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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-04-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:08 troller joined #minetest-dev
01:27 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
02:00 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
02:00 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
03:59 sofar game#1716 trivial bugfix, will push in a bit
03:59 ShadowBot -- Fix books getting erased on page button use. by sofar
04:31 benrob03291 joined #minetest-dev
04:34 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
04:45 sofar game#1717 ditto, trivial fix
04:45 ShadowBot -- Doors: place sound when placing a door. by sofar
04:49 benrob0329_ joined #minetest-dev
04:51 AntumDeluge joined #minetest-dev
04:53 sofar merged
04:55 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:48 troller joined #minetest-dev
06:55 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
07:02 nerzhul hello, merging #5638 & #5674 in ~10 mins
07:02 ShadowBot -- Reorder TileLayer. by sofar
07:02 ShadowBot -- [CSM] add screenshot api lua by Dumbeldor
07:16 nerzhul both merged
07:46 nerzhul ShadowNinja, gettime.h refactor broke mac osx.
07:47 nerzhul i'm pushing the lint fix it breaks too...
08:36 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
08:49 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
08:59 papou84 joined #minetest-dev
09:18 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
09:40 nerzhul github projects are very nice :p
09:46 nerzhul look:
09:46 nerzhul a nice kanban board to have overview on our internal projects :)
09:54 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
09:57 nerzhul i will merge #5548 in ~10mins
09:57 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add event on_place_node API lua by Dumbeldor
10:05 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:08 nerzhul merged
10:17 nerzhul i'm pushing a trivial unused define removal
10:23 DS-minetest the screwdriver doesn't work with nodes that have an inventory and items in it (eg. filled chest)
11:03 lisac joined #minetest-dev
11:08 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
11:18 troller joined #minetest-dev
11:29 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
11:35 red-002 could someone take a look at #4642?
11:35 ShadowBot -- Allow the join/leave message to be overridden by mods. by red-001
11:40 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
11:47 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
12:05 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
12:16 troller joined #minetest-dev
12:23 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
12:29 Krock joined #minetest-dev
12:29 Krock joined #minetest-dev
12:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
12:35 rubenwardy Can we set up third-party application restriction on minetest org? Currently any third party I grant access to on my personal account is given access to minetest as well, which is a security risk. It isn't given access to my other organisations, as they have an "access restricted" policy: Only approved applications can access data in this organization. Applications owned by <orgname> always have access.
12:35 rubenwardy celeron55,
12:35 rubenwardy there are currently no applications owned by minetest, I'm not sure if any are owned by nerzhul
12:38 rubenwardy this is the issue I'm referring to:
12:38 rubenwardy there's no way to revoke access
12:39 rubenwardy see this:
12:39 rubenwardy also, we should consider mandating 2FA for all core devs, but that's a separate matter
12:40 rubenwardy and probably isn't too important, as all the code is backed up anyway
12:40 rubenwardy ie: by local clones
12:50 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
12:50 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
12:51 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
12:52 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
12:53 sfan5 rubenwardy: i think this is needed for translations (weblate)
12:56 nerzhul for third party, you are not admin, but pusher, ti's a risk, but if i remember third party cannot push
13:12 nerzhul sfan5, for translations it's not needed
13:13 nerzhul i just have rights on the remote, pull and push myself
13:13 nerzhul 2FA break the http auth
13:29 rubenwardy you can have application passwords to bypass 2fa (ie: very long random passwords)
13:29 rubenwardy and for applications, you can grant them access or make them owned by Minetest
13:33 nerzhul i already have a very strong and lenght password in my keepass, also i'm not also contributor on mt
13:36 rubenwardy 2FA means that just having your password is useless to an attacker though. Although most of the time you should be using SSH keys to login, so it should be fine
13:38 nerzhul it's not useless 2FA, 2FA = 2 authentications, it's good for enterprises :), for our community it remains useless and doesn't fix the organization acces, also, access is generaly read only, you should ensure it is
13:38 rubenwardy erm
13:39 rubenwardy just having a password is useless to an attacker as they also need a 2FA token
13:41 nerzhul application password = bypass 2FA it's just alternate password you should use only for an app
13:44 nerzhul can someone review/approve #5676, it's a fairly trivial maintenance fix on Game class
13:44 ShadowBot -- Game::processClientEvents don't create factice events by nerzhul
13:45 Krock that's a "fix"?
