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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-06-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:32 VargaD joined #minetest-dev
00:59 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
01:00 twoelk left #minetest-dev
01:07 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
01:17 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
01:28 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
01:28 Player-2 joined #minetest-dev
02:02 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
02:43 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
03:08 paramat joined #minetest-dev
03:14 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
06:43 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:16 nerzhul Krock nice suggestion, will move to experimental game & preview :)
08:34 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
09:49 entuland joined #minetest-dev
09:57 unclouded joined #minetest-dev
10:46 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest-dev
10:57 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest-dev
11:01 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest-dev
11:09 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:27 entuland hey there nice people, continuing the development of my wesh mod I'm pushing the limits trying to capture large sections (64x64x64)
11:27 entuland with lots of blocks in such a capture the game hangs and crashes without any notice (that's of course due to the large amount of work my mod is doing, most likely badly optimized)
11:28 entuland with fewer blocks (around 10% at the bottom of a 64-sized cube) the mesh I'm producing has too many vertices (again my bad, cause I can't merge faces together with the current logic of my mod)
11:29 entuland just pointing all of that out in case anyone is interested in having a look, not really a problem
11:29 entuland
11:30 entuland the nice thing there is though that I managed to merge back collision boxes into a reasonable amount, so stuff like a stair only use 2 collision boxes (as does an outer corner) and three collision boxes for an inner corner
11:32 nerzhul wesh gros
11:35 entuland wesh gros?
11:37 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
11:50 nerzhul i don't have the english translation
11:50 nerzhul :p
11:51 nerzhul gros = fat in english, wesh = popular expression in popular cities
11:54 entuland oh didn't know that
11:54 nerzhul look at
11:54 entuland well, I'm not a native english speaker, I lack lots of slang :P
11:54 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
11:56 nerzhul me neither :) but it's similar to "hey nigga" in france, without being attached to a ethny
11:56 Beton joined #minetest-dev
11:56 nerzhul it's more general
11:56 entuland cool, it's a neat term, I'm glad luck dropped on my side this time :P
11:57 nerzhul oh we are in -dev channel, not the good place for this :p
11:57 entuland as for gros, yep, the mod is growing pretty fat and starting to kick :P
11:57 sfan5 entuland: from what you wrote here I don't really get what your mod even does
11:57 entuland if we don't overdo this we may be fine, but you're completely right
11:57 entuland have a look at the main readme sfan5
11:58 entuland it's a mesh generator in game
11:58 entuland captures blocks out from a cube and makes a single mesh in a single node space
11:59 sfan5 and it crashes when and where for what reason?
11:59 entuland it crashes tryin to capture large terrain sections with the largest canvas
11:59 entuland not sure about the reason, but that's the scenario
11:59 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:00 entuland the 32-sized one is able to capture even very complex builds (say, alternating empty / filled nodes, the most complex scenario I guess)
12:00 sfan5 listen, if you want to make an useful bug report, explain it sufficiently so that I don't have to read your mods code
12:00 entuland the resulting mesh in that extreme case for the 32 sized one fails to render as well due to the large amount of faces, but I'm not really interested in solving that problem either cause reasonable builds will be either hollow or completely filled
12:01 sfan5 for example I have no idea what your mod does in the process of "capturing" something
12:01 entuland sfan5, sorry, didn't mean to waste anyone's time
12:01 sfan5 you've also not specified what kind of "crash" it is, a segfault? is there a lua error?
12:01 entuland I took that this channel was even just to speak about mods and the game development, not really just for reporting bugs
12:02 entuland cause I'm not really reporting a bug, just exposing my situation to let others know
12:02 sfan5 this is the core development channel, it's neither about mod nor game development
12:02 sfan5 either way, what you're experiencing sound worthy of a bug report
12:03 entuland my bad. I read the topics back when I first joined these channel and mixed up #minetest with #minetest-dev
12:04 entuland I'll make an appropriate bug report and post it on github as it should be, eventually, after collecting appropriate details
12:04 sfan5 sounds good
12:05 entuland :)
12:06 Krock joined #minetest-dev
12:42 lumberJ joined #minetest-dev
13:07 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:12 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:32 antims joined #minetest-dev
13:45 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
13:46 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:06 Wuzzy2 Is it normal that Minetest 0.4.17 instantly crashes after launching it, compiled from fresh clean source tree on GNU/Linux?
