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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-06-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
00:21 kaisser joined #minetest-dev
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02:34 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
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03:48 Devy joined #minetest-dev
03:49 Devy @rubenwardy, have time to answer a quick question?
03:49 Devy It's about a PR on Github
03:51 Devy Oh, dang he's from UK. He is sleeping... Anyone else here live and can answer a question about a PR?
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10:08 paramat joined #minetest-dev
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10:45 opal joined #minetest-dev
10:51 Krock joined #minetest-dev
11:08 entuland joined #minetest-dev
11:11 Krock will merge #7443 in 10 minutes
11:12 ShadowBot -- Make os.tempfolder work correctly for MinGW and MSVC by nOOb3167
11:21 Krock merging..
11:50 nerzhul ty Krock for the review
11:50 nerzhul i answer to your question
11:54 Krock I see, ok.
12:27 Raven262 joined #minetest-dev
12:52 paramat joined #minetest-dev
13:34 antims joined #minetest-dev
13:54 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Minetest released! Chit-chat goes to #minetest.
13:56 entuland joined #minetest-dev
15:13 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
15:14 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
15:31 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
15:37 lisac joined #minetest-dev
15:48 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
16:15 Wuzzy Please someone look at #7019.
16:15 ShadowBot -- Colorize command parameters and privilege names by Wuzzy2
16:20 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
16:26 Krock it's on the developer meeting list for some weeks now but yet nothing happened :3
16:35 paramat no response yet from lhof, nore or ShadowNinja (however the last 2 are long inactive). looking at the opinions so far shall we now officially choose semver 5.0.0?
16:36 nore Either one is fine with me
16:46 paramat thanks for the feedback
16:46 Krock nice. All what's needed is a final commit to since the majority accepts it
16:46 Krock *to change it
16:47 Krock Wuzzy, added two further comments. Using Lua's expressions in gsub your changes could be minimized a lot
16:48 Wuzzy paramat: so SemVer is now coming, but you skip 4 major versions? XD
16:50 Wuzzy Krock: i dont see your 2 further comments at all
16:50 Krock Ctrl + F5, maybe?
16:51 Wuzzy still nothing
16:51 Krock SemVer does not state where to begin with versioning for software that is already "used in production"
16:52 Wuzzy so SemVer it is, then?
16:52 Krock Wuzzy, and the other is on the very bottom
16:52 Wuzzy i wont start a holy war about 5.0.0 vs other version :)
16:52 Wuzzy that's not you
16:53 Krock ok, if you say so..
16:54 Wuzzy you dont appear on discussion at all. weird
16:54 Wuzzy wtf? did i just broke the Internet?
16:59 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
17:02 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
17:05 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-dev
17:06 paramat there is one point in semver spec i disagree with: incrementing minor every time there is a new API feature, that would be silly :)
17:16 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
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17:21 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
17:23 Wuzzy but thats how it works
17:23 Wuzzy basically  semver is like current version, but everything shifts 1 place to the left
17:24 Wuzzy currently we have <ULTRA MAJOR>.<MAJOR>.<MINOR>
17:24 Wuzzy there is no patch place
17:24 Wuzzy SemVer is <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>
17:24 Wuzzy it would not be silly imo
17:25 Krock paramat, we'll update it on each release so that's not a problem
17:25 Wuzzy ok sometimes we have a patch place when we add a 4th place like
17:27 Wuzzy basically we would go from ULTRA.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The ULTRA is dropped. thats not silly at all
17:29 Wuzzy so as i understood the future versions be like...
17:29 Wuzzy
17:29 Wuzzy 5.0.0
17:29 Wuzzy (new features)
17:29 Wuzzy 5.1.0
17:29 Wuzzy (moar features)
17:29 Wuzzy 5.2.0
17:29 Wuzzy (bugfixes only)
17:29 Wuzzy 5.2.1
17:29 Wuzzy (incompatible patch)
17:29 Wuzzy 6.0.0
17:29 Wuzzy and so on
17:31 Krock thanks. we understood it just fine at the begining
17:39 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:47 entuland joined #minetest-dev
17:52 nerzhul Krock: #7437 fixed
17:52 ShadowBot -- Server: move shutdown parts to a specific shutdown state object by nerzhul
18:05 paramat joined #minetest-dev
18:06 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
18:09 Krock nerzhul, any comments for #7357? The chat system is yet not ready to include the change you suggested
18:09 ShadowBot -- Make the server status message customizable by SmallJoker
18:10 Krock i.e. the Lua API functions do not offer that functionality yet
18:32 nerzhul Krock: the system chat message type is not sufficient ?