13:45 nerzhul Krock, a fix for what ?
13:46 Krock >  it's a fairly trivial maintenance fix on Game class
13:46 Krock I'm wondering how this is a fix
13:46 nerzhul sorry, modification not fix here :)
13:46 Krock ah
13:47 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
13:47 sfan5 nerzhul: also factice -> fake
13:47 red-002 rebased and updated #5492
13:47 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Add local particles and particlespawners. by red-001
13:47 Krock there's btw the same thing in the ClientEnv, nerzhul: ClientEnvEvent ClientEnvironment::getClientEvent()
13:48 nerzhul Krock, i don't see this, let me a second
13:48 nerzhul yeah, and the loop is very very ugly :p
13:49 nerzhul i will do same thing
13:50 Krock red-002, how good tested is it on a scale from 1 to 10?
13:51 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
13:52 nerzhul sfan5, for the singleline, no, 91 chars :)
13:53 sfan5 okay then
13:53 nerzhul and for exception, it's a condition should should never reach, if it's the case you did a devel error
13:53 nerzhul code should not catch a devel error :)
13:53 red-002 Krock, some where between 7 and 8
13:56 sfan5 red-002: l_particles_local.cpp is missing
13:57 Krock ^ most likely forgotten to add on commit
13:58 nerzhul Krock, sfan5 i fixed it, typo + ClientEnvironment code maintenance on the same behaviour
14:00 nerzhul Krock, typo fix, i missed it in strings refactor when renaming :)
14:01 Krock you're giving travis some work :P
14:03 nerzhul yeah, i will cancel squashed builds
14:03 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:04 nerzhul ouch
14:06 nerzhul sfan5, is this okay for you now ? (waiting for travis)
14:06 nerzhul after this PR i will think about removing this ugly union and use pointers in queue
14:07 nerzhul don't forget a thing, on a union, the size of the object is equal to the biggest object in union
14:10 Krock rougly guessed ~150 bytes per event
14:11 nerzhul yeah, instead of ~10 for damage event, it's a huge diff :)
14:11 Krock ah, v3f are pointers, may be the half of it
14:12 nerzhul yeah, only primitives types are allowed in a union (C)
14:14 nerzhul it's not java, we should care about size :p
14:14 nerzhul i re-read the gettime refactor and i don't why it trigger the macosx unit test on connection to fail...
14:16 nerzhul union is good when you have 2 or 3 types on it, here it's more than 8 :p
14:16 Krock nerzhul, can be fixed here: 9b1bafb
14:17 nerzhul what is this commit id ? it's on in tree
14:17 Krock
14:17 nerzhul oh i see
14:17 nerzhul can you push the trivial fix directly to master ?
14:17 Krock wanted to make my PR to compile but hoped I could merge both at once :P
14:17 Krock ^ lazyness
14:18 Krock whatever, pushing it seperately
14:18 nerzhul it will permit to unlock some PR :)
14:19 Krock pushing in 5 minutes
14:25 Krock oh, also found other occurences in game.cpp and client.cpp. Changing them to u64 too
14:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
14:36 Krock nerzhul, does look about right?
14:38 nerzhul lgtm
14:40 Krock also added a new line for the bracket in the inline function now. if already rewriting this line, then correctly :)
14:40 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
14:41 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
14:42 neoascetic Okaaay, there are 100 bucks on issue which is aborted (#3440)
14:42 ShadowBot -- Client side Lua scripting
14:42 neoascetic nerzhul could you please claim the bounty?