14:07 Wuzzy2 i get this:
14:07 Wuzzy2 FontEngine: failed to load: /usr/local/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf, trying to fall back to fallback font
14:07 Wuzzy2 FontEngine: failed to load freetype font: /usr/local/share/minetest/fonts/DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf
14:07 entuland did you check whether those files are there?
14:08 Wuzzy2 aren't those fonts bundled?
14:08 entuland dunno, I would go and check if they are there
14:08 ANAND They are
14:08 Wuzzy2 ok if I install into /usr/local it works
14:08 Wuzzy2 still not good. why don't in-source builds no longer work? :(
14:16 sfan5 did you forget -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1^?
14:17 ANAND I was just about to ask that.. :)
14:19 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
14:24 Wuzzy2 RUN_IN_PLACE... oops
14:24 Wuzzy2 honestly thought for a moment you broke minetest. lool
14:25 Wuzzy2 strange, i just noticed GETTEXT_ENABLE appears to default to OFF...?!
14:26 Krock likely all options default to off
14:26 Wuzzy2 no
14:26 Wuzzy2 it was the only one in the cmake file
14:27 Krock nvm, wrong claim. it's "USE_*" which default to false because it'll be overwritten with "true" as soon the library was found
14:28 Wuzzy2 for some reason it seems to fail for gettext. after first ever cmake run in clean repo, everything turns ON except ENABLE_GETTEXT
14:28 Wuzzy2 and i definitely 100% have gettext installed
14:29 celeron55 get some logs out of cmake doing that and maybe the problem will reveal itself
14:30 celeron55 i wonder if --debug-output is useful
14:30 Wuzzy2 if i manually set ENABLE_GETTEXT=ON, translatin works. i wonder why cmake does not properly enable it :/
14:30 Wuzzy2 log soon...
14:30 celeron55 it's doing some test to check whether your system has gettext, and the test is failing for some reason
14:31 celeron55 i guess
14:31 Wuzzy2 celeron55,
14:31 Wuzzy2 fun fact: "gettext" is not even mentioned at all
14:31 Wuzzy2 oh, and a CMake policy fail warning. wonder if its an issue
14:32 Wuzzy2 this is the log from the first cmake run from 100% clean repo
14:32 celeron55 it's mentioned
14:33 celeron55 right after cURL
14:33 Wuzzy2 ...
14:33 Wuzzy2 GetText... grrr
14:33 celeron55 wait what
14:33 Wuzzy2 bad capitalization, not greppable or "/" able in vim :)
14:33 celeron55
14:34 Wuzzy2 its Gettext or gettext, never "GetText". anywaaaay
14:34 celeron55 ENABLE_GETTEXT defaults to false, and if it's left so, it won't even check if gettext exists, and it seems it's logical and that's how it's intended to work
14:35 Wuzzy2 hmmm. looks like Gettext is always off by default? am i right (i am no CMake expert. actually im a bloody n00b)
14:35 ANAND Wuzzy2, you can use -i switch in grep to disable matching case
14:35 celeron55 so it is true that gettext won't be used if it's not specified to cmake
14:36 Wuzzy2 hahahaaa.. that would explain why in arch linux translations were never available in the minetest package for years. :) arch linux generally stick to defaults :)
14:36 celeron55 and cmake will remember it once you set ENABLE_GETTEXT to true, until you remove the CMakeCache.txt where cmake saves that
14:37 celeron55 i think this probably should default to true, it looks like if gettext isn't found it will just disable it by leaving the USE_GETTEXT variable as FALSE
14:38 celeron55 so if a system doesn't have it, it would still build
14:38 Wuzzy2 celeron55, I wonder where GETTEXT_FOUND coming from
14:39 celeron55 find_package(GettextLib) sets it
14:39 celeron55 that's just a cmake convention
14:39 * Wuzzy2 really needs to learn cmake ...
