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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-02-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:31 pauloue joined #minetest-dev
03:14 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest-dev
03:46 pgimeno joined #minetest-dev
04:03 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:06 indiana joined #minetest-dev
06:46 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
10:00 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
10:21 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
11:12 ButcherTibi joined #minetest-dev
11:25 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
11:33 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
11:49 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
11:52 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:02 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
13:27 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
13:42 nerzhul is this me or the MT community on github in core is more and more toxic than before ?
13:48 Shara Examples?
13:50 celeron55 i don't think so
13:52 nerzhul Shara, just look the topic about my proposal to set a typedef on positions...
13:52 Shara Can you give a link?
13:54 celeron55 it's quite difficult to find anything but reasonable discussion when picking random issues
13:56 Shara The only thing I see where peopel keep getting heated is CSM, and I feel that's justified (even if people do overreact in how they approach it)
13:57 celeron55 some specific issues, yes
13:58 red-001 yeah that typedef discussion went a bit far
13:58 red-001 and now kilbith has joined in on it
13:59 Shara red-001: can you give a link? I can't easily go digging from here
14:00 red-001 #7037
14:00 ShadowBot -- Replace v3s16 and v3f with typedefs
14:00 Shara Thanks
14:02 sfan5 i'm not sure why such a simple cleanup needs this amount of "discussion"
14:02 celeron55 looks like you're just talking with paramat
14:02 Shara well, it turned into a CSM discussion again... so no surprise
14:02 celeron55 doesn't seem like a reason to paint "MT community on github" toxic
14:03 Shara Figuring out the CSM issue would cool a lot of tempers
14:03 celeron55 kilbith going at it is very poignant and exactly what he'll do, though 8)
14:06 celeron55 so really i take this as nerzhul wanting others than paramat to take part in the discussion
14:08 rubenwardy the change requested is kinda meh
14:10 celeron55 if MT was still my personal project, i wouldn't do that (that's why it isn't so in the first place); being done by someone else, i don't care one way or another really
14:10 Shara Also would be nice if anyone would look at more sensible ways to save large maps before using larger maps as justification for something.
14:11 Shara Also excluding everyone but engine devs when asking for opinions isn't too nice.
14:11 rubenwardy if the aim of this is to make larger maps, then it should probably be poised as that and actually have a plan for it
14:12 Shara It's noted a couple of times in comments, so seemed worth mentioning
14:14 celeron55 i do believe larger coordinates are likely a huge can of worms
14:15 rubenwardy it's more complicated than just increasing from float to double
14:15 celeron55 but if someone enjoys cans of worms... well, i don't want to block the pleasure
14:16 celeron55 seems likely to require a massive controversial PR in the future though, increasing system requirements for small worlds
14:16 Shara Can we please sort out current messes/controversies before triggering the next wave of them? :P
14:19 red-001 larger worlds are kinda meh
14:20 antims joined #minetest-dev
14:20 rubenwardy it would be nice if server owners could choose between cube or large worlds
14:21 Shara I'd love a massive world... if there was a more efficient way to save the map
14:22 rubenwardy ie: choose to have the same hash space represent   164k * 1k * 164k
14:22 Shara But you can run a server for years and not run out of space right now...
14:22 rubenwardy for scale map builds it doesn't work
14:22 rubenwardy which hasn't happened yet in MT
14:22 rubenwardy but has in MC
14:22 rubenwardy also, massive de ja vu
14:23 rubenwardy this conversation happens at least once a year
14:23 Shara Unsurprising.
14:27 red-001 yeah changing the map shape would help
14:29 red-001 the issue isn't really about the total space in the world but useable space
14:31 celeron55 we should have better tools at limiting world size even with the current coordinate space
14:32 Shara paramat has been working on that.
14:32 celeron55 like a per-player setting for how far they can generate new map
14:32 nerzhul this discussion is just a coding cleanup, and yes it permits to think about icnreasing map worlds more easily (not easy but more possible than before). The discussion went too far away and is not constructive
14:32 Shara Not sure if per player is needed
14:32 nerzhul i just ask if i can work on this in my little amount of available time, and the discussion turns for paramat to : "fuck you work on CSM", and being not constructive about the question, which is just simple :p
14:32 Shara Seperate x/y/z limits alone would already be really nice
14:33 Shara nerzhul: I think that's overreacting, sorry.