14:43 neoascetic it is pretty strange that users give donations to the project (through bountysource) but noone want to take them
14:43 neoascetic either you guys need to start accepting the money or just turn bountysource off
14:44 Krock well, here it's not just a one-man project, that's why
14:44 kilbith that's because nerzhul is rich as fuck
14:44 neoascetic I guess
14:44 Krock or that ^
14:45 neoascetic Anyways, I am putting my cents on bountrysource for about 3 years and no one yet (except myself) took them
14:45 neoascetic it is quite dissapointing
14:47 rubenwardy fixed it, in a different way :)
14:48 neoascetic I've commented there as well
15:01 nerzhul kilbith,  yeah i'm rich, in fact i'm notch, i have billions and i just wanted to contribute to a project not polluted by M$
15:04 nerzhul sfan5, Krock okay for merging #5676 now ?
15:04 ShadowBot -- Game::processClientEvents don't create factice events by nerzhul
15:05 nerzhul the build problem was unit test fixed in master after pushing last comit)
15:05 nerzhul in how many hours is the meeting ? 3 ?
15:06 rubenwardy 4
15:06 nerzhul okay
15:07 rubenwardy btw, you need to close that issue then follow the claim link at
15:09 nerzhul merging 5676 in ~10 mins
15:13 nerzhul i claimed it, now a validation process occurs
15:15 rubenwardy accepted
15:16 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
15:16 nerzhul ty
15:16 red-002 hi neoascetic
15:16 neoascetic Hi hi.
15:18 neoascetic The main problem with bountysource is that there is 10% withdraw fee
15:18 neoascetic Althrough you can leave money in the system and put a bounty on other issues...
15:18 nerzhul 10% is very huge
15:19 rubenwardy does that apply to claimers, or just backers unbacking?
15:19 rubenwardy because the latter is fair enough, imo
15:20 red-002 rubenwardy anyone from what I can see
15:25 nerzhul 5676 merged
15:25 nerzhul thanks for your reviews sfan5 & Krock
15:27 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
15:32 Krock np
15:38 nerzhul i added #5677, it's very very trivial here, it just remove a copy on PlayerControl structure (called function is already a const reference) and it fixes some code style issues around the fix part
15:38 ShadowBot -- content_cao: fix getPlayerControl structure copy on each step by nerzhul
15:39 nerzhul Krock, if you can just look at this, i'm just waiting for travis build here
15:39 nerzhul our client code is so old, many efforts are done server side, it's time to help client to run better and modernize code :p
15:41 Krock is that the only possible optimization in content_cao?
15:41 Krock or step() ?
15:41 nerzhul i don't look at other parts, i was looking at LocalPlayer attributes and verified this structure was not copied, and fond it :p
15:41 rubenwardy I've been reading about game server scaling and concurrent worlds using spatial partitioning, quite interesting. Bit late for Minetest though
15:43 nerzhul rubenwardy, i think if 0.5 is really a break we can add a thing, map_id
15:43 nerzhul permitting to have multiple worlds, but it required either to do 1 serverenv per map or break the whole mientest :p
15:46 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
15:50 paramat joined #minetest-dev
15:52 paramat perhaps the CSM bounty should go to celeron55 's general MT donation account since he doesn't receive enough to cover expenses?
15:52 rubenwardy that's up to nerzhul
15:54 rubenwardy red-002 could also have a claim too, having contributed a lot of featues (although not the basic structure)
15:54 paramat celeron55 nerzhul sfan5 Zeno` Krock ShadowNinja we're going through old PRs at 7pm UTC. apparently nore and sofar cannot make it
15:59 paramat yes of course up to them, maybe they could donate part of the bounty
16:00 nerzhul paramat, read the log :) i said i will split this in 4 parts
16:00 nerzhul celeron55, sfan5 red and me
16:00 paramat oh missed that
16:00 nerzhul celeron55, and sfan5 for infrastructure, red and me for CSM
16:00 rubenwardy excellent
16:01 paramat that's nice
16:01 rubenwardy would be cool (but hassel) to register MT as a non-profit, then we can have transparent fundraising drives without worring about tax
16:01 rubenwardy note inal
16:01 rubenwardy but: bigger issues
16:02 nerzhul Krock, okay for #5677 ?
