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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-08-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:38 paramat .. just
00:53 paramat will merge later
00:54 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
01:13 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
01:16 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
01:58 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
02:58 paramat joined #minetest-dev
04:06 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest-dev
04:06 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest-dev
05:30 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
06:38 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
07:22 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:22 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
08:08 AntumDeluge joined #minetest-dev
08:10 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
09:04 lisac joined #minetest-dev
09:28 Krock joined #minetest-dev
10:04 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
10:13 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:22 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
10:34 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
10:41 nerzhul hey
10:41 nerzhul i can't remember if
10:41 nerzhul no in fact
10:41 nerzhul we should have CSM Hud i think
10:42 nerzhul red-001 seems to be in holidays and i'm very busy on other parts, maybe someone can try to work on it
10:46 Krock not to forget of a mainmenu tab/button to enable specific client side mods
10:46 nerzhul yeah there is some work needed to really make it user friendly
10:48 nerzhul Krock, are you okay for merging 6227, it does not fix the whole build (link error at the end), but at least it builds without link :p
10:50 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
10:55 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
10:55 Krock I don't know if he did it correctly
10:56 nerzhul for me it's okay
10:56 nerzhul #6285 was updated too, i fixed the last remaining points :)
10:56 ShadowBot -- Modernize source code: last part by nerzhul
10:57 Krock still a bunch of warnings in the OSX build until it decides to throw an error
11:01 Krock oh right. how about the #include "shader.h" line that has been commented in your previous PR?
11:02 Krock #6272  ^
11:02 ShadowBot -- Optimize headers (part 2) by nerzhul
11:29 nerzhul i fixed it in this PR
11:30 nerzhul i repassed clang-tidy and it seems some files are not completely cleaned up..., i merge 6285 and i will provide a last (really) patchset :p
11:32 Krock me, in 7 days, looking at the PRs: "Source code tidy patch 15 (really) (really) (really) (really) the last one"
11:32 nerzhul :p
12:28 Fixer_ slippery has bugs
12:28 Fixer_ details later
12:29 Fixer_ slab/stair related
12:40 nerzhul Krock, the warnings on the macosx version on travis were always here
12:40 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
12:40 nerzhul i really think 6227 is a nice step to permit the build :)
12:41 nerzhul #6227 and #6290 needs a std::pair<Human, Eyes> :)
12:41 ShadowBot -- Travis-ci build: fix osx jpeg installation failure, git ambiguous argument error (caused by merging commits) and add a workaround for travis commit range bug by juozaspo
12:41 ShadowBot -- Modernize code: very last fixes by nerzhul
13:02 Fixer_ slippery bugs if someone interested:
13:07 Krock it's a problem on all nodes, as it's horribly inefficient to check all 4 edges on the bottom of the item
13:08 Krock the center is above air, that's why it stops sliding
13:09 Krock half-dupe is the issue about forever sliding items on the edges
13:13 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
13:25 Grandolf left #minetest-dev
13:45 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
13:46 Anchakor left #minetest-dev
14:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:15 Krock am I the only one who can damage players by 10 HP with each punch with bare hands?
14:15 Bobr2 yes
14:15 Krock then I must have special strong fists
14:16 Krock feels like there's a * BS too much in the code
14:23 Krock the strong fist is called enable_creative
14:30 nerzhul sfan5, are you around ?
14:30 sfan5 yes
14:34 nerzhul can you unlock #6227, there is a remaining linker issue but current version at least compile, except link, on macosx, it's a better situation than current
14:34 ShadowBot -- Travis-ci build: fix osx jpeg installation failure, git ambiguous argument error (caused by merging commits) and add a workaround for travis commit range bug by juozaspo
14:34 nerzhul i would see this to be merged :)
14:36 sfan5 commented
14:37 nerzhul i pushed #6292 PR related to #6266
14:37 ShadowBot -- New version scheme by nerzhul
14:37 ShadowBot -- Change version model
14:38 nerzhul if someone can take a look
14:38 nerzhul first commit is the commit to review, the two second are the release process results
14:39 Krock players will ask where 0.5.0 is
14:40 nerzhul ?
14:41 nerzhul i don't understand, can you explain ? the idea everybody validate is to fix that problem :p
14:41 nerzhul after merge i will post on the forum
14:41 nerzhul (to explain the version scheme change)
14:43 Krock ah good. Wasn't sure if it's going to be noted on the wiki, readme or elsewhere.
14:44 nerzhul a such change should be communicated :p
14:45 nerzhul and if there is a wiki page which talked about the version scheme, we just need to update it :p
14:45 nerzhul Krock, i'm not sure we respect the 90 chars rule for shell, sfan5 ?
14:46 Krock heh, same idea from rubenwardy
14:46 sfan5 dunno
14:46 Krock documents should be kept easy readable but as it's just an update script, which is used twice a year... trivial request
14:47 nerzhul it think splitting those line on two lines make the shell unreadable :s
14:49 nerzhul okay for adding a notice in the readme
14:53 nerzhul 6292 updated :)
14:54 sfan5 nerzhul: why is VERSION_PATCH = 1 ?
14:54 nerzhul sfan5, review only first commit
14:54 nerzhul the two second are the result of the change :)
14:54 sfan5 also you can just remove the || die if you change the shebang line to `#!/bin/bash -e`
14:55 nerzhul ofc we can do that if needed :)
14:55 sfan5 so that pr is supposed to release 0.5.0?
14:55 nerzhul no
14:55 sfan5 but that's essentially what you're doing
14:55 nerzhul i will reset hard the branch after you reviewed
14:55 nerzhul and force push
14:55 nerzhul git reset --hard HEAD~2 && git push --force :)
14:55 sfan5 if we're not releasing 0.5.0 why are we continuing with 0.5.1-dev?
