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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-11-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:56 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
03:24 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
03:30 reductum joined #minetest-dev
03:32 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
03:42 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
03:43 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
04:28 sys4_ joined #minetest-dev
06:01 sys4__ joined #minetest-dev
06:16 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
06:46 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
06:47 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
07:28 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
09:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:37 TC01 joined #minetest-dev
09:38 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:44 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:09 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-dev
10:11 longerstower joined #minetest-dev
10:18 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:25 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
10:41 Mensious joined #minetest-dev
10:56 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
11:17 longerstower joined #minetest-dev
11:34 Krock joined #minetest-dev
11:35 longerstower joined #minetest-dev
11:36 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-dev
11:48 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
12:00 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
12:30 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
12:40 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
12:42 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
12:49 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
12:54 rubenwardy merging in 10:
12:54 rubenwardy !title
12:54 ShadowBot Fix macro warning due to incorrect define conjunction · rubenwardy/minetest@d83fe16 · GitHub
12:55 nore rubenwardy: lgtm
12:58 numzero joined #minetest-dev
13:05 Krock [Autotimer] RRRIIINNNGGG rubenwardy
13:06 rubenwardy done
13:07 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
13:11 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
13:16 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
13:36 fwhcat hey, it would be nice to have a LOD on far objects so when I press R it wouldn't lag so much ?!
13:36 fwhcat is there any plan to implement such things?
13:38 Krock "Lord Of Destruction"?
13:38 Krock top result of
13:38 rubenwardy fwhcat: farmap
13:38 rubenwardy it's a WIP feature by celeron55
13:38 rubenwardy well, it's not being worked on anymore
13:38 fwhcat nice.
13:38 rubenwardy #3502
13:38 ShadowBot -- Far map and improved map transfer and rendering (WIP) by celeron55
13:39 fwhcat I was thinking also about the client cache
13:39 rubenwardy previous versions of Minetest had something like this, but it didn't scale very well
13:39 fwhcat because everytime you disconnect, the map is totally reloaded from server
13:39 Krock tried it once - worked quite well despite funny looking mapblocks
13:39 fwhcat it would be nice to look at the cache first and compare to some kind of hash of the mapblocks
13:39 fwhcat to know that you have locally the "latest" version or not
13:40 fwhcat like a git commit xD
13:40 Krock well, it has to free the memory in order to have resources free on the next server
13:41 fwhcat yes for the memory, but isn't the map stored in cache files also ?
13:42 Krock no, that's only the media like textures, sound files and models
13:43 Krock however, you can save the map locally but that won't be used for the next rejoin
13:46 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
13:48 rubenwardy #7891
13:48 ShadowBot -- Fix ContentDB packages timing out by using download_file instead by rubenwardy
14:15 Krock how's #7892 high priority AND blocker? neither of them
14:15 ShadowBot -- Deprecate modpack.txt and use modpack.conf instead by rubenwardy
14:15 rubenwardy well, maybe not blocker
14:15 rubenwardy without that, ContentDB doesn't install modpacks correctly
14:17 Krock ah, I see
14:17 numzero Is that the cause of #7370?
14:17 ShadowBot -- Browse online content: Mods can't be deleted or renamed
14:17 rubenwardy simply because ContentDB needs to keep some tracking information in content dirs
14:18 rubenwardy ah yes, maybe
14:18 Krock -> result.package.type == "modpack"  why not introduce a new type?
14:19 rubenwardy because ContentDB doesn't have that type
14:19 rubenwardy that would probably be a lot more consistent
14:19 rubenwardy maybe I'll do that, and just make the "mods" link actually do a mod and modpack union
14:19 rubenwardy basically, modpacks are mostly used for organisation purposes
14:20 rubenwardy as compared to minecraft, where modpacks are a catered collection of mods
14:20 rubenwardy so I didn't want to separate mods and modpacks in the UI for contentdb
14:21 rubenwardy It depends whether you want content and package consistency, or UI and thing consistency
14:21 rubenwardy tbh, this code has descended into a whole bunch of hacks
14:23 Krock modpacks themselves are yet not friendly due to name collisions
14:24 rubenwardy yeah
14:29 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
14:29 rubenwardy also, the issue with adding a modpack CDB type is that you have to trust users more with choosing the right type
14:29 rubenwardy or you have to have code to work it out
14:29 rubenwardy on the forums, modpacks are commonly called mods
14:30 rubenwardy which is correct from a user point of view really
14:36 rubenwardy so, T4im, how do you profile the profiler?
