-dev
02:40 octacian joined #minetest-dev
02:51 paramat game#1708
02:51 ShadowBot -- Textures: Reduce contrast of snow ripples by paramat
03:14 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
03:15 paramat game#1709
03:15 ShadowBot -- Tin: Tune mapgen, bugfix, fix texture credits by paramat
03:21 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
05:21 p joined #minetest-dev
05:23 pandaro joined #minetest-dev
05:27 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:55 destt joined #minetest-dev
06:58 paramat joined #minetest-dev
07:14 destt Hey, I just made a PR here:
07:14 destt This is my first time contributing (in general), so I will gladly welcome all feedback
07:16 Zeno` seems ok to me
07:17 Zeno` thanks
07:20 Zeno` approved
07:21 Zeno` just need to wait for second approval now, although I could probably label it as trivial (may as well wait though)
07:21 destt Yeah, it's definitely trivial
07:21 sofar aw cmon, we're not going to give him a hard time first?
07:21 sofar :)
07:21 Zeno` :D
07:22 destt :)
07:22 sofar labelled trivial, merge before I haze him
07:23 Zeno` merging
07:24 destt Yay!
07:24 Zeno` thanks destt
07:24 paramat hang on
07:24 destt You're welcome!
07:25 destt paramat: what's up?
07:25 paramat it can be better :]
07:26 Zeno` paramat, if you grep for m_cache_view_bobbing it doesn't seem to be used anywhere except for line 470 of camera.cpp. *Perhaps* that should check m_cache_view_bobbing_amount instead? Is that what you mean?
07:27 Zeno` hmm... yeah. Maybe it should
07:28 Zeno` && m_cache_view_bobbing_amount != 0
07:28 Zeno` not really sure now
07:28 Zeno` yeah
07:28 Zeno` Just saw your comment paramat
07:29 Zeno` I'll revert?
07:29 paramat yes if you don't mind
07:30 Zeno` ok doing so now. Can you make that minor change then destt?
07:30 destt Yup, working on it right now
07:31 paramat thanks
07:31 paramat it might need testing to see if my suggested method also breaks footstep sounds
07:32 Zeno` ok
07:32 Zeno` nice catch. I noticed it about 2 seconds after I clicked commit actually LOL
07:32 Zeno` destt, you'll probably need to make a new PR
07:33 destt Zeno: ok
07:33 destt paramat: looks like the footsteps sounds are disabled now. :/
07:33 Zeno` (it's reverted btw)
07:35 destt Where would the code be for playing the footstep sounds?
07:35 pbrunet joined #minetest-dev
07:36 paramat strictly, trivial PRs need '5-15 mins' notice before merging (sorry to mention it)
07:37 destt That's okay! I don't mind - I was expecting to miss something on my first try
07:38 paramat hmm so this gets more complex now, sorry to make things complex for you
07:38 paramat erm i can't remember where, i'll have to do some searching
07:39 destt No problem, at least it'll be interesting
07:39 Zeno` yeah I guess, paramat. My apologies :P :D
07:40 Zeno` how does it get more complex though?
07:40 destt searching through the files for footstep, looks like the sounds are registered through an abm?
07:42 paramat no problem
07:42 paramat complex as in finding out why a conditional here disables footsteps
07:43 paramat we'll then get to the cause of the bug
07:43 paramat added another comment to the first PR
07:45 Zeno` that's really weird
07:46 paramat must be something about 'm_view_bobbing_state = 1;' that affects footsteps
07:47 paramat which is wrong of course
07:47 Zeno` yeah, but if you look at the usages for that I can't see how (which is weird)
07:48 Zeno` unless it's used Lua-side somehow but I can't see how because the only usages of m_view_bobbing_state are in camera.cpp and .h
07:48 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
07:48 destt Maybe when 'm_view_bobbing_anim' gets changed something happens
07:48 Robby joined #minetest-dev
07:49 destt Yeah, look around 181
07:49 destt in camera.cpp
07:49 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
07:49 destt does ViewBobbingStep trigger the footstep sound?