14:56 nerzhul rrrr !
14:56 sfan5 oh wait
14:56 sfan5 got it now
14:56 nerzhul :)
14:57 sfan5 looks good so far but you should do the -e change i suggested
14:58 nerzhul okay i will add this, i'm fixing another PR and doing it, + remove the two poc commits :)
15:15 nerzhul sfan5, Krock #6292 was updated with die removal :)
15:15 ShadowBot -- New version scheme by nerzhul
15:15 nerzhul and test commits removal
15:17 sfan5 code lgtm
15:17 sfan5 you can merge if it works
15:19 nerzhul ty nice
15:19 nerzhul i merge both 6292 & 6227
15:20 nerzhul i push the same commit on stable-0.4
15:20 nerzhul (with version 0.4.17
15:21 Krock 0.4.17-dev =
15:21 Krock *?
15:21 nerzhul ofc
15:27 nerzhul #3c1207f20439d7badb2bc653af4a25b1
15:27 nerzhul doesn't work :(
15:27 nerzhul
15:27 nerzhul stable 0.4 is now on 0.4.17-dev
15:52 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest-dev
16:05 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
16:07 kensatya joined #minetest-dev
16:14 kensatya Hello, I'm having some trouble compiling minetest
16:15 Calinou kensatya: you need a compiler that supports C++11
16:15 Calinou (also, tip: just use "-j$(nproc)" for automatic CPU thread count detection)
16:15 Calinou (it should work on literally all distributions)
16:15 Calinou kensatya: you can also force the usage of system libjsoncpp instead of the bundled one
16:15 Calinou cmake . -DUSE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP=1
16:15 Calinou (I think)
16:16 kensatya ok, I will those a try
16:24 kensatya great! your suggestion to use "-DENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP=1" worked beautifully, thanks Calinou
16:25 Calinou you're welcome :)
16:27 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
16:27 sfan5 ^ nerzhul this jsoncpp issue has happened a lot since you updated it, could you look at this?
17:08 Fixer_ i will add "-DENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP=1" to my signature
17:18 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
17:19 Fixer_ nope, it is full :/
17:27 troller joined #minetest-dev
17:32 nerzhul sfan5, they just need a C++11 compiler
17:32 nerzhul a reall c++11 compiler
17:32 sfan5 no this happens with c++11 support
17:32 nerzhul gcc 4.9 and 5.0 have only partial c++11 support, 5.1 will not have this error
17:32 nerzhul kensatya, which gcc version have you got ?
17:33 nerzhul merging #6290 & #6286 in ~5mins
17:33 ShadowBot -- Modernize code: very last fixes by nerzhul
17:33 ShadowBot -- Change BS constant from implicit double to float by JRottm
17:33 kensatya "gcc version 4.8.5"
17:33 nerzhul 4.8.5 has very very partial c++11 support
17:33 nerzhul can you update your gcc version and g++ version to at least 5.1 ?
17:34 nerzhul gcc 4.9 introduced the move constructor used in jsoncpp 1.8
17:34 nerzhul thanks Krock for review
17:34 kensatya just a suggestion the ENABLE_SYSTEM_JSON option isn't in README
17:35 nerzhul kensatya, exact
17:35 sfan5 the problem i have with this is that there is no good error message
17:35 nerzhul kensatya, i push the fix
17:35 sfan5 it's just a linking error, nowhere it says that you need a newer compiler
17:35 nerzhul sfan5, yeah, i don't know if we can verify gcc version and clang version with cmake
17:46 kensatya I see the update. thanks nerzhul
17:53 fwhcat gcc 7.2 here
17:55 nerzhul sfan5, #6293 for this issue
17:55 ShadowBot -- Verify compiler version before building anything by nerzhul
17:56 sfan5 nerzhul: this is only required for ENABLE_SYSTEM_JSON=0 though
17:56 sfan5 everything else works just fine with gcc 4.8
17:58 nerzhul i can add the setting, but if we use c++11 movable constructor at a point (it can be useful in some places, the problem will happen another time
17:58 troller joined #minetest-dev
18:23 nerzhul i should push a partial little revert on the modernize code, a dynamic_cast -> static_cast
18:24 nerzhul it trigger crash on some formspecs
18:24 nerzhul very strange but anyway fixing
18:32 est31 joined #minetest-dev
18:54 paramat joined #minetest-dev
19:17 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
19:23 troller joined #minetest-dev
19:54 Lymkwi joined #minetest-dev
20:14 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
20:28 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
21:15 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
21:37 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
21:51 paramat my issue in #6273 is solved, see will merge later tonight
21:51 ShadowBot -- Minimap: Add new HUD flag for minimap radar mode by paramat
22:11 paramat i'll merge it with #6297 (trivial)
22:11 ShadowBot -- Mgv6: Remove incorrectly defined and unused 'volume nodes' by paramat
22:14 paramat rubenwardy i can merge #6242 if you address nerzhul's line comment
22:14 ShadowBot -- Check item_drop amount clientside by rubenwardy
22:15 paramat just needs a ternary operator
22:18 jas_ joined #minetest-dev
22:40 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:49 est31 left #minetest-dev
22:53 paramat merging #6273 #6297 in a moment
22:53 ShadowBot -- Minimap: Add new HUD flag for minimap radar mode by paramat
22:53 ShadowBot -- Mgv6: Remove incorrectly defined and unused 'volume nodes' by paramat
23:04 paramat merged
23:36 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
23:38 PsychoVision joined #minetest-dev

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