14:37 T4im for one it instruments the globalstep used for sampling like any other globalstep
14:37 T4im and then it instruments an empty function to estimate overhead
14:37 T4im instrumentation overhead that is
14:38 rubenwardy yeah, just found that
14:39 T4im it's a hybrid between an instrumenting and a sampling profiler; instead of sampling data directly, it samples instrumentation collected data; keeping the instrumentation lean yet the sampling precise
14:39 T4im i guess that's important to keep in mind when reading the whole thing :)
14:41 * rubenwardy checks out the branch
14:42 ANAND What's the best way to test PRs? I download the fork, checkout the branch, and compile. Is there a better, more efficient way of doing this?
14:43 T4im depends on the size of the PR, if it's small you could probably just download the patch and apply it locally
14:43 rubenwardy ANAND: git hub
14:44 rubenwardy
14:44 rubenwardy then     git checkout
14:44 rubenwardy
14:44 ANAND PRs can be checked out directly?
14:44 T4im oh interesting tool
14:44 rubenwardy with hub, yes
14:44 ANAND Cool
14:44 rubenwardy you can also do      git clone awards       to clone one of your own repos
14:45 rubenwardy no need to go to the page and copy the ssh url, because you can never remember
14:45 rubenwardy and also    git clone minetest/minetest      for someone else's
14:45 ANAND Nice! Thanks :)
14:45 T4im and available in the debian repos as "hub" nice :3
14:48 rubenwardy You inconsistently use . and : in that PR
14:48 rubenwardy and also    function Class:thing()     vs    Class.thing = function(self)
14:48 rubenwardy That's a fairly minor nit pick though
14:52 p_gimeno gosh, GIT does that without the need for hub. Just add the repository of the PR creator as remote, and fetch it. Then you have the branch the PR is made from.
14:53 Krock download the patch. git am -3. another possibility
14:54 rubenwardy p_gimeno: that takes longer though
14:54 rubenwardy patchs and git am also always fail
14:55 p_gimeno rubenwardy: longer than re-cloning the whole repository?!?!
14:55 Krock they fail when the PR needs rebase
14:55 rubenwardy nope
14:55 rubenwardy hub doesn't reclone the whole repo
14:55 rubenwardy it adds a remote for the pull author, then fetches and checkout the branch
14:56 p_gimeno rubenwardy: hub seems like a convenience tool for those who can't use git properly
14:57 rubenwardy no, it's a tool for people who don't won't to get the remote URL for every single contributor there is, or type it manually
14:57 rubenwardy it saves me time
14:57 rubenwardy *want
14:59 * p_gimeno bites his tongue
14:59 p_gimeno also, there was some discussion earlier about modpack name collisions, exactly what #6898 was intended to address (it's still pending in and since it's a breaking change, if it doesn't make it to 5.0.0 it will have to wait for 6.0.0)
14:59 ShadowBot -- Allow distinguishing mods by modpack by pgimeno
15:01 p_gimeno ^ example of a PR for which hub won't help because it locks you in to github
15:48 ANAND Tested #7891. Packages are retrieved correctly *every single time*, so #7447 is indeed fixed by this.
15:48 ShadowBot -- Fix ContentDB packages timing out by using download_file instead by rubenwardy
15:48 ShadowBot -- Content store does not retrieve any packages
15:48 ANAND Thanks for the fix, rubenwardy :)
15:51 ANAND How exactly does this fix the issue though? Packages aren't fetched all-at-once now?
15:51 rubenwardy :)
15:52 rubenwardy ANAND: it downloads the file to the disk instead of fetching it into memory using curl
15:52 rubenwardy curl has a time out
15:52 ANAND Oh neat...
15:52 rubenwardy the better fix may have been to add an option to curl to increase the time out
15:52 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
15:53 ANAND Since the code has been moved into Lua from C++, won't efficiency take a hit?
15:58 Krock for those few microseconds I doubt it matters at all
15:59 rubenwardy Lua isn't that slow
16:00 rubenwardy attempt 2:  #7896
16:00 ShadowBot -- Fix ContentDB packages failing to download by increasing timeout by rubenwardy
16:00 rubenwardy maybe another setting is warranted?