18:33 sfan5 when discussing the semver switch, do we want (need?) to differentiate between "just dropping the leading zero" and "fully switching to semver"?
18:33 sfan5 lookint at Wuzzy's comment on the issue, it looks like we'd have to decide what to do with -dev too
18:34 sfan5 along with following every other rule of semver which I haven't personally read
18:34 Wuzzy lol
18:35 Krock nerzhul, didn't mean to say that. it's sufficient - for C++. But it's yet not available to Lua
18:35 Krock also builtin and administrative mods should be able to send system chat messages
18:37 Krock sfan5, not much of a problem if we automatically attach the git SHA to our version (which already happens on Linux)
18:37 sfan5 not a problem no
18:38 sfan5 i'm just asking whether we want to drop the -dev suffix (switch to semver with all its rules)
18:39 Krock how would a in-development version look like of we would drop the -dev suffix?
18:39 Krock 5.0.0-githash ?
18:39 sfan5 yes
18:40 sfan5 see
18:42 Krock it could also be 5.0.0-dev+githash
18:43 Krock s/+/-/
18:48 sfan5 does that follow the semver rules?
18:49 Krock Wuzzy ^?
18:51 Wuzzy hmmm
18:51 Wuzzy first, read the document :)
18:51 Wuzzy second
18:51 Wuzzy anything of the form "X.Y.Z-word" is called a pre-release version
18:51 Wuzzy e.g. 1.2.3-alpha is a prerelease version to 1.2.3
18:51 Wuzzy you can use any words you like after the hyphen
18:52 Wuzzy 1.2.3-dev would be just a pre-release to 1.2.3
18:52 sfan5 right, then you would append the githas after a +
18:52 Krock so is -dev. if it must point to a specific change, then attaching the githash shouldn't be problem
18:52 Wuzzy note you can hve multiple pre-release versions
18:52 Wuzzy like -dev, -beta, -alpha, or -whatever
18:52 Wuzzy in that case, alphabetical order determines precedence
18:53 Wuzzy sorry sfan5, sadly thats not how it works
18:53 Wuzzy 1.2.3-dev has to refer to ONE specific released version
18:53 Wuzzy the +githash does not actually change the version
18:53 Krock [0-9A-Za-z-] are allowed so 1.2.3-dev-githash is allowed there
18:53 paramat i'd rather not strictly follow semver, a 'dev' suffix is fine
18:53 sfan5 right
18:53 Wuzzy ...
18:53 VanessaE so long as it has the githash
18:54 VanessaE or a date or build number or something
18:54 paramat i suggest loosely following semver but adding in our way of doing stuff
18:54 Wuzzy 1.2.3-dev.githash would be allowed
18:54 Wuzzy no wait
18:54 Wuzzy hmmmmm no sorry
18:54 Wuzzy it wouldnt work that way either because that is also subject to sorting
18:55 Wuzzy 1.2.3-dev-000000 would be before 1.2.3-dev-123e4f
18:55 Player-2 joined #minetest-dev
18:55 Krock if [0-9A-Za-z-] are for identifiers and identifiers must point to an unique version (commit), then our current scheme must be acceptable
18:55 Krock and how would that be sorted? alphabetically? seems a bit weird
18:55 paramat Wuzzy you misunderstood what i was referring to as silly :)
18:57 Wuzzy the thing is, we have to realize that 1.2.3-dev is more like a convention, not an actual version. even under current rules
18:58 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
18:58 sfan5 I would rather keep our current convention and not follow semver by the letter
18:58 Wuzzy 1.2.3-dev is actually a shorthand for "this any commit that is before 1.2.3, but after the version that preceded version 1.2.3".
18:59 Krock at least keep the significant numbers right, the other is not too important because we're not a library where projects depend on
18:59 Wuzzy ...
18:59 Wuzzy Lua API?!
19:02 Wuzzy We could say, "For RELEASED versions of Minetest, we use SemVer. For in-development versions, we have a special convention of the form X.Y.Z-dev which has a special meaning which is defined as follows: Bla Bla Bla ..."
19:02 sfan5 that would be stupid
19:03 sfan5 either you fully commit or you don't
19:03 Wuzzy meh i am still not happy if we have to add any exceptions and modifications to SemVer. this sucks. :( kind of defeats the whole point of SemVer
19:03 Wuzzy so... SemVer is rejected then?