14:40 p_gimeno so there is USE_GETTEXT and ENABLE_GETTEXT? I don't see USE_GETTEXT in cmake -LA
14:40 celeron55 it's an internal variable to the script, not an option
14:40 Wuzzy2 celeron55, ohhhh!
14:40 Wuzzy2 option(ENABLE_GETTEXT "Use GetText for internationalization" FALSE)
14:40 Wuzzy2 if(ENABLE_GETTEXT)
14:41 Wuzzy2 looks like ENABLE_GETTEXT always defaults to FALSE
14:42 Wuzzy2 :-)
14:42 Wuzzy2 this is too short, needs more words
14:43 Wuzzy2 ok i guess i found a bugfix...
14:43 Wuzzy2 option(ENABLE_GETTEXT "Use GetText for internationalization" FALSE)
14:43 Wuzzy2 should be TRUE
14:44 Wuzzy2 PR incoming in X seconds
14:44 celeron55 yeah, that's what people would probably expect it to have
14:44 Wuzzy2 yep
14:44 Wuzzy2 really no reason *not* to have this disable when you do have gettext installed
14:44 Wuzzy2 enabled*
15:03 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:47 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:57 lumberJ joined #minetest-dev
15:58 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
16:01 Fixer I have pretty sharp forum proposal, not many will like, but
16:02 Fixer phase out "Problems" and "Partly official engine development", redirect to github issues page
16:02 Fixer in "User-contributed Content" section make Content DB very prominent, push it
16:03 Fixer Probably merge "General Discussion" with "Feature Discussion"
16:06 Fixer Add Content DB to main page, add a link to "We need contributors"
16:06 troller joined #minetest-dev
16:07 Krock Some problems are setup-related, other might be due to an user fault. Redirecting to the issue page just clutters what we already have even more
16:07 Krock Every open-source project needs contributors..
16:09 Wuzzy2 i agree, suggestion by Fixer seems strange
16:09 Wuzzy2 why would we want to do that?
16:09 Wuzzy2 except that content db should be prominent when it goes live, this is pretty obvious
16:10 Wuzzy2 dont merge general discussion with feature discussion, both forums are huge, it would be  a disaster
16:10 Fixer Wuzzy2: is not it is already live?
16:11 Wuzzy2 no
16:11 Wuzzy2 not released in official minetest at least
16:11 Foz joined #minetest-dev
16:11 Wuzzy2 looks like Content DB still has a few rough edges, rubenwardy knows that. im sure those will be handled for 0.5.0
16:14 Guest89407 joined #minetest-dev
16:16 Wuzzy2 There's still no official project goal of Minetest Game, isn't it? Other than "make random sandbox game"
16:45 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
16:45 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
17:11 paramat joined #minetest-dev
17:14 paramat many forum members don't have a github account so couldn't make issues. we really don't want more issues, especially trivial nooby ones :)
17:15 Wuzzy2 i can agree
17:15 Wuzzy2 we must have a baseline of minimal computer literacy
17:15 paramat we're not lacking in contributors, the problem is we have too little dev time for the contributors we have, we need more core devs
17:16 Wuzzy2 ahhhhh. thats what you meant all these years with "lack of dev time"...
17:16 Wuzzy2 i always thought you were a bit crazy for saying that, because there clearly are tons of contributors having tons of time
17:16 Wuzzy2 but now it suddenly makes sense
17:16 Wuzzy2 (no offense :D)
17:33 paramat #7355 any support? simple code :)
17:33 ShadowBot -- Mapgen flags: Add 'biomes' global mapgen flag by paramat
17:34 paramat oh oops, by dev i mean core dev, there's  some confusion over that, i'll try to say core dev from now on :)
17:58 nerzhul paramat: a flag to disable biomes ?