16:01 nerzhul lua is faster than PHP :p
16:01 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
16:02 ANAND Testing
16:02 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
16:03 p_gimeno luajit is faster than anything
16:03 rubenwardy ANAND: make sure you get the right version
16:03 rubenwardy just pushed
16:03 ANAND Ok
16:03 ANAND hub is *very* convenient here...
16:04 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
16:05 p_gimeno ahh, MS's favorite strategy, to lock you in to using only their products, so they can abuse you later
16:06 rubenwardy hub was started before Minetest
16:06 ANAND rubenwardy: The packages' short descriptions aren't displayed...
16:06 rubenwardy oops
16:06 rubenwardy forgot I changed that
16:06 ANAND Oh, lol :P
16:07 rubenwardy updated
16:07 ANAND Re-testing
16:08 p_gimeno rubenwardy: timing doesn't matter here, it's still something that MS will take LOTS of advantage from, regardless of who started it
16:10 rubenwardy the short description thing was because I changed CDB's API an hour or so ago
16:18 ANAND rubenwardy: I got a couple of timeout errors downloading screenshots
16:19 ANAND Only once, though.
16:19 ANAND
16:20 ANAND The UI is very unresponsive for quite some time after the content store is opened.
16:21 ANAND The time taken for the content store to open since the button press is considerably longer than the corresponding time taken using the previous PR.
16:21 ANAND By 2-3 seconds at times
16:22 ANAND at all times*
16:23 rubenwardy so, C++ is slower?
16:23 ANAND I have no idea... :/
16:24 ANAND Taking into consideration the end-user experience, the first PR seems to be better, IMHO.
16:24 ANAND It feels much snappier
16:28 rubenwardy have many times have you compared them?
16:28 rubenwardy because it could just be an inconsistent network
16:29 rubenwardy also, try again
16:29 rubenwardy I've changed CDB to return https links
16:29 rubenwardy which should cut out a request
16:30 ANAND rubenwardy: 10 times for each PR
16:31 ANAND Compared to the first, the second feels much slower to open, and unresponsive after being opened, all 10 times.
16:32 rubenwardy the issue is that the older PR makes more work down the line, if I ever want to move the code all into C++
16:32 rubenwardy I guess that work has already been spent in making that PR
16:33 rubenwardy the alternative is to just not move the code into C++
16:33 ANAND Good idea
16:33 rubenwardy and make the CLI package manager a completely separate program
16:33 ANAND the CLI what?
16:33 ANAND Sounds interesting...
16:33 rubenwardy command line interface package manager
16:34 rubenwardy so server owners can install from CDB
16:34 ANAND Neat!
16:35 rubenwardy I can't really reproduce this issue
16:35 ANAND The original packages-not-being-fetched-at-all one?
16:41 rubenwardy from 6 samples each, the Lua parsing method is 16% faster
16:41 rubenwardy so yeah, you're right
16:41 rubenwardy this is from copying from C++ to Lua, probably
16:49 ANAND rubenwardy: How'd you measure the difference accurately?
16:49 rubenwardy manual timing
16:49 rubenwardy lol
16:49 rubenwardy not very reliable
16:50 ANAND Oh, lol
16:50 rubenwardy there is a better way to do it
16:51 ANAND Profiler?
16:51 rubenwardy manually profiling it by having hooks around the download
16:51 ANAND Ahh..
16:56 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
18:54 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
19:11 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
19:12 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:16 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
19:18 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
19:25 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
19:26 sys4__ joined #minetest-dev
19:50 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
20:17 reductum joined #minetest-dev
20:36 Unarelith joined #minetest-dev
21:06 Lia joined #minetest-dev
21:08 Nelly joined #minetest-dev
21:19 AntumDeluge joined #minetest-dev
21:27 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
22:12 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
22:16 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
22:21 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:14 reductum joined #minetest-dev
23:23 paramat joined #minetest-dev
23:53 paramat Shara any opinion on game#2260 ?
23:53 ShadowBot -- Improving the glass door handle
23:54 paramat and whether to do for obsidian glass door too
23:58 Shara paramat: sorry, but though I'm not going to block it, it's not a change I like. I prefer glass door as it already is
23:58 paramat ok
23:59 Shara I understand why you want to change it and the logic is sound but... I just don't like how it looks

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