19:05 Wuzzy i never liked the -dev convention anyway. its weird in that its not a real version number. plus there was this confusion about whether -dev is the version before or after a released version
19:05 Wuzzy maybe in minetset in-dev versions cuold be refered to by their commit ID, then add "leading to X.Y.Z"
19:05 paramat might be best to not say we're following semver (as some may interpret that as strict semver, causing silly discussions like this) but our own system that is similar
19:06 sfan5 nothing is rejected, that's just my opinion
19:06 Wuzzy e.g. Minetest, dev version commit 0123456789abdef leading to 0.5.0
19:06 Wuzzy or something with less words
19:07 Wuzzy Or rename Minetest to Minetest-dev whenever its a non-released version. XD
19:07 paramat anyway does semver have to mean ultra-strict follow every rule, or is it more of a guideline?
19:08 sfan5 paramat: if we're not following semver, i'd rather state "we're dropping the leading zero" rather than "we follow semver but with lots of exceptions"
19:08 Krock released version: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, rolling release build: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-dev-GITHASH. works for me.
19:08 Wuzzy semver is strict, otherwise its pointless
19:08 Wuzzy the thing is, this -dev is really an invention in minetest. i never seen something like this before
19:09 paramat sfan5 i agree, less baggage
19:09 Wuzzy SemVer works great and can be followed easily for releases. it is not a versioning scheme for every commit ever.
19:09 Wuzzy minetest versioning currently seems to be a strange mix of release versioning and versioning every commit ever.
19:10 Wuzzy if we hadnt this -dev, adopting SemVer would be trivial
19:10 paramat if semver has to be strict to the letter it's surprising anyone uses it :)
19:10 Wuzzy well you cant say you follow semver if you break some rules. if it would be nonstrict than anyone cuold just claim anything.
19:11 Wuzzy this complaint just does not make sense
19:11 Wuzzy if you code C++ you also just can't be "flexible" about the source code
19:11 paramat anyway, seems worth avoiding the semver word if it means we can avoid all this silly discussion ;)
19:11 Wuzzy have you read SemVer definition?
19:11 paramat yes
19:12 Wuzzy I opine that SemVer does have many good and sensible ideas.
19:12 Wuzzy like the rule that one version = exactly one release
19:12 paramat versioning can be more flexible than code, it's human-parsed
19:13 Wuzzy i have seen far too often that programmers did not change the version number but tried to sneak a different code base in...
19:13 Wuzzy this practicse is really annoying
19:13 Wuzzy SemVer can be human-parsed, too. but also machine parsed
19:14 Wuzzy really the only problem which might hold minetest back is this -dev thing
19:14 Wuzzy if we wouldnt have -dev, then semver would be possible to follow to the letter
19:15 paramat anyway, we will increment 'minor' per release, not per API feature, so we can't do strict semver
19:15 Wuzzy this is perfectly legal
19:15 sfan5 to be honest I don't really see much of a problem with our current version scheme, which is why I've been neutral to this from the beginning
19:17 Wuzzy i never said current version scheme is a problem
19:17 paramat spec: "Minor version Y (x.Y.z | x > 0) MUST be incremented if new, backwards compatible functionality is introduced to the public API. It MUST be incremented if any public API functionality is marked as deprecated." can't do either of those
19:17 Wuzzy why not
19:17 Wuzzy give me an example
19:18 paramat ugh
19:18 Wuzzy paramat you also have " It MAY be incremented if substantial new functionality or improvements are introduced within the private code"
19:18 Wuzzy so... normal, non-api features.
19:18 Wuzzy i dont see the problem
19:19 Wuzzy so most non-compat breaking releases would increase MINOR
19:19 Wuzzy srsly, minor is really not the problem here
19:20 paramat because minor would be incremented every 4 commits or so. we will increment it on a release as currently
19:20 Wuzzy of course not.
19:20 Wuzzy all these rules apply only when you actually do a release
19:20 Wuzzy semver does not dictate WHEN to make release
19:21 Wuzzy could be every 4 commits, or every 40,000. it doesnt matter
19:21 Wuzzy the versioning just indicate the changes between two releases
19:21 Wuzzy e.g. 1.0.0 → 1.1.0 means that some features have been addeed in a non-breaking way
19:23 Wuzzy when i think about it, this -dev convention is a but problematic
19:23 Wuzzy you cant really have branching
19:23 Wuzzy i mean what were the dev versions called before came out?
19:23 Wuzzy i believe 0.5.0-dev, right?