14:33 nerzhul it's why i said it's toxic. Each time i talk on GH these days paramat said "Fuc kyou work on CSM i don't want your feature"
14:33 nerzhul Shara, me ?
14:33 Shara He's concerned about CSM and hasn't said that at all.
14:34 Shara Is it right to raise it in another topic? Probably not needed no, but he didn't say that
14:34 nerzhul no he didn't said "fuck you", but the repeating actions in many issues i talk about saying that tend to make me fell like this
14:34 nerzhul and this doesn't help me to want to give more time to develop the feature, because it's unpleasant :)
14:35 Shara Developing it is probably the quickest way to make it stop being unpleasant
14:36 Shara Or at least giving some solid committment/expectations about it being developed
14:36 nerzhul Shara, and open the door to let paramat continue that think each time he wants something
14:36 nerzhul think/thing*
14:36 Shara You realise it's not just paramt who si unhappy with current CSM?
14:36 Shara is*
14:36 nerzhul and it's not a little feature, it's a complicated feature. Sending mods is not sending media
14:36 nerzhul i realize than everybody complains and nobody talks about HOW to solve it, they just said: DO IT or REMOVE IT
14:37 Shara Well yes, everyone saying that didn't make it, so you can't expect them to fix it for you
14:37 nerzhul i don't want them to fix it for us, i want them to help on the concept
14:37 nerzhul did you see only one comment saying how we can solve it in MT, in terms of algorithm ?
14:38 Shara All I can tell you is this: as CSM exists right now, I don't want it. i'd like it removed or proper server controlled CSM.
14:38 red-001 It would at least help if anyone could agree on how it's suppose to be sandboxed
14:38 Shara But I can't tell you how to implement proper server controlled CSM
14:38 nerzhul Shara, the problem is not the control, it's already solved. The problem is mod sending currently
14:39 Shara Surely this should all have been agreed on BEFORE it was worked on or a PR even opened...
14:39 nerzhul Shara the CSM PR was huge and accepted by many people. I never see reacting people on it before the merge, strangely
14:39 Shara I did
14:39 nerzhul and we solved many of your issues
14:39 nerzhul not all, but many
14:40 Shara But you also need to understand: most of those affected strongest use stable version
14:40 Shara They only see how big this is after merge (not an excuse, but it is true)
14:41 Shara CSM is almost completely about servers (in single player you may as well use a normal mod).
14:41 nerzhul yes, it was late, the only error is to not rlease 0.4.17 ASAP, but i don't maintain the 0.4.17 branch
14:41 Shara Yet almost all server owners I heard from hate this
14:41 shivajiva nrz the server owners demanded certain levels of control, it was never suggested it could be blocked only that we had to accept some form of it
14:42 nerzhul shivajiva, maybe because nobody tested CSM during many months after merge and before release, and players are more intelligent than server owners think ? :p
14:42 shivajiva ROFLMAO
14:42 nerzhul i don't have a response on the earth but the only way to stop that is to release 0.4.17 ASAP with flavour backport
14:42 nerzhul i don't know why nobody decided this yet
14:42 Shara flavours are not a real solution
14:42 shivajiva good call, lets say the server owners are dumb
14:42 nerzhul sfan5 how is the 0.4 backport branch currently ?
14:43 Shara all flavours do is nudge the barrier a tiny bit back in the right direction
14:43 nerzhul shivajiva, server owners should test versions in release candidate if they want to help us find the most anoying bugs
14:43 sfan5 nerzhul: I updated it last week
14:43 nerzhul sfan5 do you think we can release it a day ?