07:50 paramat it should not, but maybe somehow it does
07:52 nerzhul hio paramat
07:52 nerzhul merging #5559 (it's now a subset of original PR)
07:52 ShadowBot -- Pass clang-format on various cpp/header files by nerzhul
07:53 nerzhul i will finish #5475 now
07:53 ShadowBot -- Player data to Database by nerzhul
07:53 paramat oops, sorry, it does and it should
07:55 paramat there's also playPLayerStep() above which should play it when view bobbing is off
07:56 paramat but perhaps is not somehow
07:57 paramat we may have been having footsteps played by the wrong code all this time
07:58 nerzhul ShadowNinja, there is dev meeting every saturday ? :o
07:59 destt No, it looks like playPlayerStep() does play the sound
07:59 destt but viewBobbingStep() calls playPlayerStep()
07:59 destt Looks like playPlayerStep() is never called outside of that context
08:00 destt Oh, except for in playerRegainGround()
08:02 burli joined #minetest-dev
08:03 paramat yeah
08:03 silwol joined #minetest-dev
08:04 paramat maybe footstep sounds are only played by view bobbing code and the bool was a mistake
08:05 paramat if so we would need to add a way to trigger footsteps in a more lightweight way when view bobbing is disabled
08:05 paramat i can see that having view_bobbing_amount = 0 causes a lot of unnecessary code to be run
08:06 paramat (view bob animation but with amplitude 0)
08:11 destt Hmm. I think I see what's happening
08:13 paramat the view bobbing bool goes back 6 years
08:15 destt Huh
08:16 destt I think what needs to happen here is a decoupling between the graphical view bobbing and the actual footsteps taken
08:17 paramat it's just weird that the bug was not found earlier
08:17 destt Do we need there to be a seperate viewBobbingStep event?
08:17 destt ^indeed
08:18 paramat well i suspect view bobbing code has been providing footstep sounds all along
08:18 red-NaN are footstep sounds in sync with view bobbing?
08:18 paramat and there needs to be an independent way to trigger them when view bobbing is turned off
08:18 paramat looks like it
08:19 paramat ah, so maybe we need the timing code of view bobbing
08:19 paramat to time the footsteps
08:20 paramat but disable all the camera bob animation stuff
08:20 destt yeah
08:20 nerzhul i will push a revert for as est31 requested, now PPA supports properly signed commits
08:21 paramat this is becoming oddly interesting
08:21 paramat ok nerz
08:23 nerzhul and i push also a clang-format fix since previous PR which cover recent changes by adding two files in ignore and fix 1
08:25 nerzhul i don't understand what happen on #5644, merge + revert ? why both
08:25 ShadowBot -- Remove view_bobbing bool in settings by desttinghim
08:26 paramat it was quickly reverted
08:26 paramat as it was not the best solution
08:27 destt AHA! Found a way to make this work
08:28 destt camera.cpp line 282 - add m_cache_view_bobbing_amount != 0 to the if statement
08:28 destt Although that seems a little hackish
08:28 destt It's a start
08:28 paramat looking
08:31 paramat ok i see, not bad
08:32 Zeno` nerzhul, it was reverted about 3 minutes after it was committed. So rewriting history was appropriate
08:32 nerzhul Zeno`, oh it's not the processus of reverting, reading IRC logs and the function i just wasn't able to understand it :p
08:33 Zeno` ah ok :)
08:35 paramat destt that seems ok actually
08:35 destt paramat alright. Do we still want to remove the bool?
08:35 paramat yes
08:36 paramat otherwise using it will stop footsteps
08:36 paramat and it's a duplicated setting
08:36 destt alright
08:36 paramat i've always used bobbing_amount = 0 to stop bobbibg
08:36 paramat *bobbing
08:37 paramat anyway i'll review tomorrow if it isn't already merged
08:40 destt Ok. Should I get the branch down to one commit?
08:42 paramat joined #minetest-dev
08:44 paramat and i think add the extra condition to the start of the conditional at line 283 so it short-circuits the conditional straight away
08:44 nerzhul sfan5, are you around ?