19:24 Wuzzy you cant really predict what will be the next version immediately after a fresh release. might be major. might be minor. or even just patch
19:24 Krock 0.4.15-dev became 0.4.16
19:25 Wuzzy thats not the point, also this is the old scheme
19:25 Wuzzy -dev forces you to predict whether your next release is major, minor or patch.
19:25 Wuzzy if you release 1.0.0, then what will be the -dev versino after that?
19:25 Wuzzy 2.0.0-dev? 1.1.0-dev? 1.0.1-dev?
19:25 Krock depends on the state of development
19:25 Krock it'll be pushed upwards the more changes were made
19:26 Wuzzy that seems very confusing
19:26 Krock so all of them would be build during development, until the final version is reached
19:26 Krock s/build/built/
19:27 Wuzzy lol are you suggesting you wuold have all 3 of them? sounds overkill
19:27 Wuzzy i think the way how "-dev" is defined is a bit strange and flawed
19:28 Wuzzy -dev versions are fundamentally different than point releases, even by the versioning scheme
19:28 Wuzzy point releases refer to one specific commit and are unambigious
19:28 sfan5 -dev version are not releases, they are a state of development
19:28 Wuzzy -dev releases refer to a huge range of commits
19:29 Wuzzy exactly
19:29 sfan5 is that a problem?
19:29 sfan5 it's true that no other projects do this, but I don't see a problem with this
19:29 Wuzzy SemVer can handle point releases, but -dev is incompatible with SemVer by design
19:30 Wuzzy we might also say "fuck it" and consider the "-dev notation" to be "outside of versions".
19:30 Wuzzy that sucks because it still looks like a real version :(
19:30 Wuzzy sfan5: its a problem if the goal is to adopt SemVer. if the goal is to say "fuck it" then its not a problem, no. ;)
19:31 Krock partial "fuck it". not too bad.
19:32 Wuzzy or maybe we could change -dev notation in a way that makes it not look like a SemVer. like 1.2.3::githash
19:33 Wuzzy ok that notation looks ugly. but you get my point
19:41 paramat oh, maybe i misunderstood ..
19:42 paramat sorry
19:42 paramat but still, i don't support strict semver
19:42 Wuzzy why not
19:43 Wuzzy note there can only be "strict" semver or no semver. there is nothing in-between
19:44 Krock why not
19:44 Wuzzy define a middle ground
19:45 Wuzzy just for the sake of argument
19:45 Krock in between that MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH alone (and only these) are stable versions
19:46 rubenwardy omg, chat
19:46 Krock and -dev refers to in-development builds which are compatible to these according to semver
19:46 Krock rubenwardy, welcome to the party
19:46 paramat yes looks like it has to be strict "you probably do something close to this already. The problem is that “close” isn’t good enough. Without compliance to some sort of formal specification, version numbers are essentially useless for dependency management."
19:46 rubenwardy <paramat> there is one point in semver spec i disagree with: incrementing minor every time there is a new API feature, that would be silly :)
19:46 paramat so i'm -1 for semver then. +1 for major.minor.patch
19:46 rubenwardy this isn't a thing
19:47 rubenwardy you implement MAJOR when you break things
19:47 rubenwardy MINOR when it's a feature release
19:47 rubenwardy PATCH when it's a bug fix release
19:47 rubenwardy simple
19:47 Wuzzy Krock: you just invented your own versioning scheme, which has resemblence to SemVer, but is not SemVer
19:47 Wuzzy either you do SemVer or you don't. it's simple
19:47 Krock Wuzzy, hence "in between"
19:47 Wuzzy your invention clearly falls in the "not SemVer" category
19:47 paramat rubenwardy yes, i misunderstood :3
19:48 Wuzzy its a binary. its like you can't be 50% pregnant :)
19:48 Wuzzy rubenwardy: paramat: already retracted that claim
19:48 rubenwardy I'm still catching up
19:49 rubenwardy also, saying A.B.C-dev to refer to a branch is fine
19:49 Wuzzy you can increase MINOR when you add non-API features as well
19:49 rubenwardy and I don't think that really matters either way
19:50 Wuzzy A.B.C-dev looks like a version, but is something entirely different. i think even many mt devs and contribs think of them as versions
19:50 Wuzzy the real question is: "how do we refer to a in-dev state in a non-confusing way?"
19:51 Wuzzy this question is actually a different beast than whether we use SemVer or not
19:55 paramat almost of the specs make good sense, but there will be some rules where we prefer to do things our own way. there is no practical reason to use strict semver, it's just a suggested scheme :)
19:55 Wuzzy what rule in SemVer do you dislike?