14:43 sfan5 we can, but that's not the solution
14:43 Shara nerzhul: remember that server owners are primarily busy running servers
14:43 shivajiva and dev would maintain relationships that are conducive to that event with server owners
14:43 sfan5 the problem was releasing 0.4.16 without considering the feedback from server owners
14:44 Shara ^
14:44 sfan5 if you release .17 but with flavors that doesn't really fix anything, because of backwards compatibility
14:44 nerzhul sfan5 it's the problem, but we cannot get back to 0.4.16 release, then what is the solution ?
14:44 Shara If there is a large change that will mainly affect server owners (or any specific other group within MT), actively seek feedback from that group
14:44 shivajiva time machine?
14:44 sfan5 nerzhul: no idea
14:45 Shara Assuming people will test just because you think they should never works
14:45 nerzhul sfan5 the solution is to block 0.4.16 in 0.4.17 servers and it should be possible currentl
14:45 Shara The solution is server controlled CSM, form what I understand
14:45 sfan5 that would work, yes
14:45 nerzhul using strict protocol checking that should be sufficient
14:46 Shara If I use backport and block 0.4.16, I lose most of my players tomorrow
14:46 sfan5 that only works if 0.4.17 is actually released
14:46 nerzhul Shara at a point you should do a consensus
14:46 nerzhul we are not gods
14:46 nerzhul do you want to block 0.4.16 anoying players or continue to get it ?
14:46 Shara nerzhul: I don't midn waiting for  areal solution.
14:46 Shara mind*
14:47 Shara But the point is - there is no sign of one
14:47 Shara This is why people ask for server side CSM, or remove it
14:47 nerzhul there is no real solution , there is just some less annoying solutions
14:47 Shara You can always re-add it when serverside is possible
14:47 Shara server controlled*
14:47 nerzhul removing it is not a solution because the code has been produced and could be easily ported to any MT rogue version
14:48 Shara Is that a good reason for it to be in the official release?
14:48 nerzhul rogue clients which wants to anoy server can just use those clients
14:48 sfan5 Shara: the "solution" currently on the horizon is waiting for 0.5 to be released and then switching to it
14:48 nerzhul sfan5 yes, and switching to it is like having strict protocol checking, then having 0.4.17 with it
14:48 Shara sfan5: flabours are not really a solution
14:48 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
14:48 Shara flavours*
14:48 sfan5 no?
14:48 Shara No
14:48 red-001 no?
14:48 nerzhul noooooooo !
14:49 Shara Nooooo!
14:49 Shara :)
14:49 nerzhul
14:49 red-001 !title
14:49 ShadowBot red-001: Error: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
14:49 sfan5 flavours were implemented with feedback from server owners, why isn't it a solution?
14:49 red-001 ^
14:49 Shara If it's agreed server contorlled CSM is what should happen, why leave it in in it's current form?
14:49 Shara its*
14:50 red-001
14:50 nerzhul by "the current form" you mean 0.4.16 or master ?
14:50 shivajiva in reality dev released a version into the wild that will haunt server owners for a while yet and hasn't resolved wtf CSM is either...disturbing at the very least imo
14:51 Shara sfan5: It's about how easy the barrier is to get around. It sounded like bypassing flavour controlls would be trivial compared to there being no CSM in the client to work with to begin
14:51 Shara And quite honestly, the bigger the barrier, the better
14:51 sfan5 removing csm again does not help, so comparing with that makes no sense
14:52 sfan5 what makes you think that bypassing flavours would be trivial though?
14:52 red-001 well I guess we better rewrite minetest in assemble then
14:52 Shara It's the impression I got anyway.
14:52 red-001 assembly*
14:53 Shara Either way, since the devs cannot agree on what CSM should even be, there's no good reason to keep it at all outside stubborness.
14:53 nerzhul Shara in fact rogue client can do anything and as i said the code has been produced
14:53 Shara So back to server controlled or remove.
14:53 nerzhul Shara i don't like mapgen v5 but why don't we remove it, there is no reason to keep unmaintained mapgen
14:54 Shara nerzhul: did mapgen v5 hurt anyone?