08:46 paramat yes one commit if you can
08:46 paramat ^ destt
08:46 destt Got it
08:48 nerzhul wtf there is something wrong with CSM it seems
08:48 nerzhul assert(type(callbacks) == "table") is always false
08:49 paramat and in docs could you change 'Multiplier for view bobbing' to something like 'Enable view bobbing and amount of view bobbing'
09:00 destt paramat, I've changed the source in setting_translation_file.cpp, but what should I run to generate the translations?
09:07 red-NaN isn't callbacks the function used to run callbacks?
09:15 destt Here's the complete PR for view bobbing:
09:16 destt I think I got the docs correct, but I'm not sure. In any case, I'm going to bed
09:17 nerzhul red-NaN, it's fixed, strangely my build switched to RUN_IN_PLACE=false when changing branch :)
09:18 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
09:28 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
09:29 sfan5 nerzhul: i'm around yes
09:31 nerzhul sfan5, i finished #5475
09:31 ShadowBot -- Player data to Database by nerzhul
09:33 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:33 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:40 sfan5 nerzhul: code looks good i'll test it one more time
09:41 nerzhul no problem, waiting for your test heh :)
09:41 nerzhul after merge i will add doc to minetest wiki
10:13 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
10:14 sfan5 nerzhul: would be nice if it could "rmdir players" so only players.bak is left
10:15 sfan5 hm is the player save interval configurable
10:15 sfan5 nvm there is none
10:16 sfan5 and hm do empty slots need to be stored?
10:19 sfan5 migrating 1277 players takes 40s
10:19 sfan5 alright i guess
10:20 nerzhul yeah, it's quite good
10:20 nerzhul 7k players 1min 30 (VanessaE players)
10:20 sfan5 fire:flint_and_steel 1 22000 "\u0001\u0002\u0003"
10:20 sfan5 whats that unicode stuff doing there
10:20 nerzhul for the empty slow i kept the files behaviour (why do we store it in files ?), i think it can be removed, but i'm not sure of the side effect
10:21 sfan5 okay then keep it
10:21 nerzhul i don't know for unicode, we only read data like other backends, there is not conversions :)
10:21 nerzhul no*
10:21 sfan5 k
10:21 sfan5 you have my +1
10:22 sfan5 but it would be nice if you could still add the rmdir i mentioned
10:23 juhdanad sfan5: the unicode part is the new metadata format.
10:24 nerzhul nice for the +1
10:24 nerzhul for rmdir i propose to remove only if there is no migration failure, okay ?
10:24 juhdanad Example metadata: "\u0001palette_index\u00023\u0003" is {palette_index=3}
10:39 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
10:41 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
10:42 sfan5 oh so that's empty meta then
10:42 sfan5 nerzhul: yeah
10:49 sfan5 wait wasn't the metadata thing supposed to be replaced with json
10:50 juhdanad I don't know...
11:03 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
11:09 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
11:21 nerzhul sfan5,
11:21 nerzhul i added this commit
11:21 nerzhul it works like a charm
11:22 sfan5 lgtm
11:22 nerzhul i will merge #5475 when travis pass
11:22 ShadowBot -- Player data to Database by nerzhul
11:27 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
11:29 lisac joined #minetest-dev
11:37 troller joined #minetest-dev
11:57 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
12:26 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
12:29 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
12:30 juhdanad Can I increase the map block serialization version without increasing the network protocol version?
12:30 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
12:35 nerzhul i think it's possible, what do you need ?
12:35 nerzhul after many time #5475 is now merged !
12:35 ShadowBot -- Player data to Database by nerzhul
12:41 juhdanad nerzhul: I'm changing the light banks' meaning to artificial and sunlight.
12:42 juhdanad So only the map block data changes, but there are no new server-client commands.
12:43 nerzhul i updated and dinstinguish players from map
12:44 nerzhul i haven't translated to french, i will do it later
12:44 nerzhul also updated
12:46 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
12:58 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
13:09 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
13:14 octacian joined #minetest-dev
13:32 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
14:01 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
14:13 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
14:14 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
14:15 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
14:22 nerzhul i push a master lint fix since previous commit
14:30 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
14:47 destt joined #minetest-dev
15:06 pbrunet joined #minetest-dev
15:07 halttheranger100 joined #minetest-dev
15:07 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
15:11 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
15:11 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
15:14 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
15:19 ShadowNinja nerzhul: Yep, at 1800Z.  You weren't around when we first scheduled it.  Are you availible at that time?