19:56 rubenwardy this kinda feels predantic to me
19:56 Wuzzy ?
19:57 Wuzzy you literally code in a language which is pedantic by nature :)
19:57 rubenwardy just do +hash instead of -dev
19:57 rubenwardy done
19:57 rubenwardy who cares
19:57 sfan5 Wuzzy: note that we don't use the -pedantic compiler flag
19:57 sfan5 ;)
19:58 rubenwardy or -hash
19:58 rubenwardy but whatever
19:58 Wuzzy okay, but then you're not using SemVer but your own rules.
19:58 nerzhul merging #7437
19:58 rubenwardy or keep it as -dev, there's more important things
19:58 ShadowBot -- Server: move shutdown parts to a specific shutdown state object by nerzhul
19:58 nerzhul ty Krock
19:58 Krock np
19:58 Wuzzy i believe the current scheme is X.Y.Z-dev-githash?
19:58 rubenwardy the most important part of semver is MMP
19:59 Wuzzy with -githash being optional
19:59 rubenwardy well, whatever
19:59 Krock Wuzzy, 0.5.0-dev-debug-7113596c-dirty
19:59 Krock example of our system right now, with all stuff around
19:59 rubenwardy I suggest doing this in two parts
19:59 Wuzzy now my brain just exploded
19:59 Krock >:D
19:59 rubenwardy 1. changing to MMP and using semver increment rules    2. changing -dev
20:00 Wuzzy that sounds sensible
20:00 Wuzzy would be nice to just write down how minetest versions work :P
20:01 Wuzzy the definition of -dev makes my brain go bye bye
20:02 rubenwardy it should be treated as a vague range referring to any commit between two versions
20:02 rubenwardy not a specific commit
20:02 Wuzzy no i mean the -dev-debug-??????-dirty part of the definition :)
20:02 Wuzzy dirty lol
20:03 Wuzzy can a dev version ever be clean?
20:03 rubenwardy heh
20:03 rubenwardy you know what dirty means right?
20:03 rubenwardy yes it can be clean
20:03 rubenwardy if there's no unstashed changes
20:04 rubenwardy wait, that's the case right?
20:04 rubenwardy *uncommitted
20:05 Wuzzy so if clean, the -dirty is dropped?
20:05 rubenwardy that's how I thought it worked
20:05 Wuzzy and the -debug- thing... does this refer to CMAKE flag? debug vs release?
20:05 Krock yes
20:06 Wuzzy this sound an awful lot like build metadata
20:06 Krock yes to both of Wuzzy's questions
20:07 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
20:07 p_gimeno there's a simple solution to do SemVer for dev releases too
20:07 p_gimeno switch to HG
20:07 * p_gimeno runs
20:08 Wuzzy ???
20:08 Wuzzy how should that help?
20:08 p_gimeno HG provides a sequential commit number
20:09 Wuzzy yes but thats only local, so its unsuited for versioning
20:09 Wuzzy as soon you do branching, all hell breaks loose
20:09 Wuzzy the sequential numbers are merely used as a shorthand so you can do less typin when using the hg program
20:10 Wuzzy they should not be treated as unique ids
20:10 p_gimeno there's a canonical numbering though, the one in the main repo, and branching is irrelevant
20:10 Wuzzy at least not globally
20:10 BillyS joined #minetest-dev
20:11 p_gimeno - guess what the 4th number is :)
20:11 p_gimeno I've seen the -dev suffix in several projects, MT is not really the only one
20:12 rubenwardy how about Donesday clock messaging?
20:12 p_gimeno I think that the solution to the conundrum is as simple as "we don't follow semver for pre-releases, only for releases"
20:12 rubenwardy versions a labelled like a clock based on how close they are to finishing
20:13 rubenwardy 03:30
20:13 rubenwardy 13:23
20:13 rubenwardy 23:58  (almost done!)
20:13 rubenwardy wouldn't end up with duplicate versions
20:13 rubenwardy totally logical
20:13 rubenwardy could label each commit too
20:13 Krock rubenwardy, please...
20:14 p_gimeno 23:59:59.9999993... 23:59:59.9999994...
20:14 rubenwardy exactly
20:14 paramat :P
20:14 rubenwardy there's infinite amount of precision
20:14 rubenwardy up to the planck time, that is
20:15 Wuzzy p_gimeno: -dev is not a pre-release
20:18 p_gimeno Wuzzy: same difference I guess? "we only follow semver for released versions, not for rolling releases"
20:19 Wuzzy we dont do rolling releases
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