16:02 ShadowBot -- content_cao: fix getPlayerControl structure copy on each step by nerzhul
16:03 sfan5 umm
16:03 sfan5 i don't need anything to cover infrastructure
16:03 nerzhul minetest is not a foundation or an association
16:03 nerzhul sfan5, for server list ?
16:04 sfan5 nah
16:04 nerzhul if you doesn't want no problem :)
16:04 nerzhul 163 PR, i hope we can decrease to 150 at the end of the weekend :p
16:04 paramat eheh
16:04 rubenwardy nerzhul, lgtm
16:05 kilbith nerzhul does whatever with the money he earned
16:05 kilbith and that's not your business
16:05 rubenwardy I agree
16:05 nerzhul kilbith, yes, but it's lgtm to ask for red-001 as he works with me, (some others too, but he is the noticeable)
16:06 nerzhul if sfan5 doesn't want i will give more to celeron55 :p
16:06 sfan5 yeah that's a good idea
16:07 nerzhul rubenwardy, thanks for the review
16:07 nerzhul waiting for C++11 build
16:07 paramat yes sorry, from reading logs i was under the impression no-one wanted it
16:07 nerzhul paramat, i think you stopped reading before i talked about it :)
16:07 nerzhul merging #5677 in ~5 mins
16:07 ShadowBot -- content_cao: fix getPlayerControl structure copy on each step by nerzhul
16:08 nerzhul now i will do some valgrind tests focused on client part
16:08 nerzhul a nice thing github should add is dismissing automaticly reviews on a new push
16:08 nerzhul gitlab does it, it's lgtm
16:09 rubenwardy at least not show it in the summary
16:09 rubenwardy or indicate it's old
16:13 paramat ok i see the comments at bountysource, btw you have an excellent avatar there :]
16:14 paramat i will merge chests later game#793 along with game#1387 and corrected game#1668
16:14 ShadowBot -- Improve Chest appearance - opening chests. by sofar
16:14 ShadowBot -- Gunpowder (and tnt.burn) will trigger the on_ignite of nodes by Ferk
16:14 ShadowBot -- add snow and ice stairs and slabs by timsoftgit
16:14 nerzhul maybe in 3 years minetest will be playable with callgrind on heh :p
16:15 nerzhul omfg 54% time is spend on updateFastFaceRow
16:15 nerzhul 27% on getTileInfo in this function
16:16 nerzhul and 14% in TileSpec::operator =
16:16 Fixer_ nerzhul: there is even a topic opened somewhere about that updateFastFaceRow thing
16:16 nerzhul 5677 merged
16:16 nerzhul Fixer_, yeah i saw it
16:16 nerzhul i will study the function to see what is done here
16:17 benrob0329 joined #minetest-dev
16:17 sfan5 merging #5622 (has one approval already)
16:18 ShadowBot -- fix set_detach visual slide issue by shivajiva101
16:18 nerzhul okay
16:18 nerzhul i see what is the problem with the copy, now i need to know if it's necessary
16:19 nerzhul interesting getTileInfo last instruction is "return"
16:19 nerzhul lol
16:21 nerzhul tilespec copy problem is not a problem as it seems, the problem is the underlying TileLayer copy
16:22 nerzhul oh
16:22 Dumbeldor Hi ! Knockback in C++ !;
16:23 nerzhul on 14% of tilespec operator copy, 13.2% are spent on the copy of std::vector<FrameSpec> frames; in TileLayer
16:23 DS-minetest Dumbeldor: nice! (use a sword)
16:24 Dumbeldor DS-minetest: Thanks ! For the moment it does not change anything
16:25 Dumbeldor The knockback always remains the same ^^
16:25 Fixer_ Dumbeldor: nice, will it be configurable?