15:22 nerzhul i was here on first time, but i didn't know it was every week
15:42 destt Zeno` Is bug/feature #2360 still relevant? It's tagged as trivial, so I am considering working on it
15:42 ShadowBot -- Add some useful global variables to Lua API
15:45 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
16:11 cx384 Why isn't it possible to craft mossy cobblestone stairs/slabs with mossy cobblestone? You can only get them by using the ABM.
16:13 Krock there wouldn't be much moss left if you bang the hammer into the stone to break it apart
16:13 Krock aka crafting
16:14 cx384 oh ok
16:28 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
16:31 destt Logically that makes sense, but from a building perspective that can be kind of annoying
16:38 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
16:46 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
16:48 destt joined #minetest-dev
16:50 destt left #minetest-dev
16:51 destt2 joined #minetest-dev
16:58 Fixer_ gameplay question: do not play walking sounds when sneaking, engine or minetest_game?
16:58 DS-minetest Fixer_: i would say engine
17:00 nore I would say up to the game to specify on a per-node basis
17:00 nore (in the sound definitions, probably)
17:16 Krock if there's a footstep sound defined, then it's an engine problem
17:17 Hijiri #5612
17:17 ShadowBot -- Allow overriding tool capabilities through itemstack metadata by raymoo
17:23 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
17:36 paramat joined #minetest-dev
17:38 paramat nore sfan5 sofar Krock would you like to go through some old game PRs in 20mins?
17:38 sfan5 sure
17:39 Krock I'm here.
17:41 nore paramat: hmm tonight I think I will be very busy with the results of the first round of the French presidential election, but I can give a quick look
17:48 destt2 paramat I got that view_bobbing PR finished
17:49 destt joined #minetest-dev
17:55 paramat although maybe an hour or 2 later would be better for sofar in west USA? nore sfan5 Krock ShadowNinja? how about 1 hour from now?
17:55 sfan5 thats also fine
17:56 paramat would be better for me too
17:57 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
17:58 paramat ok 1 hour from now then
17:58 paramat destt ok will look
17:58 thePalin- joined #minetest-dev
17:58 paramat destt2
17:59 Krock that's about the time when I'll leave but there shuoldn't be too many important discussions for MTG I think :)
18:00 thePalin- Weird question, is there any weird way you have to compile minetest to get it to work without irrlicht?
18:00 thePalin- I'm noting that minetestserver doesn't link against it, but the source requires some headers
18:00 sfan5 Krock: todays topic: "do we merge dreambuilder into mtg?"
18:00 paramat !
18:00 Krock sfan5, *rns away*
18:00 Krock *runs
18:00 sfan5 thePalin-: minetest: impossible, minetestserver: sure just pass -DIRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR=/where/you/extracted/irrlicht/include
18:01 thePalin- Oh this'll be fun
18:01 Krock -DBUILD_CLIENT=0
18:01 sfan5 and that obviously
18:01 thePalin- I'm working on the gentoo ebuild
18:01 sfan5 i should consider providing statically linked server builds
18:01 sfan5 so people would stop using 0.4.10 on debian
18:02 thePalin- really? ew
18:06 thePalin- Uno momento, fixing my bouncer :P
18:08 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
18:09 thePalindrome There we go
18:14 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
18:24 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
18:28 Thomas-S Is it already known that when you join a new server (master branch) with an old client (stable), no light is seen?
18:28 sfan5 no light?
18:29 Thomas-S Yes, no light. Everything is pitch-black.
18:29 paramat that should not happen
18:30 paramat might be mods
18:30 destt joined #minetest-dev
18:33 sfan5 Thomas-S: can't confirm
18:33 Thomas-S I try to reproduce it again.
18:41 Thomas-S Regarding mods: Only minetest_game; I can't reproduce when joining a remote server, but I can reproduce when joining a local new server with a local old client
18:42 sfan5 this is exactly what i did in my screenshot
18:43 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
18:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:48 paramat rubenwardy would you like to go through some old game PRs in 10mins?
18:49 paramat ^ sofar too?