14:54 nerzhul me
14:54 Shara Awww :(
14:54 nerzhul i don't like the generated map
14:54 nerzhul but i don't complain :p
14:54 nerzhul if we want to be productive we should find how to serialize CSM mods from server
14:54 nerzhul and find how it's presented to server to push them
14:55 Shara Okay then, CSM is justified because nerzhul was wounded by the aesthetics of mapgen v5. I give up.
14:55 nerzhul i don't find a good design for this
14:55 nerzhul Shara, don't forget i like celeron55 too and french fries, that could help
14:55 shivajiva v5 created worlds and has value for those worlds but what value have we seen from csm so far?
14:56 Shara I'd post you some french fries (though I doubt I can post you celeron55), if you would work on fixing this mess :)
14:56 nerzhul we found very huge security issues in some mods
14:56 nerzhul (server side)
14:56 nerzhul we sold the antispam server side configuration
14:56 nerzhul we found who are the anoying players
14:56 shivajiva issues that were apparent to some and utilised before CSM
14:57 Shara ability to edit client to do what you like wasn't news to server owners
14:57 nerzhul shivajiva yeah it's exact, and some thought it was CSM, but not, it just permits to easily prototype to find those holes
14:57 red-001 and no-one bothered to fix them
14:57 nerzhul red-001 exact :(
14:58 shivajiva if me screaming quietly at you about issues isn't enough then what is?
14:59 shivajiva point is I came repeatedly stating there were flaws that needed looking at
14:59 Shara It seems attention is only given if enough noise is made. I even passed a copy of the minehacker client to several devs when it was first released in the hope that some of the issues could be addressed
14:59 red-001 Shara, ok so if modded clients aren't anything new why is modded clients having a lua sandbox a new issue?
14:59 Shara red-001: you miss the point
15:00 Shara Server owners want to control their own servers. They don't want that control taken away from them, interfering with what they create
15:00 sfan5 this is quickly turning into "devs aren't doing enough for server owners" without any relation to CSM
15:00 sfan5 which specific issues are those anyway?
15:00 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
15:00 Shara sfan5: sadly CSM is mostly about server owners and why they get angry at development, when it all comes down to it.
15:01 Beton joined #minetest-dev
15:02 red-001 so clients being able to basically teleport, fly, noclip, see through nodes and ignore interact range if you have anticheat off and being able to do a bit less with it on is not a big deal simply because that always happens, but if that client then dares to use lua then we need to freak out?
15:02 Shara red-001: what are you even talking about?
15:02 shivajiva if I could find and fix them I would have, WE gui was a big one as it opened the whole server up to abuse, I came with symptoms, varied but all pointing back to the ability to access and modify the server and it's files...
15:03 Shara We've all pushed for better anti-cheat and player movement control.
15:03 red-001 Shara, if you need to mod the client to bypass the new limitations then how is it any different from existing issues
15:03 Shara Entry level to do
15:04 red-001 does it really?
15:04 red-001 they need to mod the c++ code either way
15:04 sfan5 shivajiva: so you're saying the WE issue was not fixed despite your efforts and nobody wanted to help?
15:04 Shara Yes, but the m=amont they need to change does matter
15:04 sfan5 if not, what's the point of bringing that up?
15:05 red-001 does it? fly, noclip and fast is just one line of code, maybe we should start writing more messy code so no-one understands it?
15:05 Shara Changing a linie is trivial, but once you need to actualyl write your own code the barrier is quite a bit higher, and that's what CSM has in some cases lost us. Also as I have said, it is not just about cheating. It was the implication server owners have no right to decide behaviour on their own servers.
15:06 Shara No one has said being able to give yourself fly/noclip so easily is okay... so why keep bringing that up?
15:07 red-001 because I hear no-one calling for fly and noclip to be removed
15:07 red-001 and removing it would make it a lot harder to abuse
15:07 Shara Uhh why would we ask for them to be removed?
15:08 sfan5 that's the point
15:08 sfan5 you are asking for (client-provided) CSM to be removed
15:08 Shara You cannot compare basic privs to CSM
15:08 sfan5 what's the worst you can do with CSM in it's current state?