16:25 DS-minetest (i meant, if you use a sword, you don't always have to respawn the player, the creative hand makes so much damage)
16:26 Dumbeldor Yes with minetest.conf Fixer_
16:26 rubywarden joined #minetest-dev
16:26 Dumbeldor Aah ok DS-minetest
16:26 Dumbeldor Thanks :)
16:26 Fixer_ Dumbeldor: why via that?
16:27 nerzhul Dumbeldor, you should make parameters outside of minetest.conf
16:27 Fixer_ Dumbeldor: why not via lua, so it can be configurable
16:27 nerzhul just default in .conf
16:27 Dumbeldor Because the direction of the knockback is sent by the serveur ;)
16:27 rubywarden Dumbeldor, how are you mitigating network latency?
16:27 nerzhul rubenwardy, we worked together it's a specific packet sent to client
16:28 Dumbeldor rubenwardy: Moving is done on the client side ;)
16:28 nerzhul then movement is purely calculated client side
16:28 Dumbeldor yep nerzhul
16:28 rubenwardy oh nice!
16:28 nerzhul server only keep trace of the knockback stun timer
16:28 lisac joined #minetest-dev
16:28 Dumbeldor yeah :)
16:28 nerzhul and it depend on who is affected, LocalPlayer if you, and CAO around if CAO
16:31 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
16:33 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
16:34 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
16:36 nerzhul okay i removed 3 copy, we will see if it do the tric
16:38 nerzhul okay nice it's now reduced from 54% to 45%
16:38 nerzhul 23% for getTileInfo instead of 27%
16:39 nerzhul and operator copy from 14% to 12.5 %
16:39 rubenwardy sounds awesome
16:39 nerzhul i managed to do this using references instead of structure copy, but two copy are needed as it seems
16:45 paramat nerzhul are you happy with #4524 now? if so i'll merge later once retested
16:45 ShadowBot -- Clouds api by bendeutsch
16:46 nerzhul i will review in a moment
16:51 nerzhul rubenwardy, first step for optimizing updateFastFaceRow (not so fast)
16:51 nerzhul #5678
16:51 ShadowBot -- [WIP] Optimize updateFastFaceRow processing by removing some TileSpec copy by nerzhul
16:51 nerzhul nice PR number :D
17:03 Dumbeldor joined #minetest-dev
17:07 paramat that number has a yoda joke (SFW)
17:10 DS-minetest hah, but i already know such type of joke
17:11 Krock
17:24 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
17:44 nerzhul #5678 is ready for review
17:44 ShadowBot -- Optimize updateFastFaceRow processing by removing some TileSpec copy by nerzhul
17:45 nerzhul optimization is interesting, but i don't see how to optimize more atm, if you want to reduce this function cost mt client should be rewritten :)
17:58 nerzhul thanks for the review sfan5
17:59 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:16 nerzhul merging #5678 in ~10 min
18:16 ShadowBot -- Optimize updateFastFaceRow processing by removing some TileSpec copy by nerzhul
18:16 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:20 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
18:25 paramat PR review in 35 mins
18:31 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:34 red-002 could someone review  #4962
18:34 ShadowBot -- Save the name of the world in and remove invalid characters from the directory name by red-001
18:36 red-002 left #minetest-dev
18:36 nerzhul merged
18:52 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
18:56 paramat joined #minetest-dev
19:00 paramat celeron55 nerzhul rubenwardy sfan5 Krock let's look at MT PRs, sorted with 'least recently updated'
19:01 paramat #5457
19:01 ShadowBot -- GUI: Allow texture packs to customize the mouse pointer by kilbith
19:01 paramat oops
19:01 paramat everything is showing as 'updated 4 days ago'
19:02 paramat 'oldest first' then i guess
19:02 nerzhul paramat, strange
19:03 paramat i've noticed github doing this sometimes
19:04 paramat #1118
19:04 ShadowBot -- Meta set nodedef by Ekdohibs
19:05 nerzhul nore isn't present it's his pr
19:05 paramat yeah, adoption needed, we can ask nore later
19:05 paramat #1489
19:05 ShadowBot -- Timed move by sapier
19:06 nerzhul i don't see what he wants with this PR
19:07 nerzhul oh predict movements
19:07 nerzhul it's not a good mean to solve this, we need a better API for movements, especially for SAO and it will be added in 0.5 i think
19:08 paramat i'm neutral
19:08 rubenwardy I think moving to proper interpolation would be better, or keyframes. That's just seems like a bit of a weird API to me
19:09 rubenwardy but neutral overall too
19:10 paramat the basic idea seems ok to me but i don't feel i can judge an area of code i do not understand well
19:13 paramat nerzhul i guess you are not -1 though?