18:51 rubenwardy sure
18:51 ShadowNinja This time would normally work for me, but I've got something soon today, so I'll have to leave right about when it starts.
18:51 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
18:51 paramat ok
18:52 paramat it's not too important :]
18:54 juhdanad May I add a topic? Should Minetest have biome-colored grass?
18:55 paramat we're working on more variety
18:55 paramat there's an issue for MC-style smooth variation (but i'm strongly opposed)
18:56 paramat other subgames may want to use that though
18:56 paramat (i mean i'm opposed for MTG)
18:57 juhdanad I thought to something like that:
18:58 paramat intensive to render all those soft overlays, but i think sofar is interested in doing this in a new sugame
18:58 paramat *subgame
18:59 paramat plus we need some engine stuff to support
18:59 paramat heat/humidity at point
19:00 paramat nore sfan5 rubenwardy Krock sofar MTG PRs oldest first ..
19:01 paramat game#793
19:01 ShadowBot -- Improve Chest appearance - opening chests. by sofar
19:01 paramat guess we have to wait for sofar to finish this
19:02 paramat "this is still in my queue."
19:03 paramat i'm neutral
19:03 sfan5 is it heavy on graphics
19:05 paramat is a meshnode with an angled lid heavier than say 2 nodebox cuboids?
19:05 rubenwardy I like that PR
19:05 paramat or rather 'much more'?
19:05 rubenwardy sfan5, it's not animated, it's just two states like a door
19:06 paramat and it's 2 cuboids
19:07 paramat game#1013 if the engine part went in? i oppose the engine part
19:07 ShadowBot -- Make cacti hurt players. by sofar
19:07 paramat hm maybe we consider the engine part first
19:08 kilbith "is a meshnode with an angled lid heavier than say 2 nodebox cuboids?" -> same number of vertices
19:09 paramat yeah might be the same
19:09 juhdanad Nodeboxes are heavier than regular nodes, because they don't have hidden face removal.
19:09 rubenwardy ^
19:09 kilbith that's true but the angled lid has all faces exposed
19:09 juhdanad I don't know if the closed chest is regular.
19:10 sfan5 rubenwardy: then +1 from me
19:10 paramat i expect the closed one is just a cube
19:10 paramat or cuboid
19:10 paramat nore doesn't like the formspec delay
19:11 kilbith I dislike that PR too
19:12 juhdanad the closed chest is also a mesh, ti seems:
19:12 sfan5 +1 for the cacti thing from me
19:14 paramat #3961 related PR
19:14 ShadowBot -- damage_per_second: Clean up and Increase damage box by sofar
19:14 paramat final comment would be preferable
19:14 rubenwardy I support the concept of cactus damage
19:15 paramat ok, the engine part is the issue then
19:15 paramat game#1070
19:15 ShadowBot -- Add igniter playername to tnt node metadata by jhcole
19:17 paramat passing player name through a gunpowder trail seems ridiculous if this does that
19:18 sfan5 not needed imo
19:18 paramat players would be able to ignite tnt with fire or lava anyway so i don't see the use
19:20 rubenwardy there is one usecase: achievements
19:20 rubenwardy I'm not familiar with the tnt mod though, would it be possible to hack this functionality on externally?
19:22 paramat please add your +1s -1s as we go through
19:24 paramat sofar is the tnt expert
19:25 paramat game#1229
19:25 ShadowBot -- Bones: Iterate player inventory lists dynamically. by t4im
19:25 paramat t4im has disappeared btw, am concerned
19:26 paramat github actvity suddenly stops mid-Oct
19:26 paramat hopefully just lost interest :]
19:26 tenplus1 joined #minetest-dev
19:27 tenplus1 plz plz plz devs : <-- we need 'dis
19:27 paramat onety-one it's WIP
19:27 paramat not forgotten
19:27 tenplus1 glad to hear... the visual slide when detaching on servers is ver noticable... boats/carts/kb
19:28 sfan5 paramat: bones pr might be nice but doesnt seem to be pressing
19:28 sfan5 (+1)
19:28 paramat i don't understand the PR
19:28 paramat so neutral
19:28 tenplus1 when detatching from an entity the player slides back to the position from 0,0,0 which is very annoying
19:29 tenplus1 the pull places the player entity at the actual coords to prevent slide... that's it
19:29 paramat not that one
19:29 paramat rubenwardy still adopting?