15:08 sfan5 (current = 0.4.16)
15:09 Shara sfan5: well, for starters cause all of thes eagruments people have had :)
15:09 Shara these arguments*
15:09 shivajiva I'm saying that despite everyone being helpful and listening the issue wasn't found. I'm saying if I could have found it at the time I would have fixed it in response to red saying [14:57:24] <red-001> and no-one bothered to fix them
15:10 Shara You realise what we still need - actual confirmation server controlled CSM will be a thing, just keeps getting skipped over
15:10 red-001 <red-001> It would at least help if anyone could agree on how it's suppose to be sandboxed
15:10 sfan5 there's an issue open for it, it's on the roadmap, do you want a written statement signed by coredevs?
15:10 Shara And there has been more than one dev saying it should be removed if that is not done
15:11 Shara sfan5: a thing being ont he roadmap is meaningless
15:11 Shara Unless you decide how to do it and someone actually works on it, it's not happening
15:11 sfan5 then tell me what kind of "confirmation" you want?
15:12 Shara To see activity, instead of paramat and nerzhul hurting each other's feelings?
15:13 nerzhul Shara, maybe i just need to open a "concept issue" on CSM mod sending, permitting to trying to find a design before coding it
15:13 Shara nerzhul: please do.
15:13 nerzhul this is the only time i got ti help us to find the feature design
15:13 red-001 we already have one
15:13 nerzhul red-001: which ?
15:13 Shara I have no wish to argue with or fight you (or anyone). I just want to see this addressed
15:13 nerzhul Shara i want to too, this problem make me tired (except i don't sleep too much these days)
15:14 sfan5 Shara: why is this so time-sensitive?
15:14 sfan5 even if csm sending is added to 0.5 tomorrow, 0.5 will not be released tomorrow
15:14 sfan5 so it won't even matter to you
15:14 Shara Can relate...  I would offer assistance with this if I understood the code surrounding it well enough
15:15 sfan5 I can understand the fear that 0.5 won't include it at all (to some degree), but demands that it should be worked on RIGHT NOW don't help anyone
15:15 red-001 #5393 #5958
15:15 ShadowBot -- Server-provided client-side scripting
15:15 ShadowBot -- Proper CSM security module
15:15 Shara Where did I demand anything?
15:16 sfan5 not literally
15:16 Shara Don't state it then.
15:16 sfan5 let me finish ffs
15:16 sfan5 but "there's no confirmation of server controlled CSM happening as long as I don't see any activity" comes pretty close
15:16 Shara Nope. That's pretty factual.
15:17 Shara Things on the roadmap can sit there for crazy lengths of time.
15:17 sfan5 I wasn't saying it's incorrect
15:17 Shara Also please note (and ignore the terrible typing)
15:17 Shara (2:46:57 PM) Shara: nerzhul: I don't midn waiting for  areal solution.
15:18 shivajiva I don't think anyone is demanding anything, just questioning the whys and wherefores
15:18 sfan5 but it's farily annoying because server owners keep complaining about CSM because (I assume) there has been no activity yet
15:18 Shara Yes, it's annoying to server owners and devs alike, so it would be nice to be able to have a discussion without getting accused of things I didn't say.
15:19 Shara It's for the purpose of trying to make it stop being such an issue
15:19 sfan5 then why do server owners keep bringing it up despite indication that addition of such a feature is planned for 0.5?
15:20 Shara History. Unless it's being discussed/decided on and there are some signs of something happening, no one is going to have much faith.
15:20 sfan5 ...
15:21 sfan5 i honestly don't understand this
15:21 sfan5 if you don't TRUST coredevs to do what they say, what is the whole point
15:21 Shara It's not about not trusting.
15:21 Shara Though I dare say some of the server owners don't trust any of us.
15:21 sfan5 "we will add server-sent csm in 0.5" "i don't believe you"
15:22 sfan5 how is this not trust?
15:22 Shara Is it being added though?
15:22 sfan5 i'm not going to restate myself
15:22 Shara I've heard otherwise.
15:22 sfan5 from who?
15:22 Shara I don't have time to dig through PRs, but it not being added yet was justified by need for thorough testing.