19:14 paramat #1737
19:14 ShadowBot -- Added formspec element 'KeyEventBox' for charbased input by ninnghazad
19:14 nerzhul i'm not fan of this implementation
19:15 paramat please add your +1s -1s to threads if you have them
19:16 paramat but i can add summaries later also
19:17 rubenwardy I feel like that's quite easy to abuse
19:17 rubenwardy ie: sending formspec updates on key presses
19:17 nerzhul it's an interesting thing for formspec based games ?
19:18 rubenwardy well: latency
19:18 rubenwardy this is basically what CSM was designed for, IMO - advanced GUIs and input, with low latency
19:18 paramat already discussed
19:19 nerzhul rubenwardy, ofc
19:19 paramat personally it seems quite specialised and due to issues, i'm not keen
19:20 nerzhul just pass, next issue ?
19:22 paramat well, it was discussed last week and decided against, there are roughly 3 -1s, close or 'improvement needed'?
19:23 paramat well we can close in a while if not changed i guess
19:23 paramat added labels
19:23 paramat #1845
19:23 ShadowBot -- Split block position in SQLite3 database by ShadowNinja
19:24 nerzhul we already discussed this pr
19:24 sfan5 ^
19:25 paramat oh yeah
19:25 paramat 1949 was too
19:25 paramat #1988
19:25 ShadowBot -- Fix #1374 by adding a listpredict piece to the formspec by MinerDad7
19:26 sfan5 wasnt that also already discussed
19:26 paramat last comment 29 Feb
19:27 paramat oh reopened by sofar
19:27 paramat but that was closed #3801
19:27 ShadowBot -- Predict inventory list movement and add list_predict to formspec by sofar
19:29 paramat added 'improvement needed' due to sofar's test
19:30 paramat i guess pass
19:30 paramat #2056
19:30 ShadowBot -- Use object property "stepheight" for player stepheight too. by sapier
19:30 paramat nice idea
19:32 sfan5 agree
19:34 nerzhul strangely the PR is not in good form, but idea is good
19:35 paramat uses existing 'stepheight' property
19:37 paramat #2398
19:37 ShadowBot -- Add minetest.colorstring by Gael-de-Sailly
19:38 paramat added 'adoption needed'
19:38 paramat author is not active here recently
19:38 nerzhul yes
19:40 paramat formspec uses colorstrings
19:43 paramat but seems low priority, worth keeping open for a while for adoption?