17:59 nerzhul i think after the Lua API i really should look at mapgens, it seems we have many dup code
18:19 alphawarrior joined #minetest-dev
18:35 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:40 Wuzzy2 #7355 looks interesting but i have no idea for a simple use case
18:40 ShadowBot -- Mapgen flags: Add 'biomes' global mapgen flag by paramat
18:40 Wuzzy2 paramat?
19:05 nerzhul wow gitlab embrace OSS & students, premium for those projects, it's very nice because some premium features are very very useful (we have premium license on our on premium instance at work and it's essential)
19:08 nerzhul and it's really the case, the MT group & repo have now access to those features, wow
19:08 Fixer lol, stop it
19:09 Fixer i feel like you work in sales department or smth
19:10 nerzhul no, but i use it extensively to design build pipelines for our continous integration at work on ~100 projects
19:10 nerzhul and i pay for it, promise :)
19:10 nerzhul the main feature i like is the pipeline include, which permits to standarsize build pipeline across projects/branches :)
19:11 nerzhul 50 of our 100 projects have EXACTLY the same devel workflow (it's the standard git-flow)
19:12 rubenwardy what would I get in terms of CI for my private projects?
19:12 rubenwardy actually, I'll just google
19:16 nerzhul you can use the gitlab CI for free for privatep roject but it's limited at 2000 minutes per month per group on private repo
19:17 nerzhul and unlimited on OSS
19:58 entuland joined #minetest-dev
20:06 troller joined #minetest-dev
20:12 nerzhul wow,
20:12 nerzhul gitlab ultimate for OSS only projects
20:12 nerzhul they are very agressive against github
20:12 nerzhul i don't want to sell it but they are very nice :)
20:14 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
20:17 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
20:21 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-dev
21:00 nerzhul another coredev agree with #7415 ?
21:00 ShadowBot -- Set ENABLE_GETTEXT to TRUE by default by Wuzzy2
21:00 sfan5 sounds good to me
21:02 nerzhul merging
21:08 nerzhul merging #7368
21:08 ShadowBot -- Fix builtin lua function os.tempfolder by nOOb3167
21:15 nerzhul Krock #7410 updated
21:15 ShadowBot -- Modernize lua read (part 2): C++ templating assurance by nerzhul
21:17 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:21 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
21:25 nerzhul and #7411 too
21:25 ShadowBot -- CSM/SSM: Add on_mods_loaded callback by nerzhul
21:26 fwhcat Hi. Do minetest plan to move repository to gitlab or a self-hosted git instance like gitea ?
21:26 Beton joined #minetest-dev
21:27 rubenwardy
21:27 rubenwardy fwhcat:  ^
21:29 fwhcat perfect choice ! :)
21:29 fwhcat thanks rubenwardy
21:29 nerzhul fwhcat: to be short: no, don't rush for the rush, but the gitlab kiss to OSS communicated today is miam :)
21:34 fwhcat I understand nerzhul no rush.
21:34 fwhcat I rushed to delete all my repos yesterday, but I already had moved to a self-hosted gogs about a year ago
21:35 nerzhul if you have some repo on GH and you are a developer, just keep them R-O on GH permitting some interesting recruiters to fetch for it and see your skills
21:35 nerzhul i'm not a dev but a ops architect with dev skills and i have many interesting dev propositions coming for GH
21:36 fwhcat I always stay in my cave lol
21:36 fwhcat too bad for me I guess
22:12 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
22:29 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
22:35 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
22:48 paramat joined #minetest-dev
22:49 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
23:05 entuland #7416
23:05 ShadowBot -- MeshCollector::append() called with numIndices=89628 (limit 65535)
23:16 Lone-Star joined #minetest-dev
23:21 Wuzzy2 any 2nd approval for #7019?
23:21 ShadowBot -- Colorize command parameters and privilege names by Wuzzy2
23:38 Fixer as usual, server side movement PR
23:47 Player-2 joined #minetest-dev

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