15:22 Shara issues*
15:23 Shara I guess it was in an issue... but I know there was something on github anyway
15:24 sfan5 there's no PR for server-sent CSM, so there is nothing that could be tested; are we talking about the same thing?
15:24 sfan5 my point regarding trust: you can't have a discussion if both parties don't trust eachother
15:24 Shara It's been said somewhere that server controlled CSM would be unlikely to be in 0.5 because even once it's done (and it's not even been decided how to do it yet), it would need a lot of testing.
15:25 Shara When it 0.5 being released?
15:25 sfan5 undecided
15:25 Shara Because unless that's been pushed back quite a long way, it seems very unlikely it can have this.
15:26 shivajiva all this has come from a variation of CSM that doesn't fit with the requirements stated by c55 ergo the issue people have with it's current incarnation imo
15:26 sfan5 the point of 0.5 is to fix the problems with CSM from 0.4.16 by having a compatibility break
15:26 sfan5 so not including it wouldn't make any sense
15:27 Shara sfan5: if you can state that's absolute, I will trust. Most of the issue here is one about communication in the end and many people not really seeming to have a clue what's happening or what's planned.
15:29 sfan5 i can't give you a "promise" because i'm just one of several coredevs, but it should be evident from the open issues that server-sent CSM (for 0.5) is something the whole team can agree on
15:30 sfan5 I think "Most of the issue here is one about communication" sums it up quite well, this topic keeps getting brought up because seemingly nobody actually knows what is going on with CSM
15:30 shivajiva ^
15:31 red-001 daily reminder #6982 exists
15:31 ShadowBot -- Make settings files per-world. by red-001
15:33 sfan5 another thing: unless it turns out that long-term nobody is able to work on server-sent CSM, CSM will not be removed
15:34 sfan5 so saying "either server-controlled CSM or remove it" right now is pointless
15:35 sfan5 third thing: I don't know the reason why paramat has this "no you can't have this, go work on CSM" attitude towards nerzhul (which totally sucks)
15:35 sfan5 but I do have the impression that server owners are being "pushy" about this feature
15:35 Shara Not pointless, since if the goal is definitely 0.5, then it becomes relevant should 0.5 be considered for release before it's possible to include
15:36 Shara And yes, I see no use in dropping CSM comments in ever other topic
15:36 Shara It's worth discussion, but in its own place.
15:36 sfan5 0.5 will not be considered for release before server-sent CSM is finished, thus it's pointless
15:36 Shara And I'd agree with you regarding some of the comments.
15:37 nerzhul sfan5 i agree we must have it for release
15:37 Shara That last bit is really what peopel need to hear.
15:37 red-001 input is needed on  #5958 before work on server-sent CSM can even be started
15:37 ShadowBot -- Proper CSM security module
15:37 Shara Every time this whole thing comes up, scream that if needed. It's what people have to know to realise this will be okay
15:37 nerzhul 5393 is huge, we need a design now :)
15:38 sfan5 red-001: isn't that issue just "someone should go over all the sandbox code and check whether it's adequate"?
15:40 red-001 sfan5, if it was only that this would have been solved long ago, it seems that CSM sandboxing as become a bit of a goal post moving situation
15:40 sfan5 it seems that it isn't even clear to what extent CSM should be sandboxed
15:40 red-001 ^
15:42 sfan5 well to get this issue solved, you (as someone who worked on CSM) could make a proposal how far the sandbox should "go"
15:42 shivajiva just to state the obvious , server owners could be perceived as 'pushy' on CSM due to having something released that caused them issues
15:47 red-001 sfan5, good point
16:00 pgimeno To me, server-sent CSM should not even be considered. Allowing the client to execute code sent by the server, is making the client vulnerable to anything a rogue server may want to do. No matter the amount of sandboxing, there are going to be security issues, and they are going to be damaging before they are discovered. The latest Spectre attack vector disclosure proved this. I don't think any sandboxing can prevent a rogue
16:00 pgimeno server from reading the client's memory (and thus stealing passwords). To me, the client should have full control over what code it runs, and therefore the best implementation I can think of is to make servers just "require" certain CSMs in order to enter, possibly giving installation links.