19:29 rubenwardy it's nice, but isn't pressing I agree
19:29 rubenwardy after exams :P
19:29 paramat fine
19:29 tenplus1 :P
19:29 tenplus1 left #minetest-dev
19:30 paramat game#1387
19:30 ShadowBot -- Gunpowder (and tnt.burn) will trigger the on_ignite of nodes by Ferk
19:31 paramat i need to rethink this one
19:36 paramat i like the idea, lighting coalblocks with gunpowder, and gunpowder should be ignited using on-ignite anyway
19:38 paramat i'm still +1 but i should test
19:39 paramat author is not very active in MT recently
19:41 paramat i don't agree gunpowder should ignite all flammable nodes, it can be selective through 'on ignite'
19:42 rubenwardy same, I don't see it lighting a wood floor
19:42 paramat gunpowder would act essentially just like flint and steel
19:48 paramat i'll test this tonight then +1, any more +1s?
19:48 troller left #minetest-dev
19:54 paramat i'll also ask so-far his opinion
19:56 paramat rubenwardy since you confused on_ignite with on_burn are you ok with this?
20:02 paramat ok seems ruben is busy, we can restart later if anyoone wants to
20:02 paramat *anyone
20:03 VanessaE feature request: if down and fast are both bound to "E" with "use = climb down", make it climb down fast if fast is enabled
20:04 VanessaE ("fast is enabled" meaning you pressed 'J' to toggle it on, of course)
20:05 paramat issue please :]
20:05 VanessaE too lazy. :)
20:07 paramat ok, quickly forgotten :]
20:07 VanessaE heh
20:32 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
20:41 xtremehacker_ joined #minetest-dev
20:41 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev
20:48 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
20:48 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
20:48 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
20:56 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
21:02 paramat joined #minetest-dev
21:06 paramat oh good grief just seen minetest channel :]
21:07 paramat 'sneak is offtopic' O_o
21:08 * red-001 hides inside a soapbox
21:08 sfan5 don't bring that here please
21:08 paramat ok
21:09 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
21:09 paramat sorry wrong place obviously
21:10 sfan5 paramat: there's a few game prs with 2 approvals
21:10 sfan5 game#1707
21:10 ShadowBot -- Automatic item colorization for creative mode by juhdanad
21:10 destt_ joined #minetest-dev
21:10 sfan5 game#1709
21:10 ShadowBot -- Tin: Tune mapgen, bugfix, fix texture credits by paramat
21:13 paramat yeah i can merge those and snow texture
21:13 paramat i was going to later
21:18 destt Hey, I think I finally got my PR done
21:24 paramat looking
21:25 paramat +1
21:28 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
21:56 paramat nore your opinion on game#1693 ?
21:56 ShadowBot -- Disable fire by default on servers by Ezhh
21:57 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
21:58 paramat will merge game#1707 game#1708 game#1709 in a few mins
21:58 ShadowBot -- Automatic item colorization for creative mode by juhdanad
21:58 ShadowBot -- Textures: Reduce contrast of snow ripples by paramat
21:58 ShadowBot -- Tin: Tune mapgen, bugfix, fix texture credits by paramat
21:59 destt joined #minetest-dev
22:08 paramat merging
22:12 paramat complete
22:14 * VanessaE hopes that doesn't break Unified Dyes :P
22:52 ShadowNinja I won't be available next Saturday, so I need someone else to run the developer meeting.
22:53 paramat ok
23:00 octacian joined #minetest-dev
23:28 paramat game#1387 tested +1 rubenwardy sofar nore ShadowNinja?
23:28 ShadowBot -- Gunpowder (and tnt.burn) will trigger the on_ignite of nodes by Ferk
23:28 paramat just needs a line removing on merge
23:32 destt_ joined #minetest-dev
23:39 betterthanyou711 joined #minetest-dev
23:42 betterthanyou710 joined #minetest-dev
23:42 betterthanyou710 joined #minetest-dev

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