19:44 paramat 2 years no update
19:44 paramat added 'possible close' to flag it
19:45 paramat meh maybe close
19:46 paramat maybe not, no conflicts
19:46 paramat just needs docs
19:47 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
19:47 paramat #2424
19:48 ShadowBot -- Use indicator colors in list of mod dependencies by Wuzzy2
19:48 paramat blue needs to be lighter
19:49 sfan5 agree, otherwise nice
19:49 paramat am neutral
19:49 paramat ok we can ask for better colours
19:50 paramat i'll add a comment later
19:50 paramat maybe a lighter red too
19:51 paramat #2561
19:51 ShadowBot -- Add mapgen settings to create world dialog by srifqi
19:52 paramat the behaviour is wrong, see my last comment
19:52 paramat erm
19:53 paramat i'm not sure about concept, fairly neutral
19:54 paramat more work when adding new flags to mapgen, and these flags are already settable in advanced settings and .conf
19:54 paramat being selfish i would prefer not to have this
19:54 sfan5 having them in the menu would be nice
19:54 paramat :]
19:54 sfan5 but it doesn't mean it needs to be detailed
19:55 sfan5 e.g. noiseparams should not be settable from there
19:55 paramat agreed
19:55 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:56 paramat good for less technical players
19:56 paramat as in super easy now
19:56 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:57 paramat looks like author is open for improvements so can give it time
19:58 paramat #2587
19:58 ShadowBot -- wip irrlicht particles 2 by obneq
19:58 paramat no reply from author, added 'adoption needed'
19:59 paramat important work of course
20:00 paramat #2604 author not present
20:00 ShadowBot -- Add support for multiple listen addesses by ShadowNinja
20:01 paramat i have no opinion
20:02 paramat heh kwolekr's comment
20:03 paramat the refactoring / code style is mixed in with the feature
20:04 paramat added 'rebase/improvement needed' i'll ask forseparation
20:05 paramat 36 files is a hard review
20:07 paramat anyone have to go yet?
20:08 sfan5 not yet
20:09 paramat #2738
20:09 ShadowBot -- Make the player collisionbox settable by TeTpaAka
20:09 paramat i would love this, is the hack ok?
20:11 paramat i might test and +1, seems worth the slightly hacky implementation
20:11 paramat seems there is no alternative to the hack apart from severe breakage
20:15 nerzhul hack are not good
20:16 nerzhul if we should wait 0.5 to break to permit better things just wait
20:16 paramat the breakage can't be done
20:17 garywhite Question: Are you guys going to be reviewing -game PRs as well?
20:17 paramat the 'hack' is just some minor unpleasantness, a 1 offset
20:17 paramat no
20:18 garywhite oh, ok
20:18 garywhite sorry to bother you
20:18 paramat mtg is not so much in need of reviews as is well maintained
20:18 paramat no prob
20:19 paramat well, i mean, not so far behind
20:19 paramat :]
20:19 paramat #2852
20:19 ShadowBot -- Make players respect makes_footstep_sound in the object properties by TeTpaAka
20:20 paramat also uses an existing property and applies it to player, has fun potential
20:20 paramat i might review and +1
20:23 sfan5 good concept and code also looks good from a quick look
20:23 paramat author is still active recently so could probably rebase since there is support, will add a comment later
20:26 paramat #3208
20:26 ShadowBot -- allow changing the velocity of objects relatively to their current velocity by HybridDog
20:26 paramat est31 has issues
20:27 paramat better done with CSM?
20:30 paramat i have to take a break now but feel free to continue, i'll add comments to what we discussed later
20:40 paramat enough review for me, next sat 7pm UTC, thanks
20:42 troller joined #minetest-dev
20:43 paramat nerzhul could you check #4524 ? might merge later
20:43 ShadowBot -- Clouds api by bendeutsch
21:10 paramat anyway looks like what you asked is done, if it tests ok i'll merge later
21:18 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
21:24 Wayward_One Android build error:
21:24 nore #1118 is not ready and very difficult to rebase
21:24 ShadowBot -- Meta set nodedef by Ekdohibs
21:24 nore If you want it someone else needs to take care of it
21:29 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
21:30 paramat yeah ok
21:35 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:40 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
21:53 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
22:18 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
22:31 Fixer here is some useful shortcuts we can reuse in MT:
22:36 rubenwardy nice
22:53 paramat retested #4524 will merge over the next few mins, will squash and do minor code style corrections on merge
22:53 ShadowBot -- Clouds api by bendeutsch
22:55 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
23:00 Kray joined #minetest-dev
23:01 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
23:01 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
23:08 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
23:11 paramat merged! =D
23:54 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev

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