16:01 pgimeno FYI, Spectre runs in JavaScript too, no matter the browser.
16:05 celeron55 it hasn't seemed to me that there is an agreement that server-sent CSM is an option at all
16:05 celeron55 even within core devs
16:05 celeron55 maybe this has changed?
16:06 shivajiva client validation of the csm pulled from a dev owned resource is likely to meet the requirements for scrutiny of the code I believe
16:07 celeron55 anyway, nerzhul is probably on the right track by creating an issue to track this
16:08 red-001 #7041
16:08 ShadowBot -- CSM sandboxing
16:10 pgimeno red-001: JavaScript is sandboxed, and that doesn't prevent Spectre, and none of the points in that list will.
16:12 pgimeno The possible exception is disabling JIT compiling. Since Spectre is a timing attack, making the code slower can dilute the importance of a cache hit/miss.
16:12 red-001 pgimeno, surely it requires the javascript to be JIT compiled?
16:12 celeron55 i'm open to removing CSM completely, but also open to letting those interested try to figure this out
16:13 pgimeno I'm not against CSM. I'm against making the players lose control about what it runs on their machines.
16:14 pgimeno red-001: JIT compiling of JS helps making it more vulnerable, as noted above, but it's not the only reason it's vulnerable.
16:15 celeron55 CSM might need two modes of operation, a development mode where it will use anything from the server to make development easy, and then a mode that will only run code trusted by either the user or some kind of remote database
16:15 nerzhul red-001, celeron55 i propose to create an issue about CSM mod sending, i will add a rule , if it's not construtice comment is removed
16:17 celeron55 if you add rules, then also add a link to some place where freeform discussion is allowed
16:17 celeron55 that should be fair
16:22 red-001 I wouldn't mind some database of trusted code but someone would need to maintain that, so it doesn't end up like mod db
16:22 nerzhul nice :)
16:25 celeron55 maybe it could be made by utilizing some existing platform
16:25 Shara Just to note: I make no claims I know server controlled CSM is the answer... just that it would address the current issue (whether it introduces another one...)
16:26 celeron55 it's a can of worms, but a really interesting one that i've wanted from the beginning of 0.4
16:26 celeron55 good thing our license says there's no warranty, lol
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19:24 Hijiri sort of an orthogonal question, but what are people's opinions on just having server mods send a source string to the client to execute, rather than trying to mirror some directory of client mods?
19:24 Hijiri I don't think I am the first to suggest this but I can't find where I saw it
19:25 celeron55 that's what i'd do as a first version
19:25 Hijiri If you make mods use a CSM thing created at init time you could keep track of which mod sent which code too, and isolate code from different mods
19:25 celeron55 not sure what the plan is by the devs that decided to start making it
19:25 Hijiri is someone actively working on an implementation right now?
19:26 celeron55 s/it/CSM/
19:28 Hijiri oh
19:28 Hijiri I thought you meant server-sent CSM specifically
19:28 sofar I'd imagine that there's a server-side `minetest.register_csm(name, blob)` type of command
19:29 sfan5 why would you want that?
19:29 sofar having random code sent that isn't registered seems like a mistake?
19:30 sofar I suppose we could just do it as we do media stuff
19:31 Hijiri I could see it being a problem if client side mods can expose functions to each other, that if you didn't have registration they might be sent in an order that doesn't work with their dependencies
19:31 Hijiri In practice I think on_joinplayer callbacks will be executed in order of registration anyway, but the docs say that order isn't guaranteeed
19:32 Hijiri actually I don't know if the docs say it's not guaranteed, but it doesn't guarantee anything at least
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19:33 Hijiri with either system you could implement the other system as a mod though if you really wanted to
20:13 Krock merging #7039 and #7042 in ~5 minutes
20:14 ShadowBot -- Add `on_auth_fail` callback by red-001
20:14 ShadowBot -- Fix spelling by numberZero
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20:30 nerzhul nice Krock
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